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1 전기식지시저울의교정방법 정진완, 이성준, 김광표 기반표준부역학그룹
2 전기식지시저울의불확도향상모델및유효성평가프로그램개발 1) 연구개발의필요성 산업현장에서전기식지시저울의수요가증가, 측정능력향상 측정불확도의향상이요구 기존절차서는사용범위에관계없이저울의최대불확도를적용 산업현장에서최대용량에서는거의사용하고있지않음 실제측정한범위에서의불확도산출을위한모델의개발이시급 의약분야등에서불확도의중요도가인식, 측정클럽의워크숍과운영위원회, KRISS 질량측정전문가과정교육등에서계속문제제기 일본, 독일등에서는이와관련된방법을개발하여활용하고있는실정
3 전기식지시저울의불확도향상모델및유효성평가프로그램개발 2) 목표및내용 연구개발목표 전기식지시저울교정절차서및유효성평가프로그램개발 연구개발내용및범위 절차서모델개발 유효성평가프로그램개발및보급 교정기관 (5 개이상 ) 진단및개선 3) 추진전략및방법 현장교정을통한문제점진단및평가 현장환경에적합한모델및 User friendly한평가프로그램개발 모델및프로그램의현장적용시험및보완활동 교정기관에공개배포및현장활용
4 전기식지시저울의불확도향상모델및유효성평가프로그램개발 4) 예상결과물 국내국가교정기관 (15개기관이상 ) 의저울측정능력진단결과 저울측정능력진단결과를기반으로한문제점해결및지원결과 고객 ( 산업체등 ) 만족도달성조사표 전기식지시저울교정절차서 1 편 측정클럽 workshop 개최시결과발표및의견수렴을통한정보확산 2회 기술서절차서 불확도교정주기현장용표준기 CRM 프로그램 결과물
5 표준불확도 A 형표준불확도 u A = s n B 형표준불확도 B 2 N u = u + u 2 ba - 표준분동의불확도 (u N ) - 저울의불확도 ( u ba )
6 표준분동의불확도 (u N ) u N = U k U : 성적서에주어진표준분동의확장불확도 k : 성적서에주어진표준분동의확장불확도에대한 포함인자 여러개의분동이사용되었을경우 : u = u N Ni
7 직선성시험 사용분동 - 최대용량x1/4 - 최대용량x1/2 - 최대용량x3/4 - 최대용량
8 직선성시험결과 표준분동의상용질량값 (g) 저울의지시값 (g) 보정값 (g) 증감증감 25% % % %
9 저울의불확도 (u ba ) - 감도불확도 (u s ) - 분해능불확도 ( u d ) - 편심오차불확도 ( u E ) 2 s u = u + u + ba d 2 u E 2
10 합성표준불확도 (u c ) 2 A u = u + u + c N 2 u ba 2 확장불확도 (U) U = k u c
11 예상결과예 A 형표준불확도편심오차불확도 감도시험불확도 직선성시험불확도 확장불확도 0.0 A 형표준불확도편심오차불확도 감도시험불확도 직선성시험불확도 확장불확도 최대용량 : 1 kg 해독도 : 1 mg 사용범위 : 100 g 1 kg 최대용량 : 1 kg 해독도 : 1 mg 사용범위 : 500 g
12 측정불확도평가 특성곡선의상대조정오차 a = { I( Max) m ( Max)}/ m ( Max) N N 특성곡선의비직선성 Δ I ( L) = I( L) a L 특성곡선의온도효과 TK = a / T
13 측정불확도평가 인가된부하 L 과장치의지시값 I 의수학적모델식 I = W ( 1+ a) (1 + ΔT TK) (1 + ΔE / Max) + ΔI( L) + Δ + Δ + Δ dig,0 dig, I rep, I ΔE : 편심오차최대값 Δ dig = Δ dig,0 + Δdig,I 간략화된모델식 I = W ( 1+ a + ΔT TK + ΔE / Max) + ΔI( L) + Δ + Δ c dig rep, I
14 측정불확도평가 인가된부하 L 과장치의지시값 I 의수학적모델식 I = W ( 1+ a) (1 + ΔT TK) (1 + ΔE / Max) + ΔI( L) + Δ + Δ + Δ dig,0 dig, I rep, I ΔE : 편심오차최대값 Δ dig = Δ dig,0 + Δdig,I 간략화된모델식 I = W ( 1+ a + ΔT TK + ΔE / Max) + ΔI( L) + Δ + Δ c dig rep, I
15 v w = s 측정불확도평가 반복측정에의한반복성분산 2 분해능에의한분산 v = 1 d 2 ( 12 I I 0 인경우 ) v r = ( d ( I = 0) + d ( I = 12 L))
16 측정불확도평가 E v r s u + = 2 편심오차불확도 V k 는표준분동 (standard) 에기인된상대교정불확도의제곱지시값 I 의표준불확도 2 2 I k r I P v v s u + + = 2 2 I v v s u u k r I W + + =
17 측정불확도평가 = + = n i a i n a 직선성시험에의한편차분산여기서편차 A i =I i -P i ) ( 1 a a n s v n i i a a = = =
18 측정불확도평가 편심오차시험에분산 v e = 1 3 E1 Max 여기서 E 1 은 P n =Max/3 으로정규화한편차의기준값 E 는중앙값과그외의값과의차이중제일큰값 E 1 = 2 Max E 3 P 온도편차에따른분산 v T = 1 12 ( ΔT TK 2 )
19 측정불확도평가 확장불확도 U = 2 u 2 W + v e 2 I + v a 2 I + v T 2 I + a I 근사화한직선식 U U U U Max Max I 여기서 U = U ( I = 0 0) U Max = U ( I = Max)
20 전자저울사용방법 표준과학연구원역학그룹질량실 이성준 New bridge for better measurements 1
21 양팔저울 ~ 전자저울 1920s Roberval balance New bridge for better measurements 2
22 The First Commercial Electronic Balance PT1200 (0.01 g) from Mettler AG shown in ACHEMA* *) Exhibition Conference for Chemical Equipment in Frankfurt 마침내접시하나짜리저울탄생! 저울대나손잡이도없고, 조절도필요치않음. 가장간단하고빨리측정함. At last a balance with just a pan and a result. No Knobs. No adjustments. No beam. Weighing has never been simpler. Or faster. From Science 181, p482 (1973) New bridge for better measurements 3
23 Electronic Balance History Sartorius Sartorius Sartomat Readability: 1 mg Mettler HK160 Readability: 0.1 mg New bridge for better measurements 4
24 전자저울원리 - Strain Gauge Elastically deformation part + strain gauge 휘스톤브리지 New bridge for better measurements 5
25 전자저울원리 (2) - Electromagnetic force compensation A/D 00.00g mp 1 Weighing pan 2 Lower guide 3 Upper guide 4, 5 Joint flexures of the guides 6 Coil ( comp.current) 7 Permanent magnet 8 Precision resistor 9 Analog/digital converter 10 Microprocessor for filtering & digital compensation 11 Display New bridge for better measurements 6
26 Digital Resolution -d/2 0 d/2 u d d /2 = 3 직사각형분포 (210 g) from OIML R76-1 New bridge for better measurements 7
27 Specification of Balances readability repeatability sensitivity non-linearity temperature coefficient (of sensitivity) : 온도변화 corner load deviation (eccentric load deviation) from a Mettler-Telodo catalog New bridge for better measurements 8
28 반복도 (Repeatibility) - Same measurement method - Same operator - Same location - Same ambient conditions - Same point of time - Different rooms/ places - Different persons - Different temperatures - Different time Reproducibility New bridge for better measurements 9
29 저울질 (?) 에미치는영향들 Ambient Condition Air Draft & Pressure Fluctuations Radiation 열광원, 측정자 (30 도 ) Mechanical Influences 중력, 기울임, 진동, 분동놓기 Electromagnetic Influences 정전기력, 자기력, 전자파간섭 Long-Term Drift Weighing cell, 전자회로, 분동교정 Air Buoyancy New bridge for better measurements 10
30 수평유지 Balance table Raise one side Before After Difference 1m x 1m 5mm g g g Data from Sartorius, Good Laboratory Practice New bridge for better measurements 11
31 분동놓는법 Thermal radiation by a operator Images from NPL, UK New bridge for better measurements 12
32 중력변화 고도변화 : 0.3 ppm/m 1 층 (3.3 m) 이동 : 1 ppm (3 x 10-6 m/s 2 ) 위도변화 : <KRISS 역학그룹압력실측정결과 > 일산도시가스 ( 37도 38분 49 초 ) : m/s 2 제주중소기업청 ( 33도 29분 46 초 ) : m/s 2 차이 : 4도 9분 3초 384 ppm 두결과의비 : (Uncertainty of 0.5 ppm), 0.4 mg for 1 kg 미국뉴욕에사는60 kg짜리사람이오대호바로건너편의캐나다북서부로이사가면몸무게가 2.4 g 정도줄어든다. 이재미있는현상의이유가밝혀졌다. 미국하버드스미스소니언센터의마크타미시아박사팀은미국항공우주국 (NASA) 의쌍둥이관측위성 그레이스 (GRACE) 를이용해캐나다의중력변화를측정하는데성공했다. New bridge for better measurements 13
33 교정 기본적으로저울교정은사용하는장소에서진행 저울의고도가심하게바뀔때 ( 위치이동 ) 환경변수가심하게바뀔때 ΔT* Nominal value Class E 1 Class E 2 Class F 1 Class F , 2000, 5000 kg , 200, 500 kg ± 2 C 10, 20, 50 kg , 2, 5 kg , 200, 500 g < 100 g 시험분동의환경변화안정화시간 ( 단위 hour) - OIML New bridge for better measurements 14
34 일반적인사항 Vibration Environmental parameter Direct sunlight Strong drafts from a Mettler-Telodo manual New bridge for better measurements Level the balance 15
35 Installation of Balances 바람막이 대리석판이나벽쪽에설치 New bridge for better measurements 16
36 매뉴얼 from a Sartorius manual New bridge for better measurements 17
37 진동 from a Mettler-Telodo manual New bridge for better measurements 18
38 Filtering from a Mettler-Telodo manual New bridge for better measurements 19
39 대기시간 Verified Balance Approved as a Legal Measuring Instrument in the EU Warming-up the balance for at least four (4) hours allows for accurate measurement. Do not disconnect the AC adapter even when the balance is not in use. Disconnect the AC adapter from the outlet if the balance will not be used for a period of one month or longer. Shimadzu s Operating manual Moving: Each time you move your balance to another location, you must condition it for at least 12 hours to the new location. To deliver exact results, the balance must warm up for at least 2 hours after initial connection to AC power. Only after this time will the balance have reached the required operating temperature. Sartorius s Operating manual New bridge for better measurements 20
40 자동영점추적 Measurement Scheme (e.g. A-B-A) from a Mettler-Telodo & Sartorius manual 1 S 1 2 T 3 S 1 T 2 2 S 3 T New bridge for better measurements 21
41 범위선택 from a Mettler-Telodo manual New bridge for better measurements 22
42 시리얼통신 14. Connecting socket for weighing cell 15. RS232C serial interface 16. Slot for second interface (optional) 17. Socket for AC adapter from a Mettler-Telodo manual New bridge for better measurements 23
43 Mass Checker New bridge for better measurements 24
44 참고문헌 OIML R 111-1, 76-1 비자동저울기술기술고시 ( 기술표준원 ) 전기식지시저울교정절차서 ( 표준과학연구원 ) Operational Instruction Manuals (Mettler-Toledo, Sartorius, Shimadzu 등 ) New bridge for better measurements 25
45 질량측정정확도향상을위한분동의 밀도측정 역학그룹 장경호 기반표준부한국표준과학연구원
46 연구개발의필요성 교정기관분동상용질량 (conventional mass) 만보유 정밀교정을위해분동의고유질량 (mass) 과밀도 (density) 필요 KC 및숙련도시험기정밀부력보정필요 교정기관에서보유된분동밀도는상용밀도 (8.0 g/cm 3 ) 와약0.71 % 오차가있으며, E2급분동은동일셑내에서약 2 % 의밀도편차를가지고있으므로 1 kg 분동및저울교정시약 0.03 mg의오차를보임 New bridge for better measurements 2
47 표준분동 (standard weight set) New bridge for better measurements 3
48 상용질량 (Conventional mass) OIML IR 33 : The conventional value of the result weighing a body in air is equal to the mass of a standard, of conventionally chosen density, at a conventionally chosen temperature, which balances this body at this reference temperature in air of conventionally chosen density. Reference temperature : 20 o C Density of the standard of mass at 20 o C : 8000 kg/m 3 Density of air : 1.2 kg/m 3 m(1-1.2/ρ) = Ms(1-1.2/8000) M C Ms M c =Ms =m(1-1.2/ρ)/(1-1.2/8000) New bridge for better measurements 4
49 분동및저울교정원리 MS c = m s ( /ρ s )/ ( /8.0) M c : 상용질량 m s : 표준분동질량 ( 분동의정밀교정에사용 ) ρ s : 표준분동의밀도 ( 약 2 % 오차 ) MT c = m s (1- ρ a /ρ s )/ ( /8.0) MT = m s (1- ρ a /ρ s )/(1- ρ a /ρ T ) ρ a : 공기밀도 ρ T : 시험분동밀도 MS MT New bridge for better measurements 5
50 표준분동의년도별밀도변화 (2006, 25 개기관측정 ) Different density (%) Average(0.71) Production year M S Hae Han New bridge for better measurements 6
51 분동셑별밀도편차 ( 최대밀도 - 최소밀도 )(2006) 밀도차 ( 최대 - 최소 ) F1 F1 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E1 E1 E1 밀도차 (%) 분동셑등급 New bridge for better measurements 7
52 공기밀도 (1 %), E1 분동밀도 (0.5 %) 변화시부력보정값 공기밀도 (1%),E1 분동밀도 (0.5%) 변화 3.5 Mass(mg) 정밀보정오차 E1MPE/3 E2MPE/3 F1MPE/3 (E1_ 공기밀도만보정 ) Nominal mass (g) ρ a : g/cm 3 ρs : 7.96 g/cm 3 New bridge for better measurements 8
53 공기밀도 (1 %), E2 분동밀도 (2 %) 변화시부력보정값 공기밀도 (1%),E2 분동밀도 (2%) 변화 Mass(mg) 정밀보정오차 E1MPE/3 E2MPE/3 F1MPE/3 (E2_ 공기밀도만보정 ) Nominal mass (g) ρ s : g/cm 3 ρs : 7.84 g/cm 3 New bridge for better measurements 9
54 공기밀도 (2 %), F1 분동밀도 (3 %) 변화시부력보정값 공기밀도 (2%),F1 분동밀도 (3%) 변화 3.5 Mass(mg) 정밀보정오차 E1MPE/3 E2MPE/3 F1MPE/3 (F1_ 공기밀도만보정 ) Nominal mass (g) ρ a : g/cm 3 ρs : 7.76 g/cm 3 New bridge for better measurements 10
55 1 kg 분동및저울교정순서 ( 분동밀도값제공시 ) 0.5 mg 1.5 mg 5 mg 15 mg 분동 E1 E2 F1 F2 0.5 mg 1.5 mg 5 mg 15 mg 저울 /div. 0.1mg 1 mg 10 mg 20 mg 검정능력향상 New bridge for better measurements 11
56 1 kg 분동및저울교정순서 ( 분동밀도값없는경우 ) 0.5 mg 1.5mg 5 mg 15 mg 분동 E1 E2 F1 F2 0.5 mg 1.5 mg 5 mg 15 mg 저울 /div. 0.1mg 1 mg 10 mg 20 mg 산업체요구도증가 현재교정능력 New bridge for better measurements 12
57 분동밀도측정장치 New bridge for better measurements 13
58 Sample loading device New bridge for better measurements 14
59 성능시험 Nominal Value Maxinum permissible error (g) Verification uncertainty (g) Volume measurement uncertainty (cm 3 ) Relative volume uncertainty Density uncertainty (kg/m 3 ) Uncertainty/kgm OIML newhwa Mass/g New bridge for better measurements 15
60 공기밀도 (1 %), E2 분동밀도 (0.03 %) 변화시부력보정값 공기밀도 (1%),E2 분동밀도 (0.03%) 변화 Mass(mg) 정밀보정오차 E1MPE/3 E2MPE/3 F1MPE/3 (E2_ 공기밀도만보정 ) Nominal mas s (g) ρ a : g/cm 3 ρs : g/cm 3 New bridge for better measurements 16
61 부력보정차 = 공기밀도보정 공기밀도및분동밀도보정 부력보정오차 Mass(mg) 공기밀도 (1%),E1분동밀도(0.5%) 변화공기밀도 (1%),E2분동밀도(2%) 변화공기밀도 (2%),F1분동밀도(3%) 변화공기밀도 (1%),E2분동밀도(0.03%) 변화 Nominal mass(g) 부력보정정확도 : 약 10 배향상됨 New bridge for better measurements 17
62 측정결과및기대효과 KASTO 사업으로질량교정기관밀도측정 2006 년 (25 개 ) 지원, 2007 년 (28 개지원계획 : 측정중 ) One-piece 분동 (1 kg~10 g) 1 셑측정 ( 불확도 : 0.03 %) 질량측정시부력보정정확도향상 ( 약 10 배 ) 질량교정기관의 BMC 향상으로산업체지원향상 질량교정기관의 KC 및숙련도시험을위한기초데이터제공 New bridge for better measurements 18
63 낙농원유및우유실량상품 부피측정기술 이용재 기반표준부
64 우유부피측정사이트 농가 측정 실량측정 공장 측정 New bridge for better measurements 2
65 집유용탱크롤리검사 New bridge for better measurements 3
66 기준부피탱크측정 New bridge for better measurements 4
67 부피측정 액체부피측정 - 부피계측정 ( 메스실린더 ) - 질량측정 ( 부피 = 질량 / 밀도 ) 고체부피측정 - 기하학적측정 ( 길이측정 ) - 부피계측정 ( 메스실린더, 물, 기름, 에탄올 ) - 부력측정 ( 정유체질량측정장치 ) - 기체용적계 ( 분체 ) - 음향법 기체부피측정 - 질량측정 ( 부피 = 질량 / 밀도, 온도, 압력 ) New bridge for better measurements 5
68 부피계이용액체부피측정 용량 ml 최소눈금 ml 허용오차 ml New bridge for better measurements 6
69 부력을이용한고체부피측정 New bridge for better measurements 7
70 부피측정원리 ( 공기중, 진공중질량 ) New bridge for better measurements 8
71 9 New bridge for better measurements ( 공기중에서참질량 ) = = = S A m A S A S T m A S A T S A S T S d d X d M M d X d M d M X M M ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ
72 10 New bridge for better measurements ( 상용질량 ) = = T T C C S T T S T S d M M M M d M M M M
73 질량측정이용부피측정 (1) 1. 빈용기질량측정 T e ( T D m e e e S e V Te = ρ D ae e ( 빈용기질량 -분동질량 = 차이값) ) ( S V ( R1 R2) + ( R4 = 2 = 감도분동질량 e se ρ ae ) = R3) D m R3 V R2 R1, R2, R3, R4 = ( 빈통, 분동, 분동 + 감도분동, 빈통 + 감도분동) 의저울값 e e me ρ ae New bridge for better measurements 11
74 12 New bridge for better measurements 계속 (1) 물감도분동의저울값감도분동빈통물분동분동빈통감도분동질량차이값분동질량물질량빈용기질량물질량측정빈용기 ),,, ( 4 3, 2, 1, ) 4 ( 2) 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) - ( ) ( ) 2.( = = + = = + = + = + + R R R R m R R m R R R R D V D V S V T V T D S T T e f f af mf f af sf f af w w af Te e f f w e ρ ρ ρ ρ
75 13 New bridge for better measurements 계속 (1) ( ) ) (20 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), 2 (1 20 t V D V D V S V S V V V D V D V S V S V V T af w ae me e af mf f ae se e af sf f w af ae af w af ae Te ae me e af mf f ae se e af sf f t w w w w + + = + = = β ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ 식식
76 질량측정이용부피측정 (2) V to ρ 1 a = m f me ) s (1 ) β ρb ρl ρa ( 1 ( t t )) ( 0 m m :( 빈용기+ 순수 ) 저울지시량 : 빈용기저울지시량 s : 저울의역감도, s = 감도분동참질량/ 눈금변화량 ρ : 공기밀도 a ρ : 분동밀도 b ρ : 순수의밀도 l f e β : 순수의팽창계수 t : 순수의측정온도 t 0 : 기준온도 New bridge for better measurements 14
77 상용질량이용부피측정 (3) V to ( m f me ) = β ( ρ ) l ( 1 ( t )) t 0 m :( 빈용기+ 순수 ) 저울지시량( 상용질량) m m l f e : 빈용기저울지시량( 상용질량) : 순수의상용질량 ρ l : 순수의밀도 β : 부피계의팽창계수 t : 순수의측정온도 t 0 : 기준온도 New bridge for better measurements 15
78 물밀도측정 (Metrologia, 2001, vol 38, , M. Tanaka et al) ρ w = a where 5 1 ( t + a1) a ( t 3 ( t + a + a ) ), kg/m 3 a a a a a / / / / o C = ± o o o C = C 2 (kg m = C = ρ w = g/cm 3 at 20 ( 출용 ) ) = ± ( 수 용 ) 현장물측정 :( ± ) o C g/cm 3 at 20 o C 보정값 : g/cm 3 New bridge for better measurements 16
79 기준부피탱크측정 지역 측정부피 L, 20 불확도 L, k=2 보정값 5 충북 경기남 충남 전북 경기북 경남 경북 New bridge for better measurements 17
80 부피계측정용어 메니스커스 (meniscus) 수용부피 (containment volume) 출용부피 (delivery volume) 대기시간 (wating time) 배출시간 (delivery time) ( 출용 ) 배수시간 (drain time) 측정눈금 (scale reading) 측정값 (measurement vlaue) ( 수용 ) 보정값 (correction) 열팽창계수 (coefficient of thermal expansion) 측정불확도 (measurement uncertainty) New bridge for better measurements 18
81 수용부피 (In), 출용부피 (Ex) ( 출용 ) ( 수용 ) New bridge for better measurements 19
82 부피계분류 New bridge for better measurements 20
83 눈금과메니스커스일치 ( 출용 ) ( 수용 ) New bridge for better measurements 21
84 실량표시상품 길이, 질량, 부피로표시된상품중용기, 포장을개봉하지아니하고는실량을증감할수없게한것으로대통령령으로정하는상품 계량에관한법률, 제 1 장제 2 조 4 항 New bridge for better measurements 22
85 부피실량표시상품허용오차 표시량 허용오차 5 ml 이상 50 ml 이하 - 4 % 50 ml 초과 100 ml 이하 -2 ml 100 ml 초과500 ml 이하 -2% 500 ml 초과 1 L 이하 - 10 ml 1 L 초과 25 L 이하 - 1 % New bridge for better measurements 23
86 실량개별합격여부 실량표시량 - 실량 + 불확도 l 허용오차 l 예제 ) 우유표시량 : 200 ml 실량 : ml 불확도 : 0.2 ml 허용오차 : -4 ml 풀이 ) = ( 불만족 ) 판정 : 불합격 New bridge for better measurements 24
87 25 New bridge for better measurements 측정함수식과불확도모델 ) ( ) (, ) ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( = = = = = = = = = l e f l m l m l l s e m f m M c i n i i i n i i M c l e f m m c c c V u u c c m u c m u c V u x c u x u x f V u m m V l e f l e f ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ 합성표준불확도관계식합성표준불확도일반식측정함수식 ( 출용 ) 실량액체의밀도실량액체의상용질량포장재상용질량상용질량포장재실량 ) ( : ) ( : : ) :( l l e f m m m ρ +
88 T-distribution ( 실량표시상품, 신뢰수준 99 %) 모집단이정규분포이고 σ 를모를때 μ 의 100(1-α)% 신뢰구간 99.73% 99% 95.45% 95% 68.27% n x t s n 1, α / 2 μ n 1, α / 2 n < < x+ t s n ( 수용 ) ( 출용 ) New bridge for better measurements 26
89 우유밀도측정 K 사우유밀도 밀도, gcm ( 출용 ) 온도, o C New bridge for better measurements 27
90 우유부피측정 우유실량측정 (200 ml) 실량, ml ( 출용 ) K 사 M 사 샘플, No. New bridge for better measurements 28
91 실량부피측정불확도표현 U = t 99, ν u k u 예) V = ( ± 0.20) ml ( k = 2.58, 신뢰수준 c k c : 포함인자( n 20, ( n < 20, ( 수용 ) 약 ( 출용 ) 99%, t 분포) k = 2.58) k = t 99, ν ) New bridge for better measurements 29
92 Thank you for your attention ( 출용 ) ( 수용 ) New bridge for better measurements 30
93 Meet METTLER TOLEDO June 2007
94 Our Group METTLER TOLEDO is a global manufacturer and marketer of precision instruments for use in the laboratories, manufacturing, and food retailing. Worldwide presence employees Sales approx. USD 1.6 billion
95 Group Sales in musd
96 Global Manufacturing, Sales & Service Innovation Centers MT Sales & Service Organizations MT Partners Global manufacturing strategy with focused innovation centers Approx employees in sales & service in 35 countries
97 Customer Processes Solutions to support customer processes R&D Drug Discovery Quality Control Logistics Retail Manufacturing Packaging Laboratory Solutions Industrial Solutions Retail Solutions Customer Benefits Accelerate processes Improve product quality Increase efficiency Comply with regulations
98 Innovation Competencies Man / Machine Interface In Process Technology Technology Integration Customer Applications Automation & Robotics 830 R&D professionals work daily on maintaining our technology lead
99 Service Solutions Service XXL Validatiodation Vali- Support Regulatory Qualification Compliance Calibration Customer Benefits Validation methods and protocols ensure process reproducibility, user monitoring and safe data management. Documented equipment qualification ensures compliance with quality assurance systems such as GLP, GMP and ISO. Calibration processes ensure accurate, reliable and traceable results. Maintenance and Support Proactive maintenance maximizes uptime and productivity. User training ensures equipment knowledge which leads to safer working processes. Improved service tools enhance customer processes
100 Weight Quality
101 High Quality of Mettler-Toledo Weights 엄격한원자재관리 몇년분의자재를미리구입 메틀러토레도만을위한최고품질의특수자재를공급받음 가스나불순물의함유를방지하기위해진공하에서보관 각항목마다성적서를보유 : - Composition - Density (8.0 kg/dm 3 ) - Hardness - Magnetic Susceptibility (well within E1 tolerance) - 페라이트 (0% = non-magnetic) 무작위로샘플체크
102 High Quality of Mettler-Toledo Weights Perfect work
103 Mettler-toledo 분동사용 = CMC 향상 질량교정기관 CMC 향상을위한표준밀도측정지원보고서 국내질량교정기관의측정방법을상용질량에서참질량으로유도하여 CMC(Calibration and Measurement Capability) 를향상시키고정확한불확도의분석과교정기관의국제화를위해 1차년도 25개교정기관에 10 g ~ 1 kg 범위의표준분동한세트에대하여밀도측정을지원한결과, 일반적으로교정기관에서보유한표준분도의밀도가상용밀도 (8 000 kg/m(3) ) 로부터평균 0.71 % 의차이가있음 메틀러토레도분동은 10년전부터상용밀도에 0.1% 이내에근접하나국산제품은 2%, 타수입사제품은 1% 이상차이를보임
104 E2 분동의밀도오차
105 Mass Comparator
106 Product Portfolio Three product levels with clear Value proposition Robotics - High Productivity - Speed - Customized solution Automated - Nano Accuracy - Reliability - Process security Manual - Peak Performance - Ergonomics
107 New products Manual Comparator Peak Performance XP-C Comparator XP-L Comparator XP-K Comparator
108 New products Manual Comparator XP-C Comparator Peak performance up to 52 g Full range up to 52 g Flexible weighing pan Innovative ergonomics
109 New products Manual Comparator XP-C Comparator XP26C - 22g / 1µg XP56C - 52g / 1µg Flexible weighing pan - Hanging weighing pan - No corner load errors - Ergonomic design - Exchangeable with grid pan
110 New products Manual Comparator XP-C Comparator Ergonomics - Motorized inner draft shield - Hands-free operation - Improving performance WeighCom V3.00 application - Air Buoyancy correction - References database - Selectable processes
111 New products Manual Comparator XP-L Comparator Peak performance up to 64 kg Full weighing ranges Integrated Levelmatic Flexible Draftshield
112 New products Manual Comparator XP-L Comparator XP26003L - 26kg / 1mg XP64003L - 64kg / 5mg XP32003L - 32kg / 5mg XP64002L - 64kg / 10mg XP64002L-T - 64kg/ 10mg Integrated Levelmatic - Reduces corner load influence - Large diameter for large weights
113 New products Manual Comparator XP-L Comparator Flexible draft shield - Opens on 4 sides - Easy access to comparator User interface - Color touch screen - SmartSens WeighCom V3.00 application - Air Buoyancy correction - References database - Selectable processes
114 New products Manual Comparator XP-K Comparator Available as from September 07 Peak performance up to 6000 kg Optional Levelmatic Non-organic draft cover
115 New products Manual Comparator XP-K Comparator XP150K - 150kg / 0.05g XP600K - 600kg / 0.1g XP1000K kg / 1g XP2000K kg / 2g XP6000K kg / 10g Levelmatic concept - Aiming to have a solution up to 5000kg
116 New products Automated Comparator Nano-Accuracy AX107H M_oneNano
117 New products Automated Comparator AX107H Comparator 100 nanogram(ηg) readability Fast automated weight determination up to 100g Secure Datamanagement
118 New products Automated Comparator AX107H Comparator Best performance up to 100g - ABA Repeatability: 800ηg - ABA Typical: 600ηg 4-position flexible turntable to determine combined weightsets Included Windows based Control software
119 New products Automated Comparator M_oneNano Comparator Improved ergonomics Improved vacuum capabilities The established reference vacuum comparator
120 New products Automated Comparator M_oneNano Comparator Direct turntable access & Automated lifting device Vacuum range down to 10-6mbar Unique load-lock ; weight exchange under constant vacuum SW weight evaluation at 10ηg
121 New products Robotic Comparator Nano-Robotic Succor a107 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX
122 New products Robotic Comparator a107 Comparator Full automated weight determination Peak performance up to 100g 100ηg readability
123 New products Robotic Comparator a107 Comparator High & secure productivity 1 100g E1 weight determination Repeatability <1µg
124 Thank You
125 Mass Area Research Trends and the Work of the NPL Stuart Davidson Mass Group, Industry and Innovation Division National Physical Laboratory, UK KRISS Measurement Club Combined Workshop September 2007 Daedeok Science Town, Daejeon City, Korea
126 EURAMET Mass area research roadmap
127 Mass Area Research Trends A fundamental definition for the unit of mass International Avogadro project Watt balance projects Mise-en-practique for re-definition Measurements in support of OIML R111 Extension of mass scale below 1 mg Traceability for pharmaceutical measurements NanoForce measurement Force measurements for the biotechnology area Other area and collaborations
128 NPL Watt balance How does it fit in Work over the past 12 months has reduced the uncertainty in h from 3 in 10 7 to 8 in 10 8 NIST have a value at an uncertainty of 4 in 10 8 (BUT discrepant with NPL value by 3 in 10 7 ) Balances being developed by LNE (France) METAS (Switzerland) BIPM International Avogadro project has an uncertainty of 3 in 10 7 (BUT discrepant with WB value by 11 in 10 7 ) May be improved with the use of enriched silicon 28
129 NPL Watt balance Plan to March 08 Improve the uncertainty in the realisation of h from 7 in 10 8 to 2 in 10 8 and rigorous validation of result by: Improvements to (mainly): Interferometry Voltage measurement Resistance measurements Mechanical isolation Mass artefact manipulation Direct traceability to International Prototype Kilogram Further validation of result analysis method
130 Forward look to the kilogram re-definition Redefinition requires (CCM 2007) 3 independent realisations agreeing at 5 in 10 8 level An uncertainty of 2 in 10 8 for one of the realisations Agreement between Avogadro and WB experiments We have NIST and NPL at parts in 10 8 (but 3 in 10 7 apart) Avogadro and WB discrepancy 11 in 10 7 By 2010 (CODATA)? 2 WB experiments at 2 in 10 8 Agreement between 2 Watt Balances and Avogadro Other (Watt balance) values Following redefinition A number (three?) of independent ongoing realisations A method for comparing (WB) results and calculating the SI kilogram A method for maintaining the SI kilogram between realisations
131 Kilogram - Mise-en-practique for re-definition Requirements A means of comparing watt balance (and Avogadro) results A method to maintain the unit in between watt balance realisation Optimisation of artefact technology Issues Traceability for weighing in vacuum Environment for kilogram storage Transfer of artefacts between experiments Repeatable cleaning method for primary mass standards
132 Kilogram Mass transfer and storage Transfer Effect of vacuum/air transfer on mass value Vacuum level Material/surface finish effects Optimisation of transfer techniques Storage Stability of artefacts between realisations is critical Allows transfer between watt balance experiments Vacuum or inert gas?
133 Surface analysis using XPS Surface samples (1cm diameter) accompany mass standards (Angle resolved) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for surface analysis Gives stratified analysis of contamination overlayers
134 Long term gravimetric/xps comparison Mass value of 82, 1kg + (µg) Depth of overlayer (nm) Time (months) 3.00 Gravimetric measurements XPS measurements
135 Typical stoichiometry of weight surface Adsorbed water Hydrocarbon (C-H) C=O, C-OH, C-OOH etc. Oxide 1 nm Substrate (Pt-Ir/SS)
136 Long term effects on Pt-Ir kilograms nm = 3 µg Contamination depth (nm) Time (months) Air Vacuum Air/Vac Mass gain in air:- 3 µg/year Mass change in vacuum appears more erratic Mass gain of transfer standard more rapid (initially)
137 Cleaning of Primary Mass standards Collaboration between BIPM and NPL Nettoyage/Lavage Solvent and steam method User dependant Similar methods (Soxlet) very variable Introduces short term instability UV (activated ozone) cleaning Totally automated Repeatable under controlled conditions Enriched oxide layer may improve short term stability May require pre-cleaning
138 Measurements in support of OIML R111 Requirements for the routine determination of: Surface finish Magnetic properties Density Materials for new generation mass standards Routine calibration to uncertainties below OIML Class E1 Mass calibration in vacuum
139 Traceable Measurement for Quartz Crystal Microbalances Currently use empirical models which are application dependant Rely on good adhesion between crystal and measurand Characterisation of response to density and viscosity of adherent layer Applications in biotech area (tissue scaffolds) Food and drugs (gel properties) Healthcare (regenerative medicine cell properties)
140 NPL Low force measurement facility Primary balance (traceable via electrical and mass scales) Improved traceability route for low force measurement Range 10 µn to 1 nn Ill-defined interaction forces Benefit to industry Instrument manufacturers (competitiveness) MNT manufacturers (better quality control)
141 NPL Low Force Areas of Application MEMS devices vehicle airbag accelerometers immunoassay devices some beneficiary areas scanning probe instruments oral drug nebulisers AFM low force thruster manufacture
142 The NPL Low Force Balance F = 1 2 V 2 dc dz
143 NPL Low force Mass - Traceability Extension of the mass scale below 1 mg Weights of aluminium wire feasible to 50 µg (Just!) Optimised uncertainties via subdivision from 1 kg Uncertainties of <0.2 µg achieved Equivalent to 0.4% at 50 µg Sub 50 µg achieved by dimension (and density) of particulates
144 Low force transfer artefacts Novel artefacts for µn/nn force calibration transfer from the NPL Low Force Balance Requirements: Self-contained metrology Stable under stresses of transfer Able to exert a force on a passive target Correct choice of tip Invertible Flexibility for targets Economical
145 Transfer artefact technologies Elastic Element Strain Resonance methods Electrostatic/ capacitative Tech Radiation pressure Casimir Van der Waals Protein-based intrinsic standards amongst others
146 Transfer artefact technologies Elastic element strain gauge
147 Transfer artefact technologies Elastic element Piezo-resistive surface piezoresistors slits cut in 3 µm membrane by Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) NPL C-MARS Cumpson et al 60 µm Marker arrow to free end 5-bit binary counter
148 Transfer artefact technologies Electrostatic/capacitative NPL Electronic NanoBalance
149 Transfer artefact technologies Resonance methods Sample cantilever beam Tip Oscillating String Sample stage
150 Boltzmann Redefinition Microwave and acoustic resonance in sphere Define gas properties Volume of spherical resonator critical to experiment Volume determination by pyknometry (target uncertainty 1 ppm)
151 Pan-European research EURAMET and EMRP EURAMET Regional Metrology Organisation (RMO) of Europe promotes the coordination of metrological activities and services with the purpose of achieving higher efficiency EMRP Collaborative research (with 1/3 funding from European Commission) (Mass area) projects identified in first funding round ( ) Kilogram Avogadro project Kilogram - watt balance project Kilogram mise-en-practique
152 EMAN Engineering Measurement Awareness Network Discussing, Solving and Improving Four Special Interest Groups Dimensional Mass and Density Pressmet Force, Torque and Hardness Approx. 10 meetings per year Four newsletters per year
153 Interest Area Dimensional - Surface Texture Pressmet Meeting / Event Date(s) Venue Status Cranfield Structured Surfaces - Management 11 Sept 07 Applications & Control Development Centre Future UK traceability of pressure & vacuum 24 Sept 07 (am) NPL,Teddington measurements Details Details EMAN Special Interest meetings Weighing & Density The effect of the magnetic properties of mass standards on calibration results 24 Sept 07 (pm) NWML, Teddington Details NPL Measurement All Surgery at Instrumentation South NPL Stand at Instrumentation South 3 Oct 07 3 & 4 Oct 07 Madejski Stadium, Reading Details EMAN Uncertainty Seminars at Instrumentation South 4 Oct 07 All Thermal effects on machine tools - an update 21 Nov 07 University of Huddersfield to follow Dimensional - Form Non-Contact Measurement Nov / Dec 07 TBC to follow Dimensional EMAN / NPL at Large Volume Metrology Conference (LVMC) 6 & 7 Nov 07 Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool to follow All ALL EMAN / NPL at GTMA "Make Measurement Matter" Roadshow 14 Nov 07 RAF Cosford, Shropshire to follow All Medical Engineering Early 2008 TBC to follow
154 The End Thank you for your attention
155 Optical Strain Gage Hyun-Sik, Kim
156 Contents 1. Short history of Optical Sensor 2. Optical Strain Gage 2.1 Theory of Optical Strain Gage 2.2 ADVANTEGS and DISADVANTEGS of Optical Strain Gage 2.3 Application range of Optical Strain Gage 3. Optical Strain Gage with HBM system 3.1 Interrogator: SI and DI series 3.2 CATMAN AP , Slide 2 HBM HS. KIM
157 1. Short History Of Optical Sensor 1969 Nippon Sheet Glass Co. and Nippon Electric Co. : manufactured first gradient fiber for telecommunication improved fiber in Japan, USA, Great Britain 1978 Ken O. Hill found the effect of photo sensitivity for Germanium dop ed fibers 1995 The first commercial Fiber Bragg Sensor from 3M 2007 Optical Strain Gage launched by HBM , Slide 3 HBM HS. KIM
158 Have a look on the FBG: Core Cladding Protection , Slide 4 HBM HS. KIM
159 2. Optical Strain Gage By HBM 2.1 Theory of Optical Strain Gage Optical Strain Gage: Metal Foil Measuring Grid FBG Excitation Voltage Light(1510~1590nm) Change in Ω Change in λ = 1 ε ΔR ε = k 1 Δ λ k R λ , Slide 5 HBM HS. KIM
160 (optical grid) λ Bragg = 2n eff Λ λ B n eff Λ G 1 = Peak wavelength = refraction index = grating period Source: A. Mendez , Slide 6 HBM HS. KIM
161 λ 0 Δλ No Strain Δλ λ 0 = k ε + α δ ΔT Strain , Slide 7 HBM HS. KIM
162 2.2 ADVANTEGES and DISADVANTEGES Of Optical Strain Gage ADVANTEGS (1) Can Measure very high strain(>10,000um/m) (2) Small and light (3) No effect by EMC (4) No distance-dependent (Up to 50km) (5) Long term stability (6) Can be used in high temperature(>700 ) and cryogenic (7) Good corrosion resistance (8) Easy installation (almost same with metal foil strain gage) , Slide 8 HBM HS. KIM
163 DISADVANTEGS (1) High temperature dependence(1 =8um/m) (2) Can not provide self-compensation (3) High sensitivity to lateral force or pressure (4) K factor is only k=0.78( ) and not constant (5) Stiffness is higher (6) Difficult to use on curved surface (7) Fiber should be thick(>10mm) (8) Still expensive , Slide 9 HBM HS. KIM
164 2.3 Application Range of Optical Strain Gage (1) New composite materials like glass or carbon fiber reinforced composites (2) Magnetic field (little effect from magnetic forces) (3) Electronic field (4) Oil, Gas Production (free from Anti-explosive) (5) High temperature or even Cryogenic area , Slide 10 HBM HS. KIM
165 Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Electrical Strain Gauges , Slide 11 HBM HS. KIM
166 3. Optical Strain Gage with HBM system 3.1 Interrogator: SI and DI Series SI: For Static strain measurement (sampling rate 1 or5hz) DI: For Dynamic strain measurement (sampling rate 100 or 1000Hz) Available 1ch or 4ch interrogator , Slide 12 HBM HS. KIM
167 Measuring Range (spectrum): 1510~1590nm Set up and data transfer through Ethernet Product Information SI101: static, single channel, 1Hz SI405: static, 4-channel, 5Hz DI101: dynamic, single channel, 100Hz DI410: dynamic, 4-chnnel, 1000Hz , Slide 13 HBM HS. KIM
168 3.2 catman AP catman EASY + Efficient Modules=catman AP Can Use: EasyMath EasyScript EasyPlan EasyLog AutoSequence AND EasyOptics , Slide 14 HBM HS. KIM
169 The Optical Measurement System with catman AP Optic fiber Interrogator: Static or Dynamic Single or Multi Ethernet Optical Strain Gage: single or chain catman AP: Data acquisition Post Processing , Slide 15 HBM HS. KIM
170 Thank You For Your Attention , Slide 16 HBM HS. KIM
171 토크인정체계문제점해결방안 한국표준과학연구원힘연구실 송후근, 김민석, 박연규, 이정태, 이호영
172 토크교정기와토크표준소급 국내토크표준의확립지연에따른표준소급이끊어짐토크암의 길이 와추의 질량 의소급만으로인정해줌 토크표준소급체계확립필요 토크표준기 토크교정기 전달용표준기 토크측정기 토크측정 실하중토크교정기 비교식토그교정기 실하중식 ( 토크암 + 추 ) New bridge for better measurements 2
173 KRISS 의실하중토크표준기 2 knm 토크표준기 범위 : 10 ~ 2000 Nm 상대불확도 : % 100 Nm 토크표준기 범위 : 0.1 ~ 100 Nm 상대불확도 : % New bridge for better measurements 3
174 토크암 + 추방식의문제점 KRISS보다 BMC가더우수한교정기관발생 2005년신뢰도제고사업으로숙련도평가시행 토크암 + 분동시스템의문제점확인큰재현도오차 BMC : 0.5 % 이상선언 7단계의등급중최하등급인 5등급만교정가능 실하중또는비교식토크교정기사용 토크암 + 추방식의문제점확인후속조치필요 New bridge for better measurements 4
175 토크인정체계문제해결방안 모든타입의교정기 ( 실하중토크, 토크암 + 추, 비교식 ) 의 BMC 는자체적으로선언하지만유효성또는소급성을유지하기위해서반드시표준연으로부터 BMC 를받거나숙련도시험에참여한객관적인증거를가지고있어야만인정 토크암 + 추방식의경우절차서에서 0.5% 시스템불확도를넣도록명기 신뢰도제고사업을통하여토크 BMC 절차를만들고교정기관에서는표준연에서제공한전달용표준기를이용하여측정한후 ( 용량별로 2 포인트정도 ) 데이터를표준연에제공 표준연은 BMC 산출 BMC 주기는 4 년 ( 갱신평가와맞추어 ) 이적당하다고보며 KOLAS 에변경건의추진 New bridge for better measurements 5
176 기타결의사항 교정성적서발행시, 교정방법을자세히명기 예, 재설치및회전여부, 교정기의종류 ( 방식 ) BMC 비용절감을위해 교정포인트개수를 2 개정도로줄임 출장교정이아닌현장교정으로대체방안 ( 전달용표준기를직접교정기관에주고데이터만받는형식 ) 을고려 System 을갖춘실하중토크교정기와토크암 + 추방식이모두실하중방식이지만다음과같이구분해서표기함 실하중토크교정기 실하중방식 ( 토크암 + 추 ) 토크측정기의분류세분화및그에따른절차서제정필요. 신뢰도제고사업으로추진. ( 운영위원중심 ) 등급이낮은토크측정기는회전하여교정할필요가없도록고려 토크인정체계가정착될때까지평가사 Pool 을 KRISS 및토크전문가들로한정하도록 KOLAS 에건의 New bridge for better measurements 6
177 유연성기반촉각센서및응용 김종호 한국표준과학연구원
178 피부감각의특징 피부감각 절대량측정보다는변화량측정에용이 자극에대한공간분해능 : 손끝 1 mm, 손등 2 cm 높이에대한인식 : 수 μm 온도에대한인식 : 왼손은 4 C 오른손은 40 C 에담그고있다가 20 C 의물에넣으면, 왼손은따뜻하게오른손은차게느낌 피부센서의조건 공간분해능 : 1-2 mm 어레이사이즈 : 5 10 에서 힘감지분해능 : ~ 0.1 N Dynamic range : 1000:1 Stable, repeatable response and no hysteresis
179 음식물과그릇잡기 사람피부 vs. 촉각센서 접촉압력, 미끄러짐감지기능 피부의부드러움, 변형의필요성 각종액체 ( 물, 기름등 ) 와접촉 차갑고뜨거운물체감지기능 다양한접촉에의한내마모성 사람피부 : 다양한감지기능보유하면서도 Robust 한센서
180 촉각센서개요 인간피부와유사한센싱 ( 힘, 온도등 ) 능력 사람피부특성 ( 부드러움 ) 을갖는센서표면 인공피부가장착된로봇핑거팁모듈 로봇머리, 발바닥등대면적용인공피부모듈
181 개발된촉각센서 센서가감지할수있는물리량 누르는힘 ( 압력 ) : Fz 수평력 ( 전단력 ) : Fx, Fy 열전도에의한온도 근접 ( 추가가능 ) 센서재질 고분자재료 두께 : 0.1 mm 정도 기존센서에비해내마모성, 내충격성이강함 곡면에부착가능함
182 촉각센서 vs. 응용분야
183 - 응용분야 지능로봇의촉각센서
184 협대협촉각센서 Grasping 기능 수직력, 수평력측정 물체의질감감지 수평력측정 안전성부여 수직력측정 근거리감지 열질감감지 히터기반열센서 평형감각 수직력, 수평력측정 모멘텀측정
185 센싱기능 수직력 ( 압력 ) 측정 온도측정 활용분야 안전성부여 장난감, 오락기기분야 광대협촉각센서 소니의 AIBO MIT 의 Leonardo MIT 의 Huggable
186 - 응용분야 모바일기기의정보입력장치
187 모바일기기 : Cell phone 모바일기기슬림화, 소형화
188 손가락의움직임을이용한입력방법 기존센서 : 광원, 가속도, 자이로, 이미지센서, 홀센서등 참고 : ETRI 자료
189 촉각센서기반슬림형마우스 센서특징 크기, 두께소형화가필요 힘기반커서움직임필요 F x, F y, F z 힘및 x, y, z 방향표시
190 슬림형마우스동영상
191 Mobile 기기의응용 : 조이스틱, 커서 애플의 MP3 player
192 - 응용분야 진단및수술용의료기기
193 건강체크용의료기기 맥진기 휴대용진단기
194 원격진단시스템분야 원격진료및수술기기 경도측정을통한암진단장치 원격수술용다빈치시스템 차세대수술용프로브시스템
196 세계일류제품 = 대경테크주식회사 = 철저한사후관리 사업소개서 대경테크주식회사
197 목차 회사회사소개 회사회사연혁 인증인증현황 전체조직도 교정기관소개소개 비젼비젼소개 목표목표 R&D R&D현황 사업영역소개소개 생산품목 주요거래처
198 회사소개 대경정밀테크상호로서울광희동에서사업개시 계량기제조허가획득 10. 한국과학기기공업협동조합가입 10. 서울성동구성수동에서경기도부천시소사동으로확장이전 11. 대경정밀테크에서대경테크로상호변경 경기도개발자금지원볼트축력시험기개발 10. 울산 ( 현대정밀 ), 창원 ( 한국 PME), 부산 ( 일진교역 ) 대리점개설 08. 볼트축력시험기, 만능재료시험기산업자원부국립기술시험원 EM 마크획득 방진고무및금속컴퓨터제어식피로시험기개발성공 : 대경테크 로법인전환 국립기술품질원지정국가공인기관 ( 힘분야 ) 지정 신기술벤쳐기업지정 01. 유망 / 우량중소 기업지정 ( 중소기업은행 ) : 인천남동국가산업단지로확장이전 ISO 9001 인증 ISO/IEC 국가공인기관 ( 힘분야 ) 지정 (KOLAS 사무국 )
199 회사소개 산업자원부장관금상수상 ( 계량, 측정기개발부문 ] 부설연구부서설립 ( 연구소명 : 재료물성시험기 ) 10. ISO/IEC 국가공인기관힘 / 토크, 재료물성분야인증확대 서비스표등록 [ 수출입업무대행업 39 건 ] 에사용할상표 대경테크주식회사 특허청등록 [ 등록제 ] 05. [ 인장시험기등 19 건 ] 에사용할상표등록 [ 등록제 호 ] 유압식힘교정기 기술표준원 NEP 마크 지정 09. KOAA SHOW 2005 전시회출품 [2005 한국자동차부품전시회 ] 인장시험기용연신계 특허등록 [ 등록제 ] 베트남엑스포종합박람회 출품 04. SIMTOS 2006 전시회출품 [2006 서울국제공작기계전 ] 05. KOFAS 2006 전시회출품 [2006 국제자동화정밀전 ] 중소기업기술혁신협회인정 대경테크 부설재료물성시험기연구소 인증 기술혁신형이노비즈 (INNO-BIZ) 기업 지정 04. Seoul Motor Show 2007" 전시회출품 [2007 서울모터쇼 ] 05. KOFAS 2007-Changwon" 전시회출품 [2007 국제자동화정밀기기전 ] 수출유망중소기업 지정
200 회사소개
201 회사소개 교정기관현황 ( 총원 8 명 ) ISO/IEC 국가공인기관 ( 힘분야 ) 지정 (KOLAS 사무국 ) 힘, 토크, 경도, 충격분야추가인증확대 갱신평가완료 신규및추가분야심사중 질량분야힘, 토크분야경도, 충격분야길이분야 현재 (13) 1항목 5항목 7항목신규, 추가 (18) 1항목 1항목 16항목 합계 (31) 교정실확장이전예정 (150 평 )
202 사업영역 산업분류 :: 물질검사물질검사,, 측정측정및분석기기제조업분석기기제조업 만능재료시험기류 경도기류 충격시험기류 생산품목 주문형시험기 교정기류
203 사업영역 연간연간판매량 만능재료시험기 경도시험기 충격시험기 주문형시험기 70~100 대 / 년 150~200 대 / 년 20~30 대 / 년 40~50 대 / 년
204 사업영역 실적실적및거래선거래선 자동차관련사 대학및연구소 주요수출거래선 현대현대. 기아자동차. 기아자동차쌍용자동차쌍용자동차 GM GM 대우자동차대우자동차외 1,2 1,2 차벤더벤더 여개여개업체업체납품납품 전국대학전국대학및연구소연구소 개기관납품기관납품 Lafarge Lafarge Gypsum Gypsum 전세계세계 개의개의석고보드공장석고보드공장운영운영현재현재 개국출고개국출고미국미국,, 중동중동,, 동남아시아동남아시아,, 기타기타직. 간접생산품. 간접생산품 여대여대
205 비젼 목표목표 :: 매출증대 (( 수출수출활성화 )) 첫째,, 수출유망기업선정 수출기업화수출기업화사업사업선정선정 - 자금활용자금활용 수출유망기업수출유망기업선정선정 기업지원기업지원활용활용 해외해외시장시장개척개척 - 시장확대시장확대 둘째,, 아이템의다각화 아이템아이템발굴발굴,, 개발개발 셋째,, 공장확장 3 년이내년이내이전이전계획계획
206 비젼 R&D R&D 현황현황 미소압입시험기 DSP 콘트롤러 DTU-1000X 소프트웨어개발 아이템발굴과개발 충격시험기 만능재료시험기 경도기류
207 비젼 ROAD MAP 은? 목표 : 2010 년도해외 Agent 5 개국발굴 매출과수익증대를위한위한해외수출확대확대 5 년내년내매출액 50% 50% 까지까지 성장성장가능성이있는있는아이템발굴발굴 ( 년( 2~3 2~3품목품목발굴 )) 새로운사업분야진입추진
208 세계일류제품 = 대경테크주식회사 = 철저한사후관리 감사합니다. 동영상시청
ISO/IEC 17025 1999-12-15 1 2 3 4 41 42 43 44, 45 / 46 47 48 49 / 410 411 412 413 414 5 51 52 53 54 / 55 56 57 58 / 59 / 510 A( ) ISO/IEC 17025 ISO 9001:1994 ISO 9002:1994 B( ) 1 11 /, / 12 / 1, 2, 3/ (
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