인사말씀 (Introduction) Woo Chang Coupling 격변하는산업환경속에서끊임없이산업발전에일익을담당하는모든분들께심심한감사의뜻을전합니다. 저희 ( 주 ) 우창카플링은축이음장치 ( 카플링 ) 의선진화를이룩하고자끊임없는기술연구와품질개발을통해 21세기에는일류기

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1 woo chang coupling 1

2 인사말씀 (Introduction) Woo Chang Coupling 격변하는산업환경속에서끊임없이산업발전에일익을담당하는모든분들께심심한감사의뜻을전합니다. 저희 ( 주 ) 우창카플링은축이음장치 ( 카플링 ) 의선진화를이룩하고자끊임없는기술연구와품질개발을통해 21세기에는일류기업의카플링제작사가되고자전직원이협심단결하고있습니다. 항상저희 ( 주 ) 우창카플링을지켜봐주시고제작사와소비자가하나라는이념으로많은질책과지도편달을부탁드리오며귀사의무궁한발전을기원합니다. I would like to express sincere gratitude to all the business people who are actively contributing for the business development in the worldwide competitive edge. Our company, Woochang Coupling, is making best endeavor to be an advanced leader in the coupling industry to the 21st century a quality improvement of our products. We would like to establish and cement long term business relationship with your company for the mutual benefit in the future. I wish you make every success in your business development. ( 주 ) 우창카플링대표이사배상 WOO CHANG COUPLING CO.,LTD. President 2 woo chang coupling

3 인증서 (Certificate of Approval) Certified ISO 9001, woo chang coupling 3

4 목차 (Contents) A> Taper Grid Coupling (P05-P20) B> Gear Coupling (P21-P38) C> Disc Flexible Coupling (P39-P48) D> Flange Flexible Coupling (P50-P57) E>Jaw Coupling (P58) F>Nylon Coupling(P59) G>Rubber Flexible Coupling(P60) H>Universal Joints(P61-P69) I > 안전계수및참고사항 (P70-P72) (Service Factor & Reference) 4 woo chang coupling

5 TAPER GRID COUPLING A woo chang coupling 5

6 A TAPER GRID COUPLING A > TAPER GRID COUPLING 1 특징및장점 (Characteristic & Merit) WCC Taper Grid Steel Flexible Coupling 은아래의특성및장점으로인하여사용상편리함은물론원가절감의효과가탁월하다. We can get more favorable convinience and cost down by using the WCC Taper Grid Steel Flexble Coupling. 1) 평행오차축이편심상태일때 Grid 가 Grease 를칠한홈안에서작동함으로써진동이나충격을완화시켜무리함이없는동력전달을한다. ( 허용오차 2 mm ~3 mm ) 1) PARALLEL The movement of the grid in the lubricated grooves accommodates parallel missalignment and steel permits full functioning of the grid-groove action in damping out shock and vibration. 2) 각도오차축이편각 (2 ~3 ) 상태에서도곡면으로파여진 Hub 의홈 (Groove) 안에서, Grid 가미끄러지는윤활작용과탄력으로동력이손실없이전달, 작동된다. 2) ANGULAR Under angular misalignment, the grid-groove design permits a rocking and sliding action of the lubricated grid and hubs without any loss of power through the resilient grid. 3) 축유동오차구동측과피동축이상하진동과좌우유동되더라도 Grease 를칠한 Hub 의홈안에서 Grid 가구부러진안쪽까지자유로이작동함으로진동의전달을방지하고동력을전달한다. 3) AXIAL End Float for both driving and driven members is permitted because the grid slides freely in the lubricated grooves. 4) 비틀림에대한유연성기계가시동시발생하는충격 진동 과부하등이 Grid 에작용하게되면 Grid 의유연성으로인해힘의작용점이 Tooth 의곡면안에서이동되므로진동과충격부하를감소시켜준다. 이것은 WCC Taper Grid Coupling 이갖는뛰어난장점이다. 4) TORSIONAL FLEXIBILITY Torsional flexibility is the advantage of WCC Taper Grid Couplings, Providing flexible accommodation to changing load conditions. 6 woo chang coupling

7 TAPER GRID COUPLING A 1 경하중작용시 Grid 상태 Grid 가 Hub 의 Tooth 외각에서힘을받아직선인상태로작동됨으로부하 (Load) 가발생하면 Tooth 의곡면과 Grid 의탄력작용으로 Vibration 과 Shocking 을없애준다. Light Load The grid bears near the outer edges of the hub teeth. The long span between the points of contact remains free to flex under load. 2 정상부하에서의 Grid 상태부하가발생하면힘의걸림점이 Hub 의 Tooth 중간으로이동되어 Grid 가휘어지는 (Bending) 탄력으로충격하중을완화시켜전동한다. Normal Load As the load increases, the distance between the contact points on the hub teeth is shortened, but a free span still remains to cushion shock loads. 3 시동시충격부하에서의 Grid 상태순간적인과부하로힘의걸림점이 Hub 의 Tooth 제일안쪽으로이동되어 Grid 가비틀리는 (Torsion) 탄력의범위내에서극도의충격 (Shocking) 을유연하게완화시켜 Starting 된다. Shock Load The coupling is flexible within its rated power capactity. Under extreme overloads, the grid bears fully on the hub teeth and transmits full load directly. 아래그림은상기와같은우수한특성들을증명해주고있다. WCC Taper Grid coupling demonstrate the excellent performance as shown below. (Vibration) 진동의크기 스프링휨이음의경우 (Grid) 고정이음의경우 (Flange) Grid S h o c k L o a d 커플링을통하여전달되는충격량 A: 탄성小 ( 기어, 체인 ) Gear, Chain coupling B: 탄성中 ( 금속스프링 : 그리드 ) Grid coupling C: 탄성大 ( 고무 : 오메가, 타이어 ) Rubber element coupling 회전수 (rpm) 변위 misalignment 휨축이음을이용한기계진동의감소 (Vibration absorption) 각종카플링에있어서충격의흡수효과 (Shock load absorption) Grid Coupling 의기계적진동의감소효과 woo chang coupling 7

8 A TAPER GRID COUPLING 입력 :Vibration & Shock INPUT 출력 :30% 이상감소 OUTPUT 장점 MERITS 1) 사용중과부하 (Over Load) 가발생하면 Grid 가 Cutting 됨으로안전핀역할을하여 Shaft 나기계의파손을방지한다. 2) Center 의오차가심할때 Grid 혹은 Tooth 가먼저 Shearing 되어연관기계를보호한다. 3) 메카니칼씰 (Mechanical Seal), 베아링 (Bearing) 등모든부품의수명을 2 배이상연장한다. 4) 수리점검이거의필요없고설치, 조립, 정비작업등이손쉽고빨라진다. 5) 국제규격으로제작되어수입품과호환성을갖는다. 6) 어떠한경우에도동력을 100% 전달하고소음이없다. 7) 적은비용으로부품만교체하면계속사용할수있다. 1) When overload occur, grid breaks and prevents breaking of the shaft or machinery part connected. 2) When the parallel misalignment is too servere, the relating machine is protected by the virtue of shearing GRID or TOOTH. 3) The life of parts(mechanical Seal and Bearing, etc) can be extends to twice or more. 4) Quick installation and easy maintenance reduce labor cost and down-time costs. 5) WCC Grid coupling is interchangeable with international industry standard. 6) It always transimits the power fully(100%) under low noise. 7) You can use it continually at cheaper replacement cost by changing damaged parts only. 2 용도 (Application) 축연결에종전에는 Flange 또는 Chain Coupling 을사용하여왔으나, 이제는 Wcc Taper Grid Coupling 을사용함으로많은혜택을얻을수있다. 1) 진동, 충격의전달을방지해야하는경우 2) 편심이발생하는상태에서정상적으로동력을전달해야하는경우 3) 편각이이루어진상태에서정상적으로동력을전달해야하는경우 4) 축유동이발생하는연결부위에서정상적으로동력을전달하고자할때 5) 주기적인과부하가발생되는장소에서연관기계의손상을방지해야하는경우 6) 정 역회전이요구되는경우 7) 충격부하를완화시켜시동하고자하는경우 Pin-Bush Flange coupling and Chain couplings have usually used, but now using the WCC TAPER GRID COUPLING we will get many benefits. 1) When we need to reduce vibration and shock load. 2) When we need adequate power transmission under line misalignment. 3) When we need adequate power transmission angular misalignment. 4) When we need adequate power transmission under end floating. 5) When we need to prevent breaking of the machinery parts under over load. 6) When reverse revolution is required. 7) When we need smooth starting. 8 woo chang coupling

9 TAPER GRID COUPLING A 3 구조 (Structure) Part 1. Oil Seal 2. Cover 3. Hub 4. Grid 5. Gasket 6. Bolt 7. Lube Plug 호칭 (Designation) WCC 1020 T H Cover의형태 (Horizontal split cover) Coupling종류 (Taper Grid Coupling) 규격 (Coupling ) 회사의약칭 (Woo Chang Coupling) TV. : Vertical split cover TFS : Full spacer type(horizontal split cover) THS : Half spacer type(horizontal split cover) TBW : Brake wheel type(horizontal split cover) woo chang coupling 9

10 A TAPER GRID COUPLING 5 규격선정방법 (Selection Method) 1) 규격선정방법 1 Torque 를구한다. 1) Selection Process 1 By using the following formula, obtain Design Torque required. H H T = 97,400 S F 또는 T = 71,620 S F N N T = 전달 Torque(Kg cm) H = 전달부하 (kw) H = 전달마력 (HP) N = 회전수 (rpm) S F = 안전계수 2 산출된 Torque 를각 의 Basic Torque 와비교하여크거나같은숫치를찾아 1 차선정한후사용기계의 Shaft 와 Coupling 최대내경을비교검토한다음선정한다. 3 선정시주의사항 A. 상용 N 과최저 N 이있을때에는 N 으로계산한다. B. 상시역회전이나거듭되는반복부하또는불연속적작동을하는곳의부하는정상의경우보다 2 배가되어야함을유의하여야한다. 2) 규격선정예 30 마력. 1,750 회전의 Motor 와 Rotary Type Pump 에연결하고자한다. Motor 의축경은 48 mm이고, Pump 쪽은 52 mm이다. 1 70page 에서 Pump 의안전계수를찾아보면 1.75 이다. 2 상용전달마력은 30 마력이다 , Torque( kg cm ) = = 2,149 1,750 전달 Torqiue 2,149kg cm 에의하여 1 차로 1040 을선정한다 의내경최대가공이 43 mm이므로 56 mm까지가능한 1060 으로 2 차선정한다. 또한, 회전수와비교하여 1,750 회전이 1060 으로도가능하므로 1060 을최종선정한다. TH 나 TV 는 Cover 에관한것이므로어느쪽이든무방하다. T = Design torque(kg cm) H = Power(kw) H = Power(HP) N = Working revolution(rpm) S F= Recommended service factor. 2 Select the size with the same or with the greater value at the Basic Torque column. Refer to the maximum speed allowed to the size selected, and then compare the shaft diameters of the application with the max. Bore dia of the size selected. If the coupling bore size is not suitable, select the larger coupling size. 3 Special requirements A. on calculating the torque required, use the lowest operating speed(n) of the application. B. If there are reverse motions repeatedlly or frequent irregular load changes, make service factor twice. 2) Example When you select a COUPLING to connect a 30HP, 1,750rpm motor to rotary type pump. Motor shaft dia is 48 mm and pump s 52 mm. 1 service factor of pump is 1.75 (Refer to page 70). 2 Normal transmitting power is 30HP 30 71, Torque( kg cm ) = = 2,149 1,750 The coupling size 1040 accepts the calculated torque 2,149kg cm. And then compare the application shaft size(52mm) to the maximum bore of the selected coupling size 1040(43mm). You will select the coupling size 1060 accepting upto 56mm shaft diameter. The size also accept the application motor speed 1750 rpm. Either TH or TV cover is available. Finally, the coupling size 1060 is selecred. 10 woo chang coupling

11 TAPER GRID COUPLING A 6 장착순서 (Instruction for Installation) Coupling 의작동과수명은어떻게설치하고사용하느냐에크게좌우된다. 최상의작동과고장없는사용을위해서는설명서에따라정착사용해야한다. TH Type Taper Grid Coupling 은부분적개조없이수평이나수직위치에서작동하도록고안되어있다. Taper Grid Coupling 을설치하는데에는표준공구, 즉렌치나곧은자, 그리고 Feeler Gauge( 또는 Dial Gauge) 만있으면충분하다. The performance and the life of the coupling depend on how you install and service them. This page helps you how to assemble the coupling for the best performance and for the trouble free operation. TH Taper Grid Coupling is designed to be operate in either the horizontal or vertical position without modification. Simple standard mechanical tools such as wrenches, a straight edge and feeler gauge or dial guage are required to install the Taper Grid Coupling. 1) TH Type 인경우 1 모든부품을세척유로닦은후 Oil Seal 에 Grease 를칠하여끼운후 Hub 를 Shaft 에끼운다. 1) In case of TH type 1 Clean all metal parts using nonflammable solvent. Lightly coat seals with grease and place on shaft, before mounting hub. Mounting hubs on the shafts. 2 간격게이지를끼워원주네곳의 Gap 과각도오차를조정한다. 2 Using a spacer bar, equal in thickness to the normal gap. The difference in maximum measurements must be not exceed the angular limit. 3 곧은자로원주 90 마다평행오차를조정하고다이얼게이지로축심오차를더정확히조정하여표 3 에명시된한계를넘지않도록유의한다. 3 Align so that a straight edge rests squarely on both hubs as shown fig. And also at 90 interval. The clearance must not exceed the limit specified in table 3. 4 Hub 의 Tooth 홈에 Grease 를채운후 Grid 가두개이상이면단면끝이같은방향이되도록한후해머로두드려끼운다. 4 After greasing the tooth of groove hub, fix the GRID in the same direction. woo chang coupling 11

12 A TAPER GRID COUPLING 5 Grid 에 Grease 를충분히칠하고 Oil Seal 이 Cover 의홈에잘들어갈수있는위치에놓고 Gasket 를끼운후 Cover 안쪽에있는 Match Mark 가필히같은편으로오도록 Cover 를조립한다. 5 Grease fully upon the grid. Place oil seals on the hubs, put gaskets and fasten the cover halves correctly by bolts. *Coupling 의분해 *Coupling disassembly and grid removal. Whenever it is necessary to disconnect the coupling, remove the cover halves and grid. A round rod or screw driver can be a convenient tool to remove the grid. Coupling 의분해시에는 Grid 의고리끝쪽을드라이버로위의그림과같이 Grid 의단면끝부분부터양쪽을번갈아가며들어준다. 알맞는주유는 Coupling 의작동과수명에절대적인요소이다. 표 3 축정열오차 (misalgnment capacity) Tabel 3 (Unit:mm) Recommended installation Parallel offset p Angular(1/16 ) X - Y Parallel offset p Operating Angular(1/4 ) X - Y Normal gap ±10% woo chang coupling

13 TAPER GRID COUPLING A 2) TV Type 인경우 1 모든부품을세척유로닦은후 Oil Seal 에 Grease 를칠하여끼운후 Hub 조립전에 Cover 를필히 Shaft 양쪽에건다. 2) In case of TV type. 1 Clean all metal parts using a nonflammable solvent. Lightly coat seals with grease before mounting hub. Mount hubs on the shafts. 2 간격 Gauge 를끼워원주네곳의 Gap 과각도오차를조정한다. 2 Using a spacer bar, make the gap between the hubs equal to the value stated in the table #3 3 곧은자로원주 90 마다평행오차를조정하고다이얼게이지로축심오차를더정확히조정하여 12 페이지의표 3 에명시된한계를넘지않도록유의한다. 3 Align by placing a straight edge at every 90 degree position, as shown fig. The clearance by dialgauge must not exceed the limit specified in page 12 table #3. 4 Hub 의 Tooth 홈에 Grease 를채운후 Grid 가두개이상이면단면끝이같은방향이되도록한후해머로두드려끼운다. 4 After greasing the tooth of groove hub, fix the GRID in the same direction. 56 Grid 에충분히 Grease 를칠하고양쪽 Cover 의 Grease 주입구가 180 위치에가도록하여 Gasket 를끼운후조립한다.( 1150 이상은주입구위치가 90 되도록한다.) 56 Grease fully upon the grid. Place oil seals on the hubs, put gaskets and fasten the vertical halves, locating lube plug at 180 degree. (note : 90 degree from the size 1150) woo chang coupling 13

14 A TAPER GRID COUPLING 3) TFS THS Type 인경우 1 Flange Hub 를 Shaft 에끼워 Flange 면과 Shaft 끝면에평면이되도록한다. 3) In case of TFS THS type 1 Mount flange hubs on the sfafts to be aligned correctly. 2 Oil Seal이가까워진 Spacer Hub를 Flange Hub의부분에맞춘후 Bolt로고르게조인다. 2 Carefully position each half spacer on the concave-convex and fasten bolts. 3~6 는 Page11 의 TH 장착법과동일하다. 3~6 Refer to the instruction of installation of TH Grid Coupling as shown on Page 장착을완료한후윤활유를주입한다. 알맞는주유는 Coupling 의작동과수명에절대적인요소이다. 7 After assembly. Adequate lubrication is essential for a successful operating and ensure long life. 8 수평과수직으로사용할수있다. 그러나 Cover 조립시 Match Mark 가같은쪽에오도록해야한다. 8 You can mount verticaly or horizontally. As per the application. 14 woo chang coupling

15 TAPER GRID COUPLING A *Spacer Coupling(THS, TFS) 교환및분해 * Replacement of spacer 1 양쪽 Hub 의 Bolt 를 2 개씩남기고모두푼다. 그러나완전히뽑지는않는다. 2 개의 Bolt 를 5 mm씩풀면서가볍게망치로두드린다. Bolt 를완전히푼뒤에 Spacer Coupling 을들어낸다. 1 Remove all bolts except two fasteners. Loosening the two bolts every 5mm, tap them with a mallet to disengage. Spacer apart from the shaft hubs. 2 Spacer Coupling 의 Gap 이없도록압축한후 Flange Hub 의사이로밀어넣은후 TFS Type 장착순서의 2 번과같은방법으로 Bolt 를번갈아가면서조인다. 2 Insert spacer tightly between shaft hubs. Refer to 2 of TFS type installation. 7 분해 Bolt 선정 (Selection of Puller Holes) CPLG B.C.D. ( mm ) Bolt CPLG B.C.D. ( mm ) Bolt M M M M M M M M M M M M M M30 woo chang coupling 15

16 A TAPER GRID COUPLING 8 윤활과취급 (Lubrication and Handling) Wcc Taper Grid Coupling 은적절한율활제를선택함으로써충분한기능과수명을유지할수있으므로윤활제선택을정확히하여야한다. 1) Grease 윤활 Grid 를 Hub 와조립한후 Grease 를발라주고 Cover 를조립한후 Grease 주입구를통해 Grease 를주입한다. You should choose the high quality lubricant for a good performance and long life. 1) Grese Lubrication Grease on the grid before assembling covers. Fill up grease through the lube plugs after assembled coupling. 2) 보충및교환 Grease 보충은매 3 개월, 또는 240~250 시간가동후보충하고매 3 개월, 혹은 4,000 시간사용후 Coupling 을완전분해하여변질된것을새 Grease 로완전보충한다. 3) Grease 의선택 Grease 의사용온도는 -17~70 이고표 5 에서사용 rpm 과주위여건에알맞게선택해야한다. 2) Supplement and Replacement Every three months or every 240~250 hours operating, you should add grease. Every 3 months, or every 4,000 hours operating, you should replace all the deteriorated grease. 3) Selection You can choose grease according to the ambient temperature range in table 5. Common Industraial Lubricants(NLGI Grade #2) Table 5 Manufacturer Ambient Temperature Range: 0 F to 150 F -30 F to 100 F (-18 C to 66 C) (-34 C to 38 C) Amoco Oil Co. Amolith Grease #2 Amolith Grease #2 Atlantic Richfield co. Litholene HEP 2 Litholene HEP 2 Chevron U.S.A Inc. Chevron Dura-Lith EP-2 Chevron Dura-Lith EP 2 Cities Service Co. Citgo HEP-2 Citgo HEP 2 Conoco Inc. EP Conolith #2 EP Conolith #2 Exxon Company, USA Ronex MP Ronex MP Gulf Oil Corp. Gulfcrown Grease #2 Gulfcrown Grease #2 E.F.Houghton & Co. Cosmolube #2 Cosmolube #1 Impenrial Oil Ltd. Esso MP Grease H Lotemp EP Keystone Div.(Pennwalt) #81 Light #84 Light Mobil Oil Corp. Mobilux EP111 Mobilux #1 Phillips Petroleum Co. IB & RB Grease Philube IB & RB Grease Shell Oil Co. Alvania Grease #2 Alvania Grease #2 Standard Oil Co.(OH) Factran #2 Factran #2 Sun Oil Company Prestige 42 Prestige 42 Texaco Lubricants Starplex HD2 Multifak EP2 Union Oil Co.(CA) Union Unoba #2 Union Unoba #2 Valvoline Oil Co. Val-Lith EP #2 Val-Lith EP #2 Note : Check with lube manufacture for approved lubricants to use in the food processing industry. 16 woo chang coupling

17 TAPER GRID COUPLING A 9 치수표 (Dimensions) Type TH (Horizontal Split Aluminum Cover) C Max. Basic Bore Dia Lube Speed Torque ( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Gap Cplg wt ( mm ) wt( kg ) (rpm) ( kg cm ) Max. Min. A B C D E ( kg ) , ,500 1, ,500 2, ,500 4, ,350 6, ,125 9, ,600 19, ,600 34, ,400 58, ,250 86, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,050 1,267, ,728, , ,539, , ,426, , Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining woo chang coupling 17

18 A TAPER GRID COUPLING Type TV (Vertical Split Steel Cover) E E M M A F D C S GAP C H H E E B Max. Basic Bore Dia Lube Speed Torque ( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Gap Cplg wt ( mm ) wt( kg ) (rpm) ( kg cm ) Max. Min. A B C D E ( kg ) , ,000 1, ,000 2, ,000 4, ,000 6, ,500 9, ,750 19, ,000 34, ,250 58, ,000 86, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,300 1,267, ,100 1,728, , Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining woo chang coupling

19 TAPER GRID COUPLING A Type TFS (Full Spacer), THS (Half Spacer) Max. Basic Bore Dia Dimensions( mm ) Flange Gap Lube Speed Torque ( mm ) BE(TFS) BE(THS) Bolt wt (rpm) ( kg cm ) Max. Min. A B N F ( mm ) Min. Max. Min. Max. No. ( kg ) 3, ,600 1, ,600 2, ,600 4, ,600 6, ,600 9, ,600 19, ,600 34, ,400 58, ,250 86, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,050 1,267, ,728, BE 는 Shaft 의끝과끝의거리 (Between Shaft Ends) 를말함. 주문할때에는 BE 를정확히알려주어야함. BE means the distants between shaft ends. Do not miss to tell on ordering. woo chang coupling 19

20 A TAPER GRID COUPLING Type TBW (Brake Wheel) Cplg Motor Power (40% ED KW) Standard Brake Wheel Brake Torque ( kg m) Motor 는권선형 Crane 용기준. Basic Torque ( kg cm ) 486 1,383 2,304 4,033 6,337 9,217 19,010 34,564 58,183 86, , , ,993 Brake wheel Max.Brake Bore Dia Gap Lube ( mm ) Rating of ( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) wt ( mm ) AB JB CPLG( kg cm ) Max. Min. A C D E F H I J ( kg ) , , , , , , , , , , TBW Type 의제작에는각사에서사용하고자하는 Breake 의 를결정한후상기 Dimension 에의거 B 와 W 를정한다. 기타 Dimension 에사양이없는부분은당사에문의하면당사에서방문하여결정함. Firstly, determine the brake size of you coupling and then check the W dimensions from the above chart. For further information, please contact us. 20 woo chang coupling

21 B GEAR COUPLING woo chang coupling 21

22 B GEAR COUPLING B> GEAR COUPING WCC GEAR COUPLING 은현재국내에서제작되는미국의 AGMA 규격과일본의 JIS 규격을채택하여 SLEEVE 와 CROWN HUB 로서동력전달되는축이음방식이며본 WCC 에서도미국의 AGMA 규격으로서고정밀도및최신가공법으로제작되어선진국수준에도달되는고품질및고성능제품을신뢰할수있게하였다. WCC Gear Coupling follows the international standard AGMA and JIS, and so can easily replace most of industrial products. This flexible coupling compensate angular misalignment, parallel misalignment and end float. The fully crowned hub teeth provide minimum loading stress, and ensure longer life. 1 특징 (Characteristic) 1) 소형경량화하였으며긴수명과전달동력의손실을최소한으로줄였다. 2) 접합부분에 Gasket 을사용하여윤활유누출을방지하고또한홈이되어있어장착이간편하다. 3) Hub 의 Tooth 가 3 면이일정한 Crown Gear 로가공되어있어면접촉이아닌곡선을따라점접촉으로동력을전달함으로써평행오차, 각도오차, 축유동오차를해결한다. < 평행오차 > 구동축과피동축이서로평행하지만, 중심이일치하지않은상태 < 각도오차 > 구동축과피동축이일직선상에서각도를두고기울어진상태 1) Hight torque, small size, long life and very little loss of transmitting power. 2) The concave-convex flange design help a easy assembly, and the high quality gasket prevent leakage of lubricant. 3) Gear Coupling permits parallel, angular and end floating misalignments by its crown gear tooth. <Parallel Misalignment> The driving and driven shafts are parallel to each other, but not on the same straight line. <Anglular Misalignment> The driving and driven shafts installed with a limited angle. < 축유동오차 > 구동축과피동축이각각축방향으로움직이는상태 <End Floating> The driving and driven shafts slide sliqhtly along the gear teeth. < 복합오차 > 실제운전상태에서는위의 3 가지이상의오차가복합적으로작용한다. <Composite Misalignment> Most of cases, above 3 misalignments appear mixed in an appliation. 22 woo chang coupling

23 GEAR COUPLING B 허용오차 (S) 표 1 Allowable Misalignment S 10G 15G 20G 25G 30G 35G 40G 45G 50G 55G 60G 70G 80G 90G 100G 110G 120G ε(mm) θ (α) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 3(1.5) 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) 양쪽 Gear 인경우의허용오차임. 4) 재질은 SM45C-N를사용하여고속회전과높은부하운전에대한내구성을강조하였으며조건에따라특수강으로제작한다 5) 사용조건에따라다양한종류의특수형생산이가능하다. Data subject to double engagement 4) The coupling made of S45C has a good endurance to high speed and peak load. Consult us for special materials. 5) Can be supply with cusfomer s design. 2 구조 (Structure) Flanged Sleeve 2. Crown Gear Hub 3. Reamer Bolt 4. Gasket 5. O-ring Seals 6. Spring Washer 7. Hex. Nut. Gear 의치부및치면이 Crowning 되어있어편심, 편각작동시치부가간섭을받지않도록했다. The crowned hub teeth provide larger contact area, and lower the stress. 3 용도 (Application) 1) 부하가심하게걸리는경우 2) 고속운전시 ( 최대 5,000rpm) 3) 100rpm 이하로회전하며일시에강력 Torque 를전달하는경우 4) Sliding 작동을하며회전을하여야하는경우 5) 축간의거리가넓어중간축으로연결하여야하는경우 6) 적은마력과소형에는적합하지않다. 1) Heavy load, but compact design coupling required 2) High speed up to 5,000rpm (Depending on size, refer to the data) 3) Low speed but high starting torque required 4) End float application 5) Spacer required due to longer distance between shaft ends 6) Low load and light weight application is not recomended woo chang coupling 23

24 B GEAR COUPLING 4 표준소재 (Standard Material) 표 2 Table 2 INTERNAL GEAR CROWN GEAR FLANGE Bolt O-Ring SM 45C-N SM 45C-H NBR 특수사항고속회전큰마력에는특수재질을사용해야한다. Special materials and or special treatment is required under the unusual application environments such as high speed, high or low temperature, chemical corrosiveness, maximum load stress. Under the heavy load, high speed and corrosion environment, special materials will be required. 5 규격선정방법 (Selection Method) 1) 규격선정방법 1 사용 Torque 를구한다. 1) Selection 1 Using the following formula, obtain Design Torque required. H H T = 97,400 S F 또는 T = 71,620 S F N N T = 사용Torque(kg cm) H = 전달동력 (kw) H = 전달동력 (HP) N = 회전수 (rpm) S F = 안전계수 2 산출된 Torque 를각규격의 Basic Torque 와비교하여크거나같은수치를찾아 1 차선정한후내경가공의적합유무를확인한다. 2) 선정시주의사항 1 Sliding Gear Coupling 에서축유동이시간당 5 번이상될경우, 적용할안전계수에 0.5 를추가한다. 2 상시역회전이나불연속성작동, 기계시동에의한관성효과, 충격부하, 자기유도의반복, 최고부하 Torque 등과같이정상의경우보다클경우의특성을갖는모터의사용시는사용설비 Peak Toruqe( 사용설비최고마력에의하여산출된 Torque) 에 1.5 배한 Torque 가사용설비에견딜수있는최대치이다. ( 사용설비최고부하는사용설비내에존재할수있는최대의기계적부하이다.) 3 GFS-R, GFS-O 의경우에중간 Shaft 의두께와최대길이는당사문의바람. 4 GDBW, GSBW 의 Gear Coupling 에대한 Torque 값은 GDE, GSE 와같으므로 Brake 에대한 rating 을비교하면선정되며전동기의동력보다 Brake 의동력이클경우 Brake 동력을선정하여야한다. T = Design toque(kg cm) H = Power(kw) H = Power(HP) N = Working revolutions(rpm) S F = Recommended Service Factor. 2 Select the size with the same or with the greater value at the Basic Torque column. Refer to the maximum speed allowed to the size selected, and then compare the shaft diameters of the application with the max. Bore dia of the size selected. If the coupling bore size is not suitable, select the next larger coupling size. 2) Special requirements 1 At the application of the Sliding Gear Coupling (type GH) that endfloat movement occurs more than 5 times per hour, add 0.5 to the listed value of service factor. 2 At the applications such as continuous reverse motions, intermittent operation, often peak load and high inertia required system, multiply 1.5 to the Design Torque calculated. 3 ln the types GFS-R and GFS-O, the thickness and length of intermediate shaft must be determined according to our company s material program. Consult with our Engineer. 4 Selecting the size of types GDBW and GSBW, apply brake power if it exceeds the prime mover power. 24 woo chang coupling

25 GEAR COUPLING B 3) 규격선정의예 450HP, 1,170rpm 의모터를감속기고속축에연결하려고한다. 축의최대한평행오차는 1.5mm 이고모터축경은 90mm, 감속기축경은 80mm 이다. 1 평행오차가 1.5mm 임으로 GDE 를선택한다. 2 안전계수는 2.0 이다. 3 공식에의해 , Torque(Kg cm) = = 55,093 1,170 전달 Torque 가 55,093kg cm 이므로허용전달 Torque 가 64,458kg cm 인 25GDE 를선정한다. 축경이 90mm 로최대 bore 92mm 까지사용할수있는 25GDE 를선정한다. 3) Example Select a Gear Coupling to connect a 450HP, 1,170rpm electric motor with a reducer. Motor shaft diameter is 80mm. Reducer shaft diameter is 90mm. max.parallel alignment allowed is 1.5mm. 1 Select type GDE for a higher valued application of parallel misalignment. 2 Service factor is Use the normal formula , Torque(kg.cm) = = 55,093 1,170 A size 25 GDE is the proper selection based on a torque rating of 64,458kg cm exceeding the required minimum coupling rating of 55,093kg cm. maximum bore capacity of 92mm exceeds the actual shaft diameters(90mm). 6 호칭 (Designation) WCC 15 G DE 형식기호 (Mark of Type) Coupling 종류 (A class of coupling : Gear Coupling) 규격 ( No.) 회사약칭 (WOO CHANG COUPLING) 1 GDE : Double Engagement Coupling 3 GSE : Single Engagement Coupling 5 GSCD : Spacer Coupling Double Engagement 7 GH20 : Single Engagement Horizontal Sliding Coupling 2 GDEL : Double Engagement Large type 4 GSEL : Single Engagement Large type 6 GH10 : Double Engagement Horizontal Sliding Coupling WCC 250 SS 형식기호 (Mark of Type) 규격 ( No.) 회사약칭 (WOO CHANG COUPLING) SS : Gear Double Engagement Coupling SE : Gear Single Engagement Coupling CC : Gear Double Engagement Coupling Large type CE : Gear Single Engagement Coupling Large type woo chang coupling 25

26 B GEAR COUPLING 7 장착순서 (Instruction for Installation) 1)G60 이하 Crown Hub 의내경가공을정확히한후열박음또는 Key 박음을선택한다. 열박음의경우 60 페이지를참조한다. Key 박음의경우에는 key way 주위에서윤활유가누출되지않도록한다. 1) Small (under to size 60) Hub boring and keyway must be machined accurately. During the key-fit to the shaft and the hub, be careful the oil leakage. 1 모든부품을세척한후치면과 O- Ring 에 Grease 를바르고 O-Ring 을끼운다. 1 Clean all parts. Grease the crowned gear teeth and O-Ring. Put O-Ring onto the shafts. 2 먼저 Internal Sleeve 를 shaft 에끼우고 Crown Hub 를양쪽 Hub 에조립한다.( 규격 Mark 부분을바깥쪽으로끼운다 ) 2 Place the flanged sleeves on the shafts, and mount the hubs. 3 허용된 Normal Gap 과각도오차를두께 Gauge 로조절한다. 3 Using a spacer bar, make a gab between the hubs equal to the normal gab specified in this book. 4 그림에서와같이곧은자로평행오차를원주 90 마다조절하여표 3 에서명시한오차한계를초과하지않도록한다. Dial Gauge 를사용하여축심을정확히맞춘다. 4 Align the shaft with a strait bar, checking every 90 degree, refering to the table 3. Make it sure with a dial gauge to not exceed the offset limit. 5 Gasket 을 Internal Sleeve 사이에넣고 Crowned Gear 에 Grease 를바른후주입구가 90 에위치하도록하여 Bolt 를잠근다. 5 Insert gasket between the flanged sleeves, and fasten the bolts, positioning the lube holes at 반대편주입구에서 Grease 가넘칠때까지주입한다. 6 Fill up the grease until overflowing at the opened opposite hole. 26 woo chang coupling

27 GEAR COUPLING B 표 3 장착오차한계 (mm) (Operating Alignment Limits) Table Angular GAP ( 수직형제외 ) Flange Bolt Torque( kg cm ) ,650 1,650 1,650 2,070 2,070 2,070 2,980 위표이상의오차가생길때는 Coupling 수명이단축된다. The life of coupling is reduced by excess of the OFFSET limit. 2) 70G 이상 Crown Hub 의내경가공을정확히한후열박음또는 Key 박음의여부를정한다. 열박음의경우 72 페이지를참고바람. Key 박음의경우에는 Key Way 주위에서윤활유가누출되지않도록한다. 2) Large (over size 70) Hub boring and Keyway must be machined accurately. During the Key-Fit work, be careful the oil leakage. 1 모든부품을세척후치면과 O-Ring 을조립한다. 1 Clean all parts. Pack sleeve teeth with grease and lightly coat seals with grease before assembly. 2 Side cover 를 shaft 에끼우고 Hub 를조립한다. 규격마크부분을바깥부분으로끼운다. Gasket 와 Internal Sleeve 를조립한다. 2 Place the side covers with gaskets on the shafts before mounting the hubs. Mount hubs on their respectative shafts. Then mount flanged sleeves with side cover gaskets. 3 간격게이지를사용하여원주네곳의간격과각도오차를조정한다. 표 3 에명시한각도오차의한계를넘지않도록한다. 3 Use a spacer bar for equal to gap. The difference in minimum and maximum measurements should not exceed the angular limit specified in table 3. 4 그림에서와같이곧은자로원주네곳의평행오차를조절하여표 3 에명시한오차한계를넘지않도록한다. Dial Gauge 를사용하여축심을정확히맞춘다. 4 Align with a straight edge rests squarely stevery 90 as shown in photo. Check with feelers. The tolerance should not exceed the offset limit specified in table 3. woo chang coupling 27

28 B GEAR COUPLING 5 Internal Sleeve 에있는윤활주입구의위치가 90 가되도록하고그림과같이 Bolt 를고르게조인다. Side Cover 를조립할때 Side Cover 의윤활주입구와 Internal Sleeve 의윤활주입구가 90 가되도록한다. 5 Insert gasket between flanges. Position flanged sleeves with lube holes at about 90 and then fasten flanged sleeves. 6 윤활주입구를연다음윤활유주입기를사용하여 Grease 가넘칠때까지주입하고주입구를잠근다. 6 Remove all lube plugs and put recommended grease into the coupling until excess flows through an opened lube hole and then plug holes. 8 분해 Bolt 선정 (Selection of Puller Holes) 표 4 Table4 BCD(mm) Bolt 20G 89 M8 25G 112 M10 30G 128 M10 35G 152 M12 40G 181 M16 45G 200 M16 50G 216 M20 55G 238 M20 60G 268 M20 70G 305 M24 80G 318 M24 90G 356 M30 100G 394 M30 110G 426 M30 120G 498 M30 28 woo chang coupling

29 GEAR COUPLING B 9 윤활과취급 (Lubrication and Handling) Gear Coupling 은적절한윤활제를사용하여야충분한기능과수명을유지할수있으므로사용조건에따라 Grease 와 Oil 의사용을다음과같이고려한다. We introduce the adequate lubricant for good performance and long life. 1)Grease 윤활 1 충진방법 -Crown 및 lnternal 의치면에 Grease 를충분히칠한다음조립한후내부에 Grease 를채운다. 2 충진량은칫수표의 Lube Weight 에명기됨 3 보충및교환 Grease 보충은매 1 개월또는 240~250 시간가동후보충하고매 3 개월, 혹은 4,000 시간사용후 Coupling 을완전분해하여변질된부분을완전제거한후보충한다. 4 Grease 의선택 Grease 의사용온도는 -17 ~70 의범위이고표 6 에서처럼사용회전수와주위여건에따라알맞게선택해야한다. 1)Grease Lubricant 1 Grease the flanged sleeve and crown gear tooth, and fill enough after assembly. 2 Lube weight, refer to Dimensions section. 3 Supplement and Replacement. Add grease every month or every 240~250 hours operating. Replace all the deteriorated grease every 3 months or every 4,000 hours operating. 4 Selection The temperature operating range of grease is from -17 C to 70 C. Refer to the table 6 that shown the coupling RPM allowed for the listed grease. 표 5 Table 5 Company Oil Grease # 1 Grease # 0 Gulf Oil Corp. Gulfcrown Grease EP #1 Gulfcrown Grease EP #0 Shell Oil Corp. Alvania Grease EP #1 Alvania Grease EP-RO Texaco lnc. Multifak EP - 1 Multifak EP - O Mobil Oil Corp. Mobilux EP - 1 Mobilux EP - O 표 5 표 7 에명시된윤활유들은유명제품에대해서만이고꼭이에따를필요는없다. NOTE : Lubricants listed in this manual are typical products, and should not be construed as exclusive recommendations. woo chang coupling 29

30 B GEAR COUPLING 표6 Gear Coupling윤활유사용 rpm Table 6 Coupling Max rpm Min 최소 rpm보다적을때에는표 5의 #0 을사용한다. Refer to #0 of table 5 when is below Min.rpm. 2) Oil 윤활 1 충진방법 lnternal Gear 에는 3 개의주입구가가공되어있으므로그중 2 개를수평으로하여한곳에서주유하며유량은반대편주입구에서 Oil 이흘러넘칠때까지를기준으로한다. 2) Oil Lubricant 1 Packing with oil holes on the internal gear with 2 holes horizontal level. Fill up oil until it overflows from the opposite oil hole. 2 보충및교환 Oil 보충은매 1 개월또는 240~250 시간가동후보충하고매 3 개월, 혹은 4,000 시간사용후 Coupling 을완전분해하여변질된기름을제거한다음보충한다. 2 Supplement and Replacement. Every month, or hours operating. Replace completely all the deteriorated oil, erery 3 months or every 4,000 hours operating. 3) OIL 의선택 3) Selection of Oil 표 7 Table 7 회사명분류區分 cst cst Shell Mobil 美昌石油범우化學 Gulf omala 68 omala 68 omala 150 omala 220 Mobilgear 626 Mobilgear 629 Mobilgear 630 Pio Gear EP 68 Pio Gear EP 68 Pio Gear EP 150 Pio Gear EP 220 Buhmwoo Gearlube BG-68 Buhmwoo Gearlube BG-100 Buhmwoo Gearlube BG-150 Buhmwoo Gearlube BG-220 Gulf EP Lubricant R 68 Gulf EP Lubricant HD 100 Gulf EP Lubricant R150, HD150 Gulf EP Lubricant R220, HD220 Fujikosan Nipponkoju Houghton Hirax ME GO 300 Hirax ME GO 500 Hirax ME GO 700 Hirax ME GO 1000 MP Gear Oil 68 MP Gear Oil 100 MP Gear Oil 150 MP Gear Oil 220 Nico Gear SP 68 Nico Gear SP 100 Nico Gear SP 150 Nico Gear SP 220 한일정유出光 Daphne CE compound 68C Daphne CE compound 100S Daphne CE compound 150S Daphne CE compound 220S Caltex Meropa Lubricant 68 Meropa Lubricant 100 Meropa Lubricant 150, Synthetic Gear Lube Meropa Lubricant omala 320 Mobilgear 632 Pio Gear EP 320 Buhmwoo Gearlube BG-320 Gulf EP Lubricant R320, HD320 Hirax ME GO 1500 MP Gear Oil 320 Nico Gear SP 320 Daphne CE compound 320S Meropa Lubricant woo chang coupling

31 GEAR COUPLING B 10 칫수표 (Dimensions) Double Engagement Type GDE( ), GDEL( ) Coupling Double Engagement Large Coupling <GDE> <GDEL> <GDE> Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Torque ( kg cm ) Max. Min. Dimensions( mm ) A B C D E J 10GDE 8,000 8, GDE 15GDE 6,500 19, GDE 20GDE 5,600 35, GDE 25GDE 5,000 64, GDE 30GDE 4, , GDE 35GDE 3, , GDE 40GDE 3, , GDE 45GDE 3, , GDE 50GDE 2, , GDE 55GDE 2, , GDE 60GDE 2, , GDE <GDEL> Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Torque ( kg cm ) MAX Min Dimensions( mm ) A B C D J K 070GDEL 2,150 1,145, GDEL 080GDEL 1,750 1,504, GDEL 090GDEL 1,550 2,041, GDEL 100GDEL 1,450 2,864, GDEL 110GDEL 1,330 3,939, GDEL 120GDEL 1,200 5,013, GDEL Gap ( mm ) Gap ( mm ) Cplg wt( kg ) Cplg wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining woo chang coupling 31

32 B GEAR COUPLING Single Engagement Type GSE( ), GSEL( ) Coupling Single Engagement Large Coupling <GSE> <GSEL> <GSE> <GSEL> Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Torque Max. ( kg cm ) Min A B C D E J L DE DA 10GSE 8,000 8, GSE 15GSE 6,500 19, GSE 20GSE 5,600 35, GSE 25GSE 5,000 64, GSE 30GSE 4, , GSE 35GSE 3, , GSE 40GSE 3, , GSE 45GSE 3, , GSE 50GSE 2, , GSE 55GSE 2, , GSE 60GSE 2, , GSE Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Torque Max. ( kg cm ) Min A B C D E J L DE DA 70GSEL 2,150 1,145, GSEL 80GSEL 1,750 1,504, GSEL 90GSEL 1,550 2,041, GSEL 100GSEL 1,450 2,864, , GSEL 110GSEL 1,330 3,939, , GSEL 120GSEL 1,200 5,013, , GSEL Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining K Gap ( mm ) Gap ( mm ) Cplg wt( kg ) Cplg wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) 32 woo chang coupling

33 GEAR COUPLING B Type GSCD (Spacer Coupling Double Engagement) Max. Basic Dimensions( mm ) Bore Dia( mm ) Cplg Lube Speed Torque BE (rpm) ( kg cm ) A C D E H J wt( kg ) wt( kg ) Max. Min. Min. Max. 10GSCD 7,000 8, GSCD 5,500 19, GSCD 4,600 35, GSCD 4,000 64, GSCD 3, , GSCD 3, , GSCD 2, , GSCD 2, , GSCD 2, , GSCD 2, , GSCD 2, , GSCD 1,800 1,145, GSCD 15GSCD 20GSCD 25GSCD 30GSCD 35GSCD 40GSCD 45GSCD 50GSCD 55GSCD 60GSCD 70GSCD 용도 1 축간거리가넓어 Coupling의 Hub로연결이불가능한경우 2 열및전류의전달을방지하여야하는경우 BE 는축간거리를말하며주문시정확히알려주어야함. Coupling 중량은내경가공을안하고 BE 값이최대일때의값이다. Application of spacer 1 When it is impossibel to connect hubs due to long distance between shaft ends. 2 When it is necessary to prevent transmitting heat and electric currency. BE is the distance between shaft ends. State BE number when you order. Coupling weight without Bore machining and Min BE. woo chang coupling 33

34 B GEAR COUPLING Type GH (Gear Horizontal Sliding) B. Max. GHD(Double Engagement) T Max. Half Total Max. Gap Min. Cplg wt ( kg ) Lube wt ( kg ) B Max. GHS(Single Engagement) T Max. Gap( mm ) Min. Max. Cplg wt ( kg ) Lube wt ( kg ) 10GH GH 15GH GH 20GH GH 25GH GH 30GH GH 35GH GH 40GH GH 45GH GH 50GH GH 55GH GH 60GH GH 70GH GH Type GH Double Type GH Single Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의것임. Coupling weight, without bore machining Max. Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Speed Torque Max. (rpm) ( kg cm ) Gear Flange Min A C D G E H J L Q M 10GH 5,300 8, GH 15GH 4,300 19, GH 20GH 3,700 35, GH 25GH 3,300 64, GH 30GH 2, , GH 35GH 2, , GH 40GH 2, , GH 45GH 2, , GH 50GH 1, , GH 55GH 1, , GH 60GH 1, , GH 70GH 1,400 1,145, GH M 값은 Sliding 간격에따라변한다. M is variable according to the sliding distance 34 woo chang coupling

35 GEAR COUPLING B Type GDBW (Brake Wheel Double engagemet), GSBW (Brake Wheel Single Engaglement) Cplg Standard Brake Wheel Motor Power (40% ED KW) Brake Torque ( kg m) 10G G G G G G G G G G G G <GDBW> <GSBW> Motor 는권선형 Crane 용기준 Based on Crane motor. Brake wheel Max.Brake Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Gap Lube ( mm ) Rating of Max. B ( mm ) wt( kg ) Cplg Min. A C D E H J L M W AB JB Gear Flange GD GS GD GS GD GS G 2, G G 5, G G 10, G G 19, G G 31, G G 49, G G 74, G G 102, G G 138, G G 181, G G 235, G G 341, G Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining woo chang coupling 35

36 B GEAR COUPLING Type GFS (Single Engagement Coupling with Floating Shafts) GFS-R (Flange Hubs on Floating Shafts) GFS-O (Flex Hubs on Floating Shafts) Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Gap Cplg Torque Max. ( kg cm ) Gear Flange Min A BE Min. C D F E H J L ( mm ) wt( kg ) GFS-R GFS-O GFS 8,000 8, Lube wt( kg ) Per Ccplg GFS 6,500 19, GFS 5,600 35, GFS 5,000 64, GFS 4, , GFS 3, , GFS 3, , GFS 3, , GFS 2, , GFS 2, , GFS 2, , GFS 2,150 1,145, GFS 15GFS 20GFS 25GFS 30GFS 35GFS 40GFS 45GFS 50GFS 55GFS 60GFS 70GFS Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining 36 woo chang coupling

37 GEAR COUPLING B Type SS (Gear Double) CC (Gear Double Large) < S S > < C C > Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Torque Max. ( kg cm ) Min A B C D E J DA DE SS100 3,600 2, SS100 SS112 3,600 5, SS112 SS125 3,600 10, SS125 SS140 3,600 14, SS140 SS160 3,600 22, SS160 SS180 3,600 34, SS180 SS200 3,600 49, SS200 SS224 3,080 71, SS224 SS250 2,650 96, SS250 SS280 2, , SS280 SS315 1, , SS315 SS355 1, , SS355 SS400 1, , SS400 CC450 1, , CC450 CC500 1,320 1,183, CC500 CC560 1,170 1,697, CC560 CC ,650, , CC630 CC ,800, , CC710 CC ,443, , CC800 Gap ( mm ) Cplg wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore machining woo chang coupling 37

38 B GEAR COUPLING Type SE (Gear Single) CE (Gear Single Large) < S E > < C E > Max. Speed (rpm) Basic Bore Dia( mm ) Dimensions( mm ) Torque Max. ( kg cm ) Min A B C D E G J DA DE SE100 3,600 2, SE100 Gap ( mm ) Cplg wt( kg ) Lube wt( kg ) SE112 3,600 5, SE125 3,600 10, SE140 3,600 14, SE160 3,600 22, SE180 3,600 34, SE200 3,600 49, SE224 3,080 71, SE250 2,650 96, SE280 2, , SE315 1, , SE355 1, , SE400 1, , CE450 1, , CE500 1,320 1,183, CE560 1,170 1,697, CE ,650, , CE ,800, , CE ,443, , SE112 SE125 SE140 SE160 SE180 SE200 SE224 SE250 SE280 SE315 SE355 SE400 CE450 CE500 CE560 CE630 CE710 CE800 Coupling 중량은내경가공이없는상태의수치임. Coupling weight, without bore amachining 38 woo chang coupling

0604크리애드-중앙카프링수정 2012.6.4 10:46 AM 페이지7 GEAR COUPLING 특징 / Distinctive 1. 중앙(Jac) 기아카프링은 전달마력에 비하여 소형 경량이며 고속 회전시에도 소음 및 진동이 거의 없고, 긴 수명을 유지하여 전달 동력의

0604크리애드-중앙카프링수정 2012.6.4 10:46 AM 페이지7 GEAR COUPLING 특징 / Distinctive 1. 중앙(Jac) 기아카프링은 전달마력에 비하여 소형 경량이며 고속 회전시에도 소음 및 진동이 거의 없고, 긴 수명을 유지하여 전달 동력의 0604크리애드-중앙카프링수정 2012.6.4 10:46 AM 페이지6 GEAR COUPLING 0604크리애드-중앙카프링수정 2012.6.4 10:46 AM 페이지7 GEAR COUPLING 특징 / Distinctive 1. 중앙(Jac) 기아카프링은 전달마력에 비하여 소형 경량이며 고속 회전시에도 소음 및 진동이 거의 없고, 긴 수명을 유지하여 전달 동력의

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