started out with a beautiful life 토아스와 함께 아름다운 삶을 시작하세요. 토아스 철학 Toas Philosophy 세계 최고의 우수한 제품으로 안전하면서도 각종 피부 문제를 해결하고 인류의 아름다운 피부를 가꾸는데 도움을 주는 제품을 개발함으로써 신뢰받는 기업, 더 나아가 인류의 젊음을 되찾아주기 위해 끊임없이 노력하는 기업입니다. We make continuous endeavor to make a trusted company by developing the best and safe cosmetics that help settle various kinds of skin problem and create beautiful skin and to recover youth of human being. 토아스 비전 Toas Vision 2020 2022 10개국 해외지사 설립 코스닥 상장 2020 Founding of 10 international branches 1 2022 Listed in KOSDAQ 2025 세계 10대 메디칼 코스메틱 전문 브랜드로 성장 2025 Growth into one of the top 10 global
회사소개 About us Toas 대한민국 clinic과 aesthetic 업계에서 최고의 기능과 품질을 자랑하는 저희 토아스는 fu nctional cosmetic 과 skincare cosmetic 등 총 40가지 제품을 생산하고 유통하는 회 사입니다. 뷰티업계에서 최고의 제품을 발 빠르게 공급하기 위해 항상 최선을 다하는 토아 스는 Korea의 skin beauty care 관련 전문가 들이 품질을 인정하고 만족하여 추천해주 는 고급 image의 brand입니다. 예뻐지려고 하고 아름다워지려는 마음이 끝이 없다 는 것은 Korea 여성 뿐만 아니라 전 세계 여성들이 모두 가지고 있는 마음이라는 것을 잘 아는 토아스는 전 세계 여성들이 안전하면서도 각종 피부 문제를 해결하고, 아름다운 피부 를 가꾸는데 큰 도움을 주어 전 세계가 인정할 수 있는 cosmetic 제품을 개발하기 위해 오늘도 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 고품질의 원료와 최첨단의 설비로 complain이 거의 없는 완벽한 cosmetic 제품을 생산 하여 향후 세계적인 기업이 되기 위해 토아스의 전 임직원은 끊임없이 노력하고 있습니다. 아름다운 변화의 아이콘 토아스 Toas is a company priding itself as the leader in function and quality in t he clinical and aesthetical industry of Korea we are the manufacture a nd distributor of 40 products that fall in the functional cosmetics and s kin care cosmetics. Toas does its best to speedily supply the highest q uality products to the beauty industry, and professionals recognize and are satisfied by its high quality brand image, for recommendations to oth ers. There is no end to the desire to become beautiful and pretty is in th e minds of all women, both domestically and internationally, and Toas is well aware of this fact. It is working hard to develop cosmetic products t hat are safe, resolves skin troubles, and provide skin care, for the world to a cknowledge. Using high quality materials and cutting edge facilities, it develops nearl y claim-free, perfect cosmetic products, and its executives and staff me mbers never cease to work hard to become a global company. The icon of beautiful change, Toas 2
브랜드 스토리 Brand Story 피부 전문가들이 인정한 제품으로 최상의 솔루션을 제공함으로써 3 The Medical Cosmetic Brand, recognized by skin-care experts, provides the best 누구나 건강하고 깨끗한 피부를 통해 삶의 즐거움과 자신감을 되 solution to help everyone to enjoy their life and have confidence in life through th 찾을 수 있게 해주는 메디칼 코스메틱 전문 브랜드입니다. eir healthy and clean skin.
sharing health and happiness toas 행복과 건강을 함께 나누는 토아스 4
< N.E.W > MIRACLE PRODUCT 편리한기능성 3 스텝마스크 & 강력한보습및재생리쥬브네이션크림 5
< 토아스미라클브랜드새로운제품출시! > 1 기존의재생크림에서한층더쫀쫀하고재생효과및보습이뛰어난고급스러운용기로업그레이드! 2 바쁜일상편리함을주기위한마스크팩한장으로스킨케어및팩효과까지가능한 3 스텝키트! M1006 MIRACLE REJUVENATION CREAM 토아스미라클리쥬브네이션크림 30g 다양한영양성분들을공급하고변형밀도를채워주어맑고탄력있는피부건강을유지시켜주는전문크림입니다. 1 유해성분 NO!! 각종식물성추출물함유로수분밸런스및보습기능을강화시켜줍니다. 2 손상된피부개선히아루론산과 EGF 성분이부드럽게스며들어피부에필요한수분과영양을공급하고피부손상을개선해줍니다. Cream which maintains the pureness and elasticity of the skin s health by filling up the density of the various nutrients that are destroyed and modified. 1 No harmful ingredients!! Various plant ingredients reinforce moisture balance and hydrating effects. 2 Improvement of damaged skin Hyaluronic acid and EGF gently penetrate into skin to supply necessary moisture and nourishments as they treat skin damage. [ 나이아신아마이드, EGF, 올리브오일 ] [ Niacinamide, EGF, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil ] M1136 MIRACLE 3STEP KIT MASK 토아스미라클 3 스텝키트마스크팩 25g 5ea [ 1box ] EGF 성분이피부본연의모습을되찾도록피부를일깨우며지친피부에수분과영양을공급하여촉촉하고건강한피부를가꾸는데도움을주는새로운개념의에센스형마스크입니다. Hyaluronic Acid in the new concept essence type mask awakens skin to recover its original form and supplies fatigued skin with moisture and nourishment to make skin healthy and soft. 1 3- 스텝 1 단계 EGF 컨센트레이트 / 2 단계리쥬브네이션크림 / 3 단계모이스춰마스크 2 맑고탱탱한피부피부에자연스럽게보습막을형성하여부드러움이오랜시간지속되며, 매끄럽고윤기있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. 3 노벨상수상성분 : EGF 피부에좋은유효성분이피부온도에반응하여피부속에흡수되어보습및진정효과를줍니다. [ EGF, 히아루론산, 알로에추출물 ] 1 3-Step 1Step EGF Concentrate / 2Step Rejuvenation Cream / 3Step Moisture Mask 2 Clear and rm skin Natural moisturizing film is created on skin for long lasting softness, as skin becomes smooth and lustrous. 3 EGF : Nobel Prize winning ingredient Active ingredients react to temperature to be absorbed into skin for calming and moisturizing effects. [ EGF, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Extract ] 6
Toas Special Line M1005 Rejuvenation Cream 토아스리쥬브네이션크림 30g 다양한영양성분들을공급하고변형밀도를채워주어맑고탄력있는피부건강을유지시켜주는전문크림입니다. 1 유해성분 NO!! 각종식물성추출물함유로수분밸런스및보습기능을강화시켜줍니다. 2 손상된피부개선히아루론산과 EGF 성분이부드럽게스며들어피부에필요한수분과영양을공급하고피부손상을개선해줍니다. Cream which maintains the pureness and elasticity of the skin s health by filling up the density of the various nutrients that are destroyed and modified. 1 No harmful ingredients!! Various plant ingredients reinforce moisture balance and hydrating effects. 2 Improvement of damaged skin Hyaluronic acid and EGF gently penetrate into skin to supply necessary moisture and nourishments as they treat skin damage. [ 베타인, EGF, 마카다미아씨오일 ] [ Betaine, EGF, Macadamia Integrifolia Seed Oil ] M1000 Repair Cream 토아스리페어크림 15g 다양한영양성분들을공급하고콜라겐과엘라스틴의밀도를채워주어맑고탄력있는피부건강을유지시켜주는전문크림입니다. It is a special cream containing various nutrients for filling destroyed and deformed density of collagen and elastin and maintaining clean and lustrously healthy skin. 1 식물성줄기세포추출물과 EGF 성분이탄력있고건강한피부를유지시켜줍니다. 2 콜라겐, 히아루론산이촉촉한보습감을제공합니다. 3 알란토인, 바셀린성분이피부를보호합니다. [ 식물성줄기세포추출물, 콜라겐, * 금송추출물 ] 1 Vegetable Stem Cell Extract and EGF help maintain supple and healthy skin. 2 Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid make skin fully moisturized. 3 Allantoin and Vaseline ingredient protect skin [ Vegetable Stem Cell Extract, Collagen, * Sciadopitys Verticillata Extract ] M1135 Miracle Laser Mask 토아스미라클레이저마스크 28g 10ea [ 1box ] EGF 성분이피부본연의모습을되찾도록피부를일깨우며지친피부에수분과영양을공급하여촉촉하고건강한피부를가꾸는데도움을주는새로운개념의에센스형마스크입니다. EGF in the new concept essence type mask awakens skin to recover its original form and supplies fatigued skin with moisture and nourishment to make skin healthy and soft. 1 노벨상수상성분 : EGF 피부에좋은유효성분이피부온도에반응하여피부속에흡수되어보습및진정효과를줍니다. 2 맑고탱탱한피부피부에자연스럽게보습막을형성하여부드러움이오랜시간지속되며, 매끄럽고윤기있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. [ EGF, 히아루론산, 알로에추출물 ] 1 EGF : Nobel Prize winning ingredient Active ingredients react to temperature to be absorbed into skin for calming and moisturizing effects. 2 Clear and firm skin Natural moisturizing film is created on skin for long lastin g softness, as skin becomes smooth and lustrous. [ E.G.F, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Extract ] 7
M1010 Dark K Cream 토아스다크케이크림 30g [ 아이크림대용가능 ] 피부의활성을도와칙칙하고어두운피부톤을맑고깨끗하게가꾸어주는전문크림입니다. [ Eye cream can be substituted ] Special cream that supports the skin s vitality by making the dark and dull skin tone brighter and clear. 1 윤기증진 광채피부파괴된피부보호막으로인해, 자극받는피부의장벽을강화하는데도움을주고건강한피부로만들어줍니다. 2 붉음증및피부톤개선스킨케어관리후붉어진피부에도움을주며, Actiflow 성분이피부톤을맑고깨끗하게도와주는전문크림입니다. 1 Luster improvement, radiant skin Reinforces skin barriers irritated by damaged skin s protective film to make skin healthy. 2 Redness relief It is a specialized cream that helps redden skin after skin care and helps Actiflow ingredients to clear skin tone. [ Actiflow( 효소추출물 ), 옥용산, * 케라스젠, 상백피추출물 ] [ Actiow (Enzyme Extract), Okyongsan, *Kerasgen, Morus Alba Extract ] M1050 M1055 M1060 Miracle EGF Concentrate 토아스미라클이지에프컨센트레이트 10ml 30ml 100ml [ 주름개선기능성화장품 ] 피부친화성이우수하고 EGF 와 Peptide 가주성분으로피부를탄력있고건강하게유지시켜주는고농도앰플입니다. 1 EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) 와하이드롤라이즈드실크는피부에탄력을부여해줍니다. 2 유효성분인아데노신, 히아루론산, 식물성추출물, 알지닌등이함유되어피부에수분을집중적으로공급하고, 캐비어추출물이피부에수분막을형성하여수분이오랫동안유지될수있도록설계되어피부를건조되지않고항상촉촉하게만들어주어건강하게유지시켜주는데도움을주는 EGF 앰플입니다. [Anti-Wrinkle functional cosmetics ] This highly concentrated ampule contains EGF and Peptide as its main ingredients and thus is highly friendly to the skin and maintains resilient and healthy skin. 1 EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor), Hydrolyzed Silk tighten skin. 2 It is an EGF ampule that contains active ingredients, such as Adenosine, Hyaluronic Acid, Vegetable Extract, and Arginine for intensive supply of moisture to the skin and Caviar Extract creates moisture barrier on the skin for maintaining moist skin for a long time without going dry so as to keep healthy skin at all times. [ EGF, 펩타이드, 아데노신 ] [ EGF, Peptide, Adenosine ] M1120 Miracle Moisturizer Essence Lotion 토아스미라클모이스춰라이저에센스로션 150g 메마른피부에강력한보습막과수분보유력을강화시키고신속한수분을공급해주는마무리모이스춰영양로션입니다. It is a moisturizing and nourishing lotion applicable when finishing skincare. It creates strong moisture barrier on dry skin and enhances its moisture retention power and quickly moisturizes skin. [ 포도씨오일, 올리브오일, 병풀추출물, 감초추출물 ] [ Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Centella Asiatica Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract ] 8
Toas Cleansing & Toner Line M1015 Miracle Laser Powder Cleanser 토아스미라클레이저파우더클렌저 50g 두꺼워진각질과거친피부결을관리해주어매끄러운피부로가꾸어주는식물성엔자임트리트먼트세안제입니다. 식물성엔자임인파파인이부드럽게묵은각질을정돈시켜주어피부톤을환하게가꾸어줍니다. 1 풍성한거품이효과적으로노폐물을제거하며탄력있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. 2 감초추출물이피부를진정시켜줍니다. 3 알란토인과같은식물성성분들이피부를보호하고피부에촉촉함과매끄러움을더해줍니다. It is vegetable Anzyme-Based treatment facial wash that takes care of thickly formed dead skin and rough skin surface and creates smooth skin. A Vegetable Enzyme, Papain, gently exfoliates old dead skin for brightening skin tone. 1 Ample bubble cleanses waste effectively and creates supple skin. 2 Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract soothes skin. 3 Vegetable ingredients, such as Allantoin, protects skin and also makes skin even more moist and smooth. [ 알란토인, 감초추출물, 파파인 ] [ Allantoin, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Papain] M1020 Miracle Laser Cleansing Milk 토아스미라클레이저클렌징밀크 1000ml 섬세한식물성오일과추출물이메이크업과피부의불순물을효과적으로제거해주는클렌징밀크입니다. 1 에멀전타입의클렌징밀크로메이크업잔여물과환경오염으로오는피부유해성분들을효과적으로제거해줍니다. 2 모공속노폐물제거및피부진정작용과수분을공급해주어피부의촉촉함을더해줍니다. 3 클렌징하는동안피부본연의밸런스를보호하고유지시켜주는기능을합니다. [ 알부틴, 호호바유, 동백유, 감초추출물 ] It is a milky cleanser containing gentle vegetable oil and extracts for an effective cleansing of makeup residue and dirt on skin. 1 This emulsion-type milky cleanser effectively remov es makeup residue and harmful substances remained on skin from environmental pollution. 2 It removes waste stuck inside pore and soothes and moisturizes skin for making skin even more moisturized 3 It protects and maintains the original balance of skin while cleansing. [ Arbutin, Jojoba Oil, Camellia Oil, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract ] M1025 M1030 Miracle Laser Cleansing Gel 토아스미라클레이저클렌징젤 100ml 1000ml 피부를깨끗하고촉촉하게가꾸어주는클렌징젤입니다. 저자극클렌저로끈적임이적고메이크업잔여물과노폐물을깨끗하게관리하고청결작용으로피부트러블예방및진정작용을하는젤타입의클렌저입니다. [ 감초추출물, 녹차추출물, 펩타이드 ] It is a gel cleanser for making clean and moist skin. This hypoallergenic gel cleanser has less stickiness but removes makeup residue and waste cleanly and also prevents the occurrence of a skin problem and soothes skin. [ Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Peptide ] 9
M1039 Miracle Laser Skin Mist 토아스미라클레이저스킨미스트 100ml 피부사이사이수분을잡아주는식물성보습케어를통해건조하고지친피부를촉촉하고매끄럽게가꾸어주는토너형미스트입니다. 1 병풀추출물, 감초추출물, 아데노신등이투명한피부톤으로가꾸어주는데도움을주며, 피부를빠르게진정시켜주는스킨미스트입니다. 2 지친피부에활력을주는화장수로써 EGF, 히아루론산등의보습제가피부를오랫동안촉촉하게유지시켜줍니다. 3 식물성추출물복합체와감초추출물의시너지작용으로피부환경적응력과진정효과를부여해줍니다. It is a toner-type facial spray for making dry and exhausted skin moist and smooth through vegetable moisturizing care that captures moisture in every gap of the skin. 1 This toner contains Centella Asiatica Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Adenosine which is acomplex body of making clean and bright skin and quickly soothing skin. 2 It is a facial spray that vitalizes exhausted skin and contains natural moisturizers, such as EGF, Hyaluronic Acid, for maintaining moist skin for a long time. 3 Asynergy action of a complex of Vegetable Extracts and Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract help skin adapt to different environments along with a soothing effect. [ 히아루론산, 아데노신, 나이아신아마이드 ] [ Hyaluronic Acid, Adenosine, Niacinamide ] M1045 M1046 Miracle Laser Skin Toner 토아스미라클레이저스킨토너 150ml 1000ml 피부결을정돈해주는레이저스킨토너. 히아루론산이피부를부드럽고편안하게하는동시에그이후에사용하는제품들이더잘흡수될수있도록피부진정및수렴효과가있는식물성분들로피부를촉촉하고매끄럽게가꾸어주는제품입니다. Laser toner for toning skin. It contains Hyaluronic Acid for making skin soft and relaxed as well as vegetable ingredients with soothing and tightening effects for the better absorption of ingredients so as to display moist and smooth skin. [ EGF, 아데노신, 히아루론산, 감초추출물 ] [ EGF, Adenosine, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract ] M1034 Miracle Aqua Peeling Gel 토아스미라클아쿠아필링젤 100g [ 저자극필링젤 ] 오래된각질등피부노폐물을제거하며피부를매끄럽고맑고투명하게가꾸어주는데도움을주는젤타입의필링제입니다. 1 각질이셀룰로오스성분과함께흡착해서제거되는필링의효과를직접눈으로볼수있습니다. 2 녹차추출물, 병풀추출물등의보습제사용으로피부를항상촉촉하게유지시켜주는데도움을줍니다. [ 녹차추출물, 병풀추출물, 셀룰로오스, 캐비어추출물 ] [ Soft Peeling Gel ] It is a gel exfoliator that helps remove not only old dead skin cells but waste on skin and make smooth, transparently clean skin. 1 You can see the effects of exfoliation with the naked eye with the absorption and removal of dead skin cells and Cellulose. 2 It adopts natural moisturizers, such as Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, and Centenlla Asiatica Extract for maintaining moist skin at all times. [ Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Centenlla Asiatica Extract, Cellulose, Caviar Extract ] 10
Whitening Cream & Ampule Line M1100 Miracle Noblesse Whitening Cream 토아스미라클노블레스화이트닝크림 50g [ 미백기능성화장품 ] 미백기능성성분인알부틴의함유로어둡고칙칙한피부를밝고투명하게관리해주는주. 야간겸용미백기능성크림입니다. [ Whitening functional Cosmetics ] It is a whitening functional cream applicable both day and night that contains Arbutin the whitening functional ingredient for making dark and dull skin bright and clean. [ 알부틴, 펩타이드, 호호바씨오일 ] [ Arbutin, Peptide, Simmondsia Chinensis(Jojoba) Seed Oil] M1065 Miracle Intense Vitamin C Ampule 토아스미라클인텐스비타민 C 앰플 30ml 비타민 C 의함량이피부에가장효과적으로작용하는 15% 가함유되어있어서보다깨끗하고촉촉한피부로가꾸어줍니다. 1 감초추출물, 비타민 C 가함유되어있습니다. 2 녹차추출물, 히아루론산, 부틸렌글리콜등의보습제가다량함유되어있는농축에센스입니다. It contains 15% of Vitamin C which is the most effective ingredient to the skin in order to create cleaner and more moist skin. 1 It contains Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Vitamin C. 2 This concentrated essence is rich in natural moisturizi ng factors, such as Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, and Butylene Glycol. [ 감초추출물, 녹차추출물, 히아루론산 ] [ Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Hyaluronic Acid ] M1070 M1075 Miracle AC Complex Ampule 토아스미라클에이씨콤플렉스앰플 10ml 50ml 11 EGF, 목련나무껍질추출물을함유하여문제성피부를개선하고관리해주는데도움을주는문제성피부전용앰플입니다. 1 시트릭애씨드가피부의환경을개선시키고 PH 밸런스조절과알로에, 장미수와위치하젤이피지조절및모공관리에도움을줍니다. 2 감초추출물, 캐모마일꽃추출물, 스킨플러스캄베타글루간의상승작용으로피부자극을완화시켜주는데도움을줍니다. [ 목련나무껍질추출물, 나한백가지추출물, 펩타이드 ] It is an ampule designed for sensitive skin that contains EGF,Magnolia Kobus Bark Etxtract for taking care of and improving sensitive skin. 1 Citric improve the environment of skin and adjust ph balance and Aloe, Rose Water, and Witch Hazel help control sebum and take care of pore. 2 A synergy effect of Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Extract, and Skin Plus Calm Beta-Glucan helps alleviate the irritation given to the skin. [ Magnolia Kobus Bark Extract, Thujopsis Dolabrata Branch Extract, Peptied ]
3Step Mask & Sun & BB Line M1136 Miracle 3Step Kit 토아스미라클 3 스텝키트 25g 5ea [ 1box ] 히아루론산성분이피부본연의모습을되찾도록피부를일깨우며지친피부에수분과영양을공급하여촉촉하고건강한피부를가꾸는데도움을주는새로운개념의에센스형마스크입니다. 1 3- 스텝 1 단계 EGF 컨센트레이트 / 2 단계리쥬브네이션크림 / 3 단계모이스춰마스크 2 맑고탱탱한피부피부에자연스럽게보습막을형성하여부드러움이오랜시간지속되며, 매끄럽고윤기있는피부로가꾸어줍니다. 3 노벨상수상성분 : EGF 피부에좋은유효성분이피부온도에반응하여피부속에흡수되어보습및진정효과를줍니다. Hyaluronic Acid in the new concept essence type mask awakens skin to recover its original form and supplies fatigued skin with moisture and nourishment to make skin healthy and soft. 1 3-Step 1Step EGF Concentrate / 2Step Rejuvenation Cream / 3Step Moisture Mask 2 Clear and rm skin Natural moisturizing film is created on skin for long lasting softness, as skin becomes smooth and lustrous. 3 EGF : Nobel Prize winning ingredient Active ingredients react to temperature to be absorbed into skin for calming and moisturizing effects. [ EGF, 히아루론산, 알로에추출물 ] [ EGF, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Extract ] M1140 Miracle Sun Protection Cream 토아스미라클선프로텍션크림 50g [ 자외선차단기능성화장품 ] 자외선으로부터피부를보호하는데도움을주는기능성화장품 (SPF 50/PA+++) 으로써유해한 UVA, UVB 를동시에차단해서피부를보호해줍니다. (UV Protection Functional Cosmetics) It is a functional cosmetic item (SPF 50/PA+++) that helps protect skin from sunlight by blocking both harmful UVA and UVB. [ 셀러리추출물, 쌀추출물 ] [ Celery Extract, Rice Extract ] M1145 Miracle Cell Balm(B.B) 토아스미라클셀밤 ( 비비크림 ) 50g [ 자외선차단 / 미백기능성 / 주름기능성 3 중기능성제품 ] 피부근원의투명함에화사함을더해주는미백기능성비비크림. 1 빈틈없이가볍고얇게밀착되어화사하고매끄러운피부로표현해줍니다. 2 미백유효성분이하루종일지속되어피부근원의투명함을찾아줍니다. [ 나이아신아마이드, 티타늄디옥사이드 ] (Triple Functional Cosmetics With UV Protection whitening and Anti-Wrinkle Effects) BB cream with whitening effect for brightening the original clarity of skin. 1 It displays gorgeously bright and smooth skin with the light and thin yet perfect coverage. 2 Active ingredients with whitening effect are maintained all day long for recovering the original clarity of skin. [ Niacinamide, Titanium Dioxide ] 11
Toas Skin Care Line M1105 Miracle Radiant Rejuvenation Cream 토아스미라클레디언트리쥬브네이션크림 500g 다양한영양성분들이파괴되고변형되는콜라겐과엘라스틴의밀도를채워주고맑고탄력있는피부건강을유지시켜주는전문크림입니다. Cream which maintains the pureness and elasticity of the skin s health by filling up the density of the vario us nutrients that are destroyed and modified. 1 유해성분 NO!! 각종식물성추출물함유로수분밸런스및보습기능을강화시켜줍니다. 2 손상된피부개선히아루론산과 EGF 성분이부드럽게스며들어피부에필요한수분과영양을공급하고피부손상을개선해줍니다. 1 No harmful ingredients!! Various plant ingredients reinforce moisture balance and hydrating effects. 2 Improvement of damaged skin Hyaluronic Acid and EGF gently penetrate into skin to supply necessary moisture and nourishments as they treat skin damage. [ 히아루론산, EGF, 캐비어추출물 ] [ Hyaluronic Acid, EGF, Caviar Extract ] M1110 Miracle Cell Renewal Cream 토아스미라클셀리뉴얼크림 500g 거칠어지고건조해지기쉬운피부에원활한수분공급과영양을주며지친피부를활력있고탄력있게유지시켜주는마무리영양크림입니다. Finishing nourishing cream supplies moisture and nourishment to dry or rough skin and firms and vitalizes fatigued skin. [ 알란토인, 베타인, 감초추출물, 황금추출물 ] [ Allantoin, Betaine, Licorice Extract, Skullcap Extract ] M1130 Miracle RF & Slimming Massage Cream 토아스미라클알에프앤슬리밍마사지크림 910g 미라클알에프앤슬리밍마사지크림은고주파기기관리시열전도를도와피부진정과영양을공급하여피부를맑고매끄럽게관리해주며, 건조하고지친피부를유연하고촉촉하게유지시켜주는마사지크림입니다. [ 비터오렌지꽃추출물, 호장근추출물, 병풀추출물, 녹차추출물 ] M1125 Miracle Aqua Soothing Gel 토아스미라클아쿠아수딩젤 500g Miracle RF & Slimming Massage Cream helps heat be conducted well while performing skincare with a high frequency equipment so as to soothe and nourish skin for making smooth and clean skin and maintaining moist skin for a long time. [ Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Flower Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract ] 12 민감해지기쉬운피부를진정시켜주는동시에오랜시간지속되는보습효과로촉촉하고부드러운피부로유지해주는수딩젤입니다. 1 캐모마일, 감초추출물, 병풀추출물등의성분이함유되어있어피부보호에도움을주는젤타입의제품입니다. 2 알로에, 위치하젤, 로즈워터등의성분이함유되어있어피부관리에도움을줍니다. [ 알로에, 위치하젤, 로즈워터, 감초추출물 ] It is a soothing gel that soothes easily sensitive skin and makes and maintains moist and soft skin with long-lasting moisturizing action. 1 Containing Chamomile, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, and Centolia Asiatica Extract, it helps protect skin. 2 It helps take care of skin with the application of Aloe, Witch Hazel, and Rose Water. [ Aloe, Witch Hazel, Rose Water, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract ]
M1115 Miracle Aqua Moisture Gel 토아스미라클아쿠아모이스처젤 150g 피부에수분을자연스럽게공급시켜촉촉함과매끈함을지속시켜주는모이스처젤입니다. 1 알로에추출물, 히아루론산, 소르비톨등의보습제가함유되어가벼운마사지를통해피부를탄력있게만들어주는데도움을줍니다. 2 마사지시수분이나오는것을눈으로확인할수있는수분크림입니다. 3 피부에수분을자연스럽게공급시켜촉촉함과매끈함이지속되어피부를보호하고항상촉촉한피부로유지시켜주는데도움을줍니다. 4 끈적임없는산뜻한젤타입의제품으로식물성추출물복합체성분이함유되어피부를보호하고진정시켜피부에휴식을부여해주는데도움을줍니다. It is a moisturizing gel that naturally moisturizes skin for maintaining moist and smooth skin. 1 Containing Aloe Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Sorbitol and other such moisturizing elements, it helps tighten skin with a light facial massage. 2 It is a moisturizing cream that creates visible water drops coming out while massaging the skin. 3 It naturally moisturizes skin and thus protects skin with lasting moistness and smoothness and also helps maintain moist skin all the time. 4 This fresh gel item contains Vegetable Extract complex for protecting, soothing, and relaxing skin. [ 알로에추출물, 히아루론산, 황금추출물 ] [ Aloe Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Scutellaria Baicaeensis Root Extract ] M1090 Miracle Vitamin C POwder 토아스미라클비타민 C 파우더 1.5 g 50ea [ 1box ] 이온토포레시스전용비타민C 파우더입니다. [ M.A.P. (Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate) ] Vitamin C Powder especially for iontophoresis. [ M.A.P. (Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate) ] M1095 Miracle Laser Calm Solution 토아스미라클레이저캄솔루션 200ml 탄력, 보습, 진정에도움을주는젤타입의고농축전달솔루션입니다. 1 EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), 히아루론산, 알로에등의보습물질의함유로피부의수분밸런스를유지시켜주며피부진정에도움을줍니다. 2 아데노신과감초추출물은피부를항상맑고투명하게가꾸어줍니다. 3 다양한식물성추출물과 EGF 의시너지작용으로피부환경적응력과방어력을강화시켜피부를효과적으로보호하여줍니다. It is a highly concentrated gel-type solution that helps tighten, moisturize, and soothe skin. 1 EGF, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloevera, and other such mois turizing ingredients are contained for maintaining moisture balance and helping soothe skin. 2 Adenosine, and Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract makes skin transparently clean at all times. 3 Asynergy effect of Various Vegetable Extract and Skin EGF reinforces the adaptability and defensive power of the skin for the effective skin protection. [ 알로에베라잎추출물, 히알루론산, 캐비어추출물, > [Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Caviar Extract ] 13
Modeling Line M1150 Miracle Gold Modeling Mask 토아스미라클골드모델링마스크 2000ml [ 1kg ] 골드펄함유로피부에유해한물질을제거해주고히아루론산과콜라겐성분이피부를편하게해주며영양과수분을공급해주는고급모델링팩입니다. The modeling pack is effective for troubled skin and helps to remove skin wasted and contract pores to keep skin clean and soft. [ 규조토, 글루코스, 알기네이트 ] [ Diatomite, Glucose, Alginate ] M1155 Miracle O2 & Vitamin Modeling Mask 토아스미라클오투앤비타민모델링마스크 2000ml [ 1kg ] 비타민성분의항산화작용으로유해산소를제거해주고피부의면역력을증가시켜건강한피부로가꾸어주는모델링팩입니다. [ 비타민 C, 글루코스, 규조토 ] Through anti-oxidation of vitamins, the modeling pack helps to remove harmful oxygen, improve skin immunity and thus make skin healthy. [ Vitamin C, Glucose, Diatomite ] M1160 Miracle Collagen Modeling Mask 토아스미라클콜라겐모델링마스크 2000ml [ 1kg ] 콜라겐성분이늘어지고지친피부를탄력있고생기있는피부로가꾸어주는모델링팩입니다. [ 콜라겐, 규조토, 알기네이트, 글루코스 ] Collagen of the modeling pack turns tired and rough skin into elastic and vital one. [ Collagen, Diatomite, Alginate, Glucose ] M1165 Miracle Cool Modeling Mask 토아스미라클쿨모델링마스크 2000ml [ 1kg ] 페퍼민트성분이지친피부에진정과보습, 청량감을주어외부유해요소로부터자극받은피부를편안한상태로만들어주는모델링팩입니다. [ 글루코스, 규조토, 알기네이트 ] Peppermint of the modeling pack helps to soothe, moisturize and refresh tired skin to return the skin irritated by harmful external elements to its comfort state. [ Glucose, Diatomite, Alginate ] M1170 Miracle AC Modeling Mask 토아스미라클에이씨모델링마스크 2000ml [ 1kg ] 14 문제성피부에적합하며노폐물제거와모공축소에도움을주어피부를깨끗하게유지시켜주며피부결을매끈하게관리해주는모델링팩입니다. [ 마치현추출물, 글루코스, 규조토 ] The modeling pack is effective for troubled skin and helps to remove skin wasted and contract pores to keep skin clean and soft. [ Portulaca Exract, Glucose, Diatomite ]
1 Rejuvenation Cream 2 Repair Cream 3 Dark K Cream 30g 15g 30g M1005 M1000 M1010 4 Miracle EGF Concentrate 10 5 Miracle EGF Concentrate 30 6 Miracle EGF Concentrate 100 7 Miracle Moisturizer Essence Lotion 8 Miracle Laser Mask 10ml 30ml 100ml 150g 10ea/1box M1050 M1055 M1060 M1120 M1135 9 Miracle Laser Powder Cleanser 10 Miracle Laser Cleansing Milk 11 Miracle Laser Cleansing Gel 1000 12 Miracle Laser Cleansing Gel 100 50g 1000ml 1000ml 100ml M1015 M1020 M1030 M1025 13 Miracle Laser Skin Mist 14 Miracle Laser Skin Toner 1000 15 Miracle Laser Skin Toner 150 16 Miracle Aqua Peeling Gel 100ml 1000ml 150ml 100g M1040 M1046 M1045 M1034 17 Miracle Noblesse Whitening Cream 18 Miracle Intense Vitamin C Ampule 19 Miracle AC Complex Ampule 10 20 Miracle AC Complex Ampule 50 60g 30ml 10ml 50ml M1100 M1065 M1070 M1075 21 Miracle 3Step Kit 22 Miracle Sun Protection Cream 23 Miracle Cell Balm B.B 5ea/1box 50g 50g M1136 M1140 M1145 24 Miracle Radiant Rejuvenation Cream 25 Miracle Cell Renewal Cream 26 Miracle RF Slimming Massage Cream 27 Miracle Aqua Soothing Gel 500g 500g 910ml 500ml M1105 M1110 M1130 M1125 28 Miracle Aqua Moisture Gel 29 Miracle Laser Calm Solution 30 Miracle M.A.P 1.5 150g 200ml 1.5g X 50 vial M1115 M1095 M1090 31 Miracle Gold Modeling Mask 32 Miracle O2 & Vitamin Modeling Mask 33 Miracle Collagen Modeling Mask 34 Miracle Cool Modeling Mask 35 Miracle AC Modeling Mask 2000ml/1kg 2000ml/1kg 2000ml/1kg 2000ml/1kg 2000ml/1kg M1150 M1155 M1160 M1165 M1170 15