APPETIZER AND SALAD 餐前凉菜与沙拉에피타이져와샐러드 Caesar Salad Choice of: 凯撒沙拉配以下 : 토핑선택 1 종 : Classic 经典오리지날 With Grilled Chicken 配烤鸡肉구운닭가슴살 With Marinated Prawns

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1 Breezes - Crown Towers Manila Phone number: Pool Deck, Crown Towers Manila, Aseana Boulevard Corner Macapagal Avenue, Entertainment City, Parañaque City 6AM to 6PM

2 APPETIZER AND SALAD 餐前凉菜与沙拉에피타이져와샐러드 Caesar Salad Choice of: 凯撒沙拉配以下 : 토핑선택 1 종 : Classic 经典오리지날 With Grilled Chicken 配烤鸡肉구운닭가슴살 With Marinated Prawns 配腌虾양념한대하 Cobb Salad Chopped romaine lettuce, tomato, crispy bacon, quail eggs, roasted chicken breast, avocado, blue cheese, and French dressing 科布沙拉配生菜, 脆培根, 煮鹌鹑蛋, 烤鸡胸, 牛油果, 蓝芝士和法汁콥샐러드프렌치드레싱과블루치즈, 아보카도, 메추리알, 베이컨, 토마토와닭가슴살샐러드 Mixed Salad Smoked salmon, boiled quail eggs, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, corn kernels, and cucumber, served with honey lemon vinaigrette 什锦沙拉配烟燻三文鱼, 煮鹌鹑蛋, 菲达奶酪, 樱桃番茄, 玉米粒, 青瓜和柠檬蜂蜜醋믹스샐러드훈제연어와메츄리알, 페타치즈, 체리토마토와허니레몬비네거를곁들인샐러드 Parmentier Soup Creamy potato and leek soup with croutons and bacon bits 马铃薯汤马铃薯奶油韭葱汤配油炸面包丁 培根粒파멘티어수프바삭한크루통과베이컨이제공되는부드러운감자수프

3 SANDWICH Served with your choice of French fries or mixed greens 三明治搭配薯条或蔬菜拼盘샌드위치감자튀김또는야채샐러드중선택가능 Grilled Ham and Cheese Panini Focaccia bread with cooked ham and emmental cheese 奶酪火腿帕尼尼佛卡夏面包加火腿和瑞士多孔奶酪구운햄과치즈파니니포카치아브레드, 조리된햄과에멘탈치즈 Angus Burger 180gr beef burger, sliced tomato, crisp lettuce, pickles, onion rings, and French fries 安格斯汉堡 180 克牛肉汉堡, 番茄片, 生菜, 腌黄瓜, 洋葱, 薯条 앵거스버거 180 그램소고기패티, 토마토, 신선한양상추, 피클, 양파링과프렌치프라이 Add 另加 추가 Crispy Bacon, Sautéed Mushrooms, Fried Egg, or Cheddar Cheese 脆培根, 炒蘑菇, 炒蛋, 切达奶酪바삭한베이컨, 볶은버섯, 계란프라이또는체다치즈 Club Sandwich Seared chicken with fried egg, bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes 公司三文治 煎鸡肉配煎蛋, 培根, 生菜和西红柿 클럽샌드위치구운닭과, 계란프라이, 베이컨, 양상추, 토마토

4 SNACKS TO SHARE 分享小食스낵 Mozzarella Jalapeño Sticks 莫扎瑞拉乳酪青椒棒모짜렐라할라피뇨스틱 Potatoes Wedges Served with bacon bits and sour cream dip 薯格配培根粒与酸奶酱감자웻지와베이컨, 사워크림 Steamed Crystal Prawn Dumpling 水晶鲜虾饺크리스탈새우만두찜 Steamed Pork Shao Mai Dumpling 烧卖皇돼지고기샤오마이만두찜

5 FILIPINO SPECIALTY 菲律宾特色佳肴필리핀특선요리 BEEF SHORT RIB PARES Slow-braised with soya sauce accompanied with pechay, Cauliflower, and confit baby onions 菲律宾红烧牛肋骨白菜, 花椰菜, 煎小洋葱필리핀식갈비찜청경채와컬리플라워를넣은필리핀식갈비찜 Sinigang na Hipon Tamarind broth with tiger prawns, tomatoes, radish, green chili, water spinach, and string beans 菲律宾鲜虾酸汤虎虾, 西红柿, 萝卜, 青辣椒, 空心菜, 以及四季豆새우시니강타이거새우와여러가지야채를넣은타마린수프 Lechon Kawali Crispy pork belly with cucumber atchara, spiced vinegar, and soya sauce 烤三层肉脆五花肉, 香醋, 酱油레촌카왈리필리핀식튀긴삼겸살 Pancit Bihon Stir-fried rice noodles with chicken, shrimps, calamari, Chinese chorizo, and crispy pork 菲律宾炒米粉鸡肉炒米粉配鲜虾 卷心菜 脆猪肉和鸡蛋판싯비혼여러가지야채와닭고기, 새우, 돼지고기를넣어조리한필리핀식볶음면요리 Garlic Rice 蒜蓉炒饭갈릭라이스 Steamed Jasmine Rice 丝苗稻香饭 자스민라이스 1,

6 KOREAN SPECIALTY 韩国特色菜한식특선요리 Kimchi Fried Rice with Bacon Wok-fried rice with kimchi, bacon, and fried egg 培根泡菜炒饭培根泡菜炒饭配煎鸡蛋베이컨김치볶음밥베이컨과김치가들어간볶음밥 Bulgogi Angus beef fillet marinated in soy sauce, glass noodles, and shiitake mushrooms, served with rice 韩式酱汁牛肉汤酱油浸安格斯牛肉片, 粉絲, 香菇, 配米饭뚝배기불고기갖은야채와앵거스비프불고기 Dweji Kimchi Jjigae Spicy kimchi stew with leek, onion, tofu, and braised pork shoulder 韩式猪肉泡菜锅辣韩式泡菜, 猪肉, 韭菜, 洋葱, 豆腐汤돼지고기김치찌개돼지목살, 두부, 당면을넣어조리한김치찌개 Jjajangmyun Korean noodles with black bean sauce, pork, and vegetables 炸酱面韩国乌冬配豆酱, 猪肉, 蔬菜짜장면한국식돼지고기짜장면 Jjam Ppong Spicy noodle soup with mixed seafood and vegetables 什锦海鲜蔬菜辣汤面辣汤面配什锦海鲜, 蔬菜짬뽕해산물과채소를볶아육수로끓여낸국물에면을삶은중화면요리 Steamed Korean Rice 丝苗稻香饭쌀밥 Steamed Black Rice 蒸黑米흑미밥

7 CHINESE SPECIALTY 中式特色중식특선요리 Black Pepper Beef Tenderloin With mixed capsicum, onions, and fresh pepper 川椒爆牛柳신선한후추를가미한소고기안심을피망, 양파와함께조리한요리 1,350 Sweet and Sour Pork with Pineapple 风梨咕嚕肉파인애플과돼지고기탕수육에새콤달콤한소스를얹힌요리 650 Twice Cooked Pork Belly Slices Sichuan Style With cabbage, ginger, and spicy black bean sauce 川式五花肉사천식두번조리한삼겹살 760 Roasted Chicken With spicy garlic sesame paste 麻辣蒜香脆皮烧鸡매콤한마늘, 깨소스와함께제공되는구운닭고기요리 550 Stir-fried Kung Pao Chicken With cashew nuts, leeks, and lacquered soy sauce 宫保鸡丁쿵빠오치킨 570 Lo Han Mixed Vegetables With mushrooms 罗汉斋煲야채모듬과버섯 ( 베지테리안 ) 520 Seafood Fried Rice with XO Sauce 极醬海鲜炒饭 XO 소스를곁들인해물볶음밥 600

8 WESTERN SPECIALTY 西式特色美食서양식특선요리 Pan-fried Chilean Seabass Sun-dried tomato, white beans and chorizo fricassee, preserved lemon, and creamy clam sauce 香煎智利深海鲈鱼日晒番茄, 白豆和西班牙辣香肠, 腌柠檬, 奶油蛤蜊汁칠레산연어구이스페인식메운소시지와크리미클램소스를곁들인연어 2,400 Australian Beef Rib Eye 350gr Served with roasted tomatoes Provencal, garlic confit, broccoli, and green peppercorn sauce 澳洲肉眼 350 克所有的牛扒配烤 普罗旺斯 番茄 油封大蒜 西兰花 青胡椒호주산등심 350gr 프로방스스타일의마늘과브로컬리로고명한구운토마토와그린페퍼콘소스 2,550 Roasted Lemon Chicken Tomato sauce with sautéed yellow and red pepper, olives, and mushrooms 烤柠檬鸡番茄酱配红黄辣椒, 橄榄和蘑菇레몬치킨로스트볶은피망과올리브, 버섯이제공되는구운치킨과토마토소스 880 Fettuccini Carbonara Bacon, cream sauce, and parmesan 意大利奶油培根宽面培根 奶油 帕马森干酪페투치니까르보나라베이컨, 크림소스와파마산치즈 590

9 DESSERT 甜点디저트 Leche Flan with Coconut Macapuno compote and palm heart 椰茸蜜饯和棕榈果焦糖布丁레체플랜과코코넛마카푸노콤포트및야자열매 200 Chilled Mango Puree with Pomelo 杨枝甘露차가운망고퓨레와포멜로 250 Tiramisu Light mascarpone crème and martini rosso lady finger with premium espresso 提拉米苏淡忌廉马斯卡彭和马提尼罗索提拉米苏蛋糕티라미수마스카폰크림과말티니로소비스켓과프리미엄에스프레소 280 Freshly Sliced Fruits of the Day 时日新鲜水果오늘의생과일 320 Choose Your 2 Scoops of Sorbet and Ice Cream Madagascar Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Green Tea, Strawberry, Cookies and Cream, Caramel Crunch, Lime, Raspberry, or Mango 任选两球雪芭和雪糕马达加斯加香草, 黑巧克力, 绿茶, 草莓, 奶油饼干, 焦糖脆, 青柠, 红莓, 芒果口味선택할수있는 2 종류의셔벗또는아이스크림마다가스카바닐라, 진한쵸코렛, 녹차, 딸기, 쿠키앤크림, 크런치캬라멜, 라임, 라즈베리, 망고 260

10 COCKTAILS Manila Vice Strawberry daiquiri on top of a piña colada Bahama Mama Don Papa and coconut rums, Galliano, pineapple, orange, lime, and bitters Mango Cooler Absolut Mango Vodka, Sauvignon Blanc, apple, grapes, passion fruit, and lemon Deluxe Mojito Havana Club 3 Year Old Rum, passion fruit, lime, and mint Shiso Margarita Patron Silver Tequila, Cointreau, lime, perilla cordial, and raspberry Russian Vice Espresso Martini on top of a vodka vanilla ice cream Velvet Voodoo Patron Silver Tequila, pineapple, lime, orange curacao, apple, and bitters Botox Havana Club 7 Year Old Rum, peach, passionfruit, raspberry, and lime Casino Cooler Tanqueray Gin, Pernod, lime, pineapple, cucumber, and mint Coconut Crown Havana Club 7 Years Old Rum and Malibu Frose Sauvignon Blanc, passion fruit, and strawberry

11 CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE Moet Chandon Brut Imperial 5,875 Veuve-Cliquot Rosé 6,500 WHITE WINE GLASS BOTTLE Chardonnay, Esser USA 400 1,990 ROSÉ WINE Côtes de Provence, Château d`esclans France 2,800 BTL RED WINE GLASS BOTTLE Shiraz Beresford Australia 620 2,780 Malbec Broquel Argentina 290 1,400

12 LOCAL BOTTLED BEER San Miguel Pale Pilsen 250 San Miguel Light 250 San Miguel Super Dry 250 IMPORTED BOTTLED BEER Corona 390 Tsing Tao 390 Asahi 345 VODKA GLASS BOTTLE Absolut Blue 310 3,170 Absolut Kurant 330 4,030 Absolut Mandarin 330 4,030 Absolut Mango 330 4,030 Belvedere 550 5,880 Grey Goose 600 6,830 Grey Goose L Orange 550 5,880 Ketel One 460 4,440 Stoli Citrus 330 2,770 Stolichnaya 330 2,770

13 GIN GLASS BOTTLE Bombay Sapphire 310 3,490 Hendricks 690 8,190 Tanqueray 370 4,120 Tanqueray ,370 RUM Bacardi Superior 280 Bacardi Captain Morgan 310 Don Papa 550 Ron Zacapa 23 Years 1,090 Ron Zacapa XO 1,410 TEQUILA Patron Silver 600 Patron Reposado 640 Patron Añejo 690

14 LOCAL BOTTLED BEER San Miguel Pale Pilsen 250 San Miguel Light 250 San Miguel Super Dry 250 IMPORTED BOTTLED BEER Corona 390 Tsing Tao 390 Asahi 345 VODKA GLASS BOTTLE Absolut Blue 310 3,170 Absolut Kurant 330 4,030 Absolut Mandarin 330 4,030 Absolut Mango 330 4,030 Belvedere 550 5,880 Grey Goose 600 6,830 Grey Goose L Orange 550 5,880 Ketel One 460 4,440 Stoli Citrus 330 2,770 Stolichnaya 330 2,770

15 GIN GLASS BOTTLE Bombay Sapphire 310 3,490 Hendricks 690 8,190 Tanqueray 370 4,120 Tanqueray ,370 RUM Bacardi Superior 280 Bacardi Captain Morgan 310 Don Papa 550 Ron Zacapa 23 Years 1,090 Ron Zacapa XO 1,410 TEQUILA Patron Silver 600 Patron Reposado 640 Patron Añejo 690

16 RARE SINGLE MALT GLASS BOTTLE Bowmore, Sea Dragon Edition 30 Years Old 225,000 Glenmorangie ,040 Glenfarclas 1961, Premium Cask 309,860 Singleton Singleton 18 1,230 Singleton Signature 780 Glenfiddich Glenfiddich Glenmorangie Glenmorangie 18 1,230 Macallan 25 Years 14,210 Macallan 18 Years 3,670 Laphroaig BLENDED WHISKY Chivas Regal 12 Year Old 460 Chivas Regal 18 Year Old 910 Johnnie Walker Black Label 310 Johnnie Walker Gold Label 780 Johnnie Walker Blue Label 1,500 Johnnie Walker King George V 4,570 Royal Salute 21 Year Old 1,180 Royal Salute 38 Year Old 4,390 Canadian Club 330 Jim Beam 310 Jack Daniels 370 John Jameson 370 Suntory Yamazaki 12 2,490

17 PREMIUM COGNAC Louis XIII 20,720 COGNAC Hennessey XO 2,040 Hennessey VSOP 730 Remy Martin XO 1,770 Martel Cordon Bleu 1,680 LIQUEUR Absinthe 550 Bailey s Irish Cream 420 Drambuie 420 DOM Benedictine 400 Frangelico 420 Grand Marnier 420 Jagermeister 330 Malibu 330 Sambucca 330 Southern Comfort 330 Tequila Rose 330

18 MOCKTAILS Watermelon Smash Watermelon, lemon, mint, and honey Painless Colada Pineapple, coconut, lime, and orange 5 A-Day Apple, honey, raspberry, lemon, grape, berries, and lemonade Peach Mojito Peach nectar, mint, lime, and lemonade SODA Coke 170 Coke Light 170 Coke Zero 170 Sprite 170 Fever Tree Soda Water 190 Schweppes Tonic Water 190 Canada Dry Ginger Ale 215 ENERGY DRINK Redbull 240 MINERAL WATER Aqua Panna Still, 500ml 315 San Pellegrino Sparkling, 500ml 315

19 FRESH JUICES Watermelon 350 Melon 350 Pineapple 350 Ripe Mango 350 Green Mango 350 Lemon 350 Orange 350 CHILLED JUICES Orange 210 Pineapple 210 Ripe Mango 210 Apple 210 TEA Earl Grey 150 English Breakfast 150 Oolong 150 Jasmine 150 Peppermint 150 Chamomile 150 COFFEE Americano 140 Cappuccino 160 Café Latte 160 Espresso 160 Espresso Macchiato 160 Mochaccino 160

APPETIZER AND SALAD 餐前凉菜与沙拉에피타이져와샐러드 Caesar Salad (Vegetarian) 凯撒沙拉시저샐러드 Classic 经典클래식 With Grilled Chicken 加烤鸡구운치킨 With Marinated Prawns 加腌虾양념한새우 Wil

APPETIZER AND SALAD 餐前凉菜与沙拉에피타이져와샐러드 Caesar Salad (Vegetarian) 凯撒沙拉시저샐러드 Classic 经典클래식 With Grilled Chicken 加烤鸡구운치킨 With Marinated Prawns 加腌虾양념한새우 Wil APPETIZER AND SALAD 餐前凉菜与沙拉에피타이져와샐러드 Caesar Salad (Vegetarian) 凯撒沙拉시저샐러드 Classic 经典클래식 With Grilled Chicken 加烤鸡구운치킨 With Marinated Prawns 加腌虾양념한새우 Wild Mushroom Cream Soup Served with truffle mascarpone

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CHESS 154 CHESS154 를이용하기에앞서... 별도의공연료 ( 입장료 ) 는없습니다. 식사는 1 인 1 메뉴 를원칙으로하고있습니다. ( 코스 / 파스타 & 스테이크 ) 식사와코스요리는 9 시까지가능하며 SIDE DISH 는 테이블당 1 메뉴 를원칙으로하고있습니 CHESS 154 CHESS154 를이용하기에앞서... 별도의공연료 ( 입장료 ) 는없습니다. 식사는 1 인 1 메뉴 를원칙으로하고있습니다. ( 코스 / 파스타 & 스테이크 ) 식사와코스요리는 9 시까지가능하며 SIDE DISH 는 테이블당 1 메뉴 를원칙으로하고있습니다. 맥주와칵테일은 BAR 에서만이용가능합니다. 주류반입은불가합니다. 맡기신주류의보관기간은

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