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디자인학석사학위논문 중국청두시이미지활성화를위한 도시브랜드아이덴티티연구 년 월 서울대학교대학원 디자인학부디자인전공
중국청두시이미지활성화를위한 도시브랜드아이덴티티연구 지도교수김경선 이논문을디자인학석사학위논문으로제출함 년 월 서울대학교대학원 디자인학부디자인전공 의석사학위논문을인준함 년 월
Abstract 139
2.1 도시브랜드개념
2.2 도시브랜딩
림 5 그 모 2 투 포르 도시브랜드 적용된 푸 색 설뿐 무한 변화 가능하여 일관성이 강한 든 장소에 적용할 수 있으며 공공시 른 콘 투 맞춤 아이 만 아니라 넓게 소비자의 일상생활에도 적용할 수 있다. 53 모습 은 포르 거 폭 도시 조합을 통해 의
α β α α α α β
면적은약960만km2이며 13.7억 (2016) 인구가있다. 중국의행정구역은성, 자치구, 직할시, 특별행정구로구성됐으며그중에성은 22개가있다. 사천성은 48.14만km2으로면적크기중국제5대성이며 8262만 (2016) 인구로중국제 6대인구대성이다. 청두시는사천성의성도이며 11개의시할구와 5개의현급시, 4개의현이있다. 청두시는면적14605 km2, 인구1591.8만명 (2016년) 이다. 청두는중국서부지역의중심지이다. 쓰촨분지서부, 청두평원중앙에있다. 사천성의행정, 경제, 교통, 문화중심이다. 온난한기후를비롯한유리한자연조건으로일찍부터농업이발달하였다. 면적14605 km2, 인구1591.8만명 (2016년) 1928년에성도가설치되었다.
5.1.2 청두시의역사
In the 21st Century the concept of brand does not limited by brands for products or companies, the concept is expanded to place branding, brands for places. Compared with general branding which packages products or companies, city branding usually packages the city as a whole. A brand for a city is the motivity of the city s development, which is like the reputation of the city. The more important the city brand is, the more competitive it will become. At the same time, a city is an important part of a country and affect its national competitivity. Effective city branding is practiced globally in order to keep the pace of a city s sustainable development and the improvement of competitivity.
Although city branding is a rapidly developing field in many countries, it is only at the elementary stage in China and has a lot of developing space. Famous cities such as Beijing and Shanghai still have no official city logos. On December 29th, 2017, the Chinese Standards Commission published the official Chinese City Evaluation Standard. It means the development of Chinese city brands is entering a new page. We should reconsider China's city branding based on this new standard. Chengdu is the sixth largest city in China and the largest city in western China. It is a famous city of Chinese historical culture and a world history city selected by the World Association of History Cities. Currently, Chengdu is a technology, commerce and trade, financial center and transportation center in southwestern China. It is the nation's major high-tech industrial base, the center of commerce and trade distribution and the center of comprehensive transportation. In 2011, Chengdu City selected and announced visual symbols in the form of civic participation. The Golden Sun Bird unearthed from the Jinsha Ruins is selected. The Golden Sun Bird unearthed from the Jinsha Ruins has a pattern consists of four birds and a sun pattern in the middle, and is a ring-shaped piece of foil made of pure gold. It shows Chengdu City's pursuit of being historic and cultural cities. It is an Chinese cultural heritage first and give Chengdu the right to use it. However, the Golden Sun Bird should have a different meaning as it is the city logo of Chengdu. The city logo of the Golden Sun Bird can express the
long history of Chengdu, but it lacks the intuitive economic, life and environment of the city in modern Chengdu. The modern city has a variety of images, and a static and limited logo is hard to express the city's multi-faceted appeal and needs flexibility to change with the circumstances of use. Recently, the concept of a Flexible Identity has influenced the status of the world's city branding and is an effective technique to promote modern city image. Social phenomena of multicultural coexistence shows the gradually weakening of a culture s individual characteristics and the trend of converging. To keep a city s sustainable development and improve its competitivity, the city should have the idea of not being so converging and keep their individual characteristics. Traditional culture is a historical treasure that cannot easily be copied anywhere. Look for new characteristics in traditional culture, as Confucius said, ' If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others. ' However, it is not just to imitate the traditional culture. The golden sun bird could not express the traditional culture of Chengdu as it is an pattern from the Chinese traditional culture as a whole, Chengdu need a symbol with more unique characteristics of Chengdu to express its traditional culture and modern culture. The purpose of this research is to develop a city brand identity that can describe the traditional city image of Chengdu, China, and its unique leisure character. In order to present the traditional culture in Chengdu s city branding, a study on
Chinese traditional visual presentation form is conducted to help to build the branding system which have high recognizability and express Chengdu s image of leisure city. Finding something new is not something Western. This study emphasized and leveled the importance of city branding and increased its competitivity; also it emphasized that compared with city branding presented in western style, the presentation of eastern traditional culture in city branding not only has the same status, but also shows more effectiveness in a world surrounded by western style of design. City branding, Identity Design, Flexible identity, Traditional Culture, Chengdu