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3 ,,,.,,. 10..

4 14 11.,,,. 12, (Rollback).. 13 RDBMS , g..

5 15. NOTE,... ht t p :/ / www. i nf opub. co. kr Microsoft Powerpoint ( ).,,.

6 1...,.

7 18 10g? DBMS(Database Management System)., DBMS 1970 RDBMS OODBMS ORDBMS. RDBMS. DBMS DBMS DBMS... DBMS. [ 1.1] DBMS.

8 Chapter DBMS DBMS,....,,... DBMS. DBMS..

9 20 10g DBMS.... (Query)... DBMS. DBMS. DBMS. DBMS DBMS. SQL. SQL 1980 ISO. RDBMS SQL 4. (DDL). DBMS. (DCL)..

10 Chapter 1 21 (DML), DML. DML INSERT( ), UPDATE( ) DELETE( ). (Query) SQL. Select. DBMS (DDL) (Create Table), (Alter Table) (Drop Table). (DCL) (Grant) (Revoke). DBMS SQL. DBMS(RDBMS) 1970 E.F.Codd RDBMS. RDBMS IBM DB2 RDBMS. DBMS DBMS RDBMS. RDBMS, MS SQL,, DB2... DBMS., DBMS. DBMS ObjectStore, Open ODB Versant DBMS Universal Server. DBMS. RDBMS..

11 22 10g V V IBM DB2 V V IBM UDB V V ASE V ASIQ V V MS MSSQL V V NCR TERADATA V DBMS,... (Software).. WAS(Web Application Server).

12 Chapter [ 1.2],,, WAS DBMS..., /.,,,,. DBMS.

13 24 10g 1.3 [ 1.3].....

14 Chapter 1 25? (Larry Ellison) (Bob Miner) (Ed Oates). DBMS. 100,. DBMS.. Windows. 7, 8, 8i, 9i 10g 8i, 9i., g

15 26 10g. 8i 9i, (Release) 2 10g. 1.4 [ 1.4]. (Oracle Enterprise Edition). (Oracle Standard Edition),. (Oracle Personal Edition). (Oracle Lite Edition),.

16 Chapter 1 27, (Flashback Table) (Query Rewrite) DBMS Insert, Delete Update DBMS. 3. DBMS? 4. DBMS? 5. 4.

17 2..., Windows.

18 30 10g 2. 1.,.. [ 2.1]..

19 Chapter 2 31 Windows,.. Windows. CP U 64Bit 1GB 512MB 3GB 140MB Itaninum2 32Bit 256MB GB 100MB 200 Mhz. 2 2GB 1 2. Linux (x86) 32/ 64Bit Linux (Itanium) Sun (x86) 2. 5GB 32/ 64Bit 32/ 64Bit Sun (SPARC) 2 64Bit HP (PA-RISC) HP (Itanium) 512 MB 3. 5GB 400MB 64Bit 64Bit HP (Tru64) 4GB 32/ 64Bit IBM AIX 2 2GB 4GB 64Bit.

20 32 10g / tmp,., Windows. Windows 32 Windows 64 Windows NT Server 4. 0 Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4. 0 Windows 2000 Service pack1 ( Edition) Windows server 2003 Windows XP Professional Windows XP 64bit Edition Version Windows Server 2003 Data center Edition for 64Bit Itanium2 Systems Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition for 64Bit Iatanium2 Systems Windows..

21 Chapter 2 33 Enterprise Linux ES/ AS 2.1(Update 3 ) Ente rprise Linux ES/ AS 3 (Update 1 ) errata 34 (e. 34) Linux (x86) make openmotif gcc gcc-c libstdc glibc gcc gcc-c glibc make openmottif setarch compat-db compat-gcc compat-gcc-c compat-libstdc compat-libstdc++-devel errata 37 (e. 37) Linux (Itanium) Linux (x86) libaio-devel gcc gcc-c glibc make openmotif setarch compat-db compat-gcc compat-gcc-c compat-libstdc compat-libstdc++-devel Windows...

22 34 10g, cat / etc/ issue uname - r rqm -q package_name. > c at / et c / i s sue Red Hat Li nux Adv anc ed Se r v e r r e l e as e 2. 1AS/ \ m (Pen s ac ol a ) > un ame - r e. 40ent e r p r i s e > r pm - q gcc gcc Sun OS. S UN(x86 ) S UN(S PARC) Sun OS 5. 9 Sun OS 5. 8 SunOS 5. 9 SUNWarc SUNWlibms SUNWilof SUNWbtool SUNWsprot SUNWilcs SUNWhea SUNWil5cs SUNWlibm SUNWtoo SUNWxwfnt SUNWarc SUNWlibms SUNWilof SUNWbtool SUNWsprot SUNWilcs SUNWhea SUNWil5cs SUNWlibm SUNWtoo SUNWxwfnt SUNsprox

23 Chapter 2 35 S UN(x86 ) , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : Shared library patch for C , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : Math Library (libm) patch , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : Kernel Patch , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : linker Patch , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : Patch for assembler , SunOS 5. 9_x86 : ps utility patch S UN(S PARC) # Sun OS , SunOS 5. 8 : kernel update patch , X : Xsun patch , SunOS 5. 8 : IIIM and XI/ ) Method patch , CDE 1. 4 : dtwm patch , Motif and : Runtime lib patch for Solaris , SunOS 5. 8 : Patch for patcheadd and patchrm , / usr/ kernel/ sys/ acctctl & /... / exacctsys patch , SunOS 5. 8 : LDAP2 client, libc, libthread... lib. patch , SunOS 5. 8 : linker patch , SunOS 5. 8 : RBAC Feature Patch , SunOS 5. 8 : / kernel/ fs/ mntfs and... sparcv9/ mntfs , SunOS 5. 8 : / usr/ bin/ nawk patch , SunOS 5. 8 : / usr/ lib/ libmtmalloc. so. 1 patch , SunOS 5. 8 : / usr/ lib/ libdhcpagent. so. 1 patch , SunOS 5. 8 : / usr/ bin/ fgrep patch , SunOS 5. 8 : Math Library (libm) patch , SunOS 5. 8 : Unable to load fontest in 64-bit Solaris 8 iso- 1 or iso , SunOS 5. 8 : / usr/ bin/ domainname patch# SunOS # Sun OS , SunOS 5. 9: Kernel Patch : SunOS 5. 9 : Math Library (libm) patch

24 36 10g Sun OS,.. Sun OS uname - r pkginfo - i grep package_name package_name / usr/ sbin/ patchadd -p grep patch_number. > un ame - r 5. 8 > p kgi n f o - i SUNWhe a sy s t em SUNWh e a SunOS He ade r Fi l e s > p kgi n f o - i SUNWar c SUNWbt ool sy s t em SUNWa r c Ar ch i ve Li b r ar i e s sy s t em SUNWb t ool CCS t ool s bundl e d wi t h SunOS > / u s r / sb i n / p at ch add - p g r ep Pat ch : Ob s ol et e s : Requ i r e s : I n comp at i b l e s : Pac kage s : SUNWc s l SUNWc s l x SUNWc s r SUNWc s t l SUNWc s t l x SUNWc su SUNWhe a HP-UX. HP (Tru64 ) HP (PA- RISC) HP (Itanium) HP Tru64 UNIX V5. 1B OS Subset :OSFCMPLRS, OSFLIBA, OSFPGMR, OSESER, OSFX11 HP-UX 11i(11. 11) PA-RISC HP-UX 11i Quality Pack (GOLDQPK11i), June 2003 HP-UX 11iv2 (11. 23)

25 Chapter 2 37 HP (Tru64 ) HP (PA- RISC) HP (Itanium) T64V51BB22AS T64KIT V51BB22-E PHCO_28123 PHKL_29198 PHNE_28476 PHNE_28923 PHSS_28871 PHSS_28880 PHCO_26331 PHCO_29109 PHKL_25468 PHKL_25842 PHKL_25993 PHKL_25994 PHKL_25995 PHKL_26468 PHKL_28489 PHSS_29658 PHSS_29660 Java SDK HP-UX / usr/ sbin/ sizer -v (Tru64) uname -a (PA- RISC,Itanium) / usr/ sbin/ dupatch -track -type kit (True 64) / usr/ sbin/ swlist - l patch grep patch_name (PA-RISC, Itanium) Quality / usr/ sbin/ swlist - l bundle grep GOLD (PA-RISC) (S ubset) / usr/ sdbin/ setld - i grep subset_name (True 64). > un ame - a HP- UX CTAS B U 9000/ > / u s r / sb i n / swl i s t - l bundl e gr ep GOLD Qua l i t y GOLDAPPS11i B Gol d App l i c at i on s Pat che s f or HP- UX 11i v 1, June 2004 GOLDBASE11i B Gol d Bas e Pat che s f o r HP- UX 11i v 1, June 2004

26 38 10g > u s r / sb i n / swl i s t - l p at ch gr ep PHNE_ PHNE_ LAN-RUN 1. 0 Ne t wor ki ng.lan-run app l i ed PHNE_ LAN2-KRN 1. 0 Net wor ki ng.lan2-krn app l i e d IBM AIX. APARs AIX5L version 5. 2 maintenance level 1 fileset: bos. adt. base, bos. adt. lib, bos. adt. libm, bos. perf. libperfstat, bos. perf. perfstat, bos. perf. proctools IY43980: libperfstat. h not ANSI-compliant IY44810: DSI IN BMRECYCLE IY45462: Definition of isnan () in match. h incorrect IY45707: J2 READAAHEAD/ CIO INTERACTION IY46214: droppping partial connections leaves them on so_q0 IY46605: exec of 32 bit application can fail on 64 bit kernel IY48525: SDK BIT SR1:CA IY51801: race condition in aio_nwait_timeout APARS Authorized Problem Analysis Reports.. IBM AIX oslevel - r (Fileset) lslpp - l fileset_name, fileset_name APARS / usr/ sbin/ instfix - i -k "apars_name apars_name ". > os l eve l - r

27 Chapter 2 39 IBM AIX > l s l pp - l bos. adt.b a s e Fi l e s e t Leve l St at e De s c r i p t i on Pat h : / u s r / l i b / ob j r epos bos. adt.b as e APPLI ED Bas e App l i c at i on Deve l opment Tool ki t > / u s r / sb i n / i n s t f i x - i - k " I Y " APARS Al l f i l e s et s f or I Y we r e f ound... Windows.. semmsl 250 semmns semopm 100 / proc/ sys/ kernel/ sem semmni 128 shmall / proc/ sys/ kernel/ shmall shmmax 1/ 2 / proc/ sys/ kernel/ symmax shmmni 4096 / proc/ sys/ kernel/ shmmni file-max / proc/ sys/ fs/ file-max ip_local_port_range / proc/ sys/ net/ ipv4/ ip_local_port_range..

28 40 10g. semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni shmall, shmmax, shmmni file-max ip_locakl_port_range / sbin/ sysctl -a grep sem / sbin/ sysctl -a grep shm / sbin/ sysctl -a grep file-max / sbin/ sysctl -a grep ip_local_port_range. 1. / etc/ sysctl.conf 2. / sbin/ sysctl -p. > / sb i n / sy s c t l - a g r ep shm ke r ne l. shmmn i = ke r ne l. shma l l = ke r ne l. shmmax = > v i / e t c / sy s ct l. con f ke r ne l. shma l l = ke r ne l. shmmax = ke r ne l. shmmn i = 4096 v i > / sb i n / sy s c t l - p net. i pv 4. i p_ f orwa r d = 0 net. i pv 4. con f. de f au l t. r p_ f i l t e r = 1 ke r ne l. sy s r q = 0 ke r ne l. shma l l = ke r ne l. shmmax = ke r ne l. shmmn i = 4096

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