2011 년도대한정형외과학회 추계학술대회가성공적인대회가될수있도록 회원님들의적극적인참여바랍니다. T h e K o r e a n O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n 회장 President, Young Bok Jung 이사장 Ch

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1 2011 년도대한정형외과학회 추계학술대회가성공적인대회가될수있도록 회원님들의적극적인참여바랍니다. T h e K o r e a n O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n 회장 President, Young Bok Jung 이사장 Chairman, Chung Soo Han 총무 Treasurer & Secretary, Kang Il Kim 차기회장 President-elect, Dae Kyung Bae 차기이사장 Chairman-elect, Won Young Shon 차기총무 Treasurer & Secretary-elect, Seun Beom Han Board of Directors Dae Mang Kim Hyun Dae Shin Dong Jun Kim Myun Whan Ahn Myung Ku Kim Sung Bum Yang Sang Rim Kim Ye Yeon Won Shin Yoon Kim Jae Won You Young Hoon Kim Taek Rim Yoon Hui-Taek Kim Moo Hwa Lee Hee Joong Kim Woo Chun Lee Byung Woo Min Jae Suk Chang Youn Soo Park Jun Dong Chang Tae-Soo Park Churl Hong Chun Kyung Jin Song Jae Hoon Chung Seok Whan Song Tae Seong Jeong Kyoo Ho Shin Won Sik Choy Doung Eun Shin

2 55 56 Information E room( 3 ) (85 ) (17 )., citation manager,. 10 session... Registration ( )~15( ), 7. ( 6 ) 70,000 80,000,, 50,000,, 60, , ,000 ( 6 ) 100,000/1 50, ,000/1 60,000,, 70,000,, 60,000 : 9 26 ( ) : , ( ) ( ) ortho@koa.or.kr...

3 Venue : Tel. (02) Fax.(02) web site: Hotel Date Guestroom Quantity Unit Price Remark Oct Deluxe Room 1 210,000 Single & Twin Residence 2bed 1 208,000 3 Residence 3bed 1 256,000 4 Residence 4bed 1 304,000 5 세금별도 - ( Tel Fax

4 55 56 Floor Plans Convention Center 4F STAGE A B C Room Room Room Convention Hall LOBBY Registration Convention Center 3F Preview Room, Internet Corner Video, Poster STAGE D Room E Room Diamond Hall Convention Center 1F:, (101 ~ 278 ) 3F: "D, E" Room,, (1~100 ), Preview Room, Internet Corner, Video Room 4F: "A,B,C" Room, Registration

5 Free Papers 1) ) Beam Projector. 3) ( - : ( ) - : ( ) Video Session 1) 3 (poster) Video Session. 2) Video Session Video 9 26 CD. - format: wmv avi - : 15 - : 1GB 3) Video CD.. Video. Poster 1) (poster) 1 3. * 3 : 1~100 1 : 101~278 2),. 3) 10 13( ), 6 8. size ( 80 cm x 120 cm).

6 55 56 General Information 1) : ( ), 07:50-08:00 : 4 B room 2) 56 : ( ), 12:10~13:15 : 4 B room 3) Luncheon Symposium : ( ), 11:50~12:10 : 4 A,B,C room : ( ), 11:50~12:10 : 4 A,B room 4) (, CiOS,, SICOT, ISTA ) : ( ), 13:16~13:40 : 4 B room 5) : ( ), 13:40~14:10 : 4 B room 6) : ( ), 11:40~12:20 : 3 E room : ( ), 13:10~14:00 : 3 E room 7) : ( ), 10:20~12:20 : 3 E room 8) : ( ), 12:20~ : 4 B room.

7 55 Date & Time Registration (Thu) 07:00-17:00 Convention Center 4F Floor (Fri) 07:00-17: (Sat) 07:00-12:00 Opening Ceremony (Thu) 07:50-08:00 Convention Center Room B Free Papers (Thu) 08:00-18:00 Convention Center Room A,B,C,D (Fri) 08:00-18: (Sat) 08:00-12:20 Plenary Lecture ICL (Thu) John H. Healey (USA) 10:20-10:50 Convention Center Room B (Thu) John H. Healey (USA) 14:10-14: (Thu) 08:00-18:20 Convention Center Room E (Fri) 08:00-18: (Sat 08:00-12:20 ICL by Plenary Guest Speaker (Thu) John H.Healey (USA) 11:10-11:40 Convention Center Room E Invited Lecture (Thu) Aree Tanavalee (Thailand) 09:15-09:35 Convention Center Room E Jon Davids (USA) 09:40-10:00 Convention Center Room D Xiaohui Niu (China) 13:40-14:00 Convention Center Room E Jason L. Koh (USA) 14:49-15:09 Convention Center Room E Jason L. Koh (USA) 15:50-16:10 Convention Center Room E Javad Parvizi (USA) 16:20-16:40 Convention Center Room E Peter H. Thaller (Germany) 17:20-17:40 Convention Center Room E Mangal Parihar (India) 17:40-18:00 Convention Center Room E (Fri) Dankward Höentzsch(Germany) 10:20-10:50 Convention Center Room B Javad Parvizi (USA) 14:10-14:40 Convention Center Room B Hiroyuki Kato (Japan) 15:55-16:30 Convention Center Room E Luncheon Symposium (Thu) 11:50-12:10 Convention Center Room A,B,C (Fri) 11:50-12:10 Convention Center Room A,B

8 Date & Time General Assembly & Lunch (Fri) 12:10-13:15 Convention Center Room B Presentation of Scientific Award Papers (Fri) 13:16-13:40 Convention Center Room B President Lecture (Fri) 13:40-14:10 Convention Center Room B Orthopaedic Nursing Session (Fri) 11:40-12:20 Convention Center Room E (Sat) 13:10-14:00 Convention Center Room E How to Prepare English Manuscript and Assess Medical Statistics (Sat) 10:20-12:20 Convention Center Room E Closing Ceremony (Sat) 12:20- Convention Center Room B MEMO

9 55 Program (, Thursday) Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 07:50-08:00 08:00-09:00 E 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 E + Invited Speaker (J. Davids) 09:00-10:00 + Invited Speaker (A. Tanavalee) 10:00-10:20 (Coffee Break) 10:00-11:00 10:20-10:50 Plenary Lecture ICL by Plenary Guest E John H. Healey 11:10-11:40 Speaker 10:50-11:50 E (John H. Healey ) 11:50-12:10 ( ) ( ) ( ) 11:40-12:20 12:10-13:10 13:10-14:10 E E 14:10-14:40 Plenary Lecture II John H. Healey E 14:40-15:00 (Coffee Break) 13:10-14:10 14:10-15:20 15:00-16:00 E 15:20-16:20 16:00-17:00 E E 16:20-17:20 17:00-18:00 E E 17:20-18:20 E: English (, Friday) + Invited Speaker (X. Niu) + Invited Speaker (J. Koh) + Invited Speaker (J. Koh) + Invited Speaker (J. Parvizi) + Invited Speaker (P.Thaller, M.Parihar) Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:20 (Coffee Break) 10:20-10:50 Invited Lecture 10:00-11:00 Dankward Höentzsch 10:50-11:50 E 11:50-12:10 11:00-12:00 ( ) (SK ) 12:10-13:15 13:16-13:40 13:40-14:10 13:10-14:00 II 14:10-14:40 E Invited Lecture II Javad Parvizi 14:10-15:10 14:40-15:00 (Coffee Break) 15:10-15:55 15:00-16:00 E Invited Lecture 15:55-16:30 H. Kato 16:00-17:00 E E 16:30-17:20 17:00-18:00 E E 17:20-18:20 E: English

10 Program (, Saturday) Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:20 (Coffee Break) 10:20-11:20 11:20-12:20 12:20-10:20-12:20 MEMO

11 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress Program Thursday, October 13, 2011 Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 07:50-08:00 Opening Ceremony General 08:00-09:00 Bone Tumor (K) Hip (K) Pediatric (E) 08:00-09:00 ICL : Orthopaedic Sports Orthopaedics (K) Pediatric (E) ICL : Knee General 09:00-10:00 Bone Tumor (K) Hip (K) + Invited Speaker 09:00-10:00 + Invited Speaker Orthopaedics (K) (J. Davids) (A. Tanavalee) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 10:00-11:00 ICL : Foot & Ankle Plenary Lecture I ICL : Plenary Guest 10:20-10:50 Knee (K) Hip (K) Pediatric (E) 11:10-11:40 John H. Healey Speaker (John H. Healey ) 10:50-11:50 Knee (K) Hand (K) Hip (K) Pediatric (E) Luncheon Symposium Luncheon Symposium Luncheon Symposium 11:50-12:10 (Zimmer Korea) (Pfizer) (Green Cross) 12:10-13:10 Lunch 13:10-14:10 Knee (K) Hand (K) Hip (E) Fracture (E) 14:10-14:40 Knee (K) Plenary Lecture II John H. Healey Hip (E) Fracture (K) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 11:40-12:20 13:10-14:10 14:10-15:20 15:00-16:00 Knee (K) Hand (E) Foot & Ankle (K) Fracture (K) 15:20-16:20 16:00-17:00 Knee (E) Hand (E) Foot & Ankle (K) Fracture (K) 16:20-17:20 17:00-18:00 Knee (E) Hand (E) Foot & Ankle (K) Fracture (K) 17:20-18:20 * K: Korean E: English Friday, October 14, 2011 Orthopaedic Nursing Session ICL : Bone & Joint Tumor + Invited Speaker (X. Niu) ICL : Arthroscopy + Invited Speaker (J. Koh) ICL : CAOS-KOREA + Invited Speaker (J. Koh) ICL : Hip + Invited Speaker (J. Parvizi) ICL : ASAMI + Invited Speaker (P.Thaller, M.Parihar) Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 08:00-09:00 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hand (K) Foot & Ankle (K) 08:00-09:00 ICL : Shoulder & Elbow 09:00-10:00 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hand (K) Foot & Ankle (K) 09:00-10:00 ICL : Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Transplantatioin 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 10:20-10:50 Knee (K) Invited Lecture 10:00-11:00 ICL : Spine Bone Tumor (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) Dankward Höentzsch 10:50-11:50 Knee (K) Spine (K) Bone Tumor (E) Shoulder & Elbow (K) Luncheon Symposium Luncheon Symposium ICL : Paediatric 11:50-12:10 11:00-12:00 (Bayer Korea) (SK Chemicals) Orthopaedics 12:10-13:15 General Assembly & Lunch Presentation of Scientific 13:16-13:40 Award Papers Orthopaedic Nursing 13:20-14:00 Session 13:40-14:10 President Lecture 14:10-14:40 General Invited Lecture Hand (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) Orthopaedics (E) Javad Parvizi 14:10-15:10 ICL : Bone Metabolism 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 15:00-16:00 15:10-15:55 ICL : Hand Knee (E) Spine (K) Pediatric (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) Invited Lecture 15:55-16:30 H. Kato 16:00-17:00 Knee (K) Spine (E) Pediatric (K) Shoulder & Elbow (E) 16:30-17:20 ICL : Microsurgery 17:00-18:00 Knee (K) Foot & Ankle (E) Pediatric (K) Shoulder & Elbow (E) 17:20-18:20 ICL : Fracture * K: Korean E: English

12 55 56 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress Program Saturday, October 15, 2011 Time Room A Room B Room C Room D Time Room E (ICL) 08:00-09:00 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hip (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hip (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 10:20-11:20 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hip (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) 11:20-12:20 Knee (K) Spine (K) Hip (K) Shoulder & Elbow (K) 12:20- Closing Ceremony * K: Korean E: English 10:20-12:20 ICL : Orthopaedic Research ICL : Orthopaedic Ultrasound How to Prepare English Manuscript and Assess Medical Statistics MEMO

13 ICL ( ) Time Room E convention centre 3F / 08:00-09:00 Decision making in sports injury of the knee joint 1. management of meniscal injury - repair, meniscectomy, transplantation (15 ) ( 08:00-08:15) 2. management of articular cartilage injury - microfractrue, osteochondral graft transplantation, autologous chondrocyte implantation (15 ) (08:15-08:30) / ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. management of multiple knee ligament injury (15 ) (08:30-08:45) ( ) Discussion (15 ) (08:45-09:00) 09:00-10:00 Growing Concern about TKA 1. DVT Prophylaxis: Is Pharmacologic Prophylaxis Now Mandatory in Korean? (15 ) (09:00-09:15) 2. 9-year clinical experience of MIS-TKA, the Debatable issue? (20 ) (09:15-09:35) 3. Simultaneous Bilateral TKA: Are the Risks Considered Acceptable? (15 ) (09:35-09:50) Discussion (10 ) (09:50-10:00) / ( ) ( ) Aree Tanavalee (King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital,Thailand) ( ) Arthroscopy of Foot and Ankle / ( ) 1. Anatomy, portals and instrument (12 ) (10:00-10:12) ( ) 10:00-11:00 2. Ankle impingement syndrome (12 ) (10:12-10:24) ( ) 3. Osteochondral lesions of talus (12 ) (10:24-10:36) ( ) 4. Subtalar arthroscopy (12 ) (10:36-10:48) ( ) Discussion (12 ) (10:48-11:00) ICL by Plenary Guest Speaker / ( ) 11:10-11:40 How to match reconstructive choice to patient survival in pathologic fractures John H. Healey (Cornell Univ, USA) Discussion (10 ) 11:40-12:20 / ( ) ( )

14 55 56 ICL ( ) Time Room E convention centre 3F / 13:10-14:10 14:10-15:20 15:20-16:20 16:20-17:20 17:20-18:20 / ( ) 1. (10 ) (13:10-13:20) ( ) 2. (10 ) (13:20-13:30) ( ) 3. (10 ) (13:30-13:40) ( ) 4. Precise Resection of Primary Malignant Bone Tumors under Navigation (20 ) (13:40-14:00) Discussion (10 ) (14:00-14:10) Current update inssues of treatment for chondral injuries Xiaohui Niu (Peking Univ., China) / ( ) 1. Articular cartilage - Biology, healing response (13 ) (14:10-14:23) ( ) 2. Treatment algorhythm for chondral injuries (13 ) (14:23-14:36) ( ) 3. Recent Methods &Results of Articular Cartilage Repai (13 ) (14:36-14:49) ( ) 4. Advances in scaffold based cartilage transpantation (20 ) (14:49-15:09) Discussion (11 ) (15:09-15:20) What we learn from imageless navigation-assisted orthopaedic surgery Jason L. Koh (NorthShore Univ., USA) / ( ) 1. Imageless navigation-assisted total knee arthroplasty (15 ) (15:20-15:35) ( ) 2. Imageless navigation-assisted total hip arthroplasty (15 ) (15:35-15:50) ( ) 3. Imageless navigation-assisted ACL reconstruction (20 ) (15:50-16:10) Discussion (10 ) (16:10-16:20) 1. Bernese Peri-acetabular Osteotomy (20 ) (16:20-16:40) Jason L. Koh (NorthShore Univ., USA) / ( ) Javad Parvizi (Thomas Jefferson Univ., USA) 2. Rotational Acetabular Osteotomy (15 ) (16:40-16:55) ( ) 3. Proximal Femur Osteotomy (15 ) (16:55-17:10) ( ) Discussion (10 ) (17:10-17:20) Deformity Correction and limb lengthening 1. Deformity Correction and limb lengthening with IM Nail (20 ) (17:20-17:40) 2. Deformity correction and limb lengthening with hexapod system (20 ) (17:40-18:00) 3. Limb lengthening or deformity correction with a submuscular locking plate technique(10 ) (18:00-18:10) 4. Deformity Correction and limb lengthening with ring fixator (10 ) (18:10-18:20) / ( ) Peter H. Thaller (Ludwig-Maximilians Univ.Munich, Germany) Mangal Parihar (India) ( ) ( )

15 ICL ( ) Time Room E convention centre 3F / 08:00-09:00 Update in the shoulder arthroplasty 1. Arthroplasty for Fractures of the Proximal Part of the Humerus (15 ) (08:00-08:15) / ( ) ( ) 2. The Current State of Total shoulder arthroplasty (15 ) (08:15-08:30) ( ) 3. Controversies in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (15 ) (08:30-08:45) ( ) Discussion (15 ) (08:45-09:00) Bone repair options / ( ) 1. Allograft (15 ) (09:00-09:15) ( ) 09:00-10:00 2. Synthetic bone graft substitute (15 ) (09:15-09:30) ( ) 3. Bone marrow & cell therapy (20 ) (09:30-09:50) ( ) Discussion (10 ) (09:50-10:00) / ( ) 1. (15 ) (10:00-10:15) ( ) 10:00-11:00 2. (15 ) (10:15-10:30) ( ) 3. (20 ) (10:30-10:50) ( ) Discussion (10 ) (10:50-11:00), / ( ) 1. - (15 ) (11:00-11:15) ( ) 11:00-12:00 2. (10 ) (11:15-11:25) ( ) 3. (15 ) (11:25-11:40) ( ) 4. (10 ) (11:40-11:50) ( ) Discussion (10 ) (11:50-12:00) 12:10-13:15 13:10-14:00 / ( ) ( )

16 55 56 ICL ( ) Time Room E convention centre 3F / / ( ) 1. Vitamin D (17 ) (14:10-14:27) ( ) 14:10-15:10 2. Bisphosphonate (17 ) (14:27-14:44) ( ) 3. Fracture secondary prevention (17 ) (14:44-15:01) ( ) Discussion (9 ) (15:01-15:10) / ( ) 1. -, - (10 ) (15:10-15:20) ( ) 15:10-15:55 2 (15 ) (15:20-15:35) ( ) 3 (15 ) (15:35-15:50) ( ) Discussion (5 ) (15:50-15:55) 15:55-16:30 Invited Lecture Current approach to cubital or carpal tunnel syndrome / ( ) Hiroyuki Kato (Shinshu Univ., Japan) / ( ) 1. (15 ) (16:30-16:45) ( ) 16:30-17:20 2. (15 ) (16:45-17:00) ( ) 3. (15 ) (17:00-17:15) ( ) Discussion (5 ) (17:15-17:20) Minimal Invasive Osteosynthesis (MIO) / ( ) 1. Pros (15 ) (17:20-17:35) ( ) 17:20-18:20 2. Cons (15 ) (17:35-17:50) ( ) 3. MIPO for proximal tibial fractures. Unilateral Locked Plating versus Dual plating (15 ) (17:50-18:05) Discussion (15 ) (18:05-18:20) ( ) T h e K o r e a n O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n

17 ICL ( ) Time Room E convention centre 3F / 08:00-09:00 / ( ) 1. : (17 ) (08:00-08:17) ( ) 2. : (17 ) (08:17-08:34) 3. : (17 ) (08:34-08:51) Discussion (9 ) (08:51-09:00) ( ) ( ) 09:00-10:00 / ( ) 1. (20 ) ( 09:00-09:20) ( ) 2. (15 ) (09:20-09:35) ( ) 3. (15 ) (09:35-09:50) ( ) Discussion (10 ) (09:50-10:00) 10:20-12:20 / ( ), ( ) 1. (20 ) (10:20-10:40) (, ) 2. (20 ) (10:40-11:00) ( ) 3. (20 ) (11:00-11:20) ( ) 4. Power analysis & smple size (15 ) (11:20-11:35) (, ) 5. (15 ) (11:35-11:50) (, ) 6. (ANCOVA) (11:50-12:05) 7. (12:05-12:20) ( Marker Access Team) ( Marker Access Team)

18 The Korean Orthopaedic Association 제 55 차추계학술대회및 56 차정기총회 ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 07:50-08:00 개회식 컨벤션센타 B 08:00-09:00 정형외과일반 I (General Orthopaedic I) 좌장 김신윤, 강준순 08:00-08:06 1. 쥐의경골신연골연장술모델에서인간재조합골형성단백-2 단독주입후의효과 08:07-08:13 2. BMP를생산하는섬유아세포가이소성골형성과임계크기골 결손재생에미치는영향 08:14-08:20 3. BMP-2의서방형전달모델이골형성에미치는영향 : HCPN system을이용한가토후외방유합술의결과 08:21-08:27 4. 쾌속조형기법으로제작된생체적합고분자지지체의골대체재 에대한체외실험 08:28-08:34 5. Solid free-form fabrication으로제작된 polycaprolactone scaffold 를이용한골재생 08:35-08:41 6. Cytokine-like 1 knockout mice (Cytl1-/-) show normal cartilage and bone development but exhibit augmented osteoarthritic cartilage destruction 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 고려의대동국의대동국의대인제의대고려의대원광의대 김학준김민규여도현김윤준박정호전철홍 09:00-10:00 정형외과일반 II (General Orthopaedic II) 좌장 권순용, 임군일 09:00-09:06 7. 고위험군환자에서시행한정맥혈전예방가이드라인의준수율 에관한연구 09:07-09:13 8. 트립토판대사체를이용한콜라겐유도관절염동물모델의면 역치료 09:14-09:20 9. 말초신경병변으로인한통증에서일차약물로서의피리독신 - 150례연속적용결과 - 09:21-09: 장관골의골밀도측정은실제골무기질양의변화를반영할수 있는가? 순천향의대인제의대인제의대경북의대 원성훈김동민오수찬소형태 09:28-09: 가토모델에서 Lipo PGE1 의혈관신생효과에대한정량적연구동국의대김종대 09:35-09: 백서의좌골신경봉합후 Hyaluronic acid-carboxymethylcellulose가 신경주위반흔에미치는효과 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 경상의대 박진성 18

19 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 10:20-10:50 슬관절 I (Knee I) 좌장 서정탁, 강승백 10:20-10: 인공슬관절전치환술을시행한퇴행성슬관절염환자에서내 측반월상연골후방골기시부파열에대한임상적분석 10:27-10: 한국인의슬관절전치환술후심부정맥혈전증발생율및위험 인자와의상관관계 10:34-10: 인공슬관절전치환술환자의내과적동반질환및복용약물의 빈도와유형 - 체계화된수술전평가의유용성 10:41-10:50 Discussion (9 분 ) 충북의대 가톨릭의대 서울의대 금상욱 이경훈 이정하 10:50-11:50 슬관절 II (Knee II) 좌장 배대경, 이명철 10:50-10: 슬관절전치환술에서후족부축이하지정렬에미치는영향울산의대변성은 10:57-11: 슬관절치환술에서전후간해부학적측정법을이용한관절선 변화의측정 11:04-11: 인공슬관절전치환술에서캠-포스트형치환물과관절상합형 폴리에틸렌삽입물의안정성및임상결과비교 전향적무작 위비교연구 - 11:11-11: 인공슬관절전치환술이후슬개골정렬의변화 - 슬개골치환 술여부에따른비교연구 - 11:18-11: 환자맞춤형슬관절전치환술에서네비게이션시스템을이용한 수술중정확성평가 서울성심병원서울대보라매병원인제의대전남의대 김대근유철환민영경박찬희 11:25-11: 수술중확인가능한하지역학축을이용한인공관절치환술성균관의대박상훈 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium ( 짐머코리아 ) 좌장 이명철 ( 서울의대 ) "Knee Revision" Andrew Freiberg (USA) 12:10-13:10 중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 19

20 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 13:10-14:10 슬관절 III (Knee III) 좌장 조우신, 경희수 13:10-13: 동일환자에서시행된동일디자인의시멘트형과무시멘트형 인공슬관절전치환술의장기추시결과 13:17-13: 시멘트형슬관절전치환술과무시멘트형슬관절전치환술의중 기결과비교 13:24-13: P.F.C. 를이용한슬관절전치환술의장기임상적, 방사선학적 결과및생존율분석 13:31-13: Nexgen 후방십자인대보존형과치환형슬관절전치환술의최 소 5년추시결과비교 13:38-13: 후방십자인대대치형 Scorpio R system 인공슬관절전치환술후 장기추시결과 이화의대을지의대경희의대울산의대중앙의대 김형진박주상허동범어진하용찬 13:45-13: LPS-flex 를이용한슬관절전치환술의중기추시결과원광의대한상수 13:52-14:10 Discussion (18 분 ) 14:10-14:40 슬관절 IV (Knee IV) 좌장 노권재, 서승석 14:10-14: 슬관절치환술후항혈전제투여환자들에서 tranexamic acid 사 용의효용성과위험성에대한전향적무작위적비교연구 14:17-14: 인공슬관절치환술시지혈대의압력을 200mmHg까지낮출수 있을까 경희의대 서울성심병원 김강일 부경환 14:24-14: 슬관절전치환술에서혼합약물관절주위주입법의유용성연세의대이우석 14:31-14:40 Discussion (9 분 ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 20

21 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 15:00-16:00 슬관절 V (Knee V) 좌장 한창동, 이동철 15:00-15: 컴퓨터시뮬레이션을통한인공슬관절전치환술시 grand-piano sign의예측 15:07-15: 척추시상면정렬과인공슬관절전치환술전후슬관절굴곡구 축의상관관계 15:14-15: 고도굴곡형슬관절인공관절전치환술에있어서의회전형과고 정형고안의비교 - 네비게이션시스템을이용한술식 - 15:21-15: 골수강내정을이용한슬관절전치환술에서관상면상대퇴골 절제의오차에따른임상적결과의분석 15:28-15: 변형을동반한혈우병성슬관절증에대한네비게이션을이용한 슬관절치환술 15:35-15: 인공슬관절전치환술에서대퇴치환물의회전에직사각형또 는사다리꼴의굴곡간격이미치는영향 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 아주의대서울대보라매병원부산의대성균관의대경희의대고려의대 지형민김대하김태완한정훈조계열박성준 16:00-17:00 영어 I (English I): Knee 좌장 조세현, 최충혁 16:00-16: TKA patients have specific change patterns of height, weight, and BMI during 5 years after surgery 16:07-16: Prospective comparison of mid-term results between high flexion and standard designs in cruciate retaining TKA 16:14-16: Does patellofemoral arthritis change the indication for unicompartmental knee arthroplasty? 16:21-16: Use of reduced-dose periarticular injection for pain management in simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty 16:28-16: The effect of bearing size and implant position on postoperative mechanical axis in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. 서울의대전남의대전남의대가톨릭의대고려의대 장문종선종근강경도고인준김승주 16:35-16: Coronal radiographic features of the femur and tibia, and their clinical implications in TKA Marco Paolo Lasam 서울의대 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 21

22 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 17:00-18:00 영어 II (English II): Knee 좌장 이범구, 최종혁 17:00-17: Location of ACL tibial attachment in the sagittal plane can be estimated by the Blumensaat s line 17:07-17: Anatomical and radiological study of the anterior cruciate ligament attachments on femur and tibia 17:14-17: Kinematics of double-bundle and single-bundle ACL reconstruction in the MCL-deficient knee 17:21-17: Does pressfit technique reduce tunnel enlargement in ACL reconstruction using autologous hamstring tendons? : A prospective randomized CT Study 17:28-17: Effect of graft passage over the posterior cruciate ligament in respect of isometry 17:35-17: Semimembranosus release as second stage of soft tissue balancing in varus total knee arthroplasty 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 서울의대서울의대경상의대인제의대중앙의대가톨릭의대 조형준이준규황선철황대희정호중김건형 22

23 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 07:50-08:00 개회식 컨벤션센타 B 08:00-09:00 골종양 I (Bone Tumor I) 좌장 김재도, 신규호 08:00-08: Paget 병의임상적특징및치료결과분석연세의대김지연 08:07-08: 골소파술과자가골이식술및접촉식냉동요법을이용한수부 내연골종의치료 동아의대 황진수 08:14-08: 양성골종양에서의내시경을이용한소파술및골이식술의효용성고신의대최영 08:21-08: 국소연부조직종양의전체생존기간과무병생존기간에관련 된독립적인예후인자 영남의대 신지훈 08:28-08: 섬유종증의재발과관련된예후인자에대한다변량분석 성균관의대 고경래 08:35-08: 표층에위치한연부조직육종의임상적특징과치료결과 서울의대 신승한 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18분) 09:00-10:00 골종양 II (Bone Tumor II) 좌장 이수용, 박원종 09:00-09: 초기부적절한수술적치료를받았던악성골육종환자분석 서울의대 정석원 09:07-09: 사지골육종에서수술절제연과종양재발과의상관관계 원자력병원 이정동 09:14-09: 근위경골에서종양대치물의실패에관련된골절제범위및감 염의위험도 09:21-09: 근위경골골절제후종양대치물을이용한재건술과저온열처 리자가골및종양대치물을이용한재건술에대한비교 09:28-09: 악성골종양환자에서사지구제술시행후인공대치물과금속 내고정물의생존율및임상적의의 원자력병원 원자력병원 경북의대 공창배 홍윤석 나상봉 09:35-09: 골종양에대한종양대치물을이용한재건술후보행분석전남의대이동현 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 10:20-10:50 초청강연 I (Plenary Lecture) 좌장 박일형 ( 경북의대 ) "New strategies to treat osteosarcoma" Discussion (10 분 ) John H. Healey (Cornell Univ, USA) 23

24 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 10:50-11:50 수부 I (Hand I) 좌장 이준모, 정양국 10:50-10: 원위요척관절을침범한불안정요골원위부골절가톨릭의대김태균 10:57-11: 원위요골골절에대해시행한전방잠김금속판고정술이후발 생한지연성전위의연관인자 서울대보라매병원 이승환 11:04-11: 수근골골절이동반된원위요골골절의수술적치료의결과건양의대김재영 11:11-11: 전방금속판수술법과석고고정법으로치료한원위요골골절 환자의초기회복기간우울증상의비교 11:18-11: 일반측면방사선과해부학적경사측면방사선에서원위요골 수장경사각의차이와신뢰도 11:25-11: 완관절측면방사선사진상에서수근골정렬지표의측정에대 한굴곡과신전정도가미치는영향 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 서울의대 이화의대 성균관의대 송철호 이주원 고경환 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium ( 한국화이자 ) 좌장 조우신 ( 울산의대 ) "Perioperative Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing TKA by Various Pain Management Methods" 장종범 ( 서울의대 ) 12:10-13:10 중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 13:10-14:10 수부 II (Hand II) 좌장 서재성, 류인혁 13:10-13: 수근관증후군에서사용한횡수근개방절개와제한개방절개 술기의비교 13:17-13: 수근관증후군수술후임상적으로변화를보이기위해서필요 한수근관증후군설문지점수에있서의최소한의차이 경희의대 이화의대 홍세혁 전상호 13:24-13: 한국인에서미시건수부설문의비교문화적적응과타당성검사국립경찰병원노영학 13:31-13: 원위요골골절후발생한장무지신건파열전남의대김하성 13:38-13: 비류마티스성장무지신전건폐쇄파열에서의인지고유신전건 이전술 차의과학대 방진영 13:45-13: 초기제 1 형복합국소동통증후군의치료을지의대이재원 13:52-14:10 Discussion (18 분 ) 24

25 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 14:10-14:40 초청강연 II (Plenary Lecture II) 좌장 한정수 ( 경희의대 ) "Biologic fixation of megaprostheses" Discussion (10 분 ) John H. Healey (Cornell Univ, USA) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 15:00-16:00 영어 III (English III): Hand 좌장 송석환, 박민종 15:00-15: Anatomic reconstruction of chronic collateral ligament injuries in finger joint using a free tendon graft and bone suture anchors 고려의대 이정일 15:07-15: Double trapezial sign in scaphoid nonunion 가톨릭의대임진형 15:14-15: The impact of site-related radiographic osteoarthritis of the hand on grip power and upper extremity disability 15:21-15: Functional outcomes of volar locking plate for distal radius fractures: comparison of conventional versus pronator quadratus preservation 15:28-15: Hypovitaminosis D in postmenopausal women with a distal radius fracture 서울의대 단국의대 서울의대 이혁진 이준열 장우영 15:35-15: Learning curve of robotic-assisted microvascular anastomosis in the rat 가톨릭의대이주엽 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 16:00-17:00 영어 IV (English IV): Hand 좌장 정덕환, 한수홍 16:00-16: Is carpal tunnel syndrome associated with basal joint arthritis of the thumb in the general population? 16:07-16: The effect of division of muscles overlying the transverse carpal ligament on the outcomes of carpal tunnel release 16:14-16: Grounds of patients' preference for release technique in bilateral idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome 16:21-16: Modified Camitz opponensplasty using transverse carpal ligament loop pulley in patients with advanced carpal tunnel syndrome 16:28-16: Flexor tendon excursion and load during passive and active motion: a cadaver study 16:35-16: Ultrasonographic measurement of bow-string after A1 pulley release of trigger digit 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 서울의대서울의대연세의대가톨릭의대순천향의대단국의대 신창호한호성최윤락김성은윤홍기유재성 25

26 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 17:00-18:00 영어 V (English V): Hand 좌장 백구현, 박종웅 17:00-17: Assessment of the position of the shoulder girdle using plain cervical radiograph in thoracic outlet syndrome 17:07-17: Spontaneous reduction of DRUJ after ulnar shortening in ulnar impaction syndrome 서울의대 가톨릭의대 조영재 김연준 17:14-17: Modified Sauve-Kapandji procedure for DRUJ derangement 가톨릭의대이윤민 17:21-17: Arthroscopic excision of dorsal wrist ganglion: factors related to recurrence and residual Pain 17:28-17: The effect of collagen nerve conduits filled with collagen-gag matrix on peripheral motor nerve regeneration in a rat model 17:35-17: Functional evaluation of motor nerve recovery in the rat: A comparison of the sciatic functional index, ankle angles and isometric tetanic force 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 단국의대 가톨릭의대 가톨릭의대 김연준 이주엽 이주엽 26

27 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 07:50-08:00 개회식 컨벤션센타 B 08:00-09:00 고관절 I (Hip I) 좌장 손원용, 김성곤 08:00-08: Image-free 네비게이션을이용한비구삽입물위치차이의방사 선학적분석 08:07-08: 노령의고관절골절환자들에서골밀도와생화학적지표들간의 관계분석 건국의대 서울보훈병원 이준규 윤호현 08:14-08: 알렌드로네이트와골형성단백질 2 가고정된티타늄의효과고려의대변준성 08:21-08: Short metaphyseal fitting stem을이용한고관절인공관절치환 술에서로봇을이용한수술방법과 Manual 수술방법간의대 퇴치환물의일차안정성에대한카데바연구 성균관의대 김상민 08:28-08: 비구관절와순고랑의발생빈도, 위치및분류중앙의대김경운 08:35-08: 고관절의방사선학적지표와골밀도검사와의상관관계동국의대박판건 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 09:00-10:00 고관절 II (Hip II) 좌장 김종오, 구경회 09:00-09: 고관절관절경하비구순변연절제술후임상평가점수변화의 패턴 경희의대 서건욱 09:07-09: 영상편집소프트웨어를활용한고관절절골술의술전계획부산의대이승준 09:14-09: 성인비구이형성증에시행한비구주변회전절골술의중장기 추적관찰결과 경희의대김태진 B 09:21-09: Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) 의국문 번역및신뢰성, 타당성평가 09:28-09: 관절감염과유사한형태를보이는무혈성괴사환자의관절내 골수지방세포축척 서울의대 한림의대 이영균 김태영 09:35-09: Oxford Hip Score 의국문번역및신뢰성, 타당성, 및반응성평가서울의대이영균 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 27

28 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 10:20-10:50 고관절 III (Hip III) 좌장 황성관, 이수호 10:20-10: 장기간 Bisphosphonate계약물을복용한비전형대퇴골골절환 자의수술적치료결과 10:27-10: 수술적치료후골다공증성고관절골절환자의정주용 Bisphosphonate의효과 10:34-10: 수술시관절주변부주사의부가적인통증감소효과 : 전향적무 작위연구 10:41-10:50 Discussion (9 분 ) 가톨릭의대 조선의대 중앙의대 장윤종 나웅채 최경원 10:50-11:50 고관절 IV (Hip IV) 좌장 이상홍, 서유성 10:50-10: 한국고령인구에서고관절골절환자의수술후사망률및재 골절율 - 전향적코호트연구 - 성균관의대 김상민 10:57-11: 고관절골절에서고정실패의분석경상의대조성희 11:04-11: 저에너지성고관절골절환자중고령의고위험군으로분류되기 적절한연령은언제부터인가? 11:11-11: 대퇴골전자간불안정골절에서항회전근위대퇴골수정치료 와활강압박고나사치료의비교 11:18-11: 대퇴골전자부골절 AO/OTA A2.2의치료에서압박고나사와 골수강내금속정의비교 11:25-11: 대퇴골전자간역사상및횡골절에서골수강내고정과골수강 외고정의치료결과비교 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 경희의대을지의대동국의대인제의대 조영주정세현김종현정의엽 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium ( 녹십자 ) 좌장 임홍철 ( 고려의대 ) " 신바로캡슐임상 3 상시험결과보고및역할 " 12:10-13:10 중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 28

29 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 13:10-14:10 영어 VI (English VI): Hip 좌장 윤형구, 김원유 13:10-13: Indirect magnetic resonance arthrographic correlation with arthroscopy in the evaluation of articular hip pathology 13:17-13: Ten years results of a modified salter innominate osteotomy for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease 전북의대 전남의대 윤선중 정우빈 13:24-13: Incidence and mortality of hip fracture in Korea 중앙의대하용찬 13:31-13: How can we assess the cam lesion between preoperative and postoperative radiographs in hip arthroscopic impingement surgery? 13:38-13: Clinical results of autoiliac cancellous bone graft combined with implantation of autologous bone marrow cells for osteonecrosis of the femoral head 13:45-13: Correlation of structural bony abnormalities of hip joints and mechanical symptoms 13:52-14:10 Discussion (18 분 ) 전북의대 인하의대 중앙의대 윤선중 신상현 하용찬 14:10-14:40 영어 VI (English VI): Hip 좌장 장준동, 김준식 14:10-14: Osteolysis In second generation metal on metal total hip arthroplasty after long term followup 경북의대 라인후 14:17-14: CT evaluation of acetabular peri-prosthetic osteolysis following primary total hip arthroplasty. 14:24-14: Cross-linked Polyethylene wear measurement made simple using a manual power-point template method A retrospective study. Rahul Nandurkar 고려의대 Rahul Nandurkar 고려의대 14:31-14:40 Discussion (9 분 ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 29

30 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 15:00-16:00 족부족관절 I (Foot & Ankle I) 좌장 박용욱, 서진수 15:00-15: 중등도및중증의무지외반증환자의치료에서변형된중족골 원위부갈매기형절골술과중족골근위부절골술에대한비교 조선의대 박상수 15:07-15: 무지외반증의근위갈매기형절골술후고정방법에따른결과 의비교 15:14-15: 중족골원위관절면각이증가된무지외반변형에대한원위 갈매기절골술의효과 15:21-15: 무지외반증의수술중원위중족골관절면각이증가된경우 시행한삼중절골술의치료결과 15:28-15: 무지외반증의교정을위한두가지연부조직술식의비교 : 배 부접근법과내측경관절접근법 인제의대울산의대 MS재건병원전남의대 박철현이선호임희준조남영 15:35-15: 무지외반증의수술에대한환자의기대및술후만족도한양의대이두연 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 16:00-17:00 족부족관절 II (Foot & Ankle II) 좌장 이상욱, 성일훈 16:00-16: 거골의골연골병변에대한관절경술식에서환자의연령에따 른결과비교 16:07-16: 거골의골연골병변에대한관절경적미세골절술후조기체중 부하의효과 16:14-16: Os Trigonum Syndrome의치료 : 거골하관절경술과후방내시 경술의비교연구 16:21-16: 족관절급성염좌에대한일차치료의후향적비교 : 석고고정과 보조기를이용한기능적치료 16:28-16: 단일절개족무지굴곡건을이용한아킬레스건파열및만성아킬 레스건염의치료 연세의대전남의대가톨릭의대인제의대부산대동병원 권혁민김형남조우람감민철유성호 16:35-16: Freiberg 병에서시행한 Weil 절골술가톨릭의대김동욱 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 30

31 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 17:00-18:00 족부족관절 III (Foot & Ankle III) 좌장 이우천, 이근배 17:00-17: Hintegra 인공삽입물과 Mobility 인공삽입물을이용한인공족 관절전치환술의단기추시결과비교 17:07-17: 거골의전방전위를동반한족관절골관절염에서인공족관절 전치환술후거골의재위치 17:14-17: 내반변형을동반한족관절관절염에서골성재건을이용한족 관절인공관절전치환술 17:21-17: 혈우병성관절염환자에시행한족관절전치환술의단기추시 결과 17:28-17: 족관절골관절염에서시행한원위부경골개방성쐐기절골술 의단기추시결과 17:35-17: 역학적축선정에따른전후면경골천장각의단순방사선학적 분석 성균관의대전남의대건국의대경희의대연세사랑병원경상의대 박용석조현종정홍근허대석배의정남대철 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 31

32 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 D 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 07:50-08:00 개회식 컨벤션센타 B 08:00-09:00 영어 VIII (English VIII): Pediatric 좌장 김성수, 조태준 08:00-08: The ultrasonographic morphology of limbus of irreducible dislocated hips in infancy by Pavlik Harness and closed reduction, needing open reduction and its relation with true anatomy 08:07-08: Pyogenic arthritis in infancy: prognostic factors in tertiary care hospital 고려의대 성균관의대 박지헌 이순철 08:14-08: Unaffected limb alignment with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 한림의대곽윤해 08:21-08: Alteration of low extremity alignment after the femoral intertrochanteric open wedge varus osteotomy for Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 08:28-08: Surgical dislocation and osteochondroplasty in patients with perthes or perthes-like deformities of the hip 가톨릭의대 서울의대 김광섭 문혁주 08:35-08: The role of leptin in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease 전북의대김종길 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 09:00-10:00 영어 IX (English IX): Pediatric 좌장 김휘택, 김하용 09:00-09: Surgical treatments for chronic dislocation of the patella in children with torsional malalignment of the lower extremity 연세의대 박광원 09:07-09: Three dimensional effect of the proximal femur osteotomy 동아의대김성수 09:14-09: Hamstring contractures in children with spastic cerebral palsy result from a stiffer extracellular matrix and increased in vivo sarcomere length 09:21-09: Prophylactic femoral varization osteotomy for contralateral stable hip in non-ambulant patients with bilateral cerebral palsy undergoing hip surgery: Decision analysis 09:28-09:40 Discussion (12 분 ) 연세의대 서울의대 이기석 박문석 09:40-10:00 "Single event multilevel surgery of the upper extremity in children with cerebral palsy: rationale, clinical decision making, and functional outcomes" Jon Davids (Shriners Hospital for Children,USA) Discussion (5 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 32

33 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 D 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 10:20-10:50 영어 X (English X): Pediatric 좌장 심종섭, 정창훈 10:20-10: Femoral callotasis: relationship between complications of femoral lengthening and lengthening amount. 10:27-10: Limb length discrepancy and its effect on the hip of the longer limb-a radiological study of 25 cases 10:34-10: Physeal growth arrest after tibial lengthening in Achondroplasia-A radiological study till skeletal maturity 10:41-10:50 Discussion (9 분 ) 고려의대 고려의대 고려의대 김상균 황명회 송상헌 10:50-11:50 영어 XI (English XI): Pediatric 좌장 윤여헌, 박수성 10:50-10: Cellular origin of fibrous hamartoma at congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia associated with NF1 10:57-11: Residual deformity of the distal tibial diaphyseal fractures in children younger than 10 years 11:04-11: Change of craniofacial deformity after sternocleidomastoid muscle release in congenital muscular torticollis patients 11:11-11: Which toe component shoud be excised when treating postaxial polydactyly of the foot? 11:18-11: Indirect reduction of radial head in chronic Monteggia lesion in Children 11:25-11: Management of missed Monteggia fractures without reconstruction of the annular ligament 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 을지의대전북의대서울의대전남의대계명의대연세의대 이상민박혁이준규이동현서혁준황진호 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium (Room : A, B, C) 12:10-13:10 중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 33

34 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 D 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 13:10-14:10 영어 XII (English XII): Fracture 좌장 강수용, 오종건 13:10-13: Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis(mipo) in open fracture of proximal tibia 13:17-13: Comparison of the treatment of unstable proximal humerus fracture using locking plate with or without fibular strut allograft and locking plate 13:24-13: When and how do falls happen in elderly intertrochanteric femur fracture patients? 13:31-13: Rheumatoid arthritis revisited: result after nonarthroplastic treatment for fractures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 13:38-13: Dynamization results of locking plate in delayed union after MIPPO 13:45-13: Unicortical locking plating in addition to intramedullary rodding for long bone stabilization in osteogenesis imperfecta patients preliminary report 경북의대가톨릭의대고려의대대구가톨릭대연세의대강원의대 김지수길호진박지헌심정현황진호이강 13:52-14:10 Discussion (18 분 ) 14:10-14:40 골절 I (Fracture I) 좌장 하상호, 김양수 14:10-14: 고령환자의상완골원위부 C형골절에서이중강선장력대고 정술을이용한수술적치료 14:17-14: 불안정성상완골원위부과간골절에서경주두도달법및이중 잠김금속판을이용한수술적치료 14:24-14: 원위상완골골절치료에있어서새로이고안된전외측과외측 합동도달법의임상적유용성 14:31-14:40 Discussion (9 분 ) 부산의대 충북의대 인하의대 고태식 박지강 시병기 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 34

35 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 D 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 15:00-16:00 골절 II (Fracture II) 좌장 양규현, 민병우 15:00-15: 불안정성골반환손상의수술적치료후임상결과가천의대원준성 15:07-15: 대퇴골전자하골절에서잠김금속판을이용한최소침습적내 고정술 15:14-15: 대퇴간부골절의금속정삽입술치료에있어이상와삽입점및 대전자삽입점을이용한치료결과비교 부산의대 조선의대 안재민 박이규 15:21-15: 대퇴전자부골절의내고정실패에대한구제술적재고정술계명의대김교욱 15:28-15: 골수강내금속정을이용한대퇴전자간골절의수술후 Stability Score System 적용과예후의예측 15:35-15: 대퇴골전자간골절의 ITST정고정시지연나사활강거리에영 향을주는요인분석 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 제주한라병원 연세의대 윤민근 송형근 16:00-17:00 골절 III (Fracture III) 좌장 김정재, 오창욱 16:00-16: 개방성경골골절에서의최소침습적금속판고정술한양의대기영문 16:07-16: 관절외근위경골골절에서수술방법에따른생역학적분석경북의대이병주 16:14-16: 원위경골간부골절의최소침습적금속판치료에서해부학적 경피적강선정복 충남의대 이우용 16:21-16: 최소침습적잠금금속판을이용한경골고평부골절의치료단국의대이경준 16:28-16: 슬개골하극분쇄골절에서환상강선고정을병행한수직강선 고정술 16:35-16: 긴전방잠김압박금속판을이용한골간단및골간부을침범한 원위요골골절의치료 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 연세의대 을지의대 심동우 박창규 35

36 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 목, Thursday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 D 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 17:00-18:00 골절 IV (Fracture IV) 좌장 김영창, 박기철 17:00-17: 불안정근위상완골골절에서비골지주이식잠김금속판보강 술의생체역학적평가 고려의대 유주형 17:07-17: Philos 금속판을이용한골다공증성근위상완골골절의치료조선의대서광효 17:14-17: 상완골경부골절에서잠김압박금속판고정술과다중장력대 강선고정술의결과분석 17:21-17: 상완골근위부골절에서잠김압박금속판을이용한내고정술 의임상적결과에미치는요인분석 17:28-17: ,4분근위상완골골절에서최소침습적금속판골유합술을이 용한수술적치료 17:35-17: 쇄골간부골절에서잠김압박금속판을이용한최소침습적금 속판골유합술 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 동국의대을지의대인제의대인제의대 이호민김준면장보훈서동현 36

37 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 / Chairman 08:00-09:00 슬관절 VI (Knee VI) 좌장 서재곤, 전철홍 08:00-08: Anterior-posterior-glide low contact stress mobile-bearing system 을이용한인공슬관절전치환술의단기추시결과 08:07-08: 고도굴곡형후방대치형슬관절전치환술에서방사선투과선 및무균성해리의위험인자 동아의대 국군수도병원 임영훈 김동욱 08:14-08: 슬관절전치환술후권장되는일상생활활동건국의대차승한 08:21-08: 슬관절전치환술에서주문형절제유도기의사용이술후출혈량 과소모성응고장해에미치는영향 08:28-08: 슬관절전치환술을시행받은환자들에서전방십자인대의변 성과후방경골경사각간의관계 08:35-08: 슬관절전치환술에서 Gap Technique 방법에따른굴곡간격및 대퇴삽입물회전정렬비교 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 차의과학대 울산의대 서울의대 차윤식 최영진 전세형 09:00-10:00 슬관절 VII (Knee VII) 좌장 안진환, 김주오 09:00-09: 단일다발및이중다발전방십자인대재건술의전향적무작위적 비교연구 09:07-09: 햄스트링건을이용한전방십자인대단일건다발재건술과고 전적재건술의비교고찰 09:14-09: 단일다발전방십자인대재건술과이중다발전방십자인대재건 술의중기추시결과비교 09:21-09: Outside-In 과 Transtibial 방법을이용한이중다발전방십자인 대재건수술의대퇴터널위치의비교 09:28-09: 전방십자인대재건술 : 자가대퇴사두건을이용한단일다발재 건술과자가슬건을이용한이중다발재건술의비교연구 09:35-09: 자가이식건을이용한전방십자인대재건술에서단일, 이중다 발재건술의골터널의부피와표면적의비교분석 -생체내 3 차 원이미지분석- 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 동국의대 국립경찰병원 전남의대 가천의대 서울의대 성균관의대 백영웅 노정호 이태민 남신우 이기호 왕준호 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 37

38 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 10:20-10:50 슬관절 VIII (Knee VIII) 좌장 정현기, 양익환 10:20-10: Tissue-specific function of Dickkopf-1: regulation of endochondral ossification in endothelial cells and osteoarthritic cartilage destruction in chondrocytes 10:27-10: 잠김나사금속판을이용한슬관절치환물주위대퇴골골절의 결과 10:34-10: 기존슬관절평가척도의천장효과를제거하기위한수단으로 서의슬관절고도기능점수의타당성및반응성에관한연구 원광의대 서울성심병원 성균관의대 전철홍 양종화 나상은 10:41-10:50 Discussion (9 분 ) 10:50-11:50 슬관절 IX (Knee IX) 좌장 유정한, 손종민 10:50-10: 전방십자인대재건술시슬괵건의채취방법에따른임상결 과의비교 10:57-11: 전방십자인대재건술에서잔유조직보존은경골터널확장에영 향을미치는가? 11:04-11: 동종건을이용한전방십자인대재건술에서잔류조직의양에 따른결과 11:11-11: 전방십자인대재건술후환자의주관적만족도에영향을주는 인자 술후 1년에측정한대퇴사두근력과전방전위정도에 대한비교연구 11:18-11: 이식건의종류및연령별관절경적전방십자인대재건술후이 차관절경검사의평가 11:25-11: Outside-In 방법을이용한전방십자인대이중다발재건술의 대퇴터널확대 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 인제의대순천향의대연세의대동국의대인제의대가천의대 김상범권세원이재정문상원성태우오원석 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium ( 바이엘 ) 좌장 정영복 ( 현대병원 ) "VTE management in OS; New chemical modality of VTE prophylaxis and DVT treatment" 빈성일 ( 울산의대 ) 12:10-13:15 총회및중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 38

39 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 13:16-13:40 우수논문구연 컨벤션센타 B 기초본상 (4분) 임상본상 (4분) 대원 CiOS 학술상 (4분) 만례재단상 (4분) SICOT 본상 (4분) ISTA 상 (4분) 13:40-14:10 회장강연 컨벤션센타 B 14:10-14:40 영어 XIII (English XIII) :General Orthopaedic 좌장 윤택림, 하철원 14:10-14: Interaction between BMP-2 and VEGF in immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells 14:17-14: The difference of bone mineral density between right and left hips in postmenopausal women 14:24-14: The influence of wearing helmet: cervical spine injury in skiers and snowboarders. 14:31-14:40 Discussion (9 분 ) 중앙의대 고려의대 원광의대 양재준 황현정 전근철 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 15:00-16:00 영어 XIV (English XIV): Knee 좌장 조성도, 이주홍 15:00-15: Result after treatment for culture-proven septic knee arthritis in adults 대구가톨릭의대김세식 15:07-15: The paradoxical McMurray test for detection of meniscal tears 연세의대김성훈 15:14-15: Revisional TKA using MIS subvastus approach 부민병원김정만 15:21-15: Results of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for lateral discoid meniscus tears associated with new technique. - observations in 60 knees 대전선병원 송인수 15:28-15: Risk factors for medial meniscus posterior root tears. 힘찬병원황병윤 15:35-15: Second-look arthroscopic findings after open wedging high tibia osteotomy of posterior root tears of the medial meniscus 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 인제의대 황대희 39

40 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 A 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 16:00-17:00 슬관절 X (Knee X) 좌장 이병일, 정화재 16:00-16: 전방십자인대재건술시수술중측정한대퇴터널길이의부정 확성 : CT를이용한경경골방법과 outside-in 방법의비교 16:07-16: 경도달법방법을이용한이중다발전방십자인대재건술후대 퇴터널의기하학적분석과대퇴터널의길이에영향을미치는 해부학적요인에대한분석 : CT를이용한영상분석 16:14-16: 경경골도달법및전내측삽입구를통한해부학적단일다발전 방십자인대재건술시무릎굴곡각도에따른대퇴골터널주위 응력분포의변화-유한요소모델을통한분석- 16:21-16: 경경골대퇴터널을이용한해부학적단일다발전방십자인대재 건술에서 3차원컴퓨터영상촬영술을이용한대퇴, 경골터널의 분석 16:28-16: 경-경골술식을이용한해부학적전방십자인대재건술시경골 터널의길이와연골하골의손상에대한분석 16:35-16: 과간절흔성형술이전방십자인대단일다발재건술의결과에 미치는효과 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 고려의대 고려의대 한림의대 울산의대 서울의대 동국의대 김재균 오승목 서영진 이기재 장종범 김창희 17:00-18:00 슬관절 XI (Knee XI) 좌장 김형수, 이광원 17:00-17: 해부학적후외방재건술을동반한경경골단일다발후방십자인 대재건술에서잔여조직보존술식과고식적술식간의임상적 결과비교 연세의대 김성환 17:07-17: 슬관절후외측불안정성의수술적방법에따른결과의비교영남의대김범중 17:14-17: 슬관절의굴곡각및부하상태의변화에따른후방십자인대의 기능적길이의변화 17:21-17: 슬관절불안정성평가에있어서스트레스방사선사진측정의 재고려 17:28-17: 슬관절의굴곡각도에따른관절경적후방삽입구와신경조직 과의관계 : 사체실험연구 17:35-17: 슬와낭종과베이커낭종은동의어인가? : 슬와낭종에대한자기 공명영상연구 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 성균관의대 가천의대 경희의대 서울보훈병원 왕준호 이용석 이상학 김영찬 40

41 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 08:00-09:00 척추 I (Spine I) 좌장 하기용, 문성환 08:00-08: 돼지실험모델에서경두개전기자극모니터링하의척추체견인 에의한척수손상및조직학적변화연구 08:07-08: 척수손상에이식된중배엽줄기세포의분화 : 이식방법에따른 차이 08:14-08: Runx2와 BMP2 병합에의한황색인대세포의골모세포로의분 화증가 고려의대 가톨릭의대 경북의대 양재혁 김영훈 윤상협 08:21-08: Oxysterol 의골형성유도효과 - 실험실내및척추유합모델전북의대이광복 08:28-08: 후방요추체간유합술을시행받은환자에서 12주간집중적인 요추부근력강화운동의효과 : 예비조사 08:35-08: 경추부통증을호소하는환자에게시행한맥켄지운동프로그 램과견관절스트레칭의효과분석 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 성균관의대 원광의대 강경중 김다희 09:00-10:00 척추 II (Spine II) 좌장 정재윤, 고영도 09:00-09: 정상인과압박성경추척수증환자에서 MR 확산텐서영상분 석법에따른비등강도 (FA), 현성확산계수 (ADC) 값의변화비교 한림의대 백상훈 09:07-09: 단순방사선을이용한 C1 외측괴나사못의위치예측 ; CT 비교 연구 09:14-09: 경척수증에서경추후궁성형술후경추운동범위의변화 - 고 정봉합과미니금속판비교 - 09:21-09: 후종인대골화증과비-후종인대골화증으로인한압박성경추 척수증환자에서극돌기정중앙절개후궁성형술의임상적, 방 사선학적결과비교 경희의대 충남의대 한림의대 박대현 황정모 백상훈 09:28-09: 경추후종인대골화증환자의척수증증상발현에관여하는인자인제의대최병완 09:35-09: 후궁판성형술후경추후종인대골화증성장의위험인자울산의대심경보 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 41

42 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 10:20-10:50 Invited Lecture I 좌장 / 윤형구 ( 차의과학대 ) "MIO Reduction techniques, helps and tips and tricks" Discussion (10 분 ) Dankward Höentzsch (Germany) 10:50-11:50 척추 III (Spine III) 좌장 박희전, 안재성 10:50-10: 금속판을이용한경추전방유합술후금속판-추간판간격과인 접분절퇴행성변화의관계 10:57-11: 전방경추유합술후술전시상면정렬과운동범위가인접관절 퇴행성변화에대해영향을미치는가? 전남의대 전북의대 김성규 임종한 11:04-11: 다분절퇴행성경추질환의치료에서전후방유합술식의유용성전북의대이광복 11:11-11: 한분절또는두분절의퇴행성경추질환에있어금속판고정 없이자가장골이식을통한전방추간판절제술및추체간유 합술시행시공여부와연관된합병증 11:18-11: 이분절경추부전방유합술시삽입물에따른방사선학적결과 - 자가골이충전된케이지와동종골간의비교 - 연세의대 을지의대 김태환 박주상 11:25-11: 경추굴곡 - 신연손상에서의전방경추금속판을이용한고정성균관의대강준희 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium (SK 케미칼 ) 좌장 정홍근 ( 건국의대 ) "Treating gout and hyperuricemia" Ikuko Masuda (Japan) 12:10-13:15 총회및중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 13:16-13:40 우수논문구연 컨벤션센타 B 좌장 / 정영복 ( 현대병원 ) 기초본상 (4분) 임상본상 (4분) 대원 CiOS 학술상 (4분) 만례재단상 (4분) SICOT 본상 (4분) ISTA 상 (4분) 13:40-14:10 회장강연 컨벤션센타 B 좌장 김정만회장정영복 ( 현대병원 ) 42

43 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 14:10-14:40 Invited Lecture II 좌장 / 정영복 ( 현대병원 ) "Management of Periprosthetic Joint Infection: Promise of Molecular Techniques" Discussion (10 분 ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 Javad Parvizi (Thomas Jefferson Univ.,USA) 15:00-16:00 척추 IV (Spine IV) 좌장 이준규, 김진혁 15:00-15: Iliac screw 사용유무에따른척추골반지표의변화을지의대권원조 15:07-15: 흉요추부후만증후방척주절제술에서금속그물망과확장형케 이지비교 경희의대 이철희 15:14-15: 척추후만증의교정에서컴퓨터시뮬레이션방법의유용성한양의대최연호 15:21-15: 퇴행성편평배환자에게서시행한전방추체간유합술과후방 추체간유합술및절골술의임상적방사선학적결과비교 15:28-15: 요추퇴행성후만증에서절골술과장골고정군에서척추골반의 정렬비교 15:35-15: 슬관절전치환술에의한슬관절굴위변형교정이요천추시상 면정렬에미치는영향 15:42-16:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 경희의대 가톨릭의대 제주한라병원 손은석 강병민 윤민근 16:00-17:00 영어 XV (English XV): Spine 좌장 신병준, 김영우 16:00-16: Analysis of fusion rate after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion depending on various radiographic criteria 경희의대 석경수 16:07-16: Dysphagia following revision anterior cervical surgery 울산의대김남흔 16:14-16: Analysis of sagittal spinopelvic parameters in achondroplasia. 고려의대홍재영 16:21-16: Clinical outcomes and complications of posterior vertebral column resection (PVCR) for severe adult spinal deformity 16:28-16: The outcome of transpedicular auto-iliac bone grafting and posterolateral fusion after posterior pedicle instrumentation for thoracolumbar fracture 16:35-16: The impact of zolendronate on posterolateral spinal fusion and fusion mass volume 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 경북의대 건양의대 한양의대 민우기 윤정용 백승욱 43

44 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 B 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 17:00-18:00 영어 XVI (English XVI): Foot & Ankle 좌장 박인헌, 정홍근 17:00-17: Three-dimensional change of ankle mortise in medial ankle osteoarthritis 인제의대 안지용 17:07-17: Reliability and validity of radiographic measurements in hindfoot varus and valgus 17:14-17: Surgical outcome of modified brostrom procedure with resection of os subfibulare or avulsion fragment in chronic lateral instability of ankle joint 17:21-17: Comparison of radiographic changes after lateral column lengthening and medial calcaneal osteotomy for flexible flatfoot. 17:28-17: Hallux valgus angle, sesamoid position, and distal metatarsal articular angle on immediate postoperative radiographs can predict recurrence of hallux valgus 17:35-17: Tibial torsion and knee varus angle; Are these Etiologies of hallux valgus? 서울의대성균관의대인제의대인제의대순천향의대 이경민강준희장종훈박철현김욱중 17:42-18:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 44

45 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 08:00-09:00 수부 III (Hand III) 좌장 이광현, 김용진 08:00-08: 드꿰르벵환자에서초음파를이용한수근부제 1 신전구획평가한양의대이창훈 08:07-08: 신전지대제1구획주사의정확성과안정성 : 맹검법과초음파감 시하방법의비교 고려의대 노경한 08:14-08: 수근관절후방에발생한결절종에대한관절경적제거술가톨릭의대박상은 08:21-08: 손목관절내동반병변이관절경적결절종절제술의결과에영 향을미치는가? 08:28-08: 척골충돌증후군에서척골단축술후잔존척골변위에따른결 과비교 : 전향적비교연구 08:35-08: 척골충돌증후군에서척골단축절골술후수근골연골연화증 의경과 08:42-09:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 연세의대 충남의대 고려의대 양재호 황정모 이정일 09:00-10:00 수부 IV (Hand IV) 좌장 강호정, 신현대 09:00-09: 선청성지유합증환아에서의수술적치료방법서울의대이혁진 09:07-09: 유소년기방아쇠무지의자연경과 : 5 년이상추시결과서울의대이혁진 09:14-09: 비감각성피판술후이차적감각피판술을이용한수지재건 MS 재건병원이기준 09:21-09: 수지근위지간관절수장판에의한견열골절의관혈적정복및 끌어내기고정법에의한치료 한림의대 남지훈 09:28-09: 상완신경총손상환자에서시행한건측제 7 번경추신경전이술서울마이크로병원김상수 09:35-09: 전투상황에서발생한사지총상및폭발창의치료서울의대이영호 09:42-10:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 10:00-10:20 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 10:20-10:50 골종양 III (Bone Tumor III) 좌장 한정수, 전대근 10:20-10: 유잉육종환자의 20년추시결과 고신의대 김태훈 10:27-10: 골육종에서 CCN 단백질의발현과종양학적역할에대한연구 서울의대 김한수 10:34-10: 연부조직육종에서저산소표지자인 CA IX and GLUT1 의역할 부산의대 박시환 10:41-10:50 Discussion (9분) 45

46 The Korean Orthopaedic Association ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 10:50-11:50 영어 XVII (English XVII): Bone Tumor 좌장 강용구, 신덕섭 10:50-10: Inlay cortical strut graft for large cyst or cavitary bony lesions 가톨릭의대유현호 10:57-11: Efficacy of total spondylectomy for primary malignant and aggressive bone tumors of the spine 11:04-11: Oncologic impact of the inadvertent curettage of grade 2 central chondrosarcoma of the extremity 11:11-11: Survival gain by evading local recurrence in extremity osteosarcoma is questionable 11:18-11: The pseudoreceptor BAMBI is overexpressed in human osteosarcoma 11:25-11: Outcome of re-excision for intralesionally treated parosteal osteosarcoma 11:32-11:50 Discussion (18 분 ) 가톨릭의대원자력병원원자력병원전북의대원자력병원 강용구원호현공창배 Lu Zhou 홍윤석 11:50-12:10 Luncheon Symposium (Room : A, B) 12:10-13:15 총회및중식 (Room : A, B, C, D) 13:16-13:40 우수논문구연 컨벤션센타 B 기초본상 (4분) 임상본상 (4분) 대원 CiOS 학술상 (4분) 만례재단상 (4분) SICOT 본상 (4분) ISTA 상 (4분) 13:40-14:10 회장강연 컨벤션센타 B 46

47 Scientific Program of the 55 th Annual Fall Congress ( 금, Friday) 장소 : 컨벤션센타 C 시간 Time 연제번호 Free Paper No. 좌장 /Chairman 14:10-14:40 수부 V (Hand V) 좌장 이승구, 최수중 14:10-14: 원위요척관절을침범한류마토이드관절염에서시행한단순 반절제관절성형술의장기추시결과 한양의대 이창훈 14:17-14: 일차수술이실패한주상골불유합에대한재유합술연세의대김승현 14:24-14: 구상돌기골절에있어전방접근법을이용한내고정수술차의과학대이준구 14:31-14:40 Discussion (9 분 ) 14:40-15:00 Coffee Break 1 층상업전시장 15:00-16:00 소아 I (Pediatric I) 좌장 송해룡, 유원준 15:00-15: 발달성고관절이형성증치료양상의변화 - 26년간의단일기관 치험분석 - 15:07-15: 차의료기관에서 발달성고관절이형성 으로의뢰된예에대 한분석 : 전향적연구 서울의대 충남의대 김세호 전유선 15:14-15: Chiari 절골술의결과가톨릭의대신동철 15:21-15: LCP 병에서대퇴골외전절골술후골두변형의변화서울의대장삼열 15:28-15: 아탈구를동반한신생아의급성화농성고관절염고려의대김묘종 15:40-16: 슬관절각변형교정에대한일시적반골단판고정술동아의대오용승 Discussion (18 분 ) 16:00-17:00 소아 II (Pediatric II) 좌장 이한용, 김정렬 16:00-16: 신경근육성척추측만증에서다관절척추골반고장나사못의 유용성 16:07-16: 호흡기능저하가동반된마비성신경근육성척추측만증환자 에서수술적치료를통한교정 연세의대 고려의대 황진호 박영환 16:14-16: 뇌성마비환아의고관절불안정성의치료부산의대장재훈 16:21-16: 뇌성마비환자에서의근육하금속판고정술을이용한경피적대 퇴골회전절골술 경북의대 정재욱 16:28-16: 잔존만곡족치료에서전경골근건외측이전술의결과성균관의대강호민 16:35-16: 종골 - 입방골 - 설상골절골술을이용한평편족의수술적치료부산의대안태영 16:42-17:00 Discussion (18 분 ) 47

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2011 년도대한정형외과학회 추계학술대회가성공적인대회가될수있도록 회원님들의적극적인참여바랍니다. T h e K o r e a n O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n 회장 President, Young Bok Jung 이사장 Ch 2011 년도대한정형외과학회 추계학술대회가성공적인대회가될수있도록 회원님들의적극적인참여바랍니다. T h e K o r e a n O r t h o p a e d i c A s s o c i a t i o n 회장 President, Young Bok Jung 이사장 Chairman, Chung Soo Han 총무 Treasurer & Secretary, Kang

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