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1 산업세정연구회세미나 에어로졸건식세정기술현황 및연구개발동향 (2) 중앙대학교화학공학과 김선근

2 Argon Snow Cleaning Applications Removal Efficiencies of Other Contaminants Contaminant Materials Dimension Remarks Bearing grease film on glass Polystyrene latex film on glass Fingerprints(oil droplets) on glass Wax residue spots on silicon Glass microspheres on silicon Polystyrene latex microspheres on silicon Silicon debris on silicon ~50microns ~30microns 1.6 microns 0.6, 0.5&0.3 microns 0.1~30 microns Complete removal Complete removal Not removed Not removed Complete removal Complete removal Complete removal

3 Argon Snow Cleaning Applications

4 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Pellet 제조 CO 2 Recovery&Purification Compression Expansion Dry Ice Snow Extrusion Blasting Dry Ice pellet Surface Cleaning

5 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Pellet 제조 Schematic diagram of dry ice pellet blasting Pellets Pelletizer (Extruder) Dry ice hopper Pellet feeder Compressor Blasting nozzle

6 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning 특징 10 Diamond Alumina 5 Moh s hardness Silica Plastic Starch Dry ice 1

7 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Pelletizer and blaster

8 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning 분사방법 High pressure air More aggressive Lower noise levels Abrasive loss Effective dry ice delivery To minimize surface cooling effect

9 Dry Variables Ice Pellet in Cleaning 분사변수 Equipment Hose의길이및직경 노즐의형태및크기 Pellet의저장및공급 Blasting 형태 Cleaning Object 오염종류 표면경도, 열전도도, 거칠기 Cleaning 세정력 Power Process Variables Pellet 크기 경도 형태 공기압, 유량, 습도, 온도 Pellet 공급속도 노즐기판거리 Jet angle

10 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications dirt - dust surface corrosion-rust oxidation plaster sealant Teflon adhesives mold chemicals - polymers petroleum scale marine growth anti-fouling coat oil - grease - tar carbon build-up coatings paint graffiti varnish moss cement weld splash/weld slag mortar isolate-separate-release agents protective films glue - silicones - wax - resin rollers cups soot

11 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications Industries Nuclear -- for nuclear decontamination of fixed and smearable activity. Chemical & Petroleum -- cleaning resins, glues and deposits on equipment and inside tanks. Electrical Power & Rotating Machinery -- cleaning electric motors, SRC banks, open relays,bearings, etc. Electronics Manufacturing -- fully adjustable to allow very delicate components to be cleaned. Food Processing -- Retards bacterial growth (CO 2 is a disinfectant) and uses pharmaceutical/food grade Dry ice to clean surfaces completely. Printing -- quickly and easily removes ink and grease and significantly extends the life of printing equipments.

12 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications Industries Marine -- paint comes off dry and can be vacuumed right at the work site, or collected in cloths beneath it. Even underwater removal can be accomplished safely. Mass Transit -- surface preparation of aluminum, plastic, rubber and glass simultaneously without damage makes this method ideal for electric motors, escalators, elevators, rail cars, buses, floors, etc. Steel Foundry -- cleaning of permanent molds, hot molds core boxes, isocure cores all without down time. Tire & Rubber -- From cleaning large in-situ molds to small O-ring cavities.

13 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications Other than Surface Cleaning Airport and Highway : Fog dissipation Weather control : Seeds for artificial rain formation

14 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications Cleaning of Large Electric Motors Before After

15 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Applications

16 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Issues Pellet feeding Mass flow Rotary feeder Positive pressure system Negative pressure system

17 Dry Ice Pellet Cleaning Issues Pellet transport Pressure drop vs. gas velocity vs. pellet mass flow rate

18 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리

19 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리 Formation of droplets Rayleigh limit Electrohydrodynamic atomization modes

20 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리 Particles Contaminating films

21 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리 Outer diameter of capillary: < 710 μm Electric field: ~10kV Solution flow rate: 0.5~2μL/min Solutions: Water:methyl-2-pyrrolidone mixture + Ammonium acetate Glycerol

22 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리 제어변수 Cluster 조성용액전도도전기장 voltage 용액유량가속 voltage Cluster 물성 Cluster 크기 Specific charge Cluster 속도 Impact energy Flow rate E-field constant Electric field Flow rate constant Cluster size Cluster size

23 Microcluster beam cleaning 제조및세정원리 Impulsive force Fi = 4π ( ε 0 γ ) r V a Van der Waals force F v Hr ~ 8πz 2 Particle radius(μm) F v (N) F i (N) γ = 5mN / m 18 V a = 10kV z = 0. 4nm H = 8.0eV = J

24 Microcluster beam cleaning Applications Probe needle cleaning

25 Microcluster beam cleaning Applications

26 Microcluster beam cleaning 특징 -Crevices에갇힌오염입자의효과적제거 -반도체제조에서진공상태의전후공정에부합 -Valve, fitting, seal 등이없어고순도를유지 -세척수사용저감 -건식공정의과도한기체사용저감

27 전망 Aerosol Cleaning - clean, effective, economic, versatile 세정력향상 세정범위확대 공정및장치최적화 Hybridization(+ UV, ozone, other aerosol)

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