연구활동종사자온라인안전교육실시안내 1. 관련근거 연구실안전환경조성에관한법률제 18 조 ( 교육 훈련등 ) 산업안전보건법제 31 조 ( 안전보건교육 ) 2. 개요 교육명 : 2013 하반기온라인안전교육 ( 정기교육 ) 교육대상 : 학생, 연구원등교내모든연구활동종사자 단,

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연구활동종사자온라인안전교육실시안내 1. 관련근거 연구실안전환경조성에관한법률제 18 조 ( 교육 훈련등 ) 산업안전보건법제 31 조 ( 안전보건교육 ) 2. 개요 교육명 : 2013 하반기온라인안전교육 ( 정기교육 ) 교육대상 : 학생, 연구원등교내모든연구활동종사자 단, 2014년도신입생은 2014년 3월부터정기안전교육실시함 교육기간 : 2014. 1. 20 ~ 2014. 2. 28 - 상반기 : 3월 ~ 8월 - 하반기 : 9월 ~ 익년 2월 교육이수요건 ( 집합교육 + 온라인교육 ) - 학생 : 반기별 6시간이상 - 근로자 ( 연구원 ) : 매월 2시간이상또는매분기 6시간이상 교육방법 : 온라인안전교육시스템접속및교육수강 붙임온라인안전교육절차참조 교육내용 No. 한국어영어 1 연안법소개 Introduction to the Lab Safety Law 2 사고의심리학 The Psychology Behind Accident 3 실험실장비및개인보호구 Laboratory Equipment and Personal Protective Equipment 4 응급처치 Electrical Safety 5 가스위험과안전 Safety in the handling of chemicals 6 전지적위험과안전 Biological experiment safety 7 기계적위험과안전 Safety in Gas 8 생물학적위험과안전 Foreign cases 9 화재시행동요령 Cases of good Laboratories 10 유해화학물질및위험성 11 폐액처리방법 12 MSDS 및보호장비 13 고압가스의분류및성질

4. 온라인안전교육변경사항 변경사항변경전변경후 교육웹페이지안전팀홈페이지온라인안전교육시스템 교육일정매월 1 일 ~ 10 일상시 ( 반기별 ) 교육내용매월 1 개여러개의컨텐츠중선택하여수강 교육이수방법 교육수강후이수완료클릭 1. 교육수강 2. 퀴즈풀이 5. 온라인안전교육접속및수강방법 1 KAIST Portal System 로그인 ⓶ KAIST Portal System 바로가기 안전팀클릭 ( 안전팀홈페이지접속 ) ⓷ 안전팀홈페이지온라인안전교육클릭 ⓸ 교육수강 - 제공된컨텐츠중희망하는컨테츠교육수강 ⓹ 퀴즈풀이 (60점이상이수 ) ⓺ 교육이수정보확인 붙임 : 상세온라인안전교육절차 1 부. 끝.

[ 붙임 ] 상세온라인안전교육절차 1 홈페이지접속 URL : https://safety.kaist.ac.kr/ 로그인 : KAIST Portal ID, Password 사용 2 연구실안전관리시스템클릭 3 가. 안전교육 온라인교육클릭 ( 또는온라인안전교육시스템클릭 )

나. 실험실안전관리시스템 교육수강클릭 4 언어선택 한국어또는 English 6 교육수강클릭

7 강의듣기클릭 ⓼ 듣고싶은강의를선택하여수강하기클릭 ⓽ 새로운팝업창이뜨면서강의시작

강의수강시주의사항 1. 한페이지를완전히수강하기전에는교육진행시간및페이지를임의로조작하실수없습니다. 2. 한페이지교육수강을완료하시면다음페이지로이동하기위하여반드시다음페이지이동버튼을클릭해야합니다. 3. 교육중상세사항의자료를확인하기위하여클릭또는다음버튼이나타날경우버튼을눌러야지교육이계속진행됩니다. 4. 교육을수강한모든페이지는진행시간및페이지조작을마음대로할수있습니다. 5. 교육수강중교육이중지되었을경우교육페이지는연구실안전교육시스템에자동저장되며다음교육수강시수강하신페이지까지이동이가능합니다. 6. 모든페이지교육을이수하신경우교육창을닫으시면됩니다.

⓾ 퀴즈풀기 가. 퀴즈는 5 ~ 8문제가출제되며 60점이상일때이수처리됩니다. 나. 퀴즈의정답과설명은이수처리시나타나게됩니다. 다. 퀴즈정답및설명을확인후창닫기를실시합니다. 라. 연구실안전교육시스템에이수기록이표시됩니다.

Research participant online safety education Notice 1. Related Basis Act on the establishment of safe laboratory environment article 18 (Education, training, etc.) 2. Purpose Online safety education using new online system is implemented to expand the education opportunity and to provide various education contents for the research participants. 3. Overview Subject : All research participants on campus including students and researchers Education period : semiannual (6 months) - first half : March - August - second half : September - February Completion requirement : More than 6 hours every half-year (offline education + online education) Method : Log in to online safety education system and take courses Refer to the attached online safety education procedures 4. How to log in and take course via online safety education 1 log in at KAIST Portal System ⓶ KAIST Portal System Shortcut click safety team (safety team homepage) ⓷ click online safety education on the safety team homepage ⓸ Take courses - choose the course out of the provided education contents ⓹ Take quiz (score more than 60% to complete the course) ⓺ Confirm the course completion status Attachment : Detailed online safety education procedure. The end.

Detailed online safety education procedure 1 KAIST portal (https://portal.kaist.ac.kr) 2 Shortcut Click on safety team 3 A. Safety Education Online Education Click(Or Online Safety Education System Click)

B. Laboratory safety management system click take course 4 Choose language Korean or English 5 Click take course

6 Click listen to lectures ⓻ Choose the course you want to take and click take course. ⓼ Lecture begins on a new pop-up window

Notice for taking lecture 1. Education progress time or page cannot be changed before the page is completed. 2. When a page is completed, you must click next page to move to the next page. 3. To confirm detailed contents during the lecture, buttons must be clicked to continue the lecture. 4. After the lecture is finished, the progress time and page can be controlled. 5. When the lecture is interrupted in the middle, the page is automatically saved onto the safety education system, and you can access the last page you had been on when you take the course again. 6. You may close the education window when all pages are completed.

⓽ Take quiz A. One quiz consists of 5 to 8 questions and is passed when scored more than 60%. B. Answers and explanations for the quiz appear when the course is completed. C. Confirm the answers and explanations and close the window. D. Course completion is shown on the laboratory safety education system.