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1 2628 June, 2018, Seoul, South Korea THE FIRST ACM TVX in ASIA 후원요청제안서

2 The First TVX Conference in ASIA Sponsoring TVX 2018 The ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (ACM TVX) is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into online video and TV interaction and user experience. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from humancomputer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, VR/AR Technologies, media psychology and sociology. ACM TVX 2014 was held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, TVX 2015 in Brussels, Belgium, TVX 2016 in Chicago, USA, TVX 2017 in Hilversum, The Netherlands. This year TVX 2018 comes to Seoul, South Korea for the first time in ASIA. All members of TVX look out the opportunity to build up a strong companion research community in Asia In this regard, your participation in the Sponsorship program is an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your organization s commitment to the world. TVX 2018 offers proven opportunities for your organization to make hundreds of delegates aware of your commitment. TVX 2018 continues to offer new and exciting opportunities for sponsors. Benefits this year include publicity and professional development as well as recruiting, networking and business development. For more detailed information about these and the many other advantages of sponsoring, please see the TVX 2018 website ( or contact Jieun Kim, a General Chair, at Thank you for being part of the TVX2018. Sincerely yours General chairs of TVX 2018 Hokyoung Ryu, Jieun Kim and Teresa Chambel

3 From EURO ITV 2003 to ACM TVX 2018 CONFERENCE HISTORY ACM TVX June, 2018, Seoul, South Korea ACM TVX 2017, 1416 June 2017, Hilversum, the Netherlands ACM TVX 2016, 2224 June 2016, Chicago, USA, Proceedings ACM TVX 2015, Brussels, Belgium, June 35, 2015, Proceedings ACM TVX 2014, Newcastle, UK, June 2527, 2014, Proceedings EuroITV 2013, Thinking Outside the Box, Como, Italy, June 2426, 2013, Proceedings EuroITV 2012, Bridging People, Places and Platforms, Berlin, Germany, July 46, 2012, Proceedings EuroITV 2011, Ubiquitous TV, Lisbon, Portugal, June 29 July 1, 2011, Proceedings EuroITV 2010, web. sharing. tv. content, Finland, June 911, 2010, Proceedings EuroITV 2009, Networked TV, Belgium, June 35, 2009, Proceedings EuroITV 2008, Changing Television Environments, Salzburg, Austria, July 34, 2008,Proceedings EuroITV 2007, Interactive TV: A Shared Experience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2425, 2007, Proceedings EuroITV 2006, Beyond Usability, Broadcast, and TV, Athens, Greece. May 2526, 2006 EuroITV 2005, User Centred ITV Systems, Programmes and Applications, Aalborg, Denmark. 30 March 1 April, 2005 EuroITV 2004, Enhancing the Experience, Brighton, U.K. 31 March 2 April, 2004,Proceedings EuroITV 2003, from Viewers to Actors?, Brighton, UK, 24 April, 2003, Proceedings

4 Be a sponsor for TVX2018 Our Previous Sponsors

5 See Instructions on sponsorship TVX2018 Sponsor Package (EN) note Express your interest of being a TVX2018 sponsor to We will announce your company and support on TVX 2018 website. new new new Hero Champion Startup Plus Lab Supporter DEMO Supporter $5,000 $3,000 $1,000 $500 TV Display/Projectors Rental Recognition in meeting opening and closing remarks Free banner on TVX website Free full page ad in the program book Recognition on conference signage Exhibit booth 4 Complimentary Registrations Free banner ad on TVX website Free ½ ad in the program book Recognition on conference signage Exhibit booth 2 Complimentary Registrations Recognition on TVX website with company hyperlink 1 Exhibit booth Recognition on TVX website with company hyperlink 1 Exhibit booth Company logo on Demo/exhibition session/presentation screens Recognition on conference signage Recognition on TVX website with company hyperlink 1 Exhibit booth 50% of this sponsorship will be used for developing the Startup community, including Grand challenge award, exhibition for startups from Asia etc. For use by Demo & TVXin Industry sessions Open to all Open to all Open to all Applicable only to laboratories, universities, research center or institutes.

6 See Instructions on sponsorship TVX2018 Sponsor Package (KR) note 관심있는회사및관계자분은학회조직위원장김지은 ( / ) 에게간략한회신부탁드립니다. 본약정금액은기부금으로처리될예정입니다. new new new Hero Champion Startup Plus Lab Supporter DEMO Supporter $5,000 $3,000 $1,000 $500 TV Display/Projectors Rental 오프닝및클로징감사인사 TVX 웹사이트배너및대표사이트연계 행사장내스탠딩설치 프로그램북전면광고 전시및홍보부스제공 최대 4 명전체프로그램등록 TVX 웹사이트배너및대표사이트연계 프로그램북 ½ 면광고 행사장내스탠딩설치 전시및홍보부스제공 최대 2 명전체프로그램등록 회사로고및대표사이트연계 전시부스제공 연구실로고및홈페이지연계 전시부스제공 데모 / 전시 / 프레젠테이션스크린제공기관광고 행사장내스탠딩설치 회사로고및대표사이트연계 전시부스제공 스타트업플러스스폰서쉽의 50% 는 TVX 분야스타트업커뮤니티활성화를위해사용됩니다. 본기기대여스폰서십은국내외참가자들의데모및전시지원을위해행사기간동안사용됩니다. Open to all Open to all Open to all 연구소, 대학, 연구센터및기관해당

7 Meet leading researchers & industry partners at TVX 2018, Seoul

8 Contact Info Visit our website General Chairs of TVX2018 Hokyoung Ryu Jieun Kim Teresa Chambel Contact Information Jieun Kim skypeid. lasina888



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