Thieme: Color Atlas of Acupuncture

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1 IX Contents Part 1: Body Acupuncture Points Part 2: Ear Acupuncture Points The Lung Channel... 2 The Large Intestine Channel... 7 The Stomach Channel The Spleen Channel The Heart Channel The Small Intestine Channel The Bladder Channel The Kidney Channel The Pericardium Channel The Triple Warmer Channel The Gall Bladder Channel The Liver Channel The Conception Vessel (Ren Mai) The Governor Vessel (Du Mai) The Extra Points Anatomy of the Outer Ear (Auricula) Zones of Auricular Innervation According to Nogier Zones of Auricular Innervation According to Durinjan Topography of Reflex Zones Points on the Lobule According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Lobule According to Nogier Points on the Tragus According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Tragus According to Nogier and Bahr Points on the Intertragic Notch According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Intertragic Notch According to Nogier Points on the Antitragus According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Antitragus According to Nogier

2 X Part 2: Ear Acupuncture Points Projection of the Skeleton According to Nogier Projection Zones of the Spinal Column According to Nogier Nervous Organ Points of the Paravertebral Chain of Sympathetic Ganglia The Ear Relief in Cross Section (Zones I to VIII) Nervous Control Points of Endocrine Glands Plexus Points in the Concha According to Nogier Points in the Triangular Fossa According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Ascending Helix According to Chinese Nomenclature Points on the Helix According to Nogier Covered Points on the Helix According to Nogier Projection Zones of Internal Organs According to Chinese Nomenclature Projection Zones of the Internal Organs According to Nogier Energy and Treatment Lines on the Auricula Definition of Epidemiology Muscle Physiology Pathophysiology of Myofascial Pain Chronification of Myofascial Pain Syndromes Basic Therapeutic Considerations Specific Trigger Point Examination and Therapy Temporal Muscle Description of the Muscle at the Temporal Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 178 Localizations

3 XI Gnathological Aspects of the Temporal Muscle, Anterior Part Gnathological Aspects of the Temporal Muscle, Medial Part Gnathological Aspects of the Temporal Muscle, Posterior Part Masseter Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Masseter Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 185 Localizations Gnathological Aspects of the Masseter Muscle, Superficial Part Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 191 Important Acupuncture Point and Its Localization Gnathological Aspects of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Trapezius Muscle Short Muscles of the Neck (Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Minor Muscles, Superior and Inferior Oblique Muscles of the Head) Description of the Muscles of the Short Neck Muscles Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 195 Localizations Splenius Muscle of the Head Description of the Muscle of the Splenius Muscle of the Head

4 XII Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 199 Localizations Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Scalene Muscles Description of the Muscle Anterior scalende muscle Middle scalene muscle Posterior scalene muscle of the Scalene Muscle of the Scalene Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 203 Localizations Description of the Muscle of the Trapezius Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 208 Localizations Gnathological Aspects of the Trapezius Muscle, Transverse Part Levator Muscle of Scapula Description of the Muscle of the Levator Muscle of Scapula Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 215 Localizations Gnathological Aspects of the Levator Muscle of Scapula Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

5 XIII Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 220 Localizations Gnathological Aspects of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Subclavius Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Subclavius Muscle of the Subclavius Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Area of Pain Projection Localizations Greater Pectoral Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Greater Pectoral Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 229 Localizations Smaller Pectoral Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Smaller Pectoral Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 235 Localizations Smaller and Greater Rhomboid Muscles. 235 Description of the Muscles Smaller Rhomboid Muscle Greater Rhomboid Muscle of Smaller and Greater Rhomboid Muscles Preliminary Remarks Examination of

6 XIV Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 238 Localizations Supraspinatus Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Supraspinatus Muscle. 240 Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 242 Localizations Infraspinatus Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Infraspinatus Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 245 and Areas of Pain Projection. 246 Localizations Subscapular Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Subscapular Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 249 Localizations Long Radial Extensor Muscle of Wrist Supinator Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Supinator Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of of the Supinator Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 251 Localizations Description of the Muscle

7 XV of the Long Radial Extensor Muscle of Wrist Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 253 Localizations Extensor Muscle of Fingers Description of the Muscle of the Extensor Muscle of Fingers Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 255 Localizations Iliac Muscle Pronator Teres Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Pronator Teres Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of of the Pronator Teres Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 259 Localizations Superficial Flexor Muscle of Fingers Description of the Muscle of the Superficial Flexor Muscle of the Fingers Preliminary Remarks Examination of of the Superficial Flexor Muscle of the Fingers Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 261 Superficial Flexor Muscle of Fingers Localizations

8 XVI Localizations External Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen Description of the Muscle of the External Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of of the External Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen and Areas of Pain Projection. 265 External Oblique Muscle of the Abdomen Localizations Description of the Muscle of the Iliac Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 269 Greater Psoas Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Psoas Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of Localizations Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 274 Localizations Gluteus Maximus Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle

9 XVII Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 277 Acupuncture Points of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle Localizations Gluteus Medius Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Gluteus Medius Muscle Examination of Therapy of of the Gluteus Medius Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 281 Localizations Gluteus Minimus Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Gluteus Minimus Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Gluteus Minimus Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 285 Localizations Piriformis Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Piriformis Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Piriformis Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 287

10 XVIII Localizations Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Quadriceps Fermoris Muscle Preliminary Remarks of the Quadriceps Fermoris Muscle Examination of Therapy of Quadriceps Femoris Muscle and Areas of Pain Projection. 290 of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Quadriceps Femoris Muscle of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Localizations Trigger and Acupuncture Points of the Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Hamstring Muscles (Biceps Muscle of Thigh, Semimembranosus Muscle, Semitendinosus Muscle) Description of the Muscles of the Hamstring Muscles Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 300 Localizations Gracilis Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Gracilis Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection

11 XIX Localizations Tensor Muscle of the Fascia Lata Description of the Muscle of the Tensor Muscle of the Fascia Lata Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 305 Localizations Gastrocnemius Muscle Description of the Muscle of the Gastrocnemius Muscle Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 306 Localizations Anterior Tibial Muscle Description of the Muscle Trigger Point of the Anterior Tibial Muscle. 308 Preliminary Remarks Examination of Therapy of and Areas of Pain Projection. 309 Localizations References Further Reading Picture credits List of Points Part 1: Body Acupuncture Points in Alphabetical Order Part 2: Ear Acupuncture Points Part 1: Ear Points (Chinese Nomenclature) in Numerical Order Part 1: Ear Points (Nogier and Bahr) in Alphabetical Order Part 3: in Alphabetical Order of the Muscles involved Index

Integration 통합과정 Afferent nerve 들신경 Receptor potential 수용체전위 Receptor 수용기 ㅁㅁ Action potential 활동전위 Efferent nerve 날신경 Effecter 효과기

Integration 통합과정 Afferent nerve 들신경 Receptor potential 수용체전위 Receptor 수용기 ㅁㅁ Action potential 활동전위 Efferent nerve 날신경 Effecter 효과기 말초신경계통 - 담당교수 : 김형근 Integration 통합과정 Afferent nerve 들신경 Receptor potential 수용체전위 Receptor 수용기 ㅁㅁ Action potential 활동전위 Efferent nerve 날신경 Effecter 효과기 신경조직이란? - 신경세포 ( 신경원 ) Neuron 의구조 - 신경아교 Neuroglia,

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Àç°¡ »êÀçÀå¾ÖÀÎÀÇ ÀçÈ°ÇÁ·Î±×·¥¿¡ °üÇÑ¿¬±¸.HWP 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) - 산재보험사후관리실태및개선방안 - 한국노동연구원 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) i 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) ii 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) iii 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) iv 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구 (Ⅰ) v 재가산재장애인의재활프로그램에관한연구

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