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2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G L


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Stereoscopic Imagig ( 양안식 3D) 4Stereoscopic Imagig 의원리 4Stereoscopic Imagig 기법들 4Stereoscopic 3D

거리 (Depth) 의인식 o Stereopsis ( 양안시 / 입체시 ) o Accommodatio of the eye ( 원근조절 ) o Occlusio of oe object by aother o Subteded visual agle of a object of kow size o Liear perspective (covergece of parallel edges) o Vertical positio (objects higher i the scee geerally ted to be perceived as further away) o Haze, desaturatio, ad a shift to bluishess o Chage i size of textured patter detail 원근법? 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 2 -

Stereoscopic Imagig 의원리 o 양안시차 ( 兩眼示差 ) 두눈의위치차이 ( 약 6.5cm) 로인하여발생하는각눈에입력되는영상의차이 초점 초점 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 3 -

Stereoscopic Imagig 의원리 o 입체감 / 거리의인식 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 4 -

Stereoscopic Image o 좌안과우안에입력되는영상이조금씩다르도록하여입체감을느끼도록한다. o 일반적으로두장의영상을사용 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 5 -

Stereoscopic 영상의취득 o 좌안용영상과우안용영상의취득 Stereoscopic Camera 의사용 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 6 -

Stereoscopic Image 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 7 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o Side-by-Side 방식 o 안경방식디스플레이 적청안경방식 ( 애너글리프 (Aaglyph) 3D) 편광안경방식 ( 패시브글라스 ) 셔터안경방식 ( 액티브글라스 ) 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 8 -

한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 9 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 적청안경방식 (Aaglyph 3D) 각눈을위한이미지를다른색을가진필터 ( 일반적으로보색관계에있는색, 적 / 청 ) 를이용하여만든다. 애너글리프 3D 영상은따라서각눈을위한영상, 즉두개의다른색으로필터된컬러영상을포함한다. 간단하게애너글리프영상을만드는법 o 좌안영상은청 / 녹색을제거하여만들며, 우안영상은적색을제거하여만든다. o 두개의영상을 Mai subject 가근사하게겹치도록만든다. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 10 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 적청안경방식 (Aaglyph 3D) 3D 의인식 o I a red-cya aaglyph, the eye viewig through the red filter sees red withi the aaglyph as "white", ad the cya withi the aaglyph as "black". o The eye viewig through the cya filter perceives the opposite. Actual black or white i the aaglyph display, beig void of color, are perceived the same by each eye. o The brai bleds together the red ad cya chaelled images as i regular viewig but oly gree ad blue are perceived. Red is ot perceived because red equates with white through red gel ad is black through cya gel. However gree ad blue are perceived through cya gel. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 11 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o Color Code 3D (A type of Aaglyph 3D) stereo viewig system deployed i the 2000s that uses amber ad blue filters early full color viewig (particularly withi the RG color space) The blue filter is cetered aroud 450 m ad the amber filter lets i light at wavelegths at above 500 m 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 12 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o Color Code 3D (A type of Aaglyph 3D) 2009 Super Bowl for SoBe, Mosters vs. Alies aimated movie ad a advertisemet for the Chuck televisio series i which the full episode the followig ight used the format. Time Ic. used Color Code 3-D i five of their magazies (Time, People, Sports Illustrated, Etertaimet Weekly ad Fortue) to display 3-D images whe they published a series of articles about the ew "3-D revolutio" i April 2009. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 13 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) o Optical filter that passes light of a specific polarizatio ad blocks waves of other polarizatios. o There are liear ad circular polarizers. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 14 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) o Liear polarizer: A liear polarizer coverts a upolarized beam ito oe with a sigle liear polarizatio. The vertical compoets of all waves are trasmitted, while the horizotal compoets are absorbed ad reflected. absorptive polarizer: the uwated polarizatio states are absorbed by the device beam-splittig polarizer: the upolarized beam is split ito two beams with opposite polarizatio states 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 15 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) Liear Polarizer 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 16 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) o Circular polarizer Used to create circularly polarized light or alteratively to selectively absorb or pass clockwise ad couter-clockwise circularly polarized light. Used for the leses of the 3D glasses wor for the viewig of stereoscopic movies that use differet directios of polarizatio to differetiate the images to be preseted to the left ad right eye. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 17 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 18 -

Polarizer ( 편광기 / 편광필터 ) 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 19 -

한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 20 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 편광안경방식 ( 패시브글라스 ) 빛의편향성을이용하여각눈에도달하는빛을제어하여 3D 이미지로느끼도록하여주는방식 To preset a stereoscopic motio picture, two images are projected superimposed oto the same scree through differet polarizig filters. The viewer wears low-cost eyeglasses which cotai a pair of differet polarizig filters. As each filter passes oly that light which is similarly polarized ad blocks the light polarized i the opposite directio, each eye sees a differet image. This is used to produce a three-dimesioal effect by projectig the same scee ito both eyes, but depicted from slightly differet perspectives. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 21 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 편광안경방식 ( 패시브글라스 ) 디스플레이패널의 FPR (Film-type Pattered Retarder) 필름과편광안경의 correlatio 을이용하여좌안과우안에각각다른영상을동시에보여준다. Liearly polarized glasses o Orthogoal polarizig filters (Usually at 45 ad 135 degrees) o Liearly polarized glasses require the viewer to keep his head level, as tiltig of the viewig filters will cause the images of the left ad right chaels to bleed over to the opposite chael. 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 22 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 편광안경방식 ( 패시브글라스 ) Circularly polarized glasses o eyeglasses which cotai a pair of aalyzig filters (circular polarizers mouted i reverse) of opposite hadedess. Light that is left-circularly polarized is blocked by the right-haded aalyzer, while rightcircularly polarized light is extiguished by the lefthaded aalyzer. The result is similar to that of stereoscopic viewig usig liearly polarized glasses, except the viewer ca tilt his or her head ad still maitai left/right separatio. LG 전자 3D TV 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 23 -

한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 24 -

3D 디스플레이방식 o 셔터안경방식 ( 액티브글라스 ) Shows left ad right image alterately. Whe TV displays left eye image, the glasses block the right eye by closig the shutter of right glass les. The display alterately displays differet perspectives for each eye, usig a techique called alterate-frame sequecig, which achieves the desired effect of each eye seeig oly the image iteded for it. 삼성전자 3D TV 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 25 -

기타 3D 관련기술 o Depth Map 한빛미디어영상처리프로그래밍 By Visual C++ - 26 -