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TRIZ Methodology TRIZ Inter-Disciplines : 1946 TRIZ : Genrich H. Altshuller /?? From Thinking to Inventing 10 / 41

TRIZ Overview TRIZ TRIZ Overview &, Many Standard Problems 1 2 3 Many Standard solutions 1 2 3 300 Concept Abstraction 4 M 4 N Analogy & Modification Effectiveness / / Problem Solution, Applications,,, Neck Engineering, From Thinking to Inventing 11 / 41

TRIZ Methodology Altshuller World Wide Patents [200,000 ] Effects Inventive Patents [40,000 ] Key Findings Definition of Inventive Problems Levels of Solution Patterns of Evolution Regularities of Problem & Solution Innovation comes from Other Domain : Knowledge Source / : / / Effects : TRIZ TRIZ Engineering Problem Solving Methodology rooted in TECHNOLOGY not PSYCHOLOGY From Thinking to Inventing 12 / 41

TRIZ Key Findings (1/2) 1. Inventive Problem/Solution Inventive Problem : Inventive Solution : Inventive Problem Solution 2. Level of Solution 45 % 18 % 4 % 1 % Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 32 % LEVEL 1 : LEVEL 2 : Compromise LEVEL 3 : / Essential improvement LEVEL 4 : New Generation LEVEL 5 : From Thinking to Inventing 13 / 41

TRIZ Key Findings (2/2) 3. Pattern of System Evolution / Pattern Pattern Pattern / Tool. 4. Regularity of Invention Regularity ( / ) Tool. From Thinking to Inventing 14 / 41

Structure of TRIZ Tools TRIZ [Teoriya [Teoriya Resheniya Resheniya Izobretatelskih Izobretatelskih Zadach] Zadach] Problem Solving Techniques Scientific Effects Laws of Engineering System Evolution Function Analysis & Trimming Techniques Principles for Engineering Contradiction Elimination Patterns of Engineering System Evolution VE Standard Solution & Su-Field Modeling ARIZ Neck Algorithm Technology Forecasting Psychological Inertia Principles for Physical Contradiction Elimination / Axioms/ENV Anlysis Advanced Patents ( / ) From Thinking to Inventing 15 / 41

TRIZ Process Analysis Analysis Inventive Inventive Problem Problem Level of Abstraction TRIZ K/B Knowledge Base Problem Model Solution Model Analytical Tools Laws of Evolution Contradiction Su-Field Function Inventive Rules Standard Solutions Scientific Phenomena Problem Situation Problem Description Concept Solution Time Partial Concept Conceptual Conceptual Solutions Solutions Final Concept From Thinking to Inventing 16 / 41

Basic Elements in TRIZ Ideality Contradiction System Approach Resources Ideality : ( ) Contradiction : ( ) Resource : / (,,, ) System Approach : From Thinking to Inventing 17 / 41

Problem Deployment Scheme using TRIZ Level of Abstraction Contradictions Principles Standards Scientific Effects Laws of Evolution TRIZ Tools Concepts Problem Situation Problem IFR ARIZ System Thinking ENV/Axioms P.S_1 P.S_2...... P.S_N Synthesis Final Concept Solution Parameter Design From Thinking to Inventing 18 / 41 Time

Basic Concept of Contradictions Administrative Contradiction : Technical Contradiction : 2 Parameter Physical Contradiction Parameter : Parameter Technical Contradiction (A) (B). Physical Contradiction (A) (C) (B) (C) A B CC Control Parameter(C) - From Thinking to Inventing 19 / 41

Elimination of Physical Contradiction System Parameter C, C ( ) TRIZ Physical Contradiction Separation Principles Separation in Time Separation in Space Separation in Scale (or Between parts & the whole) Separation upon Condition From Thinking to Inventing 20 / 41

1) Separation in Time ( ), ( ) ( )? (?) (separation)? From Thinking to Inventing 21 / 41

2) Separation in Space ( ) ( ) ( )? (?)? Ideation Int l From Thinking to Inventing 22 / 41

3) Separation in Scale System Level ( ), Component Level ( ) Ideation Int l From Thinking to Inventing 23 / 41

Principles for Contradiction Elimination 1a : 1b : Anti-System 1c : 2 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : - : -, - - From Thinking to Inventing 24 / 41

Elimination of Technical Contradiction System Parameter A, Parameter B Contradiction Matrix Table Engineering Parameters (39) Inventive Principles (40) From Thinking to Inventing 25 / 41

39 Engineering Parameters 1.Weight of moving object ( ) 21.Power (, ) 2.Weight of binding object ( ) 22.Waste of energy ( ) 3.Length of moving object ( ) 23.Waste of substance ( ) 4.Length of binding object ( ) 24.Loss of information ( ) 5.Area of moving object ( ) 25.Waste of time ( ) 6.Area of binding object ( ) 26.Amount of substance ( ) 7.Volume of moving object ( ) 27.Reliability ( ) 8.Volume of binding object ( ) 28.Accuracy of measurement ( ) 9.Speed (, ) 29.Accuracy of manufacturing ( ) 10.Force ( ) 30.Harmful factors acting on object ( 11.Tension, Pressure, Stress (,, ) 31.Harmful side effects ( ) 12.Shape ( ) 32.Manufacturability ( ) 13.Stability of object (, ) 33.Convenience of use ( / ) 14.Strength ( ) 34.Repairability ( / ) 15.Durability of moving object ( ) 35.Adaptability ( ) 16.Durability of binding object ( ) 36.Complexity of device ( ) 17.Temperature ( ) 37.Complexity of control ( / ) 18.Brightness ( ) 38.Level of automation ( ) 19.Energy spent by moving object ( ) 39.Productivity ( ) 20.Energy spent by binding object ( ) From Thinking to Inventing 26 / 41

40 Inventive Principles 1) Division( ) 21) Rushing Through( ) 2) Extraction( / ) 22) Turn a Minus into a Plus( ) 3) Local Quality( ) 23) Feedback( ) 4) Asymmetry( ) 24) Inserting( ) 5) Combinig( ) 25) Self Service( ) 6) Universality( ) 26) Copying( ) 7) Nesting( / ) 27) Cheap Short Life( ) 8) Counterweight( ) 28) Redesigning( ) 9) Preliminary Counteraction( )29) Fluid System( ) 10) Preliminary Action( ) 30) Flexible Membranes and Thin Films( ) 11) Compensation( ) 31) Porous Materials( ) 12) Equipotentiality( ) 32) Changing color( ) 13) Reverse( ) 33) Homogeneity( ) 14) Sphericity( / ) 34) Rejection and Regeneration( / 15) Degree of Dynamism( ) 35) Changing Properties( ) 16) Excess or Shortage( ) 36) Use of Phase Change( ) 17) Change Dimension( ) 37) Thermal Expansion( ) 18) Oscillation( ) 38) Oxidant ( ) 19) Periodic Actions( ) 39) Inert Environment( ) 20) Steady Useful Action( )40) Composite Materials( ) From Thinking to Inventing 28 / 41

Ex : Helicopter Centrifugal Governor Ball m Governor m., Governor Ideation Int l From Thinking to Inventing 29 / 41

Solution Procedures 1). 2). 3) 39 Parameter. 4) Parameter. 5). 6) 39 Parameter. 7) (Contradiction Table) Principle. 8) Principle Idea. From Thinking to Inventing 30 / 41

Contradiction Matrix Contradiction Matrix Table Parameter Parameter TRIZ 40 Inventive Principles Idea. From Thinking to Inventing 31 / 41

How does the TRIZ work? 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 TRIZ Prism System Approach 5 6 5 6 Analogy n m Inventive Problem Trial & Error Conceptual Solutions From Thinking to Inventing 32 / 41

Advantages using TRIZ Identify Problem Formulate Problem Develop Concepts Evaluate Implement Feasible Concept Solutions, TRIZ is not easy way to solution! But this is efficient way to powerful Solution! TRIZ is a very complex science! It is required to spend a lot of time for practice From Thinking to Inventing 33 / 41

: 1 : ( ) :..... From Thinking to Inventing 34 / 41

... :. :,. From Thinking to Inventing 35 / 41

2 : (Cause-Effects ) (IWB ) 2 ::,.. From Thinking to Inventing 36 / 41

3 : From Thinking to Inventing 37 / 41

Operator: "Abandon Symmetry" Recommendation: If an object is symmetrical, consider reducing its weight by abandoning the symmetry. Consider, for example, excluding a part of the object that does not bear the main load. Illustration: Designing asymmetrical mounts For aesthetic reasons, motor and generator mounts are often designed with symmetrical shapes. But because the machines rotate, the load on the mounts is actually asymmetrical. To reduce the weight and conserve material, mounts for non-reversible units should be designed to support only the loads they must actually bear. Ideas Generated: Vary the thickness of the ring, reducing the thickness where permissible. From Thinking to Inventing 38 / 41

Operator: "Strengthen Individual Parts" Recommendation: Consider strengthening those parts that bear the main load, and also reducing the weight of the parts that do not bear the main load. Illustration: Pump housing made of standard pipe The housing of a high pressure pump, made from a steel casting, was complicated in shape. Since cavities and uneven surfaces were frequently found in the casting (necessitating repairs made by welding), a very thick, heavy casting was used. The defects were eliminated, and the weight reduced by nearly half, when the housing was fabricated by welding several pieces together. High-strength rolled pipe was used for the section that was required to withstand the greatest pressure. Ideas Generated: Make a multi-layer ring Add "ribs" to a thin ring From Thinking to Inventing 39 / 41

4 : Concept #1: Make the ring thin, but composed of several circular ribs. These ribs can significantly increase the strength of the ring with a less significant increase in mass. From Thinking to Inventing 40 / 41

Concept #2: Make a multi-layer ring as described by the following: Internal layer made of a thin steel ring Intermediate layer to absorb the energy of the fragments, made of: radial brush balls honeycomb External layer to hold the fragments, made of: steel pipe coil textile or wire needles From Thinking to Inventing 41 / 41