목차 Contents Ι 회사개요 Overview ΙΙ 생산제품 Product ΙΙΙ 생산설비 Equipment IV 매출실적 Sales V 인증서 Certificate

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2 목차 Contents Ι 회사개요 Overview ΙΙ 생산제품 Product ΙΙΙ 생산설비 Equipment IV 매출실적 Sales V 인증서 Certificate

3 회사개요 Company Profile 설립일자 Foundation 소재지 Location 2005 년 9 월 27 일 Established September 27th, 경남밀양시부북면사포산단 1 길 (50404) 90-11, Saposandan 1-gil, Bubuk-myeon, Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do 대표이사 C.E.O 추병두 Byung-Doo, Choo 직원수 Staff 78 명 Head office & Factory

4 회사연혁 Company History 백건주식회사법인설립 Established Baeck-gun Corp. 현대하이스코실수요업체선정 Authorized dealer of HYUNDAI HYSCO ISO 9001 인증취득 ISO 9001 Certification acquired 임팩트빔제조설비설치 Installation of manufacturing equipment for Impact beam 월간생산량 1,100 톤돌파 Monthly production topped 1,100 ton KS 인증취득 KS Certification acquired 클린사업장인증취득 Clean Workplace Certification acquired 현대오토솔루션주식회사상호변경 Changed the name of company to HYUNDAI AUTO SOLUTION 수출유망중소기업지정 Specified for export expected company from government ISO/TS 인증취득 ISO/TS acquired 부품, 소재전문기업인증 Certificated parts specialized company from government 기업부설연구소설립 Established R&D center SQ 인증취득 SQ certification acquired 수출 500 만불달성 Annual export topped USD 5 million IATF 인증취득 IATF acquired

5 조직도 대표이사 Organization 동연스틸 동연오토텍 C.E.O 상무이사 Managing Director 연구소 R&D Center 통합관리이사 Director 생산관리팀 Production Management Division 품질관리팀 Quality Control Division 영업관리팀 Sales Management Division 관리팀 ( 회계 / 총무 ) Administration Division


7 생산제품 도어임팩트빔 / Door Impact Beam Product 생산량 OUTPUT 1,300 ton/year 적용차종 Application Model Morning, K3 소재 Material STDE1470, SPBH1470 제조방법 Manufacture Method Induction quenching, Hot stamping 도어임팩트빔은측면충돌시충격에너지를흡수하여탑승자의상해치를최소화하는충격보완재입니다. The DOOR IMPACT BEAM is complementary products for minimizing the passenger s injury by absorbing shock energy when side collision. DOOR IMPACT BEAM - YB (Q&T TYPE) DOOR IMPACT BEAM - LF (Q&T TYPE) DOOR IMPACT BEAM - YB (HOT FORMED TYPE)

8 생산제품 도어임팩트빔 / Door Impact Beam Product PROCESS 원소재 Raw material 절단 Cutting 고주파퀜칭 Heat treatment 쇼트피닝 Shot peening 검사 Inspection 포장 Packing

9 생산제품 범퍼빔 / Bumper beam Product 생산량 OUTPUT 100 ton/year 적용차종 Application Model i30, i20 소재 Material STDE1470, SPBH1470 제조방법 Manufacture Method Hot stamping 범퍼빔은전방과후방충돌시탑승자의상해치를최소화하는충격보강재부품입니다. The BUMPER BEAM is complementary products for minimizing the driver injury when is conflict in front and back-site. BUMPER BEAM - GD (HOT FORMED TYPE) BUMPER BEAM - JD (HOT FORMED TYPE) BUMPER BEAM - PD (HOT FORMED TYPE)

10 생산제품 범퍼빔 / Bumper beam Product PROCESS 원소재 Raw material 절단 Cutting 가열 Heating 다이퀜칭 Die quenching 템퍼링 Tempering 쇼트피닝 Shot peening 검사 Inspection 포장 Packing

11 생산제품 스티프너 / Stiffener Product 생산량 OUTPUT 1,000 ton/year 적용차종 Application Model Morning, K3 소재 Material STDE1470 제조방법 Manufacture Method Hot stamping 스티프너는충돌시보행자의다리상해치를최소화하기위해범퍼하단에부착되는보완재부품입니다. The STIFFENER is complementary products which is assembled with bumper in order to reduce pedestrian injury when is conflict. STIFFENER - RP (HOT FORMED TYPE) STIFFENER - QX (HOT FORMED TYPE) STIFFENER - HC (HOT FORMED TYPE)

12 생산제품 스티프너 / Stiffener Product PROCESS 원소재 Raw material 절단 Cutting 가열 Heating 다이퀜칭 Die quenching 템퍼링 Tempering 쇼트피닝 Shot peening 검사 Inspection 포장 Packing

13 생산설비 레이저절단기 / Laser Cutting Machine Equipment 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 5 작업조건 (Capability range) : Outer Diameter Φ15mm ~ 72mm 자동절단및이송 / Automatic Cutting and Transportation 고주파열처리기 / Induction Heat Treatment 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 4 생산능력 (Capacity) : 22,000 ton/year 진직도자동선별교정 / Automatic Straightness Calibrating Machine

14 생산설비 열간성형기 / Hot Forming Machine Equipment 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 3 작업조건 (Capability range) : Outer Diameter Φ20mm ~ 50mm 생산능력 (Capacity) : 8,000 ton/year 템퍼링열처리로 / Tempering Furnace 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 1 작동온도 (Temperature) : Max. 200 챔버사이즈 (Chamber dimension) : 2000 X 2000 X 2000mm

15 생산설비 쇼트피닝기 / Shot Peening Machine Equipment 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 3 작업조건 (Capability range) : 1200x1500mm 표면산화막제거 / Descaling Machine 자동용접기 / Automatic Welding Machine 보유대수 (Installed Quantity) : 4 작동범위 (Capacity) : Max. 6kg 프로그램연동로봇팔작동 / Programmed Robot Arm Machine

16 매출실적 Sales Performance 2012 ~ 2017 년매출실적및 2018 년영업계획 Annual Sales Performance and Marketing Plan 단위 : 억원 (unit : 100 million won) 년 2013 년 2014 년 2015 년 2016 년 2017 년 2018 년

17 매출현황 Sales Status 2017 년도국내외매출현황 Sales Status 단위 : 톤 (unit : ton) 내수 Domestic 수출 Export 9,420 6,093

18 검사설비 Inspection Equipment 만능시험기 Universal Testing Machine 염수분무시험기 Salt Spray Tester 시편연마기 Polishing Machine 경도측정기 Vickers Hardness Tester 실체현미경 Stereoscopic Microscope 시편절단기 Sample Cutting Machine 핫마운팅기 Hot Mounting Machine

19 인증서 Certificate

20 감사합니다 Thank you

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