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25 Locationbased application Locationbased application request (MLP) request (MLP) response (MLP) response (MLP) Wireless Network inter-location Server MLP Wireless Network Location Server Location Server

26 MLS Application Le/L1 Push OTA Protocol (POTAP- Lup) SMS/Tele Service (Lup) WAP Push Proxy Gateway Push Access Protocol (PAP- Lup) SUPL Location Platform SUPL Home/Requesting/Visiting Location Platform SUPL Location Center Home/Requesting/Visiting SUPL Location Center To Charging SMS Center/ Message Center SMS/Tele Service (Lup) Lpp Lh/Lg/L2/L3 Control Plane SET to SLC SET MLS Application/ SUPL Agent (TCP/IP-Lup) SET to SCP Non Proxy Home/Requesting/Visiting SUPL Positioning Center Home/Requesting/Visiting SUPL Positioning Center Roaming Lr/Lcs-Z

27 - MLP Ver 3.2 : Mobile Location Protocol RLP : Roaming Location Protocol SURL: Secure User Plane Location Requirements PCP: Privacy Checking Protocol Requirements Ver 1.0


29 - XML for Location Services(XLS) : - OpenLS Gateway Service Specification - OpenLS Location Utility Servicess(Geocoder and Reverse Geocoder Services) - OpenLS Directory Service Specification - OpenLS Presentation Service Specification - OpenLS Route Determination Service Specification - XML for Location Services(XLS) : The OpenLS Platform Navigation Service Extension

30 Core Network LSPF HLR/HSS LSAF LCF Lh LSOF LSPF LCCF LCF PCF PSMF LSOF UE RAN PSMF LCF LSCF LSOF PRCF PCF PRRM LSBF MSC/MSC Server LSAF LSOF LSBF Gs SGSN LSCF LCF LSPF LSCF LSAF LSPF PPR LSTF PMD Lg Lg Lpp Lid LCAF LSOF LSBF LCCTF LSAF LSPF LSCTF LCZTF LIMS- IWF GMLC Le * See Note 1 Um/Uu A/Iu External LCS Client - 3G TS : "Stage 2 functional specification of UE positioning in UTRAN". - 3G TS : "Technical Specification Group Systems Aspects; Location Services (LCS); Stage - 3GPPTS43.059: "Functional Stage 2 description of Location Services in GERAN". - 3GPPTS23.271: "Functional stage 2 description of Location Services(LCS)"

31 - PN (TIA-1020), IP based location services (3GPP2 x.p0024) - PN (TIA-1020), IP based location services (3GPP2 x.p0024) - Security framework being defined in 3GPP2 (S.P0110) - TIA-881, LS Authentication/Privacy/Security Enhancements (3GPP2 X.P0002) - TIA-843, Wireless Intelligent Network LBS Phase III (3GPP2 X.P0009) - TIA-801-A, Position Determination Service for cdma2000



34 기술범위 LBS 플랫폼 표준기술규격 LBS플랫폼 Stage1 : 요구기능 LBS플랫폼 Stage2 : 위치정보요청및응답프로토콜위치기반서비스플랫폼 Stage2: 위치정보로밍기술규격위치기반서비스플랫폼 Stage2: 위치정보보호및인증기술규격위치기반서비스플랫폼 Stage3: 위치정보상호운용시험기술규격

35 기술범위 LBS 응용서비스 표준기술규격 LBS 기능인터페이스 : Stage1 범위및요구조건 LBS 기능인터페이스 Stage2 인터페이스 : 공통API/ADT, 위치추적서비스, 항법서비스 LBS 기능인터페이스 Stage2 인터페이스 : 디렉토리서비스프리젠테이션서비스기술규격 여행자안내서비스 위치기반서비스기능인터페이스 Stage 3: 항법서비스프로토콜 모바일콘텐츠응용서버 LBS 응용서비스단말 휴대단말용지도서비스요구기능 Stage1 휴대단말용지도서비스기술규격 Stage2 인터페이스지오코더서비스기술규격기능요구조건 / 인터페이스 (Stage1,2) 무선긴급서비스 Stage1 : 요구기능무선긴급서비스 Stage2 : 인터페이스무선긴급서비스 Stage2 : 아키텍쳐및프로토 LBS 단말기기술규격 Stage1 요구기능 LBS 단말기기술규격 Stage2 인터페이스

36 기술범위 표준기술규격 무선측위기술 Stage1 : 요구기능 무선 측위 무선측위기술 Stage2 : A-GPS 기술 무선측위기술 Stage2 : 중계기술 무선측위기술성능평가방안


38 서비스 위치프라이버시인증서비스 (Location Privacy Assertion Service) 익명 / 실명매개서비스 (Pseudonym/Verinym Mediation Service) 프라이버시프로파일갱신알림서비스 (Privacy Profile Update Notification Service) 구성메세지 - 위치프라이버시인증요구 (Location Privacy Assertion Request) - 위치프라이버시인증응답 (Location Privacy Assertion Response) - 익명요구 (Pseudonym Request) - 익명응답 (Pseudonym Response) - 실명요구 (Verinym Request) - 실명응답 (Verinym Response) - 위치프라이버시프로파일갱신알림 (Location Privacy Profile Update Notification) - 위치프라이버시프로파일갱신알림인식 (Location Privacy Profile Update Notification Ack) Location Server PCE Location Privacy Assertion Request Location Privacy Assertion Response

39 Location Server PCE Location Server PCE verinym request pseudonym request verinym response pseudonym response Location Server/ PCE Location Privacy Profile Update Notification Location Privacy Profile Update Notification ACK

40 Location Generator Publication interface Location Server Notification interface Location Receipient Rule interface Rule Holder



43 RFC Internet Draft -Threat Analysis of the Geopriv Protocol(RFC3634) -Geopriv Requirements(RFC3693) -A Presence Architecture for the Distribution of GEOPRIV Location Objects(RFC4079) -A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format (RFC4119) -Location Types Registry(RFC4598) -Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Option for Coordinate-based Location Configuration Information (RFC3825) -Common Policy: A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences (RFC 4745) -Revised Civic Location Format for Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) (RFC 5139) -Geolocation Policy: A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences for Location Information -Carrying Location Objects in RADIUS and Diameter -GEOPRIV PIDF-LO Usage Clarification, Considerations and Recommendations -A Document Format for Filtering and Reporting Location Notications in the Presence Information Document Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) -GEOPRIV Layer 7 Location Configuration Protocol; Problem Statement and Requirements -HTTP Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) -Requirements for a Location-by-Reference Mechanism -Discovering the Local Location Information Server (LIS) -Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Option for a Location Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) -Implications of for SIP Location Conveyance


45 A-GPS From 9:00 to 22;00 친구찾기 위치미팅위치기반서비스사업자 1 From 9:00 to 18;00 From 9:00 to 18;00 친구 A Cell-ID 직원관리 24 시간 직장 cellular 위치정보사업자 1 24 시간 배차관리 24 시간 telematics GPS 가족안전위치기반서비스사업자 2 24 시간 가족 위치정보사업자 2 긴급시동시호출 보험 voip IP 배달 1 회만허용 보험회사 위치정보사업자 3 결제 위치기반서비스사업자 3 택배회사 긴급구조기관










55 위치정보로그확인프로토콜 위치로그서버위치로그위치로그서버 위치로그 위치정보수집위치정보취득위치정보제공 위치정보단말 위치정보프라이버시프로토콜 규칙서버 위치정보사업자 예외리스트 위치기반서비스사업자 친구 A









64 위치정보사실자료확인 4. 위치정보수집 동의변경 10. 통지 위치로그서버위치로그위치로그서버 규칙서버 2. 위치정보요청 1. 위치정보요청 예외리스트 위치로그 7. 위치정보취득 9. 위치정보제공 규칙서버 예외리스트 친구 A 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 위치기반서비스사업자



67 위치정보사실자료확인 4. 위치정보수집 3.a 통지및인증 위치로그서버위치로그위치로그서버 규칙서버 2. 위치정보요청 1. 위치정보요청 예외리스트 위치로그 7. 위치정보취득 9. 위치정보제공 친구 A 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 위치기반서비스사업자


69 위치기반서비스사업자 1 위치정보프라이버시제어 1 위치정보사업자 1 위치기반서비스사업자 2 위치정보주체 위치정보프라이버시제어 2 위치정보프라이버시제어 n 위치정보사업자 2... 위치정보사업자 n 위치기반서비스사업자 3 위치기반서비스사업자 4... 위치기반서비스사업자 m

70 3. 규칙확인요청 5. 수집제공동의 위치로그서버 위치로그 위치로그서버 9 위치로그 4 6. 위치정보수집 7 2. 위치정보요청 1. 위치정보요청 8. 위치정보취득 10. 위치정보제공 규칙서버 예외리스트 친구 A 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 위치기반서비스사업자


72 위치기반서비스사업자 1 위치정보사업자 1 위치기반서비스사업자 2 위치정보프라이버시제어 위치정보사업자 2... 위치기반서비스사업자 3 위치기반서비스사업자 4 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 n... 위치기반서비스사업자 m

73 4 3. 서비스계약요청 5. 서비스조정계약 6. 위치정보수집 위치로그서버 7 위치로그 위치로그서버 위치로그 2. 위치정보요청 1. 위치정보요청 8. 위치정보취득 10. 위치정보제공 9 규칙서버 예외리스트 친구 A 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 위치기반서비스사업자

74 위치정보단말 6. 위치정보수집 예외리스트 2. 위치기반서비스계약 3. 위치정보이용제공동의 규칙서버 동의증명 + 위치정보요청 위치로그서버 10 위치로그 위치기반서비스사업자 9. 위치정보취득 1. 위치정보요청 11. 위치정보제공 친구 A 8 위치로그서버 위치로그 위치정보사업자



77 위치정보단말 위치정보사업자 위치기반서비스사업자 4. 위치정보수집 위치로그서버 5 위치로그 위치로그서버 위치로그 2. 위치정보요청 1. 위치정보요청 위치정보취득 8. 위치정보제공 규칙서버예외리스트 0. 위치정보프라이버시설정 3.a 통지및인증 3. 사전프라이버시확인 5. 사후프라이버시확인 0. 위치기반서비스사업자인증 친구 A 규칙서버 예외리스트 독립위치정보프라이버시인증기관


79 LocationType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { time TimeType, choice CHOICE { shape ShapeType, civicaddress CivicAddressType sequence SEQUENCE { alt AltitudeType, alt-acc [NAME AS "alt_acc"] AltitudeAccuracyType OPTIONAL OPTIONAL, speed SpeedType OPTIONAL, direction DirectionType OPTIONAL, probability [NAME AS "lev_conf"] ProbabilityType OPTIONAL


81 ShapeType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { point PointType, linestring LineStringType, polygon PolygonType, box BoxType, circulararea CircularAreaType, circulararcarea CircularArcAreaType, ellipticalarea EllipticalAreaType, multilinestring SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, linestring-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF linestring LineStringType, multipoint SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, point-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF point PointType, multipolygon SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, choice-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF CHOICE { polygon PolygonType, box BoxType, circulararea CircularAreaType, circulararcarea CircularArcAreaType, ellipticalarea EllipticalAreaType, linearring LinearRingType

82 건물, 산 circulararea circulararcarea ellipticalarea

83 QualityClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { no-delay, low-delay, delay-tolerant


85 ExceptionListType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { locationoperator SEQUENCE { id [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.ID, name [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String, sysid [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.ID, sysname [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String, lbsp SEQUENCE { id [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.ID, name [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String, class LBSPClassType, serviceid [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.ID, serviceclass LBSPServiceLassType, servicename [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String, recipient SEQUENCE { rid [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.ID, rname [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String, restriction SEQUENCE { privacyaction [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String accuracylimit [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String spatiotemporallimit [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String maxloclimit [NOT NAMESPACE] XSD.String codword CodewordType, privacyoveride [UNTAGGED] INTEGER


87 LBSPClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { general-lbsp, operator-lbsp, emergency-lbsp, lawfulintercept_lbsp

88 LBSPServiceClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { universalclass ServiceClassType, sessionrelatedclass ServiceClassType, sessionunrelatedclass ServiceClassType, sessionoperatorclass ServiceClassType



91 ActionType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { position-not-allowed, notify-position-if-granted, notify-position-if-no-response, notify-position, notify-providing, position-without-notify


93 ActionPeriodType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { every-position-or-providing, every-frequency, every-periodic-time, service-activation



96 AccuracyType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE{ choice CHOICE { coordinate CoordinateClassType, gradedaccuracy GradedAccuracyClassType, civicaddreass CivicAddressClassType, psuedo PsuedoClassType


98 CoordinateClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { under-2-m, under-15-m, under-150-m, under-300-m, under-1-km, under-20-km, under-200-km, plmn-or-country



101 위치정보주체 2. 수집되는위치정보등급과비교 ( 예 :1 등급 ) 1. 서비스제공에필요한위치품질등급 ( 예 :3 등급 ) 3. 위치기반서비스제공계약 ( 위치정보를 3 등급으로가공하여제공 ) 위치기반서비스사업자서비스 4. 위치정보를제공받아서비스 ( 예 :3 등급 )

102 CivicAddressClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { seat, room, type-of-place, floor, house-number, building, unit, block, branch-road-name, road-name, postal-code, city-county, province, nation

103 PsuedoClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { time PeriodClassType, space SpatialType, spacetime SEQUENCE { sttime PeriodicClassType, stspace SpatialType

104 TemporalType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { onetime OneTimeClassType, periodic PeriodicClassType, calendric CalendricClassType

105 OneTimeClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { type TimeActionType, starttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, endtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType PeriodicClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] { type TimeActionType, starttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, endtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, durationtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, everyperiod EveryPeriodicType, excepttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType TimeActionType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { in, out EveryPeriodicType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { day, hour

106 Line Buffer Circle Box Polygon

107 SpatialType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { shapeclass SEQUENCE { shape [NOT NAMESPACE] ShapeType, movingtype [NOT NAMESPACE] MovingType, time [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType areatypeclass SEQUENCE { areatype [NOT NAMESPACE] AreaType, movingtype [NOT NAMESPACE] MovingType, time [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType

108 MovingType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { move-in, move-out, stay-in, stay-out, move-nearby AreaType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATE { company-area, home-area, academy-area, predefined-area


















126 /********************************************************************/ /* Created: Mon Dec 20 09:44: */ /* KISA-PCP-V1_ asn */ /********************************************************************/ /* 0. 공동으로사용하는데이터정의 *********************************/ /*--- MSIDType */ XSD {joint-iso-itu-t asn1(1) specification(0) modules(0) xsd-module(2) DEFINITIONS XER INSTRUCTIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN XMLCompatibleString ::= UTF8String (FROM ( {0, 0, 0, 9 {0, 0, 0, 10 {0, 0, 0, 13 {0, 0, 0, 32.. {0, 0, 215, 255 {0, 0, 224, 0.. {0, 0, 255, 253 {0, 1, 0, 0.. {0, 16, 255, 253)) XMLStringWithNoWhitespace ::= XMLCompatibleString (FROM ( {0, 0, 0, 33.. {0, 0, 215, 255 {0, 0, 224, 0.. {0, 0, 255, 253 {0, 1, 0, 0.. {0, 16, 255, 253)) XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT ::= UTF8String (FROM ( {0, 0, 0, 32.. {0, 0, 215, 255 {0, 0, 224, 0.. {0, 0, 255, 253 {0, 1, 0, 0.. {0, 16, 255, 253)) /* xsd:string */ String ::= XMLCompatibleString /* xsd:anysympletype */ AnyType ::= SEQUENCE { embed-values SEQUENCE OF String, attr SEQUENCE (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Each item shall conform to the "AnyAttributeFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 ISO/IEC , clause 18 */) OF String, elem-list SEQUENCE OF elem String (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to the "AnyElementFormat" specified in ITU-T Rec. X.693 ISO/IEC , clause 19 */) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* Shall conform to ITU-T Rec. X.693 ISO/IEC , clause 25 */) /* xsd:token */ Token ::= NormalizedString (CONSTRAINED BY {/* NormalizedString shall be a token as

127 defined in W3C XML Schema Part 2, */) /* xsd:normalizedstring */ NormalizedString ::= String (XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* String shall be a normalizedstring as defined in W3C XML Schema Part 2, */) /* xsd:nmtoken */ NMTOKEN ::= Token (XMLStringWithNoWhitespace) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* The Token shall be an NMTOKEN as defined in W3C XML 1.0, 2.3 */) /* xsd:anysympletype */ AnyURI ::= XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT (CONSTRAINED BY {/* The XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT shall be a valid URI as defined in IETF RFC 2396 */) /* xsd:double */ Double ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa( ), base(2), exponent( )) /* xsd:ncname */ NCName ::= Name (CONSTRAINED BY {/* The Name shall be an NCName as defined in W3C XML Namespaces, 2 */) /* xsd:name */ Name ::= Token (XMLStringWithNoWhitespace) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* The Token shall be a Name as defined in W3C XML 1.0, 2.3 */) /* xsd:id */ ID ::= NCName /* xsd:float */ Float ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS { mantissa( ), base(2), exponent( )) ENCODING-CONTROL XER GLOBAL-DEFAULTS MODIFIED-ENCODINGS GLOBAL-DEFAULTS CONTROL-NAMESPACE " PREFIX "xsi" NAMESPACE ALL, ALL IN ALL AS " PREFIX "xsd" NAME String, AnyType, NormalizedString, Token, AnyURI, Double, Float AS UNCAPITALIZED EMBED-VALUES AnyType UNTAGGED AnyType.elem-list ANY-ATTRIBUTES AnyType.attr

128 ANY-ELEMENT AnyType.elem-list.* WHITESPACE NormalizedString REPLACE WHITESPACE Token, AnyURI COLLAPSE END V1-0 DEFINITIONS XER INSTRUCTIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS AnyType, String, NMTOKEN, AnyURI, Double, ID, Float FROM XSD; /********************************************************************/ /* 1. Identity Data Type Definition *********************************/ /*--- MSIDType */ MSIDType ::= SEQUENCE { msid XSD.String, name XSD.String, msclasstype MSClassType MSClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { mobile-phone /* 일반휴대폰 */ ClientIDType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { clientid XSD.String, clientname XSD.String, clienttype ClientType ClientType ::= SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { lpsclient LPSPClassType, /* 위치정보사업자 */ lbsclient LBSPClassType, /* 위치기반사업자 */ userclient XSD.String /* 일반사용자 */ LPSPClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { lpsname XSD.String /* 위치기반서비스사업자클래스 => 여기서는크게필요없을듯 */ LBSPClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { general-lbsp, /* 일반위치기반서비스사업자 */ operator-lbsp, /* 위치정보사업자겸업위치기반서비스사업자 */ emergency-lbsp, /* 긴급구조기관위치기반서비스사업자 */

129 lawfulintercept-lbsp /* 법적감청위치기반서비스사업자 */ /********************************************************************/ /* 2. LPRAction Data Type *******************************************/ LPRActionType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { position-not-allowed, notify-position-if-granted, notify-position-if-no-response, notify-position, notify-providing, position-without-notify /* Notification Periodic Option */ ActionPeriodType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { every-position-or-providing, /* 매회 */ every-frequency, /* 매횟수 */ every-periodic-time, /* 매주기시간 */ service-activation /* 서비스활성화시 */ AccuracyType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { coordinate CoordinateClassType, gradedaccuracy GradedAccuracyClassType, civicaddress CivicAddressClassType, psuedo PsuedoClassType CoordinateClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { under-2-m, under-15-m, under-150-m, under-300-m, under-1-km, under-20-km, under-200-km, plmn-or-country /* GradedAccuracy 는 6 단계로둠 */ GradedAccuracyClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { grade-level-1, grade-level-2, grade-level-3,

130 grade-level-4, grade-level-5, grade-level-6 CivicAddressClassType ::=[NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { seat, room, type-of-place, floor, house-number, building, unit, block, branch-road-name, road-name, postal-code, city-county, province, nation PsuedoClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { time PeriodicClassType, space SpatialType, spacetime SEQUENCE { sttime PeriodicClassType, stspace SpatialType /********************************************************************/ /* 3. Spatial Data Type *********************************************/ SpatialType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { shapeclass SEQUENCE { shapetype [NOT NAMESPACE] ShapeType, movingtype [NOT NAMESPACE] MovingType, time [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, areatypeclass SEQUENCE { areatype [NOT NAMESPACE] AreaType, movingtype [NOT NAMESPACE] MovingType, time [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType

131 MovingType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { move-in, move-out, stay-in, stay-out, move-nearby ShapeType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { point PointType, linestring LineStringType, polygon PolygonType, box BoxType, circulararea CircularAreaType, circulararcarea CircularArcAreaType, ellipticalarea EllipticalAreaType, multilinestring SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, linestring-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF linestring LineStringType, multipoint SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, point-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF point PointType, multipolygon SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, choice-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF CHOICE { polygon PolygonType, box BoxType, circulararea CircularAreaType, circulararcarea CircularArcAreaType, ellipticalarea EllipticalAreaType, linearring LinearRingType PointType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE {


133 gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, coord Coord, inradius RadiusType, outradius RadiusType, startangle AngleType, stopangle AngleType, angularunit AngularUnitType OPTIONAL, distanceunit DistanceUnitType OPTIONAL CircularAreaType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, coord Coord, radius RadiusType, distanceunit DistanceUnitType OPTIONAL EllipticalAreaType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { gid [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.ID OPTIONAL, srsname [NOT NAMESPACE] [ATTRIBUTE] XSD.String OPTIONAL, coord Coord, angle AngleType, semimajor INTEGER (0..MAX), semiminor INTEGER (0..MAX), angularunit AngularUnitType OPTIONAL, distanceunit DistanceUnitType OPTIONAL RadiusType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER (0..MAX) AngleType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.Float ( E2) AngularUnitType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { degrees, radians DistanceUnitType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String AreaType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { company-area, home-area, academy-area, predefined-area

134 /********************************************************************/ /* 4. Temporal Data Type ********************************************/ TemporalType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { choice CHOICE { onetime OneTimeClassType, period PeriodicClassType, calendar CalendricClassType OneTimeClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { type TimeActionType, starttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, endtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType PeriodicClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { type TimeActionType, starttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, endtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, durationtime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType, everyperiod EveryPeriodicType, excepttime [NOT NAMESPACE] TimeType CalendricClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { type TimeActionType /* Not Available in this version */ TimeActionType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { in, out EveryPeriodicType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { moonth, day, hour TimeType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String (SIZE(14)) (CONSTRAINED BY {/* XML representation of the XSD pattern "[0-9]+" */) /********************************************************************/ /* 5. Location Data Type ********************************************/ LocationType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { time TimeType,

135 shape ShapeType, sequence SEQUENCE { alt AltitudeType, alt-unc [NAME AS "alt_unc"] AltitudeUncertaintyType OPTIONAL OPTIONAL, speed SpeedType OPTIONAL, direction DirectionType OPTIONAL, lev-conf [NAME AS "lev_conf"] ProbabilityType OPTIONAL /* The altitude of the MS in meters in respect of the ellipsoid which is used to be define the coordinates. */ AltitudeType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER /* Uncertainty of altitude estimate in meters. */ AltitudeUncertaintyType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER (0..MAX) /* The speed of the MS in m/s. */ SpeedType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] INTEGER (0..MAX) /* The speed of the MS in m/s. */ DirectionType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.Double ( E2) /* This indicates the probability in percent that the MS is located in the position area that is returned. */ ProbabilityType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.Double ( E2) /********************************************************************/ /* 6. Service Protocol Data Type ************************************/ MessageHeaderType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { msgtype MSIDType, /* 메시지타입 */ msgversion ClientIDType, /* 프로토콜버전 */ msgcommand ResultCodeType /* 메시지별세부명령어 */ LPRUpdateRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType, /* 설정을변경하고자하는위치정보참조자 */ choice CHOICE { lpraction LPRActionType, /* 위치프라이버시 Action 설정 */ actionperiod ActionPeriodType, /* 알림주기 */ accuracy AccuracyType, /* 위치정확도 */ spatialcondition SpatialType, /* 특정공간에서만허용 */ temporalcondition TemporalType /* 주어진기간동안만허용 */

136 LPRUpdateResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPRNotifyRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, agentid ClientIDType, /* LPR 메시지수신자 */ msid MSIDType /* 위치정보주체 */ LPRNotifyResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPRAssertRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* LPR 정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType /* LPR 정보요청자 */ LPRAssertResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ choice CHOICE { lprinfo LPRInformType, /* MS 정보 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPRInformType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { msid MSIDType, /* LPR 정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType, /* LPR 정보설정대상자 */ lpraction LPRActionType, /* 위치프라이버시 Action 설정 */ actionperiod ActionPeriodType, /* 알림주기 */ accuracy AccuracyType, /* 위치정확도 */ spatialcondition SpatialType, /* 특정공간에서만허용 */ temporalcondition TemporalType /* 주어진기간동안만허용 */ LPRProvideRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType,

137 clientid ClientIDType /* LPR 정보요청자 */ LPRProvideResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LocationReportRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보주체 */ location LocationType /* 위치정보 */ LocationReportResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LocationProvideRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType, /* 위치정보요청자 */ requesttime TimeType, /* 보고시간 */ servicetime TimeType, /* 요청서비스 */ period PeriodicClassType /* 요청기간 */ LocationProvideResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ choice CHOICE { location LocationType, /* 위치정보 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ MSInformRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType /* 위치정보참조자주체 */ MSInformResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */

138 choice CHOICE { information MSInformType, /* MS 정보 */ message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPPositionRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보주체 */ clientid ClientIDType OPTIONAL, /* 위치정보참조자 */ /* 위치정보참조자가생략된경우 msid를참조한모는참조자정보요청 */ locationquality QualityClassType /* 위치정확도 */ QualityClassType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { no-delay, /* 무지연위치정보제공 */ low-delay, /* 저지연위치정보제공 */ delay-tolerant /* 지연감수위치정보제공 */ LPPositionResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ choice CHOICE { client-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF LPPositionStatusType, message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPPositionStatusType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { client ClientIDType, /* 수집자 */ requester ClientIDType, /* 요청자 */ service XSD.String, /* 요청서비스 */ gathermethod PositionMethodType, /* 수집방법 */ starttime TimeType, /* 수집요청시간 */ endtime TimeType /* 수집종료시간 */ PositionMethodType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String LPProvideRequestMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, msid MSIDType, /* 위치정보요청대상주체 */ clientid ClientIDType OPTIONAL /* 위치정보요청자 */ /* 위치정보참조자가생략된경우 msid를참조한모는참조자정보요청 */

139 LPProvideResponseMSG ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { header MessageHeaderType, result ResultCodeType, /* 결과코드 */ choice CHOICE { client-list SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF LPProvideStatusType, message ResultMessageType /* 오류발생시, 오류내용전송 */ LPProvideStatusType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] SEQUENCE { client ClientIDType, /* 보고자 */ route XSD.String, /* 취득경로 */ service XSD.String, /* 제공서비스 */ user ClientIDType, /* 제공받은자 */ providetime TimeType, /* 제공시간 */ providemethod ProvideMethodType /* 제공방식 */ ProvideMethodType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String /********************************************************************/ /* 7. Location Data Type ********************************************/ ResultCodeType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] ENUMERATED { success, fail ResultMessageType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String MSInformType ::= [NAME AS UNCAPITALIZED] XSD.String END



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