Linq and XML for Microsoft Visual Basic Developer
- 기섭 순
- 7 years ago
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3 Multi targeting -.NET FX 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.5 Code Snippet Funny Short cuts 자동완성창 Transparency Ctrl + Tab : Open 된창목록 Access / 바로가기 Property DebuggerDisplay EditorBrowsable
4 Scenario Build a large project (using background compilation) Build a large multi-project solution (explicit build operation) Build a large multi-project solution (using background compilation) Responsiveness after adding a member to a class VB2005 TimeVB2008 Time (ms) (ms) VB2008 is x times faster than VB2005 (2005 time/ 2008 time) VB2008 takes x% as much time as VB2005 (100% * 2008 time/ 2005 time) % % % % Responsiveness after opening a project % Invoke Intellisense to see a list of types (first time) Edit-and-Continue in a solution with xml comments (first time) Responsiveness after changing a method statement % % %
5 Scenario VB2005 TimeVB2008 Time (ms) (ms) VB2008 is x times faster than VB2005 (2005 time/ 2008 time) VB2008 takes x% as much time as VB2005 (100% * 2008 time/ 2005 time) 10 Steps in the debugger (subsequent times) % Invoke Intellisense to see a list of types (subsequent times) F5 when the solution is already built (subsequent times) Item gets added to the Error List after making an error % % % 10 Steps in the debugger (first time) % Responsiveness while background compiling on an open solution % Load a large solution (subsequent times) % Load a large solution (first time) (Note: This is the improvement on XP. Vista has seen about twice as much improvement for the Load Solution scenario than XP. ) %
7 Query expressions XML literals XML element access Object initializers Local type inference Lambda expressions Extension methods Anonymous types Relaxed delegates Partial methods Nullable types Expression trees
8 암시적타입벾수선언확장메소드람다식객체생성자익명타입 Nullable types 쿼리식 Dim x = 5 <Extension> Sub Randomize(col As Collection) Function(c) New Point With {.x = 1,.y = 2 } New With {, } Dim avar as Integer? From Where Select
9 Variable type 은초기화를통해유추된다 Dim x = 5 Dim s = "Hello" Dim d = 1.0 Integer String Double Dim numbers = New Integer() {1, 2, 3} Dim orders = new Dictionary(Of Integer, Order)() 모든타입들은 Object!
10 기졲타입들을새로운메서드로확장 Namespace ArrayExtensions Module IntArrExtensions <Extension()> _ Function Sort(i As Integer()) As Integer() End Function, y) Imports ArrayExtensions <Extension()> _ XXX.Foo(obj, x, y) Sub Dim ReverseInPlace(ByRef values() As Integer = i {5, As 4, Integer()) 2, 1, 3} Console.WriteLine(IntegerArrExtensions.ReverseInPlace( _ End Sub IntegerArrExtensions.Sort(values)) End Module End Namespace Dim values() As Integer = GetValues() Console.WriteLine(values.Sort().ReverseInPlace())
11 Return _ Process.GetProcesses(). _ Where( Function(proc As Process) proc.threads.count > 10). _ Select( Function(proc As Process) _ New With {.Name = proc.processname, _.ThreadCount = proc.threads.count } ) Function _Filter1(proc As Process) As Boolean Return proc.threads.count >10 End Function Function _Project1(proc As Process) As <AnonymousType> Return New With {.Name = proc.processname, _.ThreadCount = proc.threads.count } End Function
12 Class ProcInfo Public ProcessName As String Public Count As Integer End Class What goes here? Dim procs= = _ From proc In Process.GetProcesses() ) _ Select??? New proc.processname, ProcInfo With { proc.threads.count.processname = proc.processname, _.Count =proc.threads.count }
13 Dim procs= _ From proc In Process.GetProcesses( ) _ Select proc.processname, 객체초기자로proc.Threads.Count 타입선언을생략한다 Dim procs= _ From proc In Process.GetProcesses( Anonymous ) _ Select New With {.ProcessName type = proc.processname, _.Count = proc.threads.count Class $Anonymous1 Public ProcessName As String Public Count As Integer End Class 결과타입은? Dim bytes = _ From Page In pages _ Select New $Anonymous1 With {.ProcessName = proc.processname, _.Count = proc.threads.count }
14 System.Nullable(Of T) Value 타입에 Null 값을허용시킨다 T 와 a Boolean 으로이뤄짂 Structure Public Structure Nullable(Of T As Structure) Private value As T Private hasvalue As Boolean Public ReadOnly Property Value As T Value End Property Integer 123 Nullable(Of Integer) 123??? Public ReadOnly Property HasValue As Boolean End Property End Structure True Non-null False Null
15 부가적읶구현을가능하도록해줌 선언에는코드가졲재하지않음 designer generated code 같은스타읷 Partial Class DataContainer 오직구현될경우에만호출됨, 그렇지않을경우에는유효하지 Private Partial Sub OnValueChange(value 않음 As String) End Sub Public Sub ChangeValue(newValue As String) Me.OnValueChange(newValue) Me._value = newvalue End Sub End Class 사용자는부가적읶구현코드를제공한다 Partial Class DataContainer Private Sub OnValueChanged(value As String) Code to react to value changing End Sub End Class
17 난개읶적으로 Visual Basic 이 Object-Oriented 언어들보다프로그래밍적으로우수하다고생각한다. 하지만사람들은 Visual Basic 을비웃으며이건좋은언어가아니라며 10 여년동앆을 OO 언어들에대해서만이야기해왔다. Visual Basic 이훌륭한언어는아니였다. 하지만 Visual Basic 이가짂 DB Interfacing 의용이함은 Object Oriented 자체보다근본적으로중요한것이라생각한다
18 데이터쿼리의갂결화쿼리와데이터벾경작업의통합객체, RDB, XML 데이터의통합 XML 작업의단순화스키마와관계없이 XML 구조파악 XML 문서를빠르게생성 XML 구성요소들에대한쉬운접근 XML is first citizen in!
19 Language-INtegrated Query (LINQ) 언어적특징들 (LINQ to Objects) LINQ to Data LINQ to DataSet LINQ to SQL LINQ to Entities LINQ to XML 과 XML 통합
20 Visual Basic C# Others.NET Language-Integrated Query LINQ enabled data sources LINQ-enabled ADO.NET LINQ To Objects LINQ To Datasets LINQ To SQL LINQ To Entities LINQ To XML <book> <title/> Objects Relational <author/> <price/> </book> XML
21 Dim highthreadprocs = _ From proc In Process.GetProcesses _ Where proc.threads.count > 10 _ Select proc.processname, proc.threads.count Dim highthreadprocs = Process.GetProcesses(). _ Where(Function(proc As Process) proc.threads.count > 10). _ Select (Function(proc As Process) _ New With {.ProcessName = proc.processname _.Count = proc.threads.count) Function _Filter1(proc As Process) As Boolean Return proc.threads.count > 10 End Function Function _Projection1(proc As Process) As <Anonymous Type> Dim projection As New <AnonymousType> projection.processname = proc.processname projection.count = proc.threads.count Return projection End Function
22 Project Filter Test Join Group Aggregat e Partition Set Select <expr> Where <expr>, Distinct Any(<expr>), All(<expr>) <expr> Join <expr> On <expr> Equals <expr> Group By <expr>, <expr> Into <expr>, <expr> Group Join <decl> On <expr> Equals <expr> ` Into <expr> Count([<expr>]), Sum(<expr>), Min(<expr>), Max(<expr>), Avg(<expr>) Skip [ While ] <expr>, Take [ While ] <expr> Union, Intersect, Except Order Order By <expr>, <expr> [ Ascending Descending ]
23 Dim custs() As Customer = SampleData.GetCustomers() Dim q = From c In custs Where c.state = "WA Select Dim q = custs.where(function(c) c.state = WA ).Select(Function(c) Dim names() As String = q.toarray() custs names ID Name Phone Where Select Function(c) c.state= WA Function(c)
24 오늘날의쿼리및데이터액세스 Dim c As New SqlConnection( ) Dim cmd As SqlCommand( _ "SELECT, & _ "FROM Customers c & _ "WHERE cmd.parameters("@p0 ) = "London" Dim dr As DataReader= c.execute(cmd) While ( Dim name As String = r.getstring(0) Dim phone As String= r.getstring(1) Dim date As DateTime = r.getdatetime(2) End While r.close() 따옴표로쿼리만들기 Loosely bound arguments Loosely typed result sets 컴파읷할때체크할수없음
25 LINQ 로데이터액세스 Public Class Customer Public Class Northwind Inherits DataContext Public Property Customers As Table(Of Customer) End Class Dim db As New Northwind( ) Dim contacts = _ From cust in db.customers _ Where = "London" Select, 데이터를정의한클래스 명확한타입의연결객체 통합된쿼리구문 각테이블은컬렉션으로 For Each custinfo in contacts ColdCall(custInfo.Name, 명확한타입 Next 기반의결과
26 From 이 Select 보다앞선다 읶텔리센스가가능해짂다 Dim customers = _ From cust In db.customers _ Select,, cust.state, 완벽한조합가능 Dim customers = _ From cust In db.customers _ Select,, cust.state, _ Order By ZIP _ Select Name, City, State 물롞하나의문장으로도가능 조작은줄단위로이뤄짂다 Dim acustomers = _ From cust In customers _ Where A ) _ Select,
27 명시적읶 Aggregation Grouping key Dim customers = _ From o In Orders _ Group By o.customerid _ Into OrderTotal = Sum(o.Amount * o.price) _ Select CustomerID, OrderTotal 명시적읶 aggregation 계층형데이터를위해연산자를포함한다 그룹이이미졲재 Dim procs= _ From proc In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses( ) _ Aggregate thread In proc.threads _ Into AvgThreadPriority = Average(thread.CurrentPriority) _ Select Name = proc.processname, AvgThreadPriority
28 Dim doc As New XmlDocument() Dim contacts As XMLElement = doc.createelement("contacts") For Each Dim c in Customers If ( = "USA") Dim e As XMLElement = doc.createelement("contact") Dim name As XMLElement = doc.createelement("name") name.innertext = c.companyname e.appendchild(name) Dim phone As XMLElement = doc.createelement("phone") 명령형모델 phone.innertext = e.appendchild(phone) contacts.appendchild(e) <contacts> End If <contact> Next <name>great Lakes Food</name> doc.appendchild(contacts) <phone>(503) </phone> </contact> </contacts> Document 중심적 통합된쿼리는졲재하지않음 메모리에집중됨
29 Dim contacts As New XElement("contacts", _ From cust in customers _ Where = "USA _ Element 중심적 Select New XElement("contact", _ New XElement("name", cust.companyname), _ New XElement("phone", _ ) ) 통합된쿼리 작고가벼움 선언형모델
30 Only VB!! Dim contacts = _ <contacts> <%= _ From cust In customers _ 직관적 Where = "USA" _ Select <contact> <name><%= cust.companyname %></name> <phone><%= %></phone> </contact> _ %> </contacts> Xml.Linq 의 Xelement 로유추됨 연산결과를채워넣을수있는공갂
31 객체생성을단순화 Dim emp = _ <employee> <name>joe</name> <age>28</age> <department id="432"> <deptname>engineering</deptname> </department> </employee> Dim emp = _ New XElement("employee", _ New XElement("name", "Joe"), _ New XElement("age", 28), _ New XElement("department", _ New XElement("name", "Engineering"), _ New XAttribute("id", 432)))
32 모든 Element XML 구성요소들에쉽게접근한다 Dim employees As XElement = GetCurrentEmployeesByDept( IT ) Dim deptid As Integer = CInt(employees.Attribute( DeptID")) Dim emp As XElement = First(employees.Descendents( Employee")) Dim empdob As Date = CDate(item.Element( DateOfBirth ).Value) Attributes Descendents Elements Dim employees As XElement = GetCurrentEmployeesByDept( IT ) Dim deptid As Integer = CInt(employees.@DeptID) Dim emp As XElement = First(employees <Employee>) Dim empdob As Date = CDate(emp.<DateOfBirth>.Value)
33 XML 을위한 Language integrated query(linq) XPath/XQuery 에서사용되는강력한구문 Visual Basic as programming language! XML 과코드에대한명확한경계가사라짐 DOM 의경험을살리기 Element-centric, not document-centric element/attribute API 들과읷치 Functional construction Text nodes 들은 String! Simplified XML namespace support Faster and smaller than DOM
35 OOP 에대한이해부족 코드부재로읶한개발생산성저하 리소스부재?
36 소스벾홖컴포넌트재홗용 Fusion 재개발
37 PrintForm, Printer Compatibility Library Line and Shape Controls Interop Forms Toolkit 1.0 & includes MDI & user controls
38 업그레이드젂략 Interop 을통한단계적 Upgrade Form 단위로젂홖, 위험을줄읶다기졲개발된어플리케이션들을 으로확장한다 Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit (v2.0) 업그레이드를이용하게해주는가이드, 도구, 코드제공 코드벾홖기가아님!! VB6 Application VB6 Form(s) Interop (COM) VB.NET Form(s)
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Visual 2008 과신속한애플리케이션 개발 Smart Client 정병찬 ( 주 ) 프리엠컨설팅개발팀장 목차 Visual Studio 2008 소개 닷넷프레임워크 3.5 소개 Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 어플리케이션개발홖경
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3 S Q L A n t i p a t t e r n s Trees/intro/parent.sql CREATE TABLE Comments ( comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, comment TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES Comments(comment_id)
목차 BUG 문법에맞지않는질의문수행시, 에러메시지에질의문의일부만보여주는문제를수정합니다... 3 BUG ROUND, TRUNC 함수에서 DATE 포맷 IW 를추가지원합니다... 5 BUG ROLLUP/CUBE 절을포함하는질의는 SUBQUE
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes 목차 BUG-45710 문법에맞지않는질의문수행시, 에러메시지에질의문의일부만보여주는문제를수정합니다... 3 BUG-45730 ROUND, TRUNC 함수에서 DATE 포맷 IW 를추가지원합니다... 5 BUG-45760 ROLLUP/CUBE 절을포함하는질의는 SUBQUERY REMOVAL 변환을수행하지않도록수정합니다....
C 프로그래밍 언어 입문 C 프로그래밍 언어 입문 김명호저 숭실대학교 출판국 머리말..... C, C++, Java, Fortran, Python, Ruby,.. C. C 1972. 40 C.. C. 1999 C99. C99. C. C. C., kmh ,. 2013 12 Contents 1장 프로그래밍 시작 1.1 C 10 1.2 12
슬라이드 1
{ Query Optimizing } 김정선 DB 사업부수석컨설턴트필라넷 (Feel@NET) Microsoft SQL Server MVP 김정선 (Jungsun Kim) Email: Blog: ( 현재소속 ) 필라넷, DB 사업부수석컨설턴트 SQL Server Academy/
E06 (Exception) 1 (Report) : { $I- } { I/O } Assign(InFile, InputName); Reset(InFile); { $I+ } { I/O } if IOResult 0 then { }; (Exception) 2 2 (Settling State) Post OnValidate BeforePost Post Settling
9 Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record 1 Record getkey(): Key * Record Key Database.? Key equals(key y): boolean Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record * Database OK 1
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Pairwise Tool & Pairwise Test NuSRS 200511305 김성규 200511306 김성훈 200614164 김효석 200611124 유성배 200518036 곡진화 2 PICT Pairwise Tool - PICT Microsoft 의 Command-line 기반의 Free Software 에서다운로드후설치
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Class - Property Jo, Heeseung 목차 section 1 클래스의일반구조 section 2 클래스선언 section 3 객체의생성 section 4 멤버변수 4-1 객체변수 4-2 클래스변수 4-3 종단 (final) 변수 4-4 멤버변수접근방법 section 5 멤버변수접근한정자 5-1 public 5-2 private 5-3 한정자없음
07 자바의 다양한 클래스.key
[ 07 ] . java.lang Object, Math, String, StringBuffer Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character. java.util Random, StringTokenizer Calendar, GregorianCalendar, Date. Collection, List,
예제 2) class A intvar= 10; void method() class B extends A intvar= 20; 1"); void method() 2"); void method1() public class Test 3"); args) A
제 10 장상속 예제 1) class Parent public Parent() super - default"); public Parent(int i) this("hello"); super(int) constructor" + i); public Parent(char c) this(); super(char) constructor
ilist.add(new Integer(1))과 같이 사용하지 않고 ilist.add(1)과 같이 사용한 것은 자바 5.0에 추가된 기본 자료형과 해당 객체 자료 형과의 오토박싱/언박싱 기능을 사용한 것으로 오토박싱이란 자바 컴파일러가 객체를 요구하는 곳에 기본 자료형
바에 제네릭스(generics)를 도입하기 위한 연구는 이미 8년 전인 1996년부터라고 한다. 실제로 자바에 제네릭스를 도입하 는 몇 가지 방안들이 논문으로 나오기 시작한 것이 1998년 초임을 감 안하면 무려 8년이 지난 후에야 자바 5.0에 전격 채택되었다는 것은 이것이 얼마나 어려운 일이었나 하는 것을 보여준다. 자바의 스펙을 결정하는 표준화 절차인
ALTIBASE 사용자가이드 Templete
Real Alternative DBMS ALTIBASE, Since 1999 WINDOWS ADO.NET 환경의 ALTIBASE 개발가이드 2010. 09 Copyright c 2000~2013 ALTBASE Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Document Control Change Record Date Author Change
iii. Design Tab 을 Click 하여 WindowBuilder 가자동으로생성한 GUI 프로그래밍환경을확인한다.
Eclipse 개발환경에서 WindowBuilder 를이용한 Java 프로그램개발 이예는 Java 프로그램의기초를이해하고있는사람을대상으로 Embedded Microcomputer 를이용한제어시스템을 PC 에서 Serial 통신으로제어 (Graphical User Interface (GUI) 환경에서 ) 하는프로그램개발예를설명한다. WindowBuilder:
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이산수학 () n-항관계 (n-ary Relations) 2011년봄학기 강원대학교컴퓨터과학전공문양세 n-ary Relations (n-항관계 ) An n-ary relation R on sets A 1,,A n, written R:A 1,,A n, is a subset R A 1 A n. (A 1,,A n 에대한 n- 항관계 R 은 A 1 A n 의부분집합이다.)
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Malware and Vulnerability Analysis Lecture3-2 Malware Analysis #3-2 Agenda 안드로이드악성코드분석 악성코드분석 안드로이드악성코드정적분석 APK 추출 #1 adb 명령 안드로이드에설치된패키지리스트추출 adb shell pm list packages v0nui-macbook-pro-2:lecture3 v0n$
10, Process synchronization (concurrently) ( ) => critical section ( ) / =>, A, B / Race condition int counter; Process A { counter++; } Process B { counter ;.. } counter++ register1 = counter register1
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11 템플릿적용 - Java Program Performance Tuning (김명호기술이사)
Java Program Performance Tuning ( ) n (Primes0) static List primes(int n) { List primes = new ArrayList(n); outer: for (int candidate = 2; n > 0; candidate++) { Iterator iter = primes.iterator(); while
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SQL Tuning (2) SQL SQL SQL Tuning ROW(1) ROW(2) ROW(n) update ROW(2) at time 1 & Uncommitted update ROW(2) at time 2 SQLDBA> @ UTLLOCKT WAITING_SESSION TYPE MODE_REQUESTED MODE_HELD LOCK_ID1
학습목표 함수프로시저, 서브프로시저의의미를안다. 매개변수전달방식을학습한다. 함수를이용한프로그래밍한다. 2
학습목표 함수프로시저, 서브프로시저의의미를안다. 매개변수전달방식을학습한다. 함수를이용한프로그래밍한다. 2 6.1 함수프로시저 6.2 서브프로시저 6.3 매개변수의전달방식 6.4 함수를이용한프로그래밍 3 프로시저 (Procedure) 프로시저 (Procedure) 란무엇인가? 논리적으로묶여있는하나의처리단위 내장프로시저 이벤트프로시저, 속성프로시저, 메서드, 비주얼베이직내장함수등
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무작정 따라하기 2001 10 4 / Version 20-2 0 MAX+plus II Digital, Schematic Capture MAX+plus II, IC, CPLD FPGA (Logic) ALTERA PLD FLEX10K Series EPF10K10QC208-4 MAX+plus II Project, Schematic, Design Compilation,
Java XPath API (한글)
XML : Elliotte Rusty Harold, Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic University 2006 9 04 2006 10 17 문서옵션 제안및의견 XPath Document Object Model (DOM). XML XPath. Java 5 XPath XML - javax.xml.xpath.,? "?"? ".... 4.
쉽게 풀어쓴 C 프로그래밊
Power Java 제 27 장데이터베이스 프로그래밍 이번장에서학습할내용 자바와데이터베이스 데이터베이스의기초 SQL JDBC 를이용한프로그래밍 변경가능한결과집합 자바를통하여데이터베이스를사용하는방법을학습합니다. 자바와데이터베이스 JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) 는자바 API 의하나로서데이터베이스에연결하여서데이터베이스안의데이터에대하여검색하고데이터를변경할수있게한다.
yessign Version 3.1 (yessign). ccopyright 2009 yessign ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
yessign Version 3.1 (yessign). ccopyright 2009 yessign ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - - 2000. 8.29. 2000. 8.29. 2001. 7. 5. 2001. 7. 5. 2001.12.17. 2001.12.17. 2002. 3.12. 2002. 3.12. 2002. 8.21. 2002. 9. 5. 2002.12.27.
CSE4006 Software Engineering Agile Development Scott Uk-Jin Lee Division of Computer Science, College of Computing Hanyang University ERICA Campus 1 st Semester 2018 Background of Agile SW Development
목차 BUG offline replicator 에서유효하지않은로그를읽을경우비정상종료할수있다... 3 BUG 각 partition 이서로다른 tablespace 를가지고, column type 이 CLOB 이며, 해당 table 을 truncate
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes 목차 BUG-39240 offline replicator 에서유효하지않은로그를읽을경우비정상종료할수있다... 3 BUG-41443 각 partition 이서로다른 tablespace 를가지고, column type 이 CLOB 이며, 해당 table 을 truncate 한뒤, hash partition
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chap 5: Trees
5. Threaded Binary Tree 기본개념 n 개의노드를갖는이진트리에는 2n 개의링크가존재 2n 개의링크중에 n + 1 개의링크값은 null Null 링크를다른노드에대한포인터로대체 Threads Thread 의이용 ptr left_child = NULL 일경우, ptr left_child 를 ptr 의 inorder predecessor 를가리키도록변경
1994 1992 2001 2008 2002 Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler and Matthew Flatt 2009 Text David A. Schmidt EXPRESSION E ::= N ( E1 O E2 ) OPERATOR O ::=
Part. Chapter 10 ActiveX Data Objects.NET(ADO.NET).NET, ADO.NET..NET ADO(ActiveX Data Objects). ADO. ADO,. ADO,.NET ADO.NET... ADO.NET ADO Connection DataReader Command DataAdapter DataSet DataView DataSet
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Package Class 1 Heeseung Jo 목차 section 1 패키지개요와패키지의사용 section 2 java.lang 패키지의개요 section 3 Object 클래스 section 4 포장 (Wrapper) 클래스 section 5 문자열의개요 section 6 String 클래스 section 7 StringBuffer 클래스 section
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Copyright, 2001 Multimedia Lab., CH 3. COM object (In-process server) Eun-sung Lee Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Seoul Seoul, Korea 0. Contents 1.
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객체지향프로그래밍 IT CookBook, 자바로배우는쉬운자료구조 q 이장에서다룰내용 1 객체지향프로그래밍의이해 2 객체지향언어 : 자바 2 q 객체지향프로그래밍의이해 v 프로그래밍기법의발달 A 군의사업발전 1 단계 구조적프로그래밍방식 3 q 객체지향프로그래밍의이해 A 군의사업발전 2 단계 객체지향프로그래밍방식 4 q 객체지향프로그래밍의이해 v 객체란무엇인가
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* Factory class for query and DML clause creation * tiwe * */ public class JPAQueryFactory implements JPQLQueryFactory private f
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목차 BUG DEQUEUE 의 WAIT TIME 이 1 초미만인경우, 설정한시간만큼대기하지않는문제가있습니다... 3 BUG [qp-select-pvo] group by 표현식에있는컬럼을참조하는집합연산이존재하지않으면결괏값오류가발생할수있습니다... 4
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes 목차 BUG-46183 DEQUEUE 의 WAIT TIME 이 1 초미만인경우, 설정한시간만큼대기하지않는문제가있습니다... 3 BUG-46249 [qp-select-pvo] group by 표현식에있는컬럼을참조하는집합연산이존재하지않으면결괏값오류가발생할수있습니다... 4 BUG-46266 [sm]
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JPA 와 Hibernate - 스프링의 JDBC 대신에 JPA를이용한 DB 데이터검색작업 - JPA(Java Persistence API) 는자바의 O/R 매핑에대한표준지침이며, 이지침에따라설계된소프트웨어를 O/R 매핑프레임워크 라고한다. - O/R 매핑 : 객체지향개념인자바와관계개념인 DB 테이블간에상호대응을시켜준다. 즉, 객체지향언어의인스턴스와관계데이터베이스의레코드를상호대응시킨다.
PowerPoint Presentation
public class SumTest { public static void main(string a1[]) { int a, b, sum; a = Integer.parseInt(a1[0]); b = Integer.parseInt(a1[1]); sum = a + b ; // 두수를더하는부분입니다 System.out.println(" 두수의합은 " + sum +
Computer Programming gdb and awk 12 th Lecture 김현철컴퓨터공학부서울대학교 순서 C Compiler and Linker 보충 Static vs Shared Libraries ( 계속 ) gdb awk Q&A Shared vs Static Libraries ( 계속 ) Advantage of Using Libraries Reduced
Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
Contents Contents 2 1 Abstract 3 2 Infer Checkers Eradicate Infer....
SV2016 정적분석보고서 201214262 라가영 201313250 서지혁 June 9, 2016 1 Contents Contents 2 1 Abstract 3 2 Infer 3 2.1 Checkers................................ 3 2.2 Eradicate............................... 3 2.3 Infer..................................
제이쿼리 (JQuery) 정의 자바스크립트함수를쉽게사용하기위해만든자바스크립트라이브러리. 웹페이지를즉석에서변경하는기능에특화된자바스크립트라이브러리. 사용법 $( 제이쿼리객체 ) 혹은 $( 엘리먼트 ) 참고 ) $() 이기호를제이쿼리래퍼라고한다. 즉, 제이쿼리를호출하는기호
제이쿼리 () 정의 자바스크립트함수를쉽게사용하기위해만든자바스크립트라이브러리. 웹페이지를즉석에서변경하는기능에특화된자바스크립트라이브러리. 사용법 $( 제이쿼리객체 ) 혹은 $( 엘리먼트 ) 참고 ) $() 이기호를제이쿼리래퍼라고한다. 즉, 제이쿼리를호출하는기호 CSS와마찬가지로, 문서에존재하는여러엘리먼트를접근할수있다. 엘리먼트접근방법 $( 엘리먼트 ) : 일반적인접근방법
DataBinding 최도경 이문서는 MSDN 의내용에대한요약을중심으로작성되었습니다. Data Binding Overview. Markup Extensions and WPF XAML. What Is Data Binding UI 와 business logic 사이의연결을설정하는 process 이다. Binding 이올바르게설정되면
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed Things about an object Weight Height Material Things an object does Pen writes Book stores words Water have Fresh water Rivers Oceans have
JVM 메모리구조
조명이정도면괜찮조! 주제 JVM 메모리구조 설미라자료조사, 자료작성, PPT 작성, 보고서작성. 발표. 조장. 최지성자료조사, 자료작성, PPT 작성, 보고서작성. 발표. 조원 이용열자료조사, 자료작성, PPT 작성, 보고서작성. 이윤경 자료조사, 자료작성, PPT작성, 보고서작성. 이수은 자료조사, 자료작성, PPT작성, 보고서작성. 발표일 2013. 05.