레이아웃 1

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3 Reason for Passion

4 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

5 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

6 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

7 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

8 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

9 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

10 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

11 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

12 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

13 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

14 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan



17 Global Youngsan 033 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

18 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Global Youngsan University of Hawaii California State University, Fresno George Mason University American Film Institute State University of New York University of Hawaii, Hilo Kentucky State University University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of North Carolina at Pembroke Florida International University South Baylo University Texas Tech University Texas Chiropractic College Tianjin University of Commerce Beijing Institute of Business Yanbian University Shanghai Teachers University Jinan University China University of Political Science & Law Tianjin Teachers University Harbin University of Commerce Anyang engineering institute Linyi Engineering University Shanghai University of Sport The National Academy of Theatre Arts Changchun University of Technology Xiangtan University Heilongjiang University Cambridge Institute Linyi Normal University Northeast Dianli University Fudan University University for Science & Technology, Beijing Beijing Hanlin University Beijing Chinese School Vocational Education Department of Commerce Guangdong Literature & Art Vocational College Beijing Foreign Affairs University of Economy Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Shandpng United University Yunnan University Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Central South University Zaozhauang University Dalian Vocational College of Translation Hanoi Community College Nam Dinh Industrial College Foreign Trade University Hanoi Law University Vietnam National University of Social Sciences & Humanities Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages & Information Technology Lachong University Hanoi University of Culture Binh Duong University Korea-Vietnam Industrial Technology College Hongbang University University of Dalat Hue University(College of Foreign Languages) State University of Jakarta Universitas Padjadjaran Udayana University Universitas Komputer Indonesia Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Fukuoka University Kobe Kaisei College Kyushu International University Fukuoka University Kyushu University Kyushu Institute of Technology Fukuoka University of Education Fukuoka University of Economics Fukuoka Woman s University Fukuoka dental college Fukuoka International University The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing Nakamura Gakuen University Chikushi Jogakuen University Kurume University Seinan Gakuin University SRM Institute of Science and Technology University of Lucknow The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University The West Bengal National Univ. of Juridical Sciences The University of Madras Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce (University of Delhi) International University Far Eastern National University National University of Tainan China Medical University Royal University of Phnom Penh Mirriam College Columban College Virgen Delos Remedios College Lyceum of The Philippines University Singapore Polytechnic Institute Nanyang Polytechnic Stellenbosch University Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology Epitech Mongolia International University Netherlands Shipping and Transport College Korea University of the Sunshine Coast Limkokwing University Multimedia University University of Malaya Yeditepe University Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina De Negocios Universidade Estadual Paulista Karlshochschule International University Universidad UNIACC Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Universite De Kinshasa Institut Superieur d'informatique Programmation et Analyse Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

19 Dynamic Youngsan 037 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Dynamic Youngsan

20 Dynamic Youngsan 039 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Dynamic Youngsan

21 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

22 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

23 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

24 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

25 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

26 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

27 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Inside Youngsan YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Department Intormation 054 College of Foreign Languages 059 College of Hotel & Tourism Management 066 College of Culture Industry 075 College of Engineering 081 College of Law College of Law & Business College of Physical Education College of Health Science School of Undeclared Majors

28 Inside Youngsan 055 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


30 Inside Youngsan 059 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


32 Inside Youngsan 063 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

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36 Inside Youngsan 071 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


38 Inside Youngsan 075 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY



41 Inside Youngsan 081 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

42 Inside Youngsan 083 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

43 Inside Youngsan 085 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

44 Inside Youngsan 087 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

45 Inside Youngsan 089 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

46 Inside Youngsan 091 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

47 Inside Youngsan 093 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


49 찾아오시는 길 찾아오시는 길 자 가 용 이용 자 가 용 이용 경부고속도로 서울-부산방향 울산I.C 출발 : 울산I.C 부산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약 25분 소요 노포동지하철역 (고속버스종합터미널) 출발 : 노포동지하철역 울산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약 25분 소요 부산 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 출발 : 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 약 20분 소요 일반버스 이용 부산 방면 / 129 / / 189 / / 183 일반버스 이용 부산 방면 301 / 1002 / 2100 / 2300 / 1127 / 58 도시철도 이용 부산 지하철 4호선 : 영산대역(아랫반송)에서 하차 울산 방면 2100 / 2300 / 704 / 714 / 1127 / 1137 양산 방면 57 도시고속도로 기장 방면 183 반여농산물도매시장 기장방향 영산대학교(부산캠퍼스)

50 Real Mentor


52 Reason for Passion

53 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

54 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

55 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

56 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

57 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

58 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

59 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

60 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

61 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

62 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan

63 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Promising Youngsan



66 Global Youngsan 033 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

67 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Global Youngsan University of Hawaii California State University, Fresno George Mason University American Film Institute State University of New York University of Hawaii, Hilo Kentucky State University University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of North Carolina at Pembroke Florida International University South Baylo University Texas Tech University Texas Chiropractic College Tianjin University of Commerce Beijing Institute of Business Yanbian University Shanghai Teachers University Jinan University China University of Political Science & Law Tianjin Teachers University Harbin University of Commerce Anyang engineering institute Linyi Engineering University Shanghai University of Sport The National Academy of Theatre Arts Changchun University of Technology Xiangtan University Heilongjiang University Cambridge Institute Linyi Normal University Northeast Dianli University Fudan University University for Science & Technology, Beijing Beijing Hanlin University Beijing Chinese School Vocational Education Department of Commerce Guangdong Literature & Art Vocational College Beijing Foreign Affairs University of Economy Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Shandpng United University Yunnan University Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Central South University Zaozhauang University Dalian Vocational College of Translation Hanoi Community College Nam Dinh Industrial College Foreign Trade University Hanoi Law University Vietnam National University of Social Sciences & Humanities Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages & Information Technology Lachong University Hanoi University of Culture Binh Duong University Korea-Vietnam Industrial Technology College Hongbang University University of Dalat Hue University(College of Foreign Languages) State University of Jakarta Universitas Padjadjaran Udayana University Universitas Komputer Indonesia Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Fukuoka University Kobe Kaisei College Kyushu International University Fukuoka University Kyushu University Kyushu Institute of Technology Fukuoka University of Education Fukuoka University of Economics Fukuoka Woman s University Fukuoka dental college Fukuoka International University The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing Nakamura Gakuen University Chikushi Jogakuen University Kurume University Seinan Gakuin University SRM Institute of Science and Technology University of Lucknow The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University The West Bengal National Univ. of Juridical Sciences The University of Madras Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce (University of Delhi) International University Far Eastern National University National University of Tainan China Medical University Royal University of Phnom Penh Mirriam College Columban College Virgen Delos Remedios College Lyceum of The Philippines University Singapore Polytechnic Institute Nanyang Polytechnic Stellenbosch University Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology Epitech Mongolia International University Netherlands Shipping and Transport College Korea University of the Sunshine Coast Limkokwing University Multimedia University University of Malaya Yeditepe University Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina De Negocios Universidade Estadual Paulista Karlshochschule International University Universidad UNIACC Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Universite De Kinshasa Institut Superieur d'informatique Programmation et Analyse Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

68 Dynamic Youngsan 037 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Dynamic Youngsan

69 Dynamic Youngsan 039 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Dynamic Youngsan

70 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

71 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

72 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

73 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

74 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

75 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Power YOUNGSAN-in Special Interview

76 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Inside Youngsan YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY Department Intormation 054 College of Foreign Languages 059 College of Hotel & Tourism Management 066 College of Culture Industry 075 College of Engineering 081 College of Law College of Law & Business College of Physical Education College of Health Science School of Undeclared Majors

77 Inside Youngsan 055 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


79 Inside Youngsan 059 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY


81 Inside Youngsan 063 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

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90 Inside Youngsan 081 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

91 Inside Youngsan 083 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

92 Inside Youngsan 085 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

93 Inside Youngsan 087 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY

94 Inside Youngsan 089 YOUNGSAN UNIVERSITY




98 찾아오시는 길 찾아오시는 길 자 가 용 이용 일반버스 이용 자 가 용 이용 경부고속도로 서울-부산방향 울산I.C 출발 : 울산I.C 부산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약 25분 소요 노포동지하철역 (고속버스종합터미널) 출발 : 노포동지하철역 울산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약 25분 소요 부산 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 출발 : 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 약 20분 소요 일반버스 이용 부산 방면 / 129 / / 189 / / 183 부산 방면 301 / 1002 / 2100 / 2300 / 1127 / 58 도시철도 이용 부산 지하철 4호선 : 영산대역(아랫반송)에서 하차 울산 방면 2100 / 2300 / 704 / 714 / 1127 / 1137 양산 방면 57 도시고속도로 기장 방면 183 반여농산물도매시장 기장방향 영산대학교(부산캠퍼스)

99 Real Mentor

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