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2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> Document Information Document title: 2 Document file name: Revision number: <10> Issued by: Issue Date: <2000/12/21> Status: JavaPrintingModel2_JunoYoondoc < > junoyoon@orgionet final Audience Abstract Content Information 5 2 Java Printing API Reference Printing in Java, Part 2 (http://wwwjavaworldcom/javaworld/jw-10-2000/jw-1020-print_phtml) Benchmark information by Jean-Pierre Dubé JSTORM <2/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> Table of Contents 2 4 4 Pageable Books 7, 16 18 19 20 21 TextLayout 22 TextLayout 24 31 34 35 JSTORM <3/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 1 1 Printable Pageable 2 Book 2 2D API Sun Java 13 Windows 2000 Linux 1 Printable Pageable Printable Printable Printable Pageable Book 1 Printable 1 2 /** 3 * Class: Example1 <p> 4 * JSTORM <4/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 5 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 6 * @version 10 7 * @since 10 8 * @see Printable 9 */ 10 11 import javaawt*; 12 import javaawtgeom*; 13 import javaawtprint*; 14 15 16 public class Example1 implements Printable { 17 18 // Private 19 private final double INCH = 72; 20 21 22 23 /** 24 * Constructor: Example1 <p> 25 * 26 */ 27 public Example1 () { 28 29 //--- printerjob 30 PrinterJob printjob = PrinterJobgetPrinterJob (); 31 32 //--- Example1 Printable 33 //--- Printable this 34 printjobsetprintable (this); 35 36 //--- 37 //--- 38 //--- 39 if (printjobprintdialog()) { 40 try { 41 printjobprint(); 42 } catch (Exception PrintException) { 43 PrintExceptionprintStackTrace(); 44 } 45 } 46 47 } JSTORM <5/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 48 49 50 /** 51 * Method: print <p> 52 * 53 * 54 * 1/2 * 1/2 55 * 56 * 57 * @param g a value of type Graphics 58 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 59 * @param page a value of type int 60 * @return a value of type int 61 */ 62 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 63 64 int i; 65 Graphics2D g2d; 66 Line2DDouble line = new Line2DDouble (); 67 68 // 69 if (page == 0) { 70 71 //--- graphic2d 72 g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 73 g2dsetcolor (Colorblack); 74 75 //--- (0,0) 76 g2dtranslate(pageformatgetimageablex(), pageformatgetimageabley()); 77 78 //--- 79 for (i = 0; i < pageformatgetwidth (); i += INCH / 2) { 80 linesetline (i, 0, i, pageformatgetheight ()); 81 g2ddraw (line); 82 } 83 84 //--- 85 for (i = 0; i < pageformatgetheight (); i += INCH / 2) { 86 linesetline (0, i, pageformatgetwidth (), i); 87 g2ddraw (line); 88 } 89 JSTORM <6/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 90 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 91 } 92 else 93 return (NO_SUCH_PAGE); 94 } 95 96 } //Example1 1 1/2 * 1/2 12 12 API Printable PrinterJob,,, Printable print() Graphics PAGE_EXIT NO_SUCH_PAGE Pageable Books Printable Printable Pageable Book 1 Book Book (painter) Pageable Book 1 2 /** 3 * Class: Example2 <p> 4 * 5 * Print in Java series for the JavaWorld magazine 6 * JSTORM <7/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 7 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 8 * @version 10 9 * @since 10 10 */ 11 12 import javaawt*; 13 import javaawtfont*; 14 import javaawtgeom*; 15 import javaawtprint*; 16 17 18 public class Example2 { 19 20 //--- Private 21 private final static int POINTS_PER_INCH = 72; 22 23 24 /** 25 * Constructor: Example2 <p> 26 * 27 */ 28 public Example2 () { 29 30 //--- PrinterJob 31 PrinterJob printjob = PrinterJobgetPrinterJob (); 32 33 //--- (page) book 34 Book book = new Book (); 35 36 //--- Job 37 bookappend (new IntroPage (), printjobdefaultpage ()); 38 39 //--- (document) 40 PageFormat documentpageformat = new PageFormat (); 41 documentpageformatsetorientation (PageFormatLANDSCAPE); 42 bookappend (new Document (), documentpageformat); 43 44 //--- printjob Pageable Book 45 printjobsetpageable (book); 46 47 //--- print 48 //--- cancel 49 //--- JSTORM <8/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 50 if (printjobprintdialog()) { 51 try { 52 printjobprint(); 53 } catch (Exception PrintException) { 54 PrintExceptionprintStackTrace(); 55 } 56 } 57 } 58 59 60 /** 61 * Class: IntroPage <p> 62 * 63 * Printable 64 * (cover page) (painter) <p> 65 * 66 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 67 * @version 10 68 * @since 10 69 * @see Printable 70 */ 71 private class IntroPage implements Printable { 72 73 74 /** 75 * Method: print <p> 76 * 77 * @param g a value of type Graphics 78 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 79 * @param page a value of type int 80 * @return a value of type int 81 */ 82 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 83 84 //--- Graphics2D 85 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 86 87 //--- (0, 0) ( ) 88 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 89 90 //--- 91 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); JSTORM <9/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 92 93 //--- 94 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 95 0, 96 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 97 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 98 g2ddraw (border); 99 100 //--- 101 String titletext = "Printing in Java Part 2"; 102 Font titlefont = new Font ("helvetica", FontBOLD, 36); 103 g2dsetfont (titlefont); 104 105 //--- 106 FontMetrics fontmetrics = g2dgetfontmetrics (); 107 double titlex = (pageformatgetimageablewidth () / 2) - (fontmetricsstringwidth (titletext) / 2); 108 double titley = 3 * POINTS_PER_INCH; 109 g2ddrawstring (titletext, (int) titlex, (int) titley); 110 111 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 112 } 113 } 114 115 116 117 /** 118 * Class: Document <p> 119 * 120 * document <p> 121 * 122 * 123 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 124 * @version 10 125 * @since 10 126 * @see Printable 127 */ 128 private class Document implements Printable { 129 130 131 /** 132 * Method: print <p> 133 * JSTORM <10/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 134 * @param g a value of type Graphics 135 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 136 * @param page a value of type int 137 * @return a value of type int 138 */ 139 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 140 141 142 //--- Graphics2D 143 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 144 145 //--- (0, 0) ( ) 146 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 147 148 //--- 149 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 150 151 //--- 12 152 g2dsetstroke (new BasicStroke (12)); 153 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 154 0, 155 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 156 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 157 158 g2ddraw (border); 159 160 //--- 1 161 g2ddrawstring ("This the content page", POINTS_PER_INCH, POINTS_PER_INCH); 162 163 //--- Validate 164 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 165 166 } 167 } 168 169 } // Example2 (cover) (document) 2 2 1 1 JSTORM <11/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 1 2 3 /** 4 * Class: Example3 <p> 5 * 6 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 7 * @version 10 8 * @since 10 9 */ 10 11 import javaawt*; 12 import javaawtfont*; 13 import javaawtgeom*; 14 import javaawtprint*; 15 16 17 public class Example3 { 18 19 //--- Private 20 private final static int POINTS_PER_INCH = 72; 21 22 23 /** 24 * Constructor: Example3 <p> 25 * 26 */ 27 public Example3 () { 28 29 //--- PrinterJob 30 PrinterJob printjob = PrinterJobgetPrinterJob (); 31 32 //--- Book 33 Book book = new Book (); 34 35 //--- printjob 36 bookappend (new IntroPage (), printjobdefaultpage ()); 37 38 //--- document 39 PageFormat documentpageformat = new PageFormat (); 40 documentpageformatsetorientation (PageFormatLANDSCAPE); 41 bookappend (new Document (), documentpageformat); JSTORM <12/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 42 43 //--- painter 44 bookappend (new Document (), documentpageformat); 45 46 //--- printjob Pageable Book 47 printjobsetpageable (book); 48 49 //--- 50 //--- cancel 51 //--- 52 if (printjobprintdialog()) { 53 try { 54 printjobprint(); 55 } catch (Exception PrintException) { 56 PrintExceptionprintStackTrace(); 57 } 58 } 59 60 } 61 62 /** 63 * Class: IntroPage <p> 64 * 65 * Printable 66 * <p> 67 * 68 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 69 * @version 10 70 * @since 10 71 * @see Printable 72 */ 73 private class IntroPage implements Printable { 74 75 76 /** 77 * Method: print <p> 78 * 79 * @param g a value of type Graphics 80 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 81 * @param page a value of type int 82 * @return a value of type int 83 */ 84 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { JSTORM <13/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 85 86 //--- Graphics2D 87 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 88 89 //--- ( ) (0,0) 90 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 91 92 //--- 93 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 94 95 //--- 96 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 97 0, 98 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 99 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 100 g2ddraw (border); 101 102 //--- 103 String titletext = "Printing in Java Part 2"; 104 Font titlefont = new Font ("helvetica", FontBOLD, 36); 105 g2dsetfont (titlefont); 106 107 //--- 108 FontMetrics fontmetrics = g2dgetfontmetrics (); 109 double titlex = (pageformatgetimageablewidth () / 2) - (fontmetricsstringwidth (titletext) / 2); 110 double titley = 3 * POINTS_PER_INCH; 111 g2ddrawstring (titletext, (int) titlex, (int) titley); 112 113 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 114 } 115 } 116 117 118 119 /** 120 * Class: Document <p> 121 * 122 * document <p> 123 * 124 * 125 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> JSTORM <14/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 126 * @version 10 127 * @since 10 128 * @see Printable 129 */ 130 private class Document implements Printable { 131 132 133 /** 134 * Method: print <p> 135 * 136 * @param g a value of type Graphics 137 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 138 * @param page a value of type int 139 * @return a value of type int 140 */ 141 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 142 143 144 //--- Graphics2D 145 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 146 147 //--- ( ) (0, 0) 148 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 149 150 //--- 151 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 152 153 //--- 12 154 g2dsetstroke (new BasicStroke (12)); 155 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 156 0, 157 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 158 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 159 160 g2ddraw (border); 161 162 163 //--- 1 164 if (page == 1) { 165 //--- 1 166 g2ddrawstring ("This the content page of page: " + page, POINTS_PER_INCH, POINTS_PER_INCH); JSTORM <15/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 167 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 168 } 169 170 //--- 2 171 else if (page == 2) { 172 //--- 1 173 g2ddrawstring ("This the content of the second page: " + page, POINTS_PER_INCH, POINTS_PER_INCH); 174 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 175 } 176 177 178 //--- Validate 179 return (NO_SUCH_PAGE); 180 181 } 182 } 183 184 } // Example3 3 44 164 171 if API API 2, 12 (print job) OS 1 JSTORM <16/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> if (printjobprintdialog()) { try { printjobprint(); } catch (Exception PrintException) { PrintExceptionprintStackTrace(); } } PrinterJob printdialog Boolean Print printdialog() true cancel false printdialog() Boolean (interact) PrinterJob page 2 JSTORM <17/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21>,,, PageForamt PageFormat documentpageformat = new PageFormat (); documentpageformat = printjobpagedialog (documentpageformat); bookappend (new Document (), documentpageformat); OK pagedialog() PageFormat (clone) Cancel PageFormat JSTORM <18/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> CR/LF 2 CR/LF 3 baseline ascend baseline baseline descend leading 2 height ascend leading descend string advance Arial text Lucida text baseline y text x 4 JSTORM <19/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 2 Serif Times New Roman serif ABCD Sans serif Arial sans serif (monospaced) (proportional) monospaced monospaced proportional proportional Apple Lisa (WORA) (font family) 8 : Serif, Sans Serif, Dialog, Dialog Input, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Bright Monospace WORA JDK jre/lib/fontproperties Serif JSTORM <20/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> fontproperties = Serif Times New Roman Arial, Courier, Times Roman Lucida Arial Arial Bold, Arial Italic Arial Regular Arial java -Djavaawtfonts=[fonts directory] Type1( ) javaawtfonts jar API Class FontMetrix Class abstract (Abstract) GraphicsgetFontMetrics descend, ascend, leading, advance FontMetric (Rule) Class (Rule) JSTORM <21/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> JDK (proportional) TexLayout LineBreakMeasurer TextLayout TextLayout TextLayout TextLayout LineBreakMeasurer LineBreakMeasurer (wrap) (break) LineBreakMeasurer FontRenderContext FontRenderContext (targeted device), TextLayout AttributedString This is a Bold attribute AttributedString, GraphicsdrawString() JSTORM <22/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> Font normalfont = new Font ("serif", FontPLAIN, 12); Font boldfont = new Font ("serif", FontBOLD, 12); g2setfont (normalfont); g2drawstring ("This is a "); g2setfont (boldfont); g2drawstring ("bold "); g2setfont (normalfont); g2drawstring ("attribute", 72, 72);? Attributed String AttributedString String Attribute attribute AttributedString AttributedString attributedstring = new AttributedString ("This is a Bold attribute"); attributedstringaddattribute (TextAttributeWEIGHT, TextAttributeWEIGHT_BOLD, 11, 14); g2drawstring (attributestringgetiterator (), 72, 72); Bold addattribute() TextAttributeWEIGHT weight TextAttributeWEIGHT t WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD, WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT, WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT, WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD, WEIGHT_HEAVY, WEIGHT_LIGHT, WEIGHT_MEDIUM, WEIGHT_REGULAR, WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD, 5 Attribute dstring JSTORM <23/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> TextLayout TextLayout Example4 TextLayout List 4 75 TextLayout 162 235 118 /** 119 * Class: Document <p> 120 * 121 * (document) <p> 122 * 123 * 124 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 125 * @version 10 126 * @since 10 127 * @see Printable 128 */ 129 private class Document implements Printable { 130 131 132 /** 133 * Method: print <p> 134 * 135 * @param g a value of type Graphics 136 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 137 * @param page a value of type int 138 * @return a value of type int 139 */ 140 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 141 142 143 //--- Graphics2D 144 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 145 146 //--- 147 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 148 149 //--- JSTORM <24/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 150 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 151 152 //--- 12 153 g2dsetstroke (new BasicStroke (4)); 154 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 155 0, 156 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 157 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 158 159 g2ddraw (border); 160 161 162 //--- 163 String text = new String (); 164 text += "Manipulating raw fonts would be too complicated to render paragraphs of "; 165 text += "text Trying to write an algorithm to fully justify text using "; 166 text += "proportional fonts is not trivial Adding support for international "; 167 text += "characters adds to the complexity That's why we will use the "; 168 text += "TextLayout and the LineBreakMeasurer class to "; 169 text += "render text The TextLayout class offers a lot of "; 170 text += "functionality to render high quality text This class is capable of "; 171 text += "rendering bidirectional text such as Japanese text where the alignment "; 172 text += "is from right to left instead of the North American style which is left "; 173 text += "to right The TextLayout class offers some additional "; 174 text += "functionalities that we will not use in the course of this "; 175 text += "series Features such as text input, caret positioning and hit "; 176 text += "testing will not be of much use when printing documents, but it's good "; 177 text += "to know that this functionality exists "; 178 179 text += "The TextLayout class will be used to layout "; 180 text += "paragraphs The TextLayout class does not work alone To "; 181 text += "layout text within a specified width it needs the help of the "; 182 text += "LineBreakMeasurer class This class will wrap a string of "; 183 text += "text to fit a predefined width Since it's a multi-lingual class, it "; 184 text += "knows exactly where to break a line of text according to the rules "; 185 text += "of the language Then again the LineBreakMeasurer does "; 186 text += "not work alone It needs information from the "; JSTORM <25/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 187 text += "FontRenderContext class This class' main function is to "; 188 text += "return accurate font metrics To measure text effectively, this class "; 189 text += "needs to know the rendering hints for the targeted device and the font "; 190 text += "type being used "; 191 192 193 //--- TextLayout point 194 Point2DDouble pen = new Point2DDouble (025 * POINTS_PER_INCH, 025 * POINTS_PER_INCH); 195 196 //--- TextLayout 197 double width = 75 * POINTS_PER_INCH; 198 199 200 //--- attributed string LineBreakMesurer 201 //--- Iterator attributed string 202 // 203 AttributedString paragraphtext = new AttributedString (text); 204 205 //--- 206 paragraphtextaddattribute (TextAttributeFONT, new Font ("serif", FontPLAIN, 12)); 207 208 //--- LineBreakMeasurer TextLayout 209 //--- FontRendereContext 210 //--- 2 true 211 //--- usefractionalmetrics true 212 LineBreakMeasurer linebreaker = new LineBreakMeasurer (paragraphtextgetiterator(), 213 new FontRenderContext (null, true, true)); 214 215 //--- TextLayout 216 TextLayout layout; 217 218 //--- LineBreakMeasurer width 219 //--- TextLayout 220 while ((layout = linebreakernextlayout ((float) width))!= null) { 221 222 //--- Y ascend font ascending 223 //--- (0, 0) 1 JSTORM <26/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 224 peny += layoutgetascent (); 225 226 //--- 227 layoutdraw (g2d, (float) penx, (float) peny); 228 229 //--- y descent leading 230 231 peny += layoutgetdescent () + layoutgetleading (); 232 } 233 234 //--- page Validate 235 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 236 } 237 } 238 239 } // Example4 4 AttributedString addattribute() AttributedString iterator FontRenderContext 2 LineBreakMeasurer LineBreakMeasurer TextLaout y=0 baseline descend leading 1 Listing 5 Example5 120 /** 121 * Class: Document <p> 122 * 123 * (document) 124 * 125 * <p> 126 * 127 * 128 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 129 * @version 10 JSTORM <27/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 130 * @since 10 131 * @see Printable 132 */ 133 private class Document implements Printable { 134 135 136 /** 137 * Method: print <p> 138 * 139 * @param g a value of type Graphics 140 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 141 * @param page a value of type int 142 * @return a value of type int 143 */ 144 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 145 146 147 //--- Graphics2D 148 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 149 150 //--- ( ) 0,0 151 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 152 153 //--- 154 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 155 156 //--- 12 157 g2dsetstroke (new BasicStroke (4)); 158 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 159 0, 160 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 161 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 162 163 g2ddraw (border); 164 165 166 //--- 167 String text = new String (); 168 text += "Manipulating raw fonts would be too complicated to render paragraphs of "; 169 text += "text Trying to write an algorithm to fully justify text using "; 170 text += "proportional fonts is not trivial Adding support for international JSTORM <28/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> "; 171 text += "characters adds to the complexity That's why we will use the "; 172 text += "TextLayout and the LineBreakMeasurer class to "; 173 text += "render text The TextLayout class offers a lot of "; 174 text += "functionality to render high quality text This class is capable of "; 175 text += "rendering bidirectional text such as Japanese text where the alignment "; 176 text += "is from right to left instead of the North American style which is left "; 177 text += "to right The TextLayout class offers some additional "; 178 text += "functionalities that we will not use in the course of this "; 179 text += "series Features such as text input, caret positioning and hit "; 180 text += "testing will not be of much use when printing documents, but it's good "; 181 text += "to know that this functionality exists "; 182 183 text += "The TextLayout class will be used to layout "; 184 text += "paragraphs The TextLayout class does not work alone To "; 185 text += "layout text within a specified width it needs the help of the "; 186 text += "LineBreakMeasurer class This class will wrap a string of "; 187 text += "text to fit a predefined width Since it's a multi-lingual class, it "; 188 text += "knows exactly where to break a line of text according to the rules "; 189 text += "of the language Then again the LineBreakMeasurer does "; 190 text += "not work alone It needs information from the "; 191 text += "FontRenderContext class This class' main function is to "; 192 text += "return accurate font metrics To measure text effectively, this class "; 193 text += "needs to know the rendering hints for the targeted device and the font "; 194 text += "type being used "; 195 196 197 //--- TextLayout point 198 Point2DDouble pen = new Point2DDouble (025 * POINTS_PER_INCH, 025 * POINTS_PER_INCH); 199 200 //--- TextLayout 201 double width = 8 * POINTS_PER_INCH; 202 203 204 //--- attributed LineBreakMeasurer 205 //--- Iterator attributed string JSTORM <29/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 206 //--- 207 AttributedString paragraphtext = new AttributedString (text); 208 209 //--- 210 paragraphtextaddattribute (TextAttributeFONT, new Font ("serif", FontPLAIN, 12)); 211 212 //--- TextLayout text LineBreakMeasurer 213 //--- FontContext 214 //--- true antialised 4 215 //--- usefractionalmetrics true 216 LineBreakMeasurer linebreaker = new LineBreakMeasurer (paragraphtextgetiterator(), 217 new FontRenderContext (null, true, true)); 218 219 //--- TextLayouts 220 TextLayout layout; 221 TextLayout justifylayout; 222 223 //--- Vector 224 Vector lines = new Vector (); 225 226 //--- LineBreakMeasurer Vector 227 while ((layout = linebreakernextlayout ((float) width))!= null) { 228 linesadd (layout); 229 230 } 231 232 //--- 233 for (int i = 0; i < linessize (); i++) { 234 235 //--- 236 layout = (TextLayout) linesget (i); 237 238 //--- 239 //--- 240 if (i!= linessize () - 1) 241 justifylayout = layoutgetjustifiedlayout ((float) width); 242 else 243 justifylayout = layout; 244 245 //--- Y ascend ascend (0,0) 246 //--- 1 JSTORM <30/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 247 peny += justifylayoutgetascent (); 248 249 //--- 250 justifylayoutdraw (g2d, (float) penx, (float) peny); 251 252 //--- descend leading 253 //--- 254 peny += justifylayoutgetdescent () + justifylayoutgetleading (); 255 256 } 257 258 //--- validation 259 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 260 } 261 } 262 263 } // Example5 5 219 259 TextLayout LineBreakMeasurer Vector for getj ustifiedlayout() Image Graphics2DdrawImage() 165 198 120 /** 121 * Class: Document <p> 122 * 123 * 124 * <p> JSTORM <31/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 125 * 126 * 127 * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <jpdube@videotronca> 128 * @version 10 129 * @since 10 130 * @see Printable 131 */ 132 private class Document extends Component implements Printable { 133 134 135 /** 136 * Method: print <p> 137 * 138 * @param g a value of type Graphics 139 * @param pageformat a value of type PageFormat 140 * @param page a value of type int 141 * @return a value of type int 142 */ 143 public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageformat, int page) { 144 145 146 //--- Graphics2D 147 Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; 148 149 //--- ( ) (0,0) 150 g2dtranslate (pageformatgetimageablex (), pageformatgetimageabley ()); 151 152 //--- 153 g2dsetpaint (Colorblack); 154 155 //--- 12 156 g2dsetstroke (new BasicStroke (4)); 157 Rectangle2DDouble border = new Rectangle2DDouble (0, 158 0, 159 pageformatgetimageablewidth (), 160 pageformatgetimageableheight ()); 161 162 g2ddraw (border); 163 164 165 //--- Media Tracker URL 166 MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker (this); JSTORM <32/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> 167 URL imageurl = null; 168 169 //--- URL 170 //--- NOTE: 171 //--- NOTE: JPEG, GIF, PNG 173 174 imageurl = new URL ("file:///c:/softdev/java/articles/javaworld/printing/part_2/ss2jpg"); 175 } 176 catch (MalformedURLException me) { 177 meprintstacktrace (); 178 } 179 180 //--- 181 Image image = ToolkitgetDefaultToolkit()getImage (imageurl); 182 mtaddimage (image, 0); 183 try { 184 mtwaitforid (0); 185 } 186 catch (InterruptedException e) { 187 } 188 189 //--- 190 g2ddrawimage (image, 191 (int) (025 * POINTS_PER_INCH), 192 (int) (025 * POINTS_PER_INCH), 193 (int) (85 * POINTS_PER_INCH), 194 (int) (6 * POINTS_PER_INCH), 195 this); 196 197 //--- Validate 198 return (PAGE_EXISTS); 199 } 200 } 201 202 } // Example6 3 URL MediaTracker GIF, JPEG PNG Advance Imaging API Graphics2D drawimage() JSTORM <33/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> drawimage() 6 Image ImageObserver Document Component Component ImageObserver 3 JavaSoft Advanced Imaging API WORA OS SuSe Linux 64 Sun Java 13 Windows 2000 HP 5L OS, Windows Linux SuSe APS HP 5L 600 dpi 300 dpi 600 dpi Linux, 6 7 JSTORM <34/35>

2 Issued by: < > Revision: <10> <2000/12/21> OS X Max OS 2 API (?) API,,, API 3 3 ~ JSTORM <35/35>