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Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance : E50433 2013 10 E50433 01

Copyright 2009-2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government..., -,,. Oracle Corporation. Oracle Java Oracle Corporation /.. Intel Intel Xeon Intel Corporation. SPARC SPARC International, Inc.. AMD, Opteron, AMD, AMD Opteron Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX The Open Group. ( ) 3,. Oracle Corporation 3,. Oracle Corporation 3,,. 140217@25097

...9 1...11 Overview... 11... 11 ZS3-2... 14 ZS3-2... 14... 14... 18... 19... 19... 19, PCIe... 22... 26... 27... 27 ZS3-4... 28 ZS3-4... 28... 28... 31... 31... 38... 38 7120... 38 7120... 38... 39... 41... 42 3

... 47... 48... 48 7320... 49 7320... 49... 49 7320... 55 7320... 56 7420... 59 7420... 59... 59... 60... 63... 63... 71... 71 Shelf... 71 Disk Shelf... 71... 83 2...85 Installation... 85... 85 Overview... 86... 86... 86, Disk Shelf... 87 ZS3-2 Controllers... 87 ZS3-2... 87... 87... 87... 88... 99 ZS3-4 Controllers... 99 ZS3-4... 99 4 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

... 99... 100... 100... 110 7x20 Controllers... 110 7x20... 110... 111... 111... 111... 124 DE2 24C... 124... 124... 125... 125... 126 DE2 24P... 133... 133... 134... 134... 134 Sun Disk Shelf... 139... 139... 139... 140... 140 3...145 Cabling... 145... 145 Summary of Controller Configurations... 146... 146 DE2 to ZS3-2/7120/7320 Standalone... 147 Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7120/7320... 147 DE2 to ZS3-2/7320 Clustered... 148 Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7320... 148 5

DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Standalone... 150 Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 (HBA 3 )... 150 DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Clustered... 152 Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 (HBA 3 )... 152 7120-7320 Cabling... 154 Sun Disk Shelf 7120/7320... 154 7320 Cluster Cabling... 155 Sun Disk Shelf 7320... 155 7420 Cabling... 156 Sun Disk Shelf 7420 (HBA 2 6 )... 156 7420 Cluster Cabling... 159 Disk Shelf 7420 (HBA 2 6 )... 159 ZS3-2/7120/7320 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves... 162 Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7120/7320... 162 ZS3-2/7320 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves... 163 Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7320... 163 ZS3-4/7420 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves... 164 Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420... 164 ZS3-4/7420 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves... 165 Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420... 165 4...167 Power... 167... 167... 168... 170 Initial... 170... 170... 171... 171 BUI... 171 CLI... 172 Update... 177... 177 6 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

... 179... 183 7


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1 Overview Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. ZS3-2 ZS3-4 7120 7320 7420 Disk Shelf 11

Overview Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. SMB NFS HTTP HTTPS WebDAV iscsi FC SRP iser FTP SFTP Oracle ZFS Storage /. Analytics - ZFS -,, DRAM Oracle ZFS Storage. : ''.. Oracle. "Oracle ("SLA") ". RAID-Z(RAID-5 RAID-6), /, - iscsi LUN 12 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Overview NDMP Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.. (CPU, DRAM, I/O,,, ) ZFS RAID-6( ) Disk Shelf RAID-6 - IP Disk Shelf I/O Phone-Home BUI( ) BUI.BUI,,.. 1 13

ZS3-2 NET-0 IP ( : https://ipaddress:215 https://hostname:215).. BUI.BUI. CLI( ) CLI BUI. CLI. CLI.. Tab. Tab "Tab".. help. ( : help commands). help help topics.. dory:> help tab builtins commands general help properties ZS3-2 ZS3-2 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2... - Disk Shelf - Disk Shelf ZS3-2 Intel Xeon x64, 2U PCIe DIMM 16. 14 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 CPU Readzilla PCIe HBA 2x8, 2.1GHz 256GB 16x16GB 1-4 1.6TB SAS-2 SSD 2x2.5 900GB SAS-2 2, 4 PCIe 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s overview/index.html ( us/products/servers-storage/storage/nas/overview/index.html). ZS3-2. 1 LED/ ( ) 6 /CPU/ LED 11 SSD, 4 2 LED( ) 7 HDD, 0 12 SSD, 5 3 LED( ) 8 HDD, 1 13 4 9 SSD, 2 14 5 LED( ) 10 SSD, 3 15 USB 2.0 : /CPU/ LED LED. 2 900GB SAS-2 0 1. ZS3-2 4 1.6TB (Readzilla) SSD( ). SSD 2-5. 1 15

ZS3-2 ZS3-2. 1 SAS-2 HBA( 1) 7 AC PS1( ), PS0 ( ) 13, DB-15 2 4x4 SAS-2 6Gb/s HBA( 2) 8 LED 14-16 I/O 3 PCIe 3 9 USB 2.0 17 10 4 PCIe 4 10 SP 15 VGA 18 5 PCIe 5 11 6 PCIe 6 12 :3 I/O (0, 1 GigE). (SER MGT) RJ-45, SP( ). 16 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 (NET MGT) RJ-45,SP. 4 RJ-45 (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3) 10/100/1000Mbit/.. I/O 2 (0 1) 1 2.. 1 17

ZS3-2 RJ-45 : (0 1) RJ-45 RJ-45. RJ-45. 1. RJ-45. 2.. 3. 4.. 5.. 6. ZS3-2 2U. 18 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 87.4mm(3.44 ) 514mm(20.25 ) 445mm(17.52 ) 18.70kg(41.23 ) ZS3-2... 110-220v C13 2 : 50/60Hz(47-63Hz ) : 100-120/200-240 VAC AC RMS: 6.8 A @ 100-120 V/3.4 A @ 200-240 V AC : 90-264 VAC 3.3 VDC STBY: 3.0A +12 VDC: 86.7A : 890W : 3026BTU/ : 908 VA @ 240 VAC, 0.98P.F ISO 7779 70dB(A). ZS3-2 FRU( ). FRU Oracle Service. PCIe - 3. CRU( ) PCIe 2. 1 19

ZS3-2 - CPU, DIMM 18, SP( ).SP ( ).SP 3.3V AC. - 12V.. "kill".. -, I/O,, / LED. 8. /,, LED., ZS3-2,. FRU( ) Oracle Service. 20 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 1 5 (FRU) 9 2 6 (FRU) 10 3 (FRU) 7 11 USB (FRU) 4 LED (FRU) 8 PDB (FRU) 12 1 21

ZS3-2 ZS3-2 FRU( ). FRU Oracle Service. 1 PDB 3 5 2 USB 4 LED ', PCIe ZS3-2, PCIe. : FRU( ) Oracle Service. 22 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 1 (FRU) 5 9 2 (FRU) 6 PCIe (FRU) 10 PDB 3 (FRU) 7 PCIe 11 (FRU) 4 DIMM 8 USB CPU ZS3-2 DDR3 LV( ) DIMM 16. 1 23

ZS3-2 : DDR3 DIMM. DDR3 DIMM. CPU 0 CPU 1 256GB D0, D2, D5, D7( ) D0, D2, D5, D7( ) D1, D3, D4, D6( ) D1, D3, D4, D6( ) ZS3-2. FRU/CRU CPU Intel E5-2658, 2.1G, 8 DIMM, 16GB, DDR3, 1600, 2Rx4, 1.35V FRU 7019701 CRU 7040255 NIC/HBA ZS3-2 NIC/HBA. PCIe. SG-SAS6-INT-Z8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 24 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z 2 8Gb FC HBA 7103791 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA X1109A-Z X4242A 2 10GbE SFP+ NIC 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 7101674 2 16Gb FC/FCoE HBA 7100477 4 1Gb UTP 7100488 2 10Gb Base-T X2129A X5562A-Z XCVR 850NM, 1/10GPS, SFP, Short Reach 10GbE/1GbE SFP+, Long Reach PCIe 1, 2 3 3. 3. 1, 2, 3. 2 PCIe. 1 1 4. 2 2 5. 3 3 6. PCIe ZS3-2 PCIe. 1 2 HBA. PCIe (6). : PCIe. 1 7047852 8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 2 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA 3 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA 1 2 2 4x4 SAS-2 HBA 1 25

ZS3-2 3 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 3 3 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 3 7023303 2 16Gb FC/FCoE HBA 2 FC ( ) 3 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 2 3 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 2 3 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 2 4-6 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 3 4-6 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 4-6 7023303 2 16Gb FC/FCoE HBA 2 FC ( ) 4-6 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 2 4-6 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 2 4-6 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 2 2 CMA( ). CMA. 26 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

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ZS3-4 1 LED ( ) 9 USB 2.0 2 LED( ) 10 DB-15 3 / LED( ) 11 0 4 12 1( ) 5 SP( ) LED( ) 13 2() 6 /CPU/ LED 14 3() 7 PS( ) LED 15 4() 8 LED 16 5() ZS3-4 0 1 2 900GB SAS-2. 4 1.6TB SAS-2 Readzilla SSD 2-5. 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 / ( ) 1 29

ZS3-4. HBA. 1 0 LED : : AC : 8 (NET) 10/100/1000 : NET0-NET3 2 0AC 9 USB 2.0 3 1 LED : : AC : 10 PCIe 5-9 4 1AC 11 (NET MGT) 5 LED : : : 12 (SER MGT) 6 PCIe 0-4 13 DB-15 7. :.. : 50/60Hz AC : 200-240 VAC AC RMS: 12A @ 200 VAC 30 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 : 1800W : 6143BTU/ : 1837 VA @ 240 VAC, 0.98P.F. ZS3-4 FRU( ). FRU Oracle Service. - CPU, DIMM 8, SP( ).SP ( ).SP 3.3V AC. - 12V. PDB. ("kill").,. PDB -,, I/O. - 0 1. -2 FRU,. LED I2C. -6, I/O,, / LED. /,, LED. ZS3-4. 1 31

ZS3-4 1 7 CPU 2 PCIe 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 SSD 6 32 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 CPU ZS3-4 8 16GB DDR3 DIMM 1TB. DIMM. D0, D2, D4, D6, D1, D3, D5, D7. DIMM. 1 33

ZS3-4 > DIMM /SYS/MB/P0/D7. LED. LED. LED (TOP) LED LED LED. NIC/HBA ZS3-4 NIC/HBA PCIe. SG-SAS6-INT-Z 8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z 2, 8Gb FC HBA 7103791 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA 7100477 4 1Gb UTP 7100488 2 10Gb Base-T 34 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 X4242A X1109A-Z X2129A X5562A-Z 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 2 10GbE SFP+ NIC 850NM, 1/10GPS, Short Reach, SFP 10GbE/1GbE, Long Reach, SFP (SER MGT) RJ-45,SP. (NET MGT) RJ-45,SP LAN. 10/100/1000 Mbit/ 4 RJ-45 (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).. PCIe ZS3-4 PCIe. 0 7047852 8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 1 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 1 4 1 35

ZS3-4 2 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 4 2 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 4 2 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 2 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 2 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 2 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 3 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 4 3 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 3 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 3 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 3 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 4 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 4 4 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 4 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 4 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 4 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 36 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 C 511-1496-05 200 1 5 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 4 5 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 5 7070195 4 1GbE UTP 4 5 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 5 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 6 7070006 2 10GbE NIC 4 6 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 6 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 6 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 6 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 7 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA 4 7 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 7 375-3696-01 2 InfiniBand CX2 HCA 4 7 7051223 2 10Gb 6 7 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 1 37

7120 7 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 8 7067091 4 (4x4 SAS-2) 6Gb/s HBA 4 9 371-4325-02 2 8Gb FC HBA 4 FC ( ) 9 7070006 2 10Gb 4 9 7070195 4 1GbE NIC UTP 4 9 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 ZS3-4 1-6 Disk Shelf 1-6. Shelf Logzilla Shelf.. Disk Shelf. ZS3-4 Disk Shelf Disk Shelf 7120 7120 Sun ZFS Storage 7120.. 38 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7120 -. Disk Shelf - Disk Shelf Sun ZFS Storage 7120 Intel Xeon 2 x64, 2U PCIe 4 DIMM 18. products/servers-storage/storage/nas/overview/index.html ( us/products/servers-storage/storage/nas/overview/index.html). Sun ZFS Storage 7120 FC SAN Implementing Fibre Channel SAN Boot with Oracle's Sun ZFS Storage Appliance ( technetwork/articles/servers-storage-admin/fbsanboot-365291.html (http:// technetwork/articles/servers-storage-admin/fbsanboot-365291.html)). 7120 Disk Shelf, 11 x 300GB 15K, 600GB 15K, 1TB 7.2K, 2TB 7.2K 3TB 7.2K SAS-2 HBA. SAS-2,,. 2U. 87.6mm/3.45 765.25mm/30.13 436.8mm/17.2 29.54kg/65. Logzilla 3.5" SSD 3 Sun Aura HBA Logzilla. 1 39

7120 1 LED/ ( ) 7 HDD 2 13 HDD 8 2 LED( ) 8 HDD SSD 3 14 HDD 9 3 9 HDD 4 15 HDD 10 4 / LED( ) 10 HDD 5 16 HDD 11 5 HDD 0 11 HDD 6 17 6 HDD 1 12 HDD 7. : Sun Dual Port 40Gb/sec 4x Infiniband QDR HCAdapter PCIe (375-3606-01) 1, 2 3. 375-3606-01 HCA 10Gb. 1 1 6 PCIe 4 11 2 0 7 HDD 1 12 Gbit NET0,1,2,3 3 PCIe 0 8 HDD 0 13 USB 2.0 (0, 1) 4 PCIe 3 9 LED 14 HD15 40 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7120 5 PCIe 1 10 (SER MGT) RJ-45,SP. (NET MGT) RJ-45,SP. 10/100/1000 Mbit/ 4 RJ-45 (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).. 7120... 110-220v C13 2 : 50/60Hz : 100-120/200-240 VAC AC RMS: 13.8A @ 100 VAC AC : 90-264 VAC 3.3 VDC STBY: 3.0A +12 VDC: 86.7A 1 41

7120 : 1235.3W : 4212BTU/ : 1261 VA @ 240 VAC, 0.98P.F. : FRU( ) Oracle Service. PCIe - PCIe.. - FRU CPU, DIMM 18, SP( ).SP ( ).SP 3.3V AC. - FRU, 12V.. "kill".. - FRU,, I/O. "kill". - FRU,. LED I2C. - FRU, I/O,, / LED. 12. /,, LED. 42 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7120 I/O 7120 I/O. 1 3 2 4. 1 43

7120 :. 1 HBA PCI-Express. 2. 44 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7120 CPU 7120 DDR3 DIMM 18. 48GB, 6x8GB DDR-1333 (LV) DIMMS. 7120 CPU. FRU/CRU F371-4966-01 DIMM, 8GB, DDR3, 2RX4, 13 CRU F371-4885-01 Intel E5620, 2.40G FRU DDR3 DIMM. DDR3 DIMM. DIMM P0 D1, D2, D4, D5, D7, D8. 1 45

7120, LED.. 1 5 46 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7120 2 SAS 6 3 7 4 7120. PCIe. Aura Logzilla 7120. TA7120-12TB S7120, 1xCPU, 24GB, 12TB 597-0754-01 TA7120-24TB S7120, 1xCPU, 24GB, 24TB 597-0755-01 Logzilla 3.5" SSD 7120. 7101282 S7120, 1xCPU, 24GB, 3.3TB 7014523 7101284 S7120, 1xCPU, 24GB, 6.6TB 7014525 NIC/HBA 7120 NIC/HBA. SG-XPCIESAS-GEN2-Z 2 Sun Thebe SAS (x4) HBA, PCIe 594-5889-01 SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z 2 FC HBA, 8Gb, PCIe 594-5684-01 X4446A-Z 4 PCI-E Quad GigE UTP 594-4024-01 X4237A-N 2 4X IB HCA PCIe 594-5862-02 X1109A-Z 2 10Gig SFP+ NIC, PCIe 594-6039-01 1 47

7120 PCIe 7120 PCIe. Sun 0 PCIe 540-7975-03 Sun Aura HBA Logzilla ( ) 0 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 0 PCIe 375-3617-01 Intel Niantic DP 10GE NIC 0 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA FC ( ) 0 PCIe 375-3606-01 Mellanox MHJH29-XTC InfiniBand HCA 1 PCIe 375-3617-01 Intel Niantic DP 10GE NIC 1 PCIe 375-3606-01 Mellanox MHJH29-XTC InfiniBand HCA 1 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 1 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA FC ( ) 3 PCIe 375-3665-01 Sun Thebe (INT) SAS HBA 4 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 4 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA FC ( ) 4 PCIe 375-3609-03 Sun Thebe (EXT) 8P 6Gb/s SAS HBA 7120 1-2 Disk Shelf. 7120 (Logzilla) SSD. Disk Shelf 24 HDD. Shelf. 7x20 Disk Shelf Disk Shelf 48 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 7320 7320 7320.. -. Disk Shelf - Disk Shelf Sun ZFS Storage 7320 ( ). 1-6 Disk Shelf. 7320 CPU, 4 x 1Gb/s GigE,, NIC,, InfiniBand, SAS HBA. CPU 4 Intel Xeon 5600, 2.40GHz, 80W. 96GB, 6 x 8GB DDR3-1333 (LV) DIMMS(CPU ). CPU 9x 8GB DDR3-1333 LV DIMM(CPU 2 18 x 8GB) 144GB. 7320 24GB( ), 48GB 72GB.. 1-6 Disk Shelf. RAID. 18GB SAS-1 SSD(7320 SAS-2) (LogZilla ) ZIL(ZFS ), Disk Shelf 24 4. 20. unified-storage/index.html ( us/products/servers-storage/storage/unified-storage/index.html). 7320 HBA, Disk Shelf (1TB 2TB SAS-2) SAS-2( SCSI 2.0). SAS-2 SAS-1,,. 7320. : FRU( ) Oracle Service. 1 49

7320 PCIe - CRU( ) PCIe 3. PCIe. - FRU CPU, DIMM 18, SP( ).SP ( ).SP 3.3V AC. - FRU, 12V.. "kill". - FRU,, I/O. - FRU,. LED I2C. - FRU, I/O,, / LED. 8. /,, ( ) LED. 7320. FRU/CRU F541-2883-01 X8 PCIe 1U F541-2885-01 X16 PCIe 1U F541-4081-01 RoHS F511-1489-01 DB, CRU CRU FRU FRU F511-1548-01 PCB, 8 1U FRU F541-4275-02 PCBA,, 1U FRU 7320. FRU/CRU F530-4228-01, SAS FRU( ) 50 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 FRU/CRU F530-3927-01 FRU,CBL,PDB,MB,1U+2U,RIBBON FRU( ) F530-4431-01, F530-4417-01 FRU, F530-3880-01,,,, RJ45-RJ45, 6m F530-3883-01 FRU,2M,4X SAS FRU( ) FRU( ) CRU( ) CRU( ) 7320 I/O I/O. 1 2 3 4 5 /USB 6 1 51

7320 7320 CPU 7320 CPU. FRU/CRU F371-4966-01 DIMM, 8GB, DDR3, 2RX4, 13 CRU F371-4885-01 Intel E5620, 2.40G FRU DDR3 DIMM 18. DDR3 DIMM. 7320 /. 52 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 1 4 / 2 5 3 7320. :.. 110-220v C13 2 : 50/60Hz : 100-120/200-240 VAC AC RMS: 9.0 amps( ) AC : 90-264 VAC 3.3 VDC STBY: 3.6A +12 VDC: 62.3A 1 53

7320 : 873W : 2977BTU/ : 891 VA @ 240 VAC, 0.98P.F 7320 LED. 1 /LED 2 LED( ) 3 / LED( ) 4 5 6 LED 7 7320. HDD() 0 1. 4(ReadZilla SSD) 2-5. 6 7. 54 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 HDD1 HDD3 HDD5 HDD0 HDD2 HDD4 HDD6 HDD7 7320 7320,.,. FRU/CRU F300-2233-02 RoHS 760W CRU F541-2075-04, 1U F542-0184-01 DR, 3Gb SATA F542-0330-01 2.5" 512GB ReadZilla SSD FRU CRU CRU F541-276-01 ASSY, CRU F541-4274-02 (1U) FRU 7320 PCIe 7320 PCIe. FRU/CRU F371-4325-01 8Gb FC HBA(PCIe) F375-3609-02 PCA, SAS 6GBS 8 (PCIe) F375-3606-03 (x4) IB HCA(PCIe) F375-3696-01 CX2 4XQDR(PCIe) F375-3617-01 2X10GbE SFP+, X8(PCIe) F375-3481-01 NIC 1GigE Cu(PCIe) CRU CRU CRU CRU CRU CRU F511-1496-04 Sun Fishworks Cluster Controller 200(PCIe) FRU 1 55

7320 7320 7320. Sun 375-3609 2,,. 1 4 2 SC LED 5 3 6 PCIe 7320 96GB RAM, 2x2.4GHz, SAS HBA 1, 10/100/1000 4. 7320. TA7320-24A S7320, 2xCPU, 24GB, 597-1060-01 7104054 S7320, 2xCPU, 96GB, 7045900 TA7320-24A-HA S7320, 2xCPU, 24GB, 597-1061-01 7104055 S7320, 2xCPU, 96GB, 7045903 PCIe. PCIe. 0 PCIe 375-3617-01 Intel Niantic DP 10GE NIC 56 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 0 PCIe 375-3696-01 Mellanox InfiniBand HCA 0 PCIe 375-3606-03 MHJH29-XTC InfiniBand HCA 0 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 0 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA 1 PCIe 375-3617-01 Intel Niantic DP 10GE NIC 1 PCIe 375-3696-01 Mellanox InfiniBand HCA 1 PCIe 375-3606-03 MHJH29-XTC InfiniBand HCA FC ( ) 1 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 1 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA 2 PCIe 375-3609-03 Sun Thebe SAS HBA FC ( ) 7320 7320 96GB RAM, 2x2.4GHz, SAS HBA 1, 10/100/1000 4,. Sun Storage 7420C (XOPT 594-4680-01) 7320 7420.. : 7320, NIC/HBA. 0 PCIe 375-3617-01 Intel Niantic DP 10GE NIC 1 57

7320 0 PCIe 375-3696-01 Mellanox InfiniBand HCA 0 PCIe 375-3606-03 MHJH29-XTC InfiniBand HCA 0 PCIe 375-3481-01 Intel EXPI9404PT QP Copper NIC 0 PCIe 371-4325-01 QLogic 8Gb DP FC HBA FC ( ) 1 PCIe 542-0298-01 Sun Fishworks 2 2 PCIe 375-3609-03 Sun Thebe SAS HBA 7320 (SERIAL MGT) RJ-45,SP. (NET MGT) RJ-45,SP. 10/100/1000 Mbit/ 4 RJ-45 (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).. 7320 1-6 Disk Shelf. Shelf Logzilla Shelf.. Shelf. 58 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 Disk Shelf Disk Shelf 7420 7420 7420.. -. Disk Shelf - Disk Shelf Sun ZFS Storage 7420 Appliance 2 1-36 Disk Shelf. 7420. : 7420 M2 7420. ID CPU DIMM Readzilla 7420 M2 7107089 4x8, 2.0GHz 8GB, 16GB 1.6TB SAS 900GB SAS 7075466 7420 M2 7107090 4x10, 2.40GHz 8GB, 16GB 1.6TB SAS 900GB SAS 7075470 7420 7100566 4x8, 2.0GHz 8GB, 16GB 512GB SATA 500GB SATA 7014572 7420 7100568 4x10, 2.40GHz 8GB, 16GB 512GB SATA 500GB SATA 7014573 BUI ID CLI configuration version show.. ( ZFSStorage). 1 59

7420 3U. 13.3cm/5.25 70.6cm/27.8 43.7cm/17.19 16.36kg/96 1 LED ( ) 7 PS( ) LED 13 SSD 2() 2 LED( ) 8 LED 14 SSD 3() 3 / LED( ) 9 USB 2.0 15 SSD 4() 4 10 DB-15 16 SSD 5() 5 SP( ) LED( ) 11 0( ) 6 /CPU/ LED 12 1( ) 7420 M2 0 1 2 900GB SAS-2. 4 1.6TB SAS-2 Readzilla SSD 2-5. 7420 M2 SSD( ). 7420 0 1 2 500GB SATA. 0, 2, 3 4 512GB SSD 2-5. 7420 SSD. 60 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 / ( ). HBA. 1 61

7420 1 0 LED : : AC : 8 (NET) 10/100/1000 : NET0-NET3 2 0AC 9 USB 2.0 3 1 LED : : AC : 10 PCIe 5-9 4 1AC 11 (NET MGT) 5 LED : : : 12 (SER MGT) 6 PCIe 0-4 13 DB-15 7 (SER MGT) RJ-45,SP. (NET MGT) RJ-45,SP LAN. 10/100/1000 Mbit/ 4 RJ-45 (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).. 7420. :. : 50/60Hz 62 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 AC : 100~127VAC(CPU 2 ) 200~240VAC(CPU 2~4 ) AC RMS: 12A @ 100 VAC / 12A @ 200 VAC : 1800W : 6143BTU/ : 1837 VA @ 240 VAC, 0.98P.F. 7420. FRU( ) Oracle Service. - FRU CPU, DIMM 8, SP( ).SP ( ).SP 3.3V AC. - FRU, 12V. PDB. ("kill").,. PDB - FRU,, I/O. - 0 1. - FRU,. LED I2C. -6 FRU, I/O,, / LED. /,, LED.. 1 63

7420 1 7 CPU 2 PCIe 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 SSD 6 CPU 7420. 2,4 8 8GB DDR3 DIMM, 2.0Ghz CPU 128GB, 256GB 512GB. 4 8 8GB DDR3 DIMM, 2.0GHz 2.4Ghz CPU 256GB 512GB. 4 8 16GB DDR3 DIMM, 2.4Ghz CPU 512GB 1TB. : CPU. 7420 2 4 (1.86GHz 2.00GHz) CPU, CPU 2. 4 8 4GB 8GB DDR3 DIMM, CPU 2 256GB CPU 4 512GB. 64 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 DIMM. D0, D2, D4, D6, D1, D3, D5, D7. DIMM. > DIMM /SYS/MB/P0/D7. 1 65

7420 LED. LED. LED (TOP) LED LED LED. NIC/HBA NIC/HBA PCIe. SGX-SAS6-INT-Z 8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 7054001 SG-XPCIE2FC-QF8-Z 2 8Gb FC HBA 371-4325-02 SG-XPCIESAS-GEN2-Z 2 SAS (x4) HBA F375-3609-03 7105394 EU 2 SAS (x4) HBA 7059331 X4446A-Z-N 4 GigE UTP 7054739 X4242A 2 CX2 4xQDR, HCA 594-6776-01 X1109A-Z 2 10GbE SFP+ NIC 7051223 X2129A XCVRm 850NM, 1/10GPS, Short Reach, SFP 7015839 66 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 X5562A-Z 10GbE/1GbE SFP+, LR 594-6689-01 PCIe 7420 10 PCIe. PCIe. : 7420 M2 0(SAS-2 HBA ) 1 8(2 SAS-2 HBA ). 0 7054001 8 6Gb/s SAS-2 HBA 1 7420 M2 0 SAS-2 HBA. 0 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 7420 FC ( ) 0 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 7420 0 7054739 4 NIC 6 7420 1 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) 2 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) 2 SAS HBA 6 ( 2) 2 SAS HBA 6 2 7054739 4 NIC 6 2 371-4325-02 8Gb DP FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 1 67

7420 2 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 2 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 2 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 3 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) 2 SAS HBA 6 3 7054739 4 NIC 6 3 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 3 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 3 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 3 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 4 7054739 4 NIC 6 4 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 4 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 4 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 4 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 C 7056175 200 1 5 7054739 4 NIC 6 68 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 5 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 5 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 5 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 5 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 6 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) 2 SAS HBA 6 6 7054739 4 NIC 6 6 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 6 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 6 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 6 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 7 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) DP SAS HBA 6 7 7054739 4 NIC 6 7 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 7 375-3606-03 CX1 Infiniband HCA 4 7 7051223 2 10GE NIC 6 7 375-3696-01 CX2 Infiniband HCA 4 1 69

7420 8 F375-3609-03(EU 7059331) 2 SAS HBA 6 ( 2) 9 371-4325-02 8Gb 2 FC HBA 6 FC ( ) 9 7051223 2 10GbE NIC 6 9 7054739 4 NIC 6 PCIe 7420 PCIe. : 7420 M2 0(SAS-2 HBA ) 1 8(2 SAS-2 HBA ) ( PCIe ). PCIe. PCIe 1. SAS-2 HBA 2, 7, 3, 6 2. 8Gb FC HBA 9 FC HBA. 3. InfiniBand HCA 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4 4. 10Gb 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 0(7420 M2 ), 9 70 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf PCIe 5. 1Gb 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 0(7420 M2 ), 9 6. 8Gb FC HBA 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 0(7420 M2 ) 7420 1-6. 6 HDD SSD Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. 7x20 Disk Shelf Disk Shelf Shelf Disk Shelf Oracle Disk Shelf SAS( SCSI)., Disk Shelf IOM(I/O ) SIM(SAS ),.. Disk Shelf BUI >. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 1 71

Shelf Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 24 2.5" SAS-2 2U. HDD, SSD. Disk Shelf IOM(I/O ). Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 24 3.5" SAS-2 4U. SSD, HDD. Disk Shelf IOM(I/O ). Sun Disk Shelf 24x3.5" SAS-2 72 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf Sun Disk Shelf 24 3.5" SAS-2 4U. SSD, HDD. Disk Shelf SIM(SAS ). SAS-2 SAS-2( SCSI 2.0),,. 864 36 Shelf SAS-2. SAS-2 HBA Sun ZFS Storage 7000 1024. Shelf.. Shelf SAS-2. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C Sun Disk Shelf.. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 1 73

Shelf Disk Shelf 4 Logzilla SSD. Logzilla SSD 20, 21, 22, 23. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C Sun Disk Shelf Disk Shelf 4 Logzilla SSD. Logzilla SSD 20, 21, 22, 23. (Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C.). Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 74 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf 1 4 2 5 / 3 Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 1 75

Shelf 1 4 / 2 5 3 Sun Disk Shelf 1 4 7 2 5 8 SIM 3 6 9 Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 76 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf 1 0 3 I/O 0 2 I/O 1 4 1 Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 1, 0 4, 3 7 I/O 2 1 5 I/O 8 I/O 1 3 2 6 I/O 0 1 77

Shelf :. Sun Disk Shelf 1. 0 1. 2 SIM(SAS ). SIM 0 SIM 1. I/O IOM(I/O ) Disk Shelf. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 78 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf 1 / 4 SAS-2 1 7 Oracle Service 2 / 5 SAS-2 2 8 Oracle Service 3 SAS-2 0 6 SIM SIM Disk Shelf. Sun Disk Shelf Sun Disk Shelf SIM. 1 79

Shelf 1 AC 6 2 DC 7 3 8 4 9 SIM ( )/SIM ( ) 5 10 SIM Disk Shelf. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 80 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf 1 DC 6 2 7 3 AC 4 5 / Disk Shelf. Sun Disk Shelf 1 81

Shelf 1 6 2 AC 7 3 DC 8 4 5 / Disk Shelf Shelf. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 7103910 Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 82 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Shelf 7103911 300GB 10Krpm, SAS-2, 2.5" HDD 7103912 900GB 10Krpm, SAS-2, 2.5" HDD 7103915 73GB SSD SAS-2, 2.5" 7103917, Drive Enclosure DE2-24P Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 7103914 Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 7103913 3TB 7.2Krpm, SAS-2, 3.5" HDD 7103916 73GB SSD XATO SAS-2, 2.5"(2.5" - 3.5" ) 7103918, Drive Enclosure DE2-24C Sun Disk Shelf(DS2) DS2-0BASE DS2-HD2T Sun Disk Shelf(DS2) 24x3.5" SAS-2 2TB 7.2Krpm, SAS-2, 3.5" HDD 7101765 3TB 7.2Krpm, SAS-2, 3.5" HDD 7101274 300GB 15Krpm, SAS-2, 3.5" HDD 7101276 600GB 15Krpm, SAS-2, 3.5" HDD 7101197 73GB SSD XATO, 3.5" DS2-LOGFILLER Sun Disk Shelf(DS2) 24x3.5", LOGFiller DS2-4URK-19U Disk Shelf Disk Shelf Disk Shelf 1 83


2 2 Installation.. ZS3-2 ZS3-4 7x20 Oracle Storage Disk Shelf DE2-24C Oracle Storage Disk Shelf DE2-24P Sun Disk Shelf 85

Overview Overview Oracle ZFS Storage..... Oracle Service. Oracle Service.. ZS3-2 - ZS3-4 - 7120-7320 -, 7420 -,. 4.2. ANSI/EIA 310-D-1992 IEC 60927 610mm-915mm(24-36 ). 25.4mm(1 ). 800mm(31.5 ) 700mm(27.5 ). 456mm(18 ). 15 /4.5m. 86 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers, Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. ZS3-2 ZS3-4 7x20 Disk Shelf ZS3-2 Controllers ZS3-2 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2.......... ZS3-2 -. 2 Phillips ESD 2 87

ZS3-2 Controllers,. Sun ASCII ZS3-2 Controllers. 1.. 2. (1). 3. (2). 88 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers 4.. 5. 19 M6. 2 89

ZS3-2 Controllers 6... 90 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers 7..,. 8. (1). 9. 2 91

ZS3-2 Controllers 10. (30lb ). 11.. 12... :... 1. ( ) 30cm(12 ). 2. (~12 30cm).. 3.. 92 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers 1. CMA. CMA. 2. CMA (1U ) 2U. 3.. 4. - (1) 180 (2). (3). 5. -... 6. 2 93

ZS3-2 Controllers 7. 6 CMA. 8.. 9. 13cm(5 ). 10. CMA A ( 1 2). A (1) (2). A. 11. 12. 4 CMA. 94 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers 13. CMA B ( 1 2). B (1) (2). B. 14. 15. CMA C. 16. - (1) ( ) C ( 1). 17. 18. - C ( 2 3). 19. - CMA C. 2 95

ZS3-2 Controllers 20. CMA D D D ( 1 2). 21. 22. D D ( 1 2). D D. 23. 24. CMA D. 25. CMA 4 CMA CMA. 26. CMA CMA.a).b)CMA. 27. 96 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2 Controllers 28.. CMA. 29. CMA, CMA,,6..a).b).c). 30. 31.. /. 32... 2 97

ZS3-2 Controllers 33.. CMA. CMA /. CMA 1.. 2.. 3.. 4. CMA. 5. CMA. 6. CMA. CMA 1.. 2. CMA 13cm(5 ). 3. CMA. 4. -. 5. -. 6. - 6. 7. - 3. 8. - CMA. 9. D. 10. - D. CMA. CMA. 11. - CMA PUSH D,. 12. C. 13. - CMA. 14. - PUSH C C. 98 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 15. B. 16. - CMA B. 17. - B,. 18. A. 19. - CMA A. 20. - A,. 21. CMA. 22.. ZS3-2 ZS3-2 ZS3-4 Controllers ZS3-4 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-4........ ZS3-4 - 2 99

ZS3-4 Controllers. 2 Phillips ESD,. Sun ASCII ZS3-4 Controllers.. (1). (2).. 100 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 1.. 2.. 2 101

ZS3-4 Controllers 3. 4 4. 4.. 5..... 1. 19 M6. 2... 102 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 3..,. 4. (1). 2 103

ZS3-4 Controllers 5.. 6.. 7.. 104 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 8.. 9.. 10. (~12 30cm).. 11.. 2 105

ZS3-4 Controllers. 1. CMA( ). 106 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 2. CMA. 2 107

ZS3-4 Controllers 3. CMA (1) (2). 4. CMA (1) (2). 108 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4 Controllers 5. (1).. 2 109

7x20 Controllers ZS3-4 7x20 Controllers 7x20 Sun ZFS Storage 7120, 7320 7420..... 110 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers... 7120-7320 - 7420 -. 2 Phillips ESD,. Sun ASCII 7x20 Controllers.. (1). (2). 2 111

7x20 Controllers 7120/7320. 7420. 112 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 1.. 2. 7120/7320. 3. 7420. 2 113

7x20 Controllers 4. 4 4. 5.. 6..... 1. 19 M6. 114 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 2... 2 115

7x20 Controllers 3..,. 4. (1). 116 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 5.. 6.. 7.. 2 117

7x20 Controllers 8.. 9.. 10. (~12 30cm).. 11. 7120/7320. 118 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 12. 7420. 2 119

7x20 Controllers. 1. CMA( ). 120 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 2. CMA. 2 121

7x20 Controllers 3. CMA (1) (2). 4. CMA (1) (2). 122 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7x20 Controllers 5. (1).. 2 123

DE2 24C 7120 7320 7420 DE2 24C Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C.... 124 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24C... Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf.. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf - Shelf. 4 Phillips 2 110lbs(50kg).. Shelf.<br />. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. Sun Rack II 1042/1242 19,4, - 61-91cm(24-36 ) EIA (threaded) (unthreaded). M6 10-32.. Shelf.... 2 125

DE2 24C DE2 24C Disk Shelf 1. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24C 4 (4RU). (RU). Disk Shelf. 2. 19 Sun Rack II 4RU 8. 3. 126 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24C 4.. 5. - :. 6. - :.. 7. - : ().. 8.. 9. - :. 10. - : 2.. 11. - :. 2 127

DE2 24C 12.. 13. 1. 14. 2. 15. 128 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24C 16. Disk Shelf Shelf.. 17. 2 129

DE2 24C 18. Shelf. Shelf. Shelf Shelf. 19.,,. 20. Shelf. 21. 130 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24C 22. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. 100-240 VAC, 50-60Hz. Disk Shelf 100-120 VAC 200-240 VAC. Disk Shelf. DE2-24 1,140W Sun Disk Shelf 912W. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. 1.. 2.. 2 131

DE2 24C 3. : 2. 4. 5.. 6. / "I". 7.. 8. Disk Shelf ( ) Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf.. 9. 10.. 132 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24P Disk Shelf Disk Shelf.. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf SAS Shelf NSPF( ). Shelf. NSPF. 1. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. 2. 2. 3. / "O". 4.. 5. : Disk Shelf. DE2 24P Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P....... Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf.. 2 133

DE2 24P Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf - Shelf. 4 Phillips 2 T20 Torx 51lbs(23kg).. Shelf. Shelf. Disk Shelf. Sun Rack II 1042/1242 19,4, - 61-91cm(24-36 ) EIA (threaded) (unthreaded). M6 10-32.. Shelf.... DE2 24P Disk Shelf 1. Oracle Storage Drive Enclosure DE2-24P 2 (2RU). (RU) ( 6 ). Disk Shelf. 134 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24P 2. 19 Sun Rack II a)..b) 1.c).d) 1. 3. 19 a) T20 Torx.b) 2.c)..d) 1.e) 2 135

DE2 24P.f) 1. 4. Disk Shelf Shelf.. 5. 6. Shelf. Shelf. Shelf Shelf. 136 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 24P 7. Shelf. Shelf. 8. 9.. 10. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. 100-240 VAC, 50-60Hz. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. 2 137

DE2 24P Disk Shelf. 1.. 2.. 3. : 2. 4.. 5. / "I". 6.. 7. Disk Shelf ( ) Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf.. 8.. 138 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Sun Disk Shelf Sun Disk Shelf Disk Shelf Disk Shelf.. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf SAS Shelf NSPF( ). Shelf. NSPF. 1. Disk Shelf Disk Shelf. 2. 2. 3. / "O". 4.. Disk Shelf. Sun Disk Shelf...... Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf - 2 139

Sun Disk Shelf Shelf. 4 2 Phillips. 91-170lbs(42-77kg).3. Shelf. :, SIM. Disk Shelf. Sun Disk Shelf. Sun Rack 900/1000 Sun Fire Sun StorEdge Expansion Sun Rack II 1042/1242 19,4, - 61-91cm(24-36 ) EIA (threaded) (unthreaded). Shelf... Sun Disk Shelf Sun Disk Shelf 1. (RU). Disk Shelf. Sun Disk Shelf 4 (4RU). 2. 19 Sun Rack II 4U M6.. 140 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Sun Disk Shelf 3. ( 2, 2 ). 4. M6 ( 8 ). 2 141

Sun Disk Shelf 5.. 6. 8-32 4 ( 16 ). 142 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Sun Disk Shelf 7. Shelf Shelf Disk Shelf.. 8. 2 143

Sun Disk Shelf 9. Shelf Shelf. 10. Shelf Shelf. 11. Disk Shelf. 144 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

3 3 Cabling Oracle ZFS Storage. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. 2 HBA( ). Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Disk Shelf. Disk Shelf SAS.. Oracle DE2-24 Disk Shelf 145

Summary of Controller Configurations ZS3-2/7120/7320 ZS3-2/7320 DE2 Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 ZS3-4/7420 DE2 Disk Shelf Sun Disk Shelf 7120/7320 7320 Sun Disk Shelf 7420 7420 Sun Disk Shelf Mixed DE2-24 and Sun Disk Shelves ZS3-2/7120/7320 ZS3-2/7320 DE2-24 Sun Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 ZS3-4/7420 DE2-24 Sun Disk Shelf. HBA.. ZS3-2 : PCIe ZS3-4 : PCIe 7x20 : PCIe Summary of Controller Configurations. : 2X4 SAS-2 HBA 4X4 SAS-2 HBA.DE2 Sun Disk Shelf AK 2013.1.0 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Shelf 2X4 SAS-2 HBA 4X4 SAS-2 HBA ZS3-2 8 2 ZS3-4 36 4 7120 2 1 7320 6 1 1 146 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 to ZS3-2/7120/7320 Standalone Shelf 2X4 SAS-2 HBA 4X4 SAS-2 HBA 7420 36 6 6 DE2 to ZS3-2/7120/7320 Standalone Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7120/7320 HBA 1 2 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2/7120/7320. : PCIe. 1 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf 2 3 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 2 3 147

DE2 to ZS3-2/7320 Clustered 4 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 5 Disk Shelf 4 DE2 to ZS3-2/7320 Clustered Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7320 HBA 1 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2/7320. : PCIe. 148 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 to ZS3-2/7320 Clustered 1 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf 2 3 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf 4 Disk Shelf 4 3 149

DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Standalone DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Standalone Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 (HBA 3 ) HBA 3 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-4/7420. : PCIe. 1 HBA 3 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 3 2 Disk Shelf 2 150 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Standalone 3 HBA 3 3 Disk Shelf 3 4 HBA 3 6 Disk Shelf 6 5 HBA 3 6 Disk Shelf 3 151

DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Clustered 6 Disk Shelf 4 DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Clustered Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 (HBA 3 ) HBA 3 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-4/7420. : PCIe. 1 HBA 3 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 3 2 Disk Shelf 2 152 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

DE2 to ZS3-4/7420 Clustered 3 HBA 3 3 Disk Shelf 3 4 HBA 3 6 Disk Shelf 6 5 HBA 3 6 Disk Shelf 3 153

7120-7320 Cabling 7120-7320 Cabling 6 Disk Shelf 4 Sun Disk Shelf 7120/7320 HBA 1 Oracle ZFS Storage 7120/7320. : PCIe. 1 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 2 154 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7320 Cluster Cabling 3 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 6 7320 Cluster Cabling Sun Disk Shelf 7320 HBA 1 Oracle ZFS Storage 7320. : PCIe. 1 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 1 3 155

7420 Cabling 2 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 2 3 HBA 1 Disk Shelf 6 7420 Cabling Sun Disk Shelf 7420 (HBA 2 6 ) HBA 2 6 Oracle ZFS Storage 7420. : PCIe. 156 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 Cabling 1 HBA 2 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 2 3 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 12 4 HBA 6 Disk Shelf 1 3 157

7420 Cabling 5 HBA 6 2 Disk Shelf 2 6 HBA 6 3 Disk Shelf 3 7 HBA 6 6 Disk Shelf 6 8 HBA 6 6 Disk Shelf 36 158 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 Cluster Cabling 7420 Cluster Cabling Disk Shelf 7420 (HBA 2 6 ) HBA 2 6 Oracle ZFS Storage 7420. : PCIe. 1 HBA 2 Disk Shelf 1 2 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 2 3 159

7420 Cluster Cabling 3 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf 12 4 HBA 6 Disk Shelf 1 5 HBA 6 2 Disk Shelf 2 160 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

7420 Cluster Cabling 6 HBA 6 3 Disk Shelf 3 7 HBA 6 6 Disk Shelf 6 8 HBA 6 6 Disk Shelf 36 3 161

ZS3-2/7120/7320 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves ZS3-2/7120/7320 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7120/7320 HBA 1 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2/7120/7320. Disk Shelf. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Disk Shelf. : PCIe. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA AK 2013.1.0. 1 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf 2( DE2-24) 2 2 Disk Shelf 8 ( DE2-24) 162 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-2/7320 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves ZS3-2/7320 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves Disk Shelf ZS3-2/7320 HBA 1 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2/7320. Disk Shelf. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Disk Shelf. : PCIe. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA AK 2013.1.0. 1 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf 2 ( DE2-24) 2 HBA 1 2 Disk Shelf( DE2-24) 3 163

ZS3-4/7420 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves 3 2 Disk Shelf 8 ( DE2-24) ZS3-4/7420 with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 HBA 2 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-4/7420. Disk Shelf. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Disk Shelf. : PCIe. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA AK 2013.1.0. 1 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf ( DE2-24) 164 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

ZS3-4/7420 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves 2 2 Disk Shelf 8 ( DE2-24) ZS3-4/7420 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves Disk Shelf ZS3-4/7420 HBA 2 Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-4/7420. Disk Shelf. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA. Disk Shelf. : PCIe. 4X4 SAS-2 HBA AK 2013.1.0. 3 165

ZS3-4/7420 Clustered with DE2 and Sun Disk Shelves 1 HBA 2 2 Disk Shelf ( DE2-24) 2 2 Disk Shelf 8 ( DE2-24) 166 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

4 4 Power Oracle ZFS Storage CLI( ). BUI( ).... IP IP DNS( ) DNS IP IP. 8N1: 8,,1 9600 (CTS/RTS) 167

Power (XON/XOFF). ZS3-2 ZS3-4 7120 7320 7420 ILOM CPU. ILOM. ILOM( ) BUI. ILOM. ILOM (i) (ii).ilom. :ILOM.. Power. DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)...... 168 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Power 1. SER MGT. DB9-RJ45. 2. NET MGT. 3. NET0. 4. 2 Disk Shelf Disk Shelf.. 5. 0 1 / LED ( 2 ). 6.. 7. telnet,, serial-concentrator portnumber ( : telnet serial-concentrator portnumber). 8. SSH,, MAC () DHCP IP. : ssh root@ 9. changeme. 10. start /SP/console. 11. y. 12... NET-0. 13.. 14. ESC-1 F1 Enter. BUI. CLI.. 1. NET0 IP. : https://ipaddress:215 https://hostname:215. 4 169

Initial 2. root Enter.. 3.., DNS,,. Initial 6. 1. 2. DNS 3. 4. (NIS, LDAP, Active Directory) 5. 6. 170 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Initial. BUI....,.... > "" CLI maintenance system setup. BUI BUI. 4 171

Initial,,... NIC.BUI 215 BUI ssh 22 CLI. NIC. NIC. CLI CLI. help. done. CLI : caji console login: root Password: Last login: Sun Oct 19 02:55:31 on console To setup your system, you will be taken through a series of steps; as the setup process advances to each step, the help message for that step will be displayed. Press any key to begin initial configuration... (DHCP ) done. (, ) help... aksh: starting configuration with "net"... Configure Networking. Configure the appliance network interfaces. The first network interface has been configured for you, using the settings you provided at the serial console. Subcommands that are valid in this context: 172 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Initial datalinks devices interfaces help [topic] show abort done => Manage datalinks => Manage devices => Manage interfaces => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help" or "script". => Show information pertinent to the current context => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a misconfigured system) => Finish operating on "net" caji:maintenance system setup net> devices show Devices: DEVICE UP MAC SPEED igb0 true 0:14:4f:8d:59:aa 1000 Mbit/s igb1 false 0:14:4f:8d:59:ab 0 Mbit/s igb2 false 0:14:4f:8d:59:ac 0 Mbit/s igb3 false 0:14:4f:8d:59:ad 0 Mbit/s caji:maintenance system setup net> datalinks show Datalinks: DATALINK CLASS LINKS LABEL igb0 device igb0 Untitled Datalink caji:maintenance system setup net> interfaces show Interfaces: INTERFACE STATE CLASS LINKS ADDRS LABEL igb0 up ip igb0 Untitled Interface caji:maintenance system setup net> done DNS DNS. Configure DNS. Configure the Domain Name Service. Subcommands that are valid in this context: help [topic] show commit abort => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help", "script" or "properties". => Show information pertinent to the current context => Commit current state, including any changes => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a misconfigured system) 4 173

Initial done get [prop] set [prop] => Finish operating on "dns" => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties" for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified, returns values for all properties. => Set property [prop] to [value]. ("help properties" for valid properties.) For properties taking list values, [value] should be a comma-separated list of values. caji:maintenance system setup dns> show Properties: <status> = online domain = servers = caji:maintenance system setup dns> set domain = (uncommitted) caji:maintenance system setup dns> set servers= servers = (uncommitted) caji:maintenance system setup dns> commit caji:maintenance system setup dns> done aksh: done with "dns", advancing configuration to "ntp"... NTP(Network Time Protocol). NTP. Configure Time. Configure the Network Time Protocol. Subcommands that are valid in this context: help [topic] show commit abort done enable disable get [prop] set [prop] => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help", "script" or "properties". => Show information pertinent to the current context => Commit current state, including any changes => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a misconfigured system) => Finish operating on "ntp" => Enable the ntp service => Disable the ntp service => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties" for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified, returns values for all properties. => Set property [prop] to [value]. ("help properties" for valid properties.) For properties taking list values, [value] should be a comma-separated list of values. 174 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Initial caji:maintenance system setup ntp> set servers = (uncommitted) caji:maintenance system setup ntp> commit caji:maintenance system setup ntp> done aksh: done with "ntp", advancing configuration to "directory"... NIS, LDAP Active Directory. Configure Name Services. Configure directory services for users and groups. You can configure and enable each directory service independently, and you can configure more than one directory service. Subcommands that are valid in this context: nis ldap ad help [topic] show abort done => Configure NIS => Configure LDAP => Configure Active Directory => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help" or "script". => Show information pertinent to the current context => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a misconfigured system) => Finish operating on "directory" caji:maintenance system setup directory> nis caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> show Properties: <status> = online domain = broadcast = true ypservers = caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> set domain=fishworks domain = fishworks (uncommitted) caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> commit caji:maintenance system setup directory nis> done caji:maintenance system setup directory> done aksh: done with "directory", advancing configuration to "support"... LUN.. Configure Storage. Subcommands that are valid in this context: help [topic] => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help", "script" or "properties". 4 175

Initial show commit done config <pool> unconfig add import scrub <start stop> get [prop] set pool=[pool] => Show information pertinent to the current context => Commit current state, including any changes => Finish operating on "storage" => Configure the storage pool => Unconfigure the storage pool => Add additional storage to the storage pool => Search for existing or destroyed pools to import => Start or stop a scrub => Get value for property [prop]. ("help properties" for valid properties.) If [prop] is not specified, returns values for all properties. => Change current pool caji:maintenance system setup storage> show Properties: pool = pool-0 status = online profile = mirror log_profile = - cache_profile = - caji:maintenance system setup storage> done aksh: done with "storage", advancing configuration to "support"... (Phone Home). Remote Support. Register your appliance and configure remote monitoring. Subcommands that are valid in this context: tags scrk help [topic] show abort done => Configure service tags => Configure phone home => Get context-sensitive help. If [topic] is specified, it must be one of "builtins", "commands", "general", "help" or "script". => Show information pertinent to the current context => Abort this task (potentially resulting in a misconfigured system) => Finish operating on "support" caji:maintenance system setup support> done aksh: initial configuration complete 176 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

Update Update... 1. >. 2. >. 3. >. 4.. 5. ( "Sign In( )". 6. Oracle Single Sign-On. 7. Oracle. 8.. 9.. 10. unzip. 11. All_Supported_Platforms. 12. > BUI CLI. 4 177


7120 Sun ZFS Storage 7120 7320 Sun ZFS Storage 7320 7420 Sun ZFS Storage 7420 Active Directory Analytics ARC BUI CLI CPU CRU DIMM Disk Shelf DNS DTrace FC FRU FTP GigE HBA HCA HDD HTTP Microsoft Active Directory Adaptive Replacement Cache Customer Replaceable Component Shelf Field Replaceable Component HyperText Transfer Protocol 179

IOM IOM iscsi L2ARC LDAP LED Logzilla LUN NFS NIC NIS PCIe PCM PSU QDR Readzilla SAS SIM I/O Internet Small Computer System Interface Level 2 Adaptive Replacement Cache Lightweight Directory Access Protocol IOPS Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PSU PCM( ) L2ARC SSD Serial Attached SCSI SAS-2 Serial Attached SCSI 2.0 SATA SIM SSD SSH WebDAV ZFS Serial ATA SAS Solid State Drive Web based Distributed Authoring and Versioning, SNMP ZFS Analytics 180 Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance 2013 10 E50433 01

BUI CLI BUI BUI '' '' BUI Analytics LUN, DRAM. 181


7120, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48 7320, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 F FRU, 19, 20, 22 I IOM, 71, 78 L Logzilla, 39, 47 N NIC, 34, 66 S SAS-2, 72, 73 SATA, 60 183