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1 시스코 INTERSIGHT 시스코코리아 이명우이사 Nov. 2017

2 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2

3 데이터센터변혁의기점에서다. 전통적인데이터센터 클라우드기반데이터센터 하이브리드클라우드 수용곡선 현재 정책기반의자동화 IT as a Service IaaS PaaS SaaS XaaS 다양한소비모델 통합 가상화 효율성기반 단순화 민첩성 디지털기반 The Next 5+ Years 3

4 데이터센터, 클라우드의요구 APP 어플리케이션 On-Premise or cloud? Build/Buy/Rent? 민첩성 Provision 어플리케이션개발 RISK 의최소화보안, 호환성

5 데이터센터, 클라우드에대한디지털트랜스포메이션 어플리케이션의진화 50% Fortune500 companies are expected to no longer exist within 10 yrs - John Chambers Cloud-Native Virtualized Bare-Metal On Prem Public Managed IT LoB DevOps 관리와운영 워크로드의 위치

6 시스코는?

7 통합관리통한완벽한서버라인업을완성 단일인프라관리모델 UCS Manager UCS Director Enterprise Cloud Suite UCS Mini 4 세대 UCS 솔루션하이퍼플렉스시스템 UCS 랙시리즈 UCS C3160 주요컴퓨팅서비스인프라 통합인프라 하이퍼컨버지드인프라 스케일아웃인프라 사용자엣지 코어데이터센터 클라우드

8 Power of Cisco UCS FlexPod Vblock Cisco VSPEX HDS UCP Select SmartStack Cisco UCS for Red Hat OpenStack VersaStack Flash Stack CI NetApp VCE EMC 2 Hitachi Nimble Storage Red Hat OpenStack IBM Pure Storage 150,000 유저 VDI 300,000 VM 클라우드 / 가상화 8

9 시스코 UCS 국내고객사례 국내최대규모제조 VDI 국내최대규모공공 VDI 국내최대규모금융 VDI

10 고객사례 금융 Health Care Health Care


12 Cisco UCS 서버의혁신및전략 제품의혁신 #1 현재 운영의최적화 Stateless 컴퓨팅 관리의혁신 자동화 UCS 의통합관리 40/100G 를위한지속적인개발 운영의단순화 #2 #3 통합아키텍쳐디자인 ACI + UCS를통한최적의아키텍쳐 고객에최고, 최적의디자인제공 차세대데이터센터를위한통합관리 12

13 구축의단순화 Because it s a system, not a server 다양한성능 One system, all workloads 검증된아키텍쳐 Unified yet modular architecture C Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

14 자동화를통한검증된결과 Speed Efficiency ROI 83 % Reduction in provisioning times 4 75 % Reduction in UCS execution time 5 29 % Faster application development life cycles 1 48 % Lower IT infrastructure costs 1 68 % Reduced staff time needed for server management 30 % - 50 % IT productivity savings % 5-year ROI % 5-year ROI % ROI 2 Sources: 1. IDC, The Business Value of Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure Solutions for Running SAP Workloads, #US , Dec Forrester Research, The Total Economic Impact of the SmartStack Integrated Infrastructure Solution, Jul IDC, The Total Economic Impact of Cisco Unified Computing System, Jul Based on 103 customer case studies 5. IDC, The Business Value of Cisco UCS as a Platform for SAP HANA:, Sep-14

15 Cisco UCS 서버의혁신및전략 #1 현재 서버기반의관리 CIMC 데이터센터기반의관리 UCS Manager UCS Central #2 #3 클라우드기반의관리가필요? 15

16 우리가직면한도전 분산된 Apps 그리고 IT Human Limitations 전통적인관리 Physical and Virtual Sprawl, IoT, Microservices Scale, Speed, Complexity in Modern Data Centers is Unmanageable Building a Monster to Manage the Monster

17 차세대시스템관리를위한전략 1 Use the Cloud 2 Analyze the Telemetry 3 Combine Insight with Automation Connect Everything Create Actionable Insight Have Machines Manage Machines

18 트랜드 #1: Cloud-Managed Platforms Example: Cisco Meraki Cloud Managed Wireless Cisco Vision for Data Center Cloud Managed Infrastructure

19 트랜드 #2: Analytics, Machine Learning, AI Example: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Definition: Automate, adapt and enhance driver activities for better driving and safety Examples: blind spot monitor, collision warning, lane departure warning, automated parking, etc. Cisco Vision for Data Center Intuitive Infrastructure Definition: Automate, augment and continuously optimize operations for efficiency and security Examples: predictive analytics, recommendation engines, proactive support, autonomic optimization and orchestration, etc.

20 Cisco Intersight Intuitive Experience Enhanced Support Proactive Guidance Secure and Extensible SaaS Delivered SaaS Simplicity Actionable Intelligence Intersight

21 인프라관리의 Evolution Cisco Intersight Intuitive Simplicity Agility Efficiency Scale Traditional Tools Cisco UCS Cisco UCS Director Automated Adaptive Inflection Point Cloud Managed Infrastructure ML / AI for IT Ops Manual Semi-Automated Past Future

22 Introducing Cisco Intersight 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

23 UCS INTERSIGHT: Cloud Managed Infrastructure Telemetry & Analytics HyperFlex Connected TAC Stand-Alone UCS C-Series Data Center 1 Policy Based Orchestration App Store INTERSIGHT UCS S-Series Unified Computing System Data Center 2 Secure and Compliant Unified Computing System API Driven, DevOps Enabled HyperFlex UCS Mini Branch A Branch N

24 Cisco Intersight 구성요소 직관적인 Experience SaaS Delivered Enhanced Support 보안그리고확장 사전예방적인 Guide

25 Cisco Intersight: 직관적인 Experience Role-Customized Role-based access control + customized portals and dynamic content User customizable interface; tagging & search Drill down to specific information and tools </> IT Admin DevOps Admin Developer

26 Cisco Intersight: Enhanced Support Connected TAC Today: Automated transmission of technical support files to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for accelerated troubleshooting Future: Telemetry collection, issue fingerprinting, proactive alerting & remediation

27 Cisco Intersight: 사전예방적인 Guide Recommendation Engine Alerts Compliance Baselining and Notifications Firmware Upgrades Proactive Tech Support

28 Key Features in Intersight Security Architecture Use of industry standard security protocols Encryption of all data Compliance with stringent Cisco InfoSec security and data handling standards

29 Device Connector Enabling Cisco UCS SaaS Hosted Management UCS Cloud Connector Enables Cloud Hosted Management of Cisco UCS Hardware Pre-Packaged Secure Telemetry Connected Configurable Instrumented Intelligent Policy-driven

30 UCS INTERSIGHT: HyperFlex/UCS Multi-site Management Automation Analytics Proactive TAC Recommendation Engine UCS INTERSIGHT + HyperFlex & HyperFlex Edge Simplified Compute and Storage Management Across Sites Branch 1 Branch 2 Branch 3 Branch 4 Branch 5

31 UCS INTERSIGHT: Benefits Unified Management Single pane of glass, consistent operations model and experience for managing all systems and solutions Recommendations Embedded recommendation platform with insights sourced from across Cisco installed base and tailored to each customer SaaS/Subscription Hosted management will free customers from care/feeding of management tools and eliminate upgrade dependencies Enhanced Support Experience Hosted platform allows Cisco to address issues platform-wide and experience extends into TAC supported platforms Programmability End to end programmability with native API, SDK s and popular DevOps toolsets will enable customers to consume natively No-Impact Transition IMC/UCSM/HX embedded connector will allow customers to start consuming benefits without forklift upgrade Shared Under NDA Only

32 UCS INTERSIGHT: Simplified Automation with API One programming model (infrastructure and solutions) Deploy, Configure, Manage, and Monitor: at scale, all from one API SDKs and DevOps Tools OData: interoperable RESTful API RESTful: a Design Pattern OData: a RESTful API Specification MSFT Azure, SAP, many others export OData APIs API the foundation of SDK and DevOps Integrations View the Docs and Generate Code in One Interface

33 UCS INTERSIGHT Demonstration

34 맺음말

35 UCS INTERSIGHT: Cisco Communities

36 UCS INTERSIGHT: Preview Available Now! 1.Cisco Communities INTERSIGHT article. 2. INTERSIGHT Portal 3.Send Us Feedback via Communities INTERSIGHT article.


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