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Precision Planetary Gearbox

Precision Planetary Gearbox SAC Series SSS Series SSC Series SAS Series SSW Series SAW Series 02

SSS Series 6 ~ 11 SAS Series 12 ~ 17 SSW Series 18 ~ 23 SAW Series 24 ~ 29 SSC Series 30 ~ 35 SAC Series 36 ~ 41 03


Precision Planetary Gearbox VIEW " Z " A 4 A 1 A 2 A 3 4-B 2 VIEW " Z " B 1-(PCD) 05

SSSSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 18 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 100:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 06

Precision Planetary Gearbox 07

SSS Series L1 C10 C9 C7 D7 L2 L3 C8 D4 g6 D5 C5 C3 L4 C6 4-D2 D1-(PCD) C4 4-C2 C1-(PCD) L5 B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D6 D3 j6 L8 08

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 D7 L2 C9 L3 C10 C8 C3 C7 L6 L7 H1 D4 g6 D5 C5 L4 D2 D1-(PCD) C6 4- L5 C4 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 D3 j6 D6 L8 09

SSS Series L1 C10 C7 C9 D7 L2 L3 C8 L6 L7 H1 D4 g6 D5 C5 C3 4-D2 D1-(PCD) L4 L5 C4 C6 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 D3 j6 D6 L8 10

Precision Planetary Gearbox 11

SASSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 24 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 200:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 12

Precision Planetary Gearbox 13

SAS Series L1 C9 C7 D7 L2 L3 4-D2 D1-(PCD) D4 g6 D5 L4 L5 C10 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 C4 C6 C5 C3 C8 VIEW " Z " H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 VIEW " Z " 14

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 C9 C7 D7 L2 L3 4-D2 D1-(PCD) D4 g6 D5 L4 L5 C10 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 C4 C6 C5 C3 C8 VIEW " Z " H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 VIEW " Z " 15

SAS Series C9 L1 D7 L2 L3 C7 4-D2 B1h9 D1-(PCD) D4 g6 D5 L6 L4 L5 L7 C4 C6 C5 C3 C8 C10 4-C2 C1-(PCD) VIEW " Z " H1 D6 L8 VIEW " Z " D3 j6 16

Precision Planetary Gearbox 17

SSWSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 18 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 100:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 18

Precision Planetary Gearbox 19

SSW Series L1 D7 L2 C10 C9 L3 C8 C7 D4 g6 D5 C3 C5 L4 C6 4-D2 D1-(PCD) L5 C4 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 20

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 D7 L2 C10 C9 L3 C8 C7 D4 g6 D5 C5 C3 L4 C6 4-D2 D1-(PCD) L5 C4 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 21

SSW Series L1 C10 C9 C7 D7 L2 L3 C8 C3 L6 L7 H1 D4 g6 D5 C5 4-D2 D1-(PCD) L4 L5 C4 C6 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 D6 L8 D3 j6 22

Precision Planetary Gearbox 23

SAWSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 24 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 200:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 24

Precision Planetary Gearbox 25

SAW Series L1 D7 L2 L3 C9 C7 H1 L4 4-D2 D1-(PCD) 4-C2 L5 B1 h9 D6 D3 j6 D4 g6 D5 L6 L7 C3 C4 C6 C5 L8 VIEW " Z " C8 C10 VIEW " Z " C1-(PCD) 26

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 D7 L2 L3 C9 C7 D4 g6 D5 H1 L4 4-D2 D1-(PCD) 4-C2 L5 B1 h9 D6 D3 j6 L6 L7 C3 C4 C6 C5 L8 VIEW " Z " C8 C10 VIEW " Z " C1-(PCD) 27

SAW Series C9 L1 D7 L2 L3 C7 C4 C6 C5 C8 C10 L6 L7 C3 4-C2 C1-(PCD) VIEW " Z " H1 D4 g6 D5 4-D2 B1h9 D1-(PCD) L4 L5 D6 L8 VIEW " Z " D3 j6 28

Precision Planetary Gearbox 29

SSCSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 18 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 100:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 30

Precision Planetary Gearbox 31

SSC Series L1 L2 C10 C9 L3 C8 C7 D4 g6 D5 C3 C5 90' D1-(PCD) L5 C6 4-D2 L4 C4 4-C2 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 32

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 L2 L3 C10 C9 C8 C7 D4 g6 D5 C3 C5 D1-(PCD) 90' 4-D2 L5 C6 4-C2 L4 C4 C1-(PCD) B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 33

SSC Series L1 L2 C10 C9 L3 C8 C7 D4 g6 D5 C3 C5 90' 4-D2 D1-(PCD) L4 L5 C4 C6 C1-(PCD) 4-C2 B1 h9 L6 L7 H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 34

Precision Planetary Gearbox 35

SACSeries Best-in-class backlash High output torque Balanced motor pinion 24 gear ratios available from 3:1 up to 200:1 Low noise level Maintenance free: No need to replace lubrication for the life of the unit High efficiency 36

Precision Planetary Gearbox 37

SAC Series L1 L2 L3 C9 C7 D4 g6 D5 D1-(PCD) C10 90' H1 B1 h9 D3 j6 D6 4-D2 L5 4-C2 L6 L7 L8 L4 C4 C6 C3 C5 VIEW " Z " C8 VIEW " Z " C1-(PCD) 38

Precision Planetary Gearbox L1 L2 L3 C9 C7 D4 g6 D5 D1-(PCD) C10 90' H1 B1 h9 D3 j6 D6 4-D2 L5 4-C2 L6 L7 L8 L4 C4 C6 C3 C5 VIEW " Z " C8 VIEW " Z " C1-(PCD) 39

SAC Series C9 L1 L2 L3 C7 90' B1h9 4-D2 D1-(PCD) D4 g6 D5 L6 L7 L5 L4 C6 C4 C5 C3 C8 C10 4-C2 C1-(PCD) VIEW " Z " H1 D3 j6 D6 L8 VIEW " Z " 40

Precision Planetary Gearbox 41


Precision Planetary Gearbox VIEW " Z " A 4 A 1 A 2 A 3 4-B 2 VIEW " Z " B 1-(PCD) 43


Precision Planetary Gearbox VIEW " Z " A 4 A 1 A 2 A 3 4-B 2 VIEW " Z " B 1-(PCD) 45


Precision Planetary Gearbox VIEW " Z " A 4 A 1 A 2 A 3 4-B 2 VIEW " Z " B 1-(PCD) 47


Precision Planetary Gearbox 49 A 2 A 3 4-B 2 B 1-(PCD) A 4 A 1 VIEW " Z " VIEW " Z "


Precision Planetary Gearbox 51


Precision Planetary Gearbox 53


Precision Planetary Gearbox 55

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