: : E23290 2011 8
Copyright 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle America, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.., -,,. Oracle Corporation. Oracle Java Oracle Corporation /. Intel Intel Xeon Intel Corporation SPARC SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, AMD, AMD Opteron Advanced Micro Devices UNIX The Open Group ( ) 3, Oracle Corporation 3,. Oracle Corporation 3,,. 120418@25097
...19 1 Oracle Solaris ( )... 23 Oracle Solaris... 23 Oracle Solaris... 25 Oracle Solaris... 25 Solaris 9... 26 Solaris... 27 Solaris 10... 27 Oracle Solaris... 29 2 Solaris Management Console ( )...31 Solaris Management Console( )... 31 Solaris Management Console?... 31 Solaris Management Console... 32 Solaris Management Console... 34 Solaris Management Console... 34 Solaris Management Console... 36 Solaris Management Console... 36... 36 (root)... 37 (root)... 38 RBAC Solaris ( )... 40... 41... 41 ( )... 42... 43 3
Solaris Management Console... 44... 44 Oracle Solaris ( )... 45 RBAC... 46 Solaris Management Console... 47... 47 /etc/nsswitch.conf... 48... 48... 50 Solaris Management Console... 51 Solaris Management Console... 51... 51... 52 Solaris Management Console... 53 Solaris Management Console... 53 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( )... 55 Oracle Java Web Console... 55 Oracle Java Web Console... 55 Oracle Java Web Console... 56 Oracle Java Web Console( )... 56 Oracle Java Web Console?... 56 Oracle Java Web Console... 57... 58 Oracle Java Web Console ( )... 58 Oracle Java Web Console... 59 Oracle Java Web Console... 60... 61... 62... 62... 63... 63 Oracle Java Web Console... 64 Oracle Java Web Console... 66 Oracle Java Web Console ID... 67 4 : 2011 8
... 68 Oracle Java Web Console ( )... 70 Oracle Java Web Console... 71... 71... 73... 73 Oracle Java Web Console... 78 Oracle Java Web Console... 78 authtypes... 80 Oracle Java Web Console... 81 Oracle Java Web Console... 82 Oracle Java Web Console... 83 4 ( )... 85... 85... 86?... 86... 87, ID ID... 93... 94 passwd... 94 passwd... 94 shadow... 96 group... 96 group... 96... 98 Solaris... 98... 101... 101 Bash... 103... 103... 103... 104... 104 PATH... 107 5
... 108 (umask)... 109... 110 5 ( )...113 ( )... 113... 114... 115 Solaris Management Console... 116 Solaris Management Console... 117... 119 Solaris Management Console... 120... 120... 121 ( )... 123... 123... 125... 126... 126... 127... 127... 128... 129... 130 6 - ( )...131 -... 132 bootadm -p... 132 nfs4_domain... 132 x86: GRUB... 132 x86: smdiskless... 133 -... 133,?... 134?... 134... 135 6 : 2011 8
... 135... 136... 136... 137... 137... 138 OS... 139... 140 OS... 142 7 ( )...145 ( )... 145... 147 x86: GRUB... 149 Oracle Solaris 10... 151 OS... 152 x86: GRUB... 155 Oracle Solaris 10... 158 x86: GRUB... 160 SPARC: Oracle Solaris 10... 161... 161 OS... 162 OS... 163 OS... 163 OS... 164... 166... 166... 170 8...175... 175 SPARC... 176 Oracle Solaris... 176... 177 7
Install-Time Update SPARC... 177 Oracle Solaris 10 2TB... 178 Oracle Solaris ZFS... 178 x86: findroot... 178 bootadm... 179 SPARC... 179 x86:... 180... 180... 180... 181... 182... 183... 184 9 ( )...185 Oracle Solaris... 186 SPARC... 187... 188... 188... 188... 189... 189 SPARC... 189 x86: GRUB... 190 GRUB... 190 findroot GRUB... 191 Oracle Solaris ZFS... 192 Oracle Solaris ZFS... 192 Oracle Solaris ZFS... 193 SPARC: Oracle Solaris ZFS... 193 x86: ZFS... 194 10 ( )...195 ( )... 195... 196 8 : 2011 8
... 196... 197... 197... 198... 201... 203... 203 11 Oracle Solaris ( )...205 SPARC ( )... 205 SPARC: PROM... 206 SPARC: PROM... 207 SPARC:... 207 SPARC:... 208 SPARC: PROM... 209 SPARC: eeprom... 211 SPARC:... 211 SPARC: PROM... 211 SPARC: eeprom... 212 ITU SPARC... 212 x86 ( )... 214 x86... 214 x86: GRUB... 216 Oracle Solaris 10 GRUB... 217 GRUB... 217 x86: GRUB... 218 x86: menu.lst... 219 x86: menu.lst... 220 x86: GRUB menu.lst... 223 x86: findroot... 224 x86: findroot GRUB... 225 12 Oracle Solaris ( )...227 SPARC ( )... 228 SPARC... 229 9
SPARC: 3 ( )... 229 SPARC: S ( )... 230 SPARC:... 231 SPARC:... 232 SPARC ZFS... 234 SPARC: ZFS... 235 SPARC: ZFS... 236 SPARC... 238 SPARC... 239 SPARC... 243 SPARC:... 243 GRUB x86 ( )... 245 x86: 3 ( )... 246 x86: S ( )... 247 x86:... 249 x86: x86 ZFS... 252 x86: ZFS... 252 x86: ZFS... 253 x86... 255 x86... 256 x86:... 258 x86... 260 x86: DHCP... 261 x86: GRUB... 263 SPARC ( )... 264 SPARC... 265 SPARC... 265 SPARC... 265... 265 13 Oracle Solaris ( )...267 Oracle Solaris ( )... 267 Oracle Solaris... 268 boot-archive... 269 10 : 2011 8
boot-archive... 270... 270 x86: auto-reboot-safe... 271 bootadm... 271 bootadm... 272 bootadm... 272 Solaris RAID-1( )... 273... 275 x86: GRUB... 275 x86: GRUB... 276 14 Oracle Solaris ( )... 277 SPARC ( )... 277 SPARC:... 278 SPARC:... 278 SPARC:... 280 SPARC: ZFS... 282 SPARC: (kmdb)... 283 x86 ( )... 284 x86:... 284 x86:... 284 x86: GRUB (kmdb)... 286 15 x86: GRUB ( )...289 x86:... 289 x86: BIOS... 289 x86:... 290 x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB... 290 x86: GRUB... 290 x86: GRUB... 292 GRUB... 293 x86: GRUB... 295 11
16 x86: GRUB ( )... 297 x86: ( )... 297 x86: GRUB... 298 x86: 3 ( )... 299 x86: S ( )... 301 x86:... 303 x86:... 305 x86:... 305 x86: Device Configuration Assistant... 307 x86:... 308 x86:... 309 x86: (kmdb)... 311 x86:... 313 x64: 64... 315 x86: ( )... 315 x86:... 316 x86:... 321 x86:... 322 17 Oracle Solaris regadm ( )... 325 Oracle Solaris ( )... 326 Oracle Solaris 10 System... 326... 327... 328... 328 regadm... 330 regadm... 330 regadm... 331 SMF... 331 SMF... 332 SMF... 332 SMF... 332 regadm... 333... 333... 334 12 : 2011 8
... 335... 336... 338 regadm... 340... 341 regadm... 342... 343... 344... 344 HTTP... 344 HTTP... 345 18 ( )...347 SMF... 347 SMF... 348 SMF... 349 SMF... 349... 350... 351 SMF... 351 SMF... 352... 352 SMF... 353 SMF... 353 SMF... 353 SMF... 353... 354 SMF... 354 SMF... 354 SMF... 355 SMF... 355 SMF... 355... 356... 357... 357 13
/etc/inittab... 358 3... 359 19 ( )...361 ( )... 361 SMF... 362... 362... 364... 364 SMF ( )... 365 SMF... 365 SMF RBAC... 365... 366... 366... 367... 368 SMF... 368 SMF... 369 SMF... 370 generic*.xml... 371 SMF... 371... 371... 372 inetd... 373 inetd... 374 inetd.conf... 376 ( )... 376... 377... 377... 378... 379... 379... 379... 380... 382 14 : 2011 8
system/filesystem/local:default sulogin... 383 20 ( )...385 Oracle Solaris... 386 Oracle Solaris... 386 Oracle Solaris... 386... 387 Oracle Solaris OS... 387 patchadd - M... 388... 388... 388... 389... 389 (pkgadd)... 391 (pkgadd)... 391 (pkgrm)... 392 Solaris /... 392 (pkgadd)... 393... 393 (pkgadd)... 394 21 Oracle Solaris ( )... 395 Oracle Solaris Solaris GUI... 395 Oracle Solaris GUI... 396 Oracle Solaris GUI... 396 Oracle Solaris GUI ( )... 397 Oracle Solaris GUI / 398 Oracle Solaris GUI... 399 Oracle Solaris GUI... 400 Oracle Solaris ( )... 401 Oracle Solaris... 402 / (prodreg)... 402 (prodreg)... 405 15
( prodreg)... 407 (prodreg)... 408 (prodreg)... 409 (prodreg)... 412 (prodreg)... 414 22 Oracle Solaris ( )... 417 ( )... 417... 418 (pkgadd)... 418... 421 (pkginfo)... 423 (pkgchk)... 424 (pkgchk -p, pkgchk -P)...425... 427 (pkgrm)... 427 23...429... 429... 430 Live Upgrade... 430 Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris... 431... 431... 432... 432... 432... 432... 433... 433 patchadd... 434... 434... 434 16 : 2011 8
A SMF...437... 443 17
: Oracle Solaris SPARC x86. Oracle Solaris 10 (OS) Oracle Solaris 10... Oracle Solaris SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris OS: x86. x86 64 32 x86 x64 64 x86 CPU "32 x86" x86 32 Oracle Solaris OS: Oracle Solaris 10 1-2 UNIX. UNIX. 19
. : : System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems System Administration Guide: IP Services System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (NIS+) System Administration Guide: Network Services System Administration Guide: Printing System Administration Guide: Security Services System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions,,,, ( ), (,, ),, Oracle Solaris,,, TCP/IP,IPv4 IPv6, DHCP, IPsec, IKE, Solaris IP, IP, IPMP(IP Network Multipathing), IPQoS DNS, NIS LDAP (NIS LDAP, NIS+ LDAP ) NIS+,, (NFS Autofs),, SLP, PPP,,,,,, BART, Kerberos, PAM, Solaris Cryptographic Framework,, RBAC, SASL, Solaris Secure Shell,,, FSS(Fair Share Scheduler), rcapd(resource Capping Daemon),, Solaris Zones lx ZFS /,,,, (ACL) ZFS, Oracle Solaris ZFS,, Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Solaris 10 5/08 Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions, 20 : 2011 8
Oracle.,,.,. Oracle Support Oracle My Oracle Support. http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs( ) P 1 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123, ;,.login ls -a machine_name% you have mail. machine_name% su Password: rm filename 21
P 1 ( ) AaBbCc123,, 6. : Oracle Solaris OS UNIX. Oracle Solaris. P 2 Bash, Korn Bourne $ Bash, Korn Bourne # C C machine_name% machine_name#. ("), ( ) ( ). Return Enter. /sbin, /usr/sbin, /usr/bin, /etc 22 : 2011 8
1 Oracle Solaris ( ) Solaris 23 Oracle Solaris 25 Oracle Solaris 25 Oracle Solaris 26 Solaris 9 29 Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 3/05 admintool Oracle Solaris 10. Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 23
Oracle Solaris 1 1 Oracle Solaris Solaris admintool.. Solaris Management Console:,, Oracle Solaris : Solaris Print Manager: Oracle Solaris 10 grep pattern /var/sadm/install/contents -P pkgchk -P. 113 ( ) 397 Oracle Solaris GUI ( ) System Administration Guide: Printing 5, Setting Up Printers by Using LP Print Commands (Tasks) : ( ) 388 23, Solaris Print Manager Solaris Print Manager Oracle Solaris 10 Never Print Banner( ) System Administration Guide: Printing What s New in Printing? RIP( ) PPD( ) : lpadmin -n PPD. Solaris Print Manager Use PPD Files(PPD ) PPD. lpstat PPD PPD 24 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris,,,, Oracle Solaris GUI 1 2 Solaris Solaris 9 Solaris 10 admintool Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Solstice AdminSuite 3.0 Solaris 1.0 Solaris 2.0 Solaris 2.1 Solaris Management Console 1 5 Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 1 3 Solaris (Solaris Volume Manager) Solaris Management Console 2.1 1 Oracle Solaris ( ) 25
Solaris 9 1 3 Solaris ( ) RBAC( ) RBAC / Solaris Management Console 2.1, Solaris Print Manager Solaris 9 Solaris 9 1 4 Solaris 9 admintool Solaris Management Console 2.1 (Solaris Volume Manager) 26 : 2011 8
Solaris 1 4 Solaris 9 ( ) admintool Solaris Management Console 2.1, Solaris Print Manager RBAC RBAC / Solaris Oracle Solaris 7, ( ) Solaris 10 Oracle Solaris. -D 1 5 Solaris smc Solaris Management Console smc(1m) smcron crontab smcron(1m) 1 Oracle Solaris ( ) 27
Solaris 1 5 Solaris ( ) smdiskless smexec exec_attr smdiskless(1m) smexec(1m) smgroup smgroup(1m) smlog smmultiuser smosservice smprofile smrole WBEM OS prof_attr exec_attr smlog(1m) smmultiuser(1m) smosservice(1m) smprofile(1m) smrole(1m) smserialport smserialport(1m) smuser smuser(1m) RBAC. RBAC. 1 6 RBAC auths profiles auths(1) profiles(1) roleadd roleadd(1m) roles roles(1) 28 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris, RBAC.. 1 7 Oracle Solaris useradd, usermod, userdel, useradd(1m), usermod(1m), userdel(1m) groupadd, groupmod, groupdel, groupadd(1m), groupmod(1m), groupdel(1m) Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 1 8 Solaris Availability Solaris Management Console 2.1 Solaris Management Console 2.0 Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10 Solaris 8 1/01, 4/01, 7/01, 10/01 2/02 Solaris Management Console admintool Solaris 9 Solaris admintool AdminSuite 3.0 Solaris 8, Solaris 8 6/00 Solaris 8 10/00 Solaris 8 1/01, 4/01, 7/01, 10/01, 2/02, Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10 Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 Installation Guide 7, ( ) 1 Oracle Solaris ( ) 29
2 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) Solaris Management Console( ) RBAC( ), Solaris. Solaris Management Console 40 RBAC Solaris ( ) 45 Oracle Solaris ( ) Solaris Management Console 53 Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console( ) Solaris Manager Console Solaris Management Console? Solaris Management Console GUI. cron cron Solaris 2 1 31
Solaris Management Console( ),. Solaris Management Console. Solaris Management Console GUI Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console Toolbox Editor,. Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console 2 1 Solaris Management Console ( :, ) : 5, ( ) Solaris Management Console : 14, ( ) : : 11, ( ) 32 : 2011 8
Solaris Management Console( ) 2 1 Solaris Management Console ( ),,, 86? System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) /etc/project System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones 2, Projects and Tasks (Overview) Solaris Management Console cron : System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Mounting and Unmounting Oracle Solaris File Systems System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems 10, Managing Disks (Overview),, Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide : 1, ( ) Help( ). 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 33
Solaris Management Console( ) Solaris Management Console.., GUI... System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) ( ). RBAC. Solaris RBAC.. CLI( ) Solaris. GUI ( : ). 1 5. Solaris UNIX RBAC,RBAC RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) Oracle Solaris RBAC 40 RBAC Solaris ( ) Solaris Management Console Users( ). 34 : 2011 8
Solaris Management Console( ) 2 1 Solaris Management Console Users( ) Navigation( ) ( ) ( ), Navigation( ). View( ) ( ) Navigation( ) View( ),. Information( ) ( ) 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 35
Solaris Management Console( ) Solaris Management Console. View( ) View( ) Show( ). View( ) View( ) Console( ) Preferences( ),,,,,,,. Context Help( ) Console Events( ) Information( ) Context Help( ) Console Events( ). Solaris Management Console,, Information( ) Information( ). Help( )..,,, 2 1 34 Solaris Management Console Solaris RBAC( ). RBAC. RBAC. 36 : 2011 8
(root) RBAC RBAC.. Solaris root root 38 (root) root root root. root.. System Administration Guide: Security Services How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation root (, ). 41 System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) System Administration Guide: Security Services Managing RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation (root) ( : ) RBAC root(uid=0). root ( )... 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 37
(root) RBAC su.rbac, su.. root RBAC.RBAC. 42 ( ) RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services 9, Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks) (root).. 1 a. Solaris Management Console b. Solaris c. root. Solaris Management Console 51 Solaris Management Console hostname console: root Password: root-password # (#) 38 : 2011 8
(root) su % su Password: root-password #. /etc/default/login. System Administration Guide: Security Services 3, Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks) 2 su % su role Password: role-password $ a. Solaris Management Console b. Solaris c. Solaris Management Console 44 Solaris 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 39
RBAC Solaris ( ) RBAC Solaris ( ) RBAC RBAC RBAC RBAC. RBAC RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) 1. root 44 2. 3.. 4. 5. ( ) root. 6. ( ).. root root su root. Solaris Management Console 41 42 ( ) 43 System Administration Guide: Security Services How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation System Administration Guide: Security Services 9, Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks) 40 : 2011 8
RBAC Solaris ( ) Solaris Management Console RBAC RBAC. RBAC RBAC root RBAC.. 42 ( ) RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services 9, Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)... Add Administrative Role( )... 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 41
RBAC Solaris ( ) 2 2 Solaris Management Console Role name( ) Full name( ) Role ID number( ID ) Role shell( ) Create a role mailing list( ) Role password and confirm Password( ) Available rights and granted Rights( ) Select a home directory( ) Assign users to this role( ) ( ) UID ( ).. Available Rights( ) Granted Rights( ) RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) 1 ( ) % /usr/sadm/bin/smc & 44. 42 : 2011 8
RBAC Solaris ( ) 2 3 4 5 Navigation( ) This Computer( ). System Configuration( ) -> Users( ) -> Administrative Roles( ). Action( ) -> Add Administrative Role( ). Add Administrative Role( ). Administrative Role( ). a.,, ID,. b. Next( ). c. Available Rights( ) Granted Rights( ) d.. e. Next( ). f. Next( ). 2 2 6 Finish( ).. 1 2 3 % /usr/sadm/bin/smc & 44 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 43
Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console Solaris 41 Solaris.. Solaris. 1 2 ( : GNOME ) % /usr/sadm/bin/smc & 1-2. Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console. Solaris Management Console 53 Solaris Management Console 3 4 Navigation( ) ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) Navigation( ) Console( ) Open Toolbox( ) 48 44 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ( ) 5 6 7.. Log-In( ) root root ID 8 42 ( ) Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris., NIS NIS+. Users( ) Computers and Networks( ).. 1. 47 Solaris Management Console 2.. New Toolbox( ). 48 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 45
Oracle Solaris ( ) 3. 4. 50 51 Solaris Management Console RBAC Solaris 9 Solaris 9 Solaris Management Console RBAC Solaris Management Console RBAC RBAC Solaris Management Console 53 Solaris Management Console Solaris 9 Solaris Management Console RBAC. ypmake, nispopulate LDAP NIS NIS+ LDAP Oracle Solaris 10 Oracle Solaris 10 RBAC Oracle Solaris 2 3 RBAC /etc/user_attr user_attr /etc/security/auth_attr auth_attr 46 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ( ) 2 3 RBAC ( ) /etc/security/prof_attr prof_attr,, /etc/security/exec_attr exec_attr RBAC smattrpop. usr_attr System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console Oracle Solaris 10 /etc/nsswitch.conf Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) 47 48 /etc/nsswitch.conf Solaris Management Console LDAP, NIS, NIS+ /etc/nsswitch.conf. 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 47
Oracle Solaris ( ) /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf ( ) Toolbox Editor /etc/nsswitch.conf.. Solaris., NIS NIS+ NIS NIS+ /etc/nsswitch.conf. Solaris. Oracle Solaris.. Toolbox Editor.,. Toolbox Editor. /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes root Toolbox Editor. 1 2 3 Toolbox Editor # /usr/sadm/bin/smc edit & Toolbox( ) Open( ) Toolboxes( ) This Computer( ) 48 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ( ) 4 5 6 7 Open( ). This Computer( ). Navigation( ) This Computer( ) Action( ) Add Folder( ) Folder( ) a. Name and Description( ) Full Name( ) Next( )., NIS "NIS tools" b. Description( ) Next( )., "tools for NIS environment" c. Icons( ) Next( ). d. Management Scope( ) Override( ) e. Management Scope( ) f. Server( ) g. Domain( ) h. Finish( ). Navigation( ) 8 9 10 Toolbox( ) Save As( ) LocalToolbox Filename( ).tbx /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes/this_computer/toolbox-name.tbx. Navigation( ). 50 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 49
Oracle Solaris ( ).... 1 2 3 4 5 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Toolbox Editor # /usr/sadm/bin/smc edit & Toolbox Editor 48 Action( ) AddTool( ) AddTool( ) a. Server Selection( ) Server( ). b. Tools Selection( ) Tools( )., Users( ) c. Name and Description( ) Next( ). d. Icons( ). e. Management Scope( ) "Inherit from Parent( )". f. Tool Loading( ) "Load tool when selected( )" Finish( ). 50 : 2011 8
Solaris Management Console 6 Save( ) Local Toolbox( ) Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console. /etc/nsswitch.conf 1 2 Solaris Management Console 44 Navigation( ) 48 Solaris Management Console. System Administration Guide: Security Services Managing RBAC Solaris Solaris Management Console.. X CLI( ) HTML 1 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 51
Solaris Management Console 2 3 4 5 6 7 Solaris Management ConsoleToolbox Editor # /usr/sadm/bin/smc edit &. Toolbox Editor.. Action( ) -> Add Legacy Application( ). Legacy Application( ) General( ). Toolbox Editor 1 2 3 Solaris Management Console # pkgadd ABCDtool a. # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop b. # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start 4 44 52 : 2011 8
Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console SUNWmc Solaris Management Console 2.1( ) SUNWmcc Solaris Management Console 2.1( ) SUNWmccom Solaris Management Console 2.1( ) SUNWmcdev Solaris Management Console 2.1( ) SUNWmcex Solaris Management Console 2.1( ) SUNWwbmc Solaris Management Console 2.1(WBEM ) Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console SUNWCprog. Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console.. 1 2 #/etc/init.d/init.wbem status SMC server version 2.1.0 running on port 898. 3 # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start SMC server is ready. 4 a. # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop Shutting down SMC server on port 898. 2 Solaris Management Console ( ) 53
Solaris Management Console b. # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start 54 : 2011 8
3 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) Sun Oracle Java Web Console 55 Oracle Java Web Console 56 Oracle Java Web Console( ) 59 Oracle Java Web Console 61 64 Oracle Java Web Console 71 Oracle Java Web Console 78 Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console 58 Oracle Java Web Console ( ) 70 Oracle Java Web Console ( ) Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Solaris. Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Oracle JavaWeb Console Solaris 10 11/06: Oracle Java Web Console SMF( ) SMF 18, ( ) 55
Oracle JavaWeb Console( ) Oracle JavaWeb Console Solaris 10 6/06: Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Java Web Console. CLI( ).,,. ( ) zvol( ). zvol. Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Java Enterprise System Oracle Java Web Console Oracle JavaWeb Console( ) Oracle Java Web Console https URL.. Oracle JavaWeb Console? Oracle Java Web Console Sun. 56 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console( ) Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console Solaris Management Console. Oracle Java Web Console, Solaris Management Console Java. https Single sign-on Single sign-on. UI( ),, Oracle Java Web Console PAM( ), RBAC( ) BSM( ) Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console smcwebserver wcadmin Solaris 10 11/06, wcadmin(1m) smreg Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 OS 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 57
Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) Solaris 10 11/06 Oracle Java Web Console 3.0. smcwebserver(1m), wcadmin(1m) smreg(1m) Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Solaris. Mozilla( 1.4 ) Netscape( 6.2 ) Firefox( 1.0 ) Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console 60 Oracle Java Web Console, /. 62 62 63 63 58 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console. 66 Oracle Java Web Console Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console,. Start Each Application in a New Window( ).. URL https://hostname.domain:6789 https SSL(Secure Socket Layer) hostname.domain 6789 Oracle Java Web Console RBAC ID NOROLE, ID 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 59
Oracle JavaWeb Console 1 2 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle JavaWeb Console ( : Mozilla 1.7 Firefox 1.0) 58 URL, sailfish sw URL https://sailfish.sw:6789. URL. 3 1 Oracle Java Web Console 60 : 2011 8
4 5 6 RBAC System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map), Start Each Application in a NewWindow( )... https://hostname.domain:6789/app-context-name app-context-name.. wcadmin list -a smreg list -a URL URL.. Solaris 10 11/06: Oracle Java Web Console SMF( ) SMF smcwebserver, /. SMF FMRI system/webconsole:console. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 61
Solaris 10 11/06 enabled true(temporary) 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) enabled # smcwebserver start.. Solaris 10 11/06 general/enabled SMF true 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map). # smcwebserver enable Solaris 10 11/06: # svcadm enable system/webconsole:console Solaris 10 11/06 smcwebserver. svcadm. 62 : 2011 8
Solaris 10 11/06 enabled false(temporary) 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) enabled # smcwebserver stop. Solaris 10 11/06 general/enabled SMF false. 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # smcwebserver disable Solaris 10 11/06: # svcadm disable system/webconsole:console Solaris 10 11/06 smcwebserver. svcadm. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 63
Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console.. Solaris 10 11/06 OS wcadmin. smreg wcadmin wcadmin(1m).. session.timeout.value. 15... 3 1 /var/log/webconsole/console logging.default.level Oracle Solaris syslog syslog /var/adm/messages. /var/log/webconsole/console/console_debug_log 68 debug.trace.level syslog Oracle Java Web Console console_debug_log logging.default.level. debug.trace.level. 64 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console logging.default.level. all info off severe warning 3 2. Solaris, Log None audit.default.type.. Solaris Solaris BSM /var/audit praudit. BSM. /etc/security/audit_control. lo. praudit(1m) bsmconv(1m) System Administration Guide: Security Services System Administration Guide: Security Services VII, Auditing in Oracle Solaris Log syslog. info 3 2 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 65
Oracle JavaWeb Console. 3 5 1 2 Oracle JavaWeb Console System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Oracle Solaris Solaris 10 11/06 # wcadmin add -p -a console name=value -p -a console console -a console. name=value Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg add -p -c name 3 ( ) Solaris 10 11/06 # wcadmin remove -p -a console name=value Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg remove -p -c name -p -c -c. name 66 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console 3 1 Oracle JavaWeb Console 5 # wcadmin add -p -a console session.timeout.value=5 3 2 Oracle JavaWeb Console all # wcadmin add -p -a console logging.default.level=all 3 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console # wcadmin remove -p -a console logging.default.level 3 4 Oracle JavaWeb Console Java Java # wcadmin add -p -a console java.home=/usr/java 3 5 Oracle JavaWeb Console None # wcadmin add -p -a console audit.default.type=none. Log syslog Solaris BSM Oracle JavaWeb Console ID ID noaccess noaccess noaccess ID. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 67
Oracle JavaWeb Console noaccess ID. ID. root ID. # smcwebserver start -u username ID ID Solaris 10 11/06. # wcadmin add -p -a console com.sun.web.console.user= username Solaris 10 11/06 noaccess ID noaccess, ID. ID # smcwebserver stop # /usr/share/webconsole/private/bin/wcremove -i console # smcwebserver start -u new_user_identity Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg add -p -c com.sun.web.console.user=username ID... debug.trace.level 0. 68 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console 1-2 -1 3 - Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 /var/log/webconsole Solaris 10 11/06 /var/log/webconsole/console console_debug_log console_debug_log.1 console_debug_log.2. 5 ( ), 3 6 3 Solaris 10 11/06 # wcadmin add -p -a console debug.trace.level=3 Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg add -p -c debug.trace.level=3 3 7 debug.trace.level debug.trace.level wcadmin list smreg list Solaris 10 11/06: # wcadmin list -p grep "debug.trace.level" Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg list -p grep "debug.trace.level" 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 69
Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) smcwebserver, wcadmin svcs... 71 72 74 Oracle Java Web Console.. 74 Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console. Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console. 75 Oracle Java Web Console 76 Oracle Java Web Console 77 Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console. 77 Oracle Java Web Console 70 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console. Oracle Java Web Console. 82 Oracle Java Web Console 83 Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console smcwebserver, wcadmin svcs. 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # smcwebserver status Sun Java(TM) Web Console is running Solaris 10 11/06: SMF # svcs -l system/webconsole:console / smcwebserver enabled false(temporary) true(temporary). 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 71
Oracle JavaWeb Console 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris 10 11/06 # wcadmin list Deployed web applications (application name, context name, status): console ROOT [running] console com_sun_web_ui [running] console console [running] console manager [running] legacy myapp [running] Registered jar files (application name, identifier, path): console audit_jar /usr/lib/audit/audit.jar console console_jars /usr/share/webconsole/lib/*.jar console jato_jar /usr/share/lib/jato/jato.jar console javahelp_jar /usr/jdk/packages/javax.help-2.0/lib/*.jar console shared_jars /usr/share/webconsole/private/container/shared/lib/*.jar Registered login modules (application name, service name, identifier): console ConsoleLogin userlogin console ConsoleLogin rolelogin Shared service properties (name, value): ENABLE java.home yes /usr/jdk/jdk1.5.0_06 SMF enabled ENABLE ENABLE SMF Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg list The list of registered plugin applications: com.sun.web.console_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/console com.sun.web.ui_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/com_sun_web_ui com.sun.web.admin.example_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/example 72 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console The list of registered jar files: com_sun_management_services_api.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_services_impl.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_console_impl.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_cc.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_webcommon.jar scoped to ALL com_iplanet_jato_jato.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_solaris_impl.jar scoped to ALL com_sun_management_solaris_implx.jar scoped to ALL The list of registered login modules for service ConsoleLogin: com.sun.management.services.authentication.pamloginmodule optional use_first_pass="true" commandpath="/usr/lib/webconsole"; com.sun.management.services.authentication.rbacroleloginmodule requisite force_role_check="true" commandpath="/usr/lib/webconsole"; The list of registered server configuration properties: session.timeout.value=15 authentication.login.cliservice=consolelogin logging.default.handler=com.sun.management.services.logging.consolesysloghandler logging.default.level=info logging.default.resource=com.sun.management.services.logging.resources.resources logging.default.filter=none logging.debug.level=off audit.default.type=none audit.none.class=com.sun.management.services.audit.logauditsession audit.log.class=com.sun.management.services.audit.logauditsession audit.class.fail=none authorization.default.type=solarisrbac authorization.solarisrbac.class= com.sun.management.services.authorization.solarisrbacauthorizationservice authorization.principaltype.class= com.sun.management.services.authorization.principaltypeauthorizationservice debug.trace.level=0... No environment properties have been registered.. 71 78 Oracle Java Web Console.. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 73
Oracle JavaWeb Console. Solaris 10 11/06,.,.. 1 2 app.xml app.xml WEB-INF. app.xml registrationinfo registrationinfo 2.x. registrationinfo version="2.2.4". registrationinfo 3.0 registrationinfo version="3.0". 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris 10 11/06 # wcadmin list -a Deployed web applications (application name, context name, status): console ROOT [running] console com_sun_web_ui [running] console console [running] console manager [running] legacy myapp [running] legacy 74 74 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console, 77 Oracle Java Web Console..,. console_debug_log Tomcat console_debug_log 68 ( ) context.xml. Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 # smreg list -a The list of registered plugin applications: com.sun.web.console_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/console com.sun.web.ui_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/com_sun_web_ui com.sun.web.admin.yourapp_2.2.4 /usr/share/webconsole/yourapp Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 Solaris 10 11/06 77 Oracle Java Web Console 74 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # smcwebserver stop # smreg add -a /directory/containing/application-files 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 75
Oracle JavaWeb Console smreg Oracle Java Web Console smreg(1m) 4 3 8 # smcwebserver start /usr/share/webconsole/example. smreg. # smcwebserver stop # smreg add -a /usr/share/webconsole/example Warning: smreg is obsolete and is preserved only for compatibility with legacy console applications. Use wcadmin instead. Type "man wcadmin" or "wcadmin --help" for more information. Registering com.sun.web.admin.example_version. # smcwebserver start Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06 Solaris 10 6/06 Solaris 10 11/06 77 Oracle Java Web Console smreg. 74 1 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) 76 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console 2 3 9 # smreg remove -a app-name Oracle JavaWeb Console app-name com.sun.web.admin.example # smreg remove -a com.sun.web.admin.example Unregistering com.sun.web.admin.example_version. 1 2 3 10 Oracle JavaWeb Console Solaris 10 11/06: Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06 75 Oracle Java Web Console 74 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) wcadmin deploy -a app-name -x app-context-name /full path/to/app-name # wcadmin deploy -a newexample_1.0 -x newexample /apps/webconsole/newexample Oracle JavaWeb Console Solaris 10 11/06: Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06 76 Oracle Java Web Console 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 77
Oracle JavaWeb Console 74 74 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # wcadmin undeploy -a newexample_1.0 -x newexample Oracle JavaWeb Console. 78 Oracle Java Web Console 80 authtypes Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle Java Web Console. Oracle Java Web Console Oracle Java Web Console - Solaris 10 11/06 Oracle JavaWeb Console. /usr/share/webconsole/webapps/console/web-inf app.xml 78 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console authtypes. 80 authtypes URL https://hostname.domain:6789 Connect to hostname.domain:6789 failed (Connection refused) SMF. 352 SMF 81 Oracle Java Web Console Oracle JavaWeb Console.. app.xml authtypes app.xml installation-location/web-inf/. /usr/share/webconsole/webapps/ app-context-name/web-inf. wcadmin list --detail -a app.xml WEB-INF. 80 authtypes Oracle Java Web Console. ID. authtypes.,,. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 79
Oracle JavaWeb Console. Oracle Java Web Console... ID., WBEM Oracle Java Web Console ID Solaris 10 11/06 Oracle Java Web Console. 83 Oracle Java Web Console authtypes authtypes,. authtypes Oracle Java Web Console app.xml.... authtype authtypes. 80 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console authtypes authtype. Permission Permission authtype name. name classtype permissionparam. <authtypes> <authtype name="solarisrbac"> <classtype> com.sun.management.solaris.rbacpermission </classtype> <permissionparam name="permission"> solaris.admin.serialmgr.read </permissionparam> </authtype> </authtypes> authtype 3 1 authtype classtype Permission permissionparam name classtype authtypes authtype app.xml authtype <authtypes> <authtype name=""> <classtype></classtype> <permissionparam name=""></permissionparam> </authtype> </authtypes> Oracle JavaWeb Console URL https://localhost:6789 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 81
Oracle JavaWeb Console. Solaris 10 11/06. 1 2 Oracle JavaWeb Console System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # svccfg -s svc:/system/webconsole setprop options/tcp_listen = true # smcwebserver restart Oracle JavaWeb Console. Solaris 10 11/06. 1 2 Oracle JavaWeb Console System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # svccfg -s svc:/system/webconsole setprop options/tcp_listen = false # smcwebserver restart, https://localhost:6789/ URL. 82 : 2011 8
Oracle JavaWeb Console Oracle JavaWeb Console Solaris 10 11/06,.... 1 2 3 4,.. System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # wcadmin password -a 8~32. # wcadmin password -k 8~32. # wcadmin password -t 8~32. 3 Oracle JavaWeb Console ( ) 83
4 4 ( ) 85 86? 94 86 101 5, ( ) Oracle Solaris Solaris. Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 85
4 1 Solaris Management Console smuser, smrole, smgroup useradd, groupadd, roleadd; usermod, groupmod, rolemod; userdel, groupdel, roledel,,,,,,,,, SMC.,, 113 ( ) 119 smgroup smuser 119 groupadd useradd. Solaris Management Console Admintool Admintool Solaris. 4 2 Solaris / useradd, usermod, userdel, useradd(1m), usermod(1m), userdel(1m) groupadd, groupmod, groupdel, groupadd(1m), groupmod(1m), groupdel(1m)?., 87 86 : 2011 8
?..,. topsecret topsecret. topsecret topsecret. topsecret.. System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) ( ) ( ).... 7., Ziggy Ignatz zignatz., 6., Ziggy Top Ignatz ztignatz..,, 5 1, 2, 3 NIS.. ( ) 93, ID ID 4 ( ) 87
? ID UID( ) UID UID ID. UID 2147483647. UID UID 4 3 UID UID 0 99 root, daemon, bin, sys OracleSolaris 100 2147483647 60001 65534 nobody nobody4 60002 noaccess UID 0-99. UID Oracle Solaris., root UID 0, daemon UID 1, bin UID 2., uucp who, tty, ttytype UID passwd. UID 93, ID ID ( ), UID. UID. UID. UID, " ".,.. ID ID UID ID(GID), 2147483647. 88 : 2011 8
? 60000 UID/GID Oracle Solaris. 60000 UID/GID. Oracle Solaris 4 4 60000 UID/GID NFS SunOS 4.0 NFS NIS NIS+ NFS UID GID 16. SunOS 4.0 UID GID. SunOS 4.0 60000 UID Solaris 2.5( ) su. UID GID 60001(nobody) 60000 UID Solaris 2.5( ) NIS+ UID GID 4 5 UID GID UID GID 60003 Solaris 2.5( ) NIS/ UID GID nobody. 65535 Solaris 2.5( ) NFS 2 UID 16. cpio. UID GID nobody x86 : SVR3 EOVERFLOW. x86 : System V System V EOVERFLOW 4 ( ) 89
? 4 5 UID GID ( ) UID GID 100000 ps -l 5 UID 99999 UID/GID. 262144 cpio -H odc pax -x cpio. UID GID nobody 1000000 ar UID GID nobody 2097152 tar, cpio -H ustar, pax-xtar UID GID nobody UNIX,. UNIX., (GID). GID.. 15. 93, ID ID,.,., Solaris Admintool sysadmin ( 14). 14. groups. newgrp., staff( 10).. GID.. GID. 90 : 2011 8
?. NIS LDAP..... /etc/default/passwd PASSLENGTH. PASSLENGTH 6 6 2. 8 /etc/policy.conf 8... 6-8,,.. 6. 3 ( : root sys),.,,. (beammeup). : SomeWhere Over The RainBow swotrb. : snoopy sn00py. (,, ) 4 ( ) 91
? ( : Santa in December),.., /export/home/username.. /export/homen /export/home1, /export/home2., /home/username AutoFS /home. AutoFS /home System Administration Guide: Network Services Task Overview for Autofs Administration $HOME /export/home/username., ( :../../../x/y/x). LDAP, NIS, NIS+. /etc,...,,. 92 : 2011 8
?.login,.cshrc,.profile. /etc/profile /etc/.login.., AutoFS. 101,RBAC( ). System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview), ID ID, UID GID ( ). /, UID GID 2-8.. 1. (.), (_), (-). /etc/passwd /etc/group, UID, GID. UID GID 0-99. Oracle Solaris., gdm GNOME Display Manager /. /etc/passwd /etc/group 4 6 4 7 nobody nobody4. NFS.. daemon noaccess..,. 4 ( ) 93
, /etc. NIS+ NIS LDAP (,, ). passwd NIS NIS+ passwd /etc /etc/shadow LDAP people NIS+ LDAP(NIS ). NIS, NIS+ group LDAP group passwd passwd username:password:uid:gid:comment:home-directory:login-shell. kryten:x:101:100:kryten Series 4000 Mechanoid:/export/home/kryten:/bin/csh passwd passwd(1) passwd passwd,, root:x:0:0:super-user:/:/sbin/sh daemon:x:1:1::/: bin:x:2:2::/usr/bin: 94 : 2011 8
sys:x:3:3::/: adm:x:4:4:admin:/var/adm: lp:x:71:8:line Printer Admin:/usr/spool/lp: uucp:x:5:5:uucp Admin:/usr/lib/uucp: nuucp:x:9:9:uucp Admin:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucico smmsp:x:25:25:sendmail Message Submission Program:/: listen:x:37:4:network Admin:/usr/net/nls: gdm:x:50:50:gdm Reserved UID:/: webservd:x:80:80:webserver Reserved UID:/: postgres:x:90:90:postgresql Reserved UID:/:/usr/bin/pfksh svctag:x:95:12:service Tag UID:/: nobody:x:60001:60001:nfs Anonymous Access User:/: noaccess:x:60002:60002:no Access User:/: nobody4:x:65534:65534:sunos 4.x NFS Anonymous Access User:/: 4 6 passwd ID root 0 daemon 1 bin 2 sys 3 adm 4 lp 71 uucp 5 uucp nuucp 6 uucp smmsp 25 Sendmail webservd 80 WebServer postgres 90 PostgresSQL svctag 95 gdm 50 GNOME Display Manager listen 37 nobody 60001 NFS noaccess 60002, nobody4 65534 SunOS 4.0 4.1 nobody 4 ( ) 95
shadow shadow username:password:lastchg:min:max:warn:inactive:expire. rimmer:86kg/mnt/dgu.:8882:0::5:20:8978 shadow shadow(4) crypt(1) group group group-name:group-password:gid:user-list. bin::2:root,bin,daemon group group(4) group group,, passwd. root::0: other::1:root bin::2:root,daemon sys::3:root,bin,adm adm::4:root,daemon uucp::5:root mail::6:root tty::7:root,adm lp::8:root,adm nuucp::9:root staff::10: daemon::12:root sysadmin::14: smmsp::25: gdm::50: webservd::80: postgres::90: 96 : 2011 8
nobody::60001: noaccess::60002: nogroup::65534: 4 7 group ID root 0 other 1 bin 2 sys 3 adm 4 uucp 5 uucp mail 6 tty 7 tty lp 8 nuucp 9 uucp staff 10 daemon 12 sysadmin 14 Admintool Solstice AdminSuite smmsp 25 Sendmail gdm 50 GNOME Display Manager webservd 80 WebServer postgres 90 PostgresSQL nobody 60001 NFS noaccess 60002, nogroup 65534 4 ( ) 97
Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console 2, Solaris Management Console ( ) 4 8 Solaris,, RBAC RBAC Solaris Management Console Solaris 1 5 Solaris Solaris Solaris. 4 9,,. 98 : 2011 8
4 9 ( ) /,,, RBAC,. 86? 87 4 10 / / System Administration Guide: Security Services Contents of Rights Profiles 4 ( ) 99
4 11 System Administration Guide: Security Services How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation 4 12. 90 UNIX 4 13. Solaris Management Console 100 : 2011 8
4 14 / /,., Solaris Solaris 9. Solaris 9 group.staff /etc/project, ( ), NIS LDAP. Solaris Management Console. /etc/project,. System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones 2, Projects and Tasks (Overview),.,.,,.. 4 ( ) 101
4 15 Bourne, C, Korn Bourne $HOME/.profile C $HOME/.cshrc C $HOME/.login Korn $HOME/.profile $HOME/$ENV Korn ENV 4 16 C /etc/skel/local.login /etc/skel/local.cshrc Bourne Korn /etc/skel/local.profile.., " ". 115, 4 17 C /etc/skel/local.cshrc /etc/skel/local.login,.cshrc.login. Bourne Korn /etc/skel/local.profile,.profile. 102 : 2011 8
Bash Bash.bashrc Oracle Solaris.bashrc PATH, MANPATH. bash(1).,..,.. C- source /net/machine-name/export/site-files/site-init-file Bourne- Korn-. /net/machine-name/export/site-files/site-init-file.. 4 ( ) 103
. $HOME, /export/home/ username/bin $HOME/bin $HOME /net/system-name/directory-name /net/system-name ( AutoFS ). 4 18 Bourne, C, Korn Bourne C Korn UNIX Bourne - (noclobber) Ctrl-D (ignoreeof) cd.profile N/A login,,,. 104 : 2011 8
.. env. PATH. ( ).C. user, term, home, path. C, set setenv,, path PATH Bourne Korn,. export.,. 4 19 C Bourne Korn setenv VARIABLE value : setenv MAIL /var/mail/ripley VARIABLE=value ; export VARIABLE : MAIL=/var/mail/ripley;export MAIL sh(1), ksh(1), csh(1) 4 ( ) 105
4 20 C CDPATH cdpath history C HOME home LANG LOGNAME LPDEST MAIL MANPATH C PATH path prompt PS1 C SHELL shell cd cd cd (.). CDPATH., CDPATH /home/jean /home/jean, bin, rje. /home/jean/bin cd rje /home/jean/rje C LOGNAME passwd.. PATH.profile(Bourne Korn ).cshrc(c ), PATH Bourne Korn PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$HOME/bin sample /usr/bin /home/jean/bin sample /usr/bin C Bourne Korn make, vi 106 : 2011 8
4 20 ( ) TERMINFO terminfo /etc/profile /etc/.login TERMINFO terminfo(4) TERMINFO TERMINFO TERMINFO /usr/share/lib/terminfo "dumb" C TERM term TZ /etc/profile /etc/.login.. TERMINFO ls -l TZ GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) PATH. PATH /. PATH. (.),.., 4 ( ) 107
NFS " " NFS.. NFS C- set path=(. /usr/bin $HOME/bin /net/glrr/files1/bin) Bourne Korn PATH=.:/usr/bin:/$HOME/bin:/net/glrr/files1/bin export PATH LANG LC, / / /, stty. LANG LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_NUMERIC, LC_MONETARY, LC_TIME LC. LANG LC 4 21 LANG LC de_de.iso8859-1 en_us.utf-8 es_es.iso8859-1 fr_fr.iso8859-1 it_it.iso8859-1 ja_jp.eucjp ko_kr.euc sv_se.iso8859-1 (UTF-8) (EUC) (EUC) 108 : 2011 8
4 21 LANG LC ( ) zh_cn.euc zh_tw.euc (EUC) (EUC) International Language Environments Guide 4 1 LANG LANG C- setenv LANG de_de.iso8859-1 Bourne Korn LANG=de_DE.ISO8859-1; export LANG (umask) umask umask Return. 8 (world ) 0., 022 22 umask 666( ) 777( ). umask., 644(rw-r--r--) 666 644 022, umask. umask. umask 8 4 ( ) 109
4 22 umask umask 8 0 rw- rwx 1 rw- rw- 2 r-- r-x 3 r-- r-- 4 -w- -wx 5 -w- -w- 6 --x --x 7 ---( ) ---( ) rw-rw-rw- umask 000. 4 2.profile (Line 1) PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:. (Line 2) MAIL=/var/mail/$LOGNAME (Line 3) NNTPSERVER=server1 (Line 4) MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/usr/local/man (Line 5) PRINTER=printer1 (Line 6) umask 022 (Line 7) export PATH MAIL NNTPSERVER MANPATH PRINTER 1. 2. 3. Usenet 4. 5. 6. 7. 110 : 2011 8
4 3.cshrc (Line 1) set path=($path $HOME/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/ccs/bin) (Line 2) setenv MAIL /var/mail/$logname (Line 3) setenv NNTPSERVER server1 (Line 4) setenv PRINTER printer1 (Line 5) alias h history (Line 6) umask 022 (Line 7) source /net/server2/site-init-files/site.login 1. 2. 3. Usenet 4. 5. history. history h. 6. 7. 4 4 # @(#)site.login main: echo "Application Environment Selection" echo "" echo "1. Application, Version 1" echo "2. Application, Version 2" echo "" echo -n "Type 1 or 2 and press Return to set your application environment: " set choice = $< if ( $choice!~ [1-2] ) then goto main endif switch ($choice) case "1": setenv APPHOME /opt/app-v.1 breaksw case "2": setenv APPHOME /opt/app-v.2 endsw.cshrc (C ). 4 ( ) 111
4 4 ( ) source /net/server2/site-init-files/site.login site.login server2 112 : 2011 8
5 5 ( ) 113 ( ) 123 ( ) 113 ( ) 4, ( ) ( ) (.cshrc,.profile,.login). 114 115 113
( ) Oracle Solaris. Solaris Management Console Solaris.. 116 Solaris Management Console 119 117 Solaris Management Console 119 Solaris Management Console.. Solaris Management Console 120. 121. : : : UID: : : 114 : 2011 8
( ) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map). # mkdir /shared-dir/skel/user-type shared-dir user-type 5 ( ) 115
( ) 3 # cp /etc/skel/local.cshrc /shared-dir/skel/user-type/.cshrc # cp /etc/skel/local.login /shared-dir/skel/user-type/.login # cp /etc/skel/local.profile /shared-dir/skel/user-type/.profile ( ). pfsh(bourne ), pfcsh(c ), pfksh(korn ) 3. System Administration Guide: Security Services Role-Based Access Control (Overview) 4 5 6 5 1 101 # chmod 744 /shared-dir/skel/user-type/.* # ls -la /shared-dir/skel/* /export/skel/enduser C-.cshrc 4 3 # mkdir /export/skel/enduser # cp /etc/skel/local.cshrc /export/skel/enduser/.cshrc (Edit.cshrc file) # chmod 744 /export/skel/enduser/.* Solaris Management Console.. 116 : 2011 8
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ) Groups( ). Action( ) Add Group( ) Group Identification( ) Group Name( ), mechanoids. Group ID Number( ID ), GID 101. OK( ). Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console 5 ( ) 117
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ) User Accounts( ). Action( ) Add User( ) WithWizard( ) Next( ). a. User Name( ), kryten. b. ( ) Full Name( ), kryten series 3000. c. ( ) Description( ) d. User ID Number( ID ) ID, 1001. e. User Must UseThis Password At First Login( ) 118 : 2011 8
( ) f. Password( ) g. Confirm Password( ) h., mechanoids. i. Server( ) Path( ). j. k., l. Finish( ). groupadd useradd groupadd useradd scutters scutter1. # groupadd -g 102 scutters # useradd -u 1003 -g 102 -d /export/home/scutter1 -s /bin/csh \ -c "Scutter 1" -m -k /etc/skel scutter1 64 blocks groupadd(1m) useradd(1m) smgroup smuser smgroup smuser gelfs camille starlite NIS solar.com # /usr/sadm/bin/smgroup add -D nis:/starlitesolar.com -- -g 103 -n gelfs # /usr/sadm/bin/smuser add -D nis:/starlite/solar.com -- -u 1004 -n camille -c "Camille G." -d /export/home/camille -s /bin/csh -g gelfs smgroup(1m) smuser(1m) 5 ( ) 119
( ) Solaris Management Console Solaris Management Console /export/home/ username passwd /home/username.,,. smuser add -x autohome=n. smuser delete.. 1 2 3 4 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) mountd mountd NFS mountd # svcs network/nfs/server STATE STIME FMRI online Aug_26 svc:/network/nfs/server:default mountd # svcadm network/nfs/server # share 120 : 2011 8
( ) 5 a. 8 b. 6 6 7 8 5 2 /etc/dfs/dfstab share -F nfs /file-system /file-system, /export/home. /etc/dfs/dfstab # shareall -F nfs /etc/dfs/dfstab share. # share /export/home # svcs network/nfs/server # svcadm network/nfs/server # share # vi /etc/dfs/dfstab (The line share -F nfs /export/home is added.) # shareall -F nfs # share - /usr/dist ro "" - /export/home/user-name rw "". 121 System Administration Guide: Network Services Task Overview for Autofs Administration 5 ( ) 121
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 120 /etc/vfstab. system-name:/export/home/user-name - /export/home/username nfs - yes rw system-name /export/home/username, /export/home/username. - /export/home/username /etc/vfstab System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Overview of Mounting and Unmounting File Systems. # mkdir -p /export/home/username # mountall vfstab (mount at boot yes ) # mount grep username ripley # vi /etc/vfstab (The line venus:/export/home/ripley - /export/home/ripley nfs - yes rw is added.) # mkdir -p /export/home/ripley # mountall # mount / on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/xattr/onerror=panic/dev=... /devices on /devices read/write/setuid/dev=46c0000 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:19 2004 /usr on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/xattr/onerror=panic/dev=... /proc on /proc read/write/setuid/dev=4700000 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:27 2004 122 : 2011 8
( ) /etc/mnttab on mnttab read/write/setuid/dev=47c0000 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:27 2004 /dev/fd on fd read/write/setuid/dev=4800000 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:30 2004 /var/run on swap read/write/setuid/xattr/dev=1 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:30 2004 /tmp on swap read/write/setuid/xattr/dev=2 on Thu Jan 8 09:38:30 2004 /export/home on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/xattr/onerror=... /export/home/ripley on venus:/export/home/ripley remote/read/write/setuid/xattr/dev=... ( ).. 125 126 :. :. :. 127 128 129. 130 UID, UID. 5 ( ) 123
( ) UID UID UID UID. ( ) Action( ) Properties( ),.. ( ),. *LK*. User Properties( ) Account Availability( )... passwd group, 124 : 2011 8
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ). Groups( )., scutters Group Name( ) OK( )., scutters scutter scutters scutter. 5 ( ) 125
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ). Groups( )., scutter OK( )... / 126 : 2011 8
( ) NIS. NIS+ /etc. Solaris 9 12/02 LDAP.. passwd Solaris Management Console. Solaris Management Console 44 1 2 3 4 5 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). 5 ( ) 127
( ) 6 7 8 9 10 User( ) User Accounts( ).., scutter2 Account Availability( ) Account is Locked( ) OK( ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ). User Accounts( )., scutter1 128 : 2011 8
( ) 9 10 Password( ) User Must UseThis Password at Next Login( ) OK( ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User Accounts( ) User Accounts( ). Password Options( ), scutter2 Password Options( ) Password Options in Days( ( )) OK( )., Users Must Change Within( ) 5 ( ) 129
( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smc & Solaris Management Console 44 51 Solaris Management Console ManagementTools( ) This Computer( ). ( ) System Configuration( ). User( ). User Accounts( ).., scutter4 Delete( ).. 130 : 2011 8
6 6 - ( ) Oracle Solaris OS ( ) Oracle Solaris ZFS smosservice smdiskless. ZFS Solaris Solaris Flash UFS ZFS. Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS (Oracle Solaris Flash ) 132-133 - 134,? 134? 135 138 7, ( ) 131
- - Solaris Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 bootadm -p bootadm -p platform,,. bootadm(1m) nfs4_domain Oracle Solaris 10 set_nfs4_domain NFSv4. NFSv4 sysidcfg nfs4_domain nfs4_domain sysidcfg x86: GRUB OS Solaris. GRUB pxegrub. bootenv.rc DHCP DHCP PXE/DHCP 150 IP pxegrub ( ). 132 : 2011 8
- x86: smdiskless smdiskless smdiskless root(/) /usr NFS /tftpboot.. smdiskless PXE /tftpboot /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/config_tftp smdiskless /tftpboot/01 ethernet-address pxegrub /tftpboot/menu.lst.01 ethernet-address GRUB ethernet-address 01. OS. # bootadm update-archive -f -R /export/root/host-name host-name 258 x86: bootadm(1m) x86 x86 OS SPARC DHCP System Administration Guide: IP Services 14, Configuring the DHCP Service (Tasks) GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ) -. - JumpStart Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : 6 - ( ) 133
,? - Solaris OS 138 7, ( ),?.,,,,,,,.,... ( : )... root(/), /usr /export/home. Sun Ray Solaris OS. Sun Ray. http://www.sun.com/software/index.jsp?cat=desktop&?. ( ) Solaris OS 134 : 2011 8
root(/) /usr,. 6 1 root(/) /usr /home /opt /export/home OS root(/) /usr /export/home /export/root root(/) /usr /home root(/) /usr /export /export/home /opt 6 - ( ) 135
. Oracle Solaris OS x86 GRUB SPARC Solaris OS -. OS. GRUB Solaris 10 1/06 x86 SPARC Solaris 10 10/08 Oracle Solaris CD DVD JumpStart Oracle Solaris JumpStart.. root(/), /usr /export/home. OS,, (/), /usr /home 136 : 2011 8
OS. 138 Sun Ray X CPU,,,. Sun X. FRU( ). : FRU( )?,,.?.???? 6 - ( ) 137
?.1 4 6 2 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 7, ( ) Oracle Solaris OS, OS root(/), /usr OS CPU. OS.. Solaris 9 smosservice smdiskless OS. Solaris 8 Solstice GUI 138 : 2011 8
OS OS -. (GRUB) Solaris 10 1/06 x86 Solaris 10 10/8 SPARC OS Solaris Solaris. smosservice smdiskless Solaris. SPARC : Solaris 8, Solaris 9 Solaris 10 SPARC : Solaris 8, Solaris 9 Solaris 10 x86 : Solaris 9 Solaris 10 x86 : Solaris 9 Solaris 10 smosservice smdiskless x86 OS -. Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10 FCS(3/05) Solaris 10 1/06. 6 3 x86 OS - OS OS Oracle Solaris 10 3/05 Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10 3/05 Solaris 9 smosservice smdiskless SPARC OS -. Solaris 8 Solaris 9 10 5/08 OS Oracle Solaris OS Solaris 10 10/08. 6 - ( ) 139
6 4 SPARC OS - OS OS Oracle Solaris 10 3/05 ~ Solaris 10 5/08 Solaris 9 Solaris 8 Oracle Solaris 10 3/05 ~ Solaris 10 5/08 Solaris 9 Solaris 8 smosservice smdiskless.. smosservice smdiskless. OS LDAP, NIS, NIS+ x86 GRUB DHCP. 149 x86: GRUB.. sysidcfg Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : JumpStart. 140 : 2011 8
6 5 /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add OS delete list patch OS OS OS /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add OS delete list modify OS OS., -h % /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -p my-password -u my-user-name -- -h smdiskless(1m) smosservice(1m) RBAC smosservice smdiskless.rbac( ) RBAC. RBAC. 6 6 RBAC RBAC Solaris, smosservice list OS smosservice patch smdiskless list OS OS 6 - ( ) 141
6 6 RBAC ( ) RBAC smdiskless add OS Oracle Solaris OS OS( ) smosservice OS, OS. Oracle Solaris OS OS., Oracle Solaris SPARC sun-4u OS sun-4u/oracle Solaris 10 OS. OS OS., Oracle Solaris 10 Solaris 9 SPARC sun-4m x86, OS. OS Oracle Solaris CD, DVD. OS OS OS OS OS OS. OS OS, Solaris Oracle Solaris OS. Solaris 9 SPARC sun-4m OS OS. CD-ROM Solaris 8 SPARC sun-4u OS. Error: inconsistent revision, installed package appears to have been patched resulting in it being different than the package on your media. You will need to backout all patches that patch this package before retrying the add OS service option. OS 142 : 2011 8
Solaris Solaris 9 /export. 6 7 Solaris OS OS/ Oracle Solaris 10 SPARC OS /export 5 ~ 6.8GB Oracle Solaris 10 x86 OS /export 5 ~ 6.8GB Oracle Solaris 10 SPARC Oracle Solaris 10 x86 /export 200 ~ 300Mbyte /export 200 ~ 300Mbyte Oracle Solaris. Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : 6 - ( ) 143
7 7 ( ) Oracle Solaris OS Oracle Solaris ZFS smosservice smdiskless. ZFS Solaris Solaris Flash UFS ZFS. Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS (Oracle Solaris Flash ) 145 ( ) 147 163 OS 166 6, - ( ) ( ) 145
( ) 1. ( ) Solaris Management Console 2. 3. OS OS, ( ) smosservice OS,. 44 Solaris Management Console 149 x86: GRUB 151 Oracle Solaris 10 152 OS 4. OS ARCH=all smosservice add ARCH=all root(/) /usr. OS OS. 166 ARCH=all 5. 6. smdiskless 155 x86: GRUB 158 Oracle Solaris 10 160 x86: GRUB 161 SPARC: Oracle Solaris 10 146 : 2011 8
7. ( ) 8. ( ) OS 9. ( )OS OS OS,, 161 162 OS 164 OS Oracle Solaris. /export. /export. /export 5GB. OS smosservice smdiskless /etc/nsswitch.conf. smdiskless smosservice files. smosservice smdiskless -D smosservice(1m) smdiskless(1m) Solaris 10 8/07, Oracle Solaris 10 set_nfs4_domain NFSv4. NFSv4 nfs4_domain sysidcfg ( : server:/export/root/client/etc/sysidcfg) nfs4_domain sysidcfg OS, NFSv4 OS /var/run/nfs4_domain. Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : sysidcfg 7 ( ) 147
OS. EFI UFS OS UFS. EFI UFS OS The partition /export does not have enough free space. 1897816 KB (1853.34 MB) additional free space required. Insufficient space available on /dev/dsk/c0t5d0s0 /export, OS. OS /export/solaris_version /Solaris_ version-instruction-set.all(/export/exec/solaris_ version/solaris_ version-instruction-set.all ) /export/solaris_version /export/solaris_version/var /export/solaris_version/opt /export/share /export/root/templates/solaris_version /export/root/clone /export/root/clone/solaris_version /export/root/clone/solaris_version/ machine-class OS /export/root/diskless-client /export/swap/diskless-client /tftpboot/diskless-client-ipaddress-in-hex /export/dump/diskless-client(-x dump ) 148 : 2011 8
smosservice smdiskless -x root(/), /swap /dump. /export. x86: GRUB. x86 smosservice add OS, ( ). 1 OS OS 139 OS instruction-set.machine-class. Solaris-version. i386.i86pc.solaris_10 Solaris sparc sun4v sun4u, sun4m, sun4d sun4c Solaris 10 1/06 OS Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 9 Solaris 8 i386 i86pc Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 9 Solaris 8 sun-4c Solaris 8, Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10. sun-4c Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10. sun-4m Oracle Solaris 10 OS. 7 ( ) 149
2 OS Oracle Solaris OS CD smosservice CD OS. Oracle Solaris CD( CD) Oracle Solaris DVD. Oracle Solaris DVD 3 4 5. Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : DVD OS # /mount_point/solaris_10/tools/setup_install_server BootFile BootSrvA DHCP DHCP PXE. Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : svr-addr (BootFile) : 01client-macro svr-addr OS IP client-macro (01) MAC( ) /tftpboot. client-macro. DHCP. 7 4 263 x86: GRUB, Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : DHCP ( ) System Administration Guide: IP Services III, DHCP 6 Oracle Solaris.. /net/export/install/sol_10_x86 smosservice 150 : 2011 8
7 OS SUNWCXall OS. SUNWCXall Oracle Solaris 10 smosservice add OS, ( ). 1 OS OS 139 OS instruction-set.machine-class.solaris- version. sparc.sun4u.solaris_10 instruction-set machine-class Solaris_version sparc sun4v sun4c, sun4d, sun4m, sun4u, Solaris 10 1/06 OS Solaris_10, Solaris_9 Solaris_8 i386 i86pc Solaris_10, Solaris_9 Solaris_8 sun-4c Solaris 8, Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10. sun-4c Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10. sun-4m Oracle Solaris OS. 2 OS 7 ( ) 151
Oracle Solaris OS CD smosservice CD OS. Solaris CD( CD) DVD. Oracle Solaris DVD 3 4 5 6. Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : DVD OS # /mount_point/solaris_10/tools/setup_install_server Oracle Solaris DVD. /export/install/sparc_10 OS SUNWCXall OS., Solaris 9. sparc.sun4m.solaris_9 sparc.sun4u.solaris_9 sun4u sun4m SUNWCXall SUNWCXall. ( Solaris_9). sun4u 8 (cgsix), SUNWCXall. OS OS 152 : 2011 8
smosservice add OS ARCH=all root(/) /usr..os OS. ARCH=all 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) Solaris Management Console # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 -- OS # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H host-name :898 -- -o host-name -x mediapath=path -x platform= instruction-set.machine-class.solaris_version -x cluster=cluster-name -x locale=locale-name OS -H host-name:898 898 -H smossservice OS. -- -x mediapath=path Solaris -x platform=instruction-set.machine-class..solaris_version, Solaris -x cluster=cluster-name Solaris 7 ( ) 153
-x locale=locale-name OS 45. smosservice(1m) 4 5 7 1 ( ) OS OS OS # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 -- SPARC: OS Solaris 10 SPARC OS jupiter. jupiter Oracle Solaris OS. Oracle Solaris 10 SPARC OS CD /export/s10/combined.s10s_u2wos/61 myway. # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H jupiter:898 -- -o jupiter -x mediapath=/net/myway/export/s10/combined.s10s_u2wos/61 -x platform=sparc.sun4u.solaris_10 -x cluster=sunwcxall -x locale=en_us # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list - H jupiter:898 Authenticating as user: root Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ] Please enter a string value for: password :: xxxxxx Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from jupiter:898 Login to jupiter as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from jupiter:898 was successful. 7 2 x86: OS Solaris 10 x86 OS orbit. orbit Oracle Solaris OS. Oracle Solaris 10 x86 OS CD /export/s10/combined.s10x_u2wos/03 seriously. # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice add -H orbit:898 -- -o orbit -x mediapath=/net/seriously/export/s10u2/combined.s10x_u2wos/03 -x platform=i386.i86pc.solaris_10 -x cluster=sunwcxall -x locale=en_us # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list - H orbit:898 Type /? for help, pressing <enter> accepts the default denoted by [ ] 154 : 2011 8
Please enter a string value for: password :: Starting Solaris Management Console server version 2.1.0. endpoint created: :898 Solaris Management Console server is ready. Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from orbit:898 Login to orbit as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from orbit:898 was successful. Client Root Area Swap Area Dump Area --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... # OS OS smosservice add ARCH=all ARCH=all 1 2 x86: GRUB Solaris 10 1/06 OS System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i ip-address -e ethernet-address -n client-name -x os= instruction-set.machine-class.solaris_ version -x root=/export/root/client-name -x swap=/export/swap/client-name -x swapsize=size -x tz= time-zone -x locale= locale-name -- 7 ( ) 155
-i ip-address IP -e ethernet-address -n client-name -x os=instruction-set.machine-class.solaris_version,,os Solaris -x root=root=/export/root/ client-name root(/) -x swap=root=/export/root/ client-name -x swapsize=size (MB) 24MB. -x tz=time-zone -x locale=locale-name smdiskless(1m) 3 BootSrva BootFile DHCP DHCP PXE. Boot server IP (BootSrvA) : svr-addr Boot file (BootFile) : 01client-macro svr-addr IP client-macro (01) MAC( ) /tftpboot. client-macro. /tftpboot drwxr-xr-x 6 root sys 512 Dec 28 14:53 client-host-name lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Dec 28 14:53 menu.lst.01ethernet-address -rw-r--r-- -> /tftpboot/client-host-name/grub/menu.lst 1 root root 118672 Dec 28 14:53 01ethernet-address 156 : 2011 8
4 /tftpboot/menu.lst.01 ethernet-address tty menu.lst /usr/sadm/lib/wbem/config_tftp echo 260 x86 5 6 7 3 # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H host-name:898 -- ( ) smdiskless add x86: GRUB x86 Solaris 10 x86 mikey1. rainy-01# /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -H sdts-01-qfe0 -- -o sdts-01-qfe0 -n mikey1 -i -e 00:E0:88:55:33:BC -x os=i386.i86pc.solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/mikey1 -x swap=/export/swap/mikey1 Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from sdts-01-qfe0 Login to rainy-01-qfe0 as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from rainy-01-qfe0 was successful. # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H mikey1:898 -- Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from mikey1:898 Login to mikey1 as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from mikey1:898 was successful. Platform -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i386.i86pc.solaris_10 sparc.sun4us.solaris_10 sparc.sun4u.solaris_10 i386.i86pc.solaris_9 7 4 x86: BootSrvA BootFile DHCP DHCP PXE BootSrva BootFile DHCP. rainy-01# pntadm -A mikey1 -m 0100E0885533BC -f MANUAL+PERMANENT \ -i 0100E0885533BC 7 ( ) 157
rainy-01# dhtadm -A -m 0100E0885533BC -d \ ":BootSrvA=" server address IP client macro (01) MAC /tftpboot.. Oracle Solaris 10 OS SPARC x86. 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i ip-address -e ethernet-address -n client-name -x os= instruction-set.machine-class.solaris_ version -x root=/export/root/client-name -x swap=/export/swap/client-name -x swapsize=size -x tz= time-zone -x locale= locale-name -- -i ip-address IP -e ethernet-address -n client-name 158 : 2011 8
-x os=instruction-set.machine-class..solaris_version,,os Solaris -x root=root=/export/root/ client-name root(/) -x swap=root=/export/root/ client-name -x swapsize=size (MB) 24MB. -x tz=time-zone -x locale=locale-name smdiskless(1m) 3 4 ( ) smdiskless add # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H host-name:898 -- 7 5 SPARC: SPARC bearclaus Solaris 10 sun4u starlite. # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i -e 8:0:20:a6:d4:5b -n starlite -x os=sparc.sun4u.solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/starlite -x swap=/export/swap/starlite -x swapsize=128 -x tz=us/mountain -x locale=en_us # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless list -H starlite:898 -- Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from line2-v480:898 Login to line2-v480 as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from line2-v480:898 was successful. Platform -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i386.i86pc.solaris_10 sparc.sun4us.solaris_10 sparc.sun4u.solaris_10 i386.i86pc.solaris_9 sparc.sun4m.solaris_9 sparc.sun4u.solaris_9 sparc.sun4us.solaris_9 7 ( ) 159
smdiskless list -H SPARC x86 7 6 x86: Oracle Solaris 10 x86 bearclaus Oracle Solaris 10 x86 mars. # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless add -- -i -e 00:07:E9:23:56:48 -n mars -x os=i386.i86pc.solaris_10 -x root=/export/root/mars -x swap=/export/swap/mars -x swapsize=128 -x tz=us/mountain -x locale=en_us x86: GRUB Solaris 10 1/06 OS GRUB Solaris 10 6/06. 256 x86 OS OS /etc/nsswitch.conf DHCP tftp PXE ROM BIOS PXE PXE.BIOS 1 GRUB GRUB GRUB. 160 : 2011 8
2 Enter. OS GRUB GRUB e GRUB 11, Oracle Solaris ( ) Enter. GRUB b SPARC: Oracle Solaris 10 OS OS /etc/nsswitch.conf. rpc.bootparamd ok boot net 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless delete -- -o host-name :898 -n client-name # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 -- 7 ( ) 161
7 7 OS starlite holoship. # /usr/sadm/bin/smdiskless delete -- -o starlite:898 -n holoship Authenticating as user: root Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ] Please enter a string value for: password :: Starting SMC server version 2.0.0. endpoint created: :898 SMC server is ready. # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H starlite:898 -- Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite Login to starlite as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite was successful. 1 2 OS System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) OS # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice delete -H $HOST:$PORT -u root -p $PASSWD -- -x instruction-set.all.solaris_version all 3 7 8 OS # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H host-name:898 -- OS starlite OS (sparc.all.solaris_10). # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice delete -H starlite:898 -u root \ -p xxxxxx -- -x sparc.all.solaris_10 Authenticating as user: root 162 : 2011 8
OS Type /? for help, pressing enter accepts the default denoted by [ ] Please enter a string value for: password :: # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice list -H starlite:898 -- Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite:898 Login to starlite as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite:898 was successful OS smosservice patch OS /export/diskless/patches, /export/diskless/patches/archive. OS OS 432 OS /var/sadm/patch % patchadd p. OS patchadd -p OS /usr OS /export/solaris_version/var/patch ID /usr OS % patchadd -S Solaris_version -p Patch: 111879-01 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles: Packages: SUNWwsr 7 ( ) 163
OS OS smosservice -P 1 2 3 OS System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # init 0 # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -a /var/patches/ patch-id-revision The patch patch-id-revision could not be added because it is dependent on other patches which have not yet been spooled. You must add all required patches to the spool first. 4 5 # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -P # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -m -U 90. 6 7 9 # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -P OS Solaris 8 (111879-01) OS. # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -a /var/patches/111879-01 Authenticating as user: root 164 : 2011 8
OS Type /? for help, pressing <enter> accepts the default denoted by [ ] Please enter a string value for: password :: Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite Login to starlite as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite was successful... # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -P Patches In Spool Area Os Rel Arch Patch Id Synopsis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 sparc 111879-01 SunOS 5.8: Solaris Product Registry patch SUNWwsr Patches Applied To OS Services Os Service Patch ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solaris_8 Patches Applied To Clone Areas Clone Area Patch ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solaris_8/sun4u Patches In Spool Area Os Rel Arch Patch Id Synopsis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 sparc 111879-01 SunOS 5.8: Solaris Product Registry patch SUNWwsr... # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -m -U Authenticating as user: root Type /? for help, pressing <enter> accepts the default denoted by [ ] Please enter a string value for: password :: Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite Login to starlite as user root was successful. Download of com.sun.admin.osservermgr.cli.osservermgrcli from starlite was successful. # /usr/sadm/bin/smosservice patch -- -P Authenticating as user: root... Patches In Spool Area Os Rel Arch Patch Id Synopsis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 sparc 111879-01 SunOS 5.8: Solaris Product Registry patch SUNWwsr Patches Applied To OS Services Os Service Patch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solaris_8 Patches Applied To Clone Areas Clone Area Patch ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solaris_8/sun4u 7 ( ) 165
smosservice add root(/) /usr ARCH=all... Oracle Solaris OS. Solaris 2.1 OS, SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris. 1 ARCH=all Oracle Solaris OS ARCH=all. Solaris 10 6/06 OS ARCH=all. a. Oracle Solaris 10 Product. % cd /net/server/export/solaris/s10u2/combined.s10s_u2wos/latest/solaris_10/product b. pkginfo ARCH=all % grep -w ARCH=all */pkginfo. % find. -name pkginfo -exec grep -w ARCH=all {} /dev/null \;../SUNWjdmk-base/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdev/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhrt/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdem/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdoc/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWmlibk/pkginfo:ARCH=all /usr root(/). 166 : 2011 8
c. SUNW_PKGTYPE /usr pkginfo SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr root(/) pkginfo SUNW_PKGTYPE=root /usr. 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map). root(/) /usr. /usr ARCH=all. # cat >/tmp/admin_usr <<EOF mail= instance=unique partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=nocheck setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck basedir=/usr_sparc.all EOF # root(/) ARCH=all ( ). # cat >/tmp/admin_root <<EOF mail= instance=unique partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=nocheck setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck EOF # 7 ( ) 167
4 ARCH=all a. Oracle Solaris 10 Product. # cd /net/server/export/solaris/s10u2/combined.s10s_u2wos/latest/solaris_10/product pwd. b. /usr ARCH=all # pkgadd -R /export/solaris_10 -a /tmp/admin_usr -d pwd [ package-a package-b...] pkgadd. c. ARCH=all # pkginfo -R /export/solaris_10 [package-a package-b...] d. root(/) ARCH=all. # pkgadd -R /export/root/clone/solaris_10/sun4u -a /tmp/admin_root -d pwd [ package-x package-y...] e. ARCH=all # pkginfo -R /export/root/clone/solaris_10/sun4u [ package-x package-...] 5 7 10 ARCH=all # rm /tmp/administration-file ARCH=all /usr ARCH=all SUNWjdmk-base. % uname -a SunOS t1fac46 5.10 Generic_118833-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-cEngine % cat /etc/release Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 s10x_u10wos_08 X86 Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Assembled 28 February 2011 % cd /net/ventor/export/solaris/s10u2/combined.s10s_u2wos/latest/solaris_10/product % grep -w ARCH=all */pkginfo Arguments too long % find. -name pkginfo -exec grep -w ARCH=all {} /dev/null \;./SUNWjdmk-base/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdev/pkginfo:ARCH=all 168 : 2011 8
./SUNWjhrt/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdem/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWjhdoc/pkginfo:ARCH=all./SUNWmlibk/pkginfo:ARCH=all % grep -w SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr./SUNWjdmk-base/pkginfo./SUNWjhdev/pkginfo..../SUNWjdmk-base/pkginfo:SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr./SUNWjhdev/pkginfo:SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr./SUNWjhrt/pkginfo:SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr./SUNWjhdem/pkginfo:SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr./SUNWjhdoc/pkginfo:SUNW_PKGTYPE=usr % grep -w SUNW_PKGTYPE=root./SUNWjdmk-base/pkginfo./SUNWjhdev/pkginfo... % su Password: xxxxxx # cat >/tmp/admin_usr <<EOFmail= instance=unique partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nochec> k rdepend=nocheck space=nocheck setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck basedir=/usr_sparc.all EOF # pwd /net/ventor/export/solaris/s10u2/combined.s10s_u2wos/latest/solaris_10/product # pkginfo -R /export/solaris_10 SUNWjdmk-base ERROR: information for "SUNWjdmk-base" was not found # pkgadd -R /export/solaris_10 -a /tmp/admin_usr -d pwd SUNWjdmk-base Processing package instance <SUNWjdmk-base> </net/ventor/export/solaris/s10u2/combined.s10s_u2wos... Java DMK 5.1 minimal subset(all) 5.1,REV=34.20060120 Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Using </export/solaris_10/usr_sparc.all> ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. Installing Java DMK 5.1 minimal subset as <SUNWjdmk-base> ## Installing part 1 of 1. 2438 blocks Installation of <SUNWjdmk-base> was successful. # pkginfo -R /export/solaris_10 SUNWjdmk-base application SUNWjdmk-base Java DMK 5.1 minimal subset # rm /tmp/admin_usr 7 ( ) 169
. : /usr/lib/security/pam_unix_session.so.1, /usr nobody :. 1. server:/export/root/client/etc/default/nfs 2. #NFSMAPID_DOMAIN=domain NFSMAPID_DOMAIN=the_same_value_as_in_server s_/var/run/nfs4_domain 3. OS nfsmapid /var/run/nfs4_domain nfs4_domain OS /var/run/nfs4_domain. 4. Oracle Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual 3, NFS Tunable Parameters nfsmapid(1m) : OS. RARP(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) bootparam root(/) : files OS /etc/nsswitch.conf hosts, ethers bootparams IP /etc/inet/hosts 170 : 2011 8
Solaris 10 8/07, IP /etc/inet/ipnodes. Oracle Solaris /etc/inet/hosts IPv4 IPv6 hosts IPv4. /etc/inet/ipnodes /etc/inet/hosts hosts(4) /etc/ethers /etc/bootparams root(/) client root=os-server:/export/root/ client swap=os-server: /export/swap/client -x swapsize -x dump dump=os-server:/export/dump/client dumpsize=512 -x dumpsize OS IP /export/root/ client/etc/inet/hosts : OS. RARP bootparam root(/) : OS IP /etc/bootparams root(/) client root=os-server:/export/ root/client swap=os-server:/export/ swap/client swapsize=24 7 ( ) 171
-x swapsize -x dump dump=os-server:/export/dump/ client dumpsize=24 -x dumpsize : : OS IP. IP.,IP RARP, TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol) bootparam. OS. RARP bootparam IP (/). TFTP ( OS ).. OS OS,OS /usr. /usr. OS /etc/dfs/dfstab share -F nfs -o -ro /export/exec/solaris_version- \ instruction-set.all/usr version 8, 9, 10 instruction-set sparc i386. root(/), /swap /dump( ) share -F nfs -o rw=client,root=client /export/root/client share -F nfs -o rw=client,root=client /export/swap/ client share -F nfs -o rw=client,root=client /export/dump/ client 172 : 2011 8
OS % share OS /export/root/client /export/swap/client-name( ), /swap /dump. /etc/dfs/dfstab share -F nfs -o ro /export/exec/solaris_versioninstruction-set.all/usr share -F nfs -o rw=client,root=client /export/root/ client share -F nfs -o rw=client,root=client /export/swap/ client : OS RARP : OS snoop ( ) # snoop xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx : : snoop OS TFTP NFS : : OS # /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd # /usr/sbin/in.rarpd -a : RARP : OS # /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd # svcadm enable network/rarp 7 ( ) 173
8 8 Oracle Solaris. 175 180 180 181 182 183 184 Oracle Solaris 9, ( ) 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 8/11. 176 SPARC 176 Oracle Solaris 177 177 Install-Time Update SPARC 178 Oracle Solaris 10 2TB 178 Oracle Solaris ZFS 178 x86: findroot 175
179 bootadm 179 SPARC 180 x86: SPARC SPARC Oracle Solaris SPARC -reboot f POST. Oracle Solaris SMF svc:/system/boot-config boot-config. config/fastreboot_default true, reboot -f SPARC false SPARC boot-config action_authorization value_authorization solaris.system.shutdown SPARC svccfg svcadm 264 SPARC ( ) Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 9/10: Oracle Solaris My Oracle Support SMF HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) Oracle SMF CLI( ) usr/sbin/regadm 176 : 2011 8
17, Oracle Solaris regadm ( ) Oracle Solaris 10 9/10: SPARC x86 auto-reboot-safe svc:/system/boot-config:default false. Oracle Solaris 10 GRUB BIOS true. true. svccfg svcadm svccfg(1m) svcadm(1m) boot(1m) 271 x86: auto-reboot-safe Install-Time Update SPARC Oracle Solaris 10 9/10: ITU(Install-Time Update) SPARC itu,cd DVD USB. Oracle Solaris. 212 SPARC: ITU itu(1m) mkbootmedia(1m) pkg2du(1m) updatemedia(1m) 8 177
Oracle Solaris 10 2TB Solaris 10 10/09: 1TB Solaris OS 2TB Oracle Solaris OS. 1TB EFI. VTOC. VTOC 2TB System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems What s New in Disk Management? Oracle Solaris ZFS Solaris 10 10/08: Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS ZFS SPARC x86, 192 Oracle Solaris ZFS x86: findroot Solaris Live Upgrade Oracle Solaris findroot x86 Oracle Solaris ZFS UFS root root(hd0.0.a) GRUB menu.lst. GRUB menu.lst. findroot (rootfs0,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$isadir/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module$ /platform/i86pc/$isadir/boot_archive Oracle Solaris 10. findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive 224 x86: findroot 178 : 2011 8
bootadm -p bootadm,,. -p -R. # bootadm -p platform -R [altroot]. i86pc sun4u sun4v bootadm(1m) SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris SPARC Oracle Solaris ZFS ( ) DVD, NFS HTTP. SPARC. x86 bootadm SPARC SPARC x86 SPARC OBP(OpenBoot PROM) OBP x86 BIOS GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader) SPARC SPARC boot(1m) bootadm(1m) 8 179
187 SPARC x86: x86. init 5. x86 BIOS. BIOS 1999 x86. acpi-user-options ACPI acpi-user-options eeprom(1m) SPARC x86 SPARC x86 Solaris SPARC x86 10, ( ) 11, Oracle Solaris ( ) 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) 13, Oracle Solaris ( ) 277 SPARC ( ). init 180 : 2011 8
. init svcadm..,. GRUB 290 x86: GRUB init shutdown x86 Solaris 10 6/06 x86 x86 init 5. x86 BIOS. BIOS shutdown. shutdown init shutdown init 8 181
. 3. 3 NFS. 6 /etc/inittab initdefault 0. 0. 18, ( ) SPARC PROM boot x86 GRUB OS Solaris 9 Oracle Solaris 10, x86 Primary Boot Subsystem( ) boot x86,. 180 x86:.. SPARC x86 15, x86: GRUB ( ). 182 : 2011 8
8 1. /etc/system.. ( : /etc/system).. (kmdb) (kmdb) 0. 6( ) S( ) 184 -. 184 0( ) 184 6( ) 10, ( ) 10, ( ) 10, ( ) System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Adding a Peripheral Device to a System 10, ( ) 283 SPARC: (kmdb) 286 x86: GRUB (kmdb) 10, ( ) 8 183
8 2 SPARC x86.. 10, ( ) 10, ( ) /etc/system 3(NFS ) 229 SPARC: 3 ( ) 246 x86: 3 ( ) S Ctrl-D 3 230 SPARC: S ( ) 247 x86: S ( ) ( : /etc/system) 231 SPARC: 249 x86: -. System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Setting Up Disks for UFS File Systems (Task Map) System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Setting Up Disks for UFS File Systems (Task Map) (kmdb) kmdb 283 SPARC: (kmdb) 286 x86: GRUB (kmdb). 239 SPARC 256 x86 279 SPARC: 284 x86: 184 : 2011 8
9 9 ( ) Oracle Solaris, Oracle Solaris OS 186 Oracle Solaris 187 SPARC 189 SPARC 190 x86: GRUB 192 Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) GRUB Solaris 16, x86: GRUB ( ) 175 11, Oracle Solaris ( ) SMF( ) 355 SMF 185
Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris. ramdisk Solaris OS 189 SPARC bootadm SPARC x86 bootadm bootadm. root(/) bootadm. 272 bootadm bootadm SPARC. bootadm(1m) boot(1m) ramdisk SPARC x86 ramdisk SPARC, OpenBoot PROM. x86 BIOS BIOS Oracle Solaris OS x86 GRUB. 289 x86: ramdisk ramdisk ramdisk HSFS(High Sierra File System) UFS. 186 : 2011 8
SPARC SPARC x86 SPARC SPARC.. SPARC x86 1. OBP(Open Boot PROM) SPARC OBP, VTOC OBP load 1-15.. 2.., NFS HTTP. 3. Ramdisk ramdisk, Oracle Solaris OS SPARC x86 ( : HSFS UFS ). ramdisk ramdisk, /usr/sbin/fiocompress dcfs 4. 9 ( ) 187
SPARC Oracle Solaris OS ramdisk ramdisk root(/) OS ramdisk.,. ramdisk root_archive SPARC. Oracle Solaris 10 root_archive Oracle Solaris. ramdisk. miniroot root_archive(1m) Oracle Solaris OS CD/DVD. ramdisk. Solaris CD DVD.. DVD HSFS ramdisk UFS OS Oracle Solaris 10 9/10, SPARC 384MB. x86 768MB. GUI 768MB 188 : 2011 8
SPARC CD/DVD NFS HTTP ramdisk NFS wanboot (HTTP) 1. 2. ramdisk 3. SPARC 228 SPARC ( ) SPARC ok boot-device NVRAM. ( ). 232 SPARC: SPARC x86 SPARC bootadm SPARC x86 bootadm x86 bootadm GRUB bootadm. SMF( ) svc:/system/boot-archive:default. svcadm SMF 18, ( ) 9 ( ) 189
x86: GRUB Solaris SPARC x86 SPARC /platform. /platform sun4u sun4v 267 Oracle Solaris ( ) x86: GRUB GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader) x86 GRUB Oracle Solaris OS GRUB http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub.html. grub(5) GRUB x86 BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) CPU, BIOS. GRUB menu.lst GRUB GUI.. Solaris OS GRUB http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub.html. Oracle Solaris GRUB x86. GRUB x86. GRUB, OS menu.lst Oracle Solaris, Linux Windows. 190 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB GRUB,. GRUB, 292 GRUB GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ) boot(1m) bootadm(1m) grub(5) installgrub(1m) findroot GRUB findroot GRUB root, findroot Oracle Solaris ZFS GRUB menu.lst. findroot (rootfs0,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$isadir/unix module$ /platform/i86pc/$isadir/boot_archive Oracle Solaris. title Solaris 10 10/08 s10x_u6wos_03 X86 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 224 x86: findroot GRUB 15, x86: GRUB ( ) 9 ( ) 191
Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS, SPARC. SPARC Solaris x86. Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade UFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Solaris : Solaris 10 10/09 Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade ZFS Solaris 10 10/09. Oracle Solaris ZFS : ZFS ZFS UFS., 512MB, 2GB. dumpadm, Oracle Solaris JumpStart. Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS 192 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS UFS. ZFS ZFS UFS ZFS ( :BE). ZFS ( ).,. x86 GRUB ZFS, GRUB menu.lst.. bootfs bootfs bootfs SPARC, bootfs boot -Z dataset x86, bootfs GRUB SPARC: Oracle Solaris ZFS SPARC. -L - BE ok boot -L 9 ( ) 193
Oracle Solaris ZFS -L ok BE. -Z boot -Z bootfs. ok boot -Z dataset ZFS -L BE menu.lst BE BE -Z bootfs /etc 234 SPARC ZFS x86: ZFS x86 GRUB $ZFS-BOOTFS x86 GRUB ZFS, GRUB -B $ZFS-BOOTFS ZFS GRUB menu.lst bootfs x86 ZFS GRUB menu.lst ZFS 252 x86: x86 ZFS 194 : 2011 8
10 ( ) 195 ( ) 196 203 18, ( ) 195 ( ) ( ) who shutdown init 197 198 201 195
.. CPU ( :, ) 203 Oracle Solaris.. ( : ) 9, ( ) pmconfig(1m) init shutdown.,,.. 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) 13, Oracle Solaris ( ) Solaris 10 6/06 x86 init 5 196 : 2011 8
10 1 shutdown init reboot halt, poweroff init S. uadmin 3. init.. shutdown init shutdown.. who. 357 who(1) 1 2 $ who 10 ( ) 197
10 1. $ who holly console May 7 07:30 kryten pts/0 May 7 07:35 (starlite) lister pts/1 May 7 07:40 (bluemidget) ( ) 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # who. # shutdown -iinit-level -ggrace-period -y -iinit-level S 0,1,2,5 6. 0 5 6 2. -ggrace-period ( ). 60. -y 60 shutdown(1m) 198 : 2011 8
4 5 6 7 y Do you want to continue? (y or n): y shutdown -y. Type Ctrl-d to proceed with normal startup, (or give root password for system maintenance): xxxxxx Ctrl-D shutdown SPARC x86 S( ) # # 0( ) ok > Press any key to reboot 3( ) hostname console login: hostname console login: 10 2 SPARC: S shutdown 3 SPARC S( ) # who root console Jun 14 15:49 (:0) # shutdown -g180 -y Shutdown started. Mon Jun 14 15:46:16 MDT 2004 Broadcast Message from root (pts/4) on venus Mon Jun 14 15:46:16... The system venus will be shut down in 3 minutes... Broadcast Message from root (pts/4) on venus Mon Jun 14 15:46:16... The system venus will be shut down in 30 seconds... INIT: New run level: S The system is coming down for administration. Please wait. Unmounting remote filesystems: /vol nfs done. Shutting down Solaris Management Console server on port 898. Print services stopped. Jun 14 15:49:00 venus syslogd: going down on signal 15 Killing user processes: done. Requesting System Maintenance Mode 10 ( ) 199
SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): xxxxxx single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console. Entering System Maintenance Mode # 10 3 SPARC: 0 shutdown 5 SPARC 0 # who root console Jun 17 12:39 userabc pts/4 Jun 17 12:39 (:0.0) # shutdown -i0 -g300 -y Shutdown started. Thu Jun 17 12:40:25 MST 2004 Broadcast Message from root (console) on pretend Thu Jun 17 12:40:25... The system pretend will be shut down in 5 minutes... Changing to init state 0 - please wait # INIT: New run level: 0 The system is coming down. Please wait. System services are now being stopped.... The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated Type help for more information ok 0 203 10 4 SPARC: 3 shutdown 2 SPARC 3. # who root console Jun 14 15:49 (:0) userabc pts/4 Jun 14 15:46 (:0.0) # shutdown -i6 -g120 -y Shutdown started. Mon Jun 14 15:46:16 MDT 2004 Broadcast Message from root (pts/4) on venus Mon Jun 14 15:46:16... The system venus will be shut down in 2 minutes 200 : 2011 8
Changing to init state 6 - please wait # INIT: New run level: 6 The system is coming down. Please wait.... The system is down. syncing file systems... done rebooting...... venus console login: 3. 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # init 5 init(1m) uadmin. # uadmin 2 0 Solaris 10 6/06 x86. init 5. 175 3 init 10 ( ) 201
SPARC x86 S( ) # # 2( ) # # 0( ) ok > Press any key to reboot 3(NFS ) hostname console login: hostname console login: 10 5 10 6 uadmin # uadmin 2 0 syncing file systems... done Program terminated 0 init x86 # init 0 # INIT: New run level: 0 The system is coming down... Please wait.. The system is down. syncing file systems... [11] [10] [3] done Press any key to reboot 0 203 10 7 SPARC: S init SPARC S( ) # init s # INIT: New run level: S The system is coming down for administration. Unmounting remote filesystems: /vol nfs done. Print services stopped. syslogd: going down on signal 15 Killing user processes: done. Please wait. 202 : 2011 8
SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): xxxxxx single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console. Entering System Maintenance Mode # 3. 12, Oracle Solaris ( ). ( : ) CPU,, ( :, ). 1 198 201 2 3.. a. b.. c.,. 10 ( ) 203
d. CPU. 3 204 : 2011 8
11 Oracle Solaris ( ) Solaris 205 SPARC ( ) 214 x86 ( ) 8, Oracle Solaris 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) SPARC ( ) PROM ok PROM PROM 207 SPARC: PROM 207 SPARC: 208 SPARC: 205
SPARC ( ) ITU(Install-Time Update) PROM boot-device eeprom boot-device PROM boot-file eeprom boot-file ITU ITU(Install-Time Update) SPARC. 209 SPARC: PROM 211 SPARC: eeprom 211 SPARC: 211 SPARC: PROM 212 SPARC: eeprom 212 SPARC: ITU SPARC: PROM PROM.. PROM PROM.. PROM monitor(1m) eeprom(1m) 206 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) SPARC: PROM banner PROM ok banner Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #number. Ethernet address number, Host ID: number. PROM PROM 3.15. SPARC:. probe. PROM auto-boot? false ok setenv auto-boot? false reset-all. ok reset-all sifting probe probe. ok sifting probe probe ok probe-scsi This command may hang the system if a Stop-A or halt command has been executed. Please type reset-all to reset the system before executing this command. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) n 1 2 3 ok probe-device ( ) reset auto-boot? true ok setenv auto-boot? true auto-boot? = true ok reset-all 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 207
SPARC ( ) 11 1 SPARC: Ultra 10. ok setenv auto-boot? false auto-boot? = false ok reset-all Resetting... Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #10933339. Ethernet address 8:0:20:a6:d4:5b, Host ID: 80a6d45b. ok probe-ide Device 0 ( Primary Master ) ATA Model: ST34321A Device 1 ( Primary Slave ) Not Present Device 2 ( Secondary Master ) Removable ATAPI Model: CRD-8322B Device 3 ( Secondary Slave ) Not Present ok setenv auto-boot? true auto-boot? = true devalias.. ok devalias screen net cdrom disk disk3 disk2 disk1 disk0 ide floppy ttyb ttya keyboard! keyboard mouse name /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/sunw,m64b@2 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/cdrom@2,0:f /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@3,0 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@2,0 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@1,0 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/fdthree /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se:b /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/se:a /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8:forcemode /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3083f8 /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3062f8 aliases 1 SPARC: ok PROM 201 208 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) 2 printenv ok printenv boot-device boot-device device[n] boot-device n disk number. boot-device = /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0:a boot-device = /sbus@1f,0/sunw,fas@e,8800000/sd@a,0:a \ /sbus@1f,0/sunw,fas@e,8800000/sd@0,0:a disk net 1 2 3 4 11 2 SPARC: PROM. 207 SPARC: 0 # init 0 ok PROM init(1m) boot-device ok setenv boot-device device[n] probe ok printenv boot-device boot-device ok reset-all boot-device PROM SPARC:. 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 209
SPARC ( ) # init 0 # INIT: New run level: 0... The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated ok setenv boot-device /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 boot-device = /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 ok printenv boot-device boot-device /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 ok boot Resetting... screen not found. Can t open input device. Keyboard not present. Using ttya for input and output. Sun Enterprise 220R (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.23, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #13116682. Ethernet address 8:0:20:c8:25:a, Host ID: 80c8250a. Rebooting with command: boot disk1 Boot device: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 File and args:. # init 0 # INIT: New run level: 0... The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated ok setenv boot-device net boot-device = net ok printenv boot-device boot-device net disk ok reset Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #number. Ethernet address number, Host ID: number. Boot device: net File and args:... pluto console login: 210 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) 1 2 3 SPARC: eeprom System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # eeprom boot-device new-boot-device # eeprom boot-device boot-device eeprom SPARC: ok ok reset-all auto-boot? true 1 2 3 4 SPARC: PROM 0 # init 0 ok PROM init(1m) boot-file ok setenv boot-file boot-file ok printenv boot-file boot-file ok reset-all 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 211
SPARC ( ) boot-file PROM 1 2 SPARC: eeprom System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # eeprom boot-file new boot-file. # eeprom boot-file=kernel.name/sparcv9/unix 3 # eeprom boot-file eeprom ITU SPARC ITU DU( ) Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 itu SPARC ITU ITU 1 2 SPARC: ITU ITU. SPARC ITU ITU ITU itu ITU. # itu makedu -r solaris-release -o iso-file package1-name package2-name... makedu DU 212 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) -r solaris-release Oracle Solaris 5.10. -o iso-file ISO itu itu(1m) 3 4 5 ok PROM auto-boot ok setenv auto-boot?=false ok reset-all itu-device 6 cdrom. ok devalias cdrom CD DVD, cdrom. /pci@8,700000/scsi@1/disk@6,0:f 7 ITU itu-device 6 config-string ok> " /pci@8,700000/scsi@1/disk@6,0:f" d# 80 config-string itu-device 80 cdrom 80. 8 9 ITU ok boot Solaris itu-device ITU. itu-device. auto-boot ok setenv auto-boot?=true 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 213
x86 ( ) auto-boot true 10 ok boot x86 ( ) eeprom GRUB menu.lst findroot menu.lst eeprom x86 eeprom GRUB GRUB GRUB OS menu.lst findroot menu.lst. 215 x86: eeprom 218 x86: GRUB 220 x86: menu.lst 225 x86: findroot GRUB x86 x86. eeprom. eeprom SPARC OpenBoot PROM NVRAM /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc eeprom 214 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) GRUB menu.lst. eeprom(1m) bootenv.rc.. eeprom. GRUB. GRUB eeprom kernel(1m) GRUB menu.lst. menu.lst eeprom GRUB menu.lst. GRUB. menu.lst 1 2 3 11 3 x86: eeprom System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # eeprom parameter=new-value # eeprom parameter eeprom x86: eeprom boot-file 64. 64. # eeprom boot-file=kernel/amd64/unix 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 215
x86 ( ) 64 32. # eeprom boot-file=kernel/unix. # eeprom boot-file="" x86: GRUB ZFS Oracle Solaris GRUB OS menu.lst. default= n menu.lst n 0 ( ) GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 3144640K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ be1) be1 failsafe be3 be3 failsafe be2 be2 failsafe +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. menu.lst Oracle Solaris GRUB e GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 3144640K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ findroot (BE_be1,0,a) bootfs rpool/root/szboot_0508 kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. 216 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) GRUB 218 x86: GRUB Oracle Solaris 10 GRUB GRUB. GRUB ZFS : grub edit> kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS,prop=value [,prop=value...]][-asrvxk] [-m smf-options] [-i altinit] ZFS -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -B GRUB UFS : grub edit> kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot [-asrvxk] [-m smf-options] [-i altinit][-b prop=value [,prop=value...]] GRUB GRUB multiboot -a -s -r -v -x -k -m smf-options SMF(Service Management Facility) 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 217
x86 ( ). -i altinit altinit -B prop=value [,prop=value]... -B prop=val GRUB -B console=ttya ttya -B acpi-enum=off ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) -B console=ttya,acpi-enum=off ttya ACPI -B acpi-user-options=0x2 ACPI eeprom GRUB GRUB x86: GRUB GRUB GRUB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 GRUB GRUB e kernel kernel$ e Return. 218 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) Esc GRUB 8 b 11 4 x86: 64 32 64 32 kernel/unix grub edit> kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot kernel/unix 11 5 x86: ttyb -B console=ttyb grub edit> kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B console=ttyb input-device/output-device. grub edit> kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B input-device=ttyb,output-device=ttyb. grub edit> kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B ttyb-mode="115200,8,n,1,-" : x86: menu.lst menu.lst GRUB. GRUB Oracle Solaris menu.lst. menu.lst GRUB GRUB GNU GRUB version 0.95 (631K lower / 2095488K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 219
x86 ( ) Solaris 10.1... X86 Solaris failsafe +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ OS. OS default. Oracle Solaris OS ( ) OS Enter default GRUB menu.lst GRUB GRUB menu.lst menu.lst. menu.lst bootadm list-menu bootadm 272 bootadm Solaris OS GRUB menu.lst 295 x86: GRUB x86: menu.lst menu.lst. OS GRUB GRUB menu.lst GRUB menu.lst. menu.lst UFS ZFS UFS menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst. ZFS menu.lst /pool-name/boot/grub/menu.lst. bootadm list-menu GRUB menu.lst. # bootadm list-menu bootadm bootadm(1m) 220 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) menu.lst OS menu.lst OS ZFS menu.lst menu.lst Oracle Solaris. #---------- ADDED BY BOOTADM - DO NOT EDIT ---------- title Solaris Solaris 10 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive #---------------------END BOOTADM-------------------- menu.lst. OS "Added by bootadm".. [-B *] [*] menu.lst. -s. 3 Linux Oracle Solaris Linux GRUB. Linux menu.lst Linux Solaris menu.lst menu.lst Oracle Solaris OS eeprom.. menu.lst 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 221
x86 ( ) GRUB Linux Oracle Solaris. Linux GRUB Oracle Solaris. fdisk, GRUB, menu.lst GRUB Oracle Solaris GRUB MBR( ), fdisk menu.lst Oracle Solaris GRUB menu.lst 295 x86: GRUB 11 6 Oracle Solaris ZFS menu.lst Oracle Solaris ZFS menu.lst. ZFS. : title Solaris 10 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade -B console=ttyb title be1 findroot (BE_be1,0,a) bootfs rpool/root/szboot_0508 kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title be1 failsafe findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-sa -B console=ttyb 222 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) 11 7 UFS menu.lst UFS menu.lst. UFS : title Solaris 10 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 findroot (rootfs0,0,a) kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (rootfs0,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade: -B console=ttyb title be1 findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title be1 failsafe findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb x86: GRUB menu.lst ZFS menu.lst /pool-name/boot/grub/menu.lst. UFS menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst. GRUB bootadm list-menu # bootadm list-menu menu.lst # bootadm list-menu The location for the active GRUB menu is: /pool-name/boot/grub/menu.lst default 0 timeout 10 0 be1 1 be1 failsafe 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 223
x86 ( ) 2 be3 3 be3 failsafe 4 be2 5 be2 failsafe bootadm 272 bootadm x86: findroot Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade findroot x86 UFS Oracle Solaris ZFS GRUB menu.lst. root, root(hd0.0.a) Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade, Oracle Solaris JumpStart GUI findroot (mysign, 0, a). mysign /boot/grub/bootsign ZFS ZFS GRUB fdisk 0 a ZFS. findroot 293 findroot findroot GRUB. 225 x86: findroot GRUB. Oracle Solaris. OS. root Windows menu.lst. findroot root. 11 8 x86: UFS menu.lst findroot menu.lst. 224 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) 11 8 x86: UFS menu.lst ( ) title Solaris 10 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 11 9 x86: Oracle Solaris ZFS menu.lst Oracle Solaris ZFS menu.lst. ZFS Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade title be1 findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title be1 failsafe findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 1 2 x86: findroot GRUB findroot menu.lst. findroot 224 x86: findroot System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) root(/). ZFS my-pool /my-pool/boot/grub/bootsign. # touch /my-pool/boot/grub/bootsign/user-sign 11 Oracle Solaris ( ) 225
x86 ( ) UFS /boot/grub/bootsign. # touch /boot/grub/bootsign/user-sign Oracle Solaris. Oracle Solaris. 3 findroot a. menu.lst. # bootadm list-menu b. menu.lst title User Solaris boot entry findroot (user-sign, 3,c) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive 3 4 fdisk ( 0 ) c Solaris fdisk ( a ) 4 GRUB, Oracle Solaris OS. 226 : 2011 8
12 Oracle Solaris ( ) SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris 228 SPARC ( ) 229 SPARC 234 SPARC ZFS 238 SPARC 243 SPARC 245 GRUB x86 ( ) 252 x86: x86 ZFS 255 x86 260 x86 264 SPARC ( ) 265 SPARC 9, ( ) Solaris 10 1/06 x86 GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader) GRUB GRUB Solaris x86 16, x86: GRUB ( ) 227
SPARC ( ) SPARC ( ) SPARC 3 SPARC S. 229 SPARC: 3 ( ) 230 SPARC: S ( ) SPARC 231 SPARC: Solaris Solaris boot-file. 232 SPARC: SPARC ZFS boot -L ZFS BE. ZFS 235 SPARC: ZFS ZFS SPARC SPARC boot -Z ZFS. ZFS SPARC bootadm 236 SPARC: ZFS 239 SPARC SPARC 243 SPARC: 228 : 2011 8
SPARC SPARC ok PROM who -r 18, ( ) 1 2 12 1 SPARC: 3 ( ) 0 3 3 ok boot 3 boot(1m) 3. hostname console login: SPARC: 3 ( ) 3 ok boot Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz) OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #number. Ethernet address number, Host ID: number. Rebooting with command: boot Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a File and args: kernel/sparcv9/unix SunOS Release 5.10 Version s10_60 64-bit Copyright 1983-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0. add net default: gateway Hostname: starlite The system is coming up. Please wait. NIS domain name is example.com starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv ypbind done. Setting netmask of hme0 to Setting default IPv4 interface for multicast: add net 224.0/4: gateway starlite syslog service starting.the system is ready. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 229
SPARC Starting Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.1-dev.. volume management starting. The system is ready. starlite console login: sparcv9 isainfo - k 1 2 SPARC: S ( ) 0 S S ok boot -s SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): xxxxxx 3 4 5 12 2 S # who -r S Ctrl-D SPARC: S ( ) S ok boot -s... Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Version Generic_120012-14 32-bit Copyright 1983-2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0. Hostname: starlite SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): xxxxxx 230 : 2011 8
SPARC single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console. Entering System Maintenance Mode Oct 14 15:01:28 su: su root succeeded for root on /dev/console Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 # who -r. run-level S Sep 19 08:49 (Perform some maintenance task) S 0? # ^D SPARC: /etc/system boot -a SPARC /etc/system. 1. /etc/system boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk. # cp /etc/system /etc/system.bak # cp /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk.orig 2. etc/system.bak /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk # echo "etc/system.bak" >> /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk 3. # bootadm update-archive -v 1 2 ok boot -a a. Enter. Enter. b. modules Enter. Enter. c. /etc/system /dev/null d. root UFS( ) Enter, NFS 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 231
SPARC e. root Return 3 12 3 boot -a SPARC: ( [] ) boot -a 231 SPARC: ok boot -a... Rebooting with command: boot -a Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a File and args: -a Enter filename [kernel/sparcv9/unix]: Press Return Enter default directory for modules [/platform/sunw,ultra-5_10/kernel /platform/sun4u/kernel /kernel /usr/kernel]: Press Return Name of system file [etc/system]: Press Return SunOS Release 5.10 Version S10_60 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983-2004 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved Use is subject to license terms. root filesystem type [ufs]: Press Return Enter physical name of root device [/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a]: Press Return configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0. Hostname: starlite The system is coming up. Please wait. checking ufs filesystems... The system is ready. starlite console login: 1 SPARC: System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) 232 : 2011 8
SPARC 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oracle Solaris. 2 /etc/boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk # echo "kernel.name" >> /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk /etc/boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk # cat > /etc/boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk bootadm # bootadm update-archive 0 # init 0 ok PROM ok boot alternate-kernel. ok boot kernel.myname/sparcv9/unix a. boot-file ok setenv boot-file kernel.name/sparc9/unix b. boot-file ok printenv boot-file c. ok boot 8 12 4 # prtconf -vp grep whoami # cp -r /platform/sun4v/kernel /platform/sun4vu/kernel.caiobella # echo "kernel.caiobela" >> /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk # cat > /etc/boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk /platform/sun4v/kernel.caiobella ^D (control D) 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 233
SPARC ZFS ok setenv boot-file kernel.caiobells/sparcv9/unix ok printenv boot-file boot-file = kernel.caiobella/sparcv9/unix ok boot SC Alert: Host System has Reset SC Alert: Host system has shut down. Sun Fire T200, No KeyboardCopyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. OpenBoot 4.25.0.build_01***PROTOTYPE BUILD***, 32760 MB memory available, Serial #69060038. Ethernet address 0:x:4f:x:c5:c6, Host ID: 8xxc5c6. Rebooting with command: boot Boot device: /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0,2/lsilogic,sas@2/disk@0,0:a File and args: kernel.caiobella/sparcv9/unix SunOS Release 5.10 Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled misc/forthdebug (176650 bytes) loaded Hostname: seasonz NIS domain name is lab.domain.sun.com Reading ZFS config: done. seasonz console login: Password: Last login: Mon Nov 12 18:02:00 on console Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10... You have new mail. # # # prtconf -vp grep whoami whoami: /platform/sun4v/kernel.caiobella/sparcv9/unix SPARC ZFS SPARC Oracle Solaris ZFS -L ZFS 234 : 2011 8
SPARC ZFS boot -L OBP -Z dataset ZFS ZFS OBP boot -L BE -Z BE boot(1m) SPARC: ZFS SPARC menu.lst GRUB. title BE( ) bootfs ZFS lustatus ZFS BE lustatus x86. boot -L ZFS BE boot - L BE BE 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) ok PROM # init 0 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 235
SPARC ZFS 3 4 5 ZFS BE ok boot device-specifier -L BE 236 SPARC: ZFS 12 5 SPARC: boot - L BE # init 0 # svc.startd: The system is coming down. Please wait. svc.startd: 94 system services are now being stopped. svc.startd: The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated ok boot -L... Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0 File and args: -L zfs-file-system Loading: /platformsun4u/bootlst 1.s10s_nbu6wos 2 zfs2be Select environment to boot: [1-2]:2 to boot the selected entry, invoke: boot [<root-device] -Z rpool/root/zfs2be Oracle Solaris ZFS 5, Oracle Solaris ZFS SPARC: ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS UFS. ZFS,. ZFS. bootfs ZFS boot(1m) 236 : 2011 8
SPARC ZFS luactivate BE bootfs ZFS zpool(1m) 1 2 3 4 5 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) ok PROM # init 0 ( ) BE boot -L 235 SPARC: ZFS Return. Select environment to boot: [1-2]:. To boot the selected entry, invoke: boot [<root-device>] -Z rpool/root/dataset ok boot -Z rpool/root/dataset. # boot -Z rpool/root/zfs2be 6 BE # prtconf -vp grep whoami BE # prtconf -vp grep bootpath df -lk BE. 12 6 SPARC: ZFS boot -Z SPARC ZFS 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 237
SPARC # init 0 # svc.startd: The system is coming down. Please wait. svc.startd: 79 system services are now being stopped. svc.startd: The system is down. syncing file systems... done Program terminated ok boot -Z rpool/root/zfs2bee Resetting LOM event: =44d+21h38m12s host reset g... rprocessor Speed = 648 MHz Baud rate is 9600 8 Data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity (configured from lom) Firmware CORE Sun Microsystems, Inc. @(#) core 1.0.12 2002/01/08 13:00 software Power ON Verifying nvram...done Bootmode is 0 [New I2C DIMM address]... Environment monitoring: disabled Executng last command: boot -Z rpool/root/zfs2be Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0 File and args: -Z rpool/root/zfs2be zfs-file-system Loading: /platform/sunw,ultraax-i2/boot_archive Loading: /platform/sun4u/boot_archive ramdisk-root hsfs-file-system Loading: /platform/sunw,ultraax-i2/kernel/sparcv9/unix Loading: /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix... Hostname: mallory NIS domainname is boulder.central.sun.com Reading ZFS config: done. Mounting ZFS filesytems: (6/6) mallory console login: ZFS 239 SPARC SPARC. root(/) 238 : 2011 8
SPARC,.. bootadm. 272 bootadm. SPARC. /platform/ uname -m /failsafe ok boot -F failsafe Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS BE, BE. UFS BE,. ( ) bootfs x86 255 x86 271 x86: auto-reboot-safe SPARC SPARC. 230 SPARC: S ( ) ZFS 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 239
SPARC 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) ok # init 0 ok boot -F failsafe ZFS ok boot -F failsafe -Z dataset. ok boot -F failsafe -Z rpool/root/zfsbe2 boot -L BE 235 SPARC: ZFS 4 y Return. An out of sync boot archive was detected on rpool. The boot archive is a cache of files used during boot and should be kept in sync to ensure proper system operation. Do you wish to automatically update this boot archive? [y,n,?] y The boot archive on rpool was updated successfully. 12 7 SPARC: SPARC ok boot -F failsafe Resetting... screen not found. 240 : 2011 8
SPARC Can t open input device. Keyboard not present. Using ttya for input and output. Sun Enterprise 220R (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.23, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #13116682. Ethernet address 8:0:20:c8:25:a, Host ID: 80c8250a. Rebooting with command: boot -F failsafe Boot device: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0:a File and args: -F failsafe SunOS Release 5.10t Copyright 1983-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Configuring /dev Searching for installed OS instances... An out of sync boot archive was detected on /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0. The boot archive is a cache of files used during boot and should be kept in syncto ensure proper system operation. Do you wish to automatically update this boot archive? [y,n,?] y Updating boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0. The boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 was updated successfully. Solaris 5.10 was found on /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0. Do you wish to have it mounted read-write on /a? [y,n,?] n Starting shell. # 12 8 SPARC: ZFS ZFS boot -L ok. ok boot -L Rebooting with command: boot -L Boot device: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 File and args: -L 1 zfsbe2 Select environment to boot: [1-1]:1 To boot the selected entry, invoke: boot [<root-device>] -Z rpool/root/zfsbe2 Program terminated {0} ok Resetting... screen not found. Can t open input device. Keyboard not present. Using ttya for input and output. Sun Enterprise 220R (2 X UltraSPARC-II 450MHz), No Keyboard 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 241
SPARC OpenBoot 3.23, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #13116682. Ethernet address 8:0:20:c8:25:a, Host ID: 80c8250a. {0} ok boot -F failsafe -Z rpool/root/zfsbe2 Boot device: /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3/disk@1,0 File and args: -F failsafe -Z rpool/root/zfsbe2 SunOS Release 5.10 Copyright 1983-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Configuring /dev Searching for installed OS instances... ROOT/zfsBE2 was found on rpool. Do you wish to have it mounted read-write on /a? [y,n,?] y mounting rpool on /a Starting shell. # # # # zpool list NAME SIZE USED AVAIL CAP HEALTH ALTROOT rpool 16.8G 6.26G 10.5G 37% ONLINE /a # # zpool status pool: rpool state: ONLINE scrub: none requested config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM rpool ONLINE 0 0 0 c0t1d0s0 ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors # # df -h Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on /ramdisk-root:a 163M 153M 0K 100% / /devices 0K 0K 0K 0% /devices /dev 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/contract proc 0K 0K 0K 0% /proc mnttab 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/mnttab swap 601M 344K 601M 1% /etc/svc/volatile objfs 0K 0K 0K 0% /system/object sharefs 0K 0K 0K 0% /etc/dfs/sharetab swap 602M 1.4M 601M 1% /tmp /tmp/root/etc 602M 1.4M 601M 1% /.tmp_proto/root/etc fd 0K 0K 0K 0% /dev/fd rpool/root/zfsbe2 16G 5.7G 9.8G 37% /a rpool/export 16G 20K 9.8G 1% /a/export rpool/export/home 16G 18K 9.8G 1% /a/export/home rpool 16G 63K 9.8G 1% /a/rpool 242 : 2011 8
SPARC SPARC. RARP( ) ONC+ RPC Bootparams DHCP( ), LAN(Local Area Network) WAN(Wide Area Network). PROM ( inetboot) LAN, RARP BOOTP DHCP TFTP ( inetboot) WAN, DHCP NVRAM, HTTP.. SPARC:.. 209 SPARC: PROM sun 4u RARP - ONC+ RPC Bootparams DHCP - RARP. RARP DHCP. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 243
SPARC Sun Ultra DHCP PROM 3.25.nn. PROM 207 SPARC: PROM? boot. NVRAM PROM. nvalias Sun Ultra 10 DHCP ok nvalias net /pci@1f,4000/network@1,1:dhcp boot net DHCP nvalias nvunalias nvalias NVRAMRC. OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual 1 2 RARP DHCP. a. DHCP ok boot net[:dhcp] DHCP PROM nvalias, boot net. b. RARP ok boot net[:rarp] RARP DHCP PROM boot net:rarp. 244 : 2011 8
GRUB x86 ( ) GRUB x86 ( ) x86 3 ( ) x86 x86 x86 ZFS ZFS x86 ZFS x86 BE lustatus bootadm list-menu ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS BE GRUB -B $ZFS-BOOTFS ZFS ZFS 246 x86: 3 ( ) 247 x86: S ( ) 249 x86: 252 x86: ZFS 253 x86: ZFS x86 x86 x86 bootadm, 256 x86 258 x86: GRUB x86 PXE PXE 263 x86: GRUB 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 245
GRUB x86 ( ) x86: 3 ( ) 0 3 1 # reboot Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. GRUB 2 GRUB Enter OS 10 3 3 4 12 9 hostname console login: 3. # who -r system% who -r. run-level 3 Mar 2 09:44 3 0 S x86: 3 ( ) # reboot Jul 24 11:29:52 bearskin reboot: rebooted by root syncing file systems... done rebooting... Adaptec AIC-7899 SCSI BIOS v2.57s4 (c) 2000 Adaptec, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect(TM) Utility! Ch B, SCSI ID: 0 SEAGATE ST336607LSUN36G 160 GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) ============================================================== Solaris 10 10/08 s10x_u6wos_03 X86 Solaris failsafe ============================================================== 246 : 2011 8
GRUB x86 ( ) Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_144500-10 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Hostname: pups NIS domain name is...sfbay.sun.com Reading ZFS config: done. Mounting ZFS filesystems: (5/5) pups console login: # who -r. run-level 3 Jul 24 11:31 3 0 S x86: S ( ) 0 S GRUB. Oracle Solaris GRUB 216 x86: GRUB 1 2 3 # reboot Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. GRUB GRUB e GRUB kernel kernel$ (^), v 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 247
GRUB x86 ( ) 4 5 e kernel kernel$. -s Return -s. 64 32 boot(1m) 6 7 8 9 10 12 10 b root S # who -r. run-level S Jun 13 11:07 S 0 0 S x86: # reboot Jul 2 14:30:01 pups reboot: initiated by root on /dev/console syncing files... Press <Ctrl><A> forpscsiselect(tm) Utility! GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) =================================================== Solaris 10 10/08 s10x_u6wos_03 X86 Solaris failsafe ===================================================== Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. ===================================================== GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) 248 : 2011 8
GRUB x86 ( ) ===================================================== findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive ================================================ Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press b to boot, e to edit the selected command in the boot sequence, c for a command-line, o to open a new line after ( O for before) the selected line, d to remove the selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu. [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename. ESC at any time exits. ] grub edit> kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -s GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) ======================================================= findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -s module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive ====================================== Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press b to boot, e to edit the selected command in the boot sequence, c for a command-line, o to open a new line after ( O for before) the selected line, d to remove the selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu.... SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_144500-10 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Booting to milestone "milestone/single-user:default". Hostname: pups Requesting System Maintenance Mode SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): single-user privilege assigned to /dev/console. Entering System Maintenance Mode Jul 2 14:41:48 su: su root succeeded for root on /dev/console Sun Microsystems Inc. # who -r who -r. run-level S Jul 2 14:39 S 0 0 # x86: /etc/system boot -a x86 /etc/system 1. /etc/system boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 249
GRUB x86 ( ) # cp /etc/system /etc/system.bak # cp /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk.orig 2. /etc/system.bak /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk # echo "etc/system.bak" >> /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk 3. # bootadm update-archive -v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 11 # reboot Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. GRUB GRUB e kernel kernel$ e -a Enter b Enter Enter default directory for modules [/platform/i86pc/kernel /kernel /usr/kernel]: alternate-file Name of system file [etc/system]: /etc/system.bak Enter /etc/system 3 x86: # reboot syncing file systems... done rebooting... 250 : 2011 8
GRUB x86 ( ) GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) =================================================== Solaris 10 10/08 s10x_u6wos_03 X86 Solaris failsafe ===================================================== Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. ===================================================== GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) ===================================================== findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive ====================================================== Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press b to boot, e to edit the selected command in the boot sequence, c for a command-line, o to open a new line after ( O for before) the selected line, d to remove the selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu. [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename. ESC at any time exits. ] grub edit> kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -a GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 2096064K upper memory) =================================================== findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -a module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive ====================================================... Enter default directory for modules [/platform/i86pc/kernel /kernel /usr/kernel]: Name of system file [/etc/system]: /etc/system.bak SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_144500-10 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Hostname: pups NIS domain name is...sfbay.sun.com Reading ZFS config: done. Mounting ZFS filesystems: (5/5) pups console login: 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 251
x86: x86 ZFS x86: x86 ZFS x86 Oracle Solaris ZFS GRUB $ZFS-BOOTFS ZFS, -B ZFS Oracle Solaris GRUB menu.lst GRUBZFS 1 2 x86: ZFS System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) BE ~# bootadm list-menu # lustatus lustatus SPARC. lustatus Solaris Live Upgrade lustatus BE BE. # lustatus ERROR: No boot environments are configured on this system ERROR: cannot determine list of all boot environment names Solaris Live Upgrade UFS ZFS Oracle Solaris ZFS ZFS ZFS (Live Upgrade) 12 12 lustatus ZFS lustatus ZFS be1. 252 : 2011 8
x86: x86 ZFS # lustatus Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status -------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ---------- s10s_nbu6wos yes no no yes - zfs2be yes yes yes no - zfsbe3 no no no yes - # BE Is Complete( ) yes( ) BE no( ) BE luactivate lustatus BE lustatus(1m) luactivate(1m) x86: ZFS ZFS x86 ZFS ZFS Oracle Solaris GRUB -B $ZFS-BOOTFS, ZFS 1 # reboot Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. GRUB ZFS GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 3144640K upper memory) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ be1 be1 failsafe be3 be3 failsafe be2 be2 failfafe +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 253
x86: x86 ZFS 2 3 4 GRUB Enter OS 10 3 BE b e GRUB 218 x86: GRUB 12 13 x86: x86 be10 lustatus BE BE. # lustatus Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status ----------------------------------------------------------------- be1 yes yes yes no be10 yes no no yes # luactivate be10 System has findroot enabled GRUB Generating boot-sign, partition and slice information for PBE <be1> WARNING: The following file s have change on both the current boot environment <be1> zone <global> and the boot environment to be activitate <be10> /etc/zfs/zpool.cache INFORMATION: The files listed above are in conflict between the current boot environment <be1> zone <global> and the boot environment to be activated <be10>. These files will not be automatically synchronized from the current boot environment <be1> when boot environment <be10> is activated. Setting failsafe console to <ttyb> Generating boot-sign for ABE <be10> Generating partition and slice information for ABE <be10> Copied boot menu from top level dataset. Generating direct boot menu entries for PBE. Generating direct boot menu entries for ABE. Disabling splashimage Current GRUB menu default setting is not valid title Solaris bootenv rc No more bootadm entries. Deletion of bootadm entries is complete. GRUB menu default setting is unchanged Done eliding bootadm entries. ************************************************************** The target boot environment has been activated. It will be used when you reboot. NOTE: You MUST NOT USE the reboot, halt, or uadmin commands. You MUST USE either the init or the shutdown command when you reboot. If you do not use either init or shutdown, the system will not boot using the target BE. 254 : 2011 8
x86 ***************************************************************,,, # reboot May 30 09:52:32 pups reboot: initiated by root on /dev/console syncing file systems... done rebooting... CE SDRAM BIOS P/N GR-xlint.007-4.330 * BIOS Lan-Console 2.0 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Intel Corporation... GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 3144640K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ be1 be1 failsafe be10 be10 failsafe +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_144500-10 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Hostname: pups NIS domain name is sunsoft.eng.sun.com Reading ZFS config: done. Mounting ZFS filesystems: (8/8) pups console login: # lustatus Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status ----------------------------------------------------------------- be1 yes yes yes no be10 yes yes yes no # x86 x86 GRUB y ZFS UFS BE, BE. ZFS BE,. x86 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 255
x86 pool-wide GRUB. ( ) bootfs 13, Oracle Solaris ( ) x86 Oracle Solaris GRUB 1 2 284 x86: Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. GRUB GNU GRUB version 0.95 (637K lower / 3144640K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ be1 be1 failsafe be3 be3 failsafe be2 be2 failfafe +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. Oracle Solaris GRUB 3 GRUB 256 : 2011 8
x86 4 Return OS Searching for installed OS instances... An out of sync boot archive was detected on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. The boot archive is a cache of files used during boot and should be kept in sync to ensure proper system operation. Do you wish to automatically update this boot archive? [y,n,?] 5 y y Updating boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. The boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 was updated successfully. OS /a Searching for installed OS instances... Multiple OS instances were found. To check and mount one of them read-write under /a, select it from the following list. To not mount any, select q. 1 pool10:13292304648356142148 ROOT/be10 2 rpool:14465159259155950256 ROOT/be01 Please select a device to be mounted (q for none) [?,??,q]: q a. Return. /a b. c. # umount /a d. # reboot 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 257
x86 x86:, 1 2 284 x86: # reboot Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ). GRUB +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Solaris 10.1... X86 Solaris failsafe +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. Solaris GRUB 3 4 GRUB Return Searching for installed OS instances... An out of sync boot archive was detected on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. The boot archive is a cache of files used during boot and should be kept in sync to ensure proper system operation. Do you wish to automatically update this boot archive? [y,n,?] 258 : 2011 8
x86 5 y Enter Updating boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. The boot archive on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 was updated successfully. Searching for installed OS instances... Solaris 10.1... X86 was found on /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. Do you wish to have it mounted read-write on /a? [y,n,?] 6 Enter /a /a. 7 8 9 12 14 # bootadm update-archive -f -R /a # umount /a # reboot x86: GNU GRUB version 0.95 (635K lower / 523200K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Solaris 10 1/06 s10x_u1wos_19a X86 >Solaris failsafe< +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the and keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 259
x86 SunOS Release 5.10 Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Booting to milestone "milestone/single-user:default". Configuring devices. Searching for installed OS instances... Multiple OS instances were found. To check and mount one of them read-write under /a, select it from the following list. To not mount any, select q. 1 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 Solaris 10 1/06 s10x_u1wos_19a X86 2 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 Solaris 10 5/08 X86 Please select a device to be mounted (q for none) [?,??,q]: 1 mounting /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 on /a Starting shell. # rm /a/platform/i86pc/boot_archive # bootadm update-archive -f -R /a Creating boot_archive for /a updating /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive updating /a/platform/i86pc/boot_archive # umount /a # reboot syncing file systems... done rebooting...... x86 GRUB.. PXE x86. PXE Intel Preboot Execution Environment GRUB PXE DHCP. PXE DHCP RARP. PXE DHCP, CD-ROM GRUB. 260 : 2011 8
x86 GRUB PXE DHCP tftp DHCP DHCP DHCP PXEClient GRUBClient. IP (pxegrub) Oracle Solaris OS PXE. 1. BIOS 2. BIOS DHCP. 3. DHCP 4. BIOS tftp pxegrub pxegrub 5. tftp GRUB 6. Oracle Solaris OS System Administration Guide: IP Services How to Set Up a Network Configuration Server add_install_client /tftpboot_01ethernet-address pxegrub /tftpboot/menu.lst.01 ethernet-address /tftpboot/menu.lst.01 ethernet-address GRUB pxegrub DHCP Option 150( ) /tftpboot/boot/grub/menu.lst. add_install_client pxegrub Oracle Solaris /tftpboot DHCP add_install_client. 261 x86: DHCP 263 x86: GRUB x86: DHCP add_install_client - d DHCP. DHCP DHCP DHCP. Oracle Solaris OS 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 261
x86 DHCP. ID( ) DHCP. macros. IP DHCP. x86 BIOS PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001 DHCP DHCP x86 IP DHPC IP IP. ( 01) MAC ( ) 0:0:39:fc:f2:ef 01000039FCEF.. 0:0:39:fc:f2:ef PXEClient DHCP DHCP. PXEClient BootSrvA: BootFile: pxegrub Router: NISdmain: sunsoft.eng.sun.com 01000039FCEF BootFile: 01000039FCEF The actual DHCP response will be BootSrvA: BootFile: 01000039FCEF Router: NISdmain: sunsoft.eng.sun.com 262 : 2011 8
x86 BootFile BootFile Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : DHCP ( ) x86: GRUB GRUB PXE DHCP tftp DHCP DHCP PXEClient GRUBClient IP (pxegrub). /tftpboot/menu.lst.01ethernet-address. pxegrub DHCP Option 150( ) /tftpboot/boot/grub/menu.lst Solaris GRUB x86. Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : 4, ( ) 1 DHCP DHCP. BootSrvA: svr-addr BootFile: client-macro dhtadm DHCP. svr-addr IP, client-macro (01) MAC ( ) /tftpboot. client-macro. DHCP GUI. 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 263
SPARC ( ) # dhtadm -[MA] -m client macro -d ":BootFile=client-macro:BootSrvA=svr-addr:" 2 3 BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS 4 GRUB SPARC ( ) SPARC SPARC SPARC SPARC reboot -f reboot init 6 reboot -p SPARC. SPARC boot-config. 265 SPARC 265 SPARC 265 264 : 2011 8
SPARC SPARC SPARC Oracle Solaris 1 2 SPARC boot-config config/fastreboot_default false( ) SPARC. 265. SPARC # reboot -f SPARC POST. POST SPARC, -p reboot # reboot -p boot-config fastreboot_default reboot init 6. SPARC false svccfg svcadm. SPARC true # svccfg -s "system/boot-config:default" setprop config/fastreboot_default=true # svcadm refresh svc:/system/boot-config:default SMF svcadm(1m) svccfg(1m) 12 Oracle Solaris ( ) 265
13 Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris bootadm. 267 Oracle Solaris ( ) 268 Oracle Solaris 269 boot-archive 270 272 bootadm 9, ( ) 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris ( ) 13 1 ( ) boot-archive boot-archive SMF( ) svcadm. svcs boot-archive. 269 boot-archive 267
Oracle Solaris 13 1 ( ) ( ) x86: auto-reboot-safe bootadm bootadm SVM(Solaris ) bootadm x86 : bootadm GRUB x86 : bootadm GRUB auto-reboot-safe false x86 auto-reboot-safe true SPARC x86 bootadm update-archive bootadm. bootadm list-archive GRUB bootadm list-menu GRUB bootadm set-menu 271 x86: auto-reboot-safe 271 bootadm 272 bootadm 273 Solaris RAID-1( ) 275 275 x86: GRUB 276 x86: GRUB Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris OS bootadm. root(/), driver.conf. /etc directory. root(/). root(/) I/O 268 : 2011 8
boot-archive SPARC /platform. sun4u sun4v sun4us x86 /platform/i86pc. bootadm list-archive. Solaris OS. OS 238 SPARC 255 x86 boot-archive boot-archive SMF( ) boot-archive svc:/system/boot-archive:default. svcadm. boot-archive svcs svcadm(1m) svcs(1) 13 Oracle Solaris ( ) 269
1 2 3 boot-archive System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) boot-archive # svcadm enable disable system/boot-archive boot-archive % svcs boot-archive STATE STIME FMRI online 9:02:38 svc:/system/boot-archive:default 270 Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 SPARC x86 x86 auto-reboot-safe SMF svc:/system/boot-config:default false. Oracle Solaris OS GRUB BIOS true. x86 bootadm 271 bootadm 270 : 2011 8
x86: auto-reboot-safe x86 WARNING: Reboot required. The system has updated the cache of files (boot archive) that is used during the early boot sequence. To avoid booting and running the system with the previously out-of-sync version of these files, reboot the system from the same device that was previously booted. 1 2 3 4 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # reboot BIOS GRUB svc:/system/boot-config SMF auto-reboot-safe true # svccfg -s svc:/system/boot-config:default setprop config/auto-reboot-safe = true auto-reboot-safe # svccfg -s svc:/system/boot-config:default listprop grep config/auto-reboot-safe config/auto-reboot-safe boolean true bootadm WARNING: Automatic update of the boot archive failed. Update the archives using bootadm update-archive command and then reboot the system from the same device that was previously booted. bootadm 13 Oracle Solaris ( ) 271
bootadm 1 2 3 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # bootadm update-archive bootadm update-archive # reboot SPARC x86 bootadm /sbin/bootadm. x86 : GRUB x86 : GRUB GRUB.. /sbin/bootadm [subcommand] [-option] [-R altroot] bootadm bootadm(1m) 1 2 bootadm System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # bootadm update-archive 272 : 2011 8
bootadm bootadm update-archive SPARC x86 # bootadm update-archive -R /a -R altroot update-archive root root(/) -R.. zones(5) 3 # reboot Solaris RAID-1( ) root(/) /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0. 1 SPARC : ok ok boot -F failsafe # reboot -- "-F failsafe" 239 SPARC x86 :GRUB 256 x86 13 Oracle Solaris ( ) 273
bootadm Starting shell. # 2 3 4 5 6 q Please select a device to be mounted (q for none)[?,??,q]: q root(/) /a # mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /a md.conf /kernel/drv # cp /a/kernel/drv/md.conf /kernel/drv/ /a # unmount /a devfsadm md # update_drv -f md md 7 8 9 metasync root(/). # metasync d0 /a # mount /dev/md/dsk/d0 /a # bootadm update-archive -v -R /a a. /a md.conf. # touch /a/kernel/drv/md.conf b. bootadm # bootadm update-archive -v -R /a 274 : 2011 8
bootadm. changed /a/etc/system cannot find: /a/etc/cluster/nodeid: No such file or directory cannot find: /a/etc/devices/mdi_ib_cache: No such file or directory Creating ram disk on /a updating /a/platform/i86pc/boot_archive 10 11 /a # unmount /a 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) # bootadm list-archive list-archive SPARC x86 x86: GRUB GRUB GRUB 1 2 System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) GRUB GRUB # bootadm list-menu 13 Oracle Solaris ( ) 275
bootadm list-menu GRUB GRUB autoboot-timeout,. x86 13 1 GRUB GRUB # bootadm list-menu The location for the active GRUB menu is: /stubboot/boot/grub/menu.lst default=0 timeout=10 (0) Solaris10 (1) Solaris10 Failsafe (2) Linux 1 2 3 x86: GRUB System Administration Guide: Security Services Configuring RBAC (Task Map) GRUB # bootadm set-menu menu-entry set-menu menu-entry GRUB GRUB boot/grub/menu.lst. x86 GRUB # bootadm list-menu. 13 2 GRUB GRUB Linux, 2. # bootadm set-menu default=2 GRUB menu.lst 295 x86: GRUB 276 : 2011 8
14 Oracle Solaris ( ) SPARC x86 Oracle Solaris 277 SPARC ( ) 284 x86 ( ) SPARC ( ) SPARC Oracle Solaris ZFS SPARC. Oracle Solaris ZFS root. kmdb 278 SPARC: 279 SPARC: 280 SPARC: 282 SPARC: ZFS 283 SPARC: (kmdb) 277
SPARC ( ). kmdb 1 2 3 4 5 14 1 SPARC: ok PROM ok., Stop-A L1-A. Break. ok sync syncing file systems.... boot boot(1m) # who -r. run-level s May 2 07:39 3 0 S SPARC: Press Stop-A ok sync syncing file systems... Press Stop-A ok boot SPARC:. savecore. 278 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) : 17, ( ) 1 2 3 14 2 SPARC:. halt -d..., Stop-A L1-A. Break. PROM ok > n ok sync 3 hostname console login: SPARC: halt -d halt -d boot jupiter.. # halt -d Jul 21 14:13:37 jupiter halt: halted by root panic[cpu0]/thread=30001193b20: forced crash dump initiated at user request 000002a1008f7860 genunix:kadmin+438 (b4, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0) %l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000004 0000000000000004 %l4-7: 00000000000003cc 0000000000000010 0000000000000004 0000000000000004 000002a1008f7920 genunix:uadmin+110 (5, 0, 0, 6d7000, ff00, 4) %l0-3: 0000030002216938 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000004237922872 %l4-7: 000000423791e770 0000000000004102 0000030000449308 0000000000000005 syncing file systems... 1 1 done dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 107413504, content: kernel 100% done: 5339 pages dumped, compression ratio 2.68, dump succeeded Program terminated ok boot Resetting... 14 Oracle Solaris ( ) 279
SPARC ( ) Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333MHz), No Keyboard OpenBoot 3.15, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #10933339. Ethernet address 8:0:20:a6:d4:5b, Host ID: 80a6d45b. Rebooting with command: boot Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/disk@0,0:a File and args: kernel/sparcv9/unix SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_144500-10 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. configuring IPv4 interfaces: hme0. add net default: gateway Hostname: jupiter The system is coming up. Please wait. NIS domain name is example.com... System dump time: Wed Jul 21 14:13:41 2004 Jul 21 14:15:23 jupiter savecore: saving system crash dump in /var/crash/jupiter/*.0 Constructing namelist /var/crash/jupiter/unix.0 Constructing corefile /var/crash/jupiter/vmcore.0 100% done: 5339 of 5339 pages saved Starting Sun(TM) Web Console Version 2.1-dev...... SPARC: ( : /etc/passwd) root 278 SPARC: device-name System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Displaying Device Configuration Information 1 2 Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris. 280 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) ok boot cdrom -s CD DVD ok boot net -s 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 3 # mount /dev/dsk/device-name /a # cd /a/file-system # TERM=sun # export TERM # vi filename root(/) # cd / /a # umount /a # init 6 3. hostname console login: SPARC: ( ) CD-ROM ( /etc/passwd). ok boot cdrom -s # mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /a # cd /a/etc # TERM=vt100 # export TERM # vi passwd (Remove invalid entry) # cd / # umount /a # init 6 14 Oracle Solaris ( ) 281
SPARC ( ) 14 4 SPARC: root root. root. ok boot net -s # mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /a # cd /a/etc # TERM=vt100 # export TERM # vi shadow (Remove root's encrypted password string) # cd / # umount /a # init 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 SPARC: ZFS ok boot -F failsafe /a ZFS BE.. ROOT/zfsBE was found on rpool. Do you wish to have it mounted read-write on /a? [y,n,?] y mounting rpool on /a Starting shell.. /a/etc # cd /a/etc passwd shadow # vi passwd # init 6 282 : 2011 8
SPARC ( ) SPARC: (kmdb) (kmdb) Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide -d reboot halt -d halt. reboot reboot(1m) 1 2 3 ok /usr/sbin/halt boot kmdb boot -k Return.. Stop-A L1 A.. Rebooting with command: kadb Boot device: /iommu/sbus/espdma@4,800000/esp@4,8800000/sd@3,0... 14 5 SPARC: (kmdb) ok boot kmdb Resetting... Executing last command: boot kmdb -d Boot device: /pci@1f,0/ide@d/disk@0,0:a File and args: kmdb -d Loading kmdb... 14 Oracle Solaris ( ) 283
x86 ( ) x86 ( ).. kmdb 284 x86: 284 x86: 286 x86: GRUB (kmdb) 1 2 x86: init 0 Press any key to reboot init 6 ( ). x86:. savecore. : 17, ( ) x86: reboot -d halt -d (kmdb). mdb -k. 284 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) (kmdb). 1 2 3. F1 A.. kmdb systemdump [0]> $<systemdump 14 6 x86: halt -d halt -d boot neptune x86.. # halt -d 4ay 30 15:35:15 wacked.central.sun.com halt: halted by user panic[cpu0]/thread=ffffffff83246ec0: forced crash dump initiated at user request fffffe80006bbd60 genunix:kadmin+4c1 () fffffe80006bbec0 genunix:uadmin+93 () fffffe80006bbf10 unix:sys_syscall32+101 () syncing file systems... done dumping to /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1, offset 107675648, content: kernel NOTICE: adpu320: bus reset 100% done: 38438 pages dumped, compression ratio 4.29, dump succeeded Welcome to kmdb Loaded modules: [ audiosup crypto ufs unix krtld s1394 sppp nca uhci lofs genunix ip usba specfs nfs md random sctp ] [0]> kmdb: Do you really want to reboot? (y/n) y 14 Oracle Solaris ( ) 285
x86 ( ) x86: GRUB (kmdb) (kmdb) savecore. Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GRUB GRUB e GRUB kernel$ ^ v e kernel$. -k Enter GRUB b. F1 A.. 14 7 x86: (GRUB ) 64 x86. kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot kernel/amd64/unix -k -B $ZFS-BOOTFS 286 : 2011 8
x86 ( ) 64 x86 32. kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot kernel/unix -k -B $ZFS-BOOTFS 14 Oracle Solaris ( ) 287
15 x86: GRUB ( ) x86: GRUB GRUB x86 9, ( ) 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) x86. x86: BIOS x86 ROM(read-only-memory) BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) BIOS x86 64 32 Oracle Solaris BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS BIOS. CD DVD 289
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB BIOS x86: /platform/i86pc/multiboot ELF32 64 Solaris CPU, /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc bootpath fstype bootenv.rc GRUB, /devices/ramdisk:a UFS UFS sched init SMF( ) x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB Oracle Solaris OS GRUB. x86: GRUB GRUB. GRUB. 290 : 2011 8
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB menu.lst Oracle Solaris OS - x86 Oracle Solaris OS - GRUB.. GNU GRUB(GRand Unified BootLoader) GRUB Oracle Solaris OS, Linux Windows. BIOS fdisk. GRUB GRUB. GRUB BIOS fdisk GRUB. Solaris root(/) Solaris x86 15 x86: GRUB ( ) 291
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB x86: GRUB GRUB stage1 fdisk -m installgrub stage1. installgrub(1m) System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Disk Management in the GRUB Boot Environment stage2 fdisk stage2 GRUB menu.lst UFS /boot/grub, ZFS /pool-name/boot/grub. GRUB stage2. 219 x86: menu.lst dd stage1 stage2. stage1 stage2. GRUB installgrub GRUB GRUB Solaris. GRUB GRUB. Oracle Solaris GRUB 15 1 GRUB (fd0) (fd1) (nd) (hd0,0) (hd0,1) (hd0,0,a), (hd0,0,b) fdisk fdisk fdisk a fdisk b 292 : 2011 8
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB GRUB. fdisk System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Guidelines for Creating an fdisk Partition findroot Solaris 10 10/08 GRUB root findroot findroot findroot ZFS GRUB findroot Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade: findroot (BE_x,0,a) x ZFS : findroot(pool_p,0,a) p UFS : findroot (rootfsn,0,a) N 0 GRUB GRUB Solaris 10 10/08 OS, Solaris 9 OS, Linux Windows x86. 15 2 GRUB Windows fdisk 0 Linux fdisk 1 Oracle Solaris fdisk 2 15 x86: GRUB ( ) 293
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB 15 2 GRUB ( ) Solaris 9 OS 0 Solaris 10 10/08 OS 3 GRUB title Oracle Solaris 10 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris 9 OS (pre-grub) root (hd0,2,a) chainloader +1 makeactive title Linux root (hd0,1) kernel <from Linux GRUB menu...> initrd <from Linux GRUB menu...> title Windows root (hd0,0) chainloader +1 Oracle Solaris. Windows makeactive. Windows. Linux GRUB Oracle Solaris. Solaris Solaris.. Linux Linux GRUB installgrub -m Solaris GRUB. # installgrub -m /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/root-slice installgrub(1m) Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : Solaris Live Upgrade 294 : 2011 8
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB x86: GRUB Oracle Solaris 10 GRUB menu.lst Oracle Solaris, Oracle Solaris ZFS UFS GRUB Oracle Solaris ZFS Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris ZFS UFS. menu.lst 295 menu.lst (ZFS ) GRUB UFS menu.lst 296 menu.lst (UFS ) menu.lst (ZFS ) ZFS menu.lst ZFS menu.lst ZFS bootfs. ZFS. 15 1 menu.lst ( ) title Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 15 2 menu.lst (Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade) title be1 findroot (BE_be1,0,a) bootfs rpool/root/szboot_0508 kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title be1 failsafe findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 15 x86: GRUB ( ) 295
x86: Oracle Solaris OS GRUB menu.lst (UFS ) UFS menu.lst 15 3 GRUB menu.lst ( ) title Solaris 10 5/08 s10x_nbu6wos_nightly X86 findroot (pool_rpool,0,a) kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title Solaris failsafe findroot (rootfs0,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s -B console-ttyb module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe 15 4 GRUB menu.lst (Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade) title be1 findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive title be1 failsafe findroot (BE_be1,0,a) kernel /boot/multiboot kernel/unix -s module /boot/x86.miniroot-safe -B console=ttyb 296 : 2011 8
16 x86: GRUB ( ) GRUB Oracle Solaris x86 Solaris 10 1/06 x86 GRUB(GRand Unified Bootloader) GRUB GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ) 9, ( ) SPARC 12, Oracle Solaris ( ) x86: ( ) x86 3 x86 x86 3 S ( : ) 299 x86: 3 ( ) 301 x86: S ( ) 303 x86: 297
x86: GRUB x86 Solaris 10: Oracle Solaris x86 Device Configuration Assistant Solaris 10 1/06 Device Configuration Assistant GRUB (kmdb) 64 PXE PXE Solaris,,,.. 64 64. 32. 305 x86: 308 x86: Device Configuration Assistant 308 x86: 313 x86: 309 x86: 311 x86: (kmdb) 315 x64: 64 x86: GRUB Ctrl-Alt-Del. 298 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB 1 2 3 16 1 x86: 3 ( ) 0 3 Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. Current Boot Parameters( ) 3 b Enter. 5 3 3. hostname console login: x86: 3 ( ) b 64 x86 64 b eeprom boot-file kernel/unix 64 x86 64 64 x86 3. Press any key to reboot... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b SunOS Release 5.10 Version amd64-gate-2004-09-27 64-bit Copyright 1983-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled Hostname: venus 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 299
x86: GRUB NIS domain name is example.com checking ufs filesystems /dev/rdsk/c1d0s7: is logging. venus console login: 16 2 x64: 64 64 3( ) b 64 x86 64 b eeprom boot-file kernel/unix 64 x86 64 64 3. # init 0 # svc.startd: The system is coming down. Please wait. svc.startd: 68 system services are now being stopped. umount: /etc/svc/volatile busy svc.startd: The system is down. syncing file systems... done Press any key to reboot. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/amd64/unix SunOS Release 5.10 Version amd64-gate-2004-09-27 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled Hostname: venus NIS domain name is example.com checking ufs filesystems /dev/rdsk/c1d0s7: is logging. venus console login: 300 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB 16 3 64 32 3( ) b 64 x86 64 b eeprom boot-file kernel/unix 64 x86 64 32 3. # init 0 # svc.startd: The system is coming down. Please wait. svc.startd: 68 system services are now being stopped. umount: /etc/svc/volatile busy svc.startd: The system is down. syncing file systems... done Press any key to reboot. Resetting... If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/unix SunOS Release 5.10 Version amd64-gate-2004-09-30 32-bit Copyright 1983-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled Hostname: venus NIS domain name is example.com checking ufs filesystems /dev/rdsk/c1d0s7: is logging. venus console login: x86: S ( ) 0 S. 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 301
x86: GRUB 1 Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. Current Boot Parameters( ) 2 3 4 5 6 S b-s Enter. 5 3 S # who -r. run-level S Jul 19 14:37 S 0 3 S Ctrl-D 16 4 x86: S ( ) Press any key to reboot. Resetting...... Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b-s SunOS Release 5.10 Version amd64-gate-2004-09-30 32-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled Booting to milestone "milestone/single-user:default". Hostname: venus NIS domain name is example.com Requesting System Maintenance Mode 302 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB SINGLE USER MODE Root password for system maintenance (control-d to bypass): xxxxxx Entering System Maintenance Mode... # who -r. run-level S Jul 19 14:37 S 0 3 (Perform some maintenance task) # ^D 1 x86: /etc/system. Press any key to reboot( ).. 2 Solaris ( ) Enter. 5 Current Boot Parameters( ) 3 4 b-a Enter. 5 3 a. Enter. Enter. b. Enter. Enter. c. /etc/system /dev/null 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 303
x86: GRUB d. root Enter UFS ( ) NFS e. root Return 5 16 5 boot -a x86: ( [] ) Press any key to reboot. Resetting...... Autobooting from bootpath: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults Running Configuration Assistant... <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b-a Enter default directory for modules [/platform/i86pc/kernel /kernel /usr/kernel]: Press Enter Name of system file [etc/system]: Press Enter SunOS Release 5.10 Version amd64-gate-2004-09-30 32-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. DEBUG enabled root filesystem type [ufs]: Press Enter Enter physical name of root device[/pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a]: Press Enter 304 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB Hostname: venus NIS domain name is example.com checking ufs filesystems /dev/rdsk/c1d0s7: is logging. venus console login: x86:.. PXE(Preboot Execution Environment) x86 Solaris Solaris OS x86. PXE Intel Preboot Execution Environment PXE Device Configuration Assistant Solaris 1CD DVD. Oracle Solaris DVD x86: Solaris Device Configuration Assistant x86. Oracle Solaris OS Device Configuration Assistant Solaris 10 1/06 GRUB Solaris OS x86 GRUB Device Configuration Assistant GRUB x86 260 x86 RARP(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). PXE DHCP, PXE RARP. PXE RARP DHCP. 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 305
x86: GRUB PXE DHCP DHCP DHCP System Administration Guide: IP Services III, DHCP DHCP Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : PXE Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. PXE Device Configuration Assistant. 1 Device Configuration Assistant Solaris. BIOS PXE Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris 1CD DVD PXE Device Configuration Assistant Esc. If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Press ESCape to interrupt autoboot in 5 seconds. Device Configuration Assistant 2 3 4 Press any key to reboot( ).. F2 (F2_Continue) Identified Devices( ) F2 (F2_Continue) Boot Solaris(Solaris ) 306 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB 5 Device Configuration Assistant a. F4 (F4_BootTasks). b. Set Network Configuration Strategy( ) F2 (F2_Continue). c. RARP DHCP F2 (F2_Continue). PXE PXE DHCP. d. F3_Back Boot Solaris(Solaris ) 6 7 NET F2 Solaris boot option(solaris ) x86: Device Configuration Assistant Solaris Device Configuration Assistant GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ) Solaris 10: Oracle Solaris x86 Device Configuration Assistant Device Configuration Assistant. Solaris Oracle Solaris 1CD DVD PXE Solaris OS Device Configuration Assistant Configuration Assistant. BIOS CD DVD Solaris 1CD DVD Device Configuration Assistant. 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 307
x86: GRUB 1 x86: Device Configuration Assistant Solaris 10: Device Configuration Assistant. Solaris GRUB Device Configuration Assistant Device Configuration Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris 1CD,DVD PXE If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Press ESCape to interrupt autoboot in 5 seconds. Device Configuration Assistant Esc Device Configuration Assistant 2 Press any key to reboot( ).. 1 x86: init 0 Press any key to reboot init 6 2 ( ). 308 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB x86:. Oracle Solaris CD DVD root(/) /etc/passwd. device-name System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems Displaying Device Configuration Information 1 2 root 308 x86: Oracle Solaris CD DVD a. Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris CD DVD. Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris CD DVD Device Configuration Assistant Esc b. Press any key to reboot( ) Reset( ).. 3 4 5 6 7 Current Boot Parameters( ) b-s Enter. # passwd root(/) etc 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 309
x86: GRUB 8 9 10 16 6 root(/) /a 3. host-name console login: x86: Solaris 10: Oracle Solaris 10 CD-ROM /etc/passwd. Solaris 10 1/06 GRUB GRUB 256 x86 SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Press ESCape to interrupt autoboot in 5 seconds. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args: Select the type of installation you want to perform: 1 Solaris Interactive 2 Custom JumpStart 3 Solaris Interactive Text (Desktop session) 310 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB 4 Solaris Interactive Text (Console session) Enter the number of your choice followed by the <ENTER> key. Alternatively, enter custom boot arguments directly. If you wait for 30 seconds without typing anything, an interactive installation will be started. Select type of installation: b-s... # mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /a... # cd /a/etc # vi passwd (Remove invalid entry) # cd / # umount /a # init 6 x86: (kmdb) Oracle Solaris 10 (kmdb) savecore. Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide Solaris 286 x86: GRUB (kmdb) 1 2 3 Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter( (b) (i) ) b-k Enter.. F1 A.. 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 311
x86: GRUB 16 7 x86: (kmdb) Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter( (b) (i) ) b -k kmdb 32 x86 32 kmdb. Press any key to reboot.... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults Running Configuration Assistant... <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b-k Loading kmdb... SunOS Release 5.10 Version gate:2004-10-21 32-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.... 16 8 x64: (kmdb) 64 64 kmdb 64 x86 64. Press any key to reboot... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/amd64/unix -k Loading kmdb... 312 : 2011 8
x86: GRUB 16 9 32 x64: (kmdb) 64 32 kmdb 64 x86 32. Press any key to reboot... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/unix -k Loading kmdb... x86:. savecore. : 17, ( ) x86: reboot -d halt -d (kmdb). mdb -k. (kmdb). 1 2 F1-A. ( ). kmdb systemdump [0]> $<systemdump 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 313
x86: GRUB 3 16 10 x86: halt -d halt -d boot neptune x86.. -d halt. # halt -d Aug 11 12:51:27 neptune halt: halted by <user> panic[cpu45]/thread=d3971a00: forced crash dump initiated at user request d363ae58 genunix:kadmin+bd (5, 0, 0, d3fefac0) d363af88 genunix:uadmin+88 (5, 0, 0, 0, 0, d363afb4) syncing file systems... done dumping to /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 107806720, content: kernel 100% done: 40223 pages dumped, compression ratio 4.11, dump succeeded Press any key to reboot. Resetting...... SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Autobooting from bootpath: /pci@0,0/pci1028,10a@3/sd@0,0:a Running Configuration Assistant... If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci1028,10a@3/sd@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: Loading kmdb... SunOS Release 5.10 Version s10_62 32-bit Copyright 1983-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Use is subject to license terms. configuring IPv4 interfaces: iprb0. add net default: gateway Hostname: neptune The system is coming up. Please wait. All rights reserved. 314 : 2011 8
x86: ( ) checking ufs filesystems /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7: is logging. NIS domain name is example.com starting rpc services: rpcbind keyserv ypbind done. Setting netmask of iprb0 to Setting default IPv4 interface for multicast: add net 224.0/4: gateway venus syslog service starting. System dump time: Wed Aug 11 12:51:29 2004 Aug 11 13:13:26 venus savecore: saving system crash dump in /var/crash/venus/*.1 Constructing namelist /var/crash/venus/unix.1 Constructing corefile /var/crash/venus/vmcore.1 100% done: 42157 of 42157 pages saved volume management starting. The system is ready.... x64: 64 64 x86 64.. Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/amd64/unix... pci: cannot load driver Cannot load drivers for /pci@0,0/pci1022,7450@a/pci17c2,10@4/sd@0,0:a (Can t load the root filesystem) Press any key to reboot.... Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter( (b) (i) ) 32 Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b kernel/unix 16 3 x86: ( ) GRUB Solaris x86 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 315
x86: ( ) GRUB Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris x86 245 GRUB x86 ( ) x86:... Solaris. Partition Boot( ). Oracle Solaris OS. Interrupt the Autoboot Process( ) Device Configuration Assistant. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Solaris,,,. Current Boot Parameters( ), Solaris Solaris Current Boot Parameters( ) Solaris. Current Boot Parameters( ). x86 16 1 x86: Partition Boot( ) Oracle Solaris OS(Solaris OS) 316 : 2011 8
x86: ( ) 16 1 x86: ( ) Solaris Device Configuration Assistant/ Oracle Solaris Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Device Configuration Assistant. CD-ROM Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris CD Solaris Current Boot Parameters( ) Oracle Solaris Solaris Device Configuration Assistant http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/hcl/index.html x86: Solaris Oracle Solaris CD DVD x86 PXE Device Configuration Assistant Esc. Device Configuration Assistant ( : ). Device Configuration Assistant (*) ( : ).. 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 317
x86: ( ) x86: Device Configuration Assistant Device Configuration Assistant Bus Enumeration( ) Scanning Devices( ) Identified Devices( ) x86: Device Configuration Assistant Oracle Solaris Device Configuration Assistant x86 GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ) Solaris 10 Esc Device Configuration Assistant. Device Configuration Assistant Solaris Device Configuration Assistant The Solaris(TM)Device Configuration Assistant scans to identify system hardware, lists identified devices, and can boot the Solaris software from a specified device. This program must be used to install the Solaris operating environment, add a driver, or change the hardware on the system. > To perform a full scan to identify all system hardware, choose Continue. > To diagnose possible full scan failures, choose Specific Scan. > To add new or updated device drivers, choose Add Driver. About navigation... - The mouse cannot be used. - If the keyboard does not have function keys or they do not respond, press ESC. The legend at the bottom of the screen will change to show the ESC keys to use for navigation. - The F2 key performs the default action. F2_Continue F3_Specific Scan F4_Add Driver F6_Help x86: Bus Enumeration( ) Bus Enumeration( ) Device Configuration Assistant 318 : 2011 8
x86: ( ) Bus Enumeration Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data... Please wait... x86: Scanning Devices( ) Scanning Devices( ) Device Configuration Assistant Scanning Devices The system is being scanned to identify system hardware. If the scanning stalls, press the system s reset button. When the system reboots, choose Specific Scan or Help. Scanning: Floppy disk controller ####################### 0 20 40 60 80 100 Please wait... x86: Identified Devices( ) Identified Devices( ) Boot Solaris(Solaris ).. Identified Devices The following devices have been identified on this system. To identify devices not on this list or to modify device characteristics, such as keyboard configuration, choose Device Tasks. Platform types may be included in this list. ISA: Floppy disk controller ISA: Motherboard ISA: PnP bios: 16550-compatible serial controller ISA: PnP bios: 16550-compatible serial controller ISA: PnP bios: Mouse controller ISA: PnP bios: Parallel port ISA: System keyboard (US-English) 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 319
x86: ( ) PCI: Bus Mastering IDE controller PCI: Universal Serial Bus PCI: VGA compatible display adapter F2_Continue F3_Back F4_Device Tasks F6_Help x86: Solaris 10 1/06 GRUB GRUB 245 GRUB x86 ( ).. Boot Solaris(Solaris ) Current Boot Parameters( ) x86: Boot Solaris(Solaris ) Boot Solaris(Solaris ) Oracle Solaris. ( : ). Continue( ) Solaris Boot Solaris Select one of the identified devices to boot the Solaris kernel and choose Continue. To perform optional features, such as modifying the autoboot and property settings, choose Boot Tasks. An asterisk (*) indicates the current default boot device. > To make a selection use the arrow keys, and press Enter to mark it [X]. [X] DISK: (*) Target 0:QUANTUM FIREBALL1280A on Bus Mastering IDE controller on Board PCI at Dev 7, Func 1 [ ] DISK: Target 1:ST5660A on Bus Mastering IDE controller on Board PCI at Dev 7, Func 1 [ ] DISK: Target 0:Maxtor 9 0680D4 on Bus Mastering IDE controller on Board PCI at Dev 7, Func 1 [ ] CD : Target 1:TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-5602B 1546 on Bus Mastering IDE controller on Board PCI at Dev 7, Func 1 F2_Continue F3_Back F4_Boot Tasks F6_Help 320 : 2011 8
x86: ( ) x86: Current Boot Parameters( ) Oracle Solaris 5 <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> x86: x86 16 2 x86: BIOS 1. BIOS BIOS 2. BIOS mboot. mboot 3. mboot Solaris pboot pboot, mboot 4. Solaris pboot bootblk bootblk UFS. 5. bootblk fdisk 30 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 321
x86: ( ) 16 2 x86: ( ) 6. bootblk root(/) boot.bin ufsboot Solaris Device Configuration Assistant 5 7. boot.bin ufsboot /etc/bootrc. 5 8. (boot.bin ufsboot) root(/) 9., /etc/inittab /sbin/init init 10. Oracle Solaris /sbin/init /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd svc.startd (rc) x86: x86. 16 3 x86: /etc/bootrc /boot /boot/mdboot /boot/mdbootbp /boot/rc.d /boot/solaris Oracle Solaris (strap.com) DOS (strap.com) DOS. 322 : 2011 8
x86: ( ) 16 3 x86: ( ) /boot/solaris/boot.bin /boot/solaris/boot.rc /boot/solaris/bootconf.exe /boot/solaris/bootconf.txt /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc /boot/solaris/devicedb /boot/solaris/drivers /boot/solaris/itup2.exe /boot/solaris/machines /boot/solaris/nbp /boot/solaris/strap.rc /boot/strap.com Solaris kmdb x86 Oracle Solaris OS Device Configuration Assistant DOS Device Configuration Assistant DOS Device Configuration Assistant(bootconf.exe) eeprom realmode master realmode ITU( ) DOS DOS 16 x86: GRUB ( ) 323
17 Oracle Solaris regadm ( ) Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 Oracle Solaris regadm Oracle regadm CLI( )... Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : Oracle Solaris 326 Oracle Solaris ( ) 330 regadm 331 SMF 333 regadm 340 regadm 344 325
Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris Oracle Solaris 10 9/10, Oracle. Oracle Oracle. OS. My Oracle Support 326 Oracle Solaris 10 System http://www.oracle.com/ technetwork/server-storage/solaris/oracle-service-tag-faq-418684.html stclient(1m) My Oracle Support http://www.oracle.com/us/support/044753.html#ss6 Oracle Solaris 10 System Oracle / regadm auth. 338 HTTP ( ) My Oracle Support Sun Online. Oracle Oracle My Oracle Support http://www.oracle.com/support/ premier/myoraclesupport.html Sun Online https://reg.sun.com/register 326 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ( ) Oracle Solaris 10 9/10. / ( Oracle Solaris JumpStart ) sysidcfg auto_reg.. sysidcfg auto_reg.. Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade -k. Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 : Oracle Solaris regadm. regadm. 338 svc:/application/autoreg SMF Oracle Oracle Oracle regadm register 17 Oracle Solaris regadm ( ) 327
Oracle Solaris ( ) regadm register Oracle regadm 342 regadm https://inventory.sun.com/inventory/ data.jsp http:// www.oracle.com/ technetwork/server-storage/solaris/oracle-service-tag-faq-418684.html regadm. regadm. SMF My Oracle Support. regadm(1m) 340 regadm SMF ( : Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 OS) Oracle HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). 328 : 2011 8
Oracle Solaris ( ). 332 SMF SMF SMF. CLI(/usr/sbin/regadm) Oracle Solaris.. regadm(1m) 340 regadm Oracle Oracle 17 Oracle Solaris regadm ( ) 329