한국어정규학습교재 Korean Language Full-Time Study Materials CONTENTS 한국어종합회화교재 Korean General Conversation Study Materials 한국어방송교재 프랑스어권

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1 D A R A K W O N KOREAN B O O K CATALOG 다락원 한국어도서목록 Koreanbooks

2 한국어정규학습교재 Korean Language Full-Time Study Materials CONTENTS 한국어종합회화교재 Korean General Conversation Study Materials 한국어방송교재 프랑스어권한국어교재 Korean Study with TV Broadcasting Materials and Study Material for French Speakers 비즈니스한국어교재 Business Korean Study Materials 독학용한국어교재 Self-Study Korean Language Materials 한국어수험서 Korean Examination & Testing Materials 한국어문법교재 Korean Grammar Study Materials 한국어어휘교재 Korean Vocabulary Study Materials 한국어어휘교재 한자교재 Korean Vocabulary Study Materials and Chinese Character Study Material 한국어듣기교재 Korean Listening Materials Master KOREAN 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4, 5, 6 掌握韩语 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4 영어판 / 중국어판 1-1 Basic : 조항록, 양태영, 권종분, 기준성, 김선희, 최은정지음 188X257mm 256 면 17,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 1-2 Basic : 조항록, 양태영, 권종분, 기준성, 김선희, 최은정지음 188X257mm 232 면 17,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4, 5, 6 권 : 근간예정 TOPIK 수준에맞춘한국어완전정복코스북! <Master Korean> 시리즈는초급부터고급까지단계적으로한국어실력을쌓을수있는종합코스북이다. 다양한활동과시청각자료를통해의사소통능력을키울수있을뿐만아니라각단계별어휘및문법의수준을한국어능력시험 (TOPIK) 의급수에맞춰시험에도대비할수있게하였다. A TOPIK Based Coursebook for Completely Conquering Korean! The <Master Korean> series is an integrated set of coursebooks allowing learners to build on their Korean skills step-by-step from the beginning to the advanced level. Learners can improve their communication skills through a variety of activities and visual materials while also preparing for the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK), as each level introduces the vocabulary and grammar needed to pass the respective level of the test. English / Chinese 1-1 Basic : Hangrok Cho, Tyeyoung Yang, Jongbun Kwon, Junsung Ki, Sunhee Kim, Eunjung Choi 188X257mm 256pages 17,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) 한국어종합회화교재 Korean General Conversation Study Materials 14 한국어읽기교재 Korean Reading Material 1-2 Basic : Hangrok Cho, Tyeyoung Yang, Jongbun Kwon, Junsung Ki, Sunhee Kim, Eunjung Choi 188X257mm 232pages 17,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Level 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4, 5, 6 : Forthcoming Publication 중국어판 Chinese 15 한국문화교재 Korean Culture Study Material 16 한국어펜맨십교재, 대학한국어교재 Penmanship Study Material and University Korean Study Materials 한국어발행도서목록 Korean Language Publications 다락원한국어도서에대한영어및일본어정보는 를참조해주세요. Please visit for information in English and Japanese about Darakwon s Korean language books. Tel (ext. 420) Fax

3 한국어정규학습교재 Korean Language Full-Time Study Materials 한국어 단기학습교재 Korean Language Short-Term Study Materials 한국어종합회화교재 Korean General Conversation Study Materials Practical Korean 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 实用生活韩国语 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 영어판 / 중국어판 1 권 : 조항록, 이지영지음 188X257mm 248 면 ( 워크북 120 면 ) 20,000 원 ( 워크북, 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 2 권 : 조항록, 이지영지음 188X257mm 224 면 ( 워크북 120 면 ) 21,000 원 ( 워크북, 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) 3, 4, 5, 6 권 : 근간예정 실용한국어를가장효과적으로배우는한국어종합코스북! <Practical Korean> 시리즈는초급, 중급, 고급을단계별로다룬총 6 권의한국어종합코스북이며, 외국인을대상으로하는한국어교수법이론과노하우를바탕으로국내외한국어교육현장에서사용할수있게구성된통합학습교재이다. The most effective course book for learning practical Korean! A six-book series, <Practical Korean> is an integrated coursebook that covers the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of Korean. Targeted towards foreigners learning Korean in an education setting both in Korea and abroad, this is a comprehensive series based on current Korean language teaching theories and practical know-how. Fast & Fun Korean for Short-Term Learners 1, 2, 3 楽しく学ぶ韓国語 1, 2, 3 2 This book provides the necessary vocabulary, key grammatical patterns, and 3 English / Chinese Vol. 1 : Cho Hang-rok, Lee Jee-young 188X257mm 248 pages (Workbook : 120 pages) 20,000 won (Supplements : Workbook, Audio CD) Vol. 2 : Cho Hang-rok, Lee Jee-young 188X257mm 224 pages (Workbook : 120 pages) 21,000 won (Supplements : Workbook, 2 Audio CDs) Vol. 3, 4, 5, 6 : Forthcoming Publication 중국어판 Chinese 영어판 / 일본어판 1 권 : 강승혜지음 210X280mm 176 면 15,000 원 ( 영어판 - MP3 CD 1 장포함 / 일본어판 - 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) 2 권 : 강승혜지음 210X280mm 160 면 15,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 3 권 : 근간예정 단기간한국어공략을위한맞춤형속성교재 Fast & Fun Korean 시리즈! <Fast & Fun Korean> 시리즈는 1, 2, 3 권을통해한국어초급, 중급을단기간에학습할수있도록한단기코스북으로, 단기학습자를위한필수어휘, 핵심문형, 실용대화를수록하였다. A quick mastery Korean book for short-term learners: the <Fast & Fun Korean> series! A three-book series, <Fast & Fun Korean> is a coursebook which enables learners of Korean to master the basic and intermediate levels over a short period of time. practical conversations. English / Japanese Vol. 1 : Kang Seung-hae 210X280mm 176 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : English - MP3 CD / Japanese - 2 Audio CDs) Vol. 2 : Kang Seung-hae 210X280mm 160 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Vol. 3 : Forthcoming Publication 한국어종합회화교재 Korean General Conversation Study Materials 일본어판 Japanese

4 TV 방송과함께하는한국어교재 Korean Language Materials for Use with TV Broadcasts 직장인을위한한국어교재 Korean Language Materials for the Workplace 한국어방송교재 프랑스어권한국어교재 Korean Study with TV Broadcasting Materials and Study Material for French Speakers Arirang Korean Basics 1, 2 서울대학교언어교육원지음 188X257mm 224 면 각 12,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 각 1 장포함 ) 아리랑 TV 의 Let s Speak Korean 과함께쉽고재미있게배우는초급한국어회화! 아리랑 TV 에서방영되고있는 Let s Speak Korean 의방송내용을토대로한국의일상생활에서가장자주쓰는표현들을모아두권으로구성하였다. 또한한국문화에관한유용하고풍부한정보와함께기초발음과초급문법까지도쉽게익힐수있게도와준다. Learning basic Korean conversation in a fun and easy way through Let s Speak Korean, Arirang TV! As the main textbook for Arirang TV program Let s Speak Korean, <Arirang Korean Basics> is a two-volume textbook organized around patterns of the most common expression in everyday Korean. In addition, plentiful tips and useful information about Korean culture make everything from basic pronunciation to grammar more fun to learn. Korean Language for a Good Job 1, 2 영어판 1 권 : 이미혜지음 188X257mm 212 면 15,000 원 (Key Expressions & Drills, 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 2 권 : 이미혜지음 188X257mm 248 면 16,000 원 (Key Expressions & Dialogues Book, 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) 태국어판 1 권 : 이미혜지음 188X257mm 212 면 15,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 외국인직장인을위한맞춤한국어! 한국기업에서일하고있거나일하려는외국인을위한최초의본격학습서! 한국에서일을하는외국인직장인들을위한책으로, 일상생활에서의의사소통은물론, 직장에서의기본적인업무를해결할수있도록도와준다. 직장생활과일상생활을중심으로사용할수있는생생한표현과대화로구성되어있다. 또한한국에서생활하는데필요한문화정보까지친절하게설명해놓았다. 비즈니스한국어교재 Business Korean Study Materials Language Education Institute, Seoul National University 188X257mm 224 pages 12,000 won Each Korean language skills for the workplace! The first Korean language book for the 4 (Supplement : Audio CD) foreign workers in Korea! 5 This book is specifically for foreign workers in Korea. Its goal is to make communication in everyday situations possible while simultaneously enabling the workers to solve basic problems at their workplaces. Consequently by taking everyday life and life in workplace as its subject matters, this book is full of practical expressions and dialogues. In addition, the information one needs in everyday life and in the workplace in Korea is covered in detail. English Vol. 1 : Lee Mi-hye 188X257mm 212 pages 15,000 won (Supplements : Key Expressions & Drills, Audio CD) Vol. 2 : Lee Mi-hye 188X257mm 248 pages 16,000 won (Supplements : Key Expressions & Dialogues Book, 2 Audio CDs) 태국어판 Thai Thai Vol. 1 : Lee Mi-hye 188X257mm 212 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : Audio CD) 프랑스어권한국어교재 Cours de Coréen - niveau débutant 프랑스어권학습자를위한한국어 초급 Korean Study Material for French Speakers 권용해, 김혜경, 조혜영, 최정윤지음 188X257mm 328 면 ( 워크북 168 면 ) 27,000 원 ( 워크북, 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) 프랑스어권초급학습자를위한가장체계적인한국어교재! 처음한국어를배우고자하는프랑스어권외국인학습자들을위한한국어교재이다. 다양한대화상황과친절한문법설명을통해한국어를쉽게이해할수있으며, 듣기와말하기, 읽기와쓰기문제를연계한연습문제를통해통합학습이가능하도록하였다. The most systematic Korean language text for French-speaking beginning learners! This text was designed for French speakers who want to begin learning Korean as a foreign language. Learners can not only study Korean through a variety of easyto-understand situational dialogues and grammar explanations, but they can also study listening, speaking, reading, and writing in an integrated manner through practice exercises that combine these four skills. Kwon Yong-hae, Kim Hye-gyeong, Tcho Hye-young, Choi Jung-yoon 188X257mm 328 pages (Workbook: 168 pages) 27,000 won (Supplements : Workbook, 2 Audio CDs)

5 Korean Made Easy 시리즈 Korean Made Easy Series 독학용한국어교재 Self-Study Korean Language Materials Korean Made Easy - Starter 오승은지음 188X257mm 192 면 12,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 5 단계학습법으로쉽고재미있게한글과기초어휘를끝낸다! 이책은베스트셀러인 Korean Made Easy 시리즈중가장첫단계에학습해야하는책이다. 한글을전혀읽지못하는외국인이여러가지연습활동과게임을통해즐겁게공부하면서한글을읽고쓰고듣고발음할수있도록하였다. Master Korean perfectly within only 20 hours! Easy 5-step lessons for self-study! As the first book in the bestselling <Korean Made Easy> series, <Korean Made Easy - Starter> is the most necessary book for foreigners when they begin to learn the Korean language for the first time. This book enables true beginners of Korean to read, write, listen, and pronounce Hangeul with the various practice exercises, activities, and games. Korean Made Easy for Everyday Life 오승은지음 188X257mm 296 면 17,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 말하기기능에맞춘 Korean Made Easy for Beginners 의실용회화편! 기본적인회화수준에서벗어나어떤상황에서나자연스러운회화구사가가능한수준으로의실력향상을원하는외국인학습자들을위하여만들어진한국어교재이다. The practical conversation version of <Korean Made Easy for Beginners>, which focuses on speaking skills! This book is designed to enhance the speaking abilities of intermediate-level Korean learners and to communicate naturally in everyday situations. Oh Seung-eun 188X257mm 296 pages 17,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) 독학용한국어교재 Self-Study Korean Language Materials Oh Seung-eun 188X257mm 192 pages 12,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) 6 7 Korean Made Easy for Beginners 오승은지음 188X257mm 288 면 17,000 원 (Key Phrase Book, 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) Korean Made Easy - Intermediate 오승은지음 188X257mm 근간예정 한국어와설레는첫만남! 한국어, 혼자서도공부할수있다! 기존의한국어교재와는달리한국어문법을쉽게설명하고, 친절하게풀이해놓은한국어교재이다. 또한, 유용한한국의문화를삽화와함께재미있게소개하였다. For anyone with no background in the Korean language! Teach yourself Korean! Essential grammar taught simply and kindly. In addition, helpful information about Korean culture is introduced with the illustrations. Oh Seung-eun 188X257mm 288 pages 17,000 won (Supplements : Key Phrase Book, Audio CD) Intermediate : Forthcoming Publication Korean Made Easy - Vocabulary 오승은지음 근간예정 그림과음성그리고문제를통해자연스럽게어휘를익혀말하기까지활용한다! 초급과중급을아우르는 2,000 여개의필수어휘를주제별, 수준별로나누어다양한연습문제를통해쉽고재미있게익히는교재이다. 그림과소리, 의미를연계해서종합적으로어휘를배울수있으며, 학습한어휘가쓰이는맥락을익혀봄으로써실제적인말하기까지활용할수있도록하였다. Master vocabulary naturally and be able to speak Korean through pictures, listening practice, and practice questions! This textbook will allow you to easily learn Korean through over 2,000 useful elementary and intermediate vocabulary words categorized by topic and level and accompanied by various practice questions. You will be able to learn korean words through associating them with pictures, sounds and meaning, and master how to utilize them in actual conversation through understanding their usage in actual context. Oh Seung-eun Forthcoming Publication

6 한국어수험서 Korean Examination & Testing Materials 한국어능력시험 (TOPIK) 대비서 Complete Guide to the TOPIK - Basic, Intermediate, Advanced TOPIK Preparatory Materials Basic ( 초급 ) : 서울한국어아카데미지음 188X257mm 200 면 16,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) Intermediate ( 중급 ) : 서울한국어아카데미지음 188X257mm 224 면 16,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) Advanced ( 고급 ) : 서울한국어아카데미지음 188X257mm 192 면 16,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 2 장포함 ) <Complete Guide to the TOPIK - Basic, Intermediate, Advanced> 는외국인을위한한국어능력시험인 TOPIK 의초 중 고급시험에대비하는교재로서지금까지출제된 TOPIK 문제에대한철저한분석을기반으로기출문제유형분석및유형별문제풀이에초점이맞추어져있다. 학습자들은각영역별 유형별문제풀이와실전모의고사풀이를통해 TOPIK 을철저하게준비할수있다. <Complete Guide to the TOPIK - Basic, Intermediate, Advanced> aims to be a perfect preparation book for the TOPIK test, which is the test for non-native Korean speakers to measure their proficiency of the Korean language for basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. These books are focused on understanding the TOPIK through sections divided by question type and include in-depth explanations of questions from previous TOPIK tests. Thus, learners can effectively prepare for the TOPIK by studying for it in sections divided by question type, and by taking mock tests of it. TOPIK MASTER Final 실전모의고사 - Basic, Intermediate, 8 9 Basic : Seoul Korean Language Academy 188X257mm 200 pages 16,000 won (Supplement : 2 Audio CDs) Intermediate : Seoul Korean Language Academy 188X257mm 224 pages 16,000 won (Supplement : 2 Audio CDs) Advanced : Seoul Korean Language Academy 188X257mm 192 pages 16,000 won (Supplement : 2 Audio CDs) Advanced 영어판 Basic ( 초급 ) : 경희대학교국제캠퍼스한국어교육연구회지음 188X257mm 문제집 : 392 면, 해설집 : 164 면 27,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Intermediate ( 중급 ) : 경희대학교국제캠퍼스한국어교육연구회지음 188X257mm 문제집 : 404 면, 해설집 : 228 면 27,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Advanced ( 고급 ) : 경희대학교국제캠퍼스한국어교육연구회지음 188X257mm 문제집 : 428 면, 해설집 : 140 면 27,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 중국어판 初级 : 庆熙大学国际校区韩国语教育研究会著 188X257mm 试题集 : 392 页, 解答集 : 152 页 27,000 元 ( 含 MP3CD1 张 ) 中级 : 庆熙大学国际校区韩国语教育研究会著 188X257mm 试题集 : 404 页, 解答集 : 208 页 27,000 元 ( 含 MP3CD1 张 ) 일본어판 初級 : 慶熙大学国際キャンパス韓国語教育研究会著 188X257mm 問題集 : 392 ページ 解説集 : 168 ページ 27,000 ウォン (MP3CD1 枚付き ) 中級 : 慶熙大学国際キャンパス韓国語教育研究会著 188X257mm 問題集 : 404 ページ 解説集 : 224 ページ 27,000 ウォン (MP3CD1 枚付き ) 동영상강의다락원 ( 에서 TOPIK 을검색하시면동영상강의를수강하실수있습니다. TOPIK 시험을준비하는가장확실한대비서! 외국인을위한한국어능력시험인 TOPIK 을준비하는대비서로서효과적인시험전략과직접강의하는듯한친절한문제해설을번역과함께제공하고있다. 최근기출문제를분석하여문제를유형별로제시하고문제유형별접근방법과학습전략을담고있다. 다양한유형과 10 회분의모의고사문제를제공하여학습자가철저하고효과적으로 TOPIK 시험에대비할수있도록하였다. 한국어수험서 Korean Examination & Testing Materials 기출문제유형분석 유형별연습문제 The most authentic preparation book for the TOPIK exam! This preparation book for the TOPIK test of foreigners Korean proficiency provides effective exam strategies and translations with easy-to-understanding explanations that mimic learning in a classroom. Questions that have recently appeared on the TOPIK exam are presented and analyzed through methods of approach and study strategies for each question type. This useful tool offers various question types spread over ten mock test, allowing the user to thoroughly and effectively prepare for the TOPIK exam. 중국어판 Chinese English / Chinese / Japanese Basic : The KyungHee University Global Campus Korean Education Research Group 188X257mm Practice Test Booklet: 392 pages, Explanation Booklet: 164 pages 27,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Intermediate : The KyungHee University Global Campus Korean Education Research Group 188X257mm Practice Test Booklet: 404 pages, Explanation Booklet: 228 pages 27,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Advanced : The KyungHee University Global Campus Korean Education Research Group 188X257mm Practice Test Booklet: 428 pages, Explanation Booklet: 140 pages 27,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Online course If you visit the Darakwon homepage ( and search for TOPIK, you can take the online course. 일본어판 Japanese 실전모의고사정답 / 듣기대본 / 읽기지문번역 / 해설

7 문법교재 Grammar Study Materials 어휘교재 Vocabulary Study Materials 한국어문법교재 Korean Grammar Study Materials Korean Grammar in Use - Beginning, Intermediate Korean Grammar in Use - 初级, 中级 ( 中文版 ) Korean Grammar in Use - 初級, 中級 ( 日本語版 ) 영어판 초급 : 안진명, 이경아, 한후영지음 188X257mm 376 면 21,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 중급 : 민진영, 안진명지음 188X257mm 432 면 23,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 고급 : 안진명, 선은희지음 근간예정 중국어판 初级 : 安辰明 李炅雅 韩厚英著 188X257mm 376 页 21,000 元 ( 含 MP3CD1 张 ) 中级 : 闵珍英 安辰明著 188X257mm 432 页 23,000 元 ( 含 MP3CD1 张 ) 高级 : 安辰明 宣恩姬著 近期出版 Korean Picture Dictionary - English/Chinese/Japanese Korean Picture Dictionary - 베트남어 / 인도네시아어 / 몽골어 Korean Picture Dictionary - 스페인어 / 프랑스어 / 독일어 Korean Picture Dictionary - Workbook Korean Picture Dictionary - English/Chinese/Japanese 강현화지음 215X280mm 224 면 20,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Korean Picture Dictionary - 베트남어 / 인도네시아어 / 몽골어강현화지음 215X280mm 232 면 20,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Korean Picture Dictionary - 스페인어 / 프랑스어 / 독일어강현화지음 215X280mm 232 면 20,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Korean Picture Dictionary - Workbook 강현화지음 215X280mm 204 면 15,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 한국어어휘교재 Korean Vocabulary Study Materials 일본어판 初級 : 安辰明 李炅雅 韓厚英著 188X257mm 376 ページ 25,000 ウォン (CD3 枚付き ) <Beginning> 편에서는 1~2 급의문법을, <Intermediate> 편에서는 3~4 급의문법을, <Advanced> 편에서는 5~6 급의주요문법을총망라한한국어문법교재이다. 각각쓰임과의미가비슷한문법들의차이점을비교해놓아혼동하기쉬운문법사항들을쉽게찾아볼수있도록구성하였다. 또한어려운한국어문법을공부하는학습자뿐만아니라가르치는것에어려움이많은교사들에게도문법사항을쉽게정리할수있도록돕는본격한국어문법서이다. Master Korean Grammar more easily and effectively! This Korean grammar coursebook series consists of three volumes: <Beginning> covers Levels 1~2, <Intermediate> covers Levels 3~4, and <Advanced> covers Levels 5~6. This book attempts to make it easy for learners to locate the grammar patterns that they find the most confusing by providing comparisons of patterns similar in meaning and usage. English / Chinese / Japanese Beginning : Ahn Jean-myung, Lee Kyung-ah, Han Hoo-young 188X257mm 376 pages 21,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Intermediate : Min Jin-young, Ahn Jean-myung 188X257mm 432 pages 23,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Advanced : Ahn Jean-myung, Seon Eun-hee Forthcoming Publication 중국어판 Chinese 기초생활한국어어휘를그림과음성으로쉽게이해하고활용한다! 10 中級 : 閔珍英 安辰明著 188X257mm 432ページ 27,000ウォン (CD3 枚付き ) 한국어초급어휘를 13개주제별로구분하여그림으로친절하게보여주며, 영어 / 중국어 / 일본어上級 : 安辰明 宣恩姫著 近刊予定번역판, 베트남어 / 인도네시아어 / 몽골어번역판에이어스페인어 / 프랑스어 / 독일어판이번역 11 출간되었다. 또한 <Korean Picture Dictionary-Workbook> 은본책에서배운단어를적극 가장효과적인방법으로한국어문법을쉽게마스터한다! 활용하여듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기활동을통합적으로학습할수있는워크북으로서, 다양한 문제와활동을통해더욱재미있고효과적으로단어의쓰임을자연스럽게익혀확장시킬수있다. Korean Picture Dictionary 의애플리케이션버전! 혹은아이폰앱스토어로들어오셔서 Multilingual Picture Dictionary - English Korean Chinese Japanese 를검색하세요. Easily master the meaning and usage of basic Korean lifestyle vocabulary by using pictures and audio materials!! These books are respectively divided into thirteen topical sections with subjects that you will encounter most frequently. The illustrations will help you enjoy remembering the Korean words at a beginning level. Following the intial English/ Chinese/Japanese translations of the series, additional versions in Vietnamese/ Indonesian/Mongolian and Spanish/French/German have been published. In addition, the words introduced in this <Workbook> can be actively used in an integrated manner for listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Through a variety of exercises and activities, students will both enjoyably and effectively expand their knowledge of word meanings and usage. Korean Picture Dictionary - English/Chinese/Japanese Kang Hyoun-hwa 215X280mm 224 pages 20,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Korean Picture Dictionary - Vietnamese/Indonesian/Mongolian Kang Hyoun-hwa 215X280mm 232 pages 20,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Korean Picture Dictionary - Spanish/French/German Kang Hyoun-hwa 215X280mm 232 pages 20,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Korean Picture Dictionary - Workbook Kang Hyoun-hwa 215X280mm 204 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : Audio CD) 일본어판 Japanese The Application Version of Korean Picture Dictionary! Search Multilingual Picture Dictionary - English Korean Chinese Japanese on or the App Store on the I-Phone. Korean Picture Dictionary - English/Chinese/Japanese Korean Picture Dictionary - Workbook

8 어휘교재 Vocabulary Study Materials 듣기교재 Listening Materials 한국어어휘교재 한자교재 Korean Vocabulary Study Materials and Chinese Character Study Material 2000 Essential Korean Words for Beginners 안설희, 민진영, 김민성지음 150X210mm 504 면 23,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 초급자를위한필수한국어단어의모든것! 이책은필수어휘 2,000여개가엄선되어수록되었으며, 14개의큰주제와소주제별로나누어가나다순으로정리하여찾아보기편하게구성되어있다. 또한다국어학습자를위해영어, 중국어, 일본어로번역되었으며, 다양한관련어와실생활에서자주쓰이는예문을수록하였다. All about the essential Korean words for beginners! About 2,000 necessary Korean words are deliberately covered in this book and fourteen topics and detailed subsections are systematically categorized. The entry words are translated in English, Chinese, and Japanese for the international learners. In addition, helpful reference words and practical example sentences used in everyday life are sufficiently contained. Ahn Seol-hee, Min Jin-young, Kim Min-sung 150X210mm 504 pages 23,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Beginners Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Beginners 조재희, 오미남지음 188X257mm 176 면 15,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners 조재희, 오미남지음 188X257mm 136 면 15,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 주제별실생활자료로구성한 Task 중심의듣기전문교재! 초급단계부터중급단계까지의외국인학습자들이듣기능력향상을위해만들어진듣기전문교재시리즈이다. 주제별로구성된실생활자료로풀어보는듣기과제학습을통하여학습자가단어및표현에익숙해질수있도록구성하였다. A task-based listening book complete with authentic materials in various subjects! This series are designed to enhance the listening abilities of learners of Korean from beginning to intermediate level. Also, they consist of various listening tasks that use authentic materials on practical topics Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Beginners Cho Jae-hee, Oh Mi-nam 188X257mm 176 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners Cho Jae-hee, Oh Mi-nam 188X257mm 136 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : Audio CD) 한국어듣기교재 Korean Listening Materials Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Beginners 한자교재 Chinese Character Study Material Useful Chinese Characters for Learners of Korean 서울대학교언어교육원지음 188X257mm 184 면 12,000 원 한자학습을통해한국어어휘력을늘리고자하는외국인학습자및한자를처음공부하는외국인을대상으로한일석이조의한자학습교재! 실생활에서자주쓰이는한자와한자어를선정하여, 활용빈도가높은한자어학습으로한국어어휘력을확장할수있도록하였다. Korean Listening Skills - Practical Tasks for Intermediate Learners For learners of Korean who want to study Chinese characters for the first time! Enhance your Korean vocabulary through Chinese characters! It is composed of the most frequently used Chinese characters, which will help Korean language learners to enhance their Korean vocabulary. Language Education Institute, Seoul National University 188X257mm 184 pages 12,000 won

9 읽기교재 Reading Material 문화교재 Culture Study Material 한국어읽기교재 Korean Reading Material 전래동화로배우는한국어 김순례, 임수진지음 188X257mm 240 면 ( 별책부록 40 면 ) 17,000 원 (MP3 CD 1 장포함 ) 재미있는삽화, 생동감있는음성과번역이있는새로운읽기교재! 이책은중급단계의한국어학습자를대상으로한한국어읽기교재이다. 전래동화를통해한국의속담이나관용적표현, 어휘, 문법등을좀더재미있게배울수있도록하였다. 또한, 다양한활동으로학습자들의듣기, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기능력을향상시키고한국인과한국문화에대한이해를돕고자하였다. 어휘와문형, 이야기본문에대해영어 중국어 일본어번역도수록하였다. A new reading textbook with interesting illustrations and lifelike, original audio recordings and translations! This reading textbook is for intermediate level students of Korean. It presents Korean proverbs, idiomatic expressions, vocabulary, and grammar in an interesting format, and helps learners improve their listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities through a variety of activities to help learners better understand the Korean people and their culture. We provide English, Chinese, and Japanese translations for all of the vocabulary, grammar expressions, and main text passages to satisfy the curiosity of learners and allow them to study as correctly and accurately as possible. 이야기가있는한국어한국문화 다문화사회연구소지음 188X257mm 224 면 15,000 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 재미있는이야기를통해배우는한국어와한국문화! 단순히지식만을전하는문화교재가아니라전체적인하나의이야기를중심으로주제별로한국문화를공부할수있게하였다. 주인공이한국에서겪는에피소드를통한다양한실용문화교육에초점을맞추었다. Study Korean language and culture through intriguing stories! This book goes beyond a textbook format that simply conveys cultural knowledge by allowing the reader to learn Korean culture through a variety of topic-based stories. The stories illustrate real-life cultural education from the viewpoint of the main character, who experiences a variety of Korean cultural "anecdotes". Multicultural Society Institute 188X257mm 224 pages 15,000 won (Supplement : Audio CD) Kim Soon-lye, Im Su-jin 188X257mm 240 pages (Supplementary Appendix : 40 pages) 17,000 won (Supplement : MP3 CD) 한국문화교재 Korean Culture Study Material

10 한국어펜맨십교재, 대학한국어교재 Penmanship Study Material and University Korean Study Materials 16 펜맨십교재 Penmanship Study Material Step by Step Korean Penmanship 들으면서쓰는한국어펜맨십 신현숙지음 188X257mm 96 면 9,000 원 ( 오디오테이프 1 개포함 ) ㄱ 에서 감사합니다 까지듣고쓰고읽고말하게하는새로운접근방식의쓰기교재! 한국어음절을정확하게익히고주제별기초어휘를학습한후대화를통해간단한표현을배울수있다. You can listen, write and read from ㄱ to 감사합니다 at the same time! You can correctly learn Korean syllables, basic vocabulary and simple expressions through the dialogues. Shin Hyon-sook 188X257mm 96 pages 9,000 won (Supplement : Audiotape) 대학한국어교재 외국인유학생을위한인문한국어외국인유학생을위한경영한국어 외국인유학생을위한인문한국어허용지음 188X257mm 240 면 13,500 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 외국인유학생을위한경영한국어강현화, 민재훈지음 188X257mm 256 면 13,500 원 ( 오디오 CD 1 장포함 ) 외국인유학생의성공적인대학생활의길잡이! University Korean Study Materials 한국에서인문학과경영학을전공하고자하는외국인유학생들을위한전공예비서로서각전공의기본개념을바탕으로전공분야에대한이해를넓혀어려운한국어전공강의를쉽게이해할수있게돕는다. An essential guide book for foreign students to study successfully at their universities in Korea! These books are preliminary text book for foreign students who want to major in Humanities and Business Administration at Korean universities. Based on the essential knowledge in each major, these books will help students widen their backgrounds which will enable them to understand difficult Korean lectures completely. 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