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Install & User Interface Toolbar File Ⅱ Open Project: 기존에존재하는프로젝트를불러옴 Build: 작업중인씬을빌드 Project Setting: 프로젝트의설정을조절 World Setting: 월드컨테이너를설정 Exit: 프로그램을종료

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다누리 VR: Shading & Control Project 생성

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Shading & Control Open Project 프로젝트불러오기 FILE 메뉴 ->Open Project(Ctrl+Shift+O)

다누리 VR: Shading & Control Scene 구성

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Shading & Control Scene Control: Translation Position key [Ctrl+Q] 누른후, 화살표잡고 Drag 또는 Position key 누름. Inspector 창에서직접위치입력

Shading & Control Scene Control: Rotation Rotation key (Ctrl+W) 누른후 Object 회전 또는 Rotation key 누름 Inspector 창에서직접회전각도입력

Shading & Control Scene Control: Scaling Scale key 선택한객체의크기를변경 (Ctrl+E) Scale key 누름 Inspector 창에서직접팽창비율입력

Shading & Control Scene Hierarchical Control 오브젝트간상하관계적용 하위오브젝트로만들오브젝트를선택하여상위오브젝트로만들객체로드래그하면오브젝트간상하관계를적용할수있음 상위오브젝트위치변경시하위오브젝트가같이움직임을확인.

Shading & Control Shading

Shading & Control Texture Mapping Drag & Drop 텍스쳐선택버튼을클릭하면, 에셋폴더내의텍스쳐중원하는텍스쳐를선택할수있음

Shading & Control Texture Mapping 결과

Shading & Control Normal mapping Drag & Drop [Object 좌클릭 ] - [Inspector 의 TextureNormal 에 normal map file Drag&Drop]

Shading & Control Normal mapping 결과

Shading & Control Sky Box Mapping Drag & Drop Texture 로사용할 jpg 파일 MapProjection 을 CrossFit 으로변경 [Camera 좌클릭 ] - [Inspector 의 BackgroundTextureFile 에사진파일 Drag&Drop]

Shading & Control Sky Box Mapping 결과

Shading & Control Environment mapping: Opacity 투명도조정 : Opacity 값조정

Shading & Control Opacity 결과 Opacity 1 Opacity 0.7 Opacity 0.3 Opacity 0

Shading & Control Environment mapping: Reflection 반사도조정 : Glossiness 값조정

Shading & Control Reflection 결과 Glossiness 0 Glossiness 0.3 Glossiness 0.7 Opacity 0.7 Glossiness 0.7 Glossiness 1.0

Scene Control with Python

Python 설치 (1/3) 1. Python 홈페이지접속 (https://www.python.org/downloads/) 2. 프로그램다운로드

Python 설치 (2/3) 3. Add Python 3.7 to PATH 체크후설치진행 (Install Now) 2 1

Python 설치 (3/3) 4. Disable path length limit 클릭

Scene control with Python Skeleton Python code for Danuri VR class EX3Main(Actor): #Actor class inheritance( 기존 Danuri 서제공하는 Actor 클래쓰상속 ) def init (self): #Initialization self.objectname = Container(0) #Get Object information return def OnCreate(self, uid): #Constructor self.transformgroup = self.sphere.findcomponentbytype("transformgroup")#get Transformation information return 0 def OnDestroy(self): return 0 def Update(self): #Updating frame self.transformgroup.shiftposition() spherepos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate() self.transformgroup.setscale() return def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == Hexa code): #Keyboard callback command return; Danuri s own functions and variables are orange color

Scene control with Python Translation Transformation: class EX3Main(Actor): def init (self): self.sphere = Container(0) #Get Object information return def OnCreate(self, uid): self.transformgroup = self.sphere.findcomponentbytype("transformgroup")#get Transformation information return 0 def OnDestroy(self): return 0 def OnEnable(self): return 0 def OnDisable(self): return 0 def Update(self): return def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): print(msg) if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == 0x51): #"Q" self.transformgroup.shiftposition(math3d.vector3(0.1,0.0,0.0)) if( number == 0x57): #"W" self.transformgroup.shiftposition(math3d.vector3(0.1,0.0,0.0)) return;

Scene control with Python Translation 결과

Scene control with Python Rotation Transformation class EX3Main(Actor): def init (self): self.sphere = Container(0) #Get Object information return def OnCreate(self, uid): self.transformgroup = self. Sphere.FindComponentByType("TransformGroup")#Get Transformation information return 0 def OnDestroy(self): return 0 def OnEnable(self): return 0 def OnDisable(self): return 0 def Update(self): return def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): print(msg) if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == 0x51): #"Q" spherepos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(2,0, spherepos) if( number == 0x57): #"W" spherepos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(-2,0, spherepos) return;

Scene control with Python Rotation 결과

Scene control with Python Scaling Transformation: class EX3Main(Actor): scalefactor = 1.0 def init (self): self.sphere = Container(0) #Get Object information return def OnCreate(self, uid): self.transformgroup = self. Sphere.FindComponentByType("TransformGroup")#Get Transformation information return 0 def OnDestroy(self): return 0 def OnEnable(self): return 0 def OnDisable(self): return 0 def Update(self): return def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): print(msg) if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == 0x51): #"Q" self.scalefactor = 1.1*self.scalefactor self.transformgroup.setscale(math3d.vector3(self.scalefactor,self.scalefactor,self.scalefactor)) if( number == 0x57): #"W" self.scalefactor = 0.91*self.scalefactor self.transformgroup.setscale(math3d.vector3(self.scalefactor,self.scalefactor,self.scalefactor)) return;

Scene control with Python Scaling 결과

Scene control with Python Hierarchical Transformation Control //Sphere1 def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): print(msg) if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == 0x51): #"Q" fbxpos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(2,0,fbxpos) if( number == 0x57): #"W" fbxpos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(-2,0,fbxpos) return; //Sphere2 def OnMessage(self, msg, number, Vector4_lparm, Vector4_wparam): print(msg) if (msg == "KeyDown"): if( number == 0x45): # E" fbxpos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(2,0,fbxpos) if( number == 0x52): # R" fbxpos = self.transformgroup.getposition() self.transformgroup.rotate(-2,0,fbxpos) return;

Scene control with Python Hierarchical control 결과

Scene control with Python Importing Python code Drag & Drop [Object 좌클릭 ] - [Inspector 의 Add Component] [script] [script Component] [***.py 프로그램 Script 에 Drag&Drop] [ Sphere 에 Sphere Drag&Drop]

Scene control with Python Build Script 가있는프로젝트는 File->Build(Shift+B) 를통해빌드를할수있다.

Assignment #3 Result Example