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1 Explosion Protected Enclosure Catalogue V. 방폭단자함 Explosion Protected Enclosure Hwasin Industrial Systems Co., Ltd. Head Office 0, Maengdongsandan gil, Maengdongmyeon, Eumseonggun, Chungcheongbukdo, Korea Tel + / Fax + Branch, Mayuro beongil, Siheungsi, Gyeonggido, Korea Tel +99 / Fax +99 Official Homepage 0 년 0 월발행 Explosion Protected Enclosure Ctalogue V.
2 IECEx, ATEX EX range is designed for use in any enviroments where an explosive atmosphere may be present. The materials of the EX range junction boxes are L grade stainless steel and aluminum dies castings. Explosion Proof notation ( 방폭등급표기방법 ) Box Ingress Protection Grade ( 박스보호등급개요 ) Steel & Stainless Steel EX Enclosure EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 00 ( W00 * H00 * D0 ) P~P P~P P~9P P The powder coated steel or 0 grade stainless steel boxes are also available upon requests. EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 000 ( W00 * H00 * D00 ) P Junction Box of EX range complies with the International Standard IEC 0090 (0), IEC 009 (00), EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 00 ( W00 * H00 * D0 ) P IEC 009 (0). EX range is used both as junction box with or without terminals. The product, combined with certified Empty Enclosure(IECEx KTL.0009 U) and blocks (Weidmuller, Phoenix). We have been dedicated to manufacturing electrical enclosures over the past 0 EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 000 ( W00 * H00 * D00 ) EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 00 ( W00 * H00 * D0 ) P P years in Korea. Our product lineup ranges from steel, stainless, and plastic enclosures to aluminum EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 000 ( W00 * H00 * D00 ) P enclosures. We are also ready to meet the specific customization (madetoorder) demands of our customers from designing to delivery. We also have products with international certifications including UL, TUV and CE and are committing ourselves to developing quality products that meet the international EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 00 ( W00 * H00 * D0 ) EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 000 ( W00 * H00 * D00 ) P P standards. EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 00 ( W00 * H00 * D0 ) P EX 단자함은폭발성분위기가존재할수 EXUC, EXUP, EXSC, EXSP 000 ( W00 * H00 * D00 ) 9P 있는환경에서사용하도록설계되었습 니다. EX 단자함의재질은기본 L Aluminum EX Enclosure 0P~P 등급의스테인리스및알루미늄다이캐스팅이며, 고객의요청시분체도장처리한철또는 0 등급의스테인리스 EXDP 0 ( W0 * H * D0 ) EXDP 0 ( W0 * H * D0 ) P P 로도제작가능합니다. EX 단자함은 EXDP 0 ( W * H00 * D0 ) P 국제표준규격인 IEC 0090 (0), IEC 009 (00), IEC 009 (0) 에준하여제작되었습니다. EX 시리즈는빈박스 (IECEx KTL U) 와단자대로구성되어있습니다. 당사 ( 주 ) 화신은 0년이넘는기간동안전기외함을제작하고 EXDP 0 ( W0 * H00 * D0 ) EXDP 9 ( W * H * D90 ) P P 있습니다. 당사는일반철, 스테인리스, 플라스틱, 알루미늄제품을모두생산하고있으며, 방폭관련제품이 EXDP 9 ( W * H * D9 ) P 아닌일반제품의경우에도, 고객께서원하시는모든제품에대해설계부터공급까지완벽하게대응할수있습니다. 또한당사는본카탈로그에기재된방폭인증품말고도, 다른국제인증인 UL, TUV, CE 등을보유하고있으며, 국제인증을만족하는제품을지속적으로개발하고있습니다. EXDP ( W0 * H0 * D ) EXDP ( W0 * H0 * D ) 9P 0P 0 0
3 Explosion Proof notation Ex e ll C T IP Explosion Proof Protection Concept Classification Gas Temperature Box Ingress Protection Type of protection 방폭등급표기방법 Ex e ll C T IP 방폭기기 방폭구조 기기분류 가스등급 온도등급 보호등급 방폭구조종류 sign Type of protection basic principle 기호방폭구조내용 Ex d Ex p Ex e Flame proof Pressurized Increased safety additional measures are applied to increase the level of safety, thus preventing the possibility of excessive tempertures and the occurance of sparks or electric arcs within the enclosure or on exposed parts of electrical apparatus, where such ignition sources would not occur in normal service. The formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere inside a casing is prevented by maintaining a positive internal pressure of protective gas in relation to the surrounding atmosphere and, where necessary,by supplying the inside of the casing with a constant flow of protective gas acting to dilute any combustible mixtures. Additional measures are applied to increase the level of safety, thus preventing the possibility of excessive temperatures and the occurance of sparks or electric arcs within the enclosure or exposed parts of electrical apparatus, where such ignition sources would not occur in normal service. Ex d Ex p Ex e Ex ia Ex ib 내압방폭구조압력방폭구조안전증방폭구조본질안전방폭구조 용기내부로스며든폭발성가스에의한내부폭발이일어날경우용기가폭발압력에견디고또한외부의폭발성분위기로불꽃의전파를방지하도록한방폭구조용기내에보호가스를압입시켜보호가스의압력을외부환경보다높게유기함으로써용기내로외부분위기가유입되지않도록보호하는방폭구조정상운전중에 Arc 혹은 Spark 를일으키지않는전기기기에적용하는방식으로 Arc나 Spark 혹은고온부를발생시키지않도록전기적, 기계적, 온도적으로안전도를높이는방폭구조폭발분위기에노출되어있는기계기구내의전기에너지, 권선상호접속에의한전기불꽃또는열영향을점화에너지이하의수준까지제한하는것을기반으로하는방폭구조 Ex ia Ex ib Ex n Intrinsic Safety Type of Protection Apparatus used in a potentially explosive area contain intrinsically safe electric circuits only. An electric circuit is intrinsically safe if no sparks or thermal effects produced under specified test conditions (which include normal operation and specific fault conditions) is not capable of causing ignition of a given explosive atmosphere. Electrical apparatus cannot ignite a explosive atmosphere surrounding them (in normal operation and under defined abnormal operating conditions). Ex n Ex o Ex m 비점화방폭구조유입방폭구조몰드방폭구조 정상작동및특정이상상태하에서주의의폭발분위기를점화시키지않는전기기계기구에적용하는방폭구조전기불꽃아크, 고온발생부분을기름으로채워폭발성가스또는증기에인화되지않도록한구조전기불꽃, 고온발생부분을콤파운드로밀폐한구조 Ex o Oil immersion Electrical apparatus or parts of electrical apparatus are immersed in a protective fluid (such as oil), such that a potentially explosive atmosphere existing over the surface or outside of the apparatus cannot be ignited. Ex q 충전방폭구조 전기불꽃등발생부분을용기내에고정시키고주위를충전물질로충전하여가스의유입, 인화를방지한구조 Ex m Ex q Encapsulation Powder filling Parts that are capable of igniting an explosive atmo sphere by either sparking or heating are enclosed in a compound in such a way as to avoid ignition of an explosive atmosphere. Filling the casing of an electrical apparatus with a fine granular packing material has effect of making it impossible for an electric arc created in the casing under certain operating conditions to ignite a potentially exlposive atmosphere surrounding the casing. lgnition must not result either from flames or from raised temperature on the surface of the casing. Ex s Ex SDP Ex DP Ex XDP 특수방폭구조특수방진방폭구조보통방진방폭구조방진특수방폭구조 기타의방법으로폭발성가스또는증기에인화를방지시킨구조틈새, 접합면등으로분진이용기내부에침입하지않도록한구조틈새, 접합면등으로분진이용기내부에침입하기어렵게한구조기타의방법으로방진, 방폭성능이확인된구조 Gas groups and Temperature classification Temperature classes T Maximum surface temperature ( ) 0 * Classification : Ⅰ(Methane), Ⅱ (Factory and industry) ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC Acetone, ammonia, carbon monoxide, ethane, acetic acid, Ethyl acetate, toluene, propane, benzene, methanol, methane Coal gas butadiene Water gas, Hydrogen 가스및온도등급 기호 최고표면온도 ( ) T 00 초과 0 이하 * 기기분류 : Ⅰ( 탄광용 ), Ⅱ ( 공장및산업용 ) ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC 아세톤, 암모니아, 일산화탄소, 에탄, 초산, 석탄가스수성가스, 수소초산에틸톨루엔, 프로판, 벤젠, 메타놀, 메탄부탄디엔 T 00 Ethanol, butyl acetate Infante, butanol, acetic anhydride, butane, Chlorobenzene, ethylene, vinyl acetate, propylene Ethylene Ethylene oxide Acetylene T 00 초과 00 이하 에탄놀, 초산인펜틸, 부타놀, 무수초산, 부탄, 클로로벤젠, 에틸렌, 초산비닐, 프로필렌 에틸렌에틸렌옥시드 아세틸렌 T 00 Petrol, hexane, butanol, isoprene, heptane, chlorinated butyl Hydrogen sulfide T 초과 00 이하 가솔린, 헥산, 부타놀, 이소프렌, 헵탄, 염화부틸 황화수소 T Acetaldehyde, diethyl ether, octane Carbon disulfide T 0 초과 이하 아세트알데히드, 디에틸에테르, 옥탄 이황화탄소 T 0 T 초과 0 이하 T Ethyl nitrate Ethyl nitrate T 이하 아질산에틸 질산에틸 0 0
4 Box Ingress Protection Grade : IEC09 First Digit Protection against Protection against Protection against 0 0 Second Digit Solid Object Liquids Mechanical impact IP TEST IP TEST IK TEST 00 IK Code No Protection No Protection No Protection Solid objects over 0mm (Hands) Solid objects over mm (Fingers) Vertically falling drops of water Direct spray of water up to from the vertical 0 ~ g 0Cm Impact < Joule Impact Joule Solid objects (Small wires + Tools) Solid objects over mm (Small wires + Tools) Spray to 0 from the vertical Water sprayed from all directions 0 00g 0Cm Impact Joule Dust Limited ingress permitted Low pressure jets of water from all directions 0.Kg 9.Cm Impact Joule Totally protected against dust High pressure jets of water from all directions 09 Kg 0Cm Impact Joule The effection of immersion between Cm ~ m Kg 0Cm Impact 0 Joule Long periods of immersion under pressure IP Ratings (Ingress Protection) 박스보호등급표기법 IP second number refers to protection from liquids. first number refers to protection from solid objects or materials. Ingress Protection IP 액체에대한보호정도고체에대한보호정도침투보호 0 0
5 IECEx, ATEX, KCs Steel & Stainless Steel EX Enclosure 스틸 & 스테인리스스틸방폭박스 The steel/stainless EX range have five different models. Each model has two different depths: 0mm and 00mm (Total sizes). The default material for the boxes is electropolished L grade stainless steel. The L grade boxes are highly corrosion resistant, thus suitable for environmentally harsh conditions. The 0 grade Approvals for Junction box IECEx Certificate IECEx marking ATEX Certificate IECEx KTL.00 Ex e ⅡC T / T Gb Ex tb ⅢC T0 / T Db IP Tamb : 0 ~ +0 or + (with PUR gasket) / 0 ~ +0 or + (with Silicone gasket) KRH ATEX X stainless steel or powder coated steel boxes are also available upon requests. You can install gland plates for cable glands on any of the four sides of the steel/stainless EX range box. The default thickness of the stainless steel used for the box and the one for the ATEX marking Ⅱ GD Ex e ⅡC T / T Gb Ex tb ⅢC T0 / T Db IP Tamb : 0 ~ +0 or + (with PUR gasket) / 0 ~ +0 or + (with Silicone gasket) gland plate is.0mm. The boxes can also be manufactured with.0mm stainless steel steel upon requests. KCs Certificate KCs marking KABO00 ~ KABO000 Ex e ⅡC T / T Ex tb ⅢC T0 / T 스틸 / 스테인리스 EX 단자함은 가지모델로되어있으며, 각모델은 가지의깊이 (Depth) 로제작이가능합니다. 따라서총 가지의사이즈를선택하실수있습니다. 깊이는 0mm 및 00mm로구성되어있습니다. 재질의기본사양은전해연마처리한 L 등급의스테인리스이며, 고객요청시 0 등급스테인리스또는분체도장한철재질도가능합니다. L 등급의스테인리스는내부식성이매우뛰어납니다. 스틸 / 스테인리스 EX 단자함은, 원하시는위치또는박스의 면모두에케이블그랜드용그랜드플레이트를장착하실수있습니다. 박스의기본사양은.mmT의스테인리스이며, 그랜드플레이트는.0mmT의스테인리스입니다. 고객요청시박스를.0mmT 스테인리스또는.mmT의철로도제작이가능합니다. Type Designation Features ( 특징 ) Available in sizes and standard depths (개모델 개의깊이가적용됨 ) Equipped with up to gland plates ( 최대 개의그랜드플레이트장착 ) Cover lock outside the sealed zone ( 도어에 LOCK 장치 ) Improved temperature perfomance ( 향상된온도성능 ) EX XX 00 UC IP protection ( 보호등급 IP) Welded mounting feet ( 벽부BKT 용접 ) Basic Model Desination UP International approvals ( 국제인증 ) Technical Overview ( 기술개요 ) SC SP Technical data ( 제품기술사양 ) Enclosure material & Thickness ( 외함재질및두께 ) Standard: L grade stainless thickness or.0mm thickness 0 / L stainless steel &.mm thickness steel ( 기본 : SUSL.mmT, 옵션 : SUS0 재질및.0mmT 가능, 철.mmT 가능 ) Approvals for empty enclosurs IECEx Certificate IECEx marking IECEx KTL.0009U Ex e ⅡC Gb Ex tb ⅢC Db Surface finish ( 표면처리 ) electropolished ( 전해연마 ) IP protection class (IP 등급 ) Earthing inside ( 내부접지 ) IP to IEC 09 (IEC09 에의한 IP) Welded M stainless steel earth studs ( 접지볼트 SUS M 스터드볼트 ) ATEX Certificate KRH ATEX U Earthing outside ( 외부접지 ) Continuous M brass earth bolt (M 동접지볼트 ) ATEX marking KCs Certificate Ⅱ GD Ex e ⅡC Gb Ex tb ⅢC Db IP KABO009U ~ KABO00U Enclosure wallmount ( 판넬취부 ) Impact resistance ( 충격강도 ) welded mounting feet with Ø holes ( 파이홀 개의벽부 BKT) slotted and crossshaped holes ( 개의장홀과 개의반홀 ) Joule ATEX applications ATEX 국제인증에의거한 Joule 의충격강도 Ex e ⅡC KCs marking Ex tb ⅢC 당사의방폭박스에당사가공급한단자대등이아닌, 임의의전기장비를취부하여사용시발생하는모든책임은고객께있습니다. 특히, 빈 (Empty) 방폭박스는부품 (Component) 이므로전기장비취부후방폭인증을다시받아야하는게원칙입니다. Gasket material ( 가스켓재질 ) Operating temperature(pur gasket) 작동온도 (PUR gasket) Operating temperature(silicone gasket) 작동온도 (Silicone gasket) Silicone or PUR (polyurethane) 실리콘또는우레탄가스켓 0 Ta +0 0 Ta + 0 0
6 W00 H00 D0 Silicone Gasket ( 실리콘가스켓 ) EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 00 gland plate EXXX 00A gland plate & Top EXXX 00B gland plate & EXXX 00C gland plate & EXXX 00D gland plate & Top, EXXX 00E gland plate & Top, gland plate &, EXXX 00F EXXX 00G PUR (Poly Urethane Gasket) ( 폴리우레탄가스켓 ) gland plate Top &, gland plate, Top,, EXXX 00H EXXX 00I External Earthing bolt ( 외부접지볼트 ) Gland plate ( 케이블그랜드용플레이트 ) Inner mounting plate bolts ( 속판볼트 ) Inner mounting plate ( 속판 ) Locking system ( 잠금장치 ) External Earthing bolt ( 외부접지볼트 ) mm mm mm mm mm 0 Document holder (Optional) 문서함 ( 옵션사항 ) Silicone Gasket ( 실리콘가스켓 ) Sides ( 옆면 ) 99,, Φ ΦⅩ mm 9 Minimum distance between centers of cable gland holes on a gland plate. ( 케이블그랜드별그랜드플레이트가공간격 원형가공의중심점기준최소거리 ) Entry Hole Entry Hole M / M M0 / Entry Standard M0 / M (unit : mm) M M0 / / 0 M, LENGHT: 0,, M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M0 M /" /" /" Ø M0 Ø 9 M /" Ø M Ø 0 M0 /" Ø M Ø 0 Ø9 M0 /" /" /" " /" Ø Ø Ø0 Ø M0 M0 M M Ø Ø Ø Ø M M " /" 09
7 W00 H00 D00 W00 H00 D0 EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 000 gland plate EXXX 000A gland plate & Top EXXX 000B gland plate & EXXX 000C EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 00 gland plate EXXX 00A gland plate & Top EXXX 00B gland plate & EXXX 00C gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 000D EXXX 000E gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 00D EXXX 00E gland plate & Top, EXXX 000F gland plate & Top, EXXX 00F gland plate &, EXXX 000G gland plate &, EXXX 00G gland plate Top &, EXXX 000H gland plate Top &, EXXX 00H gland plate, Top,, EXXX 000I gland plate, Top,, EXXX 00I 99. mm 99,,. mm 0 mm mm 00 mm mm 99, Φ mm mm mm 99,, 9 Φ ΦⅩ mm mm mm 0, 9,, 9 ΦⅩ,, 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M, LENGHT: 0 M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" M0 /" M /" 0 M /" M 00 M M0 /" Ø9 M0 /" 0 Ø9 M0 M /" " 00 0 M0 M /" " 00 0 M /" M /"
8 W00 H00 D00 W00 H00 D0 EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 000 gland plate EXXX 000A gland plate & Top EXXX 000B gland plate & EXXX 000C EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 00 gland plate EXXX 00A gland plate & Top EXXX 00B gland plate & EXXX 00C gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 000D EXXX 000E gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 00D EXXX 00E gland plate & Top, EXXX 000F gland plate & Top, EXXX 00F gland plate &, EXXX 000G gland plate &, EXXX 00G gland plate Top &, EXXX 000H gland plate Top &, EXXX 00H gland plate, Top,, EXXX 000I gland plate, Top,, EXXX 00I 99,,. mm mm 0, 99, 9 0. mm mm 0 99,, Φ ΦⅩ ,, mm mm mm mm Φ ΦⅩ mm mm mm mm 0 0,, 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" M /" M /" 0 M 0 M 00 M0 /" 00 M0 /" Ø9 M0 /" Ø9 M0 /" 00 0 M " 00 0 M " M /" M /"
9 W00 H00 D00 W00 H00 D0 EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 000 gland plate EXXX 000A gland plate & Top EXXX 000B gland plate & EXXX 000C EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 00 gland plate EXXX 00A gland plate & Top EXXX 00B gland plate & EXXX 00C gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 000D EXXX 000E gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 00D EXXX 00E gland plate & Top, EXXX 000F gland plate & Top, EXXX 00F gland plate &, EXXX 000G gland plate &, EXXX 00G gland plate Top &, EXXX 000H gland plate Top &, EXXX 00H gland plate, Top,, EXXX 000I gland plate, Top,, EXXX 00I 99 99,,. mm mm mm mm 00 mm 0 mm 0 mm mm 99 Φ mm mm 99 9 Φ mm mm ΦⅩ 9 ΦⅩ 9,,,, 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) 0 M, LENGHT: M, LENGHT: 0 M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" M0 /" M /" M /" 0 M 0 00 M 00 M0 /" Ø9 M0 /" Ø9 M0 /" M0 /" 00 0 M " 00 0 M " M /" M /"
10 W00 H00 D00 W00 H00 D0 EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 000 gland plate EXXX 000A gland plate & Top EXXX 000B gland plate & EXXX 000C EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 00 gland plate EXXX 00A gland plate & Top EXXX 00B gland plate & EXXX 00C gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 000D EXXX 000E gland plate & gland plate & Top, EXXX 00D EXXX 00E gland plate & Top, EXXX 000F gland plate & Top, EXXX 00F gland plate &, EXXX 000G gland plate &, EXXX 00G gland plate Top &, EXXX 000H gland plate Top &, EXXX 00H gland plate, Top,, EXXX 000I gland plate, Top,, EXXX 00I mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Φ ΦⅩ ,, mm mm 99,,,, Φ ΦⅩ,, ,,,, mm mm M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" 0 0,, M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M, LENGHT: 0 M0 /" M /" M /" 0 00 M 0 M Ø9 M0 /" 9 00 Ø9 M0 /" 9 9 M0 /" 00 M0 /" 00 0 M " 0 M " M /" 00 M /"
11 W00 H00 D00 EXUC EXUP EXSC EXSP 000 gland plate EXXX 000A gland plate & Top EXXX 000B gland plate & EXXX 000C gland plate & EXXX 000D gland plate & Top, EXXX 000E gland plate & Top, EXXX 000F gland plate &, EXXX 000G gland plate Top &, EXXX 000H IECEx, ATEX, KCs 알루미늄방폭박스 Aluminum EX Enclosure The aluminum EX range have different models. And the material for the boxes is ALDC. grade aluminum alloy die casting. The aluminum EX range has excellent ingress protection qualities (IP). The boxes can be drilled with various and it readily accepts most paint finished and colors. gland plate, Top,, EXXX 000I 알루미늄 EX 제품의재질은 ALDC. 등급의알루미늄합금이며, 총 개의사이즈로구성되어있습니다. 본제품은 IP 방수 방진시험을통과한제품으로, 매우우수한방수 방진성능을가지고있습니다. 또한다양한타공작업을하기에수월하며, 여러종류와색상의도료로손쉽게마감할수있습니다 mm mm mm 0 Type Designation EX DP 0, 99,,, Φ ΦⅩ 9,, ,,,, mm mm mm 0 Basic Model Desination Technical Overview ( 기술개요 ) Approvals for empty enclosurs DP ( Aluminum PUR ),, IECEx Certificate IECEx KTL.0009U 0 M, LENGHT: & NUT, SPRING, PLAIN WASHER(Φ) M, LENGHT: 0 IECEx marking Ex e ⅡC Gb Ex tb ⅢC Db 0 00 Ø9 M0 M M M0 /" /" /" 9 0 ATEX Certificate ATEX marking KRH ATEX U Ⅱ GD Ex e ⅡC Gb Ex tb ⅢC Db IP M0 M M /" " /" KCs Certificate KCs marking KABO00U ~ KABO00U Ex e ⅡC Ex tb ⅢC 당사의방폭박스에당사가공급한단자대등이아닌, 임의의전기장비를취부하여사용시발생하는모든책임은고객께있습니다. 특히, 빈 (Empty) 방폭박스는부품 (Component) 이므로전기장비취부후방폭인증을다시받아야하는게원칙입니다. 9 0
12 Approvals for Junction box IECEx Certificate IECEx marking ATEX Certificate ATEX marking IECEx KTL.00 Ex e ⅡC T... T Gb Ex tb ⅢC T / T0 / T Db IP Tamb : 0 ~ +0 or + (with PUR gasket) KRH ATEX X Ⅱ GD Ex e ⅡC T... T Gb Ex tb ⅢC T / T0 / T Db IP Tamb : 0 ~ +0 or + (with PUR gasket) KCs Certificate KABO00 ~ KABO00 KCs marking Ex e ⅡC T... T Ex tb ⅢC T / T0 / T grade applies only terminal box is installed. (T 등급은.mm단자대가설치된박스에만적용가능함.) Aluminum Body ( 알루미늄바디 ) Inner mounting plate bolts ( 속판볼트 ) Features ( 특징 ) different size ( 가지다른사이즈 ) Aluminum Cover ( 알루미늄커버 ) Cover bolts ( 커버볼트 ) Inner mounting plate ( 속판 ) External Earthing bolt ( 외부접지볼트 ) IP protection ( 보호등급 IP) Ground bolts ( 접지볼트 ) Wall Mount Bracket ( 벽부브라켓 ) International approvals ( 국제인증 ) Technical data ( 제품기술사양 ) Enclosure material ( 판넬재질 ) ALDC. Surface finish ( 표면처리 ) powdercoated ( 분체도장 ) IP protection class (IP등급) IP to IEC 09 (IEC09에의한 IP) Minimum distance between centers of cable gland holes on a gland plate. ( 케이블그랜드별그랜드플레이트가공간격 원형가공의중심점기준최소거리 ) Entry /" Hole Ø Entry M0 Hole Ø M / M M0 / Entry Standard M0 / M (unit : mm) M M0 / / 9 Earthing outside ( 외부접지 ) Earthing studs M (M 동접지볼트 ) /" Ø M Ø 0 Impact resistance ( 충격강도 ) Joule ATEX applications (ATEX 국제인증에의거한 Joule의충격강도 ) /" Ø Ø M M0 Ø Ø 9 0 Gasket material ( 가스켓재질 ) PUR(polyurethane) ( 우레탄가스켓 ) /" " Ø Ø0 M0 M Ø Ø 9 9 Operating temperature( 작동온도 ) 0 Ta +0 /" Ø M Ø
13 W0 H D0 W0 H D0 EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) 0,,t EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating 0 Ø 9,t, 9 MOUNTING PLATE MOUNTING PLATE Dimensions of product Dimensions of product. mm. mm. mm mm. mm mm mm 0 mm mm mm 0 mm mm M0 /" M0 /".9 M /".9 M /" M M M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M " M " M /" M /" (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.) (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.)
14 W H00 D0 W0 H00 D0 EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) 0 90 EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating,t 0.t Ø 9 Ø 9, MOUNTING PLATE MOUNTING PLATE Dimensions of product Dimensions of product. mm 0. mm mm mm. mm 9. mm mm mm. mm mm mm mm M0 M /" /". M0 M /" /" M M M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M " M " M /" M /" (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.) (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.)
15 W H D90 W H D9 EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) 9 EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating.t 9 0.t Ø R MOUNTING PLATE MOUNTING PLATE Dimensions of product Dimensions of product. mm. mm mm mm mm. mm 0. mm mm mm mm mm mm 9. M0 /" M0 /" M /" 9. M /" M M M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M " M " M /" M /" (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.) (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.)
16 W0 H0 D W0 H0 D EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) EXDP (Aluminum PUR Type) Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating Coating : Munsell.BG / Powder Coating Ø 0.t 00 Ø.t mm. mm mm 0 0 MOUNTING PLATE MOUNTING PLATE Dimensions of mounting plate Dimensions of mounting plate mm.9 mm mm.9 mm mm mm mm 0 mm mm M0 /" M0 /".9 M /".9 M /" M M M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M0 /" M " M " M /" M /" (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.) (ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은케이블그랜드만적용가능합니다.) ( 동일한홀내에서 ATEX 와 IECEx 인증받은다른기기들도사용이가능합니다.) 9 0
1 CODES AND STANDARD IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission NEC : National Electrical Code ANSI : American National Standards Institute IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
MIL-C-99 Class C, R Style Connector, Receptacle, lectrical, Wall mounting YH7(MS7 Style) PLCS 전기적특성 (lectrical ata) ltitude erating Service Rating Nom
MIL-C-99 Class C, R Style MIL-C-99 Class C, R Style 주문정보 및 부품번호 구분 (Ordering Information) MS7 C 0 C 7 P W MS Number Shell Style Class Contact rrangement Contact Style Polarizing Position MS Number Shell
방폭지역 여부 결정에 있어 다음 각 호의 장소는 방폭 지역으로 구분한다. 1. 인화성 또는 가연성의 증기가 쉽게 존재할 가능성이 있는 지역 2. 인화점 40 이하의 액체가 저장. 취급되고 있는 지역 3. 인화점 65 이하의 액체가 인화점 이상으로 저장. 취급될 수 있는 지역 4. 인화점이 100 이하인 액체의 경우 해당 액체의 인화점 이상으로 저장. 취급되고
HOSPA Chipboard screws with countersunk head Material: Drive: Cross recess PZ galvanized yellow chromatized nickel plated burnished Partly threaded, galvanized or yellow chromatized dk k L d m Head Ø dk
646 Fisher 646... 1... 1... 3... 4... 4... 4... 5... 5... 5... 6... 7... 7... 7... 9... 9... 9... 9... 10... 11... 12... 12... 13... 15... 15... 15 1. Fisher 646 Fisher 646,,..,,,, 646,.,,.. W6783 1
CFP 제작(0113)
C 1514E C ISO 9001 ISO14001 OHSAS 18001 C-series foot support process pump ISO2858 ISO5199 EASY TO CONTACT TEL : 82-55-268-8976 FAX : 82-55-268-7947 Global Excellence, Hyosung Pump
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방폭규정정의 1. 방폭규정정의 - IEC 방폭규정 (International Electrotechnical Commission) 규정정의 KS 규정 IEC 규정비고 1. 전기기기의방폭구조통칙 (Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres part 0. General requirements) KSC 0914-1995
DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
DC Link Capacitor DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They are Metallized polypropylene (SH-type)
x4- Manualb61¹³»¿ëš
MiniMAX 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ON/OFF 17 16 9 10 15 11 14 13 12 UP DOWN 8 9 Part No. 2566-0424 1 2566-0422 1 2566-0433 2 2566-0426 1 2566-0443 1 2566K0130 1 2566-0420 1 or or 10
V.21 HSBOX HIBOX Ex Enclosure 2018 년 04 월발행 v.21 기술데이터자료 ( 주 ) 화신국제인증규격인증품소개 4P~5P 박스보호등급 (IP) / UL / NEMA / RoHS 방폭등급 / 우레탄가스켓포밍 6P~7P 8P~9P 플라스틱박스 & 알루미늄제품 플라스틱제품의및전제품소개 10P~11P 단자함 N 시리즈제품소개 12P 유럽형
X-VA-MT3809G-MT3810G-kor 기본적인 설명 진행전 반드시 읽어 주십시오. Brooks 는 많은 국내 및 국제 기준을 충족하기 위해 제품을 설계, 생산 및 테스트를 합니다. 이 제품이 제대로 설치, 운영되고 그 들이 정상 사양 내에서 작동하도록 지속적인 유지보수가 필요합니다. Brooks Instrument 제품을 설치, 사용 및 유지보수 시
HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
5. Kapitel URE neu
URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting
D103198X0KR_Jul18 Korean
Fisher i2p-100... 1... 1... 2... 2... 2... 5... 7... 7... 8... 9... 10... 10... 11... 12... 12... 12... 12... 14... 14... 16... 16... 17... 18 1. Fisher i2p-100 W8710... 19... 20 Fisher i2p 100,, ( 1 )..,,,,
page 1end
C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
Water as a tool High-Pressure Plunger Pumps 02-Line (up to 750 bar) 252 702 1002 1502 1852 2502 Technical Data High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 252 / 702 approx. 1.8 l approx. 50 kg net 45 mm/1.77 inch
1508 고려 카달록
트레이용난연케이블의특징 0./1kV XLPE Insulated and Tray FlameRetardant PVC ed Cable (TFRCV) 0./1kV XLPE Insulated and Tray FlameRetardant PVC ed Aluminium Power Cable (TFRCV/AL) 0./1kV XLPE Insulated HalogenFree Flame
GD-SERISE / GS-SERISE DESCRIPTION GD / GS series pneumatic actuator are designed & developed with new concept for the next generation. GD / GS series
High Class 공압식엑츄에이터 PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS Rack & Pinion Designed GD-SERISE Double Acting GD-SERISE Single Acting (Spring Return) GINICE Co., Ltd / GD-SERISE / GS-SERISE DESCRIPTION
Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket
Vertical Probe Card for Wafer Test Vertical Probe Card Technology Pin Technology 1) Probe Pin Testable Pitch:03 (Matrix) Minimum Pin Length:2.67 High Speed Test Application:Test Socket Life Time: 500000
Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius
Min Max ST 044N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 2.0m
기술 데이터 자료 (주)화신 국제 인증규격 인증품 소개 박스 보호등급(IP) / UL / NEMA / RoHS 방폭 등급 / 우레탄 가스켓 포밍 4P~5P 6P~7P 8P~9P 플라스틱 박스 & 알루미늄 제품 플라스틱 제품의 특징 및 전 제품 소개 10P~11P 단자함
V.19 2015년 10월 발행 v.19 기술 데이터 자료 (주)화신 국제 인증규격 인증품 소개 박스 보호등급(IP) / UL / NEMA / RoHS 방폭 등급 / 우레탄 가스켓 포밍 4P~5P 6P~7P 8P~9P 플라스틱 박스 & 알루미늄 제품 플라스틱 제품의 특징 및 전 제품 소개 10P~11P 단자함 N 시리즈 제품 소개 12P 유럽형 Q 시리즈 제품
LYOUT O TH HIN (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R Lp Lf H ORDRING RKT TYP (ree nd racket)
LOW DUST LOW NOIS L HIN! Min Max nsb 020R lean Room Type nsb020r, nsb022r nsb028r, nsb035r rames are assembled at every link. nsb045r, nsb060r, nsb0r MTRIL hain material: PS-amide UL94-H Low Noise: TUV
Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
2001. 9. 6 1. 1. (1) (1) 1 (2) (2) 2 3 INVESTER PROFESIONAL ORGANIZATION GOVERNMENT CODE COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION CODE LAW LICENSE PERMIT PLANT 4 5 6 7 2. (1) 2. (1) 8 9 (2) (2) 10 (3) ( ). () 20kg/ (P70,
ir Cylinder: tandard/on-rotating Rod Double cting/ingle cting, ingle Rod/Double Rod eries CM ø3/4", ø7/8", ø1 1/16", ø1 1/4", ø1 1/2", ø2" 1 CJ1 CJP CJ2 CM2 CG1 M M1 C2 C1 C76 C85 C95 CP95 CM C D- -X 20-
로즈마운트 752 제품자료서 Fieldbus 데이터 표시를 위한 로즈마운트 752 리모트 인디케이터 로즈마운트 752 FOUNDATION fieldbus 리모트 인디케이터는 최종 제어 장치 옆의 통제 변수 값을 표시하거나 접근 불가능한 장소에 장착된 트랜스미터의 정보를
제품자료서 2011년 12월 로즈마운트 752 로즈마운트 752 FOUNDATION fieldbus 리모트 인디케이터 2 선식 세그먼트 전동 장치 최대 8 개의 값 표시 링크 마스터 기능 PID, 특성기, 산술 (Arithmetic) 및 일체형 기능 블록 (Integrator Function Block) 옵션 목차 주문 정보...............................................................
Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [호환 모드]
전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
1. Features IR-Compact non-contact infrared thermometer measures the infrared wavelength emitted from the target spot and converts it to standard curr
Non-Contact Infrared Temperature I R - Compact Sensor / Transmitter GASDNA co.,ltd C-910C, Bupyeong Woolim Lion s Valley, #425, Cheongcheon-Dong, Bupyeong-Gu, Incheon, Korea TEL: +82-32-623-7507 FAX: +82-32-623-7510
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E Pilot Lamp File No. E Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Mate
7 LAMPS For use on a flat surface of a type 1 enclosure File No. E242380 Pilot Lamp File No. E242380 Type Classification Diagram - BULB Type Part Materials 226 YongSung Electric Co., Ltd. LAMPS
02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
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- 1 - - 2 - 전기자동차충전기기술기준 ( 안 ) - 3 - 1 3 1-1 3 1-2 (AC) 26 1-3 (DC) 31 2 37 3 40-4 - 1 14, 10,, 2 3. 1-1 1. (scope) 600 V (IEC 60038) 500 V. (EV : Electric Vehicle) (PHEV : Plug-in Hybrid EV).. 2. (normative
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TAE YOUNG Electronics 당사는 1987년 설립되어 직류전원장치를 전문 제조하는 업체로서, 국내 인터넷서비스 업체인 두루넷과 하나로텔레콤 등을 거쳐 현재의 SK브로드밴드, LG유플러스의 전원아답터 공급업체로서 오랜 시간 함께 성장하였습니다. 또한 자체 브 Global Power Supply Leader TAE YOUNG AC. ADAPTOR. SMPS TAE YOUNG Electronics 당사는 1987년 설립되어 직류전원장치를 전문 제조하는 업체로서, 국내 인터넷서비스 업체인 두루넷과 하나로텔레콤 등을 거쳐 현재의 SK브로드밴드, LG유플러스의 전원아답터 공급업체로서 오랜
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MAX DRILL Construction system of MAX Drill's Code no. DRILL VMD KOREA TECHNICS is The TOP of the world technics 49
010~054 본문 2011.04.25 06:13 PM 페이지48 ApogeeX TURBO DRILL HSD 2 D 범용선반 가공시, 가공직경 ø이상은 TSD나, MXD 사용을 권장함. DRILL The drill body treated by forging was much solider and much stronger in impact. The especially
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(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
목차 생활용품오염물질방출시험및방출특성연구 (IV) - 전기 전자제품방출오염물질권고기준 ( 안 ) 도출 - ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ Abstract ⅳ 환경기반연구부생활환경연구과 Ⅰ,,,,,, 2010 Ⅱ i
목차 2010-33-1208 11-1480523-000711-01 생활용품오염물질방출시험및방출특성연구 (IV) - 전기 전자제품방출오염물질권고기준 ( 안 ) 도출 - ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ Abstract ⅳ 환경기반연구부생활환경연구과 Ⅰ,,,,,, 2010 Ⅱ i 목차 목차 Ⅲ Ⅳ i ii 목차 Abstract iii iv Abstract Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ iv 1 Ⅰ.
C H A P T E R 01 유기화합물의물성과구조 1.1 용해와극성 1.2 크로마토그래피와이성질체 1.3 증류와편극성 1.4 추출과산해리상수 1.5 재결정과녹는점 1.6 추출 / 재결정 / 증류가통합된혼합물의분리실험 1.7 컴퓨터소프트웨어를이용하여화학구조그리기 1.1 용해와극성 13 실험 1 다음화합물들의용해도를관찰하시오. 10mL 시험관, 시험관대, 1.00mL
DFT-10A-10P FILE NO. Body : Polycarbonate Contact : Brass, Nickel Plated Cover : PS resin Current Rating : 10A Voltage Rating With standing Voltage : AC 2500V one minute Insulation Resistance : 100M over
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
종량제봉투의 불법유통 방지를 위한 폐기물관리법과 조례의 개선방안* 1) 송 동 수** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 종량제봉투의 개요 Ⅲ. 종량제봉투의 불법유통사례 및 방지대책 Ⅳ. 폐기물관리법의 개선방안 Ⅴ. 지방자치단체 조례의 개선방안 Ⅵ. 결론 국문초록 1995년부터 쓰레기 종량제가 시행되면서 각 지방자치단체별로 쓰레기 종량제 봉투가 제작, 판매되기 시작하였는데,
Prologue 01 마그네슘 합금의 장점 및 적용 분야 02 다이캐스팅 이란? 1. About 장원테크 01 Company Overview 02 사업영역 핵심기술력 04 국내 사업장 05 베트남 법인 06 업계 Top Tier 고객사 확보 2. Cash-Cow 모바일
Prologue 01 마그네슘 합금의 장점 및 적용 분야 02 다이캐스팅 이란? 1. About 장원테크 01 Company Overview 02 사업영역 핵심기술력 04 국내 사업장 05 베트남 법인 06 업계 Top Tier 고객사 확보 2. Cash-Cow 모바일 부품 01 Products 02 시장점유율 베트남법인 성장 본격화 04 우호적인 업황 3.
민속지_이건욱T 최종
441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
K O R E A C O N V E Y O R K.C AP APRON CONVEYOR Apron Conveyors are used for conveying various bulk materials. They are particulary suitable for conveying hot materials such as clinker. K.C Apron Conveyors
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
판매원-삼성전자주식회사 본 사 : 경기도 수원시 영통구 매탄 3동 416번지 제조원 : (주)아이젠 삼성 디지털 비데 순간온수 세정기 사용설명서 본 제품은 국내(대한민국)용 입니다. 전원, 전압이 다른 해외에서는 품질을 보증하지 않습니다. (FOR KOREA UNIT STANDARD ONLY) 이 사용설명서에는 제품보증서가 포함되어 있습니다. 분실되지 않도록
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1. 18 D-303 Tel : () 031-711-1560 Fax : 031-711-1563 e-mail : (organic reaction). (esterification) (hydrolysis of ester). Porous type (alkylation) system. ( gel type ).
l l l l l l l l l Lee, Geon Kook None This project was designed to establish the Tumor Bank of National Cancer Center in 2000. From the first tumor sample in 2000, the total of tumor and tumor-related
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논문요약 146 [ 주제어 ] 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 abstract Recent Development in the Law of DPRK on the
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VYPYR. VYPYR 15 VYPYR 120,. 43 Peavey. VYPYR., " ". TransTube " ", 266MHz SHARC. VYPYR 5,.,,. VYPYR. AC. IEC ( )... : 24 "( 30cm). 0 - Input. 1 - Stompbox Encoder VYPYR15.. 11.!. 2 - Amp Encoder.. 2. LED
-시방서 목차- 1. 공 사 개 요 1 2. 총 칙 2 제 1 장. 가 설 공 사 8 제 2 장. 목 공 사 9 제 3 장. 수 장 공 사 10 제 4 장. 창 호 공 사 21 제 5 장. 유 리 공 사 27 제 6 장. 도 장 공 사 34 제 7 장. 철 거 공 사
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Microsoft PowerPoint - 7-Work and Energy.ppt
Chapter 7. Work and Energy 일과운동에너지 One of the most important concepts in physics Alternative approach to mechanics Many applications beyond mechanics Thermodynamics (movement of heat) Quantum mechanics...
연구보고서 2013-35 친서민정책으로서의 사회서비스 일자리 확충 전략 Ⅲ : 사회서비스 산업-제3섹터-고용창출 연계모델 이철선 박세경 권소일 책임연구자 이철선 한국보건사회연구원 연구위원 주요저서 협동조합 실태조사 및 기본계획 수립을 위한 기초연구 한국보건사회연구원, 2013(공저) 협동조합기본법 관련 현황조사 연구 한국보건사회연구원, 2012(공저) 공동연구진
Fresh Meat Fresh Meat Yukhwawon s fresh meat division conducts the whole process of preparing all kinds of chicken meats. This process includes fat removing, deboning, and preparing the chicken cut meat.
WIDIN - Toolholding Catalogue.pdf
T CH CHUC UCK K 60 ER Strong Torque Power ER Chuck have strong torque power. Slim designed ER Nut were minimized an interruption to workpiece. If using Carbide Drill and coated drill, it can be improve
스포츠와 물리학: 구기운동 골프가 물리를 만나면 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.23.008 김 선 웅 The Physics of Golf physics and to understand the importance of providing new physics textbooks based on the viewpoint of the Sun Ung KIM sportsman.
SSENP FLOW METER 에스에스이엔피 경기도화성시새강 1 길 43 TEL : 031)8015-2452 FAX : 031)935-0452 E-mail : Turbine Digital Flow meter 특징 SEMI U+ PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등다양한재질 정밀성, 내화학성우수 4~20 ma, Alarm,
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - Photograph of miniature SiC p-n and Schottky diode detector Photograph SiC chip mounted on a standard electrical package Photograph of SiC neutron detector with
F&C 표지5차(외면) - 완성본
유리 테이퍼관 부유식 유량계 (Glass Taper Tube Local Flow Meters) FGF Series / FGO FGF Series / FGO 모델선택 (Model Selection Guide) FGF Series / FGO MODEL FGF(N.S) FGM FMO CODE DESCRIPTION GLASS TAPER TUBE LOCAL FLOW
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Locking Systems, Locks, Catches.1 Contents Locking systems, locks, catches, safes Symo locking system Magnetic catches Locker Locks.2 Symo Locking Systems.3 Symo Locking Systems.4 Symo Locking Systems.
(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
SERVICE MANUAL N200M / N300M / N500M ( : R22) e-mail : jhyun00@koreacom homepage : http://wwwicematiccokr (specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements)
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Technical Information SHC-750/'09 CAPACITANCE TYPE EVE IMIT SWITCH SHC-750 SERIES * 적용방법 Capacitance Type imit Switch는액체및분체에서물질의유무를탐지하도록설계되어있습니다. Probe의재질은부식에내성이있는재질을광범위하게선택할수있으며부식성있는측정물에견딜수있도록생산하였습니다.