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1 VMware and Dell EMC: Better Together Dell EMC 이상훈

2 Business ation 모던데이터센터비전 Dell EMC /VMware 협업전략 2

3 디지털혁신은기업의비즈니스와 일하는방식을빠르게그리고끊임없이 변화시키고있다. 3

4 Dell Technologies 는기업의디지털전환을위한, 보안, 사무혁신그리고가장중요한기업의데이터보호를위한필수적인인프라를통합제공하는회사입니다. 4

5 비즈니스혁신전략 Workforce ation Users Digital ation Applications Security ation Cloud Infrastructure ation 5

6 Digital ation Is Disrupting Every Industry AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL MANUFACTURING SCIENCES FINANCE AND MORE 50 %+ 48 % 45 % 92 % 2021 년까지전세계 GDP 의 50% 이상이디지털화 1 3 년후 Industry 비즈니스트렌드를모름 3 년 ~5 년이내에뒤처지게될것을우려 2 디지털혁신이비즈니스성공에매우중요 2 1 IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Industry 2018 Predictions Oct Doc # US Dell Digital ation Index 6

7 T R A N S F O R M A T I O N ENABLES D I G I T A L T R A N S F O R M A T I O N ation Lowers Costs Creates More Funding for Digital Initiatives 7

8 비즈니스경쟁력 ation 검토 / 적용 Dell EMC April 2018 ation Maturity Study of 4,000 Decision Makers 8

9 전략 Modernize Infrastructure Automate Service Delivery People and Processes 9

10 Infrastructure Operations Today s DC 30% 60% 8% 2% Tomorrow s DC 20% 10% 60% 10% G.R.I.D Operating Model Legacy Virtual IaaS Paas / CaaS Construct Consume SLA Driven / IL / SM Service Driven / Accessible API s Automation Change Process Driven Self Service & Chargeback Fully Automated & Orchestrated Network Traditional Network Virtual Network Compute Storage Data Protection Converged Mainframe ation License Agreement (TLA) Physical UNIX Hyper-converged SLA OLTP Batch SLA Analytics SLA Virtual SLA PERFORMANCE AVAILABILY SCALE EXPERIENCE USABILY - VIRTUALIZATION Storage Arrays Data Protection On Prem Mostly On Prem On/Off Prem On/Off Prem G.R.I.D, it s the Greater Rationalization of Infrastructure Design 10

11 Infrastructure Operations People in Today s DC People in Tomorrow s DC G.R.I.D Legacy Virtual IaaS Paas / CaaS Operating Model Construct Consume SLA Driven / IL / SM Service Driven / Accessible API s Automation Change Process Driven Self Service & Chargeback Fully Automated & Orchestrated Network Traditional Network Virtual Network Compute Storage Data Protection Mainframe ation License ConvergedAgreement (TLA) Physical UNIX Hyper-converged Storage Arrays Data Protection On Prem Mostly On Prem On/Off Prem On/Off Prem G.R.I.D, it s the Greater Rationalization of Infrastructure Design. 11

12 현대화데이터센터필수조건 12

13 현대화데이터센터전략솔루션 GAME-CHANGING INNOVATION PowerMAX/VMAX with Dedupe, NVMe & ML NVMe / Efficiency XtremIO Native Replication New Entry Point Flexibility Efficiency Flex Appliance VxRack Flex Entry Point Efficiency/ Performance Performance Efficiency/ Replication VxBlock 1000 Ultimate Storage Choice: Unity, VMAX, XtremIO Orchestration /Operation Unity Dedupe, Up to 30% Faster SC Up to 40% Faster PowerEdge 14G Server VMware/Pivotal Ready Architecture 13

14 Time to cloud Accelerated business impact 현대화데이터센터구현모델 Build Platform/Buy Consume Pivotal Ready Architecture (PaaS) Cloud Services Server Storage Network Converged/HCI Platforms Rails - Racks Blocks - Nodes Decreasing complexity VxRack SDDC (IaaS) Cloud Solutions 14

15 차세대미디어를위한 NVMe 아키텍처멀티컨트롤러아키텍처성능극대화 Multi-controller Architecture with Multi-core CPUs Multi-controller Architecture with Multi-core CPUs SAS DISK ERA NVMe MODERN ERA SAS Protocol NVMe Protocol Flash Drives Flash Drives Storage Class Memory(SCM) 15

16 실시간 머신러닝 - 진정한데이터자동화 머신러닝엔진 I/O 사전분석과패턴인식실적용 실시간으로최대 4 천만건의데이터세트분석 추가부하없이성능극대화를위해하루최대 60 억건의분석결과적용 NVMe PowerMax NVMe 1 Based on Dell EMC internal analysis of PowerMax 8000 with 4PB of capacity, March Based on Dell EMC internal analysis of a single PowerMax 2000 or 8000 array, March SCM coming in 2019 SCM 3 Flash 16

17 Dell EMC HCI 포트폴리오 17

18 Dell EMC VxRail - 혁신가속화인텔 제온 확장가능한프로세서기반 73 % 46 % 619 % 구축시간단축 1 운영비용절감 2 5 년간 ROI 1 1 혁신가속화원활한통합포괄적인단일다양한서비스자유로운구성수명주기지원 1 IDC 2017 년 10 월 2 Silverton Consulting, 2017 년 7 월 18

19 VMware Validated Designs on VxRail # 1 Dell EMC HCI 플랫폼에서 VMware SDDC 배포, 운영및유지관리 상호운용성및확장성테스트를통해 HW 및 SW 의유효성검증 완벽한데이터센터수준의표준설계 검증된광범위한성공사례를통한빠른업무적용 De-risk Deployments Simplify Operations Drive Agility 19

20 VMware Cloud Foundation 기반 VxRack SDDC 랙규모의하이퍼통합인프라에서컴퓨팅, 스토리지및네트워킹완벽하게통합 VMware Cloud Foundation 솔루션활용 업계최고의 VMware 클라우드관리플랫폼 VMware SDDC Manager 전체인프라스택을손쉽게배포, 구성및관리 20

21 이기종하이퍼바이저환경 - VxRack Flex 이기종 Hypervisor 또는 bare metal 환경에서유연한 HCI 시스템구축 이기종가상화환경 대규모확장성 : 최소 3 개 ~ 1,024 노드로확장 Extreme Performance 고성능데이터베이스환경 고성능여러업무를단일시스템에통합 엔터프라이즈가용성 쉬운구축, 운영, 관리 - Automated Management Services (AMS) 통합관리지원 21

22 Dell EMC VxBlock 1000 업계를주도하는 All-In-One CI 시스템 전례없이다양한기술옵션 간소화된수명주기관리 장기간지속가능한아키텍처 업계를주도하는광범위한스토리지어레이 - 인텔 제온 확장가능한프로세서기반 1000 가지이상의컴퓨팅서비스구성 업계를주도하는 LAN 및 SAN 스위치 광범위한통합데이터보호솔루션제품군 모든유형의워크로드및가격대비성능목표에최적화된데이터서비스 모든애플리케이션의가격대비성능목표를충족하는 CPU 및메모리옵션 예측가능한성능과뛰어난리소스확장성 핵심시스템, 운영애플리케이션및데이터보호 Dell EMC PowerMax Dell EMC XtremIO X2 Cisco UCS 랙서버 Cisco Nexus LAN 스위치 Dell EMC Unity Cisco UCS 블레이드서버 Cisco MDS SAN 스위치 관리, 보고및오케스트레이션을 Data 위한컨버지드솔루션 Protection Suite 혁신을위한일상적인작업간소화 Dell EMC VMAX Dell EMC Isilon-Gen 6 22

23 Run ON PREMISES OFF PREMISES Dell Technologies Multi-Cloud 전략 Cloud Service Providers Mission-critical applications General-purpose applications Cloud-native applications Virtustream Hybrid Cloud VxRack SDDC VxRAIL VMware Ready System Azure Stack Pivotal Ready Architecture 23

24 Developer-Ready 애플리케이션및컨테이너요구에동적으로대응하는인프라네이티브개발환경- Microservices 클라우드 App Framework APP APP APP Developer Runtime Platform Applications (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) Containers (Pivotal Kubernetes/PKS) Automation Monitoring, Securing, and Logging VMware vrealize Cloud-Native Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure VMware Cloud Foundation vsphere NSX vsan vsphere VMware Cloud on AWS Public Clouds 완전자동화 높은호환성 개발자독립성 24

25 클라우드성숙도 VMware 멀티클라우드로의 혁신가속화 하이브리드클라우드 통합클라우드플랫폼 자동화된 SDDC VMware Cloud on AWS HCI 어플라이언스 - 검증된 SDDC 설계 SDDC VMware 클라우드공급업체 검증된 HCI 노드 검증된 SDDC 설계 vsan Ready Node BYO, PowerEdge 기반 Dell EMC PowerEdge 기반 모던데이터센터의근간 프라이빗 / 하이브리드클라우드 클라우드로의전환속도 퍼블릭클라우드 25

26 모든위치에서데이터보호 Dell EMC Data Protection 최대규모의애플리케이션생태계 1 모든애플리케이션, 멀티하이퍼바이저및클라우드 VMware, SQL, Oracle 기본관리툴과통합 물리적환경 자체제작및맞춤형애플리케이션 VM VM VM VM VM VM 가상화환경 클라우드 26

27 강력한솔루션 - 클라우드지원 Dell EMC Data Protection Elastic Cloud Storage 클라우드 (AWS) 장기보존 클라우드 (AWS) 재해복구 자동화되고효율적인데이터이동 클라우드게이트웨이가필요없음 확장을통해관리편이성을높일수있는 API 27

28 Workforce and Security 전략 Workforce Security 애플리케이션 / 단말관리통합관리 Smart Work - VDI 통합보안인프라 28

29 VMware AirWatch - Dell 단말통합관리 Work Modern MDM Settings Wi-Fi, VPN, Certificates, , Passcodes, Restrictions, Encryption, Firewall, Antivirus, OS Licenses Legacy PC Configuration Group Policy Objects (GPOs), Security Baselines and ADMX Templates, BIOS / Firmware configuration Advanced Task Automation Task sequence PowerShell commands, custom scripts, files, applications, runtime conditions and actions 29

30 Dell EMC 가상데스크탑 VDI 솔루션 Work Smart Work 환경제공 중앙에서관리및자동화 높은확장성과유연성, 획기적인 TCO 절감 Clients Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Hardware Wyse Thin and Zero Clients Dell OptiPlex micro-pcs, Dell monitors VMware Horizon Desktop and application virtualization Dell EMC VxRail and Dell EMC vsan Ready Nodes Hyper-converged appliances 30

31 ing Security Security 보안프로그램의캡처및추적 위험요소사전차단및대응 Resilient Adaptable Unified 최신인프라에보안솔루션구축하여지속적인보안대응 APT 공격파악하고변화하는위협환경에적응할수있는보안솔루션구축 보안및위험관리방식을연결하여비즈니스위험을보다효과적으로제어 Dell EMC Servers Dell EMC Isolated Recovery VMware Airwatch VMware NSX RSA NetWitness Endpoint RSA SecurID Suite Dell Data Security Portfolio 31


33 현대적인인프라솔루션을구축하고자하는고객에게 포괄적인가치제안을제시하는진단서비스 33

34 현대화인프라스트럭처진단서비스 Application Data Collection VMware Data Collection Storage Data Collection Cloud & Modernization Assessment Infrastructure Components Converged Systems Data Protection Collection Data Protection 34

35 Dell EMC /VMware 서비스전략적지침및전문지식제공 70,000+ Services and Partner Professionals Combined Services Portfolio 165 Countries 4-Time Winner 2015 Temkin Group Customer Experience Award (Dell EMC) Multiple TSIA Star Awards Hall of Fame Award (Dell EMC) Innovation in Enabling Customer Outcomes Award (VMware) Strategic Advisory Services Deployment Services Operations ation Services Education and Training Managed Services Technical Account Manager Services Net Promoter Score : 56 (VMware) Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc. 35

36 Dell EMC/VMware ation 솔루션 Your TRANSFORMATIONS Mobility Management ing Work Desktop Virtualization ing Security Advanced Security Validated Solutions / Ready Bundles Converged / Hyper-Converged ing Hybrid Cloud PaaS, Application Modernization Dell EMC and Dell Technologies PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS Notebooks Tablets Workstations Server HCI Thin Clients Dell EMC VDI Complete Dell EMC Cyber Recovery Solution RSA Dell SecureWorks Server Storage Data Protection Networking VDI Complete Dell EMC VxRail Dell EMC VxRack Dell EMC VxBlock Dell EMC Vblock Dell EMC Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA) VDI Complete Dell EMC VMware Ready System Virtustream In-Cloud Protection, Long Term Retention to the Cloud, Cloud Disaster Recovery Dell EMC Native Hybrid Cloud Pivotal Cloud Foundry In-Cloud Protection, Long Term Retention to the Cloud, Cloud Disaster Recovery VMware PRODUCTS AND SOLUTIONS VMware AirWatch VMware Workspace ONE VMware Horizon VMware NSX AirWatch VMware vsphere VMware vsan VMware vrealize NSX vsphere vsan NSX VMware Cloud Foundation vrealize vsphere VSAN NSX VMware Cloud vsphere NSX VMware Cloud 36

37 Dell EMC / VMware 비즈니스 ation 협업전략 동급최고테크롤로지 공동엔지니어링 / 턴키솔루션 전문솔루션 / 통합지원 TECHNOLOGY 37



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Azure Stack – What’s Next in Microsoft Cloud Microsoft Azure Stack Dell EMC 와함께하는하이브리드클라우드전략 Microsoft Korea, Cloud+Enterprise 사업부진찬욱부장 Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Azure Stack Azure Momentum 120,000 New Azure customer subscriptions/month 715 Million

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