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CS580 Advanced Computer Graphics Hints for PA1: provided by Soomin Kim, 김수민 PBRT Setup 1) Install Visual Studio (The file is in 2) Install Cygwin 2)-1 download Cygwin (setup.exe) from 2)-2 Setup Cygwin

3) Go to 4) Download pbrt source file 5) Open the pbrt.sln file, which is in \pbrt-v2-src\pbrt-v2\src\pbrt.vs2010 (it maybe pbrt.vs2008) 6) Solution build( F7)

7) Select(decide) the scene you want to render from \pbrt-v2-src\pbrt-v2\scenes (For example prt-teapot.pbrt) 8) Run windows command window (using cmd ) 9) Move to the folder, which contains pbrt.exe (bin folder usually contains it) For example The specific path can be different according to the folder you put pbrt files. 10) pbrt h shows usage of input (help command) 11) Render the scene file that you decide step 7 using the usage above pbrt --outfile <the path you want to store the result image> <The image you want to render>

12) After plus mark filled all, you can find the result exr image in the folder you assign exr file can be open using Photoshop 13).You can find more format information in the fileformat.pdf file, which is in \pbrtv2-src\pbrt-v2\docs

Hints for PA1: provided by TA, UiTae Kim 1. Don t use EstSoft s Alzip to unzip Alzip s unzip performance is not good. When you use alzip to unzip this project file, it cannot parse perfectly, so you may not compile this project. To avoid this problem, you may use 7-zip instead of alzip. You can download this from It is freeware. 2. You can use Cygwin instead of cmd. You can download Cygwin from It is Linux-like environment runs on Windows. You can use bash like in Linux. But makefile didn t work well in my case, so you better compile the project using Microsoft Visual Studio. 3. Rendering takes longer than 5 seconds. Pbrt is ray tracing rendering system, so it takes long as you learned in class. In the screenshot given in hint, it took only 5.1 seconds. It is extremely fast rendering speed, so if you think your system is crashed, just wait longer.

Hints for PA1: provided by Sunwoo Kim PBRT Setup 1. Visual Studio Setup (The file is in 사실맥이나우분투같이리눅스운영체제에서하셔도됩니다만, 제가시도해본바로는그 PBRT하나를인스톨하기위해서수많은라이브러리들 ( 대충 10개이상되더라구요 ) 을설치해야하기때문에윈도우로하세요제발 2. Download PBRT solution (download site) 3. Setup Cygwin ( 이거필수적으로설치하셔야합니다 ) 이 Cygwin을설치하는이유는 flex와 bison을설치하기위해서입니다. 사실컴파일러시간이후로이툴을접할것이라곤생각도못했지만, 여러분들이컴파일을하는도중프로젝트파일안에보면 prebuild.makefile 이보이고이소스안에보면 flex와 bison의경로가하드코딩되어있습니다. 그래서그경로에서 flex와 bison을가져다쓰는데 (binary 로요 ) Cygwin을설치하시고 flex와 bison을까시면그경로에기본적으로생성이되게됩니다.

조교님이제시해주신 MSYS 를설치후에그 binary 경로를 path에추가해보았는데요제가버전이낮은걸깔았는지안에 bison과 flex 가없어서그냥 Cygwinn 으로설치하는방법을올립니다. Cygwin 설치계속다음다음누르시다가패키지고를때검색창에 flex를검색후 Default 를 Install 로바꿔줍니다. ( 체크가 bison을검색해마찬가지로체크해 일단되면줍니다. 그패키지를설치한단단뜻이에요 ) 그후에

이렇게설치를하시게되면 C드라이브에 Cygwin폴더가생기게되고고폴더내의 bin폴더에들어가시면아래와같이 flex와 bison파일이생깁니다. ( 있나확인해보세요스샷찍기귀찮음 ) 여기까지하셨으면일단빌드에필요한패키지는전부설치하신겁니다. 4. Build in VS 2012 ( 버전 낮아도상관없어요 ) 일단비주얼스튜디오를켜시고프로젝트를로드합니다. 그후에아래와같이설정을해줍니다. (2012 버전을쓰시는분은 2010 프로젝트를로드하시고프로젝트업데이트를진행하시면됩니다.) 먼저이거해줘야되요안그러면 32비트 64비트에러와장창남자꾸꾸 libpbrt없다는에러나는이유가여기서컴파일이안되서라이브러리를안뱉어서그런거에요

그다음엔전체프로젝트를선택하시고 property 에들어가세요 네모친거다그림처럼세팅하세요 그다음에안에메뉴에다음과같이수정해주세요

그다음빌드하세요 성공했네요 T^T 이건 bunny.pbrt 를 exr 로뽑아본건데 이게뭐야 T^T ( 뽑는방법은 HINT 1 그대로따라 하시면됩니당 )