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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil


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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습 목표 be동사의 쓰임을 익히고, 체계적인 글쓰기 실력을 다진다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한 내용 (단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매



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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


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수능 CAT

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien


55호 1면

Unit 1 reading.hwp



Unit 6 I Had a Great Time! A: Did you have a nice vacation? B: Yes. I did volunteer work. A: I think it s great. B: I think so, too. / I don t think so. I went to a science camp. I m reading a lot about trees. Words accident behind ex. Bill is behind his father. boring cameraman camp comedian dead cf. die diver during ex. I visited my uncle during my vacation. exciting fantastic ex. I think the movie is fantastic. factory festival forest future ex. I want to be a tree doctor in the future. hard joke leaf leaves lesson mountain movie news nice other people popular ex. I met many popular comedians. 118 reach report scientist space spend spent ex. I spent a week with my grandmother. stage station still ex. Tony still lives there. studio ex. In the studio, there are many comedians. tour guide volunteer ex. I did volunteer work at the library. whole ex. I ate the whole cake myself. wonderful Phrases because of ex. People will be happy because of me. grow up ex. When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. make friends ex. At the camp I want to make friends. take medicine ex. You should take some medicine. say to oneself ex. I said to mysllf, I can do it.

Words 01 during 02 festival 03 movie 04 future 05 comedian 06 forest 07 other 08 studio 09 wonderful 10 reach 11 people 12 factory 13 behind 14 dead 15 camp 16 whole 17 exciting 18 diver 19 leaf 20 stage 21 mountain 22 tour guide 23 fantastic 24 nice 25 scientist 26 news 27 popular 28 joke 29 volunteer 30 report 31 accident 32 space 33 cameraman 34 still 35 boring 36 hard 37 lesson 38 spend 39 station Phrases 40 make friends 41 say to oneself 42 take medicine 43 because of 44 grow up p.185 Unit 6 119 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 120 p.185 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Phrases 40 41 42 43 44

1 In the ( studio / news ), they told jokes and did funny things. 2 He is a cameraman at a television ( stage / station ). 3 Matt is in an ( accident / stomachache ) this morning. 4 I will go to an English ( diver/ camp ) this summer vacation. 5 A ( comedian / factory ) tells funny jokes. 6 Joy will take computer ( lessons / guides ). 7 The movie was so ( big / boring ). 8 I ate the cake myself. 9 I spent a week there the vacation. 10 In the mountain forest, many trees were. 11 I sometimes do work at the library. 12 Did you finish the? make friends because of take medicine grow up say to oneself 13 People will be happy me. 14 I want to many new at the camp. 15 I always, I can be a reporter. 16 When you, what do you want to be? 17 A: Mom, I have a stomachache. B: You should. p.185 joke funny cameraman eat ate vacation forest sometimes library finish camp reporter stomachache Unit 6 121 A: Did you have a nice vacation? B: Yes. I did volunteer work. do did Did Yesdid Nodidn t did Yes No A: Did you make a robot and other things? B: Yes, I did. A: Did you go to an English camp? B: No, I didn t. I went to a science camp. A: What did you do last night? B: I did my homework. A: Where did you go during the vacation? B: I went to Gyeongju. A: What did you learn about? B: I learned about a lot of science. 1 A: a nice vacation, Matt? Matt B:. I diving. A: Really? it? B: It. I really want to be a diver. 2 A: during summer vacation, Nicole? Nicole B: Well, I a singer, so I a music camp. A: Really? How was it? B: It was fun! I, too. 122

p.185 A: What did you do last weekend? B: I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think it s great. A: I think so, too. I think so, too. / I don t think so. A: I think The Little Prince is fantastic. B: I think so, too. A: I think TV is bad for children. B: I agree with you. Me, too. Same here. A: I think The Wizard of Oz is exciting. B: I don t think so. A: We don t have to clean the street. B: I don t agree with you. I m against it. 3 A: The photo great. B:, too. Let s put it on the wall. 4 A: I our math teacher looks. B: Well, I. He s just tired. 5 A: What did you do? B: I read an interesting book. A: You did?? B: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. a lot. A:, too. is great. B:. Unit 6 123 p.185 A: 1. a nice vacation, Mark? Mark? B: Yes. I 2. a science camp. A: Really? 3. it? B: It was fun. 4., Dabin? A: I went to an English camp. 5.. A: 6. do last night? B: I went 7.. A: You did? 8. you see? B: Robot Mom. A: I saw it, too. 9. the movie is fantastic. B: Well, 10.. I slept the whole time. (A) I don t know. I have no plans. Why? (B) Sounds great. (C) Why don t we visit the museum? It has a special show. (D) What are you going to do this afternoon? 124

1 A: you have a nice trip? B: Yes, I did. It was great. Did Do Does Are Were 2 A: The Internet is good for students. B: I don t think so. 3 A: What did you do last week? B: I took care of my little brother. I saw a fantastic movie at home. I did volunteer work with my family. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. I met many popular comedians at City Park. 4 Did you have a nice vacation? It was not bad. Yes. I went to an English camp. How was it? 5 A: What did you do yesterday? B: (take computer lessons) nice trip the Internet be good for take care of fantastic volunteer grow up scientist popular comedian camp not bad take computer lessons Unit 6 125 6 A: What you do? B: I volunteer work. A: How it? B: It wonderful. 7 A: Cats are the best pets. What do you think? B: I don t think so. = I don t you. = I m it. [8~9] Reporter: What do you want to be? Jiwon: Um, I want to be a tour guide. Reporter: Can you tell me why? Jiwon: Sure. I a lot last summer. It was exciting. Reporter: Really? Jiwon: Yes. I enjoyed it. A tour guide can exciting places. Reporter: I hope your dream comes true. Jiwon: Thanks! 8 travel visit traveled visited travelled visited traveled visit travel visited 9 I think so, too. I m thinking. I don t think so I agree with you. I like it, too. 126 p.185 volunteer wonderful best pet tour guide exciting hope come true

I went to a science camp. He didn t play computer games. Did you enjoy the party? Yes, I did. / No, I didn t. -ed watch watched -e -d like liked, hope hoped y y y i -ed -ed study studied play played -ed stop stopped, drop dropped go went, say said, have had, make made, spend spent, see saw, tell told, do did, swim swam, meet met, hit hit, cut cut, put put I had a very special summer vacation. I studied English and Jenny played computer games. do did didn t They didn t take a tennis lesson yeterday. I didn t spend a week with my uncle. Did Yes didnodidn t did Yes No Did he do volunteer work at the library? Yes, he did. / No, he didn t. Where did you go last weekend? I went to the television station. 1 I many exciting places last vacation. (visit) 2 My sister that she could be an actress. (hope) 3 Jinho and Jiwon math last night. (study) 4 He many dead trees in the mountain. (see) 5 My family in the river. (swim) 6 She a week there during the vacation. (spend) Unit 6 127 p.186 I m reading a lot about trees. He isn t riding a bike. Is Tom cleaning his room? Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. be (am/are/is)-ing I am making some paper flowers. The diver is swimming underwater. They are watching cartoons now. be (am/are/is)+not+-ing I m not painting the picture. You aren t watching TV. She isn t doing her homework. be Am/Are/Is -ing ~? Yesam/are/is.No, am not/aren t/ isn t. be am/are/is -ing~? Yes No Are you reading The Wizard of Oz? Yes, I am. / No, I m not. Where is he going to now? He s going to the supermarket. 7 He talks on the cell phone. 8 Tom is watching the movie on TV. 9 Mina and Sora are reading books in the classroom. 10 Susan is jogging in the park. what 11 I m making a cake for Jiwon. He 128

1 They the poor children last month. help did helped will help helped are helping [2~3] 2 Did Kevin study at home? Kevin study at home. Kevin studies at home. Kevin studied at home. Kevin is studying at home. Kevin does study at home. 3 Mac made robots yesterday. Mac not made robots yesterday. Mac doesn t made robots yesterday. Mac didn t made robots yesterday. Mac didn t make robots yesterday. Mac made not robots yesterday. 4 A: Where did you go during the vacation? B: I to an art camp. It great. go is went is go was went was goes was [5~6] 5 I spended a week at a television station. 6 Are they listen to music now? poor children child last month at home make made robot yesterday during vacation art camp spend spent station Unit 6 129 7 Yujin is talking on the cell phone. Jiwon is taking a computer lesson. The comedian is telling funny jokes. I m doing volunteer work at the library. I m going to be an comedian when I grow up. 8 It was wonderfully. I taked computer lessons. I went to an English camp. He wasn t saw Robot Mom. What are you do last night? 9 Did the comedian tell jokes? I had a terrible day today. They didn t know each other. It did hot in the afternoon. Mark is playing the piano. 10 What did you do during summer vacation? I met many popular singers. I did funny things on the stage. I read many books at the library. I saw many dead trees in the forest. I want to learn a lot about everyday science. 11 Susan (take / year / did / art lessons / last / Susan) 130 p.186 cell phone joke volunteer comedian see saw terrible each other hot popular stage read read dead forest art lesson

A Special Summer Future Doctor in the Forest Yun Yujin / Class 3 This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I made many new friends, too. We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. It was fun, but I was sad. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They didn t have any green leaves. I said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. Now I m reading a lot about trees. go learn make either die: say to oneself : want to+ be -ing : didn t leaf -f(e) f v -es Behind the Stage Kim Jiho / Class 2 I had a very special summer vacation. I spent a week with my uncle at his have spend work. He is a cameraman at a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they told jokes and did funny tell things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. People will be happy because of me. meet many, much = comedians cf. because of +because be going to+ 1 Where did Yujin go last summer? She to. 2 Why did people in the studio laugh? Because popular comedians and things. 3 Who wants to be a comedian? a comedian. p.186 special future forest everyday science candle other mountain dead leaf leaves say to oneself help behind stage spend cameraman station popular comedian studio joke people grow up because of Unit 6 131 1 I a science camp. 2 The camp mountains. 3 I about everyday science. 4 I friends, too. 5 We robots,, ice cream, 6 It, I was sad. 7 mountain forests, many 8 They green leaves. 9 I myself, I a tree doctor and sick trees. 10 Now a lot about trees. 11 I summer vacation. 12 I with my uncle at his work. 13 He is at a television station. 14 I comedians. 15 In the studio, they and funny things. 16 I said to, I grow up, I m a comedian. 132 p.186 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16...

Words + Reading p.186 Unit 6 133 1 accident : a sudden event that causes damage : 2 : extremely good : 3 : in or toward the back : 4 : no longer alive or living : 5 : a person who dives into water : 6 : something said or done to cause laughter : 7 : a place that has tents, small houses, etc. : 8 : one of the flat and typically green parts of a plant : 9 : a raised platform in a theater, auditorium, etc. : 10 : a thick growth of trees that covers a large area : 11 : a report of recent events : 12 : someone who does work without being paid for it : forest behind camp news diver fantastic accident joke leaf dead stage volunteer This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I (A) made / maked many new friends, too. We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. It (B) did / was fun, but I was sad. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They didn t have any green leaves. I (C) sayed / said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. Now I m reading a lot about trees. (A) (B) (C) made did sayed made did said made was said maked was said maked did said 134

p.186 Grammar + Reading 1 I goed to a science camp. 2 Did you had a nice vacation? 3 What movie did you saw last night? 4 Matt did was in a car accident this morning. 5 I spended a week with my uncle at his work. 6 More people watch will them on television and laugh. 7 I said to oneself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. 8 They didn t had any green leaves. 9 I had very a special summer vacation. 10 I want to am an artist, so I took some art lessons. 11 Now I m read a lot about trees. I had a very special summer vacation. I spent a week with my uncle at his work. He is a cameraman at a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they told jokes and do funny things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. People will be happy because of me. Unit 6 135 1 job artist writer diver scientist 2 happy happily die dead spend spent sing singer real really interest interesting 3 do did love loved drop droped study studied watch watched 4 popular read spend help laugh 136 5 This This is a machine. It behaves, works, and often looks like a human being. station heater cleaner robot volunteer 6 Really? Good luck! Congratulations! I think so, too. I don t think so. 7 A: Inho, what did you do during summer vacation? B: It was not bad. I learned yoga. I studied English. I went to a science camp. I took swimming lessons. 8 A: I think our teacher looks worried. B: He s just tired. Yes, I do. It was exciting. I don t think so. I met him yesterday. I want to be a teacher.

9 A: What Yunsuk do during summer vacation? B: She a week working at a TV station. does spend did spent does spent did spending did spends 10 A: How was your vacation? B: It was fantastic. A: What would you like to be? B: I would like to run a flower shop. A: Did you have a nice vacation? B: I think so, too. A: What did you do during vacation? B: I visited Europe. A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a singer. 11 A: That boy looks hungry. B: He s eating a lot. 12 you finish your homework? What you do last Saturday? 13 Really? How was it? What did you do during summer vacation? It was fun! I made many friends, too. Well, I want to be a singer, so I went to a music camp. (14~15) Reporter: do students want to be? Now let s talk to some students. do you want to be? Jiwon: Um, I want to be a tour guide. Reporter: Can you tell me why? Jiwon: Sure. I traveled a lot last summer. It was exciting. Reporter: Really? Jiwon: Yes. I enjoyed it. A tour guide can visit many exciting places. Reporter: I think so, too. I hope your dream comes true. Jiwon: Thanks! 14 How Why What What Who 15 Jiwon thinks that a tour guide can Unit 6 137 16 John L.A. John up in L.A. grow growed grew was is (17~18) 17 A: you finish the work? B:, I did. Do Yes Did No Did Yes Does No Does Yes 18 A: you doing your homework? B: No, I. I m studying for the exam. Is am not Are aren t Are am Are am not Do do 19 Junho met his teacher last weekend. 138 20 My mother bought a special bike for me now tomorrow yesterday next winter next Saturday (21~22) 21 Look at the cute babies. There are many buses on the street. They didn t have any green leaves. Be careful. The knifes can be dangerous. Many children came to see the comedian. 22 We played soccer yesterday. I did my homework last night. She went to Seoul last Sunday. He read the newspaper this morning. My father teached me English last year. 23 I a walk with my dog...

24 A: Did you have a good time? B: It was great. Yes, I do. Yes, I was. Yes, I did. No, I don t. No, I wasn t. 25 (1) I my friends yesterday. (meet) (2) She the piano last Sunday. (play) (26~28) This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I made many friends, either. We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They didn t have any green leaves. I I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. Now I m reading a lot about trees. (I = Yujin) 26 It was fun, but I was sad. 27 28 29 This is Pablo Picasso. He was a great. He painted many famous paintings. Many people love his art. I want to be a painter like Pablo Picasso. actor painter pilot cook writer Unit 6 139 (30~32) I had a very special summer vacation. I spent a week with my uncle at his work. He is a at a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they telled jokes and did funny things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian.people will be happy because of me. (I = jiho) 30 31 The person works with a camera for TV programs. 32 140 p.187 (33~35) Tuesday, September 2 Matt was in a car accident this morning. I was so I went to the hospital by bus. I bought a small cake for him near the hospital. Matt wasn t there. The doctor said he was okay and went home. Back at home, I ate the whole cake myself. Now I have a stomachache. I think I will (I = Tom) 33 nice bored happy worried excited 34 eat dinner go to see a doctor visit Matt s house play soccer with Matt get up early in the morning 35 Q: Why does Tom have a stomachache? A: Because he.

1 walk walkd move moved try tryed play plaied plan planed 2 artist driver designer editor specialist 3 fantastic : extremely bad dead : no longer alive or living behind : in or toward the back diver : a person who dives into water camp : a place that has tents, small houses 4 Me, too. Same here. I think so, too. I agree with you. I beg your pardon. 5 Jiho made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. last night yesterday this morning next Sunday the day before yesterday (6~7) 6 A: I took computer lessons. B: A: It was not bad. What was it? How was it? How did it does? Why did you do? Where did you do? 7 A: I think the movie, Robot Mom is exciting. B: I don t think so. It s boring. What is it? What did you do? What do you think? What movie did you see? What are you thinking about? 8 It was fun, but I was sad. Now I m reading a lot about trees. I spent a week at my uncle s work. When I grow up, I am a comedian. In the forests, many trees were dead. 9 Many trees didn t had any green leaves. Unit 6 141 p.187 10 13 What does jiho s uncle do? What do you want to be? Can you tell me why? I hope your dream comes true. Um, I want to be a tour guide. Sure. A tour guide can visit many exciting places. An actor. A comedian. A cameraman. A reporter. A writer. 11 A: Did you finish the report? B: Yes. I wrote about a TV station. A: What are you writing about? B: I went to a camp, and I m writing about it. A: I think it will be interesting. B: I think so, too. A: What did you do last year? B: I will take piano lessons. A: This movie is best. Don t you think so? B: I don t think so. (14~15) This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I made many new friends, too. We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. It was fun, but I was sad. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They didn t have any green leaves. I said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. Now I m reading a lot about trees. (I = Yujin) 14 (12~13) Behind the Stage Kim Jiho / Class 2 I had a very special summer vacation. I spent a week with my uncle at his work. He is a cameraman at a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they told jokes and did funny things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. People will be happily because of me. 12 A Science Camp Make New Friends How to Go Camping The Mountain Forest Future Doctor in the Forest 15 The camp was in the summer. Yujin made a lot of things. Yujin didn t see many dead trees. Many trees didn t have any green leaves. Yujin is reading about trees for her dream. 142

1 When I grow up, I want to be a(n) cooker actor writer reporter diver 2 someone who does work without being paid for it accident fantastic forest behind volunteer 3 Many trees didn t have any green. I said to, I want to be a reporter to bring news. When I have a stomachache, I medicine. leaf oneself eat leaf oneself take leaves myself take leaves myself have leaves oneself have 4 There were many flowers the mountain forest. Mr.Song was an accident the morning. behind in at with from 5 A: I think cats are the best pets. What do you think? B: I don t think so. Dogs are the best pets. 6 A: Did you have a nice vacation? B: Yes. I visited Gyeongju. I want to be an artist. I did volunteer work. I took swimming lessons. I went to an English camp. Unit 6 143 (7~8) I went to the movies. What did you do last night? Robot Mom. You did? What movie did you see? A: I saw it, too. I think the movie is fantastic. B: I slept the whole time. 7 8 I like it. I think so. I don t know it. Well, I don t think so. I want to go to bed early. 9 A: Did you have a nice vacation? B: Yes. I went diving. A: Really? How was it? B: It was. exciting wonderful not bad greatly boring 144 10 Tom the dishes last weekend. Mr. Wilson, you have a great time yesterday? 11 He went to the movies last night. He doesn t go to the movies last night. He didn t went to the movies last night. He didn t go to the movies last night. He did go to the movies last night. He went not go to the movies last night. 12 I watched TV last night. My sister listened to music. We didn t go to the library. Did you made the cake yesterday? He is playing soccer with his friends. 13 Minsu is comeing home now..

(14~16) This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I made many new friends, too. We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. It was fun, I was sad. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They didn t had any green leaves. (I = Yujin) 14 and or but when though 15 16 Q: What did Yujin learn at the camp? A: The camp was in the mountains. She learned a lot about everyday science. She made many new friends. She made robots, candles, and ice cream. She was fun in the science camp. (17~19) I had a very special summer vacation. I spended a week with my uncle at his work. He is a cameraman at a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they told jokes and did funny things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. People will be happy me. (I =Jiho) 17 18 as behind around because because of 19 Why does Jiho want to be a comedian? A comedian tells funny jokes. A comedian can laugh much. A comedian can make much money. Jiho wants to make people happy. Jiho wants to meet many popular comedians. Unit 6 145 (20~22) Tuesday, September 2 ( ) Matt was in a car accident this morning. ( ) I was worried, so I went to the hospital bus. I bought a small cake for him near the hospital. ( ) The doctor said he was okay and went home. ( ) Back at home, I ate the whole cake myself. ( ) Now I have a stomachache. I think I will. 20 Matt wasn t there. 21 on by of in from 22 Which is NOT proper for the blank? rub my stomach go to see a doctor take some medicine never eat cake again don t eat cake too much 146 p.188 (23~25) Yujin: Did you finish the report? Jiho: Yes. I about a TV station. Yujin: A TV station? Jiho: Yeah. I spent a week there during the vacation. Yujin: Sounds interesting. Jiho: What are you about? Yujin: I went to a science camp during summer vacation, and I m writing about it. Jiho: Great! Yujin: I think so, too. Thanks! 23 write wrote wrote write writing wrote wrote writing write writing 24 I think it is interesting. I think it will be interesting. I think it is boring. I think it will be boring. I think it will is interesting. 25 Which is NOT true about the passage? Jiho finished the report. Jiho wrote about the TV station. Yujin went to a science camp during winter vacation. Yujin didn t finish the report. Jiho and Yujin are talking about their report.

1 grow up tell a joke come true make friends have a good time 2 tour guide artist singer pianist job 3 People sang on the stage. I did volunteer work last Sunday. I made many friends during the school. I read a lot of books. I want to be a writer. I learned how to cook form my parents. I m going to be a cook. 4 Jina often says herself. in to of about from (5~7) Reporter: What do students want to be? Now let s talk to some students. What do you want to be? Jiwon: Um, I want to be a tour guide. Reporter: Can you tell me? Jiwon: Sure. I traveled a lot last summer. It was exciting. Reporter: Really? Jiwon: Yes. I enjoyed it. A tour guide can visit many exciting places. Reporter: I think so, too. I hope your dream comes true. Jiwon: Thanks! 5 how what why where which 6 7 Q: What did Jiwon do last summer? A: She last summer. Unit 6 147 8 A: Sangmin a nice weekend? B: Yes, he did. He diving. Does has goes Does have went Did has went Did have went Does have goes 9 (is / picture / she / drawing / a) 10 I lost my key. yesterday tomorrow last night a few days ago the day before yesterday 11 A: What do you want to be? B: I went to America. A: The concert was interesting. B: I don t think so. It was boring. A: I think TV is bad for children. What do you think? B: I think so, too. A: Your brother looks sad. B: I don t think so. He is just tired. A: What does Cindy do? B: She works in a library. 148 (12~13) 12 A: I did volunteer work at the library. B: A: It was wonderful. How was it? What was it? How about you? What did you do? Can you tell me why? 13 A: Did your friends play baseball? B: They played soccer. Yes, I do. Yes, they do. Yes, they did. No, they don t. No, they didn t. (14~15) A: What did you do last weekend? B: I read an interesting book. A: You did? What did you read? B: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I liked it a lot. A: I read it, too. I think the writer is great. B: I think so, too. 14 Read the letter aloud. I like to read cartoons. He doesn t read the book. Jina read this book yesterday. I will read The Little Prince tonight.

15 Me, too. Same here. I think so. I against it. I agree with you. 16 When When you have a cold, what do you do? When is your birthday? When it rains, I stay at home. When it is hot, I go swimming. I sing a song, when I am happy. I go to school by bus, when I am late. (17~18) This summer was great. I went to a science camp. The camp was in the mountains. I learned a lot about everyday science. I many new friends, too. We robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. It was fun, but I was sad. In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. They have many green leaves. I said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. Now I m reading a lot about trees. (I= Yujin) 17 18 took got made enjoyed had 19 A: Did Yujin go to a science camp? B: Yes, she did. A: Where was the camp? B: It was in the mountains. A: What did she learn about? B: She learned about a lot everyday science. A: How was the camp? B: It was fun, but she was sad. A: Why does she want to be a tree doctor? B: Because she want to live in the forest. 20 A: I want to become a tree doctor. B: What is that? A: Well, a tree doctor helps sick trees. I saw many dead trees in the mountains. I want to help sick trees. B: That s a great idea. Why don t you? go to see a doctor learn one joke a day make Christmas tree read books about trees go hiking every Sunday Unit 6 149 (21~23) I had a very special summer vacation. I spent a week with my uncle his work. He is a cameraman a television station. I met many popular comedians. It was exciting! In the studio, they told jokes and did funny things. People laughed and laughed. More people will watch them on television and laugh. I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. People will be happy because of me. (I = Jiho) 21 on in at into during 22 23 Jiho went to a television station. Jiho s uncle works with a camera. Jiho met many popular comedians. Jiho told jokes in the studio. Jiho wants to be a comedian. 150 p.189 (24~25) 9 15 I had a terrible day today. It was hot in the afternoon. I ate a lot of ice cream, I had a stomachache. I took some medicine, and later I felt better. I think I will never eat ice cream again. 24 letter diary poem article novel 25 Translate the underlined Korean sentence into English.

(1~2) Opinion I think so, too. I don t think so. TV is bad for children. The Internet is good for students. English is interesting. Cats are the best pets. A: I think TV is bad for children. What do you think? B: I don t think so. 1 A: I think the Internet. B: I think so, too. 2 A: I think. What do you think? B: I don t think so. (3~4) Yujin: (report / did / the / you / finish)? Jiho: Yes. I wrote about a TV station. Yujin: A TV station? Jiho: Yeah. I spent a week there during the vacation. Yujin: Sounds interesting. Jiho: What are you writing about? Yujin: I went to a science camp during summer vacation, and I m writing about it. Jiho: Great! I think it will be interesting. Yujin: I think so, too. Thanks! 3 4 Q: What did Yujin do during the vacation? A: She. (5~6) 5 I play computer games. 6 Because of the rain, he stays at home. (7~8) 7 Does she read the magazine? 8 I said to me, I will be a famous designer. (9~10) 9 A: What did you do last Sunday? B: (take swimming lessons) Unit 6 151 10 A: What are you doing now? B: (do volunteer work) (11~12) 11 They a lot, but they didn t TV. (dance, watch) 11 They trees, but they didn t. (climb, play) (13~14) G: What did you do last night? B: I went to the movies. G: You did? B: Robot Mom. G: I saw it, too. I think the movie is fantastic. B: Well, I don t think so. I slept the whole time. 13 152 p.189 14 The boy and the girl the movie, Robot Mom. The boy thinks it is, but the girl thinks it is. A: Do you have a nice vacation, Mark? B: Yes. I went to a science camp. A: Really? How was it? B: It is fun. I really want to be a scientist. (did / what / do / you), Dabin? A: I went to an English camp. It was hard. 15-1 15-2 15-3 Mark during the vacation. He thought it fun. Dabin. She thought it.

Special Unit A Play: Five Minutes on the Subway p.116 1 train for, will arrive 2 gets on 3 looks like 4 It s hot, it s so cool 5 really tall 6 Why don t we 7 don t speak 8 over there, aren t helping 9 can t speak, well 10 true, can try 11 going to 12 What did 13 Did you say 14 Where, get off 15 should, get off 16 Are, from 17 English teacher in 18 on your right 19 Have a good time 20 so kind Unit 6 I Had a Great Time p.119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 p.120 1 tour guide 2 scientist 3 movie 4 space 5 reach 6 news 7 other 8 volunteer 9 wonderful 10 still 11 camp 12 studio 13 fantastic 14 comedian 15 cameraman 16 diver 17 exciting 18 mountain 19 during 20 stage 21 leaf 22 accident 23 behind 24 hard 25 nice 26 factory 27 forest 28 lesson 29 popular 30 joke 31 festival 32 report 33 spend 34 dead 35 future 36 station 37 people 38 whole 39 boring 40 grow up 41 take medicine 42 because of 43 make friends 44 say to oneself p.121 1 studio 2 station 3 accident 4 camp 5 comedian 6 lessons 7 boring 8 whole 9 during 10 dead 11 volunteer 12 report 13 because of 14 make, friends 15 say to myself 16 grow up 17 take medicine p.122 1 Did you have, Yes, went, How was, was exciting 2 What did you do, want to be, went to, made many friends 3 looks, I think so 4 think, worried, don t think so 5 last weekend, What did you read, I liked it, I read it, I think the writer, I think so, too p.124 1 Did you have 2 went to 3 How was 4 What did you do 5 It was hard 6 What did you 7 to the movies 8 What movie did 9 I think 10 I don t think so (D) - (A) - (C) - (B) p.125 1 2 3 4 5 I took computer lessons. 6 did was 7 agree with, against 8 9 2 I don t think so. I don t agree with you. 3 4 5 take took 6 did How was it? 8 travel -ed can 9 I think so, too. I agree with you. Me, too. 185 p.127 1 visited 2 hoped 3 studied 4 saw 5 swam 6 spent 7 He is talking on the cell phone. 8 Tom isn t watching the movie on TV. 9 Are Mina and Sora reading books in the classroom? 10 What is Susan doing in the park? 11 He is making a cake for Jiwon. p.129 1 2 3 4 5 spended spent 6 listen listening 7 8 9 10 11 Did Susan take art lessons last year? 2 3 didn t 4 be 6 be -ing 7 be going to 8 wonderfully wonderful taked took wasn t saw didn t see are did 9 itbe It was hot ~ 11 Did p.131 did funny 3 Jiho wants to be 1 went, a science camp 2 told jokes, p.132 1 went to 2 was in the 3 learned a lot 4 made many new 5 made, candles, and other things 6 was fun, but 7 In the, trees were dead 8 didn t have any 9 said to, want to be, help 10 I m reading 11 had a very special 12 spent a week 13 a cameraman 14 met many popular 15 told jokes, did 16 myself, When, going to be 186 p.133 1 In the mountain forests, many trees were dead. 2 Now I m reading a lot about trees. 3 I spent a week with my uncle at his work. 4 I learned a lot about everyday science. 5 More people will watch them on television and laugh. 6 In the studio, they told jokes and did funny things. 7 The camp was in the mountains. 8 We made robots, candles, ice cream, and other things. 9 I said to myself, When I grow up, I m going to be a comedian. 10 People will be happy because of me. 11 I said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. 12 It was fun, but I was sad. p.134 Words + Reading 2 fantastic 3 behind 4 dead 5 diver 6 joke 7 camp 8 leaf 9 stage 10 forest 11 news 12 volunteer Grammar + Reading 1 I went to a science camp. 2 Did you have a nice vacation? 3 What movie did you see last night? 4 Matt was in a car accident this morning. 5 I spent a week with my uncle at his work. 6 More people will watch them on television and laugh. 7 I said to myself, I want to be a tree doctor and help sick trees. 8 They didn t have any green leaves. 9 I had a very special summer vacation. 10 I want to be an artist, so I took some art lessons. 11 Now I m reading a lot about trees.

p.136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I think so, too / I agree with you. 12 Did(did) 13 14 15 visit many exciting places 16 17 18 19 Junho didn t[did not] meet his teacher last weekend. 20 21 22 23 am taking 24 25 (1) met (2) played 26 27 either too 28 said to myself 29 30 31 cameraman 32 33 34 35 ate the whole cake himself 1 2 3 -ed drop - dropped 4 5 6 I think so. I think so, too. I agree with you. 7 8 A 9 10 13 14 What do you want to be? 15 16 grow up (grow--grew--grown) 17 Did Yes,, didn t. 18 be (Am/Are/Is) -ing ~? Yes, am/are/, am not/aren t /isn t. 19 didn t 20 buy bought yesterday 21 -f(e) f v -es knife knives 22 last year teach taught read read 23 be (amareis)-ing 24 25 yesterday, last Sunday 26 27 too either 30 tell told 32 33 Matt (worried) 34 35 Tom p.141 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 had have 10 11 12 13 14 15 187 1 walked tried played planned 2 3 fantasticextremely good 4 5 next Sunday 6 7 What do you think? 8 When I grow up I m going to be a comedian. 9 didn t 10 11 will take took 12 be happily happy 15 p.143 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 did 11 12 13 comeing coming 14 15 had have 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 188 1 cooker cook 2 3 leaves say to oneself take medicine 4 in the mountain forest be in an accident 5 I don t think so. I don t agree with you. I m against it. 6 7 Robot Mom A B 8 9 be 11 didn t 12 Did made make 13 comeing - coming 14 but 17 spend spent 18 me because of 19 20 there hospital 22 will I think I won t[will not] eat cake too much. 23 24 I think (that) ~. 25

p.147 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 traveled a lot 8 9 She is drawing a picture. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 comedians 23 24 25 Monday, September 15 1 come true 2 3 during 6 I think so, too. 8 Yes, he did. Did 10 lost 11 12 (how) 13 B 14 15 I against it. 16 when 17 18 make friends make 19 20 24 (diary) 25 p.151 1 is good for students 2 English is interesting 3 Did you finish the report 4 went to a science camp 5 I m[i am] playing computer games. 6 Because of the rain, he stayed at home. 7 Did she read the magazine? 8 I said to myself, I will be a famous designer. 9 I took swimming lessons. 10 I m[i am] doing volunteer work. 11 danced, watched 12 climbed, play basketball 13 What movie did you see? 14 saw, boring, fantastic 15-1 What did you do 15-2 Did you have a nice vacation, Mark? It was fun. 15-3 went to a science camp, was, went to an English camp / was hard 1 The Internet is good for students. 2 English is interesting. 3 Did 4 Q A 5 be (am / are / is)-ing 7 Does Did 8 say to oneself (me myself) 11 TV 12 13 What 14 Robot Mom (saw) (boring) (fantastic) 15-1 15-2 Do Did is was 15-3 Mark 189