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ISSUE DATE : January 2014 연구실폐기물처리안내 KAIST, SAFETY & SECURITY TEAM Laboratory waste disposal guide 안전팀 Saety & Security Team

긴급상황비상연락망 원내긴급연락처 구분부서명전화번호비고 응급상황발생시 ( 화재, 교통사고등 ) 실험실사고발생시 ( 가스, 화학약품등 ) 안전팀 4000, 4200 주 / 야간 안전팀 2341, 2342 주간 부상및상해시카이스트클리닉 0500 주간 건강생활관련 학생복지팀 ( 건강관리실 ) 2175 주간 방사선안전중앙분석센터 5081 주간 시설물고장시 시설팀 3400( 학사지역 ) 3100, 3200, 3300( 석 박사지역 ) 주 / 야간 원외긴급연락처 구분기관명전화번호비고 화재발생시 대전북부소방서 국번없이 119 042-602-0500 주 / 야간 각종사고발생시 대전둔산경찰서 국번없이 112 042-471-5006 주 / 야간 응급환자발생시 대전북부소방서응급의료정보센터 국번없이 119 국번없이 1339 주 / 야간 가스누출시 한국가스안전공사대전충남지역본부 042-485-0019 주간 건양대학병원 600-9999( 응급실 ) 주 / 야간 관내종합병원 을지대학병원 259-1119( 응급실 ) 주 / 야간 충남대학병원 220-7114( 응급실 ) 주 / 야간

Emergency contacts Emergency contacts on campus Catagory Department Phone Number Remarks In case of emergency (fire, car accidents etc.) Safety&Security Team 4000, 4200 Day/ Night Laboratory accidents (Gas, Chemicals etc.) Safety&Security Team 2341, 2342 Day Kaist Clinic Kaist Clinic 0500 Day Infirmary Radioactive Safety Student Welfare Services Team Research Analysis Center 2175 Day 5081 Day Facility Failure Maintenance Team 3400(Undergraduate) 3100, 3200, 3300(Graduate) Day/Night Emergency contacts outside campus Category Department Phone Number Remarks Fire Emergency Northern Daejeon Fire Station 119 042-602-0500 Day/Night Accidents Emergency Patients Gas Leak Daejeon Dunsan Police Station Northern Daejeon Fire Station Emergency Medical Information Center Korea Gas Safety Corporation Daejeon Chungnam Headquarter 112 042-471-5006 119 1339 Day/Night Day/Night 042-485-0019 Day Konyang Univ. Hospital 600-9999(E.R.) Day/Night General Hospital Eulji Univ. Hospital 259-1119(E.R.) Day/Night Chungnam Univ. Hospital 220-7114(E.R.) Day/Night - 3 -

목 차 1. 연구실폐기물의소개 1 2. 연구실폐기물관리에대한정보 1 3. 책임과역할 2 3.1 배출자 2 3.2 폐기물처리담당부서 2 4. 연구실폐기물처리절차 3 4.1 화학폐기물 3 4.2 의료폐기물 3 4.3 폐기물보관창고위치 4 5. 화학폐기물관리 4 5.1 화학폐기물의범위 4 5.2 폐기시주의를요하는물질 5 5.3 화학폐기물수집용기 6 5.4 화학폐기물스티커 7 5.5 화학폐기물처리시확인사항 8 6. 의료폐기물관리 9 6.1 의료폐기물의범위 9 6.2 의료폐기물전용용기 9 6.3 의료폐기물수집및보관 11 6.4 RFID 의료폐기물관리시스템 12 6.5 유전자변형생물체 (LMO) 폐기물처리 13 6.6 의료폐기물처리시확인사항 13 붙임자료 1. 서로혼합해서는안되는물질 15 2. 물반응성화학물질 18 3. 폭발성화학물질 20 4. 연구 실험실폐기물온라인신청방법 21

Contents 1. Introduction to laboratory wastes 24 2. Laboratory waste treatment information 24 3. Responsibility and role 25 3.1 Producers 25 3.2 Waste management department 25 4. Laboratory waste disposal procedure 26 4.1 Chemical wastes 26 4.2 Medical wastes 26 4.3 Waste storage location 27 5. Chemical waste management 27 5.1 Range of chemical wastes 27 5.2 Chemical wastes that require attention for disposal 28 5.3 Chemical waste container 29 5.4 Chemical waste tags 30 5.5 Chemical waste disposal checklist 31 6. Medical waste management 32 6.1 Range of medical wastes 32 6.2 Container designated for medical waste 32 6.3 Medical waste collection and storage 34 6.4 RFID Medical waste management system 35 6.5 Living modified organism (LMO) disposal 36 6.6 Medical waste disposal checklist 37 Appendix 1. Chemicals that cannot be mixed 39 2. Water-reactive chemicals 42 3. Explosive chemicals 44

1. 연구실폐기물의소개 연구실에서배출되는폐기물은크게일반생활계폐기물, 방사능폐기물, 화학폐기물, 의료폐기물로구분될수있다. 연구실에서배출되는폐지, 휴지, 1회용품, 음료수병, can 등의사업장생활계폐기물은지방자치단체의조례가정하는바에따라생활폐기물의기준및방법으로수집, 운반, 보관, 처리할수있다. 반면에연구개발활동에의해발생되는폐산, 폐알칼리, 폐유기용제등화학폐기물은사람에게유해 위해하거나주변환경을오염시킬수있고생물관련실험후발생하는인체조직물, 동물사체, 탈지면, 배양액, 보관균주등의료폐기물은감염등의우려가있어특별한관리가필요하다. 연구활동종사자는실험전화학적, 생물학적등의유해 위험요인을파악하고실험을실시해야하며실험후폐기처리되는폐기물의위험성에대해서충분히숙지를해야한다. 만약내가처리해야하는폐기물의특성을잘모른다면관련자료를찾아보거나안전팀에폐기처리에대한문의를통하여안전하게폐기물을처리해야한다. 방사능폐기물은별도규정에따라중앙분석센터에서관리합니다. 2. 연구실폐기물관리에대한정보 연구실에설발생된폐기물의특성을잘모를경우절대임의적으로처리해서안됩니다. 잘못처리했을경우안전사고및환경오염이발생할수있으므로반드시올바른처리절차를준수하여배출하여합니다. 폐기물처리시기본적인사항은물질안전보건자료 (MSDS) 를참고하시기바랍니다. 연구실에서실험후발생하는화학폐기물및의료폐기물을처리시폐기물용기, 폐기물스티커, 처리방법등에관한사항에대한문의는안전팀 (W8, 교육지원동 1층 ) 으로하면됩니다. 또한안전팀홈페이지 (http://saftey.kaist.ac.kr) 에폐기물처리절차및방법등이설명되어있으며추가적인정보가필요하신경우안전팀폐기물담당자 (042-350-2342, hjyim@kaist.ac.kr) 로문의하여주시기바랍니다. - 1 -

3. 책임과역할 화학적및생물학적유해물질을사용하여폐기물을발생시키는연구활동종사자는폐기물처리시법적, 윤리적책임이따릅니다. 폐기물을잘못처리할경우폐기물관리법에의하여과태료, 벌금, 징역등의규제를받을수있습니다. 따라서폐기물처리를하고자할때에는절대로하수구에방류하거나임의적인폐기처리를해서는안됩니다. 무단으로방류되고적절한처리절차를거치지못한폐기물의경우환경을오염시키거나사고를유발할수있습니다. KAIST의학생, 교직원등연구활동종사자는자신의실험후발생된폐기물에대해서윤리적책임의식을가지고폐기물을처리해야합니다. 잘못된폐기물처리로인한법적책임은폐기물처리절차를지키지않은본인에게있음을명심해야합니다. 3.1 배출자배출자란? 연구실에서연구개발활동후발생되는화학적, 생물학적폐기물을수집하고배출하는연구활동종사자를의미한다. 배출자는폐기물처리절차의초기단계를수행하는자로서폐기물수집, 보관처리시폐기물이최대한발생하지않도록노력해야한다. 실험시폐기물발생을줄이기위해서는고도로유해 위험한화학물질은대체물질이있다면대체물질을사용해야합니다. 또한, 발생된폐기물은그특성에따라처리하는방법이다르기때문에되도록혼합하지않고각각분리하여배출해야한다. 안전한폐기물처리를위하여아래사항을반드시준수해야한다. A. 폐기물발생의최소화 B. 연구실폐기물처리절차준수 C. 폐기물종류별, 성상별분류및수집 D. 발생된폐기물에대한안전화, 비활성화조치 E. 폐기물용기에유해 위험성표시및안내 F. 연구실내지정된장소에서폐기물수집및보관 ( 복도, 계단, 옥외방치금지 ) G. 폐기물처리교육이수 3.2 폐기물처리담당부서폐기물처리담당부서는폐기물을폐기물처리업자를통해서연구실에서발생한폐기물을적법하게인계하는안전팀을의미한다. 폐기물처리담당부서는폐기물이안전하게처리될수있도록다음과같은역할을수행합니다. A. 안전하고적법한폐기물을처리할수있도록연구활동종사자의교육실시 B. 폐기물분류, 수집, 배출에필요한기술적 행정적지원 C. 배출된폐기물수거 D. 적법한폐기물처리를위한폐기물처리업자관리 E. 폐기물처리에대한기록및관리 - 2 -

4. 연구실폐기물처리절차 연구실에서발생된폐기물은연구활동종사자가화학폐기물, 의료폐기물, 방사능폐기물, 일반폐기물로분류하여수집하게됩니다. 수집한폐기물은수집용기의적정량이되면폐기물을배출하게됩니다. 지정폐기물및의료폐기물배출시에는안전팀홈페이지 (http://safety.kaist.ac.kr/) 에서폐기물위탁신청을해야합니다. 신청을받은안전팀에서는위탁처리를승인하고지정된수거일자에폐기물을수거합니다. 우리학교의경우폐기물저장소가실험실과멀리떨어져있어화학폐기물및의료폐기물을이동시안전사고가발생할우려가있어실험실에서발생한화학폐기물및의료폐기물은수거업체를통하여수거하여운반하고있습니다. 폐기물발생위탁처리신청위탁처리승인및수거 l 분류및수집 l 실험실보관 l 안전팀홈페이지로그인 l 폐기물위탁신청 l 위탁처리승인 l 지정된일자에수거 연구실연구실안전팀 4.1 수거가안되는폐기물 적절치못한수집용기를사용한경우 폐기물스티커또는 RFID 태그가미부착되었거나기재사항을적지않았을경우 폐기물위탁처리신청을하지않고배출한경우 4.2 폐기물보관창고위치 - 3 -

5. 화학폐기물의관리 5.1 화학폐기물의범위화학폐기물은화학실험후발생한액체, 고체, 슬러지상태의화학물질로서더이상실험활동에필요하지아니하게된화학물질을의미한다. 이러한화학폐기물은화학물질이가지고있던인화성, 부식성, 독성등의특성을유지하거나합성등으로새로운화학물질이생성되어유해 위험성이실험전의화학물질보다커질수있다. 따라서발생된폐기물은그성질및상태에따라서분리하여수집하여야한다. 만약불가피하게혼합을해야하는경우반드시확인하여혼합이가능한물질인지아닌지확인해야한다. 혼합한폐액은과량으로혼합된물질을기준으로분류하고혼합된물질을모두폐기물스티커에기록해야한다. 화학물질보관하던용기 ( 유리병, 플라스틱병 ), 화학물질이묻어있는장갑및기자재 ( 초자류등 ) 뿐만아니라실험기자재를닦은세척수도화학폐기물로처리해야합니다. A. 폐유기용제 : 솔벤트, 시너등액체상태의유기화학물질 할로겐족유기용제 : 디클로로메탄, 클로로벤제, 테트라클로로에틸렌등 그밖의유기용제 : 알콜, 아세톤, 벤젠, 헥산등 B. 부식성물질 : 액체상태의폐기물로서수소이온농도지수가 2.0 이하인또는수소이온농도지수가 12.5 이상인것 산 : 염산, 황산, 질산, 불산, 아세트산등 알카리 : 수산화나트륨용액, 수산화칼륨용액, 암모니아등 C. 폐유 : 기름성분을 5% 이상함유한것 윤활유, 실리콘오일, 연삭유등 D. 유해물질함유폐기물 안전화또는고형화처리물, 폐촉매, 폐흡착체, 폐흡수제, 실리카등 E. 폐시약 : 공기또는수분과접촉시급격한반응을하는물질이나유효기간이지났거나어 떤화학물질인지확인어려운유해물질 E. 합성고분자화학물 : 폐합성수지및폐합성고무 ( 고체상태의것은제외 ) G. 기타폐기물 화학약품을모두사용한시약공병 화학물질이묻은장갑, 실험용기자재등 연구실에서발생한폐기물중다음사항에관한것들은일반폐기물로처리할수있다. 실험실에서사용한비누, 세제등가정용화학제품 저농도 (100ppm이하) 폐수 ( 단, 중금속이함유된물질제외 ) 화학물질이묻지않은화장지및실험용종이등 - 4 -

5.2 폐기시주의를요하는화학폐기물 A. 과산화물생성물질과산화물은충격, 강한빛, 열등에노출될경우폭발할수있는폭발성화학물이다. 따라서과산화물을취급, 저장, 폐기처리시에는각별할주의가요구된다. 과산화물을만들어낼수있는물질은개봉후물질에따라 3개월또는 6개월내폐기처리하는것이안전하다. 대표적인물질인아래와같다. organic divinyl ether, divinyl acetylene, isopropyl ether, vinylidene chloride 등 inorganic potassium metal, potassium amide, sodium amide(sodamide) 등 B. 수은수은은매우독성이강한액체금속이다. 수은이누출되었을경우에는일회용스포이드를이하여플라스틱용기에수집한다. 수집한수은에황또는아연을뿌려안정화시킨후폐기처리한다. 수은온도계를처리할때에는온도계케이스에담아배출하고배출시에는안전팀으로연락해야한다. C. 알카리금속나트륨, 리튬, 칼륨등알카리금속은공기중에서자연발화할수있으며물과반응하여폭발할수있다. 따라서알카리금속을폐기물처리시에는반드시안전팀에문의를해야한다. 완전히산화되거나용액으로존재하는경우화학폐기물처리방법에의해폐기처리할수있다. 하지만덩어리로된알카리금속을폐기처리시에는플라스틱용기에알카리금속을넣은후등유, 미네랄오일가득채운후용기를밀폐하여배출해야한다. D. 기타처리시주의를요하는화학물질실험중혼합된폐기물은폭발, 가스발생등의위험성이있습니다. 서로다른성상의폐기물을혼합시에는특별히주의해야하며혼합된폐기물의반응완전히종료된후폐기물로처리해야합니다. 폭발위험이있는폐기물 : 질산 + 유기물, 황산 + 과망간산칼륨 반응성강한폐기물 : 황산, 농질산 가스를발생하는폐기물 : 질산 + 유기물, 과산화수소혼합물, 중탄산염 + 무기산 5.3 화학폐기물수집용기화학폐기물중액체상태인것은수집용기는 10L 또는 20L 사이즈의내화학성폴리에틸렌 (HDPE) 용기를사용해야한다. 폐유기용제, 폐산, 폐알카리, 오일등의물질이이에속한다. 만약 HDPE 용기를사용하기어려운경우안전팀에문의하여폐기물수집용기를정해야한다. 화학폐기물을수집용기에담을때에는수집할수있는총량의 70~80% 만채워배출해야한다. 또한화학폐기물이담긴용기는받침대를사용하여폐액의누출을방지해야한다. 사용하지않는시약의경우액체상태의화학폐기물과같이 HDPE용기에담아배출하면된다. 하지만어떤화학물질인지알수없을경우나폭발성물질, 강산등용기에폐기물수집용기에옮겨담기가어려운시약의경우시약병을종이박스에담에배출하면된다. - 5 -

분류폐액폐시약공병등 종류 l 액체상태의폐기물 l 사용하지않는시약 l 유리및플라스틱등 폴리에틸렌수집용기종이박스종이박스 배출용기 5.4 화학폐기물스티커수집용기에담은화학폐기물수집시작부터화학폐기물스티커를부착하여사용해야한다. 화학폐기물스티커는총 8종으로비할로겐유기용제, 할로겐유기용제, 오일, 무기물질, 폐산, 폐알카리, 폐시약, 기타폐기물이있다. 폐기물스티커는폐기물정보및발생지정보를기록하도록되어있다. 화학폐기물발생시점부터폐기물스티커에기록하여관리해야한다. 또한, 혼합물질의경우에는반드시혼합된물질은모두기재해야한다. 폭발성, 맹독성, 중금속등운반및처리시주의를요하는폐기물일경우운반자또는처리자가이를확인할수있도록반드시폐기물스티커주의사항에기록을해야한다. 화학폐기물스티커는안전팀 (W8, 교육지원도 ) 또는각건물폐기물스티커함에서필요한수량만큼가져다사용하면된다. 화학폐기물스티커 구분 비할로겐유기용제 할로겐유기용제오일무기물질 종류 알콜, 아세톤등 불소, 염소를포함한 유기물 윤활유, 연료유등 촉매, 세라믹, 금속 등 색상빨간색갈색회색녹색 스티커 - 6 -

구분폐산알카리폐시약기타폐기물 종류 황산, 염산등 암모니아, 수산화 나트륨등 사용하지않는 폐시약 공병, 초자류, 폐플라스틱등 색상노란색파란색흰색주황색 스티커 5.5 화학폐기물처리시확인사항 A. 내가처리해야되는화학폐기물에대한유해 위험성 ( 독성, 반응성등 ) 을숙지하고있는가? 물질안전보건자료 (MSDS), 연구실안전관리핸드북, 화학물질안전정보확인해야함 B. 폐기처리하려고하는화학물질은안정한가? 반응이진행중인화학물질은별도보관하여반응이완료된후폐기처리해야함 C. 화학물질성질및상태에따라분별수집하고있는가? 서로다른화학물질을혼합시에는반응에의한화재, 폭발등이일어날수있으므로반드시성질및상태를고려하여분별수집해야함 [ 붙임 1] 혼합해서는안되는화학물질, [ 붙임 2] 물반응성화학물질참고 D. 화학폐기물이가스를발생시키는가? 화학폐기물이가스를발생시킬경우폐기물용기내에서내부압력이증가되어폭발사고가발생할수있으므로가스를발생이끝난후폐기처리하거나가스를배출시킬수있는안전캡을사용해야함 E. 화학폐기물을처리하기위한적정한폐기물용기를사용하였는가? 화학폐기물수집용기는내화학성폴리에틸렌 (HDPE) 용기를사용해야함 만약폴리에틸렌 (HDPE) 용기를사용할수없는특별한화학폐기물의경우에는안전팀으로연락하여문의해야함 F. 화학폐기물을수집한용기에알맞은폐기물스티커를부착및기록은하였는가? 화학폐기물을수집한용기에는화학폐기물종류에따라지정된폐기물스티커를부착 해야하며화학물질, 수집일자, 담당자등의정보를반드시기록해야함 - 7 -

G. 폐기물용기에적정한양화학폐기물을수집하고있는가? 폐기물용기를기준으로최대 70~80% 까지만용기에수집해야함 H. 폐기물용기는 Spill tray 에보관되어있는가? 화학폐기물을폐기물용기에수집시누출또는폐기물용기의불량으로폐기물이누 출되는것을방지하기위하여 Spill tray 를사용해야함 I. 화학폐기물이누출되지않도록폐기물용기를뚜껑으로잘밀폐했는가? 화학폐기물증기는실내공기를오염시킬뿐만아니라연구활동종사자의건강에문제를 미칠수있기때문에수집용기의뚜껑으로잘밀폐해야함 J. 장기간화학폐기물을보관하고있지않는가? 화학폐기물은보관이시작된날부터 45 일을초과하여보관하여서는안되므로폐기물 배출량에따라적정한크기의수집용기를사용하여수집해야함 K. 폐기물처리시개인보호구는착용하는가? 화학폐기물은화학물질의특성을가지고있기때문에반드시개인보호구를착용하고 처리해야함. 6. 의료폐기물의관리 6.1 의료폐기물의범위의료폐기물은보건위생적, 환경적관리가필요한인체조직등적출물, 탈지면, 실험동물의사체등을말하며초파리를포함한생물학실험관련사용또는배출되는배양액, 배양용기, 슬라이드, 주사기, 커버글라스등도의료폐기물로분리하여처리해야합니다. 의료폐기물은크게격리의료폐기물, 위해의료폐기물, 일반의료페기물로분류되는데이중연구실에서발생되는의료폐기물은대부분이위해의료폐기물로써동물의조직, 배양액, 슬라이드, 폐장갑, 주사바늘등연구개발활동에사용한조직및기자재가대부분을차지한다. 또한연구실에서발생된의료폐기물이아닌폐기물이의료폐기물과혼합되거나접촉되었다면의료폐기물로처리한다. A. 격리의료폐기물 : 전염병으로부터타인을보호하기위하여격리된사람에대한의료행위에 서발생한일체의폐기물 B. 위해의료폐기물 조직물류폐기물 : 인체또는동물의조직 장기 기관 신체의일부, 동물의사체, 혈액 고름및혈액생성물 ( 혈청, 혈장, 혈액제제 ) 병리계폐기물 : 시험 검사등에사용된배양액, 배양용기, 보관균주, 폐시험관, 슬라이드, 커버글라스, 폐배지, 폐장갑 손상성폐기물 : 주사바늘, 봉합바늘, 수술용칼날, 한방침, 치과용침, 파손된유리재질의시험기구 - 8 -

생물 화학폐기물 : 폐백신, 폐항암제, 폐화학치료제 혈액오염폐기물 : 폐혈액백, 혈액투석시사용된폐기물, 그밖에혈액이유출될정 도로포함되어있어특별한관리가필요한폐기물 C. 일반의료폐기물 : 혈액 체액 분비물 배설물이함유되어있는탈지면, 붕대, 거즈, 일회용기 저귀, 생리대, 일회용주사기, 수액세트 D. 의료폐기물로처리해야하는경우 의료폐기물이아닌폐기물로서의료폐기물과혼합되거나접촉된폐기물 의료폐기물과혼합되어발생되는유기용제 ( 포르말린, 알콜 ) 도의료폐기물로분류 6.2 의료폐기물전용용기의료폐기물은인체에감염등위해를줄우려가있기때문에의료폐기물이발생했을때부터철저하게관리를해야합니다. 의료폐기물이발생되면종류에따라서의료폐기물전용용기에넣어보관해야합니다. 전용용기는흰색으로되어있고바깥쪽에는도형 ( 생물재해표시 ) 과취급시주의사항이표시되어있다. 또한전용용기는환경부장관이고시하는검사기준에따라합격한전용용기만사용할수있다. 이러한전용용기는크게봉투형용기, 골판지류용기, 합성수지류용기로나누어진다. 한번사용한전용용기는절대다시사용하여서는아니되며의료폐기물내용물이새어나오지않도록보관해야하며의료폐기물투입이끝난전용용기는밀폐포장하여보관해야한다. 봉투형용기는의료폐기물을그용량의 75% 이상이되도록넣어서는안되며, 위탁처리시에는골판지류용기에담아배출해야한다. 의료폐기물전용기는의료폐기물보관창고에서보관되어있으며의료폐기물보관창고방문하여직접필요한의료폐기물전용용기를가져다사용할수있다. 다양한크기의의료폐기물전용용기가있으며연구실에서의료폐기물발생량에따라필요한크기의전용용기를가져다사용하면된다. A. 봉투형용기 : 고상 ( 병리계, 생물 화학, 혈액오염, 일반의료폐기물 ) 봉투형용기는위탁처리시골판지 ( 또는합성수지류 ) 용기에담아배출 B. 골판지류용기 : 고상 ( 병리계, 생물 화학, 혈액오염, 일반의료폐기물 ) C. 합성수지류용기 : 조직물류, 액상 ( 병리계, 생물 화학, 혈액오염 ), 손상성 합성수지류용기에보관하는격리, 조직물류, 손상성, 액상폐기물은서로간 또는다른폐기물과의혼합금지 - 9 -

봉투형용기골판지류용기합성수지류용기 폐기물발생량에따라적절한크기용기를선택해서사용하시기바랍니다. 의료폐기물전용용기에표시된사항을아래와같다. < 도형및색상 > 재활용태반격리위해일반 녹색붉은색노란색검은색 < 취급시주의사항 > 이폐기물은감염의위험성이있으므로주의하여취급하시기바랍니다. 배출자종류및성질과상태사용개시연월일수거연월일수거자중량 ( 킬로그램 ) 6.3 의료폐기물수집및보관폐기물의고상, 액상구분은통상적으로함수율이 85퍼센트이상일경우에는액상으로, 85 퍼센트미만일경우에는고상으로구분하고있으며, 의료폐기물보관중에흘러내리거나유출될가능성이있으면액상으로관리하여야합니다. 병리계폐기물, 생물화학폐기물, 혈액오염폐기물, 일반의료폐기물이액상일경우에는합성수지류용기에보관하여야하며, 고상일경우에는합성수지, 또는골판지용기를모두사용할수있습니다. 병리계폐기물, 생물 화학폐기물, 혈액오염폐기물중액체상태인것은합성수지류전용용기에넣어상온에서보관해도가능하며합성수지류전용용기는뚜껑이열리지아니하도록하는잠금장치가있어야합니다. 폐백신등액체상태의폐기물이유리병에담겨져있을경우에는수집, 운반, 보관등의과정에서유리병이파손될우려가있으므로, 액체상태의폐기물을분리하여별도로관리하여야하며, 유리병은손상성폐기물로관리하여야할것입니다. 액상폐기물을담은용기가파손되지않는재질이라하더라도액상폐기물을저장하고자할경우에는합성수지류전용용기에담아야합니다. - 10 -

주사기또는바이알용기에백신, 항암제가함유되어있다면함유량에관계없이생물 화학폐기물로관리하여야하며, 주사바늘및파손된유리재질은함유된백신, 항암제등을제거한뒤손상성폐기물로관리하여야합니다. 주사기용기에약물이남아있다면가능한제거하여폐기물처리를하여주시기바랍니다. 동물사체, 인체조직등의조직물류의경우폐기물보관시부패, 변질등의우려가있으므로보관시에는반드시 4 이하의냉장시설을갖추어야하며, 보관중에는냉장설비를항상가동해야한다. 전용용기에표시해야할항목은배출자, 종류및성질과상태, 사용개시연월일, 수거연월일, 수거자, 중량등을표시해야한다. 단 RFID 전자태그를사용할경우사용개시연월일만표시하면된다. 사용개시연월일은의료폐기물을전용용기에최초로넣은날을의미한다. 사용개시년월일은보관기간의기준이되므로의료폐기물을투입즉시기록해야한다. 이런보관기간을법으로엄격히규제하는이유는의료폐기물의경우부패, 변질및감염의위험이있기때문이다. 사용개시년월일을표기하지않거나보관기간을준수하지않을경우과태료가부과될수있다. 각각의의료폐기물별보관기간은아래표와같다. 폐기물종류 전용용기 ( 도형색상 ) 보관시설 보관기간 조직물류폐기물 상자형합성수지류 ( 노란색 ) 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 15 일 ( 치아는 60 일 ) 손상성폐기물 상자형합성수지류 ( 노란색 ) 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 또는전용의보관창고 30 일 위해의료폐기물 병리계폐기물 생물화학폐기물 합성수지류, 골판지류또는봉투형 ( 노란색 ) 합성수지류, 골판지류또는봉투형 ( 노란색 ) 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 또는전용의보관창고 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 또는전용의보관창고 15 일 15 일 혈액오염폐기물 합성수지류, 골판지류또는봉투형 ( 노란색 ) 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 또는전용의보관창고 15 일 일반의료폐기물 합성수지류, 골판지류또는봉투형 ( 검은색 ) 전용보관시설 (4 이하 ) 또는전용의보관창고 15 일 < 의료폐기물관리방법 > - 11 -

6.4 RFID 의료폐기물관리시스템 RFID 의료폐기물관리시스템의의료폐기물배출 운반 처리정보가배출전용용기에부착된전자태그및전자태그리더기를통해무선주파수인식방법을이용하여전산시스템으로실시간전송되는시스템이다. 의료폐기물배출자는전용용기에폐기물정보가담긴태그를부착하고용기외면에사용개시연월일을기재한다. RFID 전자태그는전용용기 1개당 1개를붙이는것을원칙으로한다. RFID 전자태그를전용용기를부착할경우전용용기외부에표시해야할사항중사용개시연월일을제외한사항은태그부착으로대체할수있다. 표기사항 표기방법 비 고 종류및성질과상태 태그발행시자동입력 용기표기필요없음 배출자 태그발행시자동입력또는 DB자동등록 용기표기필요없음 수거연월일 DB자동등록 용기표기필요없음 수거자 " 용기표기필요없음 중량 ( 킬로그램 ) 휴대형리더기 : 휴대형리더기에입력 용기표기필요없음 사용개시연월일 태그발행시자동입력또는별도표기 용기표기 <RFID 전자태그부착시표기사항 > 6.5 유전자변형생물체 (LMO) 폐기물처리유전자변형생물체연구시설을설치 운영하는기관에서는취급하는유전자변형생물체의특성에맞추어기관별로실험폐기물처리에대한규정을마련하여준수해야합니다. 유전자변형생물체와관련된모든연구폐기물은폐기하기전에반드시생물학적활성을제거해야합니다. 생물학적활성제거를위해실험실에서가장많이사용되는방법은고압증기멸균을사용하는방법입니다. 이는살아있는생물체를고압증기를사용하여완전히파괴시키는방법으로고압증기멸균이가능한품목과불가능한품목 ( 예 : 화학물질, 방사성폐기물, 열에약한플라스틱, 동물사체등 ) 이있으므로사용시주의해야합니다. 고압증기멸균이불가능한품목은폐기물의성질에따라적절한방법을사용하여생물학적활성을제거한뒤에폐기하도록합니다. 고압증기멸균을할때에는전용봉투를사용하고, 봉투의외부가오염되었으면이중으로포장하여멸균하도록합니다. 불활성화조치방법을아래와같습니다. A. 불활성화조치방법 고압증기멸균 : 121 고온에서 15분간처리 ( 일반적인방법 ) - 멸균하고자하는세균및바이러스의특성에따라온도및시간조절 자외선살균소독 화학처리 ( 락스등 ) 구체적인처리방법에대하여는연구자판단에의해가장유용하고적절한방법으로처리 - 12 -

B. LMO 실험폐기물불활성화조치가능한관련장비또는설비 고압멸균기또는화학적처리를필수적으로구비 3.4 등급은양문형고압멸균기필수 유전자변형생물체관련폐기물은생물학적활성을제거하여폐기해야하므로활성제거전과후를구분하여표시한후보관하도록합니다. 또한유전자변형생물체폐기물임을알리는표지를부착하고, 표지에는폐기물종류, 폐기일자, 수량, 무게, 책임자등을기록하도록합니다. 또한의료폐기물이나지정폐기물은정해진용기에구분하여표지를부착해보관하고, 보관날짜를준수하도록합니다. 동물사육에사용된깔짚은동물의분뇨뿐만아니라기타오염물질이포함되어있기때문에밀봉이가능한멸균용봉투나용기에보관하고, 고압증기멸균처리를통해생물학적활성을완전히제거한후폐기합니다. 폐기해야할깔짚의양이많거나, 설비부족등으로인해기관자체에서멸균처리하여폐기할수없는경우에는의료폐기물로분류하여폐기물업체에위탁, 소각처리를할수도있습니다. 6.6 의료폐기물처리시확인사항 A. 내가처리해야되는의료폐기물에대한유해 위험성 ( 독성, 반응성등 ) 을숙지하고있는가? 처리하는의료폐기물의유해 위험성을세균, 바이러스, 화학물질등의특성을숙지해야함 B. 의료폐기물특성에따라분별수집하였가? 의료폐기물특성및종류따라병리계고상, 병리계액상, 손상성등으로구분하여분별수집해야함 C. 의료폐기물과일반또는화학폐기물과혼합하여폐기처리하지않는가? 의료폐기물, 화학폐기물, 일반폐기물을서로처리하는절차나방법이다르게진행되고있어절대서로혼합하여처리해서는안됨 D. 의료폐기물전용용기를사용하고있는가? 의료폐기물을수집하기위한전용용기가있으므로반드시의료폐기물전용용기를이용 하여수집및보관해야함 E. 의료폐기물 RFID 태그를부착하였는가? 의료폐기물은감염등의위험때문에국가적으로관리하고있어반드시의료폐기물 RFID 태그를부착하도록되어있으므로반드시의료폐기물전용용기에 RFID 태크를부착하여수집및보관해야함. F. 사용개시년월일을기록하였는가? 의료폐기물은보관기간이정해져있어의료폐기물전용용기에의료폐기물을투입시 즉시사용개시년월일을기재해야함 ( 미기재시과태료부과대상 ) G. 보관기간을초과하지않았는가? - 13 -

병리계 ( 고, 액 ), 조직물류, 일반의료폐기물은보관기간이 15 일, 손상성폐기물은보관기 간이 30 일로정해져있기때문에보관기간이초과되지않도록배출하여야함 H. 의료폐기물보관시뚜껑은닫았는가? 의료폐기물을보관시에어로졸이발생할수있으므로반드시뚜껑을닫아보관해야함 I. 폐기물처리시개인보호구는착용하는가? 의료폐기물은감염등의우려가있으므로반드시개인보호구를착용하고처리해야함 - 14 -

[ 붙임 1] 서로혼합해서는안되는화학물질 여기에표시된물질이모든물질을표기한것이아니므로반드시폐기처리시에는 MSDS 등 을확인하여혼합해서는안되는물질을확인하기바랍니다. 1. 서로혼합해서는안되는화학물질분류 2. 물질별혼합금지물질 NO. CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBLES 1 Acetic acid Chromic acid, nitric acid, hydroxyl compounds, ethylene glycol, perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates. 2 Acetylene Chlorine, bromine, copper, fluorine, silver, mercury. 3 Acetone Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures. 4 Alkali 5 Alkaline earth metals Water, carbon tetrachloride and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, halogens, carbon dioxide. Water, carbon tetrachloride and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, halogens, carbon dioxide. - 15 -

NO. CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBLES 6 Ammonia (anhydrous) 7 Ammonium nitrate Mercury, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, iodine, bromine, hydrofluoric acid (anhydrous). Acids, powdered metals, flammable liquids, chlorates, nitrates, sulfur, finely-divided organic materials, finely-divided combustible materials. 8 Aniline Nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide. 9 Arsenical metals Any reducing agent. 10 Azides Acids. 11 Bromine Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, methane, propane and other petroleum gases, hydrogen, sodium carbide, benzene, finely-divided metals, turpentine. 12 Calcium oxide Water. 13 Carbon (activated) Calcium hypochlorite, all oxidizing agents. 14 Carbon tetrachloride Sodium. 15 Chlorates 16 Chromic acid 17 Chromium trioxide 18 Chlorine Ammonium salts, acids, powdered metals, sulfur, finely-divided organic materials, finely-divided combustible materials. Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerol, alcohol, flammable liquids. Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerol, alcohol, flammable liquids. Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, methane, propane and other petroleum gases, hydrogen, sodium carbide, benzene, finely-divided metals, turpentine. 19 Chlorine dioxide Ammonia, methane, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide. 20 Copper Acetylene, hydrogen peroxide. 21 Cumene hydroperoxide Acids. 22 Cyanides Acids. 23 Flammable liquids Ammonium nitrate, chromic acid, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, sodium peroxide, halogens. 24 Fluorine INCOMPATIBLE WITH ANY MATERIAL. 25 Hydrocarbons Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chromic acid, sodium peroxide. 26 Hydrocyanic acid Nitric acid, alkali. 27 Hydrofluoric acid (anhydrous) Ammonia aqueous or anhydrous. 28 Hydrogen Iodine, flammable liquids, combustible materials. - 16 -

NO. CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBLES 29 Hydrogen peroxide Copper, chromium, iron, most metals and their salts, alcohols, acetone, organic materials, aniline, nitromethane, combustible materials. 30 Hydrogen sulfide Fuming nitric acid, oxidizing gases. 31 Hypochlorites Acids, activated carbon. 32 Iodine Acetylene, hydrogen, ammonia. 33 Mercury Acetylene, fulminic acid, ammonia. 34 Nitrates Sulfuric acid. 35 Nitric acid (concentrated) Acetic acid, aniline, chromic acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, flammable liquids, flammable gases, copper brass, heavy metals. 36 Nitrites Acids. 37 Nitroparaffins Inorganic bases, amines. 38 Oxalic acid Silver, mercury. 39 Oxygen 40 Perchloric acid Oils, grease, hydrogen, flammable liquids, flammable solids, flammable gases. Oils, grease, acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys, alcohol, paper, wood. 41 Peroxides, organic Acids - organic or mineral. 42 Phosphorous (white) Oxygen, alkalis, reducing agents. 43 Potassium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water. 44 Potassium chlorate Sulfuric acid and other acids. 45 Potassium perchlorate Sulfuric acid and other acids. 46 Potassium permanganate Glycerol, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde, sulfuric acid. 47 Selenides Reducing agents. 48 Silver Acetylene, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, ammonium compounds, fulminic acid. 49 Sodium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water. 50 Sodium nitrite Ammonium nitrite and other ammonium salts. 51 Sodium peroxide 52 Sulfides Acids. Ethyl or methyl alcohol, glacial acteic acid, acetic anhydride, benzaldehyde, carbon disulfide, glycerin, ethylene glycol, ethylacetate, methyl acetate, furfural. 53 Sulfuric acid Potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, light metals :sodium, lithium, potassium permanganate, and so on. 54 Tellurides Reducing agents. - 17 -

[ 붙임 2] 물반응성화학물질 Acetlc anhyride Acetyl chloride Allyl trichlorosilane Aluminum borohydride Aluminum chloride Aluminum hypophosphide Aluminum tetrahydroborate Anisoyl chloride Antimony trichloride Antimony triiodide Arsenic tribromide Arsenic triiodide Barium carbide Barium sulfide Benzoyl chloride Beryllium tetrahydroborate Borane Boron dibromoiodide Boron tribromide Boron triiodide Bromine pentafluoride Bromo diethylaluminum n-butyl trichlorosilane Cadmium amide Calcium carbide Calcium oxide Cesium amide Cesium phosphide Chlorine monofluoride Chlorine trifluoride Chlorodiisobutyl aluminum Chromyl chloride Cyclohexenyl trichlorosilane Decaborane Diethyl aluminum chloride Diethyl zinc Dimethyl dichlorosilane Disulfury chloride Ethyl dichloroarsine Ethyl trichlorosilane Fluorine monoxide Acetyl bromide Alkyl aluminum chloride Aluminum aminoborohydride Aluminum bromide Aluminum fluoride Aluminum phsophide Amyl trichlorosilane Antimony tribromide Antimony trifluoride Antimony trivinyl Arsenic trichloride Barium Barium oxide Benzene phosphorus dichloride Benzyl silane Beryllium hydride Bismuth pentaflouride Boron bromodiiodide Boron phosphide Boron trichloride Bromine monofluoride Bromine trifluoride n-butyl lithium Cadmium acetylide Calcium Calcium hydride Calcium phosophide Cesium hydide Chlorine dioxide Chlorine pentafluoride Chloroacetyl chloride Chlorophenyl isocyanate Copper acetylide trichlorosilane Diborane Diethyl dichlorosilane Diisopropyl beryllium Dimethylmethane diisocyanate Dodecyl trichlorosilane Ethyl dichlorosilane Fluorine - 18 -

Gold acetylide Hexyl trichlorosilane lodine monochloride Lithium aluminium hydride Lithium ferrosilicon Lithium peroxide Methyl aluminum sesquibromide Methyl dichlorosilane Methyl isocyanate Methyl magnesium bromide Methyl magnesium iodide Nonyl trichlorosilane Octyl trichlorosilane Phosphonium iodide Phosphorus oxychloride Phosphorus trisulfide Phosphorus oxybromide Phosphorus pentachloride Phosphorus tribromide Polyphenyl polymethyl isocyanate Potassium hydride Potassium peroxide Pyrosulfuryl chloride Silver acetylide Sodium aluminum hydride Sodium hydride Sodium oxide Sodium-potassium alloy Sulfonyl fluoride Sulfur chloride Sulfur trioxide Thiocarbonyl chloride Thiophosphoryl chloride Toluene diisocyanate Triethyl aluminum Trimethyl aluminum Tri-n-butyl borane Trichloroborane Triethyl stibine Trimethyl stibine Trisilyl arsine Vanadium trichloride Zinc acetylide Zinc peroxide Fluorosulfonic acid Hexadecyl trichlorosilane Hydrobromic acid Lithium Lithium amide Lithium hydride Lithium silicon Methyl aluminum sesquichloride Methylene diisocyanate Methyl trichlorosilane Methyl magnesium chloride Nickel antimonide Octadecyl trichlorosilane Phenyl trichlorosilane Phosphoric anhydride Phosphorus pentasulfide Phosphorus (amorphous red) Phosphorus sesquisulfide Phosphorus trichloride Potassium Potassium oxide Propyl trichloride Silicon tetrachloride Sodium Sodium amide Sodium methylate Sodium peroxide Stannic chloride Sulfuric acid (>70%) Sulfur pentafluoride Sulfuryl chloride Thionyl chloride Titanium tetrachloride Trichlorosilane Triisobutyl aluminum Tri-n-butyl aluminum Tricotyl aluminum Triethyl arsine Trimethyl arsine Tripropyl stibine Trivinyl stibine Vinyl trichlorosilane Zinc phosphide Zinc acetylide - 19 -

[ 붙임 3] 폭발성화학물질 Acetyl azide Ammonium azide Ammonium hexanitrocobaltate Ammonium nitrite Ammonium permanganate Ammonium tetraperoxychromate Barium azide Benzotriazole Bismuth nitride Bromine azide B t-butyl hypochlorite Cadmium hexamine chlorate Cadmium nitrate Cadmium trihydrazine chlorate Cesium azide Chlorine dioxide Chlorine trioxide Choropicrin Cyanuric triazide Diazodinitrophenol Dipentaerithritol hexanitrate Disulfur dinitride Ethyl nitrite Glycol dinitrate Gold fulminate HMX Hydrazoic acid Lead dinitroresorcinate Lead styphnate Mercuric oxycyanide Nitrocarbonitrate Nitroglycerin Nitrostarch Picamide Polyvinyl nitrate Potassium nitrate Silver acetylide Silver nitride Silver tetrazine Sodium picamate Tetraselenium tetranitride Tstrazene Trilead dinitride Trinitrobenzene Trinitronaphthalene Trinitrotoluene Vinyl azide Acetyl nitrate Ammonium chlorate Ammonium nitrate Ammonium periodate Ammonium picrate Azidocarbonyl guanidine Benzene diazonium chloride Benzoyl peroxide Boron triazide Butanetriol trinitrate Cadmium azide Cadmium hexamine perchlorate Cadmium nitride Calcium nitrate Chlorine azide Chlorine fluoroxide Chloroacetylene Copper acetylide Diazidoethane Diethylene glycol dinitrate Dipicryl amine Ethyl nitrate Fluorine azide Glycol monolactate trinitrate Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene hydrazine Hydrazine azide Lead azide Lead mononitroresorcinate Mannitol hexanitrate Mercury fulminate Nitrocellulose Nitrosoguanidine Pentaerythritol tetranitrate Picric acid Potassium dinitrobenzfuroxan RDX Silver azide Silver styphnate Smokeless powder Tetranitro methane Tetrasulfur tetranitride Thallium nitride Trimercury dinitride Trinitrobenzoic acid Trinitroresorcinol Urea nitrate Zinc peroxide - 20 -

[ 붙임 4] 연구실폐기물처리온라인신청절차 관련문의 : 안전팀 (T.2342) 1. 홈페이지접속 URL : https://safety.kaist.ac.kr/ 로그인 : KAIST Portal ID, Password 사용 2. 연구실안전관리시스템클릭 3. 연구실안전관리시스템클릭 - 21 -

4. 실험실클릭 5. 폐기물배출실험실선택 1 여러개의실험실에소속되어있을경우폐기물배출실험실선택 2 폐기물관리중배출폐기물종류 ( 화학폐기물, 의료폐기물 ) 선택 1 2 6. 폐기물수거희망일선택 폐기물수거희망일클릭 달력에서폐기물수거일은그림이삽입되어있음 - 22 -

7. 폐기물배출정보기입 1 신청자, 연락처, 배출건물, 배출호실등기본정보는선택한실험실을기준으로표시되므로정보가다를경우반드시수정해야함 2 배출폐기물체크박스선택 ( 중복선택가능 ) 3 특별히주의를요하는금수성물질, 맹독성물질, 자연발화물질등은주의사항에관련사항기록해야함 1 2 3 8. 폐기물배출신청확인 - 23 -

1. Introduction to laboratory wastes Laboratory wastes can be categorized as general daily wastes, radioactive wastes, chemical wastes, and medical wastes. Wastes that are similar to domestic wastes such as used papers, tissue papers, disposable products, drink bottles and cans can be collected, moved, stored, or disposed according to the local government ordinance. However, chemical wastes including acids, alkali, and organic solvents that may come from research and development activities are hazardous to humans and detrimental to environment, and medical wastes including body tissue, carcass, used cotton, culture medium, and infection strain that may come from biology-related experiments are likely to cause health issues such as infection, so they are subject to special treatment. Research participants must well-understand the possible chemical and biological dangers before conducting any experiment, and know fully about the hazards of the wastes produced from experiments. If you are unsure about the properties of the wastes that you must deal with, you must search for related information or contact the safety team to safely dispose the wastes. Radioactive wastes are dealt by the central analysis center according to separate measures. 2. Laboratory waste treatment information If you are not sure about the properties of laboratory wastes, you must never randomly dispose the wastes. Incorrect disposal can cause safety accidents and environmental pollution, so waste disposal must always be done according to correct procedures. General information related to waste disposal can be found in the MSDS. You can contact the safety team (W8, Education support building) for further information related to disposal container, tags, and procedures to deal with chemical and medical wastes. Also, waste disposal procedures and methods are posted on the safety team internet homepage (http://saftey.kaist.ac.kr), and any additional information can be found - 24 -

by contacting the safety team waste disposal officer (042-350-2342, hjyim@kaist.ac.kr). 3. Responsibility and Role Research participants who produce chemical or biological wastes are legally and ethically responsible for the waste disposal. They may become subjects of fine or imprisonment according to the waste control act when the wastes are disposed incorrectly. Thus, random disposal of the wastes or draining them at the sewer is strictly forbidden. Such wastes may cause accident or pollute the environment. KAIST members must be well-aware of the ethical responsibility whenever treating the wastes. Be sure that the legal responsibility falls on you if you do not follow the correct waste disposal procedures. 3.1 Producers Who are the producers? The producers refer to the research participants in the laboratory who collect and dispose the chemical or biological wastes produced from research and development activity. The producers are the ones who conduct the first steps of the waste disposal procedures, and they must attempt to minimize the amount of waste produced from the laboratory. In order to reduce the amount of hazardous wastes, extremely hazarouds or dangerous chemicals must be replaced by other substitutes. Also, because the methods to dispose the wastes vary widely according to the properties of wastes, different types of wastes must be separately dealt for disposal. For the safe waste disposal, the followings must be observed. A. Minimize the amount of waste produced B. Follow the laboratory waste disposal procedures C. Collect wastes according to their types and properties D. Sterilize or deactivate the hazardous activity of wastes E. Attach hazard danger warning signs on the waste container F. Collect wastes only at the designated places in the laboratory (storing wastes at the corridor, staircase, or outside is forbidden) G. Complete the waste disposal education courses 3.2 Waste management department The waste management department refers to the safety team that lawfully transfers the wastes produced by laboratories through waste treatment businesses. The waste management department conducts the followings in order to safety manage the wastes. A. Provide educational courses for the research participants to safety and lawfully dispose the wastes B. Provide technical and administrative supports for waste classification, collection, and disposal. C. Collect the disposed wastes D. Administer waste treatment businesses for lawful waste disposal - 25 -

E. Record and administer waste disposal 4. Laboratory waste disposal procedure Laboratory wastes are collected by the research participants as general daily wastes, radioactive wastes, chemical wastes, or medical wastes. The collected wastes are disposed when their amount reach a certain level. Disposal must be requested at the safety team homepage (http://safety.kaist.ac.kr/) for the elimination of the wastes. The safety team transfers the wastes on the designated dates after accepting the request. In case of KAIST, the waste storage is at a distance from laboratories, and personally moving the hazardous wastes to the storage is prohibited due to safety risks. Only in case of special occasions can one personally carry wastes after informing the safety team. Wastes produced Disposal request Approval and pick up l Classification and gathering l Safety team homepage http://safety.kaist.ac.kr/ l Disposal request approval l waste collection on l Store at laboratory l Waste disposal request the designated date Laboratory Laboratory Safety team 4.1 Chemical wastes A. Collection date : Begins at 9:30 A.M. every Thursday B. Collection method : Wastes are collected by visiting the laboratory that has requested for the pick up The chemical wastes must be discharged in front of the laboratory entrance C. Uncollectable wastes Using inappropriate waste container or missing the chemical waste tags Mixed with medical or general wastes Discharged without the disposal request 4.2 Medical waste A. Collection date : Begins at 13:30 every Friday B. Collection method : Discharged at the designated place of every building No. Designated place for collection In case of rain 1 Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering main entrance 2 KI building 1st floor main entrance No change 3 Department of biological sciences main entrance No change 4 Behind the biomedical research center - 26 - Inside P.P. building entrance Biomedical research center main entrance 5 Department of chemistry entrance No change 6 ChungMoonSoul building main entrance No change 7 Behind mechanical engineering building No change Discharge the wastes inside the entrance in case of rain. C. Uncollectable wastes Using inappropriate waste container or missing the medical waste RFID tag

Discharged without the disposal request 4.3 Waste storage location <Waste storage location> 5. Chemical waste management 5.1 Range of chemical wastes Chemical wastes refer to the chemicals in liquid, solid, or sludge phase, produced after chemical experiments, that are no longer needed for the research activity. These wastes can cause greater threats than those before conducting experiments, through maintaining their inflammable, corrosive, or toxic nature, or combining to form another type of chemical. Thus, the wastes produced from laboratories must be well separated according to their properties and conditions to be collected. If they must be mixed, mixing should be done only after checking if they are allowed to be mixed safely. The mixed chemicals must be classified according to the chemical properties of the greatest proportion, and the mixed contents must be thoroughly recorded on the waste tags. The containers used to contain the chemicals (glass or plastic bottle), gloves and instruments with chemical stains, and water used to wash the stains must as well be treated as chemical wastes. A. Organic solvent : liquid phase organic chemicals including solvent, or thinner halogenated organic solvents : dichloromethane, chlorobenzene, - 27 -

tetrachloroethylene other organic solvents : alcohol, acetone, benzene, hexane B. Corrosive matters : liquid phase wastes whose hydrogen ion exponent is lower than 2.0 or higher than 12.5 acids : hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, acetic acid alkalis : sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonia C. waste oil : solution with oil content higher than 5% lubricant, silicon oil, grinding oil D. wastes containing hazardous matters solidification treatment wastes, waste catalyst, waste sorbent or absorbent, silica E. waste reagent : matters that react vigorously with air or water, expired matters, or unidentified hazardous matters E. synthetic polymers : synthetic resin or rubber waste (excluding solid phase) G. other wastes empty reagent bottles gloves and instruments with chemical stains The following laboratory wastes can be treated as general daily wastes. Domestic chemical products such as soap or detergent Low concentration liquid wastes (below 100ppm) (however, not those including heavy metals) toilet rolls or papers without chemical stain 5.2 Chemical wastes that require attention for disposal A. Peroxides Peroxides are explosive matters that may explode when exposed to shock, intense light, or heat. Thus, handling, storing, and disposing the peroxides require special care. Disposing the matters that may produce peroxides within 3 to 6 months after unsealing is recommended. Typical examples are shown in the following. organic divinyl ether, divinyl acetylene, isopropyl ether, vinylidene chloride inorganic potassium metal, potassium amide, sodium amide(sodamide) B. mercury Mercury is highly toxic liquid metal. When mercury leaks, use disposable pipettes to collect it in a plastic container. Apply sulfur or zinc to the collected mercury to stabilize it before disposal. When disposing mercury thermometers, discharge - 28 -

them after sealing in cases and contacting the safety team. C. alkali metals Alkali metals like sodium, lithium, and potassium may spontaneously ignite in air, and explode in water. Thus, when discharging alkali metals, safety team must be informed first. In case the alkali metals are completely oxidized or exist as aqueous solutions, they can be disposed according to the chemical waste disposal procedures. However, in case of disposing solid state alkali metals, they must be contained in a sealed plastic container filled with kerosene or mineral oil. D. Other chemicals that require attention for disposal Chemicals mixed during experiments involve dangers of explosion or gas emission. Mixing two different chemicals require special attention, and the mixture can only be disposed after the chemical reaction comes to a complete stop. explosive wastes : nitric acid+organic solvents, sulfuric acid+calcium permanganate highly reactive wastes : sulfuric acid, high concentration nitric acid gas emitting wastes : nitric acid+organic solvents, hydrogen peroxide mixture, bicarbonate+inorganic acids 5.3 Chemical waste container In order to gather liquid phase chemical wastes, 10L or 20L sized chemically resistant polyethylene (HDPE) containers must be used. These are used to contain waste organic solvents, acids, alkalis, and oils. In case HDPE container cannot be used, the appropriate type of waste container must be decided after contacting the safety team. When gathering wastes into the container, only 70~80% of the full capacity must be filled. Also, liquid waste leakage must be prevented by using firm container supports. In case of reagents not in use, they can be contained in HDPE containers like other liquid phase chemical wastes. However, in case of unidentified chemicals, explosive matters, or high concentration acids that cannot be contained in the ordinary containers, paper boxes can be used instead to discharge the wastes. - 29 -

Classificatio n liquid wastes waste reagents empty bottles Types l liquid phase wastes l reagents not in use l glass or plastic bottles polyethylene container paper box paper box Containers 5.4 Chemical waste tags Chemical waste tags must be attached on the container from the point gathering the wastes begins. There are 8 types of waste tags: non-halogen organic solvents, halogenated organic solvents, oil, inorganic matters, acids, alkalis, reagents, and miscellaneous. Information about the waste properties and sources is noted on the tags. Also, all contents must be recorded in case of chemical mixtures. In case the wastes are explosive, toxic, heavy metals, or other types that require special attention, cautions must be recorded on the tags so that the transporters can be aware. Chemical waste tags can be taken at the safety team (W8, education support building), or tag boxes of each building as much as needed. Chemical waste tags Classifi cation non-halogenate d organic solvents halogenated organic solvents oil inorganic matters organic Types alcohol, acetone compounds including fluorine lubricants and fuels catalysts, ceramic, metals and chlorine Color red brown grey green Tag - 30 -

Classifi cation waste acids waste alkalis waste reagents miscellaneous wastes Types Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid ammonia, sodium hydroxide reagents not in use empty bottles, glasses, plastics Color yellow blue white orange Tag 5.5 Chemical waste disposal checklist A. Am I familiar with the potential hazards and dangers of the chemical wastes I am about to dispose? Check the MSDS, laboratory safety handbook, chemical safety information B. Is the chemical waste stable? Set aside the chemicals still going through reaction, and dispose them after the reaction comes to a complete stop. C. Are the wastes separately gathered according to their chemical properties and conditions? Different chemicals must be gathered separately according to their chemical properties and conditions, because mixing different chemicals may cause fire or explosion. Refer to [appendix 1], [appendix 2] D. Are the wastes emitting gas? In case the chemical wastes emit gas, pressure may gather up in the container to lead to an explosion, so they must be disposed after the gas emission is completed or use the safety cap on the container. E. Is appropriate container used for the chemical waste? Chemically resistant polyethylene (HDPE) containers must be used to gather the chemical wastes In case HDPE container cannot be used, the appropriate type of waste container must be decided after contacting the safety team. F. Is the waste tag with the information properly recorded attached on the container? The proper type of waste tag must be attached on the container according to the types of chemical waste, and information about the chemical, gathering dates, and person in charge must be recorded. - 31 -

G. Is the appropriate amount of wastes gathered in the container? When gathering wastes into the container, only 70~80% of the full capacity must be filled. H. Is the waste container stored in the spill tray? In order to prevent the waste leakage during gathering or due to faulty container, spill trays must be used. I. Is the waste container sealed well with the lead? Gas dispersion from the chemical waste not only contaminates the ambient air but also influences the health of the research participants, so the container must be sealed well with the lead. J. Isn't the chemical wastes kept too long in the container? Container of the proper size must be used so that the wastes are kept in the container for no more than 45 days. K. Are individual protection gears worn when handling the wastes? Since the chemical wastes involve chemical hazards, protection gears must always be worn to handle them. 6. Medical waste management 6.1 Range of medical wastes Medical wastes refer to the wastes that require health hygienic and environmental control such as body tissues, used cotton, and carcass, and products used for the biological experiments such as drosophila, used culture medium, culture dish, slide, syringe, and cover glass, must also be treated as medical wastes. Medical wastes are largely grouped as segregated medical wastes, hazardous medical wastes, and general medical wastes, and most medical wastes produced from laboratories - namely, products and instruments used for medical research, such as animal tissue, used culture medium, slide, gloves, and syringe - fall into the hazardous medical waste category. Also, if wastes other than medical wastes were either mixed with or touched by medical wastes, such wastes must be treated as medical wastes as well. A. Segregated medical waste : wastes produced from taking medical measures on the segregated patients with infectious disease B. Hazardous medical waste Biological tissues : parts of human or animal tissues, organs, or body, carcass, blood, pus, components of blood Pathogens : used culture medium, dish, strain, test tube, slide, cover glass, badge, and gloves from medical tests and inspections Damaging wastes : injection needle, stitching needle, surgical scalpel, - 32 -

acupuncture, dental needle, broken glass instrument Biochemical wastes : disused vaccine, anticancer, chemotherapeutic agents Blood-related wastes : disused blood bag, wastes from hemodialysis, and other wastes with significant amount of blood stain C. General medical wastes : cotton, bandage, gauze, diaper, sanitary pad, syringe, or intravenous drip kit that contains blood, body fluid, secretion, or excretion. D. Treating non-medical wastes as medical wastes Non-medical wastes that were mixed with or came in contact with medical wastes Disused organic solvents produced from medical purposes (formalin, alcohol) 6.2 Container designated for medical waste Since medical wastes may be infectious and hazardous for human, they require strictly proper management from the point of their production. Whenever medical wastes are produced, they must be kept inside the designated container. The container has a white color, and warning signs (biodisaster signs) with cautions. Also, the designated container must be qualified by the inspection standard notified by the minister of the environment. The designated containers are largely grouped as bag type, corrugated cardboard type, and synthetic resin type. All containers are only for a single use. The container must be kept so that leakage is completely blocked, and it must be sealed well after gathering is done. In case of using the bag type container, the content should not exceed 75% of the full capacity, and must be put in a corrugated cardboard box for entrusted disposal. The designated containers are stored at the medical waste storage, and personal visits to the medical waste storage to take the containers are allowed. Containers of different sizes exist, and the containers of the appropriate size can be taken as needed according to the production amount of the medical wastes in the laboratory. A. Bag type container : solids (pathogens, biochemical wastes, blood stains, general medical wastes) The bag type container must be put in a corrugated cardboard box (or synthetic resin container) for entrusted disposal. B. corrugated cardboard box : solids (pathogens, biochemical wastes, blood stains, general medical wastes) C. synthetic resin container : animal tissues, liquids(pathogens, biochemical wastes, blood stains), damaging wastes segregated wastes, animal tissues, damaging and liquid wastes gathered in the synthetic resin container should not be mixed - 33 -

together or with other types of wastes bag type container corrugated cardboard box synthetic resin container Use the container of appropriate size depending on the amount of wastes production The markings of the containers designated for medical wastes are shown below. recycled placenta < Sign and colors > segregated hazardous general green red yellow black < handling cautions > Handling this waste requires attention; it involves the danger of infection. Producer Types and property/state Date of first use Collection date Collector weight (kg) 6.3 Medical waste collection and storage Wastes are generally sorted as liquids if their percentage of moisture content is over 85%, and as solids if not. However, when the wastes may leak or flow down, they must be treated as liquids. Pathogenic, biochemical, blood-related, or general wastes in liquid phase must be stored in the synthetic resin container, and those in solid state can be stored in either synthetic resin or corrugated cardboard box. Pathogenic, biochemical, or blood-related wastes in liquid phase can be stored in the synthetic resin container at room temperature, and the synthetic resin container must have a locking device that prevents the lid from opening. Because the glass bottles containing medical wastes such as used vaccine may break during their disposal processes of collection, transportation, or storage, so the liquid content inside the glass bottle must be dealt separately from the glass bottle and the bottle must be classified as the damaging wastes. Even if the bottles are not fragile, if their content is liquid, they must be gathered in the synthetic resin container. If used vaccine or anticancer is contained in syringes or vials, they must be - 34 -

classified as biochemical wastes regardless of the amount of content left inside. Needles or glass shards stained with vaccines or anticancers must be classified as the damaging wastes after removing the chemicals. Try eliminating the content inside the syringe as much as possible before disposal. Waste tissues such as carcass or body organs may decompose or spoil during their storage, so the temperature of the storage must be maintained lower than 4 through the use of refrigeration facility. On the container tag, waste producer, types and property/state, date of first use, collection date, collector, and weight information must be recorded. However, only recording the date of first use should suffice if RFID electric tag is used. The date of first use describes the day the first medical waste is put into the container. This date becomes the reference for calculating the allowable storage period, so it must be recorded immediately after starting to gather wastes in the specific container. The reason for strictly regulating the allowable storage period by law is because the medical wastes may decompose or spoil during their storage. If the date of first use is not recorded or the container is stored for more than the allowable period, fines can be charged. Allowable periods for storage are shown in the following table according to each types of wastes. - 35 -

Hazardous medical wastes Waste types Tissues Damaging wastes Pathogens Biochemical wastes Bloodrelated wastes General medical wastes Designated container (Colors) Synthetic resin box (yellow) Synthetic resin box (yellow) Synthetic resin, corrugated cardboard box, or bag-type (yellow) Synthetic resin, corrugated cardboard box, or bag-type (yellow) Synthetic resin, corrugated cardboard box, or bag-type (yellow) Synthetic resin, corrugated cardboard box, or bag-type (black) <Medical waste management> Storage designated storage facility (kept under4 ) designated storage facility (kept under4 ) or designated storage room designated storage facility (kept under4 ) or designated storage room designated storage facility (kept under4 ) or designated storage room designated storage facility (kept under4 ) or designated storage room designated storage facility (kept under4 ) or designated storage room Allowable storage period 15 days (60 days for teeth) 30 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 6.4 RFID Medical waste management system As the name tells, RFID enables online reporting of the medical waste disposal, transportation, and treatment information through radio frequency identification. The medical waste producer must attach the tag with the information about disposed wastes and record the date of first use on the container. A single RFID tag is used for one container. All the information that must be recorded on the container can be replaced by attaching an RFID tag except the date of first use. - 36 -

Information Recording method Remarks Types and property/state Producer Collection date Collector Weight (kg) Date of first use Automated record when the tag is issued Automated record when the tag is issued or automated database registration Automated database registration Automated database registration Portable reader: record with the portable reader Automated record when the tag is issued or record manually <Markings with RFID tag attachment> Container marking unnecessary Container marking unnecessary Container marking unnecessary Container marking unnecessary Container marking unnecessary Container marking 6.5 Living modified organism (LMO) disposal Waste disposal regulations must be arranged and observed in the laboratories that install and operate the experiment facilities using LMOs. Biological activity must be completely eliminated from all wastes related with LMOs before their disposal. Often high pressure steam sterilization is used to eliminate the biological activity. It destroys the living organism with high pressure steam, but using such method requires attention since there are different types of wastes that either can or cannot (eg.: chemicals, radioactive wastes, plastic or tissues vulnerable to heat) be sterilized by this method. For those that cannot be sterilized using high pressure steam, appropriate methods must be chosen to eliminate the biological activity before disposal. Only the designated bags are to be used for high pressure steam sterilization, and if the bag is contaminated, use another bag to cover it again to sterilize. Inactivation methods are shown in the following. A. Inactivation methods High pressure steam sterilization (autoclave) : for 15 minutes at 121 (in general) - Set temperature and time depending on the properties of the germs and viruses UV sterilization Chemical treatment (germicide) Treat by the most effective and appropriate method according to the researcher's decision. B. LMO waste inactivation equipment and facility Arrangement of autoclave or chemical treatment facility is mandatory. Two door type autoclave is required for level 3 and 4. - 37 -

Because the biological activity of LMOs must be eliminated before their disposal, those before and after inactivation must be separated and recorded for their storage. Also, the LMO sign must be attached, and information about waste type, produced date, amount, weight, and producer must be recorded on it. Be sure that the medical or other designated wastes are stored in the designated containers separately with the right tags attached only within the allowable storage period. Straw litters used to raise animals must be contained in sealed bags or boxes since they are stained with animal excretions as well as other contaminants, and be disposed only after complete elimination of biological activity. If they cannot be treated properly within the institution due to excessive amount or lack of sterilization facility, then must be classified as medical wastes and go through entrusted incineration. 6.6 Medical waste disposal checklist A. Am I familiar with the potential hazards and dangers (toxicity, reactivity) of the medical wastes I am about to dispose? Learn the hazards and dangers such as germs, viruses, and chemical properties, about the medical wastes being dealt. B. Are the wastes separately gathered according to their properties? Medical wastes must be gathered according to their types: solid pathogens, liquid pathogens, and the damaging wastes. C. Aren't the medical waste mixed with the chemical waste for disposal? Different disposal procedures and methods are applied to medical, chemical, and general wastes, so mixed treatment is strictly forbidden. D. Is appropriate container used for the medical waste? Only the containers designated for the medical wastes must be used for collection and storage. E. Is the medical waste RFID tag attached on the container? Since the medical waste disposal is strictly regulated by laws due to their potential dangers like infection, RFID tag must be attached on the container for collection and storage. F. Is the date of first use recorded? The allowable storage period is fixed for each types of medical wastes, so the date of first usage of the container must be recorded immediately after starting to gather wastes in the specific container (fines are charged if not observed). G. Isn't the allowable storage period exceeded? - 38 -

Storage period is 15 days for pathogens (solids and liquids), tissues, and general medical wastes, and 30 days for the damaging wastes. Be sure that the wastes are stored no more than what is allowable. H. Is the waste container sealed well with the lead? Medical wastes may emit aerosol during their storage, so the lid must be closed well. I. Are individual protection gears worn when handling the wastes? Since the medical wastes involve dangers of infection, protection gears must always be worn to handle them. - 39 -

[Appendix 1] Chemicals that cannot be mixed Not all chemicals are listed in the following. Please check the MSDS for further details to check which chemicals should not be mixed when disposing them. 1. Classification of the chemicals that should not be mixed together X = chemicals that should not be mixed together 2. Incompatible substances by chemicals NO. CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBLES 1 Acetic acid Chromic acid, nitric acid, hydroxyl compounds, ethylene glycol, perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates. 2 Acetylene Chlorine, bromine, copper, fluorine, silver, mercury. 3 Acetone Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures. 4 Alkali 5 Alkaline earth metals Water, carbon tetrachloride and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, halogens, carbon dioxide. Water, carbon tetrachloride and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, halogens, carbon dioxide. - 40 -