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4-411-333-33(1) Wireless Stereo Headset 无线立体声耳机 使用说明书 Operating Instructions 使用說明書 CS GB CT KR XBA-BT75

警告 为了减少火灾或触电的危险, 切勿让本设备受到液体滴溅, 并且切勿将花瓶等装有液体的物品放置在设备上 为减少触电的危险, 切勿拆开机壳 只能请专业 员维修 切勿将本设备安装在狭窄的空间内, 如书柜或壁橱 切勿将电池 ( 已安装的电池组或电池 ) 过度受热, 如长时间暴露在阳光照射 或类似的环境中 携带盒铭牌位于底部外表面 Bluetooth 字标记和标志归 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 所有,Sony Corporation 对此标记的使 是经过许可的 Microsoft Windows 和 Windows Vista 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和 / 或其他国家的注册商标或商标 Macintosh 和 Mac OS 是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家注册的商标 其它商标和品牌名称均属于各 所有者 CS

目录 什么是 Bluetooth 无线技术?... 4 欢迎使用!... 5 使用 Bluetooth 功能的三步骤... 6 部件的位置和功能... 7 耳机... 7 携带盒... 8 对本装置充电... 9 同时对耳机和携带盒充电... 9 仅对携带盒充电... 10 通过携带盒对耳机充电... 11 配对... 13 什么是配对?... 13 配对步骤... 13 佩戴耳机... 15 如何正确安装耳塞... 16 Bluetooth 功能指示灯... 17 听音乐... 18 控制连接的 Bluetooth 音频设备 - AVRCP... 19 拨打电话... 20 控制 Bluetooth 移动电话 -HFP HSP... 22 播放音乐时拨打电话... 23 预防措施... 24 故障排除... 27 一般问题... 27 充电时... 28 听音乐时... 28 通话时... 29 初始化本装置... 29 规格... 30 一般... 30 无线立体声耳机... 31 使用 USB 对电池充电的系统要求... 31 CS

什么是 Bluetooth 无线技术? Bluetooth 无线技术是一种短距离无线技术, 此技术可以让电脑或数码相机等数字设备之间进行无线数据通讯 Bluetooth 无线技术的操作范围约在 10 m 以内 一般情况需要连接两台设备, 但是有些设备可以同时连接多台设备 您不需要使用电缆进行连接, 也不需要像红外线技术那样让设备面对面 例如, 您可以在包内或口袋内使用设备 Bluetooth 标准是受世界上数千家公司支持的一项国际标准, 并被全球各类公司所采用 本装置的通讯系统和兼容的 Bluetooth 配置协议配置协议是对每项 Bluetooth 设备规格的功能标准化 本装置支持以下 Bluetooth 版本和配置协议 : 通讯系统 : Bluetooth 规格 3.0 版兼容的 Bluetooth 配置协议 : A2DP( 高级音频发送配置协议 ): 传送或接收高质量音频内容 AVRCP( 音频视频遥控配置协议 ): 控制 A/V 设备 : 暂停 停止或开始播放等 HSP( 耳机配置协议 )*: 电话通话 / 操作电话 HFP( 免提配置协议 )*: 免提电话通话 / 操作电话 * 当您使用 HFP( 免提配置协议 ) 和 HSP ( 耳机配置协议 ) 同时支持的 Bluetooth 移动电话时, 请设定至 HFP 注意 若要使用 Bluetooth 功能, 要连接的 Bluetooth 设备须采用与本装置相同的配置协议 请同时注意, 即使配置协议相同, 根据设备的规格而定, 其功能可能也会有所差异 由于 Bluetooth 无线技术的特性, 通话或听音乐期间, 在本装置上播放的声音可能会比在 Bluetooth 设备上播放的声音稍有延迟 CS

欢迎使用! 感谢您购买此 Sony 无线立体声耳机 本耳机使用 Bluetooth 无线技术 采用无控制盒设计的无线耳机 使用启用 Bluetooth 立体声功能的音乐播放器和移动电话无线欣赏音乐 * 1 出色的噪声隔离外壳设计可减少漏音和环境噪声 存放在携带盒中时, 可以对耳机充电 当携带盒的内置电池充满时, 电量是耳机电池的 2.5 倍 采用了 Bluetooth 规格 3.0 版 支持 EDR( 增强型数据速率 )2 Mbps 传输, 且干扰更少 当传输条件不佳时, 可以通过将 Sound Quality( 音质 ) 设定为 Standard( 标准 ) ( 默认设定为 High Quality( 高质量 ) ) 来保持稳定性 可使用与 Bluetooth 兼容的智能电话和移动电话进行免提通话 * 2 符合人体工学设计的简易线控 兼容 AVRCP* 3 播放期间, 可以执行播放 / 暂停 / 跳到下一首或上一首歌曲等操作 USB 充电功能 噪声抑制和回声消除功能, 使通话音质更出众 有关 Bluetooth 无线技术的详细说明, 请参阅第 4 页 用电话通话 听音乐 * 1 连接的 Bluetooth 设备须支持 A2DP * 2 连接的 Bluetooth 设备须支持 HFP 或 HSP * 3 连接的 Bluetooth 设备须支持 AVRCP CS

使用 Bluetooth 功能的三步骤 配对首先, 请将 Bluetooth 设备 ( 移动电话等 ) 和本装置相互注册 ( 配对 ) 一旦配对建立, 则无需再次配对 Bluetooth 移动电话等 配对 听音乐 Bluetooth 连接操作 Bluetooth 设备以建立 Bluetooth 连接 无线立体声耳机 第 13-14 页拨打电话 Bluetooth 连接开启本装置后, 本装置将自动开始建立与已识别的移动电话之间的 Bluetooth 连接 A2DP 连接 AVRCP 第 18 页 听音乐您可以听在 Bluetooth 设备上播放的音乐 可以从本装置进行播放 停止或暂停 HFP 连接 HSP 第 20-21 页 用电话通话您可以通过操作本装置来接听电话 CS 音乐 第 18-19 页 语音 第 21-23 页

准备工作 部件的位置和功能 耳机 充电插孔 指示灯 ( 蓝色 )/( 红色 ) 指示本装置的通讯状态 ( 蓝色 ) 或电源状态 ( 红色 ) 充电时亮起红色 RESET 按钮 麦克风 ( 多功能 ) 按钮打开本装置 通话或听音乐时, 控制各种功能 耳塞 耳挂根据耳形调节弧度 +*/- 按钮通话或听音乐时短按可调节本装置的音量 听音乐时长按可跳到下一首 / 上一首歌曲 * 此按钮有一个触觉点, 便于使用 CS

携带盒 上面 背面 充电指示灯 ( 红色 ) 充电时亮起 携带盒盖对耳机充电时关闭此盖 注意此盖打开时, 充电不会开始 充电插孔充电时安装标有 的接收器 USB 接头 电池状态指示灯根据指示灯的闪烁次数显示携带盒电池的剩余电量 电池状态检查按钮按下可查看携带盒电池的剩余电量 将耳机正确放入携带盒将标有 的接收器放入左舱, 将标有 的接收器放入右舱, 然后关闭盖子 CS

对本装置充电 耳机和携带盒中有可以反复充电的锂离子电池, 第一次使用之前应进行充电 需要使用附带的携带盒对耳机充电 同时对耳机和携带盒充电 1 将耳机放入携带盒 详细说明, 请参阅 将耳机正确放入携带盒 ( 第 8 页 ) 确保耳机指示灯在右侧 耳机指示灯 3 将附带的 USB 电缆连接到携带盒, 然后将另一端连接到电脑 让标记 朝向上方, 插入接头 携带盒的充电指示灯 2 关闭携带盒盖 完全关闭, 直至听到喀嗒声 注意此盖打开时, 充电不会开始 充电开始 确认耳机指示灯和携带盒的充电指示灯亮起 可以在携带盒盖关闭的情况下查看指示灯 充电将在约 2 小时 *( 对于耳机 ) 或约 3 小时 *( 对于携带盒 ) 后完成, 然后各指示灯将自动熄灭 * 对电量用尽的电池充电所需要的时间 续 CS

注意 无法使用 USB 电缆将耳机直接连接到电脑 如果耳机和 / 或携带盒长时间未使用, 连接 USB 电缆时指示灯可能不会亮起 在此情况下, 请让 USB 电缆与携带盒保持连接, 等待指示灯亮起 有关使用个人电脑通过 USB 给电池充电的系统要求, 请参阅 使用 USB 对电池充电的系统要求 ( 第 31 页 ) 提示 当携带盒的电池充足电时, 可以将携带盒用作耳机的电池充电器, 无需连接电脑 充电时耳机指示灯将亮起, 充电完成时将熄灭 如果在未关闭耳机的情况下将其放入携带盒并关闭盖子, 耳机将自动关闭并开始充电 充电时无法打开耳机 仅对携带盒充电 如果携带盒充足电, 可以将其用作耳机的电池充电器, 无需连接电脑 1 将附带的 USB 电缆连接到携带盒, 然后将另一端连接到电脑 让标记 朝向上方, 插入接头 充电开始 确认携带盒的充电指示灯亮起 充电将在约 3 小时 * 后完成, 然后充电指示灯将自动熄灭 * 对电量用尽的电池充电所需要的时间 10 CS

通过携带盒对耳机充电 如果携带盒充足电 ( 第 10 页 ), 可以将其用作耳机的电池充电器, 无需连接电脑 1 将耳机放入携带盒 详细说明, 请参阅 将耳机正确放入携带盒 ( 第 8 页 ) 2 关闭携带盒盖 完全关闭, 直至听到喀嗒声 注意此盖打开时, 充电不会开始 充电开始 确认耳机指示灯亮起 可以在携带盒盖关闭的情况下查看指示灯 充电将在约 2 小时 * 后完成, 然后指示灯将自动熄灭 * 对电量用尽的电池充电所需要的时间 注意事项如果本装置在充电时检测到故障, 则尽管充电尚未结束, 指示灯 ( 红色 ) 也可能会熄灭 请检查以下原因 : 环境温度是否太低 ( 约 10 或更低 ) 环境温度是否太高 ( 约 35 或更高 ) 电池是否有问题 首先, 请尝试在合适的温度范围内对电池充电 如果问题仍然存在, 请联络附近的 Sony 经销商 注意 如果电池长时间未使用, 电池电量可能会很快耗尽, 但经过几次反复充电后, 电池使用时间将会得到改善 长时间不使用本装置时, 请对充电电池至少每半年充一次电, 以免电池性能下降 如果电池长时间未使用, 充电时间可能会延长 如果内置充电电池的使用时间减少到只有正常时间的一半, 则应更换电池 请联络附近的 Sony 经销商更换充电电池 请避免将本装置暴露在高温 直射阳光 潮湿 沙子 灰尘中, 或让其受到机械震动 切勿将本装置留在停在太阳下的车内 如果在与携带盒连接时电脑进入休眠模式, 充电将无法正确完成 请在充电前检查电脑的设定 即使电脑进入休眠模式, 指示灯也会自动熄灭 在此情况下, 请对本装置重新充电 只能使用附带的 USB 电缆, 并将携带盒直接连接至电脑 如果通过 USB 集线器等间接连接, 充电将无法正确完成 续 11 CS

耳机使用小时数 * 状态 通讯时间 ( 包括音乐播放时间 )( 最多 ) 待机时间 ( 最多 ) 近似使用小时数 3.5 小时 400 小时 * 此时间可能会因环境温度或使用情况而不同 确认耳机电池的剩余电量打开耳机电源, 指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 闪烁两次, 然后指示灯 ( 红色 ) 闪烁 根据指示灯 ( 红色 ) 闪烁的次数来确认剩余电量 指示灯 ( 红色 ) 3 次满 2 次中 状态 1 次低 ( 需要充电 ) 确认携带盒电池的剩余电量按携带盒背面的电池状态检查按钮时, 电池状态指示灯会闪烁 根据指示灯闪烁的次数来确认剩余电量 注意无法在充电时确认携带盒电池的剩余电量 指示灯 状态 3 次 满 2 次 中 1 次 低 ( 需要充电 ) 携带盒电池充满电时, 可以将耳机充满电约 2.5 次 * * 此时间可能会因环境温度或使用情况而不同 当电池几乎耗尽时指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 亮起 当电池电量耗尽时, 会发出提示音, 并且耳机将自动关闭 12 CS

配对 什么是配对? Bluetooth 设备需要预先进行相互 配对 一旦 Bluetooth 设备相互配对, 则今后不再需要配对, 以下情况除外 : 维修等情况后, 配对信息被删除 当试图与 9 个或更多设备进行配对时 本装置最多能与 8 个设备配对 ; 如果与 8 个配对后又与新的配对, 则 8 个已配对设备中最后一次连接的时间为最早的设备将被新的设备所替代 当所连接设备对本装置的识别被删除时 本装置被初始化 ( 第 29 页 ) 所有配对信息即被删除 配对步骤 配对前, 请先对耳机充电 ( 第 9 11 页 ) 1 将 Bluetooth 设备放在距离本装置 1 m 范围以内 2 当本装置关闭时, 请按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮, 直至指示灯交替闪烁蓝色和红色 本装置进入配对模式 ( 通常需要 7 秒左右才能进入配对模式 首次配对时或者对本装置执行了初始化等操作后, 配对需要 2 秒左右 ) 注意如果在约 5 分钟内没有建立配对, 则配对模式将被取消, 本装置将关闭 在此情况下, 请从步骤 1 重新开始操作 续 13 CS

3 在 Bluetooth 设备上执行配对步骤来检测本装置 在 Bluetooth 设备的显示屏上出现检测到设备的列表 本装置显示为 XBA-BT75 如果未显示 XBA-BT75, 请从步骤 1 开始重复操作 注意 详细说明, 请参阅 Bluetooth 设备附带的使用说明书 与无法显示检测设备列表或没有显示屏的 Bluetooth 设备配对时, 您可以通过将本装置和 Bluetooth 设备均设定为配对模式对该设备进行配对 此时, 如果在 Bluetooth 设备上设定 0000 之外的密钥 *, 将无法与本装置进行配对 * 密钥又可称为 密码 PIN 码 PIN 号 或 口令 4 在 Bluetooth 设备的显示屏上选择 XBA-BT75 6 从 Bluetooth 设备上开始 Bluetooth 连接 本装置将记忆该设备为最后连接的设备 配对完成时, 有些 Bluetooth 设备可能会自动与本装置连接 提示 若要与其它 Bluetooth 设备配对, 请重复步骤 1 至 5 为每个设备进行配对 若要删除所有配对信息, 请参阅 初始化本装置 ( 第 29 页 ) 5 如果需要在 Bluetooth 设备的显示屏上输入密钥, 请输入 0000 当指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 缓慢闪烁 ( 或闪烁两次 ) 时, 配对完成 有些 Bluetooth 设备的显示屏上会出现表示 配对完成 的信息 注意视所连接的 Bluetooth 设备而定, 可能不需要输入密钥 详细说明, 请参阅 Bluetooth 设备附带的使用说明书 14 CS

佩戴耳机 将标有 的接收器戴在右耳, 将标有 的接收器戴在左耳 佩戴时, 切勿让耳挂扭曲 3 调节耳机的角度, 使其贴合 1 如图所示, 握住耳机, 将耳挂弯成耳朵形状 耳挂 4 调节耳挂, 使其在耳后贴合 2 将耳挂置于耳后 提示将耳挂和耳机按向耳朵根部 ( 如图所示 ), 使耳机不会晃动 15 CS

如何正确安装耳塞 如果耳塞不能正确贴合您的耳朵, 可能听不到重低音 若要欣赏更佳音质, 请将耳机舒适地置于耳朵上, 同时使耳塞舒适地置于耳内 如果耳塞佩戴不舒适, 请尝试使用其它尺寸 通过查看内部的颜色确认耳塞的尺寸 注意附带的耳塞只能用于本装置 请勿用于其它设备 拆下耳塞握住耳机, 将耳塞小心地向后剥离, 将其从内套管上拧下 安装耳塞更换耳塞时, 请将其牢固地安装在耳机上, 以防止耳塞脱落在您的耳内 提示如果耳塞较滑, 无法拆下, 请用柔软的干布包住 16 CS

Bluetooth 功能指示灯 状态 配对 正在搜索 闪烁方式 : 指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) : 指示灯 ( 红色 ) 电话音乐已连接正在连接 可以连接 正在连接 HFP/HSP 或 A2DP ( 准备接收音频信号 ) HFP/HSP 和 A2DP ( 准备接收音频信号 ) 正在听音乐 处于准备拨打电话状态时听音乐 来电 正在通话 播放音乐时拨打电话 当电池几乎耗尽时表示 Bluetooth 功能的指示灯将从 ( 蓝色 ) 变为 ( 红色 ) 17 CS

操作本装置 听音乐 +/- 按钮 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 本装置支持 SCMS-T 内容保护 您可以在支持 SCMS-T 内容保护的移动电话或便携式电视机等设备上欣赏音乐等 操作本装置之前请检查以下事项 Bluetooth 设备已开启 本装置与 Bluetooth 设备的配对已完成 Bluetooth 设备支持音乐传送功能 ( 配置协议 :A2DP*) 1 当本装置关闭时, 请按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约两秒, 直至指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 闪烁两次 本机电源打开, 并且指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 缓慢闪烁 ( 或闪烁两次 ) 注意开启本装置后, 本装置将通过 HFP 或 HSP 自动尝试连接至最后连接过的 Bluetooth 设备 当不使用本装置通话时, 请勿使最后连接的 Bluetooth 设备处于准备 HFP 或 HSP 连接的状态 若要在播放音乐时拨打电话或接听电话, 请参阅第 23 页 2 从 Bluetooth 设备与本装置建立 Bluetooth 连接 (A2DP) 有关如何操作 Bluetooth 设备, 请参阅该设备附带的使用说明书 3 开始在 Bluetooth 设备上播放 提示也可以使用 ( 多功能 ) 按钮执行 A2DP Bluetooth 连接, 通过本装置通话时除外 注意 当您通过 HSP 将本装置连接至 Bluetooth 设备播放音乐时, 音质将不会很理想 为了获得更好的音质, 请操作 Bluetooth 设备将 Bluetooth 连接更改为 A2DP 如果本装置在建立 A2DP Bluetooth 连接时关闭, 请从步骤 1 开始再次操作本装置以重新进行 A2DP Bluetooth 连接 * 有关配置协议的详细说明, 请参阅第 4 页 18 CS

调节音量播放期间反复快速按 +/- 按钮 也可以在连接的设备上调节音量 提示 视所连接的设备而定, 可能也需要在连接的设备上调节音量 通话音量和听音乐的音量可以分别调节 即使在通话时改变音量, 音乐播放的音量也不会改变 停止使用 1 通过操作 Bluetooth 设备结束 Bluetooth 连接 2 按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约两秒, 直至指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 亮起 本装置关闭, 然后指示灯熄灭 提示 当您结束播放音乐时, 视 Bluetooth 设备而定,Bluetooth 连接可能自动结束 如果播放期间出现跳音, 请参阅 播放时经常跳音 ( 第 28 页 ) 控制连接的 Bluetooth 音频设备 -AVRCP 如果与本装置相连的 Bluetooth 音频设备支持 AVRCP, 可以使用本装置的按钮控制该设备 注意使用本装置对建立 Bluetooth 连接的设备进行的操作会因该设备的规格而不同 请参阅 Bluetooth 设备附带的使用说明书 播放音乐暂停期间按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 若要暂停播放, 请在播放期间按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 跳至下一首 / 上一首歌曲播放或暂停期间按住 +/- 按钮, 直至听到本装置发出钟声 按 + 按钮将跳至下一首歌曲, 按 - 按钮则跳至上一首歌曲 快进 / 快退一首歌曲 * 播放或暂停期间按住 +/- 按钮, 直至听到本装置发出快进 / 快退声 按 + 按钮快进一首歌曲, 按 - 按钮则快退该歌曲 * 视 Bluetooth 设备而定, 此操作可能会连续跳到下一首 / 上一首歌曲 有些 Bluetooth 设备可能不起作用 提示视 Bluetooth 设备而定, 可能无法跳至上一首歌曲 在此情况下, 请按住 - 按钮, 并在听到钟声时松开, 然后再次按下 这样也许可以跳转 19 CS

拨打电话 +/- 按钮 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 本装置支持从 Bluetooth 移动电话拨出电话 * 操作本装置之前请检查以下事项 移动电话的 Bluetooth 功能已启动 本装置与 Bluetooth 移动电话的配对已完成 * 无法从本装置直接拨出电话 1 在本装置关闭状态下, 按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约 2 秒钟 指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 闪烁两次, 本装置开启, 然后尝试连接至最后使用过的 Bluetooth 移动电话 如果本装置不自动连接至 Bluetooth 移动电话 1 从 Bluetooth 移动电话与本装置建立 Bluetooth 连接 (HFP 或 HSP*) 有关操作的详细说明, 请参阅 Bluetooth 移动电话附带的使用说明书 在 Bluetooth 移动电话的显示屏上出现识别出设备的列表 本装置显示为 XBA-BT75 如果使用的 Bluetooth 移动电话同时具有 HFP 和 HSP 功能时, 请设定至 HFP * 有关配置协议的详细说明, 请参阅第 4 页 20 CS

接听电话当有来电时, 可在本装置上听到铃声 1 按本装置上的 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 视使用的移动电话而定, 铃声可以是以下铃声之一 在本装置上设定的铃声 在移动电话上设定的铃声 专为 Bluetooth 连接在移动电话上设定的铃声注意如果您按 Bluetooth 移动电话上的按钮来接听电话, 有些 Bluetooth 移动电话可能优先使用听筒 在此情况下, 可以按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约 2 秒钟或操作 Bluetooth 移动电话, 设定为用本装置进行通话 详细说明, 请参阅 Bluetooth 移动电话附带的使用说明书 调节音量反复快速按 +/- 按钮 提示 未进行通讯时, 无法调节音量 通话音量和听音乐的音量可以分别调节 即使改变音乐的音量, 通话音量也不会改变 结束通话可以按本装置上的 ( 多功能 ) 按钮结束通话 停止使用 1 使用 Bluetooth 移动电话结束 Bluetooth 连接 2 按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约两秒, 直至指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 亮起 本装置关闭, 然后指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 熄灭 21 CS

控制 Bluetooth 移动电话 -HFP HSP 本装置上的按钮操作视移动电话而不同 Bluetooth 移动电话使用 HFP 或 HSP 有关支持的 Bluetooth 配置协议或操作方法, 请参阅 Bluetooth 移动电话附带的使用说明书 HFP 状态按钮 拨出电话 * 短按 结束拨出电话 长按 更改通话设备 来电接听拒绝 通话中 结束通话 更改通话 设备 * 仅当使用 Bluetooth 移动电话时可用 HSP 状态按钮 拨出电话 * 1 短按 长按 结束拨出电话 * 2 来电接听 通话中结束通话 * 2 关闭耳机 * 1 仅当使用 Bluetooth 移动电话时可用 * 2 视 Bluetooth 移动电话而定, 可能不支持某些功能 请参阅移动电话附带的使用说明书 22 CS

播放音乐时拨打电话 在播放音乐时, 需要使用 HFP 或 HSP 以及 A2DP 的 Bluetooth 连接才能拨打电话 例如, 在 Bluetooth 兼容音乐播放器上听音乐时, 若要使用 Bluetooth 移动电话拨打电话, 则需要采用 HFP 或 HSP 将本装置连接至移动电话 按照以下黑体字的步骤操作, 在本装置和使用的设备之间建立 Bluetooth 连接 1 按照 拨打电话 中黑体字的步骤操作 ( 第 20 页 ), 采用 HFP 或 HSP 在本装置和所使用的移动电话之间建立 Bluetooth 连接 如果有来电也未听到铃声 1 停止音乐播放 2 当铃声响起时, 按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮并讲话 2 操作用于播放音乐的 Bluetooth 设备 ( 音乐播放器或移动电话 ), 采用 A2DP 与本装置建立 Bluetooth 连接 在播放音乐时接听电话当有来电时, 音乐会暂停且本装置发出铃声 1 按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮并讲话 通话结束后, 按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 本装置切换回音乐播放 23 CS

24 CS 附加信息 预防措施 关于 Bluetooth 通讯 Bluetooth 无线技术的操作范围约在 10 m 以内 视障碍物 ( 人体 金属 墙壁等 ) 或电磁环境而定, 最大通讯范围可能会有改变 天线内置在本装置如图所示的虚线位置内 将内置天线的方向转向所连接 Bluetooth 设备可提高 Bluetooth 通讯的灵敏度 当连接设备的天线与本装置之间有障碍物时, 通讯距离会缩短 内置天线的位置 以下情况可能会影响 Bluetooth 通讯的灵敏度 本装置与 Bluetooth 设备之间有人体 金属或墙壁等障碍物 本装置附近有无线局域网设备 无绳电话或微波炉等使用 2.4 GHz 频率的设备正在使用 由于 Bluetooth 设备和无线局域网 (IEEE802.11b/g) 使用相同的频率, 如果本装置靠近无线局域网设备使用, 则可能会产生微波干扰并导致通讯速度下降 出现噪音或连接无效 在此情况下, 请执行以下操作 在远离无线局域网设备至少 10 m 处使用本装置 如果在距离无线局域网设备 10 m 内使用本装置, 请关闭无线局域网设备 将本装置和 Bluetooth 设备尽可能相互靠近安装 从 Bluetooth 设备发射出的微波可能会影响电子医疗设备的操作 在以下场所, 请关闭本装置和其它 Bluetooth 设备, 否则可能引起意外事故 : 存在易燃气体的地方, 医院 火车 飞机或加油站内 自动门或火警警铃附近 本装置支持符合 Bluetooth 标准的安全性能, 在使用 Bluetooth 无线技术时提供安全连接, 但视设定而定, 可能不会十分安全 使用 Bluetooth 无线技术进行通讯时, 请特别小心 我们对于在进行 Bluetooth 通讯时发生的信息泄露不承担任何责任 不能保证与所有 Bluetooth 设备的连接 具有 Bluetooth 功能的设备必须符合 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 所规定的 Bluetooth 标准, 并得到验证 即使所连接的设备符合上述 Bluetooth 标准, 但视设备的特性或规格而定, 有些设备也可能无法连接或正常工作 在进行免提通话时, 视设备或通讯环境而定, 可能会出现噪音 视所连接的设备而定, 可能需要一些时间才能开始通讯

关于静电的注意事项天气特别干燥时, 您的耳朵可能会感觉到微微的刺痛感 这是由于您身体聚积的静电所致, 并非耳机故障 如果穿着天然面料制成的衣物就可减轻这种现象 其它 请勿将本装置放在潮湿 充满灰尘 油烟或蒸气 受阳光直射的地方, 或正在等候交通信号灯的车内 否则可能会造成故障 视无线电波状况和装置使用场所而定, Bluetooth 设备可能对移动电话不起作用 如果在使用 Bluetooth 设备后感到不适, 请立即停止使用 Bluetooth 设备 如果问题仍然存在, 请联络附近的 Sony 经销商 以高音量收听可能会影响您的听力 为了交通安全, 请勿在驾车或骑车时使用本装置 请勿在本装置上放重物或施加压力, 否则可能会导致本装置在长期存放中发生变形 请勿使本装置受到过度撞击 请使用柔软的干布清洁本装置 当使用本装置时, 为了避免引起外壳翘曲或本装置故障, 请遵守以下注意事项 坐下时切勿将本装置装在后裤袋内 将本装置放入袋中时, 切勿将耳挂缠绕在装置上, 因为意外冲击可能会损坏本装置 请勿让本装置暴露在水中 本装置不防水 请牢记如下注意事项 当心不要让本装置落入洗涤槽或其它装有水的容器 请勿在潮湿的地方或恶劣天气下, 如雨雪天气下使用本装置 请勿弄湿本装置 若用湿手触摸本装置, 或将本装置放在潮湿的衣物中, 则会弄湿装置, 从而引起装置故障 如果您有任何关于本装置的疑问或问题, 而本手册中未能涵盖, 请联络附近的 Sony 经销商 您最近的 Sony 代理商能提供选配的替换耳塞 续 25 CS

如果盖子已从携带盒上拆下将盖子重新安装到携带盒上, 如图所示 插入一侧的接头 按入另一侧锁定盖子 26 CS

故障排除 如果您在使用本装置时遇到任何问题, 请使用下述检查表并阅读网站上的产品支持信息 如果问题仍然存在, 请联络附近的 Sony 经销商 一般问题 本装置无法打开 对本装置的电池充电 长时间不使用本装置时, 请对充电电池至少每半年充一次电, 以免电池性能下降 充电时无法打开耳机 从携带盒上取下 USB 电缆和耳机, 然后打开耳机电源 无法配对 将本装置与 Bluetooth 设备相互靠近 无法建立 Bluetooth 连接 确认本装置电源已经打开 确认 Bluetooth 连接设备电源已经打开并且 Bluetooth 功能已开启 本装置可能未记忆与该 Bluetooth 设备的连接 配对完成后, 立即从 Bluetooth 设备与本装置建立 Bluetooth 连接 本装置或 Bluetooth 连接设备处于睡眠模式 Bluetooth 连接中止 重新建立 Bluetooth 连接 ( 听音乐时 : 参阅第 18 页, 打电话时 : 参阅第 20 页 ) 声音失真 确保本装置不会接收到来自无线局域网 其它 2.4 GHz 无线设备或微波炉的干扰 通讯距离太短 ( 跳音 ) 如果附近有无线局域网 其它 Bluetooth 设备或微波炉等会产生电磁辐射的设备, 请远离这些辐射源 将本装置的天线 ( 第 24 页 ) 指向 Bluetooth 设备 确保没有障碍物阻碍通讯 本装置操作异常 复位本装置 此操作不会删除配对信息 将小别针等插入孔内, 然后按入直至听到喀嗒声 27 CS

充电时 无法充电 确认已用 USB 电缆牢固连接携带盒和电脑 确认耳机已正确放入携带盒 确认携带盒盖已完全关闭 确认电脑电源已经打开 确认电脑未处于待机 睡眠或休眠模式 充电时间过长 确认携带盒和电脑之间为直接连接 ( 而非通过 USB 集线器 ) 电脑无法识别携带盒 USB 电缆未正确连接至电脑的 USB 端口 重新连接 USB 电缆 确认携带盒和电脑之间为直接连接 ( 而非通过 USB 集线器 ) 所连接的电脑 USB 端口可能出现问题 如果有其它 USB 端口, 连接至该端口 如果不是上述原因, 请尝试重新进行 USB 连接操作 听音乐时 没有声音 Bluetooth 设备已开启 本装置和 Bluetooth 设备之间没有建立 A2DP Bluetooth 连接 建立 A2DP Bluetooth 连接 ( 第 18 页 ) 确认 Bluetooth 设备正在播放音乐 确认本装置的音量没有设得太低 如有需要, 调高所连接设备的音量 重新让本装置和 Bluetooth 设备配对 ( 第 13 页 ) 音量太低 调高本装置的音量 如有需要, 在所连接的设备上调高音量 音质差 设定了 HSP 时, 请通过操作 Bluetooth 设备将 Bluetooth 连接切换到 A2DP 播放时经常跳音 由于从 Bluetooth 设备传送音乐的比特率设定与使用环境不匹配, 本装置的接收状况可能变得不稳定 * 1 通过操作 Bluetooth 设备停止 A2DP Bluetooth 连接 当本装置关闭时, 请按住 按钮和 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约两秒 指示灯闪烁红色 ( 剩余电量指示 ) 并闪烁一次蓝色后, 松开按钮 本装置电源打开, 并且 Sound Quality ( 音质 ) 设定改变为 Standard( 标准 ) 可接收比特率设定降低 * 2 * 1 比特率是一个数值, 表示每秒钟的数据传输量 通常, 比特率越高, 音质越好 本装置可接收高比特率音乐, 但视使用环境而定, 可能出现跳音 * 2 视使用环境而定, 上述操作可能无法减少跳音 若要将 Sound Quality( 音质 ) 设定恢复为 High Quality( 高质量 ), 当本装置关闭时, 请按住 + 按钮和 ( 多功能 ) 按钮约两秒 指示灯闪烁红色 ( 剩余电量指示 ) 并闪烁两次蓝色后, 松开按钮 28 CS

通话时 无法听到受话器中的话音 确认本装置和 Bluetooth 移动电话的电源均已打开 确认本装置和 Bluetooth 移动电话之间的连接 重新进行 Bluetooth 连接 (HFP 或 HSP)( 第 20 页 ) 确认 Bluetooth 移动电话的输出已设定为本装置 确认本装置的音量没有设得太低 如有需要, 在所连接的 Bluetooth 移动电话上调高音量 如果正在使用本装置听音乐, 请停止播放, 然后按 ( 多功能 ) 按钮并讲话 受话器中的声音太轻 调高本装置的音量 如有需要, 在所连接的 Bluetooth 移动电话上调高音量 初始化本装置 您可以将本装置复位至默认设定 ( 如音量设定 ), 并删除所有配对信息 1 当本装置关闭时, 按住 ( 多功能 ) 按钮 15 秒钟或以上 按住该按钮 10 秒钟或以上时指示灯 ( 蓝色 ) 将亮起, 按住 15 秒钟或以上时将闪烁 4 次 本装置将复位到默认设定 所有配对信息即被删除 29 CS

规格 一般 通讯系统 Bluetooth 规格 3.0 版 输出 Bluetooth 规格 Power Class 2 最大通讯范围直视距离约 10 m* 1 频率波段 2.4 GHz 波段 (2.4000 GHz - 2.4835 GHz) 调制方式 FHSS 兼容的 Bluetooth 配置协议 * 2 A2DP( 高级音频发送配置协议 ) AVRCP( 音频视频遥控配置协议 ) HFP( 免提配置协议 ) HSP( 耳机配置协议 ) 支持的编解码器 * 3 SBC* 4 支持的内容保护方法 SCMS-T 传输范围 (A2DP) 20 Hz - 20000 Hz( 采样频率 44.1 khz) 包装内物品耳机 (1) 内置电池携带盒 (1) 耳塞 S(2) M(2) L(2) USB 电缆 (1) 便携袋 (1) 使用说明书 ( 本书 )(1) * 1 实际范围将视设备之间的障碍物 微波炉周围的磁场 静电 接收灵敏度 天线性能 操作系统 软件应用程序等因素而变化 * 2 Bluetooth 标准配置协议是指设备之间 Bluetooth 通讯的目的 * 3 编解码器 : 音频信号压缩和转换格式 * 4 子频带编解码器 30 CS

无线立体声耳机 电源 DC 3.7 V: 内置锂离子充电电池 质量约 21 g 工作温度 5 至 35 接收器 类型封闭式, 单单元动铁 驱动单元单单元动铁 频率响应 14 Hz 24000 Hz 麦克风 类型 MEMS 方向特性全方向 有效频率范围 100 Hz 4000 Hz 使用 USB 对电池充电的系统要求 预装以下任意一种操作系统和 USB 端口的个人电脑 : 操作系统 ( 当使用 Windows 时 ) Windows 7 Home Basic / Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate Windows Vista (Service Pack 2 或更高版本 ) Home Basic / Home Premium / Business / Ultimate Windows XP(Service Pack 3 或更高版本 ) Home Edition / Professional / Media Center Edition 2004 / Media Center Edition 2005 ( 当使用 Macintosh 时 ) Mac OS X(10.3 或更高版本 ) 设计和规格如有变更, 恕不另行通知 31 CS

WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing, and do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only. Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet. Do not expose the batteries (battery pack or batteries installed) to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like for a long time. The nameplate of the carrying case is located on its bottom exterior. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Corporation is under licence. Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Macintosh and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. GB

Table Of Contents What is Bluetooth wireless technology?...4 Welcome!...5 3 steps to Bluetooth function...6 Location and Function of Parts...7 Headset...7 Carrying Case...8 Charging the unit...9 Charging the headset and the carrying case at the same time...9 Charging the carrying case only...10 Charging the headset using the carrying case...11 Pairing... 13 What is pairing?...13 Pairing procedures...13 Wearing the unit... 15 How to install the earbuds correctly...16 Indications of Bluetooth function... 17 Listening to music... 18 Controlling a Bluetooth connected audio device AVRCP...19 Calling... 20 Controlling a Bluetooth mobile phone HFP, HSP...22 Calling while playing back music... 23 Precautions... 24 Troubleshooting... 27 Common...27 When charging...28 When listening to music...28 When calling...29 Initialising the unit... 29 Specifications... 30 General...30 Wireless Stereo Headset...31 System requirements for battery charge using USB...31 GB

4 GB What is Bluetooth wireless technology? Bluetooth wireless technology is a short-range wireless technology that enables wireless data communication between digital devices, such as a computer or digital camera. Bluetooth wireless technology operates within a range of about 10 metres. Connecting two devices as necessary is common, but some devices can be connected to multiple devices at the same time. You do not need to use a cable for connection, nor is it necessary for the devices to face one another, such is the case with infrared technology. For example, you can use such a device in a bag or pocket. Bluetooth standard is an international standard supported by thousands of companies all over the world, and employed by various companies worldwide. Communication System and Compatible Bluetooth Profiles of this unit Profile is standardization of the function for each Bluetooth device specification. This unit supports the following Bluetooth version and profiles: Communication System: Bluetooth Specification version 3.0 Compatible Bluetooth Profiles: A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile): Transmitting or receiving audio content of high-quality. AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile): Controlling A/V equipment; pausing, stopping, or starting playback, etc. HSP (Headset Profile)*: Talking on the phone/operating the phone. HFP (Hands-free Profile)*: Talking on the phone/operating the phone by hands-free. * When you use a Bluetooth mobile phone supported by both HFP (Hands-free Profile) and HSP (Headset Profile), set to HFP. Notes To be able to use the Bluetooth function, the Bluetooth device to be connected requires the same profile as the unit s. Note also that even if the same profile exists, devices may vary in function depending on their specifications. Due to the characteristic of Bluetooth wireless technology, the sound played on this unit is slightly delayed from the sound played on the Bluetooth device during talking on the telephone or listening to the music.

Welcome! Thank you for purchasing this Sony Wireless Stereo Headset. This unit uses Bluetooth wireless technology. Control box-free design wireless headset. Enjoy music wirelessly from Bluetooth Stereo-enabled music players and mobile phones.* 1 Superior noise-blocking housing design reduces sound leakage and ambient noise. The headset can be charged while stored in the carrying case. The carrying case built-in battery, when fully charged, has 2.5 times capacity of the headset battery. Bluetooth Specification version 3.0 is adopted. EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) 2 Mbps transmission is supported for less interference. Under poor transmission conditions, stability is maintained by setting Sound Quality to Standard (default setting is High Quality ). Hands-free calling is available for smartphones and mobile phones compatible with Bluetooth* 2. Simple, ergonomically designed in-line remote. Compatible with AVRCP* 3. During playback, operations such as playback/ pause/skip to the next or previous song are possible. USB rechargeable function. Noise suppression and echo cancellation functions for superior conversation sound quality. For details on Bluetooth wireless technology, see page 4. Talking on the phone Listening to music * 1 The connected Bluetooth device is required to support A2DP. * 2 The connected Bluetooth device is required to support HFP or HSP. * 3 The connected Bluetooth device is required to support AVRCP. 5 GB

3 steps to Bluetooth function Pairing First, register ( pair ) a Bluetooth device (mobile phone, etc.) and this unit with each other. Once pairing is established, there is no need for pairing again. Bluetooth mobile phone, etc. Pairing Listening to music Bluetooth connection Operate the Bluetooth device to make the Bluetooth connection. Wireless Stereo Headset Page 13-14 Calling Bluetooth connection When the unit is turned on, the unit starts making the Bluetooth connection to the recognised mobile phone automatically. A2DP Connection AVRCP Page 18 Listening to music You can listen to music played on the Bluetooth device. Playback, stop, or pause is possible from this unit. Connection HFP HSP Talking on the phone You can receive a call by operating this unit. Page 20-21 GB Music Page 18-19 Voice Page 21-23

GETTING STARTED Location and Function of Parts Headset Charging jack Indicator (blue) / (red) Indicates the communication status (blue) or power status (red) of this unit. Lights up in red while charging. RESET button Microphone (Multi function) button Controls various functions when turning on this unit, while calling, or listening to music. Earbuds Hanger Adjust the curve to fit your ear profile. +*/ button Adjusts the volume of this unit while calling or listening to music by short press. Skips to the next/ previous song when listening to music by long press. * This button has a tactile dot for ease of use. 7 GB

Carrying Case Upper side Rear side 8 GB Charging indicator (red) Lights up while charging. Carrying case cover Close the cover while charging the headset. Note Charging will not start when the cover is open. Charging jack Set the receiver marked when charging. USB connector Battery status indicator Indicates the remaining charge of the carrying case battery by the number of times the indicator flashes. Battery status check button Press to check the remaining charge of the carrying case battery. Putting the headset in the carrying case correctly Put the receiver marked in the left compartment, and the one marked in the right compartment, then close the cover.

Charging the unit The headset and carrying case contain rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries, which should be charged before using for the first time. The supplied carrying case is required to charge the headset. Charging the headset and the carrying case at the same time 1 Put the headset in the carrying case. For details, see Putting the headset in the carrying case correctly (page 8). Make sure the headset indicator is on the right side. Headset indicator 3 Connect the supplied USB cable to the carrying case, and then connect the other end to a computer. Insert the connector with mark up. Charging indicator of carrying case 2 Close the carrying case cover. Close firmly until you hear a click. Note Charging will not start when the cover is open. Charging starts. Make sure that the headset indicator and the charging indicator of the carrying case light up. You can check the indicators with the carrying case cover closed. Charging is completed in about 2 hours* (for headset), or about 3 hours* (for carrying case), and each indicator goes off automatically. * Time required for empty battery to recharge. Continued 9 GB

Notes The headset cannot be connected to a computer directly by USB cable. If the headset and/or the carrying case are not used for a long time, the indicators may not light up when you connect the USB cable. In this case, keep the USB cable connected to the carrying case, and wait until the indicators light up. For details on the system requirements for a personal computer to charge the battery by USB, see System requirements for battery charge using USB (page 31). Tips When the battery of the carrying case is sufficiently charged, you can use the carrying case as a battery charger for the headset, without the need to connect to a computer. The headset indicator lights up while charging, and goes off when charging is completed. If you put the headset in the carrying case without turning off, and close the cover, the headset will be turned off and charging starts automatically. The headset cannot be turned on while charging. Charging the carrying case only If the carrying case is sufficiently charged, it can be used as a battery charger for the headset without connecting to a computer. 1 Connect the supplied USB cable to the carrying case, and then connect the other end to a computer. Insert the connector with mark up. Charging starts. Make sure that the charging indicator of the carrying case lights up. Charging is completed in about 3 hours*, and the charging indicator goes off automatically. * Time required for empty battery to recharge. 10 GB

Charging the headset using the carrying case If the carrying case is sufficiently charged (page 10), it can be used as a battery charger for the headset without connecting to a computer. 1 Put the headset in the carrying case. For details, see Putting the headset in the carrying case correctly (page 8). 2 Close the carrying case cover. Close firmly until you hear a click. Note Charging will not start when the cover is open. Charging starts. Make sure that the headset indicator lights up. You can check the indicator with the carrying case cover closed. Charging is completed in about 2 hours*, and the indicator goes off automatically. * Time required for empty battery to recharge. Caution If this unit detects a problem while charging, the indicator (red) may turn off, although charging is not complete. Check for the following causes: Ambient temperature is too low (approx. 10 C or lower). Ambient temperature is too high (approx. 35 C or higher). There is a problem with the battery. Firstly, try charging the battery in a suitable temperature range. If the problem persists, consult your nearest Sony dealer. Notes If the battery is not used for a long time, battery may be quickly depleted, however, after a few recharges, battery life will improve. When you do not use the unit for a long time, charge the rechargeable battery at least biannually to avoid the deterioration of the battery. If the battery is not used for a long time, charging may take more time. If the life of the built-in rechargeable battery drops to half the normal length, the battery should be replaced. Consult your nearest Sony dealer for replacement of the rechargeable battery. Avoid exposure to temperature extremes, direct sunlight, moisture, sand, dust or mechanical shock. Never leave in a car parked in the sun. If the computer enters hibernation mode while connected to the carrying case, charging will not be completed properly. Check the setting of the computer before charging. The indicator will go off automatically even if the computer enters hibernation mode. Charge the unit again in this case. Use the supplied USB cable only, and connect the carrying case directly to a computer. Charging will not be completed properly by an indirect connection, such as via a USB hub. Continued 11 GB

Headset usage hours* Status Communication time (including music playback time) (up to) Standby time (up to) Approx. usage hours 3.5 hours 400 hours * This may vary, depending on ambient temperature or conditions of use. Checking the remaining charge of the headset battery When turning on the headset, the indicator (blue) flashes twice, and then the indicator (red) flashes. Check the remaining charge by the number of times the indicator (red) flashes. Indicator (red) 3 times Full Status 2 times Mid 1 time Low (needs to be charged) Checking the remaining charge of the carrying case battery When you press the battery status check button on the rear side of the carrying case, the battery status indicator flashes. Check the remaining charge by the number of times the indicator flashes. Note You cannot check the remaining charge of the carrying case battery while charging. Indicator 3 times Full Status 2 times Mid 1 time Low (needs to be charged) When the carrying case battery is fully charged, the headset can be fully charged about 2.5 times*. * This may vary, depending on ambient temperature or conditions of use. When the battery is almost empty The indicator (blue) lights up. When the battery becomes empty, a beep sounds and the headset will turn off automatically. 12 GB

Pairing What is pairing? Bluetooth devices need to be paired with each other beforehand. Once Bluetooth devices are paired, there is no need for pairing again, except in the following cases: Pairing information is deleted after repair, etc. When you attempt to pair with 9 or more devices. This unit can be paired with up to 8 devices; if a new device is paired after 8 devices have been paired, the device whose latest connection time is the oldest among the 8 paired devices is replaced by the new one. When recognition of the unit by the device to be connected is deleted. This unit is initialised (page 29). All pairing information is deleted. Pairing procedures Before pairing, charge the headset (page 9, 11). 1 Place the Bluetooth device within 1 m of this unit. 2 While this unit is turned off, press and hold the (Multi function) button until the indicator flashes blue and red alternately. The unit enters pairing mode. (It takes about 7 seconds normally to enter pairing mode. When pairing for the first time, or the unit is initialised, etc., pairing takes about 2 seconds.) Note If pairing is not established within about 5 minutes, pairing mode will be cancelled and this unit will turn off. In this case, start over from step 1. Continued 13 GB

3 Perform the pairing procedure on the Bluetooth device to detect this unit. The list of detected devices appears on the display of the Bluetooth device. This unit is displayed as XBA-BT75. If XBA-BT75 is not displayed, repeat from step 1. Notes For details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the Bluetooth device. When pairing with a Bluetooth device that cannot display a list of detected devices or that has no display, you may pair the device by setting both this unit and the Bluetooth device to pairing mode. At this time, if passkey* is set besides 0000 on the Bluetooth device, pairing cannot be done with this unit. * Passkey may be called Passcode, PIN code, PIN number, or Password. 4 Select XBA-BT75 on the display of the Bluetooth device. 6 Start the Bluetooth connection from the Bluetooth device. This unit memorises the device as the last connected device. Some Bluetooth devices may connect with the unit automatically when pairing is complete. Tips To pair with other Bluetooth devices, repeat steps 1 to 5 for each device. To delete all pairing information, see Initialising the unit (page 29). 5 If passkey input is required on the display of a Bluetooth device, input 0000. Pairing is complete when the indicator (blue) flashes slowly (or flashes twice). A message that pairing is complete appears on the display of some Bluetooth devices. Note Passkey input may not be required depending on the connected Bluetooth device. For details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the Bluetooth device. 14 GB

Wearing the unit Wear the receiver marked in your right ear and the one marked in your left ear. Be sure not to twist the hanger when wearing. 3 Adjust the angle of the headset to fit snugly. 1 Hold the headset as in the illustration, and curve the hanger into an ear shape. 4 Adjust the hanger to fit behind the ear. Hanger 2 Place the hanger behind the ear. Tip Tuck the hanger and headset toward the base of your ear (as shown) to stabilize the headset. 15 GB

How to install the earbuds correctly If the earbuds do not fit your ears correctly, low-bass sound may not be heard. To enjoy better sound quality, position the headset comfortably on your ears, with the earbuds fitted snugly on your ears. If the earbuds are not a snug fit, try another size. Confirm the size of the earbuds by checking the colour inside. Note The supplied earbuds are for this unit only. Do not use with another device. To detach an earbud While holding the headset, carefully peel back the earbud and twist off by the inner sleeve. To attach an earbud When you change the earbuds, install them firmly on the headset to prevent the earbud from detaching and remaining in your ear. Tip If the earbud slips and cannot be detached, wrap it in a dry soft cloth. 16 GB

Indications of Bluetooth function Status Pairing Searching Flashing patterns : Indicator (blue) : Indicator (red) Phone Music Connected Connecting Connectable Connecting HFP/HSP or A2DP (standby for receiving audio signal) HFP/HSP and A2DP (standby for receiving audio signal) Listening Listening during standby for telephone call Incoming call Talking Calling while playing back music When the battery is almost empty Indications of the Bluetooth function that are stated by the indicator (blue) changes to the indicator (red). 17 GB

OPERATING THE UNIT Listening to music +/ button (Multi function) button This unit supports SCMS-T content protection. You can enjoy music, etc., from a device such as a mobile phone or portable TV that supports SCMS-T content protection. Check the following before operating the unit. The Bluetooth device is turned on. Pairing of this unit and the Bluetooth device is complete. The Bluetooth device supports the transmitting music function (profile: A2DP*). 1 While this unit is turned off, press and hold the (Multi function) button for about two seconds, until the indicator (blue) flashes twice. The unit is turned on and the indicator (blue) flashes slowly (or flashes twice). Note After the unit is turned on, it attempts to connect to the last connected Bluetooth device automatically with HFP or HSP. When not calling with this unit, do not make the last connected Bluetooth device ready for HFP or HSP connection. To make or receive a call while playing back music, see page 23. 2 Make the Bluetooth connection (A2DP) from a Bluetooth device to this unit. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with the Bluetooth device on how to operate it. 3 Start playback on the Bluetooth device. Tip A2DP Bluetooth connection can also be performed with the (Multi function) button, except when making a call on this unit. Notes When you play music by connecting the unit to a Bluetooth device using HSP, sound quality will not be optimal. For better sound, change the Bluetooth connection to A2DP by operating the Bluetooth device. If this unit is turned off while an A2DP Bluetooth connection is established, operate the unit again from step 1 to make the A2DP Bluetooth connection again. * For details on profiles, see page 4. 18 GB

To adjust the volume Quick-press the +/ button repeatedly during playback. You can also adjust the volume on the connected device. Tips Depending on the connected device, it may also be necessary to adjust the volume on the connected device. Volume for calling and listening to music can be adjusted independently. Even if you change the volume while calling, the volume for music playback will not change. To stop use 1 Terminate the Bluetooth connection by operating the Bluetooth device. 2 Press and hold the (Multi function) button for about two seconds, until the indicator (blue) lights up. The unit is turned off and then the indicator goes off. Tips When you finish playing music, the Bluetooth connection may terminate automatically, depending on the Bluetooth device. If sound skips during playback, see Sound skips frequently during playback. (page 28). Controlling a Bluetooth connected audio device AVRCP If the Bluetooth audio device connected with this unit supports AVRCP, you can control it by the unit buttons. Note Operation of a Bluetooth connected device by this unit will vary depending on its specification. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with the Bluetooth device. To play back music Press the (Multi function) button during pause. To pause playback, press the (Multi function) button during playback. To skip to the next/previous song Press and hold the +/ button during playback or pause, until you hear a chime from the unit. Press the + button to skip to a next song, or the button to skip to a previous song. To fast-forward/fast-rewind a song* Press and hold the +/ button during playback or pause, until you hear the fast-forward/rewind sound from the unit. Press the + button to fast-forward a song, or the button to fast-rewind. * This operation may skip to the next/ previous song continuously depending on the Bluetooth device. Some Bluetooth devices may not work. Tip Depending on the Bluetooth device, it may not be possible to skip to a previous song. In this case, press and hold the - button, and release when a chime is heard, then press again. It may be possible to skip. 19 GB

Calling +/ button (Multi function) button This unit supports outgoing calls from a Bluetooth mobile phone*. Check the following before operating the unit. The Bluetooth function is active on the mobile phone. Pairing of this unit and the Bluetooth mobile phone is complete. * Outgoing calls cannot be made directly from this unit. 1 Press and hold the (Multi function) button for about 2 seconds while the unit is turned off. The indicator (blue) flashes twice, the unit turns on and then this unit tries to connect to the last Bluetooth mobile phone that was used. When this unit does not connect to a Bluetooth mobile phone automatically 1 Make the Bluetooth connection (HFP or HSP*) from the Bluetooth mobile phone to this unit. Refer to the manual supplied with your Bluetooth mobile phone for operation details. The list of recognised devices appears on the display of the Bluetooth mobile phone. This unit is displayed as XBA-BT75. If the Bluetooth mobile phone features both HFP and HSP, set to HFP. * For details on profiles, see page 4. 20 GB

To receive a call When an incoming call arrives, a ring tone will be heard from the unit. 1 Press the (Multi function) button on the unit. The ring tone may be any one of the following, depending on your mobile phone. ring tone set on the unit ring tone set on the mobile phone ring tone set on the mobile phone only for Bluetooth connection Note If you receive a call by pressing the button on the Bluetooth mobile phone, some Bluetooth mobile phones may have handset use priority. In this case, set to talk with the unit by pressing and holding the (Multi function) button for about 2 seconds, or by operating the Bluetooth mobile phone. For details, refer to the manual supplied with your Bluetooth mobile phone. To adjust the volume Quick-press the +/ button repeatedly. Tips Volume adjustment is not possible when not communicating. Volume for calling and listening to music can be adjusted independently. Even if you change music volume, call volume will not change. To terminate a call You can end a call by pressing the (Multi function) button on the unit. To stop use 1 Terminate Bluetooth connection by the Bluetooth mobile phone. 2 Press and hold the (Multi function) button for about two seconds, until the indicator (blue) lights up. The unit is turned off and then the indicator (blue) goes off. 21 GB

Controlling a Bluetooth mobile phone HFP, HSP The operation of the buttons on this unit varies depending on your mobile phone. HFP or HSP is used for Bluetooth mobile phone. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with your Bluetooth mobile phone on supported Bluetooth profiles or how to operate. HFP Status button Outgoing call* Short Press End outgoing call Long Press Change call device Incoming call Answer Reject During call End call Change call device * Available only when using the Bluetooth mobile phone. HSP Status button Outgoing call* 1 Short Press Long Press End outgoing call* 2 Incoming call Answer During call End call* 2 Turn off headset * 1 Available only when using a Bluetooth mobile phone. * 2 Some functions may not be supported, depending on the Bluetooth mobile phone. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with your mobile phone. 22 GB

Calling while playing back music The Bluetooth connection using HFP or HSP as well as A2DP is necessary to make a call while playing back music. For example, to make a call using a Bluetooth mobile phone while listening to music on a Bluetooth compatible music player, this unit needs to be connected to the mobile phone using HFP or HSP. Make a Bluetooth connection between this unit and the device in use following the procedures outlined below. 1 Make a Bluetooth connection between this unit and the mobile phone in use with HFP or HSP following the procedures outlined in Calling (page 20). 2 Operate the Bluetooth device (music player or mobile phone) used for playing the music to make a Bluetooth connection to this unit using A2DP. When no ring tone is heard even if an incoming call arrives 1 Stop music playback. 2 When ringing, press the (Multi function) button and talk. To receive a call while playing back music When an incoming call arrives, the music pauses and the ring tone is heard from this unit. 1 Press the (Multi function) button and talk. After finishing the call, press the (Multi function) button. This unit is switched back to music playback. 23 GB

24 GB ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Precautions On Bluetooth communication Bluetooth wireless technology operates within a range of about 10 metres. Maximum communication range may vary depending on obstacles (human body, metal, wall, etc.) or electromagnetic environment. The aerial is built into the unit as illustrated in the dotted line. The sensitivity of the Bluetooth communication will improve by turning the direction of the built-in aerial to the connected Bluetooth device. The communication distance shortens when the obstacles are between the aerial of the connected device and this unit. Location of built-in aerial The following conditions may affect the sensitivity of Bluetooth communication. There is an obstacle such as a human body, metal, or wall between this unit and Bluetooth device. A device using 2.4 GHz frequency, such as a wireless LAN device, cordless telephone, or microwave oven, is in use near this unit. Because Bluetooth devices and wireless LAN (IEEE802.11b/g) use the same frequency, microwave interference may occur and resulting in communication speed deterioration, noise, or invalid connection if this unit is used near a wireless LAN device. In such a case, perform the following. Use this unit at least 10 m away from the wireless LAN device. If this unit is used within 10 m of a wireless LAN device, turn off the wireless LAN device. Install this unit and Bluetooth device as near to each other as possible. Microwaves emitting from a Bluetooth device may affect the operation of electronic medical devices. Turn off this unit and other Bluetooth devices in the following locations, as it may cause an accident: where inflammable gas is present, in a hospital, train, airplane, or a petrol station near automatic doors or a fire alarm This unit supports security capabilities that comply with the Bluetooth standard to provide a secure connection when the Bluetooth wireless technology is used, but security may not be enough depending on the setting. Be careful when communicating using Bluetooth wireless technology. We do not take any responsibility for the leakage of information during Bluetooth communication. Connection with all Bluetooth devices cannot be guaranteed. A device featuring Bluetooth function is required to conform to the Bluetooth standard specified by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and be authenticated. Even if the connected device conforms to the above mentioned Bluetooth standard, some devices may not be connected or work correctly, depending on the features or specifications of the device. While talking on the phone hands free, noise may occur, depending on the device or communication environment. Depending on the device to be connected, it may require some time to start communication.

Note on static electricity In particularly dry air conditions, mild tingling may be felt on your ears. This is a result of static electricity accumulated in the body, and not a malfunction of the headset. The effect can be minimised by wearing clothes made from natural materials. Others Do not place this unit in a place exposed to humidity, dust, soot or steam, subject to direct sunlight, or in a car waiting at a traffic signal. It may cause a malfunction. Using the Bluetooth device may not function on mobile phones, depending on radio wave conditions and location where the equipment is being used. If you experience discomfort after using the Bluetooth device, stop using the Bluetooth device immediately. Should any problem persist, consult your nearest Sony dealer. Listening with this unit at high volume may affect your hearing. For traffic safety, do not use this unit while driving or cycling. Do not put weight or pressure on this unit as it may cause the unit to deform during long storage. Do not subject the unit to excessive shock. Clean the unit with a soft dry cloth. When using the unit, remember to follow the precautions below in order to avoid warping the cabinet or causing the unit to malfunction. Make sure not to sit down with the unit in your back pocket. Make sure not to put the unit into a bag with the hanger wrapped around the unit as accidental impact may damage the unit. Do not expose the unit to water. The unit is not waterproof. Remember to follow the precautions below. Be careful not to drop the unit into a sink or other container filled with water. Do not use the unit in humid locations or bad weather, such as in the rain or snow. Do not get the unit wet. If you touch the unit with wet hands, or put the unit in a damp article of clothing, the unit may get wet and this may cause a malfunction of the unit. If you have any questions or problems concerning this unit that are not covered in this manual, please consult your nearest Sony dealer. Optional replacement earbuds can be ordered from your nearest Sony dealer. Continued 25 GB

If the cover is detached from the carrying case Reattach the cover to the carrying case, as in the illustration. Insert the pin on one side. Push the other side to engage the cover. 26 GB

Troubleshooting If you run into any problems using this unit, use the following checklist and read the product support information on our website. Should any problem persist, consult your nearest Sony dealer. Common The unit is not turned on. Charge the battery of the unit. When you do not use the unit for a long time, charge the rechargeable battery at least biannually to avoid the deterioration of the battery. The headset cannot be turned on while charging. Remove the USB cable and the headset from the carrying case, and then turn on the headset power. Pairing cannot be done. Bring this unit and the Bluetooth device closer together. Cannot make the Bluetooth connection. Check that this unit is turned on. Check that the Bluetooth connecting device is turned on and the Bluetooth function is on. Connection with the Bluetooth device may not be memorised on this unit. Make the Bluetooth connection from the Bluetooth device to this unit soon after pairing is complete. This unit or Bluetooth connecting device is in sleep mode. The Bluetooth connection is terminated. Make the Bluetooth connection again (when listening to music: see page 18, when calling: see page 20). Distorted sound Ensure that this unit is not receiving interference from a wireless LAN, other 2.4 GHz wireless device, or microwave oven. The correspondence distance is short. (Sound skips.) If a device that generates electromagnetic radiation, such as a wireless LAN, other Bluetooth device(s), or a microwave oven is nearby, move away from such sources. Point the aerial of this unit (page 24) towards the Bluetooth device. Make sure no obstacles block the communication. The unit does not operate properly. Reset the unit. Pairing information is not deleted by this operation. Insert a small pin, etc., into the hole, and push until you feel a click. 27 GB

28 GB When charging Charging cannot be done. Check that the carrying case and the computer are firmly connected by the USB cable. Check that the headset is placed in the carrying case correctly. Check that the carrying case cover is closed firmly. Check that the computer is turned on. Check that the computer is not in standby, sleep or hibernation mode. Charging time is too long. Check that the carrying case and computer are directly connected (not via a USB hub). The carrying case cannot be recognised by a computer. The USB cable is not connected properly to the USB port of the computer. Connect the USB cable again. Check that the carrying case and computer are directly connected (not via a USB hub). A problem may occur with the connected USB port of the computer. Connect to another USB port if it is available. Try the USB connection procedure again in cases other than those stated above. When listening to music No sound Bluetooth device is turned on. A2DP Bluetooth connection is not made between this unit and the Bluetooth device. Make an A2DP Bluetooth connection (page 18). Check that music is being played back by the Bluetooth device. Check that the volume of the unit is not set too low. Turn up the volume on the connected device if necessary. Pair this unit and Bluetooth device again (page 13). Low sound level Turn up the volume of this unit. Turn up the volume on the connected device if necessary. Low sound quality Switch the Bluetooth connection to A2DP by operating the Bluetooth device when HSP is set. Sound skips frequently during playback. Reception condition of this unit may have become unstable due to improper matching of the bit-rate setting for the music transmitted from the Bluetooth device and the environment in which this unit is used.* 1 Terminate A2DP Bluetooth connection by operating the Bluetooth device. While this unit is turned off, press and hold the button and the (Multi function) button for about two seconds. After the indicator flashes red (remaining charge indication), and once blue, release the buttons. This unit turns on and Sound Quality setting changes to Standard. The setting of receivable bit rate lowers* 2. * 1 Bit rate is a numerical value which represents data transmission volume per second. The higher the bit rate, in general, the better quality the sound will be. This unit can receive high bit rate music but sound skipping may occur depending on the usage environment. * 2 The above operations may not reduce sound skip depending on the usage environment. To return Sound Quality setting to High Quality, while this unit is turned off, press and hold the + button and the (Multi function) button for about two seconds. After the indicator flashes red (remaining charge indication), and twice blue, release the buttons.