Xsens MVN Gyro MotionCapture 공간의제약이없는자이로의자유로움과별도의칼리브레이션이없이단지연기자가자이로모션캡쳐슈트를입는것만으로캡쳐준비는끝입니다. 자이라모션캡쳐장비는장비의설치공간의제한이없어협소한장소나고난이도의액션이가능하고장비의노이즈가없어별도의데이터에디팅
- 성언 순
- 8 years ago
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1 Xsens MVN Gyro MotionCapture ( 주 ) 모션테크놀로지
2 Xsens MVN Gyro MotionCapture 공간의제약이없는자이로의자유로움과별도의칼리브레이션이없이단지연기자가자이로모션캡쳐슈트를입는것만으로캡쳐준비는끝입니다. 자이라모션캡쳐장비는장비의설치공간의제한이없어협소한장소나고난이도의액션이가능하고장비의노이즈가없어별도의데이터에디팅이필요하지않습니다. 공간의제약으로부터자유로운자이로모션캡쳐를만나보세요. 장애물에제약없는장비 Xsens MVN 모션캡쳐시스템은장소의제약이없어비좁은강의실이나자동차실내등의매우협소한곳에서도운영이가능합니다. 실내외사용가능 Xsens MVN 는장소의구애나사용환경의 EZ 영향을전혀받지않습 니다. 실내의협소한장소나실외의갖가지장애물과조명에영향을받지않습니다. 휴대성 Xsens MVN 는액터가입는슈트타입과컴퓨터와의통신을위한 무선모듈로구성되어있어서구성이작고간편해여행용가방에들어가는매우작은크기를갖습니다. 실시간모션캡쳐 Xsens MVN 는 Autodesk MotionBuilder와연동해실시간으로운 영이가능합니다. 액터의움직임을동작의지연없이바로보면서 ( 사전시각화 ) 캡쳐가가능합니다. Plug In 지원 Xsens MVN 는플러그인을지원해 Autodesk MotionBuilder 와같이사용이가능합니다. 모션빌더의모든기능을활용해실시간모션캡쳐및편집등모션빌더의다양한기능을 100% 활용가능합니다. Flexible Data Export 파일내보내기기능은가장일반적인포맷인 의지원뿐만아니라모션캡쳐 Raw포맷인 포맷도지원합니다. TO 군사시뮬레이션지원 Xsens MVN 모션캡쳐시스템은군사시뮬레이션프로그램을통해병사들의모의훈련을실시간으로분석하면서진행할수있습니다. 병사들의모든움직임을모니터할수있어훈련의성과와과오를정확히분석할수있습니다. 에러가없습니다. Xsens MVN 는외부의어떠한세팅도필요없습니다. 또그로인한외부의어떠한영향도받지않습니다. 그래서 Gyra 의데이터는바로받아서사용할수있을만큼간편합니다. 편집불필요 Xsens MVN 는데이터가깨끗하게나와서데이터의편집이불필요합니다. 단지캐릭터에적용만하면됩니다. 쉬운사용환경 Xsens MVN 는구성이단순해서설치및사용이쉽습니다. 모든작업은직관적이고, 단순해사용에어려움이없습니다. 지원 Xsens MVN 는 를지원하여사용자의필요에따라다양한분야에응용이가능합니다. 칼리브레이션 Xsens MVN 는 EZ별도의 TO 환경설정이없어장비의착용과동시에칼 리브레이션은끝이납니다. 단지착용만하시면됩니다.
3 Xsens MVN 장비구성 Base Station PC Xsens MVN 는장비의구성이액터가입는슈트와데이터를받아서처리하는컴퓨터로만이루어져있어매우단순합니다. MVN STUDIO SOFTWARE Functionality Easy and quick calibration Real time preview of motion capture Simultaneous recording/viewing Replaying previously recorded motion data Supported export formats. (Biovision Hierarchical Data).FBX (FiLMBOX).MVNX (MVN Open XML format) Output 3D position, 3D orientation, (optionally: 3D acceleration, 3D velocity, 3D angular rate, 3D angular acceleration).mpg,.avi and.mov movie export Streaming motion data Streaming motion data on local area network (UDP) MotionBuilder 2009 and 7.5 Ext2 compatible client plug-in available Client network monitor support in MVN Studio Time Code and Remote Control plug-in Time code stored in MVN, MVNX (optional) and FBX Remote control of recordings in MVN Studio Data rate Hz Hz Hz MVN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT Functionality Easy integration with custom application software Provides real-time orientation and position data of body segments using dynamic link library (C interface) Provides interfaces to calibration routines and character definition routines Handles pre-recorded MVN files for post-processing Mvn Fusion Engine handles 3D position aiding input, in real-time RECOMMENDED COMPUTER SYSTEM Operating system: Windows XP (SP2) Windows Vista, Windows 7 Processor: Dual core e.g. Core2 or AMD X2 (minimal Pentium GHz) Graphics card: Any graphics card with DirectX 9 hardware acceleration USB Ports: 2x USB or hub per system 응용범위 3D 애니메이션 실시간캐릭터애니메이션 인체역학 로봇및로봇제어 시뮬레이션 가상현실등...
4 PERFORMANCE MTx inertial trackers1 3D orientation accuracy Resolution Accelerometer range Gyroscope range <0.5 deg deg ± 180 m/s2 (18 g) 1200 deg/s Mvn human model MVN uses a 23 segment biomechanical model with 22 joints. Each joint is specified by statistical parameters for 6DOF joint laxity. An advanced spine and shoulder model is used that computes the kinematics of the spine and shoulder blades. System calibration Flexible calibration scheme with instant feedback regarding the expected accuracy. can be done without assistance from a second person Basic calibration - 10 seconds - Basic calibration needs only subject length and foot length Advanced calibration seconds per additional step - Advanced subject specific calibration determines tracker alignment and/or subject specific dimensions. procedures for subjects with limited range of motion are possible. 3D translation capture Double integration of body segment accelerations allows for jumping/ running (permanent floor contact is not needed) ~2% error in traveled distance Advanced external contact model detects body world contacts to enable crawling, sitting, cartwheels etc. Full control over external contact points Props Support for one to three props Magnetic environment Full immunity to temporary magnetic disturbances (~30 seconds) Visual warning of disturbed environment Local, permanent disturbances High degree of immunity, performance will depend on motion and environment Soft tissue artifacts Minimized to ~2 degrees RMS using redundancy in measurement and biomechanical constraints Multiple person capture Up to four person capturing on one PC
5 MVN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MVN MOCAP SUIT Number of trackers Full body configuration Lower body configuration Upper body configuration Extra prop / backup sensor 17 MTx inertial trackers 7 MTx inertial trackers 11 MTx inertial trackers 1 MTx inertial tracker Full body suit: Light weight revolutionairy stretch fabric with cable guides, 2 fabric sensor pockets and 10 TPE Dryflex sensor holders Sizes: S, M, L (standard), XL, XXL Accessories (included) On body cabling 2 gloves with tracker pocket 1 head band with tracker pocket 2 foot mounts For data communication and power Only 1 cable needed on each arm/leg, trackers daisy-chained Power supply Power/data control unit 2 Xbus Masters (XM) Power (each XM) - Battery (incl.) 8 AA NiMH rechargeables (of which 4 spare) - Power adapter (incl.) EU/US/UK Power adapter VAC/12VDC 1A - Input voltage range 4-14V Operating time (typical) 3 hours Battery charger (incl.) For 8 AA NiMH batteries Communication Interface - Wireless or high-speed RS-232/USB Wireless range radius (typical) - Outdoor 150 meters (492 ft.) - Indoor open space 150 meters (492 ft.) - Indoor office 50 meters (164 ft.) Physical Dimensions MTx inertial tracker 38 x 53 x 21 mm (1.5 x 2.1 x 0.8 ) Xbus Master 100 x 150 x 40 mm (3.9 x 5.9 x 1.6 ) Mvn suitcase 559 x 351 x 229 mm (22 x 13 x 9 ) Wireless receiver units All configurations 2 Wireless Receivers (incl.) RF technology Bluetooth 2.0 (optimized, class 1) Interface USB 1.1 or 2.0 Suitcase with wheels & extendable handle Strong, durable & waterproof Suitable as hand-luggage Weight MTx inertial tracker 30 g (1 oz.) Xbus Master 200 g (0.4 lbs) Mvn Suit (excl. trackers) 360 g (0.80 lbs) Total on-body system 1930 g (4.2 lbs) (with batteries and cables) Shipping weight 11 kg (24 lbs) (incl. suitcase) environment deg Celcius, non-wet Setup time Less than 10 minutes
6 Xsens MVN 모션캡쳐장비는팀버든감독의 이상한나라의엘리스 에사용되어졌으며, The Third Floor 사에서는 아이언맨 2 에사전시각화작업에 MVN 을활용했습니다. 할리우드의다양한영화산업이사용되고있는 MVN 모션캡쳐장비는실시간이면서도장비의공간적제약이적고, 외부의어떠한요소도필요하지않아빠른촬영이가능합니다. 앞으로다양한분야에 MVN 의사용이기대됩니다. Enschede, The Netherlands and Los Angeles, CA, USA May 7, Xsens Technologies, creator of the MVN full body motion capture system and The Third Floor, one of the world s leading previs studios, used new technology to design sequences for Marvel s Iron Man 2. Biomechanics Animation & Game VR & System Integration Live Entertainment ( 주 ) 모션테크놀로지서울시중구필동 2가 82-1번지 509호 Tel: Fax: Cell.Phone: sales@motioncapture.co.kr DANCING BACKFLIPS KUNGFU ACTING
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88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
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Basic Netw rk 1. ก ก ก 2. 3. ก ก 4. ก 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ก 5. ก 6. ก ก 7. ก 3 ก ก ก ก (Mainframe) ก ก ก ก (Terminal) ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก 4 ก (Dumb Terminal) ก ก ก ก Mainframe ก CPU ก ก ก ก 5 ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก
Microsoft Word - FS_ZigBee_Manual_V1.3.docx
FirmSYS Zigbee etworks Kit User Manual FS-ZK500 Rev. 2008/05 Page 1 of 26 Version 1.3 목 차 1. 제품구성... 3 2. 개요... 4 3. 네트워크 설명... 5 4. 호스트/노드 설명... 6 네트워크 구성... 6 5. 모바일 태그 설명... 8 6. 프로토콜 설명... 9 프로토콜 목록...
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
29 Ⅰ. 서론 물리학자들이 전파의 이론을 정립한 이후, 이를 기술적으로 실현함은 물론 적정 수준의 19세기 물리학자인 페러데이, 맥스웰, 헤르츠 등의 연구 결과로 인류는 전기장과 자기장의 변화 에 따른 전파를 만들어 낼 수 있게 되었고, 인류에 게 있어 없어서는 안되
Journal of Communications & Radio Spectrum SPECIAL ISSUE 28 TREND REPORT 통신 및 비통신용 전파응용 기술 이슈 및 시사점 글 황태욱 경희대학교 연구교수 (031) 201-3254, twhwang@khu.ac.kr 주제어: 밀리미터파, 테라헤르츠파, 전파응용 기술, ISM 기기 전파자원의 부족문제에 대한
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.공영DBM_최동욱_본부장-중소기업의_실용주의_CRM
中 규모 기업의 실용주의CRM 전략 (CRM for SMB) 공영DBM 솔루션컨설팅 사업부 본부장 최동욱 2007. 10. 25 Agenda I. 중소기업의 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 1. 국내외 CRM 동향 2. 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 3. CRM 도입의 기대효과 II. CRM정의 및 우리회사 적합성 1. 중소기업에 유용한 CRM의 정의 2. LTV(Life
NV40 (Chris Seitz) NV1 1 Wanda NV1x 2 2 Wolfman NV2x 6 3 Dawn NV3x 1 3 Nalu NV4x 2 2 2 95-98: Z- CPU GPU / Geometry Stage Rasterization Unit Raster Operations Unit 2D Triangles Bus (PCI) 2D Triangles (Multitexturing)
LCD Monitor
LCD MONITOR quick start guide 320TSn-2 ii Floor standing type) LCD Display D-Sub AAA X 2) 8 DVI KIT LAN TV Note TV MENU MENU] 9 ENTER ENTER] SOURCE SOURCE] [PC DVI HDMI MagicInfo] TV TV D.MENU D.MENU TV
Co-Evolution between media and contents in the Ubiquitous era - A Study of the Format of Mind-Contents based on Won-Buddhism - Lee, Jung-min Korean National University of Arts : Keyword : Ubiquitous, Convergence,
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
차례 사용하기 전에 준비 및 연결 간편 기능 채널 관련 영상 관련 음성 관련 시간 관련 화면잔상 방지를 위한 주의사항... 4 각 부분의 이름... 6 제품의 설치방법... 10 TV를 켜려면... 15 TV를 보려면... 16 외부입력에 연결된 기기명을 설정하려면..
한 국 어 사용설명서 LED LCD MONITOR TV 사용전에 안전을 위한 주의사항을 반드시 읽고 정확하게 사용하세요. LED LCD MONITOR TV 모델 목록 M2280D M2380D 1 www.lg.com 차례 사용하기 전에 준비 및 연결 간편 기능 채널 관련 영상 관련 음성 관련 시간 관련 화면잔상 방지를 위한 주의사항... 4 각 부분의 이름...
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` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
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Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 13, No. 1 pp. 306-310, 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.5762/kais.2012.13.1.306 Zigbee를 이용한 실외 위치추정 시스템 구현 김환용 1*, 임순자 1 1 원광대학교 전자공학과 Implementation
SMB(Server Message Block) UDP(User Datagram Protocol) ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) SMB (Server Message Block) SMB? : Microsoft IBM, Intel,. Unix NFS. SMB client/server. Client server request