차근차근생초보를위한그린라이트 생기초 독해마스터 조현주
DAY 1 전치사수식어구 조현주강사 1. 끊어읽기 1. 동사앞뒤 1. 동사어휘를알아야한다. 2. V-ed / have v-ed / be v-ed / be ving / 조동사 (can, could, should, must, will, would) 2. 전치사앞뒤 of, in, to, from, for, with, on, at, into, by, until, about 3. 준동사앞뒤 tov / Ving / P.P. 4. 관계사앞뒤 who, which, that, whom, when, where, 2. 동사찾기 1. I enjoy shopping. 2. The woman is a popular actress. 3. We can reduce our booking fee. 4. Ms. Swanson started the restaurant. 5. Renovations are including a new interior design. 6. Mini Phone is the latest touch screen mobile phone featured in a slimmer, lighter form. 7. Items purchased through the internet can only be refunded by mail. 3. 주어 + 동사 + 목적어해석하기 S V O ~ 은, 는 / ~ 다, 이다 / ~ 을, 를 1. I enjoy shopping. 2. The woman is a popular actress. 3. We can reduce the cost. 4. Ms. Swanson started the restaurant. 5. Renovations are including a new modern interior design.
4. 전치사수식어구 1. I enjoy shopping with my friends. 2. The woman with sunglasses is a popular actress in Korea. 3. We can reduce our booking fees on every hotel in California. 4. Ms. Swanson initially started the restaurant with only eight tables next to the city hall. 5. Renovations to the office building include a new interior design on every floor. 6. Mama Kelly s Kitchen on 23rd Street became our city s landmark many years ago. 7. Our restaurant recently attracted not only local residents but also numerous tourists from many other countries. 8. Your enrollment in Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology on September 4 was successfully processed. 9. Because of low registration, you cannot attend the other course. 10. The original speaker, Phil Donahue, will not be able to speak at the dinner meeting. 중요! 독해에주로출제되는주요동사! 1. replace 교체하다, 교환하다 11. explain 설명하다 2. delay 지연, 연기하다 12. contact 연락하다 3. install 설치하다 13. increase 증가하다 4. attend 참석하다 14. suggest 제안하다 5. confirm 확인하다 15. attract ( 고객을 ) 끌어들이다 6. receive 받다, 수령하다 16. enjoy 즐기다 7. recall 회수하다 17. develop 개발하다 8. register 9. inform 10. complete 등록하다알리다, 공지하다작성하다 18. fill out 19. address 20. announce 작성하다다루다, 처리하다발표하다
21. take place 개최하다 31. indicate 나타내다, 언급하다 22. qualify 자격을갖추다 32. renew 갱신하다 23. schedule 일정을잡다 33. decide 결정하다 24. submit 제출하다 34. appoint 임명하다 25. hold 개최하다 35. inquire (about) ~ 을문의하다 26. require 요구하다 36. reach 도착하다, 도달하다 27. permit 허가하다 37. continue 계속하다 28. recommend 29. improve 30. meet 추천하다, 권고하다향상시키다만족시키다 38. review 39. reduce 40. provide 검토하다줄이다제공하다 41. propose 제안하다 51. celebrate 축하하다 42. renovate 보수공사를하다 52. enclose 동봉하다 43. operate 운영하다, 작동시키다 53. hire 고용하다 44. comply (with) 지키다, 준수하다 54. complain 불평하다 45. approve 승인하다 55. repair 수리하다 46. promote 승진시키다, 홍보하다 56. discuss 토론하다, 논의하다 47. achieve 이루다, 성취하다 57. perform ( 업무를 ) 수행하다 48. retire 49. include 50. enroll (in) 은퇴하다포함하다등록하다 58. recruit 59. prepare 60. expire 채용하다, 고용하다준비하다만료되다 중요! 독해에주로출제되는주요전치사! 1. at ( 시간, 장소 )~ 에 11. into 안으로 2. on ( 날짜, 요일, 표면위 )~ 에 12. to ( 방향 )~ 로, ~ 에대한 3. in ( 년도, 월, 도시, 국가 )~ 에, 안에 13. until ( 기한 )~ 까지 4. for ( 목적 )~ 을위한, ~ 동안 14. with ~ 와함께,( 수단, 도구 )~ 로 5. by ~ 까지, ( 수단 )~ 로,~ 에의해 15. near ~ 근처에 6. after ~ 후에 16. as ( 자격 )~ 로서 7. before 8. over 9. during 10. of ~ 전에 ~ 하는동안에 ( 기간 )~ 동안 ( 소유, 소속 )~ 의 17. from 18. about 19. under 20. as of ( 시작점, 출처 ) ~ 로부터 ~ 에관한, 대한 ~ 아래에, 하에 ~ 부터
DAY 2 준동사수식어구 조현주강사 1. 필수어구 + 수식어구 문장은주어, 목적어, 서술어 ( 동사 ) 등의필수어구로구성이되며, 이를제외한나머지는수식어구입니다. 필수어구와수 식어구를구분해봅시다. The teacher is teaching RC. The pretty teacher is teaching RC. The teacher teaching RC is pretty. 2. 준동사수식어구 1 ving 수식어구 The woman [acting Chun-hyang] is a popular actress in Korea. 2 P.P. 수식어구 The woman [known for Chun-hyang] is a popular actress in Korea. 3 to V 수식어구 The woman [to act Chun-hyang next season] is a popular actress in Korea. 다음을필수어구와수식어구로나누고, 해석해보세요. 1. The manager of our company approved Ms. Nana s design for the company s image logo. 2. We have some difficult project to do. 3. Employees receiving bonuses showed excellent performance. 4. We received your letter dated on March 15. 5. Our director scheduled several meetings to explain the new system to the staff. 6. Espresso House is a coffee store selling many different types of coffees. 7. The city must find a solution to reduce the cost of construction. 8. Tickets purchased within 48 hours can be exchanged.
3. 필수어구와수식어구구분하기 1 ving 필수어구 vs 수식어구 We recommend making a reservation in advance. Predicting the weather accurately is a very difficult task. The number of people attending our expositions has increased dramatically. 2 to V 필수어구 vs 수식어구 Our goal is to provide the customers with the best service. Mr. Colin will have the opportunity to work with our company. 다음밑줄친부분이필수어구와수식어구로나누고, 해석해보세요. 1. Parking a car in forint of our restaurant is available. 2. We don t have the time to read it. 3. The project manager has decided to change the system next year. 4. SH Bank suggested changing a password every month. 5. We will hold a conference related to business processes. 6. Penter Electronics based in China is the largest company in the world. 7. Researching customers needs is a very important task. 8. We are sorry about the problem with the product delivered to your company last Friday.
DAY 3 관계사수식절 조현주강사 1. 관계사수식절 1 who 수식 He is a man [who is very gentle with others]. 2 whom 수식 The people [whom we met in France] have sent us a card. 3 which 수식 This is a problem [which is very huge and serious]. 2. who, whom, which 대신 that 1 who = that He is a man [that is very gentle with others]. 2 whom= that The people [that we met in France] have sent us a card. 3 which= that This is a problem [which is very huge and serious]. 3. 필수어구와수식어구구분하기 다음밑줄친부분이필수어구와수식어구로나누고, 해석해보세요. 1. Ms. Han visited her brother who is living in London. 2. Our company has developed the new car which will be on the market in March. 3. We are selling jeans that the top designers designed. 4. We hired the applicant whom the president recommended. 5. The president reviewed the proposal which Mr. Kang submitted. 6. Mr. Kang that our manager met yesterday is a well known doctor in medical world. 7. The director recommended a variety of books that were very useful for new employees.
4. 필수절 that vs 수식절 that 1 필수절 that Mr. Robert has asked that new employees need to attend the conference. 2 수식절 that Mr. Robert has posted a list of all employees that need to attend the conference. 다음밑줄친부분이필수절인지수식절인지구분하고, 해석해보세요. 1. A recent study has indicated that advertising is more effective when emphasizing merit. 2. Mr. Kim in marketing department rescheduled this meeting that will be held on Saturday. 3. Delta Educations developed new studying methods for students that learn foreign languages. 4. Any product that was shipped in a box can be refunded. 5. My bill shows that I paid at the regular room rate. 6. We expect that our recently developed computer will be the best-selling model. 7. Ms. Dalton summarized several topics that I will discuss next meeting.
DAY 4 긴문장끊어읽기훈련 조현주강사 1. that 생략 1. I am writing to confirm that I received the fax you sent dated March 4 for a catering order. 2. The ten trays of foods you ordered should be approximately 60 people. 3. This conference center we reserved has many seats than the conference center we had used in the past. 4. The board of directors of X Mining Company announced they have received permission. 5. Please note all items you ordered have shipped from our warehouse Beijing on May 15. 2. 실전연습 1 동사앞뒤 2 전치사구앞뒤 3 준동사구앞뒤 4 관계사절앞뒤 1. You indicated there would be roughly 75 guests this Function, so it would be my suggestion to order at least two more trays. 2. The director of the human resources department recently sent you an email that lists the various information sessions which will be offered this month. 3. Employees who work in the technical support department are required to attend the session on January 22. 4. An editor at Smithson Press who found my novel last year is now expressing interest in making the short stories novel. 5. We had been looking for a suitable place to accommodate everyone who wished to attend this year. 6. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the training session last Thursday. 7. I learned some useful tips that will help me in my work. 8. Each year, the local university sponsors many lectures given by famous medical professionals.
DAY 5 속독훈련 조현주강사 1. 특수표현 1 there is, there are~ : 가있다 There was a rumor she was going to resign. 2 tov : ~ 하기위하여 To receive a full refund, we should keep a receipt. (In order to receive) 3 동사 +N( 목적어 )+tov : N( 목적어 ) 강 tov 하도록동사하다 Your donations have enabled us to hold this year s conference. 4 사역동사 : N 가 V 하게하다 Please let me know whether you can attend this conference. 1. Hana Bank recommends its customers to change their password at least two times a year. 2. I am encouraging all employees to attend the safety session. 3. Please let me know whether this is satisfactory to you. 4. The hotel said there is another reservation after that day. Please let me know your preference as soon as possible. 5. To use the online banking services, you must install a personal data protection software program. 6. While there is no deadline for submissions, we ask you to submit the report as soon as possible.
2. 속독훈련 1 주어 + 동사함께보기 I have enclosed the pictures and have labeled each picture with a name and a brief description. 2 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 ( 필수어구 ) 함께보기 I have enclosed the pictures and have labeled each picture with a name and a brief description. I reviewed your work with the rest of the editors and decided that picture A would be an excellent picture of the front page. 1. Because of increasing demand, Ms. Shin decided to hire six additional employees. 2. I attended yesterday s conference and learned several ideas that are useful for our work. 3. For your convenience, I have summarized this information below. 4. The technical support team reminds all employees to turn off their computers. 5. When my shop expanded, I decided to purchase a newer and larger cleaner to deal with hair. 6. There were some cheaper brands, but I found the quality of your products to be worth the extra cost. 7. In order to learn the new system more exactly, there will be two staff-training sessions. 8. Local public officials are planning to restrict parking on the street in the downtown area next year.