Printed 2017. 07. PART 02
Contents 03 04 06 08 12 62 66 회사소개 / Introduction 연혁 / Company History 공장소개 / Manufacturing 제조공정 / Process Part 2 H형강 / H Section H 형강말뚝 / Steel H Pile 비대칭 H 형강 / Asymmetric HBeam 82 82 84 88 90 92 96 112 부등변ㄱ형강 / Unequal Angle 부등변부등후ㄱ형강 / Inverted Angle ㄷ형강 / Channel 평행채널 / Parallel Flange Channel 강널말뚝 / Sheet Pile 철도레일 / Railway Rail 철근 / Reinforcing Bar 나사형철근 / Thread Bar 224 250 256 258 품질인증현황 / Quality Certification 도량형환산표 / Conversion Table 주의사항 / Caution 네트워크 / Global Network 66 무늬 H 형강 / Checkered HBeam 164 특수강 / Special Steel 68 70 72 74 경량 H 형강 / Junior Beam I 형강 / IBeam 광산지보용 I형강 / IBeam for Mine Support 등변ㄱ형강 / Equal Angle 186 스테인리스강판및강대 / Steel Sheet, Coil & Strip 202 잉곳 / Ingot for Forging 208 롤 / Roll 216 중기 / Heavy Machinery Corporate Identity (CI) 현대제철사명을부각시킨심벌 H 는 High Spirit( 진취적기상 ), Harmony( 조화 ), Humanity( 인류애 ) 를상징합니다. H 의견고한양축은현대제철의신 기존사업과기업, 고객을뜻하며가운데교량 (Bridge) 은양축의균형적만남과통합으로성장하는미래를의미합니다. 블루컬러는현대제철이첨단기술과신뢰를바탕으로밝은미래환경의청사진을구현하는선도기업임을나타냅니다. High Spirit, Harmony, Humanity 는현대제철이도전적이고혁신적인기상과조화를통해밝은미래사회에공헌하는세계최고의철강기업으로성장해나간다는뜻입니다. The symbol H, which embosses the mission of, stands for High Spirit, Harmony, and Humanity. The firm and stable axes on both sides of the H imply the past and new businesses and customers. The bridge connecting the two axes suggests a promising future of, growing with balanced contact and integration of both axes. The bright blue color shows the leading position of in future environmental concerns, proposing a new blueprint based on modern technology and reliability. In other words, High Spirit, Harmony, Humanity collectively represent that will grow into a worldleading steel company with high spirit and harmony, thereby contributing to the humanity. 현대제철은미래사업환경의핵심기반인철을생산하고, 첨단기술을바탕으로최적의소재를공급하는파트너입니다. 고객의기대를뛰어넘는혁신적인제품과서비스로사업영역을확장하고, 차별화된방식으로고객이원하는가치의제품을생산하고있습니다. 현대제철은철, 그이상의가치를창조하고, 상생속에발전하는새로운산업생태계모델을만들어갈것입니다. HYUNDAI STEEL manufactures steel, a key foundation for future business environment, and supplies optimal materials through cuttingedge technologies. The company is a reliable partner for an increasing number of businesses around the world. We are expanding our business territories with innovative products and services that exceed our customers expectations while manufacturing products that transcend targeted values through differentiation. HYUNDAI STEEL will continue to create values and new industrial ecosystems that develop in harmony.
Company History 연혁 창립초기의대한중공업공사전경 A panoramic view of Korea Heavy Industry Corporation at an early stage of its foundation 1950s 1953. 06. 대한중공업공사창립 Established as Korea Heavy Industry Corporation 중국청도현대기계유한공사전경 A panoramic view of Qingdao Hyundai Machinery Co., Ltd. in China 1990s 1999. 12. 중국청도현대기계유한공사설립 Established Qingdao Hyundai Machinery Co., Ltd. in China 2000s 2001. 04. 현대자동차그룹으로출범 Incorporated into Hyundai Motor Group 2004. 10. 한보철강공업 당진공장인수합병식 Ceremony marking the acquisition and merger of Hanbo Iron & Steel s Dangjin plant 2006. 10. 일관제철소기공식 Held groundbreaking ceremony for Integrated Steelworks 현대자동차그룹으로출범하는기념식에참석한정몽구회장 Chairman Mongkoo, Chung attending incorporation ceremony into Hyundai Motor Group in 2001 2006 년일관제철소기공식 Held groundbreaking ceremony for Integrated Steelworks in 2006 H 형강공장 A H Section mill 1980s 1982. 03. H 형강공장조업개시 Commissioned a H Section mill 1987. 05. 기업공개 Undertook initial public offering (IPO) 2010 년제 2 고로화입식 Chairman Mongkoo, Chung firing Blast Furnace No.1 at ceremony in 2010 4 5 2010s 2010. 01. 일관제철소 1 고로화입식 Operation of Blast Furnace No.1 2010. 04. 일관제철소준공식 Completed Integrated Steelworks 2010. 11. 일관제철소 2 고로화입식 Operation of Blast Furnace No.2 2013. 09. 일관제철소 3 고로화입식 Operation of Blast Furnace No.3 2015. 07. 현대하이스코합병 Merged with Hyundai Hysco Co., Ltd. 2015. 10. 특수강공장준공 Operation of Special Steelworks
Manufacturing 공장소개 당진제철소 Dangjin Integrated Steelworks 2010년국내민간기업최초로일관제철소를가동해한국철강사를다시쓰고있는당진제철소는고로및전기로공정을갖췄으며, 특수강공장을보유한종합제철소입니다. As the nation s first privatized integrated steelworks that developed in 2010, Dangjin Integrated Steelworks has been rewriting the history of steel in South Korea. The Steelworks includes both blast furnace and electric arc furnace zones, and has a special steel mill. 생산제품열연강판, 냉연강판, 후판, 철근, 특수강 Products Hotrolled Coil, Coldrolled Coil, Steel Plate, Reinforcing Bar, Special Steel 면적 (Area) 8,820,000 m² 순천공장 Suncheon Works 단일설비로는세계최대인 120만톤규모의연속소둔설비를갖춘순천공장은연간 200만톤의냉연제품을생산할수있는공장입니다. 용융아연도금설비, 전기아연도금설비, 착색도장설비등의최첨단설비를갖추고자동차용, 가전용, 건자재용등다양한냉연강판을생산하고있습니다. Equipped with stateoftheart facilities, including a Continuous Annealing Line (CAL) boasting the world s largest production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes, a Continuous Galvanizing Line (CGL), an Electrolytic Galvanizing Line, and a Color Coating Line, it produces a broad range of coldrolled steel for automobiles, consumer electronics, and construction materials. 생산제품냉연강판, 용융아연도금강판, 전기아연도금강판, 컬러강판 Products Coldrolled Coil, Hotdipped Galvanized Steel Sheet, Electrolytic Galvanized Steel Sheet, Precoated Steel Sheet 면적 (Area) 822,000 m² 인천공장 Incheon Works 한국철강산업의효시가된인천공장은세계최대단일전기로공장으로서친환경, 고효율의시설을갖추고있습니다. s Incheon Works was the very first steel plant in Korea. It is now the world s largest electric arc furnace mill, boasting a wide range of ecofriendly, highefficiency facilities. 생산제품 H형강, 철근, 일반형강, 스테인리스강판 Products H Section, Reinforcing Bar, Sections, Stainless Steel 면적 (Area) 920,000 m² 순천단조공장 Suncheon Forging Works 자유단조제품을생산하는순천단조공장은잉곳과샤프트등의제품을생산하고있습니다. Suncheon Forging Works produces freeforging products such as ingots and shafts. 생산제품잉곳, 단조품 Products Ingot, Forging 면적 (Area) 281,000 m² 포항공장 Pohang Works 세계최고수준의기술력을바탕으로강력한국제경쟁력을자랑하는포항공장은고부가가치철강제품시장을선도하고있습니다. s Pohang Works boasts a wide range of industryleading technologies and strong global competitiveness. It is the leader of the Korean steel industry s highvalue added market. 예산공장 Yesan Works 자동차경량화제품생산의중심인예산공장은핫스탬핑 (HotStamping) 설비 10 기, TWB(Tailor Welded Blanks) 설비 2기등을보유하고고품질의자동차부품을생산하고있습니다. Yesan Works produces highquality lightweight automotive products through its ten hotstamping units and two tailorwelded blank units. 생산제품 H형강, 철근, 레일, 원형강, 롤, 무한궤도 Products H Section, Reinforcing Bar, Railroad Rail, Round Section, Roll, Track Shoe Assembly 면적 (Area) 660,000 m² 생산제품 자동차경량화용부품 Products Lightweight parts 면적 (Area) 1,190,000 m² 울산공장 Ulsan Works 최첨단용접설비와자동화설비등국제경쟁력을갖춘울산공장은에너지개발, 산업, 건설, 자동차등에사용되는고부가가치강관제품과자동차경량화제품을생산, 공급하고있습니다. Ulsan Works produces and supplies high valueadded steel pipe products and lightweight automotive parts used primarily in energy development, construction, and automobile manufacturing. The global competitiveness at Ulsan Works has been greatly increased thanks to its cuttingedge welding and automation facilities. 생산제품 강관, 자동차경량화용부품 Products Steel Pipes, Lightweight parts 면적 (Area) 254,000 m² 청도공장 Qingdao Factory 중국시장의잠재력과무한한가능성을내다보며지난 2000년설립된청도공장은무한궤도부품을조립 생산하고있습니다. Established in 2000 to meet China s rapidly increasing need for steel products, the Qingdao Factory produces track shoe assemblies. 생산제품트랙어셈블리, 롤러 Products Track Assembly, Roller 면적 (Area) 66,000 m² 6 7
Process 제조공정 Integrated Steelworks Process 일관제철공정 Electric Arc Furnace Process 전기로공정 A 원료저장시설하역부두로부터운반된원료를저장하는시설 코크스공정원료탄을고온건류해코크스를생산하는공정 소결공정분철광석에석회석등의부원료를혼합한후고온에서가열해소결광을생산하는공정 고로공정소결광과코크스를사용해용선 ( 쇳물 ) 을생산하는공정 토페도카고로에서생산된용선을제강공장으로이송하는차량 B 용선예비처리용선중의불순물을제거하는공정 C D E F G 가열슬래브를압연에필요한온도까지가열하는공정 스케일제거재료표면에생기는스케일을물의압력을이용해제거하는공정 조압연스케일제거, 폭내기, 최종압연을위한준비압연과정 사상압연조압연된판재를최종제품의규격에맞는두께와폭, 형상으로조정하고생산하는공정 전로산소를취입해산화반응에의해용선중의탄소를제거하는공정 K H L M N I O P 전단제품을고객의요구에맞게적합한규격으로절단하는공정열처리압연이완료된후판의강도및인성을증가시켜고급강종의후판을생산하는공정 후판 강관 J Q S T 정련용강중의산소및수소등가스를제거하고성분을조정하는공정연속주조용융된쇳물을연속적으로주조해반제품을만드는과정반제품 ( 슬래브 ) 최종철강제품을생산하기위한중간단계의제품으로서후판및열연의소재로사용냉각압연이완료된제품에냉각수를분사, 냉각하는공정권취열연강판을보관및운반이용이하도록코일로만드는공정 W R 냉간압연산세과정을거친열연강판을상온에서압연해냉연강판을만드는공정도금냉연강판을아연욕조에통과시켜도금하는공정경량화제품 U 산세열연강판의스케일을산성물질로제거하는공정 V X 철스크랩철강을소재로한제품의폐기과정에서발생하는고철 전기로철스크랩을용해해쇳물을제조하는과정 정련 (Ladle Furnace) 전기로에서나온쇳물의온도및성분을조정하는공정 연속주조용융된쇳물을연속적으로주조해반제품을만드는과정 반제품최종철강제품을생산하기위한중간단계의제품 A B C D E 철근반제품을압연해다양한규격의철근을생산하는공정 I F G H 가열벙커 C 유, 천연가스를이용해압연에필요한온도까지가열하는공정 압연두개의롤에힘을가해반제품을원하는모양의완제품으로생산하는과정 형강반제품을압연, 교정, 냉각해다양한두께와길이의형강을만드는공정 A Raw materials storage facility stores raw materials unloaded from ships B Coking produces coke from coal through hightemperature carbonization C Sintering produces sintered ore by adding raw materials (such as heated limestone) to powdered ore and heating them at high temperatures D Blast furnace process produces molten iron using sintered ore and coke E Torpedo car transfers molten iron to the steelmaking plant F Pretreatment removes impurities from molten iron G Converter removes carbon from molten iron through oxidization by adding oxygen H Ladle furnace removes gases such as oxygen and hydrogen from steel to vary its composition I Continuous casting makes steel slabs through continuous casting J Semifinished products mediumstage products that will be turned into hot rolled coil and steel plate during the next rolling process K Reheating heats slabs to proper rolling temperature L Descaling removes scale from the surface using highpressure water M Roughing mill descales and tenters during intermediate rolling prior to final rolling N Finishing mill rolls final products to proper size O Cutting cuts products to customerspecified dimensions P Heating treatment heats to produce highquality steel plate Q Steel plate R Steel pipe S Cooling uses water to cool rolled products T Downcoiling makes hot rolled coil from hot rolled sheets for storage and delivery U Picking removes scale on hotrolled coil with acid V Cold rolling makes coldrolled coil through hotrolling prodess after picking process W Plating plates coldrolled coil by passing it through a zinc bath X Lightweight parts A Scrap steel steel acquired from used metal products B Electric arc furnace produces molten metal from scrap steel C Ladle furnace controls temperature and components of molten iron in the electric furnace D Continuous casting produces semifinished products by continuously casting molten metal E Semifinished product intermediate stage products easily stored prior to final processing F Reheating heats H Section to required temperature using bunker C oil and natural gas G Rolling produces finished products by adding strength to two rolls H Section makes variousshaped Steel from semifinished products by rolling, modifying, and cooling them I Reinforcing bar produces various sizes of reinforcing bar by rolling semifinished products 8 9
H Section H형강 Angle/Channel ㄱㄷ형강 Sheet Pile 강널말뚝 Part 02 Rail 레일 Reinforcing Bar 철근 Main products 스테인리스 강판 및 강대 Special Steel 특수강 Ingot for Forging 잉곳 Roll 롤 Heavy machinery 중기 12 H Section 82 Unequal Angle 164 Special Steel 62 Steel H Pile 82 Inverted Angle 186 Steel 66 Asymmetric HBeam 84 Channel 66 Checkered HBeam 88 Parallel Flange Channel 202 Ingot for Forging 68 Junior Beam 90 Sheet Pile 208 Roll 70 IBeam 92 Railway Rail 216 Heavy Machinery 72 IBeam for Mine Support 96 Reinforcing Bar 74 Equal Angle 112 Thread Bar Sheet, Coil & Strip
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (1) Metric Series KS, JIS '90 Division (depth x width) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm²) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 100 x 100 17.2 100 100 6 8 10 21.90 383 134 4.18 2.47 76.5 26.7 87.6 41.2 2.83 5.17 100 x 100 125 x 125 23.8 125 125 6.5 9 10 30.31 847 293 5.29 3.11 136 46.9 154 71.9 9.87 8.43 125 x 125 150 x 75 14.0 150 75 5 7 8 17.85 666 49.5 6.11 1.66 88.8 13.2 102 20.8 2.53 2.81 150 x 75 150 x 100 21.1 148 100 6 9 11 26.84 1,020 151 6.17 2.37 138 30.1 157 46.7 7.28 7.37 150 x 100 150 x 150 31.5 150 150 7 10 11 40.14 1,640 563 6.39 3.75 219 75.1 246 115 27.6 13.5 150 x 150 200 x 100 18.2 198 99 4.5 7 11 23.18 1,580 114 8.26 2.21 160 23.0 180 35.7 10.4 3.86 21.3 200 100 5.5 8 11 27.16 1,840 134 8.24 2.22 184 26.8 209 41.9 12.3 5.77 200 x 150 30.6 194 150 6 9 13 39.01 2,690 507 8.30 3.61 277 67.6 309 104 43.4 10.9 200 x 150 200 x 200 250 x 125 49.9 200 200 8 12 13 63.53 4,720 1,600 8.62 5.02 472 160 525 244 142 29.8 56.2 200 204 12 12 13 71.53 4,980 1,700 8.35 4.88 498 167 565 257 150 39.6 65.7 208 202 10 16 13 83.69 6,530 2,200 8.83 5.13 628 218 710 332 203 66.7 25.7 248 124 5 8 12 32.68 3,540 255 10.4 2.79 285 41.1 319 63.6 36.7 6.74 29.6 250 125 6 9 12 37.66 4,050 294 10.4 2.79 324 47.0 366 73.1 42.7 9.68 250 x 175 44.1 244 175 7 11 16 56.24 6,120 985 10.4 4.18 502 113 558 173 134 23.2 250 x 175 250 x 250 300 x 150 300 x 200 300 x 300 al Tolerance Surface Condition : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 64.4 244 252 11 11 16 82.06 8,790 2,940 10.3 5.98 720 233 805 358 399 39.5 66.5 248 249 8 13 16 84.70 9,930 3,350 10.8 6.29 801 269 883 408 462 46.7 72.4 250 250 9 14 16 92.18 10,800 3,650 10.8 6.29 867 292 960 444 508 58.7 82.2 250 255 14 14 16 104.7 11,500 3,880 10.5 6.09 919 304 1,040 468 540 79.0 32.0 298 149 5.5 8 13 40.80 6,320 442 12.4 3.29 424 59.3 475 91.8 92.9 8.65 36.7 300 150 6.5 9 13 46.78 7,210 508 12.4 3.29 481 67.7 542 105 107 12.4 56.8 294 200 8 12 18 72.38 11,300 1,600 12.5 4.71 771 160 859 247 319 35.8 65.4 298 201 9 14 18 83.36 13,300 1,900 12.6 4.77 893 189 1,000 291 383 53.4 84.5 294 302 12 12 18 107.7 16,900 5,520 12.5 7.16 1,150 365 1,280 560 1,097 61.4 87.0 298 299 9 14 18 110.8 18,800 6,240 13.0 7.50 1,270 417 1,390 634 1,258 71.3 94.0 300 300 10 15 18 119.8 20,400 6,750 13.1 7.51 1,360 450 1,500 684 1,372 88.1 106 300 305 15 15 18 134.8 21,500 7,100 12.6 7.26 1,440 466 1,610 716 1,443 116 106 304 301 11 17 18 134.8 23,400 7,730 13.2 7.57 1,540 514 1,710 781 1,592 125 130 310 305 15 20 18 165.3 28,600 9,470 13.2 7.57 1,850 621 2,080 949 1,991 215 142 310 310 20 20 18 180.8 29,900 10,000 12.9 7.44 1,930 645 2,200 992 2,093 271 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant m Division (depth x width) 200 x 100 200 x 200 250 x 125 250 x 250 300 x 150 300 x 200 300 x 300 12 13
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (1) Metric Series KS, JIS '90 Division (depth x width) 14 350 x 175 350 x 250 350 x 350 400 x 200 400 x 300 400 x 400 450 x 200 450 x 300 500 x 200 * 는 KS(JIS) 에없는규격 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm²) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 41.4 346 174 6 9 14 52.68 11,100 792 14.5 3.88 641 91.0 716 140 225 13.6 49.6 350 175 7 11 14 63.14 13,600 984 14.7 3.95 775 112 868 174 283 23.0 57.8 354 176 8 13 14 73.68 16,100 1,180 14.8 4.01 909 135 1,020 208 344 36.1 69.2 336 249 8 12 20 88.15 18,500 3,090 14.5 5.92 1,100 248 1,210 380 812 44.6 79.7 340 250 9 14 20 101.5 21,700 3,650 14.6 6.00 1,280 292 1,410 447 970 66.3 106 338 351 13 13 20 135.3 28,200 9,380 14.4 8.33 1,670 534 1,850 818 2,477 90.3 115 344 348 10 16 20 146.0 33,300 11,200 15.1 8.78 1,940 646 2,120 980 3,024 121 131 344 354 16 16 20 166.6 35,300 11,800 14.6 8.43 2,050 669 2,300 1,030 3,186 164 137 350 350 12 19 20 173.9 40,300 13,600 15.2 8.84 2,300 777 2,550 1,180 3,721 199 156 350 357 19 19 20 198.4 42,800 14,400 14.7 8.53 2,450 809 2,760 1,240 3,953 270 56.6 396 199 7 11 16 72.16 20,000 1,450 16.7 4.48 1,010 145 1,130 224 536 27.1 66.0 400 200 8 13 16 84.12 23,700 1,740 16.8 4.54 1,190 174 1,330 268 650 42.2 *75.5 404 201 9 15 16 96.16 27,500 2,030 16.9 4.60 1,360 202 1,530 312 770 62.3 *94.3 386 299 9 14 22 120.1 33,700 6,240 16.7 7.21 1,750 418 1,920 637 2,160 79.9 107 390 300 10 16 22 136.0 38,700 7,210 16.9 7.28 1,980 481 2,190 733 2,521 114 140 388 402 15 15 22 178.5 49,000 16,300 16.6 9.54 2,530 809 2,800 1,240 5,655 156 147 394 398 11 18 22 186.8 56,100 18,900 17.3 10.1 2,850 951 3,120 1,440 6,688 194 168 394 405 18 18 22 214.4 59,700 20,000 16.7 9.65 3,030 985 3,390 1,510 7,053 264 172 400 400 13 21 22 218.7 66,600 22,400 17.5 10.1 3,330 1,120 3,670 1,700 8,048 303 197 400 408 21 21 22 250.7 70,900 23,800 16.8 9.75 3,540 1,170 3,990 1,790 8,550 415 200 406 403 16 24 22 254.9 78,000 26,200 17.5 10.1 3,840 1,300 4,280 1,980 9,558 462 232 414 405 18 28 22 295.4 92,800 31,000 17.7 10.2 4,480 1,530 5,030 2,330 11,557 714 283 428 407 20 35 22 360.7 119,000 39,400 18.2 10.4 5,570 1,930 6,310 2,940 15,198 1,317 415 458 417 30 50 22 528.6 187,000 60,500 18.8 10.7 8,170 2,900 9,540 4,440 25,188 3,885 605 498 432 45 70 22 770.1 298,000 94,400 19.7 11.1 12,000 4,370 14,500 6,720 43,214 11,063 66.2 446 199 8 12 18 84.30 28,700 1,580 18.5 4.33 1,290 159 1,450 247 744 38.3 76.0 450 200 9 14 18 96.76 33,500 1,870 18.6 4.40 1,490 187 1,680 291 890 56.9 106 434 299 10 15 24 135.0 46,800 6,690 18.6 7.04 2,160 448 2,380 686 2,937 104 124 440 300 11 18 24 157.4 56,100 8,110 18.9 7.18 2,550 541 2,820 828 3,611 163 79.5 496 199 9 14 20 101.3 41,900 1,840 20.3 4.27 1,690 185 1,910 290 1,072 60.8 89.6 500 200 10 16 20 114.2 47,800 2,140 20.5 4.33 1,910 214 2,180 335 1,254 85.9 103 506 201 11 19 20 131.3 56,500 2,580 20.7 4.43 2,230 257 2,540 401 1,530 132 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant m Division (depth x width) 350 x 175 340 x 250 350 x 350 400 x 200 400 x 300 400 x 400 450 x 200 450 x 300 500 x 200 15
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (1) Metric Series KS, JIS '90 Division (depth x width) 500 x 300 600 x 200 600 x 300 700 x 300 800 x 300 900 x 300 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm²) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 : KS D 3502:2016 JIS G 3192:1990 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 114 482 300 11 15 26 145.5 60,400 6,760 20.4 6.82 2,500 451 2,790 695 3,688 118 128 488 300 11 18 26 163.5 71,000 8,110 20.8 7.04 2,910 541 3,230 830 4,481 172 94.6 596 199 10 15 22 120.5 68,700 1,980 23.9 4.05 2,310 199 2,650 315 1,671 82.4 106 600 200 11 17 22 134.4 77,600 2,280 24.0 4.12 2,590 228 2,980 361 1,936 113 120 606 201 12 20 22 152.5 90,400 2,720 24.3 4.22 2,980 271 3,430 429 2,336 167 134 612 202 13 23 22 170.7 103,000 3,180 24.6 4.31 3,380 314 3,890 498 2,755 237 137 582 300 12 17 28 174.5 103,000 7,670 24.3 6.63 3,530 511 3,960 793 6,121 173 151 588 300 12 20 28 192.5 118,000 9,020 24.8 6.85 4,020 601 4,490 928 7,275 241 175 594 302 14 23 28 222.4 137,000 10,600 24.9 6.90 4,620 701 5,200 1,080 8,628 356 166 692 300 13 20 28 211.5 172,000 9,020 28.6 6.53 4,970 601 5,630 936 10,189 260 185 700 300 13 24 28 235.5 201,000 10,800 29.3 6.78 5,760 722 6,460 1,120 12,367 383 215 708 302 15 28 28 273.6 237,000 12,900 29.4 6.86 6,700 853 7,560 1,320 14,897 588 191 792 300 14 22 28 243.4 254,000 9,930 32.3 6.39 6,410 662 7,290 1,040 14,720 341 210 800 300 14 26 28 267.4 292,000 11,700 33.0 6.62 7,290 782 8,240 1,220 17,569 486 241 808 302 16 30 28 307.6 339,000 13,800 33.2 6.70 8,400 915 9,530 1,430 20,902 726 213 890 299 15 23 28 270.9 345,000 10,300 35.7 6.16 7,760 688 8,910 1,080 19,308 403 243 900 300 16 28 28 309.8 411,000 12,600 36.4 6.39 9,140 843 10,500 1,320 24,015 633 286 912 302 18 34 28 364.0 498,000 15,700 37.0 6.56 10,900 1,040 12,500 1,630 30,169 1,050 307 918 303 19 37 28 391.3 542,000 17,200 37.2 6.63 11,800 1,140 13,500 1,790 33,391 1,316 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant m Division (depth x width) 500 x 300 600 x 200 600 x 300 700 x 300 800 x 300 900 x 300 16 17
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (1) Metric Series JIS '94, '08 Division (depth x width) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm²) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 100 x 100 16.9 100 100 6 8 8 21.59 378 134 4.18 2.49 75.6 26.7 86.4 41.0 2.82 4.91 100 x 100 125 x 125 23.6 125 125 6.5 9 8 30.00 840 293 5.29 3.13 134 46.9 152 71.7 9.86 8.10 125 x 125 150 x 75 14.0 150 75 5 7 8 17.85 666 49.5 6.11 1.67 88.8 13.2 102 20.8 2.52 2.90 150 x 75 150 x 100 20.7 148 100 6 9 8 26.35 1,000 150 6.16 2.39 135 30.1 154 46.4 7.25 6.66 150 x 100 150 x 150 31.1 150 150 7 10 8 39.65 1,620 563 6.39 3.77 216 75.1 243 114 27.6 12.7 150 x 150 200 x 100 17.8 198 99 4.5 7 8 22.69 1,540 113 8.24 2.24 156 22.9 175 35.5 10.3 3.32 20.9 200 100 5.5 8 8 26.67 1,810 134 8.24 2.24 181 26.7 205 41.6 12.3 5.17 200 x 150 29.9 194 150 6 9 8 38.11 2,630 507 8.31 3.65 271 67.6 301 103 43.3 9.43 200 x 150 200 x 200 49.9 200 200 8 12 13 63.53 4,720 1,600 8.62 5.02 472 160 526 244 141 30.2 200 x 200 250 x 125 25.1 248 124 5 8 8 31.99 3,450 255 10.4 2.82 278 41.1 312 63.2 36.6 5.80 29.0 250 125 6 9 8 36.97 3,960 294 10.3 2.82 317 47.0 358 72.7 42.5 8.61 250 x 175 43.6 244 175 7 11 13 55.49 6,040 984 10.4 4.21 495 112 551 172 133 21.3 250 x 175 250 x 250 71.8 250 250 9 14 13 91.43 10,700 3,650 10.8 6.32 856 292 953 443 508 56.2 250 x 250 300 x 150 32.0 298 149 5.5 8 13 40.80 6,320 442 12.4 3.29 424 59.3 475 91.8 92.7 8.79 36.7 300 150 6.5 9 13 46.78 7,210 508 12.4 3.29 481 67.7 542 105 107 12.7 300 x 200 55.8 294 200 8 12 13 71.05 11,100 1,600 12.5 4.75 755 160 842 245 318 31.8 300 x 200 300 x 300 93.0 300 300 10 15 13 118.5 20,200 6,750 13.1 7.55 1,350 450 1,480 683 1,370 82.9 300 x 300 350 x 175 41.2 346 174 6 9 13 52.45 11,000 791 14.5 3.88 636 91.0 713 140 224 13.3 49.4 350 175 7 11 13 62.91 13,500 984 14.6 3.96 771 113 864 173 282 22.5 350 x 250 78.1 340 250 9 14 13 99.53 21,200 3,650 14.6 6.06 1,250 292 1,380 445 969 58.4 350 x 250 350 x 350 135 350 350 12 19 13 171.9 39,800 13,600 15.2 8.89 2,270 777 2,520 1,180 3,720 187 350 x 350 400 x 200 56.1 396 199 7 11 13 71.41 19,800 1,450 16.7 4.51 1,000 146 1,110 223 535 25.1 65.4 400 200 8 13 13 83.37 23,500 1,740 16.8 4.57 1,180 174 1,310 267 649 39.7 400 x 300 105 390 300 10 16 13 133.3 37,900 7,200 16.9 7.35 1,940 480 2,140 730 2,520 100 400 x 300 400 x 400 450 x 200 al Tolerance Surface Condition : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 172 400 400 13 21 22 218.7 66,600 22,400 17.5 10.1 3,330 1,120 3,670 1,700 8,040 304 232 414 405 18 28 22 295.4 92,800 31,000 17.7 10.2 4,480 1,530 5,030 2,330 11,500 721 283 428 407 20 35 22 360.7 119,000 39,400 18.2 10.5 5,560 1,940 6,310 2,940 15,200 1,320 415 458 417 30 50 22 528.6 187,000 60,500 18.8 10.7 8,170 2,900 9,540 4,440 25,100 3,930 605 498 432 45 70 22 770.1 298,000 94,400 19.7 11.1 12,000 4,370 14,500 6,720 43,100 11,300 65.1 446 199 8 12 13 82.97 28,100 1,580 18.4 4.36 1,260 159 1,420 245 742 34.3 74.9 450 200 9 14 13 95.43 32,900 1,870 18.6 4.43 1,460 187 1,650 290 887 52.0 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant m Division (depth x width) 200 x 100 250 x 125 300 x 150 350 x 175 400 x 200 400 x 400 450 x 200 18 19
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (1) Metric Series JIS '94, '08 Division (depth x width) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm²) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 450 x 300 121 440 300 11 18 13 153.9 54,700 8,110 18.9 7.26 2,490 541 2,760 823 3,610 142 450 x 300 500 x 200 500 x 300 600 x 200 600 x 300 700 x 300 800 x 300 900 x 300 al Tolerance Surface Condition : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 : JIS G 3192:1994 JIS G 3192:2008 JIS G 3136:2008 77.9 496 199 9 14 13 99.29 40,800 1,840 20.3 4.30 1,650 185 1,870 288 1,070 52.9 88.2 500 200 10 16 13 112.3 46,800 2,140 20.4 4.37 1,870 214 2,130 333 1,250 76.4 111 482 300 11 15 13 141.2 58,300 6,760 20.3 6.92 2,420 451 2,700 690 3,680 95.5 125 488 300 11 18 13 159.2 68,900 8,110 20.8 7.14 2,820 541 3,130 825 4,470 144 92.5 596 199 10 15 13 117.8 66,600 1,980 23.8 4.10 2,230 199 2,580 312 1,660 70.0 103 600 200 11 17 13 131.7 75,600 2,270 24.0 4.15 2,520 227 2,900 358 1,930 98.2 133 582 300 12 17 13 169.2 99,000 7,660 24.2 6.73 3,400 511 3,820 786 6,110 139 147 588 300 12 20 13 187.2 114,000 9,010 24.7 6.94 3,880 601 4,350 921 7,260 200 170 594 302 14 23 13 217.1 134,000 10,600 24.8 6.99 4,510 702 5,060 1,080 8,610 306 163 692 300 13 20 18 207.5 168,000 9,020 28.5 6.59 4,860 601 5,500 931 10,200 228 182 700 300 13 24 18 231.5 197,000 10,800 29.2 6.83 5,630 720 6,340 1,110 12,300 342 188 792 300 14 22 18 239.5 248,000 9,920 32.2 6.44 6,260 661 7,140 1,030 14,700 305 207 800 300 14 26 18 263.5 286,000 11,700 32.9 6.66 7,150 780 8,100 1,210 17,500 440 210 890 299 15 23 18 266.9 339,000 10,300 35.6 6.21 7,620 689 8,750 1,080 19,300 365 240 900 300 16 28 18 305.8 404,000 12,600 36.3 6.42 8,980 840 10,300 1,320 24,000 581 283 912 302 18 34 18 360.1 491,000 15,700 36.9 6.60 10,770 1,040 12,300 1,620 30,100 981 304 918 303 19 37 18 387.4 535,000 17,200 37.2 6.66 11,660 1,140 13,400 1,780 33,300 1,240 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant m Division (depth x width) 500 x 200 500 x 300 600 x 200 600 x 300 700 x 300 800 x 300 900 x 300 20 21
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J W4 x 4 13 4.16 4.060 0.280 0.345 0.30 19.35 105.7 103.1 7.1 8.8 7.6 24.90 477 161.1 4.37 2.54 90.2 31.3 104 48.1 3.77 6.91 W4 x 4 W5 x 5 W6 x 4 W6 x 6 W8 x 4 W8 x 5¼ W8 x 6½ W8 x 8 W10 x 4 W10 x 5¾ al Tolerance Surface Condition : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 16 5.01 5.000 0.240 0.360 0.30 23.81 127.3 127.0 6.1 9.1 7.6 30.26 889 311.0 5.42 3.21 140 49.0 157 74.6 10.9 8.02 19 5.15 5.030 0.270 0.430 0.30 28.28 130.8 127.8 6.9 10.9 7.6 35.88 1,090 379.6 5.51 3.25 167 59.4 190 90.6 13.6 13.2 8.5 5.83 3.940 0.170 0.195 0.30 12.65 148.0 100.1 4.3 4.9 7.6 16.25 620 82.1 6.17 2.25 83.7 16.4 94.1 25.4 4.19 1.58 9 5.90 3.940 0.170 0.215 0.30 13.39 149.9 100.1 4.3 5.5 7.6 17.48 693 92.1 6.30 2.30 92.5 18.4 104 28.4 4.79 1.90 12 6.03 4.000 0.230 0.280 0.30 17.86 153.2 101.6 5.8 7.1 7.6 22.99 923 124.4 6.34 2.33 121 24.5 137 38.0 6.62 4.09 16 6.28 4.030 0.260 0.405 0.30 23.81 159.5 102.4 6.6 10.3 7.6 30.76 1,350 184.8 6.62 2.45 169 36.1 193 55.8 10.3 9.72 15 5.99 5.990 0.230 0.260 0.30 22.32 152.1 152.1 5.8 6.6 7.6 28.63 1,220 387.4 6.53 3.68 160 50.9 177 77.7 20.5 4.58 20 6.20 6.020 0.260 0.365 0.30 29.76 157.5 152.9 6.6 9.3 7.6 38.10 1,730 554.5 6.74 3.81 220 72.5 246 111 30.4 10.5 25 6.38 6.080 0.320 0.455 0.30 37.20 162.1 154.4 8.1 11.6 7.6 47.57 2,240 712.4 6.86 3.87 276 92.3 312 141 40.3 20.0 10 7.89 3.940 0.170 0.205 0.30 14.88 200.4 100.1 4.3 5.2 7.6 19.08 1,280 87.1 8.19 2.14 128 17.4 145 27.1 8.28 1.87 13 7.99 4.000 0.230 0.255 0.30 19.35 202.9 101.6 5.8 6.5 7.6 24.72 1,650 114.0 8.17 2.15 163 22.4 187 35.4 11.0 3.86 15 8.11 4.015 0.245 0.315 0.30 22.32 206.0 102.0 6.2 8.0 7.6 28.60 2,000 142.0 8.36 2.23 194 27.8 222 43.7 13.9 5.86 18 8.14 5.250 0.230 0.330 0.30 26.79 206.8 133.4 5.8 8.4 7.6 33.93 2,580 332.8 8.72 3.13 250 49.9 279 76.6 32.7 7.25 21 8.28 5.270 0.250 0.400 0.30 31.25 210.3 133.9 6.4 10.2 7.6 39.97 3,150 408.7 8.88 3.20 300 61.0 336 93.6 40.9 12.0 24 7.93 6.495 0.245 0.400 0.40 35.72 201.4 165.0 6.2 10.2 10.2 45.78 3,460 764.3 8.69 4.09 344 92.6 380 141 69.8 14.6 28 8.06 6.535 0.285 0.465 0.40 41.67 204.7 166.0 7.2 11.8 10.2 53.11 4,070 900.5 8.75 4.12 398 109 445 166 83.7 22.4 31 8.00 7.995 0.285 0.435 0.40 46.13 203.2 203.1 7.2 11.0 10.2 58.62 4,560 1,540.0 8.82 5.13 449 152 496 230 142 22.3 35 8.12 8.020 0.310 0.495 0.40 52.09 206.2 203.7 7.9 12.6 10.2 66.52 5,280 1,780.0 8.91 5.17 512 175 570 265 166 32.5 40 8.25 8.070 0.360 0.560 0.40 59.53 209.6 205.0 9.1 14.2 10.2 75.60 6,090 2,040.0 8.98 5.19 581 199 651 303 195 46.9 48 8.50 8.110 0.400 0.685 0.40 71.43 215.9 206.0 10.2 17.4 10.2 91.05 7,650 2,540.0 9.17 5.28 709 247 803 375 250 82.3 58 8.75 8.220 0.510 0.810 0.40 86.31 222.3 208.8 13.0 20.6 10.2 110.5 9,490 3,130.0 9.27 5.32 854 300 982 458 318 141 67 9.00 8.280 0.570 0.935 0.40 99.71 228.6 210.3 14.5 23.7 10.2 126.8 11,300 3,680.0 9.44 5.39 989 350 1,150 535 386 212 12 9.87 3.960 0.190 0.210 0.30 17.86 250.7 100.6 4.8 5.3 7.6 22.68 2,230 90.2 9.92 1.99 178 17.9 206 28.4 13.5 2.41 15 9.99 4.000 0.230 0.270 0.30 22.32 253.7 101.6 5.8 6.9 7.6 28.43 2,870 121.1 10.0 2.06 226 23.8 262 37.9 18.4 4.55 17 10.11 4.010 0.240 0.330 0.30 25.30 256.8 101.9 6.1 8.4 7.6 32.26 3,410 148.7 10.3 2.15 266 29.2 306 46.1 22.9 6.67 19 10.24 4.020 0.250 0.395 0.30 28.28 260.1 102.1 6.4 10.0 7.6 36.28 4,000 178.0 10.5 2.22 308 34.9 354 54.8 27.7 9.78 22 10.17 5.750 0.240 0.360 0.30 32.74 258.3 146.1 6.1 9.1 7.6 41.73 4,900 473.6 10.8 3.37 379 64.8 425 100 73.4 10.0 26 10.33 5.770 0.260 0.440 0.30 38.69 262.4 146.6 6.6 11.2 7.6 49.17 6,010 588.8 11.1 3.46 458 80.3 513 123 92.8 16.9 30 10.47 5.810 0.300 0.510 0.30 44.64 265.9 147.6 7.6 13.0 7.6 57.10 7,090 697.7 11.1 3.50 533 94.5 601 145 111 26.2 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W5 x 5 W6 x 4 W6 x 6 W8 x 4 W8 x 5¼ W8 x 6½ W8 x 8 W10 x 4 W10 x 5¾ 22 23
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM W10 x 8 W10 x 10 W12 x 4 W12 x 6½ W12 x 8 W12 x 10 W12 x 12 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 33 9.73 7.960 0.290 0.435 0.50 49.11 247.1 202.2 7.4 11.0 12.7 62.53 7,070 1,520 10.6 4.93 572 150 634 229 211 24.4 39 9.92 7.985 0.315 0.530 0.50 58.04 252.0 202.8 8.0 13.5 12.7 74.14 8,720 1,880 10.8 5.04 692 185 769 282 267 40.9 45 10.10 8.020 0.350 0.620 0.50 66.97 256.5 203.7 8.9 15.7 12.7 85.38 10,300 2,210 11.0 5.09 803 217 898 331 321 62.3 49 9.98 10.000 0.340 0.560 0.50 72.92 253.5 254.0 8.6 14.2 12.7 92.9 11,300 3,880 11.0 6.46 892 306 987 463 555 57.6 54 10.09 10.030 0.370 0.615 0.50 80.36 256.3 254.8 9.4 15.6 12.7 102.0 12,600 4,300 11.1 6.49 983 338 1,090 512 623 75.9 60 10.22 10.080 0.420 0.680 0.50 89.29 259.6 256.0 10.7 17.3 12.7 114.0 14,200 4,840 11.2 6.52 1,090 378 1,220 575 710 104 68 10.40 10.130 0.470 0.770 0.50 101.2 264.2 257.3 11.9 19.6 12.7 129.0 16,400 5,570 11.3 6.57 1,240 433 1,400 658 832 150 77 10.60 10.190 0.530 0.870 0.50 114.6 269.2 258.8 13.5 22.1 12.7 146.1 19,000 6,390 11.4 6.61 1,410 494 1,600 752 975 215 88 10.84 10.265 0.610 0.990 0.50 131.0 275.3 260.7 15.4 25.1 12.7 166.9 22,200 7,420 11.5 6.67 1,610 569 1,850 868 1,160 315 100 11.10 10.340 0.680 1.120 0.50 148.8 281.9 262.6 17.3 28.4 12.7 189.5 25,900 8,580 11.7 6.73 1,840 654 2,120 998 1,380 455 112 11.36 10.415 0.755 1.250 0.50 167.0 288.5 264.5 19.2 31.8 12.7 212.8 29,800 9,820 11.8 6.79 2,070 743 2,420 1,130 1,620 637 14 11.91 3.970 0.200 0.225 0.30 20.83 302.5 100.8 5.1 5.7 7.6 26.83 3,680 97.7 11.7 1.91 243 19.4 286 31.1 21.4 3.12 16 11.99 3.990 0.220 0.265 0.30 23.81 304.5 101.3 5.6 6.7 7.6 30.37 4,260 117 11.8 1.96 280 23.0 328 36.9 25.7 4.44 19 12.16 4.005 0.235 0.350 0.30 28.28 308.9 101.7 6.0 8.9 7.6 36.06 5,410 157 12.2 2.08 350 30.8 406 48.9 35.1 7.66 22 12.31 4.030 0.260 0.425 0.30 32.74 312.7 102.4 6.6 10.8 7.6 41.83 6,500 194 12.5 2.15 416 37.9 481 60.0 44.0 12.3 26 12.22 6.490 0.230 0.380 0.30 38.69 310.4 164.8 5.8 9.7 7.6 49.35 8,520 724 13.1 3.83 549 87.9 611 134 164 12.6 30 12.34 6.520 0.260 0.440 0.30 44.64 313.4 165.6 6.6 11.2 7.6 56.80 9,930 849 13.2 3.87 634 103 707 157 194 19.2 35 12.50 6.560 0.300 0.520 0.30 52.09 317.5 166.6 7.6 13.2 7.6 66.60 11,900 1,020 13.4 3.91 750 122 837 188 236 30.9 40 11.94 8.005 0.295 0.515 0.60 59.53 303.3 203.3 7.5 13.1 15.2 76.03 12,900 1,840 13.0 4.92 851 181 944 276 386 39.4 45 12.06 8.045 0.335 0.575 0.60 66.97 306.3 204.3 8.5 14.6 15.2 85.19 14,600 2,080 13.1 4.94 953 204 1,060 311 441 54.3 50 12.19 8.080 0.370 0.640 0.60 74.41 309.6 205.2 9.4 16.3 15.2 94.92 16,400 2,350 13.1 4.98 1,060 229 1,190 351 505 74.3 53 12.06 9.995 0.345 0.575 0.60 78.87 306.3 253.9 8.8 14.6 15.2 100.5 17,700 3,990 13.3 6.30 1,160 314 1,280 478 847 65.7 58 12.19 10.010 0.360 0.640 0.60 86.31 309.6 254.3 9.1 16.3 15.2 110.1 19,800 4,470 13.4 6.37 1,280 352 1,420 534 961 87.2 65 12.12 12.000 0.390 0.605 0.60 96.73 307.8 304.8 9.9 15.4 15.2 123.3 22,200 7,270 13.4 7.68 1,440 477 1,590 724 1,550 91.7 72 12.25 12.040 0.430 0.670 0.60 107.1 311.2 305.8 10.9 17.0 15.2 136.2 24,800 8,110 13.5 7.72 1,590 530 1,770 805 1,750 122 79 12.38 12.080 0.470 0.735 0.60 117.6 314.5 306.8 11.9 18.7 15.2 149.7 27,600 9,010 13.6 7.76 1,760 587 1,950 892 1,970 161 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W10 x 8 W10 x 10 W12 x 4 W12 x 6½ W12 x 8 W12 x 10 W12 x 12 24 25
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM W12 x 12 W14 x 5 W14 x 6¾ W14 x 8 W14 x 10 W14 x 14½ * 표시는 BS 규격 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 87 12.53 12.125 0.515 0.810 0.60 129.5 318.3 308.0 13.1 20.6 15.2 165.2 30,800 10,000 13.7 7.78 1,940 649 2,170 991 2,220 215 96 12.71 12.160 0.550 0.900 0.60 142.9 322.8 308.9 14.0 22.9 15.2 182.2 34,700 11,300 13.8 7.88 2,150 732 2,420 1,110 2,530 289 106 12.89 12.220 0.610 0.990 0.60 157.7 327.4 310.4 15.5 25.1 15.2 200.8 38,800 12,500 13.9 7.89 2,370 805 2,680 1,230 2,860 381 120 13.12 12.320 0.710 1.105 0.60 178.6 333.2 312.9 18.0 28.1 15.2 227.7 44,600 14,400 14.0 7.95 2,680 920 3,050 1,400 3,340 544 136 13.41 12.400 0.790 1.250 0.60 202.4 340.6 315.0 20.1 31.8 15.2 258.0 51,900 16,600 14.2 8.02 3,050 1,050 3,510 1,610 3,950 784 152 13.71 12.480 0.870 1.400 0.60 226.2 348.2 317.0 22.1 35.6 15.2 288.9 59,700 18,900 14.4 8.09 3,430 1,190 3,980 1,830 4,620 1,090 *161 13.88 12.535 0.906 1.484 0.60 239.6 352.5 318.4 23.0 37.7 15.2 305.8 64,200 20,300 14.5 8.15 3,640 1,280 4,250 1,950 5,020 1,290 170 14.03 12.570 0.960 1.560 0.60 253.0 356.4 319.3 24.4 39.6 15.2 322.5 68,500 21,500 14.6 8.16 3,840 1,350 4,500 2,060 5,390 1,500 190 14.38 12.670 1.060 1.735 0.60 282.8 365.3 321.8 26.9 44.1 15.2 360.4 78,800 24,500 14.8 8.24 4,310 1,520 5,100 2,340 6,320 2,060 210 14.71 12.790 1.180 1.900 0.60 312.5 373.6 324.9 30.0 48.3 15.2 398.9 89,300 27,700 15.0 8.33 4,780 1,710 5,710 2,620 7,300 2,740 230 15.05 12.895 1.285 2.070 0.60 342.3 382.3 327.5 32.6 52.6 15.2 436.8 100,600 30,900 15.2 8.41 5,260 1,890 6,330 2,900 8,370 3,550 252 15.41 13.005 1.395 2.250 0.60 375.0 391.4 330.3 35.4 57.2 15.2 477.9 113,200 34,500 15.4 8.50 5,780 2,090 7,020 3,210 9,590 4,580 279 15.85 13.140 1.530 2.470 0.60 415.198 402.6 333.8 38.9 62.7 15.2 528.4 129,500 39,000 15.7 8.59 6,430 2,340 7,890 3,600 11,230 6,070 305 16.32 13.235 1.625 2.705 0.60 453.890 414.5 336.2 41.3 68.7 15.2 578.4 147,600 43,700 16.0 8.69 7,120 2,600 8,810 4,010 13,010 7,880 22 13.74 5.000 0.230 0.335 0.40 32.74 349.0 127.0 5.8 8.5 10.2 41.74 8,270 291 14.1 2.64 474 45.8 542 71.8 84.1 8.71 26 13.91 5.025 0.255 0.420 0.40 38.69 353.3 127.6 6.5 10.7 10.2 49.77 10,200 372 14.3 2.73 577 58.2 661 91.1 109 15.1 30 13.84 6.730 0.270 0.385 0.40 44.64 351.5 170.9 6.9 9.8 10.2 57.29 12,100 817 14.5 3.78 689 95.6 777 148 238 16.3 34 13.98 6.745 0.285 0.455 0.40 50.60 355.1 171.3 7.2 11.6 10.2 64.53 14,200 973 14.8 3.88 800 114 896 175 287 23.9 38 14.10 6.770 0.310 0.515 0.40 56.55 358.1 172.0 7.9 13.1 10.2 72.18 16,100 1,110 14.9 3.92 899 129 1,010 200 331 33.6 43 13.66 7.995 0.305 0.530 0.60 63.99 347.0 203.1 7.7 13.5 15.2 81.46 17,800 1,890 14.8 4.82 1,030 186 1,140 285 524 43.4 48 13.79 8.030 0.340 0.595 0.60 71.43 350.3 204.0 8.6 15.1 15.2 91.12 20,200 2,140 14.9 4.85 1,150 210 1,280 322 600 59.9 53 13.92 8.060 0.370 0.660 0.60 78.87 353.6 204.7 9.4 16.8 15.2 100.8 22,600 2,410 15.0 4.89 1,280 236 1,430 361 681 80.8 61 13.89 9.995 0.375 0.645 0.60 90.78 352.8 253.9 9.5 16.4 15.2 115.7 26,700 4,480 15.2 6.22 1,510 353 1,680 538 1,270 91.4 68 14.04 10.035 0.415 0.720 0.60 101.2 356.6 254.9 10.5 18.3 15.2 128.9 30,100 5,060 15.3 6.27 1,690 397 1,880 605 1,450 125 74 14.17 10.070 0.450 0.785 0.60 110.1 359.9 255.8 11.4 19.9 15.2 140.3 33,100 5,560 15.4 6.30 1,840 435 2,050 663 1,600 161 82 14.31 10.130 0.510 0.855 0.60 122.0 363.5 257.3 13.0 21.7 15.2 155.3 36,700 6,170 15.4 6.30 2,020 480 2,270 734 1,800 212 90 14.02 14.520 0.440 0.710 0.60 133.9 356.1 368.8 11.2 18.0 15.2 170.6 41,500 15,100 15.6 9.41 2,330 819 2,560 1,240 4,300 169 99 14.16 14.565 0.485 0.780 0.60 147.3 359.7 370.0 12.3 19.8 15.2 187.9 46,200 16,700 15.7 9.43 2,570 903 2,840 1,370 4,830 224 109 14.32 14.605 0.525 0.860 0.60 162.2 363.7 371.0 13.3 21.8 15.2 206.3 51,500 18,600 15.8 9.50 2,830 1,000 3,140 1,520 5,420 296 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W12 x 12 W14 x 5 W14 x 6¾ W14 x 8 W14 x 10 W14 x 14½ 26 27
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM W14 x 14½ W14 x 16 W16 x 5½ W16 x 7 W16 x 10¼ W18 x 6 W18 x 7½ * 표시는 BS 규격 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 120 14.48 14.670 0.590 0.940 0.60 178.6 367.8 372.6 15.0 23.9 15.2 228.1 57,300 20,600 15.8 9.50 3,120 1,110 3,480 1,680 6,090 394 W14 x 14½ 132 14.66 14.725 0.645 1.030 0.60 196.4 372.4 374.0 16.4 26.2 15.2 250.4 63,800 22,900 16.0 9.56 3,430 1,220 3,840 1,860 6,840 518 145 14.78 15.500 0.680 1.090 0.60 215.8 375.4 393.7 17.3 27.7 15.2 275.5 71,300 28,200 16.1 10.12 3,800 1,430 4,270 2,170 8,510 638 159 14.98 15.565 0.745 1.190 0.60 236.6 380.5 395.4 18.9 30.2 15.2 301.3 79,100 31,100 16.2 10.16 4,160 1,570 4,700 2,390 9,550 827 176 15.22 15.650 0.830 1.310 0.60 261.9 386.6 397.5 21.1 33.3 15.2 334.2 89,100 34,900 16.3 10.22 4,610 1,760 5,250 2,670 10,900 1,120 193 15.48 15.710 0.890 1.440 0.60 287.2 393.2 399.0 22.6 36.6 15.2 366.4 99,800 38,800 16.5 10.29 5,080 1,940 5,820 2,960 12,300 1,470 211 15.72 15.800 0.980 1.560 0.60 314.0 399.3 401.3 24.9 39.6 15.2 399.5 111,000 42,700 16.7 10.34 5,560 2,130 6,390 3,240 13,800 1,870 233 16.04 15.890 1.070 1.720 0.60 346.7 407.4 403.6 27.2 43.7 15.2 441.8 125,000 47,900 16.8 10.41 6,140 2,370 7,140 3,620 15,800 2,510 257 16.38 15.995 1.175 1.890 0.60 382.5 416.1 406.3 29.8 48.0 15.2 487.4 142,000 53,700 17.1 10.50 6,830 2,640 7,970 4,040 18,200 3,330 283 16.74 16.110 1.290 2.070 0.60 421.2 425.2 409.2 32.8 52.6 15.2 537.4 160,000 60,200 17.3 10.58 7,530 2,940 8,890 4,490 20,800 4,400 311 17.12 16.230 1.410 2.260 0.60 462.8 434.8 412.2 35.8 57.4 15.2 589.7 180,000 67,100 17.5 10.67 8,280 3,260 9,880 4,980 23,900 5,740 342 17.54 16.360 1.540 2.470 0.60 509.0 445.5 415.5 39.1 62.7 15.2 648.2 204,000 75,100 17.7 10.76 9,160 3,610 11,010 5,540 27,500 7,510 370 17.92 16.475 1.655 2.660 0.60 550.6 455.2 418.5 42.0 67.6 15.2 702.2 227,000 82,800 18.0 10.86 9,970 3,960 12,070 6,070 31,000 9,430 26 15.69 5.500 0.250 0.345 0.40 38.69 398.5 139.7 6.4 8.8 10.2 49.86 12,600 401 15.9 2.84 632 57.4 728 90.3 152 11.3 31 15.88 5.525 0.275 0.440 0.40 46.13 403.4 140.3 7.0 11.2 10.2 58.99 15,600 516.9 16.3 2.96 773 73.7 887 115 198 19.4 36 15.86 6.985 0.295 0.430 0.40 53.57 402.8 177.4 7.5 10.9 10.2 68.14 18,600 1,020 16.5 3.87 924 115 1,050 177 389 22.9 40 16.01 6.995 0.305 0.505 0.40 59.53 406.7 177.7 7.7 12.8 10.2 75.73 21,500 1,200 16.8 3.98 1,060 135 1,190 208 464 32.9 45 16.13 7.035 0.345 0.565 0.40 66.97 409.7 178.7 8.8 14.4 10.2 85.88 24,500 1,370 16.9 3.99 1,200 153 1,350 238 535 47.1 50 16.26 7.070 0.380 0.630 0.40 74.41 413.0 179.6 9.7 16.0 10.2 95.32 27,400 1,550 17.0 4.03 1,330 173 1,510 268 609 64.1 57 16.43 7.120 0.430 0.715 0.40 84.83 417.3 180.8 10.9 18.2 10.2 108.2 31,600 1,800 17.1 4.08 1,510 199 1,730 310 714 93.2 67 16.33 10.235 0.395 0.665 0.40 99.71 414.8 260.0 10.0 16.9 10.2 126.9 39,700 4,950 17.7 6.25 1,910 381 2,130 581 1,960 100 77 16.52 10.295 0.455 0.760 0.40 114.6 419.6 261.5 11.6 19.3 10.2 146.0 46,100 5,760 17.8 6.28 2,200 441 2,460 673 2,300 150 89 16.75 10.365 0.525 0.875 0.40 132.4 425.4 263.3 13.3 22.2 10.2 168.5 54,000 6,760 17.9 6.33 2,540 514 2,860 787 2,740 228 100 16.97 10.425 0.585 0.985 0.40 148.8 431.0 264.8 14.9 25.0 10.2 190.1 61,800 7,750 18.0 6.38 2,870 585 3,250 899 3,190 324 35 17.70 6.000 0.300 0.425 0.40 52.09 449.6 152.4 7.6 10.8 10.2 66.34 21,200 639 17.9 3.10 943 83.9 1,090 132 307 21.4 40 17.90 6.015 0.315 0.525 0.40 59.53 454.7 152.8 8.0 13.3 10.2 75.79 25,400 793 18.3 3.23 1,120 104 1,280 163 385 33.7 46 18.06 6.060 0.360 0.605 0.40 68.46 458.7 153.9 9.1 15.4 10.2 87.23 29,600 939 18.4 3.28 1,290 122 1,490 192 460 51.2 *41 17.70 7.450 0.320 0.425 0.40 61.01 449.6 189.2 8.1 10.8 10.2 76.56 25,400 1,220 18.2 3.99 1,130 129 1,290 201 587 26.2 *45 17.86 7.475 0.335 0.500 0.40 66.97 453.6 189.9 8.5 12.7 10.2 85.52 29,400 1,450 18.5 4.12 1,300 153 1,470 237 704 37.5 50 17.99 7.495 0.355 0.570 0.40 74.41 456.9 190.4 9.0 14.5 10.2 94.62 33,300 1,670 18.8 4.20 1,460 175 1,650 272 816 52.1 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W14 x 16 W16 x 5½ W16 x 7 W16 x 10¼ W18 x 6 W18 x 7½ 28 29
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM W18 x 7½ W18 x 11 W21 x 6½ W21 x 8¼ W21 x 12¼ * 표시는 BS규격 30 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 55 18.11 7.530 0.390 0.630 0.40 81.85 460.0 191.3 9.9 16.0 10.2 104.5 37,100 1,870 18.8 4.23 1,610 196 1,830 304 920 69.7 60 18.24 7.555 0.415 0.695 0.40 89.29 463.3 191.9 10.5 17.7 10.2 113.8 41,000 2,090 19.0 4.29 1,770 218 2,010 338 1,030 91.3 65 18.35 7.590 0.450 0.750 0.40 96.73 466.1 192.8 11.4 19.1 10.2 123.3 44,700 2,290 19.0 4.31 1,920 238 2,190 370 1,140 115 *66 18.39 7.590 4.450 0.770 0.40 98.22 467.2 192.8 11.4 19.6 10.2 125.3 45,700 2,350 19.1 4.33 1,960 244 2,230 379 1,170 122 71 18.47 7.635 0.495 0.810 0.40 105.7 469.1 193.9 12.6 20.6 10.2 134.7 48,800 2,510 19.0 4.32 2,080 259 2,390 405 1,260 147 76 18.21 11.035 0.425 0.680 0.40 113.1 462.5 280.3 10.8 17.3 10.2 144.1 55,500 6,350 19.6 6.64 2,400 453 2,670 693 3,150 119 86 18.39 11.090 0.480 0.770 0.40 128.0 467.1 281.7 12.2 19.6 10.2 163.5 63,700 7,310 19.7 6.69 2,730 519 3,050 794 3,660 173 97 18.59 11.145 0.535 0.870 0.40 144.4 472.2 283.1 13.6 22.1 10.2 184.2 72,700 8,370 19.9 6.74 3,080 591 3,460 906 4,230 246 106 18.73 11.200 0.590 0.940 0.40 157.7 475.7 284.5 15.0 23.9 10.2 201.1 79,700 9,190 19.9 6.76 3,350 646 3,780 992 4,680 315 119 18.97 11.265 0.655 1.060 0.40 177.1 481.8 286.1 16.6 26.9 10.2 225.9 91,000 10,500 20.1 6.82 3,780 734 4,280 1,130 5,430 445 130 19.25 11.160 0.670 1.200 0.40 193.5 489.0 283.5 17.0 30.5 10.2 246.6 103,000 11,600 20.4 6.86 4,210 818 4,760 1,260 6,090 609 143 19.49 11.220 0.730 1.320 0.40 212.8 495.0 285.0 18.5 33.5 10.2 271.0 114,000 12,900 20.5 6.90 4,610 905 5,270 1,400 6,880 804 158 19.72 11.300 0.810 1.440 0.40 235.1 500.9 287.0 20.6 36.6 10.2 299.1 127,000 14,500 20.6 6.96 5,070 1,010 5,840 1,550 7,770 1,060 175 20.04 11.375 0.890 1.590 0.40 260.4 509.0 288.9 22.6 40.4 10.2 331.1 144,000 16,300 20.9 7.02 5,660 1,130 6,520 1,740 8,910 1,420 192 20.35 11.455 0.960 1.750 0.40 285.7 516.9 291.0 24.4 44.4 10.2 363.8 161,000 18,300 21.0 7.09 6,230 1,260 7,240 1,940 10,180 1,880 211 20.67 11.555 1.060 1.910 0.40 314.0 525.0 293.5 26.9 48.5 10.2 400.7 180,000 20,500 21.2 7.15 6,860 1,400 8,030 2,170 11,600 2,470 234 21.06 11.650 1.160 2.110 0.40 348.2 534.9 295.9 29.5 53.6 10.2 444.3 204,000 23,200 21.4 7.23 7,630 1,570 9,000 2,440 13,400 3,320 258 21.46 11.770 1.280 2.300 0.40 383.9 545.1 299.0 32.5 58.4 10.2 489.3 229,000 26,100 21.6 7.30 8,400 1,750 10,000 2,730 15,410 4,340 283 21.85 11.890 1.400 2.500 0.40 421.2 555.0 302.0 35.6 63.5 10.2 536.8 257,000 29,300 21.9 7.39 9,260 1,940 11,100 3,030 17,600 5,620 311 22.32 12.005 1.520 2.740 0.40 462.8 566.9 304.9 38.6 69.6 10.2 590.4 290,000 33,100 22.2 7.49 10,200 2,170 12,300 3,400 20,330 7,390 44 20.66 6.500 0.350 0.450 0.50 65.48 524.8 165.1 8.9 11.4 12.7 83.71 35,000 859 20.4 3.20 1,330 104 1,560 166 563 33.1 50 20.83 6.530 0.380 0.535 0.50 74.41 529.1 165.9 9.7 13.6 12.7 95.19 41,100 1,040 20.8 3.31 1,550 125 1,810 200 688 48.9 57 21.06 6.555 0.405 0.650 0.50 84.83 534.9 166.5 10.3 16.5 12.7 108.0 48,600 1,270 21.2 3.43 1,820 153 2,110 243 853 74.4 48 20.60 8.140 0.350 0.430 0.50 71.43 523.2 206.8 8.9 10.9 12.7 91.09 39,800 1,610 20.9 4.20 1,520 156 1,750 244 1,050 34.6 55 20.80 8.220 0.375 0.522 0.50 81.85 528.3 208.8 9.6 13.2 12.7 104.7 47,500 2,010 21.3 4.38 1,800 193 2,060 300 1,330 52.5 62 20.99 8.240 0.400 0.615 0.50 92.27 533.1 209.3 10.2 15.6 12.7 117.9 55,300 2,390 21.7 4.50 2,070 228 2,370 356 1,600 77.0 68 21.13 8.270 0.430 0.685 0.50 101.2 536.7 210.1 10.9 17.4 12.7 129.2 61,600 2,700 21.8 4.57 2,300 257 2,620 400 1,810 102 73 21.24 8.295 0.455 0.740 0.50 108.6 539.5 210.7 11.6 18.8 12.7 138.8 66,800 2,940 21.9 4.60 2,480 279 2,830 435 1,990 127 83 21.43 8.355 0.515 0.835 0.50 123.5 544.3 212.2 13.1 21.2 12.7 157.1 76,200 3,390 22.0 4.65 2,800 320 3,210 500 2,310 182 93 21.62 8.420 0.580 0.930 0.50 138.4 549.1 213.9 14.7 23.6 12.7 176.1 86,100 3,860 22.1 4.68 3,140 361 3,610 568 2,660 253 101 21.36 12.290 0.500 0.800 0.50 150.3 542.5 312.2 12.7 20.3 12.7 191.9 101,000 10,300 22.9 7.33 3,720 660 4,140 1,010 7,020 218 111 21.51 12.340 0.550 0.875 0.50 165.2 546.4 313.4 14.0 22.2 12.7 210.8 111,000 11,400 22.9 7.35 4,060 728 4,560 1,120 7,820 286 122 21.68 12.390 0.600 0.960 0.50 181.6 550.7 314.7 15.2 24.4 12.7 231.2 123,000 12,700 23.1 7.41 4,470 807 5,030 1,240 8,780 377 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W18 x 7½ W18 x 11 W21 x 6½ W21 x 8¼ W21 x 12¼ 31
01. H Section H 형강 s and Sectional Properties 치수및단면성능 (2) ASTM 32 W21 x 12¼ W24 x 7 W24 x 9 W24 x 12¾ * 표시는 BS 규격 단위무게 Unit Weight (lbs/ft) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (in) 단위무게 Unit Weight (kg/m) 표준단면치수 Standard Sectional (mm) al Tolerance Surface Condition 단면적 Sectional Area (cm 2 ) 단면 2 차모멘트 Moment of Inertia : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 : ASTM A614 단면 2 차반경 Radius of Gyration (cm) 단면계수 Modulus of Section W H B t 1 t 2 r M H B t 1 t 2 r A Ix Iy ix iy Sx Sy Zx Zy Cw J 132 21.83 12.440 0.650 1.035 0.50 196.4 554.5 316.0 16.5 26.3 12.7 250.4 134,000 13,900 23.1 7.45 4,830 880 5,460 1,350 9,650 474 147 22.06 12.510 0.720 1.150 0.50 218.8 560.3 317.8 18.3 29.2 12.7 278.8 151,000 15,600 23.3 7.48 5,390 982 6,120 1,520 11,000 648 166 22.48 12.420 0.750 1.360 0.50 247.0 571.0 315.5 19.1 34.5 12.7 315.0 178,000 18,100 23.8 7.58 6,230 1,150 7,080 1,760 13,000 988 182 22.72 12.500 0.830 1.480 0.50 270.8 577.1 317.5 21.1 37.6 12.7 346.0 197,000 20,100 23.9 7.62 6,830 1,270 7,800 1,950 14,600 1,290 201 23.03 12.575 0.910 1.630 0.50 299.1 585.0 319.4 23.1 41.4 12.7 381.9 221,000 22,500 24.1 7.68 7,560 1,410 8,680 2,180 16,600 1,720 *223 23.35 12.673 1.791 1.000 0.50 331.9 593.1 321.9 25.4 45.5 12.7 421.8 248,000 25,400 24.2 7.76 8,360 1,580 9,660 2,440 19,000 2,290 *248 23.74 12.776 1.988 1.114 0.50 369.1 603.0 324.5 28.3 50.5 12.7 471.2 281,000 28,900 24.4 7.83 9,320 1,780 10,900 2,760 21,900 3,140 *275 24.13 12.890 2.189 1.220 0.50 409.2 612.9 327.4 31.0 55.6 12.7 521.0 317,000 32,600 24.7 7.91 10,300 1,990 12,100 3,100 25,300 4,190 *300 24.53 12.988 2.382 1.319 0.50 446.4 623.1 329.9 33.5 60.5 12.7 568.8 353,000 36,400 24.9 8.00 11,300 2,210 13,400 3,440 28,600 5,390 *333 25.00 13.130 2.618 1.461 0.50 495.6 635.0 333.5 37.1 66.5 12.7 631.2 400,000 41,300 25.2 8.09 12,600 2,480 15,000 3,870 33,200 7,220 55 23.57 7.005 0.395 0.505 0.50 81.85 598.7 177.9 10.0 12.8 12.7 104.2 55,900 1,210 23.2 3.41 1,870 136 2,190 218 1,030 50.3 62 23.74 7.040 0.430 0.590 0.50 92.27 603.0 178.8 10.9 15.0 12.7 117.5 64,600 1,440 23.4 3.50 2,140 161 2,510 258 1,240 72.4 68 23.73 8.965 0.415 0.585 0.50 101.2 602.7 227.7 10.5 14.9 12.7 129.4 76,200 2,940 24.3 4.77 2,530 258 2,900 403 2,530 79.2 76 23.92 8.990 0.440 0.680 0.50 113.1 607.6 228.3 11.2 17.3 12.7 144.6 87,500 3,440 24.6 4.88 2,880 301 3,290 470 2,990 113 84 24.10 9.020 0.470 0.770 0.50 125.0 612.1 229.1 11.9 19.6 12.7 159.4 98,600 3,940 24.9 4.97 3,220 344 3,680 536 3,450 155 94 24.31 9.065 0.515 0.875 0.50 139.9 617.5 230.3 13.1 22.2 12.7 178.7 112,000 4,530 25.0 5.03 3,630 393 4,160 615 4,000 220 103 24.53 9.000 0.550 0.980 0.50 153.3 623.1 228.6 14.0 24.9 12.7 195.5 125,000 4,970 25.3 5.04 4,010 435 4,590 680 4,440 297 104 24.06 12.750 0.500 0.750 0.65 154.8 611.1 323.9 12.7 19.1 16.5 198.8 130,000 10,800 25.6 7.37 4,250 667 4,770 1,030 9,480 206 117 24.26 12.800 0.550 0.850 0.65 174.1 616.2 325.1 14.0 21.6 16.5 223.0 148,000 12,400 25.8 7.46 4,800 763 5,390 1,170 10,900 291 131 24.48 12.855 0.605 0.960 0.65 194.9 621.8 326.5 15.4 24.4 16.5 249.9 168,000 14,200 25.9 7.54 5,400 870 6,090 1,340 12,600 410 146 24.74 12.900 0.650 1.090 0.65 217.3 628.4 327.7 16.5 27.7 16.5 278.4 192,000 16,300 26.3 7.65 6,110 995 6,870 1,530 14,700 575 162 25.00 12.955 0.705 1.220 0.65 241.1 635.0 329.1 17.9 31.0 16.5 308.9 216,000 18,400 26.4 7.72 6,800 1,120 7,700 1,730 16,800 790 176 25.24 12.890 0.750 1.340 0.65 261.9 641.1 327.4 19.1 34.0 16.5 334.4 237,000 19,900 26.6 7.71 7,390 1,220 8,390 1,880 18,300 1,020 192 25.47 12.950 0.810 1.460 0.65 285.7 646.9 328.9 20.6 37.1 16.5 364.4 261,000 22,000 26.8 7.77 8,070 1,340 9,200 2,070 20,500 1,310 207 25.71 13.010 0.870 1.570 0.65 308.0 653.0 330.5 22.1 39.9 16.5 392.8 285,000 24,100 26.9 7.83 8,730 1,460 10,000 2,250 22,600 1,630 229 26.02 13.110 0.960 1.730 0.65 340.8 660.9 333.0 24.4 43.9 16.5 434.5 319,000 27,100 27.1 7.90 9,650 1,630 11,100 2,520 25,700 2,180 250 26.34 13.185 1.040 1.890 0.65 372.0 669.0 334.9 26.4 48.0 16.5 475.1 354,000 30,100 27.3 7.96 10,600 1,800 12,200 2,800 29,000 2,830 279 26.73 13.305 1.160 2.090 0.65 415.2 678.9 337.9 29.5 53.1 16.5 530.2 400,000 34,300 27.5 8.04 11,800 2,030 13,700 3,160 33,400 3,870 306 27.13 13.405 1.260 2.280 0.65 455.4 689.1 340.5 32.0 57.9 16.5 580.1 446,000 38,300 27.7 8.13 12,900 2,250 15,100 3,510 37,900 5,010 335 27.52 13.520 1.380 2.480 0.65 498.5 699.0 343.4 35.1 63.0 16.5 636.2 496,000 42,700 27.9 8.19 14,200 2,490 16,700 3,900 43,000 6,490 370 27.99 13.660 1.520 2.720 0.65 550.6 710.9 347.0 38.6 69.1 16.5 702.9 558,000 48,400 28.2 8.30 15,700 2,790 18,600 4,380 49,500 8,610 소성단면계수 Plastic Modulus 뒤틀림상수 Warping Constant (cm 6,x10 3 ) 비틀림상수 Torsional Constant w W21 x 12¼ W24 x 7 W24 x 9 W24 x 12¾ 33