초보자를 위한 크리스탈 리포트 9 - 대화형 리포트의 작성과 디자인
- 인선 신
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1 ha pte r 1 9..,.,, (legacy)., ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning, ), CRM(Customer Relationship Management, ), IT (Information Technology system, ) (Microsoft.NET, SAP, PeopleSoft )... [ 1.1].
2 Part I 9 [ 1.1],.., ( 9.0).. (key benefits) (content creation) 42
3 Chapter 1 9,.,,.,.,!,.,,, ( )..,,., Oracle, IBM DB2.,,,.,,,,.. (invoice),,, ([ 1.1] ),,.,,.,., 43
4 Part I 9,.,,, (data warehouse).,., (, )...,,.,., (, ). ( )..,.,,. ( ),,.?, 44
5 Chapter 1 9.,, (, XML, COM, Java ).,., Microsoft Office,..,.. Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes.., Windows SDK(Sof tware Development Kit, ) XML,,.,. ([ 1.2] ).. DOC - Microsoft Word XLS - Microsoft Excel 45
6 Part I 9 PDF - Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format XML - Extensible Markup Language( ) HTML - Hypertext Markup Language( ) RTF - Rick Text Format CSV - Comma Seperated Values ( ) Text - ODBC - Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 ODBC [ 1.2] Export( ) Microsoft Word Excel. 46
7 hapter 1 9 PDF. Exce l PDF,., (Microsoft Word, Excel, Acrobat Reader),.,., (.RPT). (navigation) (view),.,,,., (bar chart),.,.,., 6, 11,.., (,, ), (23, ).,.,.,. 47
8 Part I 9, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino,., Windows ( / ). 23.,.,.,. [ 1.3]. 5,. [ 1.3].. 48
9 Chapter 1 9 9, (objectoriented),. XML(eXtensible Markup Language), ODBC(Open Database Connectivity), OLEDB(Obj ect Linking and Embedding f or Databases)., ( Windows) (PDA ).., (digital dashboard),,.,,,. 24, -.. RDBMS(relational database management systems, ),,, (Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB), COM ), OLAP(Online Analytical Processing). RDBMS,,, (synonyms),,.,. ( ),. 3,. 49
10 Part I 9...,,,,.,,... (Crystal Dictionary).,. ( ). (.DC5).,.,. ( ). Crystal Dictionary.,.,,, 50
11 Chapter 1 9., (content)., (content).? (content creation).,,,, ( ),.,, ( ) ( ) - Oracle, Microsoft Access. 4. ( ) -,,,, 5. - (stacked bar chart)..,.,., 5 1
12 Part I 9.., (, ).,.... 1,,..,, (margin),. (alert)...,, [ 1.1],. 52
13 hapter 1 9. [ 1.1] 9.,,, SQL. 9. ( ),,, Office XP..,. (link, ). ( ) , WML, simple HTML 3.0, Pocket PC. HTML, chtml(compact HTML), IPAQ, Windows CE, WML, Palm OS., SQL,,,, 53
14 Part I 9,,,,, Microsoft Excel,,, (Gantt Gauge ), /, x., /,, Top N,, OLAP OLAP, OLAP,,.,. (boolean),,, Microsoft Word Excel. Excel, HTML, RTF PDF,., x/ y,,, (consolidation reporting) Java, COM,.NET Java, COM,.NET. Java, COM,.NET. 54
15 hapter 1 9,.,., (, ), IT.,..,,,,.,, ? 2.? 3.? 55
16 Part I 9 1.,.,,..,, (, XML, COM, Java ).,. 2..,,, ( ),. 3., ( ).,,, SQL., 9. 56
17 Cha pte r 2 9.,.,.., 9.,,.,..,,
18 Part I 9,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,,.,., IT(Information Technology)., PC, PC., PC (Microsoft Word Excel,, Adobe Acrobat Reader ). ( ).,,,,., IT,.,. 58
19 hapter 2 9,.,.,. PC, PC. 64MB. RAM [ ] ( ). 300MB. Windows (, C:), [ ]. Windows RAM 11MB., (, ),,.. KB..,. Temp Windows. Temp. Temp ( ) [ ] [ ] ([ 2.1] ). 59
20 Part I 9,., (database connectivity). 3,. [ 2.1] Windows , Crystal Decisions Standard Professional Developer Advanced 60
21 hapter 2 9 Advanced 9.. Advanced Deve lope r COM (data connectivity drive r). Advanced, (legacy),, (e nd use r) (inte ractive ly) ( HTML, DHTML, ).,. Developer Advanced -, Developer Advanced..,. Standard Professional. (Visual Basic.NET ) Developer Advanced. Deve lope r Advanced., Software Deve lope r Kit (SDK), SDK.,.NET COM SDK,.,. 9,. 6 1
22 Part I 9 Microsoft Windows 98(SE), ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP( : 9 Windows 95 ) 32MB RAM(Windows NT 64MB). 64MB 60MB. 200MB, 400MB Windows C: 100MB CD-ROM 9, MB - 105MB 9. (Windows,, ). 9 CD Re lease Note.doc
23 Chapter 2 9 CD-ROM 9 CD, [ 2.2]. Install Crystal Reports 9. [ 2.3] (Crystal Report Setup Wizard). [ 2.2] CD-ROM 9 [ 2.3] 63
24 Part I 9 CD- ROM, CD- ROM setup.exe.,. Re lease Note, Technical Resources, Se rvices, Web Reporting, Crystal Decis ions Products, (install-on-demanding)...,.,. (, ), [ 2.4] Select Installation Type( ).. 1. [Next]. 2. (Licence agreement), [Next]. 3. CD, [Next]., Select Installation Type. [Typical( )].,. 64
25 Chapter 2 9 (export) Microsoft Access SQL Server,.,. C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Crystal Reports 9\. [ 2.4] (, )., 70MB. DLL( )., Start Installation( ), [Next].,.,
26 Part I 9 Reg istration Wizard( ).,.,, Crystal Decis ion,,,,., (custom installation type).,.,..., 9 Geographic Mapping( ) Custom Charting( )..,. 1. [Next]. 2. (Licence agreement), [Next]. 3. CD [Next]. Select Installation Type ([ 2.4] ), [Custom]. Custom( ),. [ 2.5], Select Features( ). 66
27 Chapter 2 9 [ 2.5] Select Features.,,.. Will be insta lled on loca l hard drive :. Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive :. Will be insta lled to run from CD :, CD. Entire feature will be installed to run from CD :, CD. Feature will be insta lled when required :. Entire feature will be unavailable :. [ 2.5], Sample Reports., PC, Sample Reports 67
28 Part I 9, Entire feature will be installed to run from CD., CD-ROM.. Features will be installed when required.,. CD-ROM. 1. Se lect Features,., 70MB (.DLL ). Se lect Features [Disk Cost],. [ 2.6] Disk Cost.. [ 2.6] Disk Cost. 68
29 Chapter 2 9 Se lect Features [Reset],.,., [Next] Start Installation( ). Start Installation [Next],.,.,.,....,, (OLAP, Online Analytical Processing)., Oracle SQL -. 3.,.,, (syste m Data Source Name syste m DSN). 69
30 Part I 9,.,., Crystal Reports 9 Tools.,.. Crystal Reports 9 Tools. Crystal Registration Wizard, Crystal Reports Licence, Crystal Dictionary, Crsytal SQL Designer. Crystal Reports Licence. Crystal Dictionary Crystal SQL Designer 9., 9 CD. Crystal Dictionary Crystal SQL Des ig ne r. ( Crystal Dictionary ), SQL. Crystal Dictionary SQL Des ig ne r.,... (report sections) (application toolbars) (application menus) 70
31 Chapter 2 9, 4,.,..., (Welcome to Crystal Reports) ([ 2.7] )., (Report Expert Wizard)., [As a Blank Report]. [ 2.7],., [Using the Reports Wizard], [OK]. Crystal Report Gallery. [As a Blank Report] [OK]., (Data Explorer) [Cancel]., (Field Explorer), [Close]. 71
32 Part I 9 (empty report template). [ 2.8],. ( ),. Report Header, Page Header, Details, Report Footer, Page Footer.,.. Report Header,,. Page Header,,. Group Header Group Footer (custom section). Details,. [ 2.8],. 72
33 Chapter 2 9,. (prese ntation),.., (database field), (text), (picture), (chart), (map). (formula), (sub-report) (additional object),. (Section Expert).,. (, ), [Section Expert]. [Section Expert]. Format Section Expert.,...,.., ( ) (underlay), (suppressing) (formatting),. Section Export. 73
34 Part I 9,... View ToolBars,. [ 2.9],. Standard - New, Open, Save, Print, Preview, Export, Copy, Cut, Past, Help. Formatting - Font, Font Size, Bold, Italics, Underline, Alignment, Currency, Percentage. Insert Tools -. Insert. Expert Tools - Database, Group, Select, Section, Formula Workshop, Highlighting Experts. [ 2.9] (Toolbars dialog). (ToolTips). (Toolbars dialog) [Show ToolTips].. 74
35 Chapter 2 9,.,. File( ) - File,,,,,,,.,,,,,. Edit( ) - Edit (undo), (redo), (cut), (copy), OLE (paste).,,,,. (OLE, Object Linking and Embedding) (OLE ),. OLE,,,. View( ) - View. Veiw (Design View) (Preview View), (,, (repository) ),,,, (ruler),, (grid),. Insert( ) - Insert (,, ),,,,, (picture),, 75
36 Part I 9.. Format( ) - Format.. (,,,, (drop shadow)),,., (,, ) (Highlighting Expert). Database( ) - Database (Database Expert).,, (alias)., SQL ODBC /, (browse), SQL.. Report( ) - Report ( ). (Select Expert), (Selection Formula)., (alert),,,,. Chart( ) - Chart..,,,,,, (numeric axis grid),, 76
37 Chapter 2 9.,, (report element),, (Map Navigator). Window( ) - Window,,. Help( ) - Help.,.,..,..,..,,,,.,.,. 77
38 Part I 9,. 1.? 2.? 3. Temp? 1. KB..,. 2. RAM 11MB. 3. Windows Temp, Temp., [ ] [ ]. File Open. (open dialog),, Inventory. C :\ Prog ra m File s\ Cryst a l Dec is io ns\ Crysta l Re po rts 9\ S a m ples\ En\ Re po rts\ Ge ne ra l Bus ines s 78
39 Chapter 2 9 Inventory, [ (Design)]..,,.,.. (Select Expert).,.,. 79
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