제 31 차 KOREAN KNEE SOCIETY Korean Knee Society

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2013 2013 제 31 차 KOREAN KNEE SOCIETY Korean Knee Society

invitation 5 월 10 일 Fri 07:55~08:00 송은규 08:00~08:42 Session 1 Total Knee arthroplasty 1 : 우영균, 최충혁 안녕하십니까? 꽃향기를가득안고완연한봄날의인사를맞이하는계절입니다. 오는 5월 10일 ( 금 ) ~ 5월 11일 ( 토 ) 가톨릭대학교서울성모병원마리아홀에서개최되는 2013 년대한슬관절학회제 31차정기학술대회에선생님을초대합니다. 이번학술대회에는무려 120여편의초록이접수되어회원님들의학술대회에대한뜨거운관심을느낄수있었습니다. 또한대한슬관절학회학술위원회의공정하고도엄중한초록심사를거친만큼구연및포스터발표연제모두그어느때보다질적으로성장하는학술대회가되리라확신합니다. 특별히저명하신일본의 Saito교수님과미국의 Emerson선생님그리고 Parvizi 선생님을모시어강의를듣는시간도마련하였습니다. 아무쪼록대한슬관절학회제 31차정기학술대회에서선생님의학문적발전과함께좋은추억도만드시는기회가되시기를빕니다. 감사합니다. 대한슬관절학회회장송은규 08:00~08:05 Relationship between Survival and Alignment of TKA, 박장원 08:05~08:10 Comparison of Alternate References for Femoral Rotation TKA TKA 지형민 08:10~08:15 The Effect of Position of Femoral and Patellar Components on Patellar Tracking in TKA 김종헌 08:15~08:20 Ligament Landmarks for Rotational Alignment of Femoral Implant: a Cadaver Study 채동식 08:20~08:25 Rotational Alignment of Femoral Component by Femoral Extraarticular Deformity in TKA 홍성원 08:25~08:30 Time Dependent Improvement of Clinical Outcome with LCS Regardless of Coronal Alignment LCS ( ) 이한준 08:30~08:42 08:42~09:24 session 2 Total Knee Arthroplasty 2 : 배대경, 정현기 08:42~08:47 Comparison of the Low Contact Stress and Buechel-Pappas Knee Prosthesis in Bilateral TKA LCS B-P Knee 임세혁 08:47~08:52 Comparison of Fixed and Mobile Bearing in LPS-flex TKA - Minimum 2 Year Follow-up LPS-flex - 2 이준규 08:52~08:57 Minimum 7 Yrars of Follow-up Results in Single-radius, High-flex Posterior Stabilized TKA 7 소상연 08:57~09:02 Total Knee Arthroplasty with NexGen LPS-Flex Eight- to Eleven-Year Follow-up Results NexGen LPS-Flex - 8~11 염윤석 09:02~09:07 TKRA with BP-Knee : Minimum 2 Yrars Follow-Up BP-Knee : 2 홍승현 02 03

5 월 10 일 Fri 09:07~09:12 Modular Tibial Plate for MIS Total Knee Arthroplasty Modular Tibial Plate 박병규 09:12~09:24 09:24~10:06 session 3 ACL : 안진환, 이범구 09:24~09:29 In Vivo Relationship between Graft Isometricity and Tunnel Positions in ACL Reconstuction / 김성환 09:29~09:34 Comparison of Remnant Preservation and Conventional Single Bundle ACL Reconstruction Center for Joint Disease, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea Cheol Park 09:34~09:39 Enhancement of Rabbit Tendon-Bone Healing Using rhbmp2 - Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Eulji University Hospital Kwang-Won Lee 09:39~09:44 Comparison of Femoral Tunnel Aperture between Anatomical ACLReconstruction Techniques 김재균 09:44~09:49 Histological Assessement of Mechanoreceptor in Reconstructed ACL with Remnant Technique 전근철 09:49~09:54 Influence of PTS on Stability and Arthroscopic Finding after ACL Reconstruction 유재성 09:54~10:06 10:06~10:20 Coffee Break 10:20~11:00 session 4 Special Lecture : 송은규, 조세현 10:20~10:35 Pathogenesis and Treatment for Osteonecrosis of the Knee Yokohama City University, Japan Tomoyuki Saito Professor 10:35~10:40 10:40~10:55 PJI : Strategies that Work The Rothman Institute, USA Javad Parvizi M.D. 10:55~11:00 11:00~11:42 session 5 Meniscus : 김정만, 김성재 11:00~11:05 The Accuracy of MRI for Meniscus Tear with ACL Injury MRI 문상원 11:05~11:10 Positioning of Medial and Lateral Meniscus 오원석 11:10~11:15 Comparisons of Result between Medial and Lateral MAT 강진규 11:15~11:20 The use of Contralateral Knee MRI to Predict Meniscal Size MRI 양재혁 11:20~11:25 Radiologic Evaluations of Complete and Incomplete DLM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inje University, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Ilsan, Korea Jae Ho Kwon 11:25~11:30 Greater Axial Trough Obliquity increase Graft Extrusion 이대희 11:30~11:42 11:42~12:24 session 6 ACL & PCL : 정영복, 이명철 11:42~11:47 Comparative Results after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 2-4 경희수 11:47~11:52 Correlation Between Femoral Guide Wire Sand Bone Tunnel in DBACLrecon 이상혁 11:52~11:57 Tibial Tunnel and Interfere Screw after ACL Reconstruction 백종민 11:57~12:02 Comparison of BSA and Metal Fixation on Tibial Side for ACL 박주용 12:02~12:07 Stress Patterns of PCL Graft with Various Femoral Tunnels 서영진 12:07~12:12 Arthroscopic Posteromedial Drive-through Sign in PCL Surgery Posteromedial Drive Through Sign 배지훈 04 05

5 월 10 일 Fri 12:12 ~12:24 15:14 ~15:56 session 9 Total Knee arthroplasty 3 : 성상철, 김형수 12:24 ~13:15 Luncheon Symposium : 조성도 NSAIDs+PPI NSAIDs Guideline 이상훈 13:15 ~13:30 : 강승백,,, KSRR 13:30 ~13:50 - 송은규 : 김형순 13:50 ~14:32 session 7 Osteotomy : 서정탁, 이동철 13:50 ~13:55 Comparative Study of Open Wedge Proximal Tibial Osteotomy with Tomofix and Puddu Plate Tomofix Puddu Plate 김지훈 13:55 ~14:00 Second-look Arthroscopy after High Tibial Osteotomy 2 정운화 15:14 ~15:19 Management of Tibial Bone Defect in Revision TKA 서창효 15:19 ~15:24 Causes and Trends in Failures after TKA from 2008 to 2012; A Multicenter Study 5 ; 고인준 15:24 ~15:29 Femoral Head Allografts for Severe Bone Defects in Revision TKA -Minimum 8 Year Follow-up 전철홍 15:29 ~15:34 Five-Year Follow-up Results after Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 5 이선호 15:34 ~15:39 Factors Affecting the Aseptic Loosening after TKRA 이형주 14:00 ~14:05 Clinical Results after Medial Opening Wedge HTO 박혁 15:39 ~15:44 Reconstruction of Bone defect with Cement and Multiple Screw 김동은 14:05 ~14:10 Long-term Survival Analysis of Closed Wedge HTO 탁대현 14:10 ~14:15 Contributors to Coronal Alignment in Knee OA Requiring HTO 제민수 14:15 ~14:20 The Incidence and Risk Factors of Deep Vein Thrombosis after High Tibial Osteotomy, 강동근 14:20 ~14:32 14:32 ~15:14 session 8 Special Lecture : 김영후, 최남용 14:32 ~14:47 Ten Years Experience of Uni-compartmental Knee Arthroplasty in the US Texas Center for Joint Replacement, USA Roger H. Emerson Jr M.D. 14:47 ~15:02 Why PS Is Not Your Only Option in TKA? Texas Center for Joint Replacement USA Roger H. Emerson Jr M.D. 15:02 ~15:14 15:44 ~15:56 15:56 ~16:10 Coffee Break 16:10 ~16:52 session 10 Total Knee Arthroplasty 4 : 조우신, 조성도 16:10 ~16:15 Open Debridement and Component Retention in the Treatment of Acute Infections after TKR 장기모 16:15 ~16:20 Results of Two Stage Revision of Infected Total Knee Arthroplasty 2 이병주 16:20 ~16:25 Mid-term Results of Two-stge Revisions in Infected TKA 2 박혁 16:25 ~16:30 Reinfection Influence of Comorbidities and Culture report and Inflammation indexes after Two stage Reimplantation for Infected Total Knee Arthroplasty 2 황성철 16:30 ~16:35 Is One-stage TKA Safe after Old Bone or Joint Sepsis of Knee 김상민 16:35 ~16:40 Comparison of Revision TKA Results according to the cause 조상기 06 16:40 ~16:52 07

5 월 10 일 Fri 16:52 ~17:34 session 11 UKA : 임홍철, 김주오 16:52 ~16:57 Comparison of UKA Performed Using Navigation and Conventional Technique after 5 Year F/U 5 Center for Joint Disease, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea Kyoung-Jai Lee 16:57 ~17:02 Comparison of Mobile vs. Fixed Bearing UKA: Postop. Limb Mechanical Axis Restoration 장기모 17:02 ~17:07 Survival Anlaysis of UKA - Minimum 15-Yrars Follow-up - 15 허동범 17:07 ~17:12 Minimally invasive UKA at 10-Year Follow-up 10 부경환 17:12 ~17:17 Kinematic Analysis during Stair Walk in Simultaneous UKA/TKA 정준영 17:17 ~17:22 Midterm Results of Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 정준영 17:22 ~17:34 17:34 ~18:16 session 12 Total Knee Arthroplasty 5 : 손승원, 원예연 17:34 ~17:39 Evaluation of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty 이진규 17:39 ~17:44 The Effectiveness of TXA and Initial Positive Pressure Drain in Reducing blood loss in TKA TXA 김동휘 17:44 ~17:49 Treatment Patterns and Effects of Postoperative Strong Opioids after TKA in Korea 문영완 17:49 ~17:54 Efficacy of Hemostatic Agent in Bleeding after TKR 김두한 17:54 ~17:59 Preemptive Low-dose Dexamethasone Further Reduces Postoperative Emesis and Pain after TKA, 고인준 17:59 ~18:04 Is Patient Controlled Analgesia Necessary after Total Knee Arthroplasty?? 송무호 18:04 ~18:16 18:16 ~ 5 월 11 일 Sat 08:00~08:42 session 13 Total Knee arthroplasty 6 : 서재곤, 손종민 08:00~08:05 Primary TKA with Navigation System in Genu Recurvatum without Neuromuscular disorders 서승석 08:05~08:10 Comparison of Results in TKA Performed Using Navigation System and Conventional Technique Center for Joint Disease, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea Hyeong-Won Park 08:10~08:15 Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) after Navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty(TKA) 이한준 08:15~08:20 Mid-term Outcomes of FP MB TKA under Navigation(4 year F/U) 4 한승범 08:20~08:25 Relation of Coronal and Rotational Alignment of OA Knee 하정한 08:25~08:30 Comparision of Distal Femoral Cutting for Coronal Alignment 전성수 08:30~08:42 08:42~09:24 session 14 Meniscus and Cartilage : 이주홍, 서승석 08:42~08:47 MRI Evaluation after Meniscal Repair Using FasT-Fix FasT-Fix MRI 최남홍 08:47~08:52 Study of Prognostic Factors for Medial Meniscus Root Tear 이재욱 08:52~08:57 Comprehensive Evaluation of LMPH Tears Left In Situ at ACL-R LMPH 이동원 08:57~09:02 Pullout Failure Strengh of the Root Tear of MMPH: A Biomechanical Study in Porcine Meniscus 송재황 09:02~09:07, 김연준 09

5 월 11 일 Sat 09:07~09:12 Treatment of Articular Cartilage Defects with AlloCI, autobms 최성욱 09:12~09:24 09:24~09:59 session 15 ACL and Others : 김명구, 최남홍 09:24~09:29 ACL ReconstrUction using Reversed Achilles Allograft Method 한계영 09:29~09:34 Femoral Tunnel Position on MRI after ACL Reconstruction 노정호 09:34~09:39 CT Analysis of Femoral Tunnel Created at Bifurcate Ridge in Anatomic ACL Reconstruction Bifurcate Ridge CT 김동휘 09:39~09:44 Treatment of Extraarticular Ganglion Cyst around the Knee 김형석 09:44~09:49 Effect on Foot otation on Mechnical Axis & Whole Leg X-ray 이승훈 09:49~09:59 09:59 ~10:15 Coffee Break 10:15 ~10:55 session 16 Special Lecture : 한창동, 전철홍 10:15 ~10:30 Clinical Results of Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy for Medial Compartmental Osteroarthritis of the Knee Yokohama City University, Japan Tomoyuki Saito Professor 10: 30 ~10:35 10:35 ~10:50 Career ending strategies The Rothman Institute USA Javad Parvizi M.D. 10:50 ~10:55 10:55 ~11:37 session 17 PF joint and TKA Assessment : 이기병, 김경택 10:55 ~11:00 Is Image Intensifier Required in Femoral Socket Position Determination During Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction?? 유재두 11:00 ~11:05 A Novel Patellofemoral Scoring System for Patellofemoral Joint Status 하철원 11:05 ~11:10 Effect of Full Weight Bearing on Radiogaphic Patellofemoral Joint Indices 오광준 11:10 ~11:15 Validation of the Korean Version of the Oxford Knee Score 은일수 11:15 ~11:20 Evaluation of Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Korean Knee Score 심지훈 11:20 ~11:25 Must Bilaterlaity Be Considered in Analyses of TKA?? 나영곤 11:25 ~11:37 11:37 ~12:24 session 18 Total Knee Arthroplasty 7 : 유정한, 정화재 11:37 ~11:42 Effect of Concomitant Low Back Pain on Primary TKA Outcomes 1 박장원 11:42 ~11:47 The Postoperative Improvement of Flexion Deformity after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty 김성환 11:47 ~11:52 Mechanical Alignment Related to Deformities of Femur in TKA 김종민 11:52 ~11:57 Coronal Plane Stability after Stepwise Medial Release in Varus TKA 김승찬 11:57 ~12:02 Pie Crusting Technique for Selective Functional Release of Tight MCL in Primary TKA Pie Crusting Technique 하철원, 이충희, 송영석 12:02 ~12:07 The Risk of Simulataneous Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty in Patients 75 Yrars or Order 75 황도연 12:07 ~12:12 Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Elderly over 80 Yrars Old 80 이병훈 12:12 ~12:24 12:24 ~ 10 11

poster poster P-01 Analysis of ACL-Injured Knee Kinematics under Axial and Rotational Load Using 3.0T MRI 김종민 P-02 Re-revision of Infected Revision Knee Arthroplasty with Femoral Nonunion - Case Report - 김종헌 P-03 Periosteal Sleeve Avulsion Fracture of Patella in Adolescent Periosteal sleeve 지종훈 P-04 Suture-bridge Technique in the Tibial Tubercle Avulsion Fracture : Using Suture Anchor 이경락 P-05 Proliferative Effect of PRP on Chondrocyte Culture from Osteoarthritic Knees Center for Joint Disease, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea Jong-Keun Seon P-06 Pseudogout of Knee Joint Report of 3 Cases - 3 강서구 P-07 Bilateral Patella Dislocation Treated by DFO and Medial Reef Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inje University, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Ilsan, Korea Kyung-Wook Nha P-08 Arthroscopic Hybrid Fixation of tibial eminence fracture Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University, Ilsan, Korea Kyung Wook Nha P-09 Meniscal Ossicle 김동영 P-10 Clinical and Radiologic Results of Open Wedge Osteotomy Using Two Wedge Type Plate Wedge Type Plate 김형석 P-11 Morphometric Differences of Distal Femoral Cut Surface between Korean Male and Female 이선호 P-14 Trends in Use of Total Knee Arthroplasty in Korea From 2001 to 2010 10 고인준 P-15 Mid-term Outcomes of Opening-wedge HTO for Knees with Medial Unicompartmental OA 선종근 P-16 Lateral MAT Using a Single Incision Technique 장기모 P-17 Changes of Bone Mineral Density Followig Total Knee Arthroplasty, 김영석 P-18 The presence of discoid lateral meniscus in preoperative MRI MRI 손동욱 P-19 Microfracture in the Osteoarthritic Knee -Minimum 10-year FU - 10 남동철 P-20 Usefulness of Korean Knee Society Score for the Assessment of Clinical Outcome After TKA 임세혁 P-21 Remodeling Potential of Beta TCP for High Tibial Osteotomy -TCP 정운화 P-22 Lateral Tibial Bone Mineral Density : Prox Tibiofibular Joint : HTO 이승훈 P-23 Comparison of the Outcomes Between RA and OA after HTO HTO, 권세광 P-24 Influence of Bundle Diameter on Kinematic Behavior after Double Bundle ACL reconstruction 권오수 P-25 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Results of Infected Revision TKA 노두현 P-12 Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Patella Tendinitis P-13 Simultaneous Bilateral Medial High Tibial Osteotomy 하정구 정운화 12 13

사전등록안내 KOREAN Knee SOCIETY 제 31 차대한슬관절학회정기학술대회 발표및제출안내 오시는길 1. 발표안내 4 30.. 4 30, Powerpoint 5 5 ( ) 20 webhard.. 4 30 webhard. 문의및안내 222 TEL : 02-2258-2838 / Fax : 02-535-9834 / E-mail : (inyong1000@naver.com) webhard: (ID: koreaknee1983 Password:0000, Guest ) 2. 평점안내 : 8 / 30 3. 논문제출안내 4 (3, 6, 9, 12 ). ( ).. 사전등록안내 등록방법 5 7 (http://www.koreaknee.or.kr/). ( / ) 지하철 2 호선 (7 ) 3 호선 ( / 2,7 / 10 ) 7 호선 ( / 3,4 / 10 ) 9 호선 ( / 7 3,4 ) 버스 B 간선 142, 149, 462, 540, 642, 730 G 지선 3414, 3420, 4425, 5413, 01, 13, 14, 21 R 광역 9408,,,, 5 7 5 6 8 6. ( ) : 1002-042-459411 ( : ) 경부고속도로 중부고속도로 서해안고속도로 IC( ) > > 200 > ( ) > 20 > > > ( ) > > > ( ), > 200 - ( ) 20 > IC- > > > > 70 ( ) > 의정부 / 동두천 / 포천 > ( ) > ( ) > > > ( ), > 200 > ( ) 20 > 14 15