Microsoft PowerPoint - 11 Chemical consumer product design
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1 Chemical Consumer Product Design Pukyong National University Department of Chemical Engineering Prof. Gyeongbeom Yi
2 Physical Form SOLID BULK SHAPED SEMI- SOLID Product form/ Delivery System Composites Cosmetic and Personal care Bar soap, Lipstick Capsules - Example Health care and pharmaceuticals Inhalant stick Whale oil Capsule Household and Office supplies Compact disk, Glue stick Microencapsulated Carbonless paper Tables - Aspirin tablet Moth balls Solid foam - - Styrofoam Powders and Granules Pastes Creams Facial powder, Baby powder, Diaper absorbent Toothpaste Cleansing cream, hair cream Powdered Herbal, Medicine Pain relief Ointment Pharmaceutical Cream Powdered Detergent, dry toner Silicone sealant, Metal adhesive Multipurpose Adhesive Liquid foams Shaving foam - - Example of chemical-based Consumer product of different forms and delivery systems. Macromolecular Solution Mouthwash, Shampoo - Dishwashing Liquid LIQUID Microemulsions Dilute emulsions And suspensions Skin cleanser, Hair conditioner Suntan lotion, Nail polish Hydrocortisone, Cyclosporine Penicillin - Correction fluid, Writing ink Solutions Perfume Eye drop, Ginseng extract Drain cleaning Solution GAS Aerosols Hair Spray Sore throat spray Aerosol paint, Antifreeze spray
3 Procedure for the Synthesis and Development of Consumer Products
4 Typical Packaging for Chemical-Based Consumer Products Type of Packaging Composite Tablet/ capsule Product Form / Delivery System Powder/ Granule Cream/ Paste iscous liquid Dilute liquid Aerosol Wrapping Carton box Paper/Plastic wrap Aluminum foil Bag(Paper/plastic) Resealable bag Scaled bag / sachet Bottle (Glass/plastic) Screw cap Flip cap Slit orifice Pump top Tube (Metal/Plastic) Collapsible Tube Squeezable tube Can (Metal) Spray can
5 Factors determining product performance Ingredients Active ingredients Supporting ingredients (rheological additives, Solvents, binders) Operating Conditions Speed of moving parts Temperature & pressure Humidity Process design Process flowsheet Unit operations Equipment geometry Materials of construction Material properties Physical properties Chemical properties Bioactivities Product Microstructure Particle size distribution Phase volume fraction Lamellar structure Polymorphism Product performance
6 Typical Market Trends to be Considered in Consumer Product Development Consumer Wants and Needs The product should last longer and / or cost less Products performing complementary functions should be combined in one product The use of a personal care product should be a pleasurable experience The product should be smaller in size, easy to carry when traveling Product Safety The product should not contain toxic solvent or allergenic materials The product should not contain dangerous chemical for little children The product should contain more natural ingredients Legal and Environmental Issues It is preferable that the product is biodegradable Refillable container should be used to reduce waste
7 Typical Quality Factors Expected from Chemical-Based Consumer Product Class of product Cosmetic and personal care Pharmaceutical and health care Household and office supplies Quality Factor Protection effect Cleaning power East of spread Odor Shelf life Bioactivity Dissolution or disintegration time Active ingredient release time Ease of application Cleaning power Hiding power Mechanical strength
8 Performance Indices for Typical Chemical-Based Consumer Product Quality Factors Product Form / Delivery System Quality Factor Composite Tablet/ capsule Powder/ Granule Cream/ Paste iscous liquid Dilute liquid Aerosol Performance Index Sensorial isual appearance: transparent opaque, pearlescent, color Smell: fragrant, odorless, stinky Taste: sweet, sour, bitter Sense upon application: smooth, oily, sticky Arbitrary indices based on panelist evaluation Physicochemical Product stability(resistance against creaming) Ability to change phase upon application Hygroscopicity Ease of dispersion in a liquid Ability to dissolve in a liquid Rate at which an active ingredient is released Shelf life Melting point, glass transition temperature Moisture absorption rate Wetting time Dissolution time Release time Mechanical Resistance to failure Resistance to indentation (hardness) Ease of failure by fracture (toughness) Elasticity Ease of flow Tensile strength Hardness numbers Fracture energy Young s modulus Flow number Rheological Ease of spreading when rubbed onto a surface, applied by brush, or shaken Ability to flow under gravity Ability applied on a surface when applied on a surface iscosity at application shear rate Yield value Minimum thickness at which even coating is observed
14 Examples of Typical Quality Factors for Creams and Pastes
15 감각적품질요인을결정하는규칙 얇게제공되는높은점성의제품은 thixotropic ( 문지르면점성이감소하다가멈추면원래대로서서히되돌아가는성질 ) 특성을가지는것이좋다. 제품이정지상태에서는두껍고, 문지르면쉽게퍼져야한다면 pseudoplastic( 문지르는속도가증가할수록점도가감소 ) 특성을가지는것이좋다. 상분리를막고제품의안정성을증가시키기위해서는고점도제품이나 semi-solid 가좋다. 제품이중력에의해흘러내리지않으려면, 적어도 20 Pa 까지견디도록한다. 로션 ( 액체같은크림 ) 은최대점도 Pa.s, 고체같은크림은최대점도 Pa.s 로조정하는것이인지도를높인다. 피부에적용되는제품에대해서는적용되는문지르는속도에서점도가 Pa.s 되도록조정하는것이인지도를높인다.
16 Typical shear rates of creams and pastes Action Shear rate ( 1 ) Suspending pigment or Active ingredients Pouring from a bottle Extrusion from a bottle or tube Topical applications of lotions/creams Application of lipstick Application of brush Roller mill Forcing through homogenizing valve Colloid mill s
17 Examples of Typical Ingredients used in Creams and Pastes
18 성분의선택규칙 가능한한다기능성분을선택한다. 가능한한부패하지않는성분을선택한다. 품질이색갈에의해영향을받는제품에는산화나환원제를피한다. 에멀젼제품에대해서 thixotropic 특성이요구되면약한네트워크구조를가진 hydrocolloid 농축제 (gum 또는 carboxymethyl cellulose) 를추가한다. Pseudoplastic 특성이요구되면 W/O 유탁액에왁스나지방알콜같은유동학적첨가제를추가한다.
19 제품공급시스템의선택규칙 피부에적용될때스늘한 ( 따뜻한 ) 느낌을주기위하여 O/W (W/O) 유탁액을선택한다. 제품에느낌이없거나기름기있는맛이나지않아야하면 O/W 유탁액을사용한다. 제품이땀이나세탁에저항성을가져야하면 W/O 유탁액을사용한다. 바람직한내부상부피비가정해진유동학적성질을내지못하면이중유탁액의사용을고려한다. 약처럼주성분이장시간공급되어야하면이중유탁액의사용을고려한다. 둘다친수성 ( 소수성 ) 인서로잘적응하지못하는물질을포함하는제품에대해서는 W/O/W (O/W/O) 유탁액의사용을고려한다.
20 미세구조의결정규칙 연속상과분산상은 Newtonian 성질을보이고제품은 viscoelastic 성질을가지려면분산상의부피분율이매우높은에멀젼을만든다. 부드러운질감의고체같은제품을원하면연속상크리스탈이나분산상고체의입자크기를 1 μm 이하로작게만든다. 묽은 ( 농축된 ) 유탁액과현탁액의점도는연속상의점도에의해주로조절되고 ( 상관이없고 ), 입자의크기나상부피분율에는상관이없다 ( 에의해조절된다 ). 쌍봉분포를가지면크림같은경향이강한제품이된다.
21 유화제를선택하는기준 유화제또는유화제의조합은원하는형태의유탁액을형성해야한다. 형성된에멀젼은처리, 저장및응용중에격을여러가지조건하에서장시간동안안정적이어야한다. 유화제는혼합물에서부차적인반응이일어나지않도록다른성분들과잘어울려야한다. 유화제는고객의건강이나환경에독성을끼치지않아야한다. 유화제의비용은가능한적어야한다.
22 Selected Unit Operations for Mixing and Structure Formation Step in Chemical-Based Consumer Product Processing Step/Criterion Unit operation Examples of Equipment Mixing Ingredients to be Mixed Soluble liquids Mixing Agitated vessel, in-line mixer Liquid and soluble solids Dissolution Agitated vessel Liquid and insoluble solid Dispersion Agitated vessel, planetary mixer, mixer-kneader Two immiscible liquids Emulsification Agitated vessel Two solid phases Structure Formation Product delivery system Melt mixing Solids Powder coating Composite Molding Extruder Agitated vessel, high-speed mixer -shaped mixer, ribbon blender Coating machine Tablets Tableting Tableting machine Capsules Filling Encapsulation machine Powders/granules Size enlargement Size reduction Spray drying Pan granulator, roller compactor Jaw crusher, roller crusher, cutter, fluid jet mill Fluid jet mill Spray drier Creams, emulsions Homogenization Pressure homogenizer, ultrasonic homogenizer Pastes, suspensions Wet milling Ball mill, roller mill, pebble mill
23 혼합장치를선택하는규칙 혼합되어지는고체중의하나가상대적으로낮은용융점과유리전이온도 (Glass Transition Temperature) (50-80 C) 를가지면용융혼합을선택한다. 적절한크기를가진미립자고체를혼합하기위하여고체배합을선택한다. 큰입자의표면에아주작은입자를바르려면분말피복 (powder coating) 을선택한다. 혼합물이고농도의계면활성제를포함하면, 진공또는저교반속도의장치를선택한다.
24 구조형성단위조작선택규칙 만약원하는제품입자크기가혼합후입자크기보다크다면 ( 작다면 ) 크기확대 ( 크기축소 ) 를선택한다. 혼합후보다작은입자성분을가진 Tablet(Capsule) 을생산하려면크기축소후 Tableting(Capsule 삽입 ) 을한다. 만약원하는제품의형태가 ( 알갱이 ) 분말이고혼합단계의출력이액체이면분무건조다음에크기확대를한다.
25 Selected Equipment for Emulsification in Manufacturing Creams and Pastes Equipment Breakup Mechanism Batch/Cont. Design and Operating ariables Pre-emulsification Pipeline mixer Agitated vessel Ribbon mixer Planetary mixer Turbulent shear Turbulent shear Turbulent shear Turbulent shear B,C B C C Pumping velocity Agitation speed essel geometry Agitation speed Impeller geometry Agitation speed Impeller geometry Homogenization Colloid mill Tooth disc disperser Pressure homogenizer Ultrasonic homogenizer Laminar/turbulent shear Turbulent shear Turbulent shear/cavitation Cavitation B,C B,C B,C C Rotational speed Gap width Rotational speed Gap width Homogenizing pressure Ultrasonic wave frequency And intensity
30 Generic flowsheet of chemical-based consumer product manufacturing processes Ingredients Ingredients Ingredients Pretreatment Pretreatment Pretreatment Mixing Structure formation s Post treatment Filling and packaging Product
32 공정합성규칙 만약물이나기름에녹는성분이포함되면잘어울리는성분들을결합하기위하여사전혼합단계를거친다. 물에녹지않는성분의입자크기를원하는정도로줄이기위하여입도감소장치를이용한다. 방울크기 100 μm 이하의유탁액을만들기위해서는균질화장치를이용한다. 점도를줄여서혼합이더잘되도록하기위하여처리중에혼합물을가열한다. 상반전이문제가되면상조합이나계면활성제위치의순서변환을고려한다. 가능한방울의크기를줄이는것이바람직하지만최종제품은여전히점성을가져야한다면냉각전에균질화를실행한다. 최종제품의점성을영원히줄이고싶으면냉각후에균질화를실행한다. 만약분산상의부피분율이 30 % 보다작으면, 저에너지유화가술 ( 분산상을연속상의일부 ( C1 ) 에혼합하고유화한뒤에나머지연속상 ( C2) 을추가함 ) 사용을고려한다. 만약농축제가포함되면 C 2 상에분산되어져야한다. 결정화전의멸균장치처럼후처리장치는단지액체에만적용된다.
33 장치선택규칙 에너지소모가증가하는순서대로장치를선택한다. 사전유탁액을형성하기위하여분리된상을혼합하는교반용기나무동작혼합기를사용한다. 고체부피분율이높은현탁액을형성하기위하여는 Ribbon 혼합기나 Planetary 혼합기를사용한다. 유탁액이가열또는냉각에민감하면, scraper 가부착된교반용기같은불감또는정체영역이없는장치를선택한다. 분산상과연속상의점도비가 4 보다크면, colloid mill 같은전단흐름에서유화파괴가일어나는유화장치의사용을금한다. 연속상의점도가 0.02 Pa.s 이면 colloid mill 의사용을금한다.
34 원료주입규칙 분산상은연속상에천천히추가되어야한다. 혼합단계에서간섭을받거나처리과정중파괴되는성분은맨나중에추가된다. 만약 0.26 보다낮은분산상부피분율과작은방울크기를가진유탁액을만들려면상반전의사용을고려한다. 만약계면활성제가한상에서다른상으로이동하는것이제품점도에바람직하지못한변화를일으키면, 계면활성제를상사이에그들의용해도에따라서분배하는것을고려한다.
35 장치운전조건의선택규칙 유탁액의점도가높고 pseudoplastic 이면, 용기내의좀더균일한전단속도분포를위하여날개바퀴대용기지름의비율이높은프로펠러를선호한다. 제품점도의비가역적인감소를초래한다면장시간교반해선안된다. 공기가제품속에끼어드는것을최소화하기위하여날개바퀴가완전히잠기지않은채로혼합작업을하지않는다. 연속상의결정화에서크고균일한결정을얻기위하여서서히냉각한다. 처리과정에서제품이오염되지않아야한다면, 장치는미리멸균되어져야하고작업은무균상태에서수행되어야한다.
36 Customer Needs for Powdered Laundry Detergent Easier to carry Less space to store No agglomeration due to moisture Less water(lower forming, Stronger soil suspension) Lower temperature(40c) Containing bleach Economical
37 Powdered Detergent Ingredients Desired Function Ingredient Chosen Examples Removing water-insoluble grease and soils Bleaching Bleach activation ph control(10) Enhancement of washed fabric appearance Removal of unpleasant odors Removal of protein, carbohydrate carbohydrate, and fat stains Control of water hardness Providing alkalinity Preventing redeposition Preventing corrosion Improving powder flow Filling Biodegradable surfactant (Active ingredient) Inactivated bleach Bleach activator Buffer Whitening agent Fragrance Enzyme Builder Filler Sodium perborate Alkanoyloxybenzene sulfonate, N-acyl caprolactam Sodium carbonate Bistriazinyl derivatives of diaminostilbene disulfonic acid Perfumes Proteases, amylases, lipases, cellulases Zeolite A, soda ash (Na2CO3), Sodium polycarboxylate, δ-disilicate Sodium sulfate
38 Manufacturing powder detergent Liquid additives Surfactant Builder Other additive Binder Mixing Spray Drying High-shear mixer Screen Product Drying
39 Customer Needs for Shampoo and Conditioner in One Clean the hair (anti-dandruff) Desirable combing or brushing(conditioning) No buildup of any ingredient No splashing (High viscosity(500pa.s) at low shear rate) Easy spreading (Low viscosity(2pa.s) at high shear rate(10000/s)) Stable while in storage
40 Shampoo and Conditioner Supporting Ingredients Desired Function Ingredient Chosen Examples Aiding the deposition of conditioning agent Improving spreadability of conditioning agent Dissolving the conditioning agent Shampoo base iscosity control ph control Improving product appearance Enhance attractiveness Deposition polymer Spreading agent Organic solvent Aqueous solvent Thickening agent Acid of base Pearlescent agent Perfume, pigment Quaternary ammonium polymers Quaternary ammonium compounds Silicone oil Water Carboxyvinyl polymers, cellulose ethers, guar gum, starch Sodium hydroxide, citric acid Ethylene glycol distearate Essential oils
41 Manufacturing Shampoo and Conditioner Water Anionic surfactant Thickening agent ph control agent Pre- Mixing & heating Mixing Homogenization Emulsifiers Silicone oil Conditioning agent Pre- Mixing & heating Cooling Pearlescing agent Deposition polymer Spreading agent Preservatives Filling Product
42 Customer Needs for Toothpaste Remove stain Abrasive (Solid) Suspension Clean teeth Surfactant Prevent dental caries Fluoride component Retain moisture Humectant Taste Flavor Should not flow by itself (20Pa), squeezed easily out of tube, low viscosity when brushed Shearthinning product (Thickener) Soft and smooth texture Small particle Color, Preservatives
43 Input Information for Toothpaste Composition Solid phase Silica (abrasive) Carboxymethyl cellulose (thickener) Silica aerogel (thickener) Polyethylene glycol (thickener) Liquid/aqueous phase Sodium monofluorophosphate (active agent) Sorbitol (humectant) Glycerin (humectant) Sodium benzoate (preservative) Dye solution (color) Water (solvent) Others Flavors Surfactant Aqueous Phase iscosity,μ c Density, ρ c Solid Particles Hamaker constant, A Dielectric constant, ε r Density, ρ d 14 % 0.3% 8.0% 5.0% 0.8% 32.7% 20.1% 0.1% 0.5% 14.8 % 2.2% 1.5% 0.14 Pa s 1,100 kg/m X10-20 J ,600 kg/m 3
44 Toothpaste Manufacture Thickeners Water-soluble ingredients Premixing Size reduction Silica Flavor & Other minor ingredients Mixing Surfactant Deaeration Filling Product
45 Customer Needs for Hand Lotion Maintain the skin in a fully moisturized condition Emollient Easily applicable and has to rub in quickly Low viscosity when applied to the skin Flow when poured from the bottle but should not appear runny High viscosity at low shear Shearthinning product (Thickener) Smooth and does not feel oily or greasy O/W emulsion Maintain the humidity of the lotion Humectant Attractive Perfume, Preservatives
46 Input Information for Hand Lotion Continuous Phase Composition Purified water (solvent) Glycerol (humectant) Water-soluble polymers (thickener) iscosity K n Ea Density, Dispersed Phase Composition Mineral oil (Solvent) Stearic acid (Solvent) Cetyl alcohol (emollient) Isopropyl palmitate (emollient) Petrolatum (emollient) iscosity, K at 25 n E a Density, ρ d Emulsion Surfactants Glyceryl monostearate PEG-40 stearate Interfacial tension, σ Excess surface concentraition, Γ Surfactants critical micelle concentrantion (CMC) 80-90% 4-8% 1.1%(variable) Pa.s 9.83xt 1.91 Pa s x ,800J/mol 1,019 kg/m 3 30% 12% 12% 23% 23% 6.54*10-2 Pa s ,200J/mol 985kg/m 3 80% 20% 2*10-2 Pa s 1.0*10-6 kg/m 2 30kg/m 3 Equipment Colloid mill rotor radius 5cm
47 Process Design for Hand Lotion Mineral oil Stearic acid Cetyl alcohol I.Palmitate Petrolatum Pre-mixing & heating Mixing Homogenization Emulsifiers Cooling Water Glycerol Carbomer Pre-mixing & heating Filling Product (a) Standard
48 Mineral oil Stearic acid Cetyl alcohol I.Palmitate Petrolatum Pre-mixing & heating Mixing (Stage1) Homogenization Emulsifiers Heating Water Glycerol Carbomer Premixing Mixing (Stage) Filling (b) Low Energy Product
49 Design Factors for Preservative Free Lotion Pump-top bottle with hydrophobic filter to sterilize entering air Low viscosity (0.1~0.5Pa.s) during pumping (10/s) Good feeling when applied to the skin Pa.s at high shear rate 500/s Reduce water activity < 0.8 by humectant Acidic condition (ph < 4.5) Natural anti-bacterial ingredients Chelating agent to bind metal ions High surfactant concentration
50 Preservative-Free Lotion Ingredients Desired Function Ingredient Chosen Examples Moisturize skin Control of lotion humidity Emulsion stabilization Increasing viscosity and obtaining shear-thinning behavior Providing additional attractiveness Reducing water activity ph control Preventing deterioration of fragrance and color Emollient (Active) Humectant Surfactant Thickener Aroma chemicals Salts Organic acid Chelating agent Stearic acid, cetul alcohol, petrolatum Glycerol Glyceryl monostearate, quaternary ammonium salts Carbomer, propylene glycol Essential oils Aluminum chlorohydrate, cationic surfactants Citric acid EDTA, citric acid
기술현황분석 나노 기공성 에어로겔 제조기술 및 응용현황 안 영 수 / 기능소재연구센터 요 약 나노 기공성 에어로겔 제조기술 및 응용현황 한국에너지기술연구원 Property Value Bulk Density Internal surface area % solid Mean pore diameter Primary particle diameter Index of refraction
- 1 -
- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - ι κ λ β β β β β - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 1 - - 11 - 마. - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 2 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - ι κ λ β β - 25 - - 26 - -
Rev 1 Steam Trap Date `000208 Page 1 of 18 1 2 2 Application Definition 2 21 Drip Trap, Tracer Trap, 2 22 Steam Trap 3 3 Steam Trap 7 4 Steam Trap Sizing 8 41 Drip Trap 8 42 Tracer Trap 8 43 Process Trap
02 Reihe bis 750 bar GB-9.03
Water as a tool High-Pressure Plunger Pumps 02-Line (up to 750 bar) 252 702 1002 1502 1852 2502 Technical Data High-Pressure Plunger Pump Type 252 / 702 approx. 1.8 l approx. 50 kg net 45 mm/1.77 inch
Introduction Capillarity( ) (flow ceased) Capillary effect ( ) surface and colloid science, coalescence process,
Introduction Capillarity( ) (flow ceased) Capillary effect ( ) surface and colloid science, coalescence process, Introduction Capillary forces in practical situation Capillary Model A Capillary Model system,
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플라스틱뉴스 _ 봄 발행인 편집인 발행처 주 소 전 화 팩 스 방한홍 한화케미칼 대전광역시 유성구 가정로 76 042/865/6400 042/861/2611 인쇄처 학예 COM. 전 화 042/625/1821 인 쇄 2013. 3. 발 행 2013. 3. 등록번호 서울 바 00407호 등 록 1972. 5. 20 본지는 한국도서잡지윤리위원회의 실천요강을 준수합니다.
플라스틱뉴스 _ 겨울 발행인 편집인 발행처 주 소 전 화 팩 스 방한홍 한화케미칼 대전광역시 유성구 가정로 76 042/865/6400 042/861/2611 인쇄처 학예 COM. 전 화 042/625/1821 인 쇄 2012. 12. 발 행 2012. 12. 등록번호 서울 바 00407호 등 록 1972. 5. 20 본지는 한국도서잡지윤리위원회의 실천요강을
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Fig. 1 2.5%. 51.5%, 46.0%,.. /, Table 1 (U.V.; Ultraviolet 10-400 nm)/ (NIR; Near Infrared 700 nm - 5 µm) ( TiO 2, WO 3, ZnO, CeO, ATO, Sb 2O 3-ZnO, ITO.) (400 nm - 780 nm). /. Fig. 1.. 23 Table 1. / /
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Chapter 5 Gases 3 5.1 2 NaN 3 (s) 2Na(s) + 3N 2 (g) Air bag 45.5L sodium azide?,,? 3 5.2 ? 1.,,, 2. P, V, n, T ( ) 3. 3 5.3 5.1,, = 1L = 10 3 cm 3 = 10-3 m 3 m=m n ( ) T k = t c + 273.15 : psi, mmhg, atm(
w y wz 10«3y 259~264 (2010.12.) Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment w gj p p y Á Á½k * w m œw Á* w y œw (2010 9 28, 2010 10 12 k) Characteristics of Antiwashout Underwater Concrete for Reduction
Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
ptical & Mechanical Characteristics of Lining Papers Oby the Artificial Heat Ageing Treatment 1 1 This study was carried out to investigate the effect of artificial accelerated ageing treatment on the
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J. of Advanced Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, No. 1 (2008) pp. 77-81 y w» e wx Á w œw Fabrication of Ceramic Batch Composition for Porcelain by Using Recycled Waste Ceramic Powder Hyun Guen Han, and
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C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
16-기06 환경하중237~246p
Study on Jointing System of Airport Concrete Pavement Considering Environmental Loading The environmental load on concrete pavement can be categorized into temperature and moisture loads which include
02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
가이드라인등록번호 B1-2016-2-018 의약품품질위해평가가이드라인 2016. 12. 제 개정이력 연번제 개정번호승인일자주요내용 1 2016.12. 제정 2 3 목차 1. 서론 1 2. 품질위해관리 1 3. 품질위해평가절차 6 4. 품질위해평가방법및관련기법 9 5. 위해평가에영향을주는인자 14 6. 정성적평가방법및정량적평가방법을이용한위해평가 23 7. 정성적평가방법및정량적평가방법을이용한위해평가사례
DOOCH PUMP Intelligent pressure boosting system 5Hz BOOSTER PUMP SYSTEM Water supply system Pressure boosting system Irrigation system Water treatment system Industrial plants 두크펌프 CONTENTS
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume 1996. : 1. 8 2. 1 1998. 12. : : ( ) : . 1998. 12 : : : : : : : : : : - 1 - .. 1.... 2.. 3.... 1..,,.,,
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Shield Form Gasket (P/N: UKB10-LS10-190-5, UKB6-LN6-200-5, UKU13-3-150-8, URB10-R5-200-D, URB5-1.5-200-4, URB8-4-180-4, URB9-1-200-D, URU10-3-150-8) 1 Shield form gasket ( 주 ) 뉴티씨 ( NewTC ) 1-1 Description
. Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Counter Flow Cross Flow,. 1.Cooling Tower. Air Flow 1) Counter Flow System Fan Air Fan Discharge Distributor Fill Counter Flow ( ) Cold Water Basin. 1 Counter Flow System
C H A P T E R 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13.1 ( ) 12 000 psi [ 13 1] 6in 10 [ 13 2] (stamping) 500 501 (pressure regulator) (oil mist) (lubricator) (air dryer) (muffler) 13.2 21 % 78 % 1 % 4
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1 grating steel bar grating 730890 Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Bar Grating stage flooring stair treads 2 heat resisting casting 732510 parts of refuse in
엔지니어링 / 플랜트 제작업체 2010 한일부품소재조달전시상담회(서울) 참가업체 안내 1. 업체 정보 회사명 상담 희망 기업에만 공개 회사명(영) 상담 희망 기업에만 공개 플랜트 설비(환경, 수처리, 에 Engineering & Construction (Envirnmental, Water 주요생산품 너지, 파이프라인, 강( 鋼 )구조, 산업기계) 주요생산품(영)
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() 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1-1,... 1-2 (suspended solids),, (dissolved solids), (source) : (disolved solids) (suspended solid) [10-4 < d < 1] (source) [10-3
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물리화학 1 문제풀이 130403 김대형교수님 Chapter 1 Exercise (#1) A sample of 255 mg of neon occupies 3.00 dm 3 at 122K. Use the perfect gas law to calculate the pressure of the gas. Solution 1) The perfect gas law p
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
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[ 화학 ] 과학고 R&E 결과보고서 나노입자의표면증강을이용한 태양전지의효율증가 연구기간 : ~ 연구책임자 : 김주래 ( 서울과학고물리화학과 ) 지도교사 : 참여학생 : 원승환 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 이윤재 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 임종
[ 화학 ] 과학고 R&E 결과보고서 나노입자의표면증강을이용한 태양전지의효율증가 연구기간 : 2013. 3 ~ 2013. 12 연구책임자 : 김주래 ( 서울과학고물리화학과 ) 지도교사 : 참여학생 : 원승환 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 이윤재 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 임종찬 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 소재원 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 1,.,.,.... surface
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Appl. Chem. Eng., Vol. 27, No. 5, October 2016, 527-531 Article 홍인권 김수인 박보라 최준호 이승범 단국대학교화학공학과 (2016 년 8 월 10 일접수, 2016 년 9 월 6 일심사, 2016 년 9 월 7 일채택 ) Evaluation
Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology HEATRAN Heat Transfer Technology 1. 회사개요 Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer Technology Heat Transfer
한국전지학회 춘계학술대회 Contents 기조강연 LI GU 06 초강연 김동욱 09 안재평 10 정창훈 11 이규태 12 문준영 13 한병찬 14 최원창 15 박철호 16 안동준 17 최남순 18 김일태 19 포스터 강준섭 23 윤영준 24 도수정 25 강준희 26
2015 한국전지학회 춘계학술대회 2일차 한국전지학회 춘계 학술대회(신소재 및 시장동향 관련 주제 발표) 시간 제목 비고 세션 1 차세대 이차전지용 in-situ 분석기술 좌장 : 윤성훈 09:00~09:30 Real-time & Quantitative Analysis of Li-air Battery Materials by In-situ DEMS 김동욱(한국화학연구원)
( )Kjhps043.hwp
Difference of Fistula Maturation Degree and Physical Property by the Types of Tube Material: An Experimental Study Sang Koo Kang, M.D. 1, Hee Chul Yu, M.D. 1,4, Woo Sung Moon, M.D. 2,4, Ju Hyoung Lee,
' Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X Evaluation of Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X Alloys for Fuel Claddings,,, 15 36 LiOH 4 Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X. LiOH Zr-Nb-Sn-Fe-X, LiOH Zircaloy-4.. 47 52. Abstract The corrosion
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두개이상의상이한유체의상호교감 (Mutual Response of Liquid Droplets and their Non-linear Dynamics) Joon Sang Lee Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 2013/12/18 1 Contents Contents
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산업세정연구회세미나 에어로졸건식세정기술현황 및연구개발동향 (2) 2005. 11. 24 중앙대학교화학공학과 김선근 Argon Snow Cleaning Applications Removal Efficiencies of Other Contaminants Contaminant Materials Dimension Remarks Bearing grease film on
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목차 ⅰ ⅲ ⅳ Abstract v Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ i
11-1480523-000748-01 배경지역 ( 백령도 ) 에서의 대기오염물질특성연구 (Ⅲ) 기후대기연구부대기환경연구과,,,,,,, Ⅲ 2010 목차 ⅰ ⅲ ⅳ Abstract v Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ i 목차 Ⅳ ii 목차 iii 목차 iv 목차 μg m3 μg m3 v 목차 vi Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ μm μg m3 1 Ⅰ. 서론 μg m3 μg m3 μg m3 μm 2
W/O형 Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (cyclomethicone) 에멀젼의 유변학적 특성에 관한 연구
이論文을崔敏亨의碩士學位論文으로認定함 2004 年 2 月 主審 副審 委員 - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - G * - viii - G * - ix - - 1 - - 3 - - 4 - oil water water oil oil (a) (b) - 5 - Nm/m 2-6 - 2πR γ cosθ = πr 2 h ρ g γ = Rh ρ g
박 기 식 여주대학 토목과 (2001. 10. 24. 접수 / 2002. 6. 14. 채택) A Study on the Longitudinal Vibration of Finite Elastic Medium using Laboratory Test Ki-Shik Park Department of Civil Engineering, Yeojoo Institute of
애경은 사랑과 존경의 마음으로 변하지 않는 가치를 만들어 갑니다 우리는 지난 60여 년의 역사를 자양분으로 어떤 외풍에도 흔들리지 않을 단단한 뿌리를 내렸습니다. 때로는 곧게, 때로는 넓게 뻗어낸 뿌리는 그만큼 굳건한 줄기를 길러냈습니다. 매년 풍성한 과실을 얻을 수
2016 Annual & CSR Report 애경은 사랑과 존경의 마음으로 변하지 않는 가치를 만들어 갑니다 우리는 지난 60여 년의 역사를 자양분으로 어떤 외풍에도 흔들리지 않을 단단한 뿌리를 내렸습니다. 때로는 곧게, 때로는 넓게 뻗어낸 뿌리는 그만큼 굳건한 줄기를 길러냈습니다. 매년 풍성한 과실을 얻을 수 있었던 것도 그동안의 보이지 않는 노력 덕분입니다.
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(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
서강대학교 기초과학연구소대학중점연구소 심포지엄기초과학연구소
2012 년도기초과학연구소 대학중점연구소심포지엄 마이크로파센서를이용한 혈당측정연구 일시 : 2012 년 3 월 20 일 ( 화 ) 14:00~17:30 장소 : 서강대학교과학관 1010 호 주최 : 서강대학교기초과학연구소 Contents Program of Symposium 2 Non-invasive in vitro sensing of D-glucose in
11-148523-1331-1 대기모델링 정보지원 시스템을 위한 표준자료 구축 연구(Ⅱ) - CAPSS2SMOKE 프로그램 개발 기후대기연구부 대기공학연구과 Ⅱ 212 목 차 i 목 차 ii 목 차 iii 목 차 iii Abstract v Ⅰ. 서 론.., (Kim et al, 28). Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS).
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학과목집진공학 (Particulate Control Engineering, 集塵工學 ) 담당교수장혁상 ( ) 단원의주제서론 ( 입자상물질의특성 ) Page 2 대기오염의규제기준 대기환경기준 특정지역에서특정기간동안법률적으로초과해서는안되는오염물의농도수준을규정
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Samyang Engineering Plastics Samyang Engineering Plastics 연혁 HISTORY 1924. 10. 창업 Began as Samsu company 1955. 12. 울산 제당공장 준공 Built sugar refining facility in Ulsan 198. 10. 전주 Polyester 공장 준공 Built polyester
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REFAIR / AS : tel.053-523-5768 fax.053-523-5763 82, Gongdan 5-ro, Jillyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 38474, Rep. of KOREA tel.+82-53-523-5768 fax.+82-53-523-5763 Abstract Competition and Concentration in the Market for the Multichannel Video Programming G h e e - Young Noh ( P r o f e s s o, rschool of Communication,
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콜로이드분산계 Colloid Dispersion i School of Pharmacy Sungkyunkwan University 콜로이드분산계 1nm 에서 05μm 0.5 미립자가기체또는액체중에응집하 거나침전하지않고분산된상태 (max : 1μm) 콜로이드라는명칭은 19 세기중엽에영국의그레이엄에 의해처음사용 물에잘녹아물속에확산하기쉬운것 ( 결정질 ) 과물에잘녹지않아확산하기어려운것
Chapter 17. Rheology
Chapter 17. Rheology Contents Introduction Newtonian Systems Non-Newtonian Systems Thixotropy Determination of Rheologic Properties Viscoelasticity Applications to Pharmacy INTRODUCTION Rheology Definition:
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레이아웃 1 카피
목차 생활용품오염물질방출시험및방출특성연구 (IV) - 전기 전자제품방출오염물질권고기준 ( 안 ) 도출 - ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ Abstract ⅳ 환경기반연구부생활환경연구과 Ⅰ,,,,,, 2010 Ⅱ i
목차 2010-33-1208 11-1480523-000711-01 생활용품오염물질방출시험및방출특성연구 (IV) - 전기 전자제품방출오염물질권고기준 ( 안 ) 도출 - ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ Abstract ⅳ 환경기반연구부생활환경연구과 Ⅰ,,,,,, 2010 Ⅱ i 목차 목차 Ⅲ Ⅳ i ii 목차 Abstract iii iv Abstract Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅰ iv 1 Ⅰ.
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TITLE 'Dew Pressure Calculation for the Condenser Pressure' IN-UNITS ENG DEF-STREAMS CONVEN ALL DESCRIPTION " General Simulation with English Units : F, psi, lb/hr, lbmol/hr, Btu/hr, cuft/hr. Property
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MISuNG fishery association corporation delivers taste of time from endeavors to follow the traditional methods for three generations. We have the patented skill of making Gul-bi marinated with herb & lotus
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Chapter 7. Work and Energy 일과운동에너지 One of the most important concepts in physics Alternative approach to mechanics Many applications beyond mechanics Thermodynamics (movement of heat) Quantum mechanics...
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
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A Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea 통권 제 9호 2007 12 Vol. 5 No. 2 아트마케팅을 활용한 화장품 브랜드 디자인 연구 -화장품패키지디자인 중심으로- A Study on the Cosmetic Brand Package Design Applied Art-Marketing - Focusing on Cosmetic
감각형 증강현실을 이용한
대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 2012년 춘계공동학술대회 감각형 증강현실을 이용한 전자제품의 디자인 품평 문희철, 박상진, 박형준 * 조선대학교 산업공학과 * 교신저자, 002660 ABSTRACT We present the recent status of our research on design evaluation of digital
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