에이치피앤씨는피부과학을기반으로소비자의피부고민해결에앞장서는첨단바이오화장품 / 의약품전문기업입니다. 에이치피앤씨는아름다움과건강을추구합니다. 에이치피앤씨는아름다움과건강을추구합니다 년의약품과화장품을유통하는전문회사로창립한 에이치피앤씨는 2014 년오송생명과학단지내에

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2 에이치피앤씨는피부과학을기반으로소비자의피부고민해결에앞장서는첨단바이오화장품 / 의약품전문기업입니다. 에이치피앤씨는아름다움과건강을추구합니다. 에이치피앤씨는아름다움과건강을추구합니다 년의약품과화장품을유통하는전문회사로창립한 에이치피앤씨는 2014 년오송생명과학단지내에 CGMP 및 KGMP 기준에맞게공장을완공하여의약품 의약외품 화장품을제조 / 생산 / 유통하는회사로발돋움하였습니다. 에이치피앤씨는설립이후현재까지안정성과안전성 소비자신뢰도가높은제품만을엄선하여고객에게제공하여왔으며이제껏경험하고축적한기술을바탕으로전문의약품 / 의약외품 / 화장품제조기업으로진일보하였습니다. HP&C pursues the beauty and health for our customers. HP&C has developed into the pharmaceuticals quasi-drugs and cosmetics m- anufacturing company. HP&C has provided reliable products carefully selected to customers with accumulated technologies and will constantly strive to listen to precious opinions and reviews. 丽 专门从 药 妆 业 学园区 标 厂 级 为药 医药 妆 产 业 顾 经营 严 费 筛选销售产 费 过 岁 们 术 经验 积 断 壮 长 经 为药 医药 妆 产 专业 业 에이치피앤씨사업분야 병. 의원사업부의약품 / 의약외품 / 화장품을병. 의원유통. 피부질환을치료하며건강한피부를유지하기위한연구개발영국 Tristel Solutions Limited의제품을수입하여국내유수병. 의원유통 Hospital Division Distributes drugs quasi-drugs and cosmetic products for hospital applications. Conducts R&D for skin treatment and skin care to maintain patients' healthy skins. Imports products from Tristel Solutions Limited in UK and distributes the products to leading hospitals in Korea. 医院事业部 : 医院流通医药品 / 医药外品 / 化妆品 治疗皮肤疾病 帮助维持健康研究而制 进口英国 Tristel Solutions Limited 产品 在韩国优秀医院流通 화장품사업부미국마이애미대학의피부과교수진이개발한코스메슈티컬브랜드 Quintessence Skin Science(International CosmeceuticalsInc) 를국내병. 의원에유통 화장품및의약외품을국내외 OEM/ODM 제조생산공급 Cosmetics Division Distributes cosmeceutical products under the Quintessence Skin Science (International Cosmeceuticals Inc.) brand developed by faculty members of the Department of Dermatology at the Miami University to Korean hospitals. Manufactures and supplies cosmetic products and quasi-drugs to local and overseas customers on OEM or ODM basis. Develops and distributes our own branded products. 化妆品事业部 : 在韩国国内医院流通美国迈阿密大学皮肤科教授团组开发的保养品品牌 Quintessence Skin Science(International Cosmeceuticalsinc) 制造生产及供应国内外 OEM ODM 生产的化妆品及医药外品开发及流通自家品牌 해외사업부자체생산하는의약품 / 화장품 / 의약외품을해외수출 Overseas Division Exports own manufactured drugs quasi drugs and cosmetic products. 海外事业部 : 海外出口自家生产的医药品 / 化妆品 / 医药外品

3 에이치피앤씨는피부과학을기반으로소비자의피부고민해결에앞장서는첨단바이오화장품 / 의약품전문기업입니다. 에이치피앤씨연혁 HP&C 发展历程 1993년 10 헬스포인트창사 / 의약품및화장품판매 1993 年 10 月成立养生馆 开始销售药品及化妆品 1994년 06 소독제 Virkon Perasafe( 영국 Antec 社 ) 판매 1994 年 06 月开始销售消毒剂 Virkon Perasafe( 英国 Antec 公司 ) 2000년 04 KGSP( 우수의약품유통관리기준적격업소 ) 지정 2000 年 04 月获得 KGSP( 优良医药品流通管理标准企业 ) 2002년 11 사옥설립 ( 서울시강남구대치동 ) 2002 年 11 月建立公司大厦 ( 首尔江南区大吃峙洞 ) 2004년 03 재정경제부장관표창장수상 2004 年 03 月荣获财政经济部部长奖 2005년 10 토탈헬스포인트로법인전환 2005 年 10 月法人更换为 Total Health point 2006년 02 일본 MORI SHINKO BOEKI CO. LTD와기술협약체결 2006 年 06 月与日本 MORI SHINKO BOEKI CO. LTD 签订技术合作协议 04 알러지논정 ( 알레르기치료제 ) 출시 04 月 AllerginonTab( 过敏反应治疗剂 ) 上市 07 듀오크린액 ( 여드름치료제 ) 출시 07 月多功能清洁剂 ( 青春痘治疗剂 ) 和美国迈阿密大学皮肤专미국마이애미대학의피부과교수진이개발한코스메슈티컬브랜드业教授团研发的药妆品品牌 Quintessence Skin Science Quintessence Skin Science (International Cosmetical Inc) 출시 (International Cosmetical Inc) 上市 07 MEDICHEM INTERNATIONAL LTD와한국판매협약체결 07 月与 MEDICHEM INTERNATIONAL LTD 签订韩国销售协议 2007년 09 기능성 & 메디컬코스메틱 CASTALIA(LAVIPHARM 社 ) 런칭 2007 年 09 月功能性和医疗美容 CASTALIA(LAVIPHARM 公司 ) 上市 2008년 02 PeraScope( 과초산계내시경멸균소독제 ) 허가및출시 2009년 01 케라민캡슐 ( 탈모치료제 ) 출시 2008 年 08 月 PeraScope( 过氧乙酸内视镜灭菌消毒剂 ) 获得上市许可 2010년 12 Trigene( 감염병예방용살균제 ) 허가및출시 2009 年 01 月 Teramin 胶囊 ( 脱发治疗剂 ) 获得上市 2011년 01 페라스코프뉴트럴액허가및출시 2010 年 12 月 Trigene( 预防传染病杀菌剂 ) 获得上市许可 2012년 10 영국감염관리전문업체 Tristel Solutions Ltd. 社와한국판매협약체결 2011 年 01 月 perascope 中性溶液获得上市许可 11 Perastel( 내시경멸균소독제 ) 및 Distel( 감염병예방용살균제 ) 출시 2012 年 10 月与英国感染管理专业公司 Tristel Solutions Ltd. 2013년 11 화장품제조업등록 ( 대전식약청 ) 签订韩国销售协议 2014년 02 기업부설연구소설립 ( 오송 C&V센터 ) 11 月 Perastel( 内视镜灭菌消毒剂 ) 和 Distel( 预防传染病杀 07 경영혁신형중소기업 (MAIN-BIZ) 인증획득菌剂 ) 上市 10 오송공장완공 2013 年 11 月注册化妆品制造商 ( 大田食药厅 ) ( 주 ) 에이치피앤씨로상호변경 2014 年 02 月成立企业附属研究所 ( 五松 C&V 中心 ) 2015년 01 의약외품제조업등록 ( 대전식약청 ) 07 月获得经营创新型中小企业 (MAIN-BIZ) 认证 02 ISO : 2007 인증획득 10 月五松工厂完工 公司名变更为 HPNC 04 의약품제조업허가 2015 年 01 月注册医药部外品制造商 ( 大田食药厅 ) 05 CGMP( 우수화장품제조및품질관리기준 ) 인증획득 02 月获得 ISO : 2007 认证 04 月注册医药品制造商许可 HP&C History 05 月获得 CGMP 认证 ( 制造优秀化妆品和品质管理标准 ) Oct Established Healthpoint (Distributor of Medical Supplies and Cosmetics ) June 1994 Launched Sterilants (Virkon Perasafe ) Apr Acquired Korean KGSP Approval Nov New headquarter Building completed in Daechi-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul Mar Awarded Minister of Finance and Economics Citation Oct Changed name to Total Healthpoint Corporation Feb Entered license Agreement with MORI SHINKO BOEKI CO.LTD (in Japan) Apr Launched Allerginon Tab. July 2006 Launched Quintessence Skin Science Line July 2006 Entered Exclusive Distribution Agreement with MEDICHEM INTERNATIONAL LTD. Sept Launched Castalia Line Feb Launched Endoscope sterilant PeraScope Jan Launched Keramin cap.(anti hair-loss formula) Dec Launched Trigene (High level disinfectant) Jan Launched Endoscope sterilant PeraScope Neutral Oct Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Tristel Solutions Ltd. Nov Launched Perastel(Endoscope sterilant) and Distel(High level disinfectant) Feb Estabilished R &D center in Osong Medical Research Complex Oct Completed the Plan for Osong Plant (Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics) Feb 2014 Established Company-affiliated Research Center (Osong C&V Center) July 2014 Acquired Innovative Management Small and Medium Enterprise (MAIN-BIZ) Certificate Oct Completed Osong Plant Construction and Changed Company Name to HPNC. Co. Ltd. Jan Completed Sanitary Aid Products Manufacturer Registration (Daejeon FDA) Feb ISO : 2007 certified Apr Registered manufacturing for pharmaceuticals May CGMP(Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice)certified

4 BRAND STORY 테라비코스 (Thelavicos) 는영어 the 와프랑스어로 la vie ( 인생 생명 생활의뜻 ) 영어 cosmetic( 화장품 ) 의합성어입니다. 한생명이태어나안락하고평안하며행복한인생을살아가기위해필요한생활필수품처럼테라비코스도행복한피부를위해피부필수품으로인정받는것이최종목표입니다. 정직하고순수한마음가짐으로최선을다해신뢰와믿음으로보답할수있는브랜드로거듭날수있도록항상노력하겠습니다. Thelavicos is compound word of The of English La vie (life) of French language and cosmetic(cosmetic product). Thelavicos sets its ultimate goal to be recognized as the brand for essential skin products for any of our user comfortable convenient and happy life. With honest and pure mind we will always try our best to become the best brand so that we can reward with trust and belief. 여성의피부는세월의흐름과각종외부환경에의해피부본래의기능을상실하여수분부족 유수분밸런스의불균형 탄력저하로인한주름생성 칙칙함등의각종피부문제가발생하므로지속적이고체계적인관리가꼭필요합니다. 테라비코스는각라인별최적의처방으로다양한피부고민에대응하여피부를보호하고문제점을개선하여건강하고아름다운피부로가꾸어언제어디서나당당하고자신감있는여성의삶을추구합니다. 随着年龄的增长 女性肌肤受到外部环境的影响 失去皮肤原有的功能 出现水分不足 油水分失衡 失去弹力等现象 产生皱纹 肤色变为暗淡 因此 需要有序管理 Thelavicos 的各系列通过最佳配合 应对多种肌肤问题 保护肌肤 改善问题 打造健康美丽的肌肤 帮助女性追求有信心生活


6 BIO-REPAIR SKIN CARE BIO-REPAIR 미백주름개선 2중기능성화장품 Whitening and Anti-Wrinkle 改善皱纹 美白双重功能化妆品 테라비코스바이오리페어는타고난피부그대로의생명력을불어넣는데목표를두고개발된항노화전문스킨케어입니다. 하이테크놀러지기술이접목된에델바이스캘러스배양추출물과황제에게진상되었던눈속에서도꽃을피우는강인한생명력을가지고있는눈연꽃추출물이젊음의기운을선사하여어린피부로다시피어날수있도록피부환경을개선하여줍니다. 또한여성의피부에탁월한효능이있는붉은열매인아세롤라체리 석류를발효시켜얻은살아숨쉬는에너지가득한발효성분들이복합작용하여피부시스템을건강하게개선하고빛나는처음피부를되찾아주는데도움을줍니다. Thelavicos Bio Repair is an anti-aging skin care product specifically developed for invigoration of the innate life power of skin. Edelweiss callus culture extract combined with high technologies and Saussurea Involucrata Extract which has a power of flowers blossoming even in snow improve the skin environment for the rebirth into young skin. Also the fermented ingredients full with active energies from acerola cherries and pomegranates famous red colored fruits for exceptional efficiencies on women s skin play the combined roles to improve for the healthier skin system and to help to recover the original shiny skin. Thelavicos Bio Repair " 是一种以赋予原生皮肤生命力为目标 开发的抗老化皮肤护理产品火绒草胚芽萃取精华与具有生命力的皇家药材雪莲花萃取精华 配以最尖端的制造工艺技术 助您的肌肤焕发年轻活力除此以外 还加入了对女性皮肤具有卓越效能的 具有生命力的针叶樱桃 石榴发酵成分 能够对皮肤系统产生综合效果 有助肌肤健康并让肌肤焕发动人光泽 주요성분 (MAIN INGREDIENTS) 에델바이스캘러스배양추출물항산화효과 항염증효과 항노화효과 수분공급효과 주름개선효과 Edelweiss callus culture extract Anti-inflammatory effect and Antioxidant Moisture supply effect Anti-aging effect 火绒草培养液提取物抗氧化效果 有抗炎效果及抗衰老效果 供应水分的功效 눈연꽃추출물눈속에서피어나는신비로운꽃으로황제에게진상되었던진귀한소재이며항노화 항산화 항염증효과가있습니다. Saussurea Involucrata Extract Mystical flower is used to be presented to the emperor and known as blossoming even in the snow. Reported to have anti-aging antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 雪莲花在雪中开花的神秘之花 / 在热烈环境开花的生命力 / 献给皇帝的珍贵材料 / 抗衰老 抗氧化 抗炎症 콩발효추출물단백질 비타민등의풍부한영양소가함유되어있고항산화 항노화 항담등의효능이보고되고있습니다. 또한발효단계를거쳐보습 피부진정 항알러지 항염 열 PH 안정등의효과를보이고있습니다. Soybean Ferment Extract Rich in nutrients such as proteins or vitamins it has been reported to have antioxidant anti-aging anti-phlegm effects. 大豆 : 含有蛋白质 维他命等丰富营养素 报道有抗氧化 抗衰老 增强胆囊功能的效果 此外 经过发酵阶段 生成保湿 镇静肌肤 抗过敏 抗炎 稳定 PH 的功效

7 BIO-REPAIR SKIN CARE 테라비코스바이오리페어링클토너 / THELAVICOS BIO-REPAIR WRINKLE TONER / 120ml 촉촉함을가득담고있는젤타입의토너로피부에부족한수분을빠르게공급하여칙칙한피부톤과잔주름을개선해주는주름개선 & 미백 2중기능성토너입니다. Gel type toner with wrinkle diminishing and whitening effects is rich in moisture to quickly hydrate skin to improve for drab skin tone and fine lines. 湿润感丰富的凝胶状爽肤水具有快速为皮肤补水 改善暗淡肤色及细纹功效的抗皱 美白双重功能性爽肤水 테라비코스바이오리페어링클에멀전 / THELAVICOS BIO-REPAIR WRINKLE EMULSION / 120ml 건강한피부의기본이되는보습과영양을충분히공급하는부드러운사용감의마일드한에멀전으로건조한피부에촉촉함과탄력을부여하는주름개선 & 미백 2중기능성에멀전입니다. Mild emulsion with soft texture supplies moisture and nourishment to skin for fundamental care with its wrinkle diminishing and whitening functions. 本产品为可为皮肤健康提供充分的保湿及营养 使用感柔和的精华乳 具有皮肤保湿及提高皮肤弹性功效的抗皱 美白双重功能性乳液 테라비코스바이오리페어링클에센스 / THELAVICOS BIO-REPAIR WRINKLE ESSENCE / 50ml 식약처고시원료나이아신아마이드와아데노신이함유된미백 & 주름개선 2중기능성에센스로피부고민부위에집중작용하여환한피부톤으로가꾸어주면서촘촘한피부결을선사합니다. Essence has the dual functionalities from the contained MFDS notified ingredients niacinamide and adenosine and acts on skin concerns for even skin tone and beautiful skin texture. 本产品为含有韩国食药厅告示原料烟酰胺和腺苷的美白 抗皱双重功能性高效精华素可集中作用于问题皮肤部位 使肤色更加明亮 使皮肤纹理更加密致 테라비코스바이오리페어링클아이크림 / THELAVICOS BIO-REPAIR WRINKLE EYE CREAM / 30g 부드럽고부담없이잘펴발리는소프트한텍스처로빠르게흡수되어팽팽하고탄력있는눈가로가꾸어주는미백 & 주름개선 2중기능성아이크림입니다. Whitening and wrinkle diminishing functional eye cream with soft texture spreads on gently and is quickly absorbed for firm and resilient skin around the eyes. 质感柔和 涂抹性好 吸收快 可使眼部皮肤更加富有弹性的美白 抗皱双重功能性眼霜 테라비코스바이오리페어링클크림 / THELAVICOS BIO-REPAIR WRINKLE CREAM / 50g 매끄럽고풍부한질감의미백 & 주름개선 2중기능성고보습토탈크림으로세월의흐름으로나타나는피부의다양한흔적을완화시켜촘촘하고탄력있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. Soft and sufficiently textured high moisturizing total cream has the double functionality expressing whitening and wrinkle diminishing effects and relieves various signs of aging for beautiful and resilient skin. 柔滑而质感细腻的美白 抗皱双重功能性高保湿全能面霜 (Total Cream) 可缓解岁月流逝引起的各种皮肤痕迹 使皮肤更加致密而富有弹性 테라비코스바이오리페어트리트먼트마스크 / THELAVICOS BIO REPAIR TREATMENT MASK / 25g 항산화및항노화 수분공급효과가우수한에델바이스추출물과강력한생명력을자랑하는노화에탁월한효능이있는눈연꽃추출물이함유되어활력있는피부상태로유지시켜주고기능성성분인아데노신과나이아신아마이드의복합작용으로탄력있고환한피부로가꾸어주는미백 & 주름개선 2중기능성마스크팩입니다. The mask pack has the dual functionality of whitening and wrinkle improvement that maintains the energetic skin by Edelweiss extract delivering excellent effects of anti-oxidation anti-aging & moisture supplying and Snow Lotus extract having strong vitality providing outstanding efficacy of anti-aging and grows the resilient and bright skin by combination of Adenocine and Niacinamide the main functional ingredients. 含有抗氧化及抗衰老 供应水分效果优秀的 Edelweiss 提取物和具有强烈生命力 抗衰老效果优秀的雪莲花提取物 帮助维持有活力的皮肤状态 功能成分腺苷和烟酰胺法会负荷的作用 令皮肤有弹力 更加亮丽 是美白 改善皱纹 2 重工呢过面罩面膜

8 THE MOST ACTIVE SKIN CARE 더모스트액티브스킨케어는피부건강에기본이되는수분공급을목적으로개발된수분케어입니다. 수분공급이라는기본에충실함으로서자연적인피부메커니즘을강화시키고피부리듬을되찾아주어하루종일촉촉하고생기있는피부로유지시켜줍니다. 유네스코세계자연유산으로지정된제주도의청정바다에서자란 6가지조류추출물성분과각종미네랄이풍부한울릉도해양심층수 보습및탄력특허성분 Oligo-HA의다중작용으로건조하고거친피부에풍부한수분을부여하여차별화된보습감을선사합니다. The Most Active Skin Care is by the moisturizing care aimed for supplying moisture the fundamental for skin health to skin. It strengthens skin mechanism by being faithful to the fundamental of moisturizing and recovers the rhythm for soft and invigorated skin all day long. With extracts from 6 marine plants grown to have various rich minerals in the clean Jeju ocean which is one of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and in the deep sea water of Ulleung provide multi-effects by patented Oligo-HA with moisturizing and firming effects to supply moisture to dry and rough skin delivering differentiated effects. The Most Active 护肤品以给肌肤供应健康基本 水位目的的水分护理品充实基本 增强肌肤本身的机制 恢复肌肤节奏 使得肌肤整天保持滋润保湿从被联合国教科文组织指定为世界自然遗产的济州岛 6 种海草提取物成分和各种矿物质郁陵岛海洋深层水给肌肤双重提供保湿和弹力专利成分 Oligo-HA 令干燥粗糙肌肤变为滋润保湿 주요성분 (MAIN INGREDIENTS) 울릉도해양심층수단백질 지방 탄수화물 비타민과함께 5대영양소의하나인미네랄 (Ca K Na Mg Cl Fe Zn Mn등 ) 이풍부합니다. Ulleung deep sea water It contains proteins fat carbohydrates vitamins and minerals one of the 5 major nutrients such as Ca K Na Mg Cl Fe Zn Mn etc. 郁陵海洋深层水含有蛋白质 脂肪 碳水化合物 维他命等五大营养素 此外还丰富含有矿物质 (Ca K Na Mg Cl Fe Zn Mn 等 ) 可以以自然状态摄取对现代人不足的矿物质 Oligo-HA 초저분자히아루로닉애씨드인 oligo-ha 는개선된피부투과력으로기존의보습력유지는물론 stem cell 활성화에따른피부주름개선효과를갖는피부노화방지를위한최고의원료입니다. Ultralow molecule Hyaluronic Acid oligo-ha having improved skin permeation effect not only m- aintains existing moisture but contains antiaging stem cell effects making the ingredient as it the best for prevention of skin aging. 超低分子的 Hyaluronic Acid oligo-ha 以进一步进步的肌肤渗透力保持滋润肌肤 激活 stemcell 来改善皱纹的为抗衰老的最佳原料! 청정제주산 6 가지조류추출물 ( 갈고리가시우무 감태 다시마 모자반 우뭇가사리 톳 ) : 피부정화효과 보습효과 6 kinds of algal ingredients which are grown in Jeju clean sea Hypnea Musciformis Ecklonia Cava Laminaria aponica Sargassum Fulvellum Gelidium Cartilagineum Hizikia Fusiforme : Skin cleansing effect Moisturizing effect 生长在纯净济州海的六种藻类成分 ( 钩沙菜 甘苔 海带 马尾藻 石花菜 羊栖菜 ) 皮肤清洁效果 保湿效果

9 THE MOST ACTIVE SKIN CARE 테라비코스더모스트액티브토너 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE TONER / 120ml 산뜻하게흡수되는워터타입토너로즉각적인수분을공급하여피부수분조절기능을되살려주어촉촉하고매끄럽게가꾸어줍니다. This water type toner is freshly absorbed in skin and immediately provides moisture. Therefore it makes the skin moisturized and smooth through the recovery by the skin moisture control. 清新的液态爽肤水 能够即刻补水 恢复皮肤的水分调节功能 令肌肤变得湿润光滑 테라비코스더모스트액티브에멀전 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE EMULSION / 120ml 푸석푸석하고건조한피부에빠르게흡수되어피부의유연성을증진시켜부드럽고촉촉하게가꾸어주며건강하고생기넘치는피부로유지시키는데도움을주는마일드한에멀전입니다. It is quickly absorbed into crumbly and dry skin and it increases skin flexibility. This mild emulsion makes the skin soft and smooth maintaining heathy and vital skin. 干燥 疲倦的皮肤上一经涂抹 立刻吸收 提高皮肤的柔韧性 令肌肤变得湿润细腻 使肌肤保持健康富有生机的温和乳液 테라비코스더모스트액티브젤세럼 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE GEL SERUM / 50ml 상쾌한수분을즉각적으로공급해주는젤타입의세럼으로끈적임없이빠르게흡수되어부드럽고기분좋은촉촉한감촉만남겨줍니다. This gel type serum immediately supplies moisture to skin and is quickly absorbed without sticky feel. It only leaves soft pleasant and moist feeling. 能够即刻供给水分的精华啫喱 清爽不油腻 吸收快 只留下滋润细腻 很舒服的感觉 테라비코스더모스트액티브젤크림 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE GEL CREAM / 50g 바르는순간상쾌하고바른후엔촉촉함이피부속깊이남는젤타입의크림으로피부에충분한수분을채워주어활력있고생기넘치는피부로유지시켜줍니다. This gel-typed cream gives pleasant feeling when applied on skin. It leaves moisture deeply into the skin. Thus it fills enough moisture in the skin and maintains the vital and fresh skin. 涂抹瞬间感觉清爽 涂抹后感到深层滋润的啫喱霜 供给肌肤充足的水分 令肌肤变得富有生机和活力 테라비코스더모스트액티브크림 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE CREAM / 50g 최적의유분감과촉촉한보습감을조화롭게부여하는풍부한질감의크림으로건조하고거친피부에생기넘치는활력을부여하여건강한피부로유지시켜줍니다. This rich textured cream provides harmoniously optimal oiliness and hydration. It maintains healthy skin by supplying vitality to dry and rough skin. 赋予最佳的油分感和湿润保湿感并使其相协调 是质感丰富的面霜 令干燥粗糙的肌肤变得充满生机和活力 使肌肤保持健康 테라비코스더모스트액티브하이드라마스크 / THELAVICOS THE MOST ACTIVE HYDRA MASK / 25g 청정제주에서자란 6 가지해조성분과미네랄이풍부한울릉도해양심층수가함유된집중수분공급마스크로건조하고거친피부에촉촉한보습이오랫동안유지될수있도록도움을주어건강하고생기넘치는피부로유지시켜줍니다. The Mask supplying intensive moisture contains six (6) seaweeds grown in the clean ocean of Jeju Island and the deep sea water of Ulleung Island. The ingredients from the seaweeds maintains the healthy and fully energetic skin condition by helping to sustain refreshing moisture on skin for a long period of time. 使用光滑 柔软 柔和 吸着率优秀的天然纤维素酶系纤维 - 天丝不织布! 含有在清净济州成长的 6 种海藻成分和丰富 minerals 的郁陵岛海洋深层水的集中供应水分面罩面膜为干燥 粗糙的皮肤长时间供应保湿 令皮肤维持健康 充满活力的状态



12 MAKE-UP 자외선차단 미백 주름개선 3중기능성화장품 SPF50+ / PA+++ Whitening Anti-Wrinkle 防晒 美白 抗皱 3 重功能性化妆品 자연스러운커버력과고밀착력으로매끄럽고균일한피부톤을연출하여생기있고화사한피부로만들어아름다운피부표현을도와줍니다. Natural coverage and tight adhesion produce smooth and uniformed skin tone making the energetic and bright skin to help for the beautiful skin expression. 自然地遮盖能力 高度结合力 演出光滑 均匀的肤色 令皮肤成为充满活力 华丽的皮肤 表现皮肤的美丽 테라비코스스마트커버씨씨쿠션 / THELAVICOS SMART COVER CC CUSHION / 13g 피부에꼼꼼하게밀착되면서얇게발리는가벼운사용감으로적은양으로도얼굴전체를화사하게커버하여깨끗하고윤기있는피부로연출하여주는 3중기능성의스마트한쿠션입니다. This triple functional smart CC cushion produces clean and shiny skin as covering the entire face brightly with a small amount thinly yet tightly applied on the skin while delivering the light feel. 皮肤附着性好 薄层涂膜 使用感舒适 只需很少的量即可完美绚丽覆盖整个面部 使皮肤更显洁净润泽的三重功能性智能气垫粉 테라비코스래디언스스키니비비크림 / THELAVICOS RADIANCE SKINNY BB CREAM / 50ml 부드럽게발리는소프트한사용감으로피부에매끈하게밀착되고피부결점을자연스럽게커버하여생기있는피부로연출해줍니다. The cream s soft application as smoothly spread on the skin covers the skin imperfections and produces the energetic skin. 产品的使用感柔和 可柔顺光洁地紧贴于皮肤 对皮肤瑕疵进行自然的遮盖 使皮肤更加富有生机 주요성분 (MAIN INGREDIENTS) 알로에추출물피부진정및보습등의효과가널리알려져있으며세균과곰팡이에살균력이뛰어나고상처치유에도효과가있습니다. Aloe Extract Its skin soothing and moisturizing effects are widely known and its disinfection against bacteria and fungi is excellent and it is also effective for healing skin damages. 芦荟提取物其镇定皮肤及保湿等效果广为人知 具有优秀的抗菌和杀菌效果而且对伤口治愈也有很好的效果. 스위스알파인허브추출물아미노산 비타민등이풍부한 Swiss Alpine Herb 는피부자극및피부스트레스를완화하고진정시켜피부건강을유지합니다. Swiss Alpine Herb Swiss Alpine Herbrich with amino acid and vitamins relieves and soothesskin irritation/stress to maintain skin health. Swiss Alpine Herb 含有丰富氨基酸 维生素等帮助缓解皮肤刺激及皮肤压力 镇定皮肤 令皮肤维持健康

13 SUN CARE 자외선차단 미백 주름개선 3중기능성화장품 SPF50+ / PA+++ Whitening Anti-Wrinkle 防晒 美白 抗皱 3 重功能性化妆品 국내최고수준의자외선차단지수로강력하게피부를보호하는복합 3 중기능성저자극선크림 Complex triple functional low irritation Sun Cream protects the skin strongly with the highest SPF in Korea. 韩国最高水准的防紫外线指数 强烈保护皮肤的 3 重负荷工恩能够低刺激防晒霜 테라비코스퍼펙트선가드크림 / THELAVICOS PERFECT SUN GUARD CREAM / 50g 끈적임이나번들거림없이산뜻하게발리는타입으로피부에얼룩짐없이밀착되고하얗게들뜨지않아자연스러운피부연출을도와주며 UVA와 UVB를동시에차단하여자외선으로부터피부를효과적으로보호하여줍니다. 알란토인 칸델라브라알로에잎추출물이함유되어외부유해환경에자극받은피부를진정시켜편안하게유지시켜주고병풀추출물및발효성분이함유되어건강한피부로가꾸어줍니다. It is spread on skin gently without sticky sensation or oily shine by adhering tightly showing natural skin tone while effectively protecting the skin against UV rays. Allantoin and Candelabra Aloe Leaf Extract contained in the cream calm the skin irritated by the harmful environment during Centella Asiatica and fermented ingredients developing healthy skin. 不稠粘 不油光 清新涂抹的类型 与皮肤结合时 没有斑点 不浊白帮助演出自然的皮肤同时隔绝 UVA 和 UVB 从紫外线有效保护皮肤含有尿囊素 烛台芦荟叶萃取物 帮助镇定因有害环境影响受到刺激的皮肤 令皮肤更加舒适含有落得打萃取物及发酵成分 氧化健康的皮肤 주요성분 (MAIN INGREDIENTS) 알로에추출물피부진정및보습등의효과가널리알려져있으며세균과곰팡이에살균력이뛰어나고상처치유에도효과가있습니다. Aloe Extract Its skin soothing and moisturizing effects are widely known and its disinfection against bacteria and fungi is excellent and it is also effective for healing skin damages. 芦荟提取物其镇定皮肤及保湿等效果广为人知 具有优秀的抗菌和杀菌效果而且对伤口治愈也有很好的效果. 콩발효추출물단백질 비타민등의풍부한영양소가함유되어있고항산화 항노화 항담등의효능이보고되고있습니다. 또한발효단계를거쳐보습 피부진정 항알러지 항염 열 PH 안정등의효과를보이고있습니다. Soybean Ferment Extract Rich in nutrients such as proteins or vitamins it has been reported to have antioxidant anti-aging anti-phlegm effects. 大豆 : 含有蛋白质 维他命等丰富营养素 报道有抗氧化 抗衰老 增强胆囊功能的效果 此外 经过发酵阶段 生成保湿 镇静肌肤 抗过敏 抗炎 稳定 PH 的功效

14 OTHERS 미백기능성화장품 Whitening 美白功能化妆品 밤사이피부컨디션을조절하여편안한아침피부상태로가꾸어주는슬리핑마스크 Sleeping mask delivering pleasurable skin in the morning by perfectly controlling the skin condition through the night. 在您入睡的时候调整皮肤状态 令早晨的皮肤舒适 清净 睡眠专用面膜 클렌징은메이크업을지워주고땀이나피지분비또는먼지 대기오염등으로지친피부에휴식을주는가장중요한스킨케어입니다. Cleansing is the most important skin care process to remove the applied makeups and relieve a tired-looking skin caused by secretion of sweat or sebum dusts polluted air or others. 洁面去除化妆 为因汗水或皮脂 尘埃 大气污染等疲惫的皮肤提供休息 属于最重要的皮肤管理 풍성한거품으로빠르고산뜻하게노폐물을제거해주는무스폼클렌저 Mousse Foam Cleanser providing rich bubbles for clean removal of waste 通过丰富的泡沫 可以既快又清爽的将排泄废物清除的摩丝式泡沫洁面奶

15 OTHERS 테라비코스화이트닝슬리핑마스크 / THELAVICOS WHITENING SLEEPING MASK / 80g 탱글탱글탄력있는제형이부드럽게발리면서피부깊숙이스며들어자는동안피부를촉촉하게해주고피부컨디션을최적화시켜숙면을취한듯편안한아침피부상태로유지시켜줍니다. 해양심층수와칸델라브라알로에잎추출물이풍부한수분을공급해주고식약처고시미백기능성성분나이아신아마이드가밤사이환한피부톤으로가꾸어주는밤전용슬리핑마스크입니다. Elastic and solid formation sustains the comfortable morning skin condition just like after a sound sleep through the night by m- oistening skin while sleeping as the smoothly spreading product infiltrates deeply inside of skin and optimizes the skin condition. Sleeping mask for night care supplies moisture from the contents of deep sea water and Candelabra aloe leaf extract and decorates the skin having brighter tone through the night with the whitening function of Niacinamide as certified by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. 有弹力的剂型柔和涂抹在面部 深入皮肤内 在睡眠的时候帮助滋润皮肤 优化皮肤状态 帮助维持熟睡后舒适的早晨皮肤 海洋深层水和木立芦荟叶提取物帮助提供丰富的水分 食药处告示的美白功能成分烟酰胺在您入睡的晚上 令您的皮肤更加亮丽 焕发光彩 是晚上专用睡眠面罩面膜 테라비코스엔자임클리어폼 / THELAVICOS ENZYME CLEAR FOAM / 100g 미세하고풍성한거품이피부의노폐물및메이크업잔여물을깔끔하게클렌징해주어산뜻하고매끈한피부로가꾸어주는프레시한클렌징폼입니다. 알로에베라잎추출물의뛰어난진정작용및보습작용으로사용후에도당김없이촉촉한피부상태로유지시켜줍니다. Rich micro bubbles in the refreshing cleansing foam completely removes skin wastes and makeup residues for fresh and smooth skin. Aloe vera leaf extract of exceptional calming and moisturizing effects keeps the skin soft and smooth without the sense of dryness even after cleansing. 丰富而细腻的泡沫可彻底清除皮肤污垢及化妆残留物 使皮肤更加清爽光滑的清新洁面泡沫 芦荟提取物显著的皮肤镇静及保湿作用 可使皮肤在使用产品后没有紧绷感 持久保持湿润的皮肤状态 테라비코스엔자임워싱파우더 / THELAVICOS ENZYME WASHING POWDER / 40g 피부에순하게작용하는저자극성세안제로메이크업잔여물및모공속의노폐물까지말끔히제거하여주는파우더타입클렌징제품입니다. 잦은세안으로자극받기쉬운피부를보호해주고세안후당기기쉬운피부를촉촉하게가꾸어주는동시에효소성분과작은알갱이의포뮬러가피부의묵은각질까지제거하여부드럽고청결한피부로가꾸어줍니다. Hypoallergenic facial cleanser in powder form responds mildly on the skin to remove the makeup residue and wastes from pores. It easily protects the irritates skin and softens the dry skin after facial cleansing as enzymes and the grain formula exfoliate dead skin cells to produce the soft and clean skin. 柔和作用于皮肤的低刺激性洁面剂 可彻底清除化妆残留物及毛孔内污垢的粉剂型洁肤产品 对频繁洗脸引起的敏感皮肤具有保护作用 对洗脸后出现的紧绷皮肤具有保湿效果 同时 酶成分和微小颗粒配方可彻底清除皮肤的老化角质 使皮肤更加柔软洁净 수비아클리어무스폼클렌저 / SUVIA CLEAR MOUSSE FOAM CLEANSER / 150ml 누르면바로나오는공기처럼가볍고미세한거품이자극없이클렌징해주어편안하고깨끗한피부상태로유지시켜줍니다. 3 가지슈퍼푸드 ( 브로콜리 시금치 토마토 ) 추출물을삼색도장버섯균사체로발효한성분이피부에풍부한수분을공급하여세안후에도건강한피부상태로유지시켜주는산뜻한폼클렌저입니다. Extremely light and fine bubbles keep your skin clean and comfortable by cleansing without irritation. It s a refreshing foam cleanser containing the ingredients of the 3 super foods (broccoli spinach and tomato) fermented with Daedaleopsis tricolor mycelium that keeps skin healthy by supplying sufficient moisture to skin. 好像空气又轻轻又细腻的泡沫 且无刺激的洁面奶 为您保持舒适洁净的皮肤状态 使用将三种超级食品 ( 西兰花 菠菜 西红柿 ) 的萃取精华 经三色涂装蘑菇菌丝体进行发酵后的所得成分 为皮肤提供丰富的水分 本品是一款即使是在洗脸后 也能为您保持健康皮肤状态的 清爽的泡沫洁面奶





20 HP&C is a pharmaceuticals quasi-drugs and cosmetics manufacturer pursuing the beauty and health of our customers. HP&C 是利用先进皮肤科学技术 致力于解决消费者皮肤苦恼的 从事生物化妆品 药品业务的企业 본사 Headquarters 本公司 주에이치피앤씨서울시강남구영동대로길 공장연구소 Factory R&D Center 植物研究所 주에이치피앤씨충청북도청주시흥덕구오송읍오송생명로 首尔特别市江南区永东大路 71 街 12 hpnc@ihpnc.co.kr 忠淸北道淸州市兴德区五松生命 6 路 22 号

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Contents the STORE 04 Special 14 Survey 16 Selected 18 Inquiry 22 How-to the STORY 28 Dictionary 30 Finder 34 Nature 36 Lesson 38 Heritage 40 Product Contents the STORE 04 Special 14 Survey 16 Selected 18 Inquiry 22 How-to the STORY 28 Dictionary 30 Finder 34 Nature 36 Lesson 38 Heritage 40 Product Guide 56 News 1 www.amorepacific.com the store the

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