wisd Ko-5(176)
- 하룡 설
- 6 years ago
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1 실험실과연구실이스마트해집니다. 연구 / 실험에사용되는장비들은적게는서너가지에서십수가지가됩니다. 지금까지연구원들은제한된연구인력과시간으로여러장비를일일이둘러보며확인해야했고, 휴일과자유시간도반납한채연구실에서대부분을보냈습니다. 이는보다정확한연구 / 실험결과를얻어야하는연구원들에게는피할수없는불편함이였으며동시에연구환경개선을위해이같은불편함을개선할확실한답을찾지못하고있었습니다. 하지만... 이제! 세계최초의 Smart-Lab TM System 이연구환경의패러다임을바꿔드립니다! 6
2 Smart-Lab TM Equipments 원격제어 / 모니터링 : 시간과장소에제약없이실험가능 직관적인인터페이스 : 매뉴얼이없이도쉽게장비사용 안전한연구활동 : 장비이상자가진단및실시간원격알림서비스 7
3 세계최초 Smart-Lab TM System SmartLab TM System Maximum Convenience by Advanced Digital Technology Smart-Lab TM System Smart -Lab TM System 으로 내손안의연구 / 실험장비 를체험하세요! 마치, 주머니속의 Smart -Phone 처럼..! 어느곳에서도연구실험을진행할수있습니다. 어느누구라도쉽게기기를활용할수있습니다. 어느상황에서도연구실험이중단되는일이없습니다. No Button. No Knob. Simply Touch!! DAIHAN SMART line of Lab Equipments with Full Touch Screen Controller and Internet Connectivity!! Smart-Lab TM Controller 4 인치또는 7 인치풀터치스크린 TFT LCD 채용 직관적으로사용할수있는화면디자인 그래프형식의 Data 디스플레이 다양한 Pattern 과 Segments 를설정하여실험가능 보관 Sample 의위치기록및메모가능 (ULT Freezer) USB port 로데이터백업및컨트롤러프로그램업데이트가능 장비의이상상태를자가진단 WiFi 를통한인터넷연결가능 WiRe TM App & Web Service ㄜ대한과학만의특화된 Web 기반서비스 실험장비를원격으로모니터링및제어가능 장비의이상상태를실시간으로사용자및서비스센터로전송 안드로이드와애플 IOS 에서사용가능한 App. 제공 모든 PC, Labtop 및 MAC 에서사용가능 HTML 을기반으로모든 Web Browser 지원 Touch Screen Controller 와같은 UI 가장착된장비는 WiRe TM 서비스이용가능. 8
4 연구 / 실험실을혁신시키고진화시키는기능! Smart -Lab TM controller Smart-Lab TM Equipment에기본적용된 Smart-Lab TM Controller에는자가진단, 데이터기록, 스토리지등연구 / 실험장비에서볼수없던다양한혁신기술이적용되었습니다. Smart-Lab TM controller를 WiFi에연결후스마트폰, 스마트패드, PC 등을이용하면언제어디서나쉽고빠르게연구 / 실험실의장비들을확인하고제어할수있습니다. SmartLab TM System Ergonomic Screen Design 4 inch 또는 7 inch 풀터치스크린 TFT LCD 채용 매뉴얼없이도사용가능한직관적이고쉬운화면디자인 버튼, 스위치, 노브가사라진유려한외관 Main screen에대표기능 / 상태가표시되어손쉬운사용및상태확인가능 ULT Freezer의 Storage Management와같은각장비별 Application에적합한유용한기능부가 Automatic Data Recording 고해상도의 Graphic display로 Data를확인가능 화면에서온도기록그래프를확인할수있으며 Zoom-in 과 Zoom-out 가능 기록된데이터를 USB 에저장해서 PC 에서확인가능 간단한터치만으로온도, 시간및기타변수를설정함. Program Control 장비를재설정없이미리설정해놓은다양한조건으로자동작동됨. 무한대에가까운 Patterns과 Segments 셋팅가능. 장비동작전에 Preview기능으로입력되어진다양한 Pattern을그래프로확인가능. 새로운 Pattern의추가가용이해서다수의 Pattern을쉽게입력가능함 Self Diagnostic Function 전원에러, 센서에러등이상동작을스스로진단 중요부품들의동작이상시조기검출 : 냉동 / 냉장시스템의냉각능력저하및온도부적합문제등을사전에예방하고조치가능 ( 타사제품의경우고장후단순알림기능수준 ) 이상상태발견시신속한대처가능 : WiRe TM 서비스를통해장비와동작환경의조기검출된이상상태를실시간으로사용자, 장비공급자, AS 담당기사에게통보 Internet Connectivity with WiFi WiFi를통하여인터넷연결가능 WiRe TM App & Web Service : Smart phone, Tablet, 또는 Web을이용해서실시간으로연구 / 실험장비를원격제어, 모니터링가능. 9
5 세계최초 Smart-Lab TM System SmartLab TM System Maximum Convenience by Advanced Digital Technology Smart-Lab TM System 세계속의 Smart -Lab TM System 으로재탄생, 특징 ( 주 ) 대한과학만의진보된 Web 기반의서비스 모든 PC, Laptop 및 MAC 에서사용가능함. 당신의연구실험실의혁신을넘은진화를약속합니다. WiRe TM App & web Service는실험장비를인터넷에연결하여진행중이던연구 / 실험에대해원격으로장비를직접제어하며언제어디서나실험의모니터링, 분석, 공유가가능합니다. 즉, 어떤상황에서도연구 / 실험이멈추거나중단되는일이없습니다. 장비의특정결함및적정동작상태를벗어나는이상동작발생시조기검출은물론실시간으로이상동작내용을서버에전송하여담당자의빠른조치와함께필요할경우대한과학 AS 센터의신속한서비스까지받을수있습니다. 이제, WiRe TM App & web Service를통해누구보다편리하고안전하게신뢰할수있는연구 / 실험을진행하세요. 실험장비가진보된첨단 IT 기술기반의 WiRe TM App & Web service 와만나 연구원여러분의소중한잃어버린시간을찾아드립니다! HTML 을기반으로모든종류의 Web browser 지원 안드로이드와애플 IOS 에서사용가능한 App 제공 Touch Screen Controller 와같은동일한 UI 가장착되어진장비는 WiRe TM 서비스이용가능 Smart Phone DAIHAN Service Cloud WiRe TM App & Web Service Pad Lab Laptop App Remote Control System 10
6 WiRe TM Remote Control System App 이설치된모든스마트폰, 스마트패드및 Web 을통한데스크탑, 노트북, MAC 등을이용하여언제어디서나시간과장소에제약을받지않고 Smart-Lab TM Equipment의모니터링및제어가가능합니다. SmartLab TM System Device Settings and User Registration DAIHAN Smart-Lab TM Equipment는다수의사용자등록이가능합니다. ( 등록방식 ) 다중사용자등록 : 하나의장비를여러사용자가원격실시간모니터링및제어가가능할뿐만아니라여러장비를한명의사용자가원격으로실시간모니터링및제어가능합니다. Self Diagnostic Function 자가진단시스템은장비의특정결함및적정동작상태를벗어나는이상동작발생시이것을조기검출하고실시간으로 ( 주 ) 대한과학의서버에전송하며서버에전송된내용은서비스센터로보고되게됩니다. 서비스센터는이런문제내용을확인해서냉동 / 냉장시스템의약냉현상혹은온도부적합문제등을사전에예방조치함으로써사용자가안전한실험환경을유지하여정확한실험결과를얻을수있도록합니다. 이상동작리포트 이상동작리포트 DAIHAN Service Cloud DAIHAN Service 서비스센터 Center 사전예방조치서비스 이상동작발생상황 Freezer Smart-Lab TM System Equipment lines 실험장비제품군 ThermoStable TM SIG- / SIF-Series of General Purpose Incubators ( 배양기 ) P.138~139 / 142~143 ThermoStable TM SIR-Series of Low Temperature Incubators ( 저온배양기 ) P.158~159 ThermoStable TM SON- / SOF-Series of General Purpose Ovens ( 건조기 ) P.178~179 / 182~183 ThermoStable TM SOV-Series of Vacuum Ovens ( 진공건조기 ) P.190 ThermoStable TM GC-Series of Growth Chambers ( 식물생장상 ) P.56~57 / 160~161 SimpleFreez TM & DuoFreez TM -Series of Ultra Low Temperature Freezers ( 초저온냉동고 ) P.200~215 SMART Refrigerated Bath Circulators ( 저온순환조 ) 출시예정 SMART Shaking Incubators ( 진탕배양기 ) 출시예정 SMART Temp. & Humidity Chambers ( 항온항습기 ) 출시예정 SMART Cold Lab Chambers ( 저온냉장고 ) 출시예정 11
7 Ov Ovens, Gravity Convection-type, DAIHAN-brand Articles Cat. No Description DAIHAN ThermoStable TM SON SMART Ovens, Gravity Convection-type, 32-/50-/105-/155 Lit. with Smart-Lab TM Controller, 4 Full Touch Screen, Fuzzy-PID Control, WiRe TM Service, with Certi. & Traceability, up to 230, ±0.5 스마트자연대류식정밀건조기 / 오븐, 우수한온도정확성 / 균일성, WiRe TM 서비스, 4인치풀터치스크린조절기 NEW inch Smart-Lab TM Controller 2-Year Warranty Standard Model, ThermoStable SON-105 Pre-Heating Zone The Best Temp. Uniformity & Accuracy by High Performance Heating Mechanism (Gravity Convection-type) See page 6 ~ 11 for the Feature of Smart-Lab System < 다음 Page 에계속 > Heater Display of Smart-Lab TM Controller with Certificate & Traceability : Controlled by Serial Number, Certificate, Delivery-information, and Traceable Data Base System Digital Fuzzy Control System Implementing Superior Temperature Accuracy Optimized Air Flow by Gravity Convection Mechanism Smart-Lab TM Controller CE Certified UL/CUL Certified GD(Good Design)-mark PL(Product Liability) Insurance Suitable for Drying, Baking, Conditioning, Curing, Pre-Heating and Aging The Best Temp. Uniformity & Accuracy by High Performance Heating Mechanism : 3-Side Heating Optimized Air Flow by Gravity Convection Ergonomic Design 4 Full Touch Screen TFT LCD(Smart-Lab TM Controller) WiRe TM App & Web Service. Automatic Data Recording Self-Diagnostic Function Internet Connectivity with WiFi Variable Program Setting for Multiple Patterns with Multiple Segments The Recorded Data could be transferred to PC by USB memory Controller SW can be upgraded through USB port. Compact New Body Design 2ea of Stainless steel Wire Shelves Included RS232C Interface for Monitoring and Controlling with PC Ambient to 230 of Temp. Range, Fluctuation of ±0.5 at 100 Corrosion Resistant 304 Stainless steel Chamber Over Temperature & Over Current Protection, Sensor Error Detection Specification Standard Model ThermoStable SON SON-105 SON-155 Model SON-32 SON-50 Window Model SON-W105 SON-W155 Capacity 32Lit 50Lit 105Lit 155Lit Dimension Interior (mm) (w d h) Exterior (mm) Heater Power 500 W 650 W 1.4 kw 1.6 kw Range Ambient Temperature +5 to 230 ± 0.5 at 100, Fluctuation ± 0.5 at 100, ± 0.6 at 150 Temp. ± 0.8 at 150 Variation ± 1.2 at 100, ± 2.2 at 150 Sensor PT 100 Control Resolution ±0.1 Heat-up Time Recovery Time (Door open 30sec) Controller RS232 Port Display Timer Material 30 min. to 100, 43 min. to min. to 100, 10 min. to 150 * Other Specifications are available upon Customer s Request. 30 min. to 100, 45 min. to min. to 100, 10 min. to 150 Smart-Lab TM Controller Available to connect with PC 4 Full Touch Screen TFT LCD 99hr 59 min (delay/continuous function) Internal Stainless steel (#304) External Powder Coated steel Insulation Glass Wool 표시가격은 VAT 별도의권장소비자가로변동될수있으며, - Sci.com 상의가격이기준임. NEW 35 min. to 100, 50 min. to 150 Shelves 2ea of Teflon-coated steel Wire Shelves included, Load per Shelf : 16 kg Ventilation Ventilation hole with Stainless steel Cap, Hole Diameter 40mm 1ea 2ea Circulation Gravity Convection Type Safety device Over Temp. and Over Current Protector, Sensor Error Detector UL/CUL Certified, CE Certified, GD-mark Others Storage Function (Temp. and Time) Locking Mode (Jog-Dial Input Disabled) Alarm (Error Status and Timer-end) Net Weight (kg) Packing Size (w d h) (mm) , ,133 Shipping Weight (kg) Power Consumption 502 W 674 W 1390 W 1566 W Energy Consumption, at 100 C 90 Wh 117 Wh 187 Wh 204 Wh, at 150 C 181 Wh 230 Wh 337 Wh 398 Wh Power Supply 120V, 60Hz or 230V, 50/60Hz
8 Ovens, Gravity Convection-type, DAIHAN-brand Cat. No Description Articles Ov 앞페이지 <DAIHAN ThermoStable TM SON SMART Ovens, Gravity Convection-type 에서계속... > Ordering Information Standard Model, Gravity/Natural Flow, with Wire Shelves Ea. Price, \ DH.SWON05032 Oven, Standard, 230V, 32 Lit., ThermoStable SON-32 1,122,000 DH.SWON05050 Oven, Standard, 230V, 50 Lit., ThermoStable SON-50 1,309,000 DH.SWON05105 Oven, Standard, 230V, 105 Lit., ThermoStable SON-105 1,517,000 DH.SWON05155 Oven, Standard, 230V, 155 Lit., ThermoStable SON-155 1,734,000 DH.SWON06032 Oven, Standard, 120V, 32 Lit., ThermoStable SON-32 1,122,000 DH.SWON06050 Oven, Standard, 120V, 50 Lit., ThermoStable SON-50 1,309,000 DH.SWON06105 Oven, Standard, 120V, 105 Lit., ThermoStable SON-105 1,517,000 DH.SWON06155 Oven, Standard, 120V, 155 Lit., ThermoStable SON-155 1,734,000 Built in Viewing Window Model, Gravity/Natural Flow, with Wire Shelves Ea. Price, \ DH.SWON07105 Oven, Window, 230V, 105 Lit., ThermoStable SON-W105 1,517,000 DH.SWON07155 Oven, Window, 230V, 155 Lit., ThermoStable SON-W155 1,734,000 DH.SWON08105 Oven, Window, 120V, 105 Lit., ThermoStable SON-W105 1,517,000 DH.SWON08155 Oven, Window, 120V, 155 Lit., ThermoStable SON-W155 1,734,000 Spare Wire Shelves, Stainless steel DH.WON11032 Wire Shelf, for 32 Lit., ONS032, w280 d280mm 23,630 DH.WON11050 Wire Shelf, for 50 Lit., ONS050, w340 d310mm 27,630 DH.WON11105 Wire Shelf, for 105 Lit., ONS105, w455 d375mm 31,630 DH.WON11155 Wire Shelf, for 155 Lit., ONS155, w520 d440mm 35,630 Validation (IQ, OQ) Service 운임약 \ 25,000 별도! Ea. Price, \ Ea. Price, \ DH.SWON31032 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV1032, for SON-32 문의요함 DH.SWON31050 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV1050, for SON-50 문의요함 DH.SWON31105 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV1105, for SON-105 문의요함 DH.SWON31155 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV1155, for SON-155 문의요함 DH.SWON32105 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV2105, for SON-W105 문의요함 DH.SWON32155 Validation Service(IQ, OQ), SONV2155, for SON-W155 문의요함 2-Year Warranty NEW Window Model, ThermoStable SON-W105 DAIHAN WiRe TM App & Web Service Wire Shelves, Stainless steel (Included) Smart-Lab TM Controller 를 WiFi 를통해인터넷에연결후스마트폰, 스마트패드, PC 등을이용하면언제어디서나장비를확인하고제어할수있습니다. 4 Full Touch Screen TFT LCD (Smart-Lab TM Controller) See page 6 ~ 11 for the Feature of Smart-Lab System WiRe TM App & Web Service Sales : by the Nearest Distributors Call Center 본사 : , 대전 :
wisd Ko-4(132)
실험실과연구실이스마트해집니다. 연구 / 실험에사용되는장비들은적게는서너가지에서십수가지가됩니다. 지금까지연구원들은제한된연구인력과시간으로여러장비를일일이둘러보며확인해야했고, 휴일과자유시간도반납한채연구실에서대부분을보냈습니다. 이는보다정확한연구 / 실험결과를얻어야하는연구원들에게는피할수없는불편함이였으며동시에연구환경개선을위해이같은불편함을개선할확실한답을찾지못하고있었습니다.
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