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포항공과대학교 (POSTECH) 주소 : 경상북도포항시남구청암로 77, 37673 사이트 : http://www.postech.ac.kr/, http://admission.postech.ac.kr/mainusen.do Ⅰ. 모집단위 ( 대학원 ) (HY 헤드라인 M_14p) Ⅱ. KGSP 지원접수 ( 대학추천자 ) 1. 기간 : 2018.2.1( 목 ) ~ 3.15( 목 ) 2. 문의처 : 신민아 ( 입학팀 ) -전화번호: +82-54-279-3782 -팩스: +82-54-279-3725 -이메일: grad-admission@postech.ac.kr -웹사이트: http://admission.postech.ac.kr/mainusen.do Ⅲ. 생활안내 ( 기숙사등 ) 및유의사항 1. 생활안내 - 강의언어 : 영어 - 각종안내및게시언어 : 한국어 / 영어 - 주거시설

구분내부비품비고 -중앙냉 난방침대 ( 매트리스 ), 책상, 책장, 기숙사 (2인 1실 ) -침구류는본인의자, 옷장준비 -중앙냉 난방침대 ( 매트리스 ), 책상, 책장, 19동 (1인실) -침구류는본인의자, 옷장, 냉장고, 세면기미혼자준비방 1, 거실, 발코니, 욕실대학원아파트싱크대, 빌트인세탁기, 가스레인 (2인1실, 지, 침대 2, 매트리스 2, 옷장 1, 49.5m2 (15평형)) 책장 1, 책상겸식탁 1, 의자 2, 냉장고, 에어컨 -도배/ 장판은본인부담대학원아파트방 1, 거실, 발코니, 욕실 -에어컨은기혼자 (15평형) 싱크대, 가스레인지, 빌트인세탁기본인구비 -침구류는본인준비 - 교내주요시설 학생회관 ( 우리은행, 카페, 서점, 문구점등 ) 지곡회관 ( 버거킹, 카페, 편의점, 기념품점, 안경점, 학생및교직원식당, 한식당등 ) 국제관 ( 국제회의장, 회의실, 외국인학생지원센터, 여행사, 카페테리아, 객실, 중식당 ) 학생상담센터 ( 상담및심리검사, 성희롱성폭력상담실등 ) 포스플렉스 ( 수영장, 실내골프장, 헬스장, 카페, 베이커리, 편의점등 ) 2. 유의사항 -제출서류 다음의영어요건중 1개는반드시충족해야하며, 공인영어성적또는영어강의증명의경우관련증빙서류를제출해야함 * 공인영어성적기준점수이상충족 (TOEIC 750, PBT 550, CBT 213, ibt 79, POSTECH ITP 550, TEPS 600, IELTS 6.0) * 영어권대학졸업 ( 예정 ) * 영어강의증명제출 Curriculum Vitae (CV) 1부 ( 자유양식 ) 희망지도교수리스트 ( 총 3명, 순위별로 )

기타본인의우수성을입증할수있는서류 ( 해당자 ) - 학과및과정중복지원불가 3. 전공문의를위한학과연락처 학과 이메일 홈페이지 수학 math-info@postech.ac.kr http://math.postech.ac.kr 물리학 shinjua@postech.ac.kr http://ph.postech.ac.kr 화학 chae@postech.ac.kr http://chem.postech.ac.kr 생명과학 hlee@postech.ac.kr http://life.postech.ac.kr 신소재공학 jhbyun@postech.ac.kr http://mse.postech.ac.kr 기계공학 myiris@postech.ac.kr http://me.postech.ac.kr 산업경영공학 junsang@postech.ac.kr http://ime.postech.ac.kr 전자전기공학 mjhwang@postech.ac.kr http://ee.postech.ac.kr 컴퓨터공학 dept-cse@postech.ac.kr http://cse.postech.ac.kr 화학공학 ce-staff@postech.ac.kr http://ce.postech.ac.kr 창의IT융합공학 leehj2000u@postech.ac.kr http://cite.postech.ac.kr/ 환경공학 dese@postech.ac.kr http://dese.postech.ac.kr/ 시스템생명공학 i-bio@postech.ac.kr http://ibio.postech.ac.kr/ 첨단재료과학 bitbit@postech.ac.kr http://ams.postech.ac.kr 융합생명공학 ibb-admin@postech.ac.kr http://ibb.postech.ac.kr 첨단원자력공학 myung@postech.ac.kr http://dane.postech.ac.kr 철강대학원 enmei@postech.ac.kr http://gift.postech.ac.kr

POSTECH Address: 77 Cheongam-Ro. Nam-Gu. Pohang, Gyeongbuk. Korea 37673 Website: http://postech.ac.kr/, http://admission.postech.ac.kr/mainusen.do Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February 1 ~ March 15, 2018 (by 18:00, KST) 2. Contact: Minah Shin (Admissions) -TEL: +82-54-279-3782 -FAX: +82-54-279-3725 -E-Mail: grad-admission@postech.ac.kr -Web: http://admission.postech.ac.kr/mainusen.do Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, Settlement Allowance, etc.) - Instruction language: English - Notices/announcements: Korean & English - Housing

Housing Option Furniture/Facility Remark - Central Regular A bed (mattress), a desk, Heating and Dormitory a bookshelf, a chair, and a Cooling (doubleoccupancy) closet - Bring your own bedding - Central A bed (mattress), a desk, a Dorm Bldg.19 Heating and bookshelf, a chair, a closet, (singleoccupancy) - Bring your Cooling a refrigerator, and a washbasin Single own bedding 1 bedroom, a built-in closet, a living room, a balcony, a Graduate Apartment (doubleoccupancy, 49m2 ) bathroom, a storage space, a sink, a gas stove, a shoe rack, a washing machine (9Kg), heating, a bed (mattress), a desk/table, a bookshelf, an air conditioner, and a refrigerator Married -No papered 1 bedroom, a living room, a walls and floors balcony, a bathroom, a Graduate (DIY) storage space, a sink, a gas Apartment - No air stove, a shoe rack, a (49m2) conditioner washing machine, and - Bring your heating own bedding - Facilities on Campus Student Union (Woori Bank, Cafe Cerio, Bookstore, Stationery Store, etc.) Jigok Community Center (Burger King, Cafe Mone, Convenience Store, Souvenir Shop, Optical Store, Students and Faculty Cafeteria, Korean Restaurant, etc.) POSCO International Center (International Conference Room, Meeting Rooms, International Student and Scholar Service, Travel Agency, Cafeteria, Guest Rooms, and Chinese Restaurant) POSTECH Counseling Center (Counseling and Psychological

Inspection, Counseling for Sexual Violence/Harassment, etc.) POSPLEX (Swimming Pool, Indoor Golf Facilities, Fitness Center, Cafe, Bakery, Convenience Store, etc.) 2. Important Notes - Required Documents One copy of curriculum vitae (free-from) Prospective advisors list (up to 3, in order of preference) Optional materials to demonstrate outstanding achievements English Language Requirement All applicants whose native language is not English must submit a certificate of English Proficiency Test (with a minimum score of TOEFL PBT 550, ibt 79, POSTECH ITP 550 TEPS 600, TOEIC 750 or IELTS 6.0) Exceptions * Applicants who have graduated (or expect to graduate) from a university in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Great Britain, or the United States may be exempt from the English Proficiency Test requirement. * Applicants who have graduated (or expect to graduate) from a university where courses are taught in English may instead submit a certificate/proof of Instruction Language. 3. Department Contact Information - For detail information regarding each department. Department E-mail Homepage Mathematics math-info@postech.ac.kr http://math.postech.ac.kr Physics shinjua@postech.ac.kr http://ph.postech.ac.kr Chemistry chae@postech.ac.kr http://chem.postech.ac.kr Life Sciences hlee@postech.ac.kr http://life.postech.ac.kr Materials Science and Engineering jhbyun@postech.ac.kr http://mse.postech.ac.kr Mechanical Engineering myiris@postech.ac.kr http://me.postech.ac.kr Industrial & Management Engineering junsang@postech.ac.kr http://ime.postech.ac.kr Electrical Engineering mjhwang@postech.ac.kr http://ee.postech.ac.kr Computer Science and Engineering dept-cse@postech.ac.kr http://cse.postech.ac.kr

Chemical Engineering ce-staff@postech.ac.kr http://ce.postech.ac.kr Creative IT Engineering leehj2000u@postech.ac.kr http://cite.postech.ac.kr/ Interdisciplinary Biosciences and Bioengineering dese@postech.ac.kr http://dese.postech.ac.kr/ Environmental Science and Engineering i-bio@postech.ac.kr http://ibio.postech.ac.kr/ Advanced Materials Science bitbit@postech.ac.kr http://ams.postech.ac.kr Integrative Biosciences & Biotechnology ibb-admin@postech.ac.kr http://ibb.postech.ac.kr Advanced Nuclear Engineering myung@postech.ac.kr http://dane.postech.ac.kr Ferrous Technology enmei@postech.ac.kr http://gift.postech.ac.kr