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2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe Media Encoder CS4,. Adobe Systems Incorporated,,,,.., Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated..... Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Premiere Pro, ActionScript, After Effects, Creative Suite, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Soundbooth are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Apple, Macintosh, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson Multimedia ( You cannot use the MP3 compressed audio within the Software for real time or live broadcasts. If you require an MP3 decoder for real time or live broadcasts, you are responsible for obtaining this MP3 technology license. Portions of this product contain code licensed from Nellymoser ( Flash CS4 video is powered by On2 TrueMotion video technology. 1992-2005 On2 Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This product contains either BSAFE and/or TIPEM software by RSA Security, Inc. This product includes software developed by the OpenSymphony Group ( Sorenson Spark video compression and decompression technology licensed from Sorenson Media, Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA. Notice to U.S. Government End Users. The Software and Documentation are Commercial Items, as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation, as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 or 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. For U.S. Government End Users, Adobe agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250, and 60-741. The affirmative action clause and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference.

iii 1 :............................................................................................................. 1............................................................................................................. 2,................................................................................................ 2................................................................................................................ 4 2 :................................................................................................ 5.................................................................................................................... 8................................................................................................................ 9 3 : Adobe Media Encoder................................................................................................... 14................................................................................................... 14............................................................................................................. 16.................................................................................................... 30................................................................................................................. 36..................................................................................................................... 38

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2 ( ) Adobe Adobe.,,,,,,.,, Developer Connection PDF. Adobe (,,.. Adobe Adobe Creative Suite 4. Adobe.... Creative Suite 4. Kuler.

3 Adobe ConnectNow,,. Resource Central Adobe,. Adobe ( Adobe Exchange Adobe Exchange( Adobe.,,. Adobe, Adobe Labs Adobe Labs( Adobe. Adobe Labs., Wiki Adobe Labs.. Adobe Labs Adobe. Adobe TV Adobe TV( Adobe... Windows : [ ]\Program Files\Adobe\[Adobe ] Mac OS : [ ]/Applications/[Adobe ]. : /English/Goodies/

4 Adobe Media Encoder CS4. Adobe Media Encoder,.... Watch Adobe Media Encoder ( ). Adobe Media Encoder. Adobe Media Encoder. 24 Watch. Adobe Media Encoder.. ( :, ).... After Effect Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects Premiere Pro. F4V FLV., SWF..

5 2 :... 1MB( ). 30 / NTSC 30MB/ 35 1GB. NTSC DV 5 3.6MB/ 1GB.. / ( / )..,.,, DVD...., (fps)....... ( ), Adobe. NTSC( ) 29.97fps, PAL(, ) 25fps. ( ), Adobe Media Encoder CS4 fps.., 24fps 12 fps, 8 fps, 6 fps, 4 fps, 3 fps 2 fps. 30 fps, 15 fps, 10 fps, 6 fps. : 10 29.97fps ( : 29.97 14.98fps).., 20%..

6 ( ).,... ( )..,,. Adobe Media Encoder.. Adobe Media Encoder,. Adobe Media Encoder,..... ( ) ( ). ( ).,,. 640 x 480, 512 x 384, 320 x 240, 160 x 120. 4:3( ), 16:9 2:1( ).. ( ).,.. (DV), DV 4:3. DV ( : NTSC PAL)... 4:3 : (56k): 160 x 120 DSL: 320 x 240 : 512 x 384 / LAN: 640 x 480 16:9 :

7 (56k): 192 x 108 DSL: 384 x 216 : 448 x 252 / LAN: 704 x 396 1:1.. ( : ) ( : DVD ). ( ) (DAR)., NTSC (DV) 720 x 480, 4:3., (PAR) 10:11( ). MPEG 1 2 4:3 16:9( ) ( 720 x 480 480 x 480)..., 4:3.., 4:3., 720 x 480 4:3 ( ). 640. 720 x 480 640 x 480 4:3. 30

8 Adobe Media Encoder. HD TV... ( 1) ( 2). (, ).. NTSC 60 30.... 30fps,.. FLV F4V.,......... ( ).,... ( : ) ( : 160x120 ). ( : 320 x 240 ). (fps).., 20%..,.. Adobe Media Encoder.. : Flash SWF SWF. SWF.

9.. 30 30. 15 15. ( )...... CD. - -. Windows Macintosh.. : Flash. Adobe Media Encoder. Flash FLV F4V, Adobe Media Encoder Flash Player 9.0.r115 H.264 F4V Flash Player 8 On2 VP6 Flash Player 7 Sorenson Spark FLV Flash. Flash. 2.. ( ) ( )..... H.264, On.2 VP6 Sorenson Spark. ( : JPEG) H.264, On.2 VP6 Sorenson Spark ( ).. ( ). On2 VP6 Sorenson Spark,.. FLV F4V Flash Player ( ). Flash Player. FLV F4V 1..

10 H.264, On2 VP6 Sorenson Spark Adobe Media Encoder Flash Player. H.264 H.264 9.0.r115 Flash Player. F4V H.264 MPEG-4 AVC( ). H.264 Flash Player Sorenson Spark On2 VP6.,. F4V, Flash Player MPEG-4., H.264 HE-AAC v2 MP4, M4A, MOV, MP4V, 3GP 3G2. : On2 VP6. F4V. On2 VP6 On2 VP6 Flash Player 8 FLV. On2 VP6. Sorenson Spark 8 On2 VP6. FLV. Sorenson Spark Flash Player 6 Sorenson Spark Flash Player 6 7 Flash. Sorenson Spark FLV. On2 VP6 F4V. F4V FLV Adobe Media Encoder CS4 FLV F4V. ([ ], [ ] )... FLV F4V. Flash Player. H.264 F4V(Flash Player 9.0.r115 ) 1080 ;, 1080 ;, 1/4 720, 720, 1/4 HD 1080 HD 720, NTSC 960 x 540 480 x 270 640 x 360 320 x 180 1920 x 1080 1280 x 720 NTSC

11, PAL,, PAL 360 x 264 328 x 240 On2 FLV(Flash 8 ) Sorenson Spark FLV(Flash 7 ), NTSC, PAL,, NTSC PAL 360 x 264 164 x 120 328 x 240 Sorenson Spark Adobe Media Player Adobe Media Player FLV,. FLV Adobe Media Player. [ ] [ ] FLV F4V. FLV. [ ] FLV 'On2 VP6 Sorenson Spark '.,, (FLV). Adobe Media Player MPEG MPEG ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. MPEG.. MPEG-1 CD-ROM 1/4 VHS. MPEG-2 MPEG-1. MPEG-2 DVD. DVD MPEG-2. MPEG-2 HDV HD-DVD.

12 MPEG-4 MPEG-1 MPEG-2. MPEG-2. MPEG-4 part 10(H.264, AVC) HD-DVD. Adobe Media Encoder MPEG. MPEG [ ]. HD(High-Definition) HD(High-Definition) SD(Standard-Definition). SD(Standard-Definition) NTSC PAL( 480 576 ) TV. HD 1280x720 1920x1080, 16:9. HD... SD(Standard-Definition) HD(High-Definition). HD(High-Definition) SD(Standard-Definition). HD,, ( ). 1080i60 60 1920x1080, 720p30 30 1280x720. 30. Adobe HD(High-Definition). HD(High-Definition). HD(High-Definition) AVCHD(Advanced Video Codec High Definition) ( ) MPEG-4 AVC HD(High-Definition). AVCHD Sony Panasonic. AVCHD Wikipedia AVCHD. DVCPRO HD DVCPRO100 Panasonic DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO25 DVCPRO50. DVCPRO25 DVCPRO50 25Mbits/s( ) 50Mbit/s, DVCPRO HD 100Mbit/s DVCPRO100. DVCPRO HD Panasonic P2. DVCPRO HD Wikipedia DV DVCPRO. HDCAM Sony Digital Betacam HD. HDCAM SR. HDCAM SR. HDCAM HDCAM SR Wikipedia HDCAM. XDCAM HD XDCAM EX Sony ( ) HD. XDCAM HD XDCAM EX Wikipedia XDCAM. HDV HDV MPEG-2 minidv HD. HDV Wikipedia HDV. HD(High-Definition) H.264 HD(High-Definition) FLV F4V MPEG-4. H.264 Wikipedia H.264/MPEG-4 AVC.

13 V210 YCbCr 10 4:2:2 HD. Microsoft AVI. UYVY YUV 4:2:2 HD. Microsoft AVI. MPEG2 HD..m2v.wav( ). VC-1 Windows Media HD. VC-1 Wikipedia VC-1. Windows Media Video 9 Windows Media HD. Windows Media 9 Wikipedia Windows Media Video. HDV Vs HD: A Primer Uncompressed Vs. Compressed by Bob Turner,. (matchback).. HD 24fps.,,,.....,...

14 3 : Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder CS4 ( ).. Adobe Flash Player Adobe FLV F4V ipod, 3GPP, PSP H.264 CD-ROM MPEG-1 (Windows ) DVD MPEG-2 (Windows ) Apple QuickTime Windows Media(Windows ) Adobe Media Encoder. Adobe Media Encoder DVD,, / TV. Adobe Media Encoder ( ),. Adobe Media Encoder,,. Adobe Media Encoder Adobe. Adobe Flash CS4, Adobe Media Encoder Adobe FLV F4V H.264. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Adobe After Effects,. 9 MOV, AVI, MXF, FLV F4V,.. Adobe Media Encoder,,. Adobe Media Encoder. (Windows Mac OS) QuickTime Windows.. : Adobe Media Encoder Adobe. MPEG Adobe Media Encoder. MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG- 4, F4V, M4A, MP4, 3G2..

15 3G2 GIF(GIF) DLX(Sony VDU File Format Importer, Windows ) DV(MOV AVI, DV ) FLV, F4V : FLV MP3 On2 VP6 Sorenson Spark, F4V H.264 AAC. M2T(Sony HDV) MOV(QuickTime; Windows, QuickTime ) MP4(XDCAM EX) MPEG-1, MPEG-2 MPEG-4 (MPEG, MPE, MPG, M2V, MPA, MP2, M2A, MPV, M2P, M2T, AC3, MP4, M4V, M4A) : MPEG Adobe Media Encoder,.vob.mod. Adobe Media Encoder.. MTS(AVCHD) Media exchange Format(MXF) : MXF. Adobe Media Encoder MXF. Adobe Media Encoder Panasonic DV, DVCPRO, DVCPRO50 DVCPRO HD Op-Atom Panasonic P2. Adobe Media Encoder XDCAM HD MXF. Netshow(ASF, Windows ) QuickTime(MOV - 16bpc, QuickTime ) Windows (AVI, WAV - Mac OS QuickTime ) : Adobe Media Encoder DivX DivX AVI. WMV(WMV, WMA, ASF, Windows ) Adobe (ASND; ) (AAC, M4A) (AIF, AIFF) AVI(Audio Video Interleaved) WAV(Audio WAVeform) MP3(MP3, MPEG, MPG, MPA, MPE) MOV(QuickTime; Windows, QuickTime ) Windows Media Audio(WMA, Windows ) Windows (AVI, WAV - Mac OS QuickTime )

16 Adobe Media Encoder 8 (4bpp) 16 (8bpp). 8, 16. (16bpp). Adobe Photoshop Photoshop (PSD) Bitmap Bitmap (BMP, DIB, RLE) GIF Icon (ICO) (Windows ) JPEG JPEG (JPE, JPG, JFIF) PICT PICT (PIC, PCT) PNG(Portable Network Graphics) Targa Targa (TGA, ICB, VDA, VST) TIFF TIFF (TIF) : Illustrator Photoshop. Adobe Premiere Pro(PRPROJ) AEP(After Effects Project) 9 Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder,.,,. ( Adobe Media Encoder ),,,.

17 A C D B A. B. C. D. [ ] [ ] [ ]. [ ], [ ] (PAR). [ ] [ ]...

18 A B C E D F A. B. C. D. E. F. [ ].. 1:1 1:1.. [ / ],. /. Ctrl (Windows) Command (Mac OS). Ctrl (Windows) Command (Mac OS)..,..

19... [ ],. : [ ] ( ) [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder. 1 [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ]..,,,. [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. Letterbox Pillarbox. Letterbox Pillarbox.. Letterbox Pillarbox Flash Player. : 40X40. Adobe Media Encoder [ ]. [ ]... Microsoft AVI(Windows ) Windows..avi. Windows (Windows ) Windows..bmp. : Windows,. Windows [ ] [ ]. GIF(Windows )..gif. GIF(Windows )..gif. AIFF(Mac OS ) 5.1 AIFF(Audio Interchange File Format)-C..aif.

20 (Mac OS) Windows Waveform(Windows) Windows Mac OS..wav. P2 Panasonic DVCPRO50 DVCPRO HD Op-Atom Media exchange Format(MXF)..mxf. QuickTime(QuickTime Windows ) Apple Computer. Adobe Media Encoder [ ] Targa.tga. : Targa,. Targa [ ] [ ]. TIFF.tif. : TIFF,. TIFF [ ] [ ]. Microsoft AVI(Windows ) Windows, HD(High-Definition)..avi. MP3,..mp3..aac. FLV F4V Adobe..flv,.f4v. H.264 HD(High-Definition), 3GPP (Windows ), ipod, PSP(PlayStation Portable) MPEG-4..aac( ),.3gp(Windows ),.mp4,.m4v. H.264 HD MPEG-4..m4v. MPEG4.3gp. MPEG-1(Windows ) MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group), 1.5Mbps. MPEG-1 CD-ROM..mpa( ).mpg. MPEG-2 MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group). MPEG-2 10.08Mbps. MPEG-2 30..mpa( ).mpg. MPEG2-DVD MPEG-2, DVD. DVD DVD DVD..m2v. DVD, MPEG2-DVD DVD. Encore MPEG2-DVD DVD. MPEG-2 MPEG2, HD..m2v.wav( ). Windows Media(Windows ) Microsoft..wma( ).wmv.

21 Adobe Media Encoder,. 1 > > Adobe Media Encoder (Windows), Adobe Media Encoder (Macintosh) Adobe Media Encoder ( ). 2 Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects. [ ]. : Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe > Adobe Premiere Pro > Adobe.. [ ].. Adobe Premiere Pro > Adobe Premiere Pro. [Premiere Pro ] Premiere Pro [ ]. Adobe After Effects > Adobe After Effects. [After Effects ] After Effects [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. ( : H.264 [Apple ipod ] ). ([ ], [ ] ). 5. 6. Adobe Media Encoder.. :.. (/) (\)(Windows) (/)(Macintosh). Adobe Media Encoder. 7. >,. [ ] [ ]. 8 [ ].

22 Adobe Media Encoder... Adobe Media Encoder...... Adobe Media Encoder. :. Adobe Media Encoder ( ),. 9,.. 24 36 Adobe Media Encoder 29 Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder. (, ).... : Adobe Adobe Adobe Media Encoder.. 1 [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4. 5 [ XMP ] (35 XMP ). 6 [ / ]. 7 [ ] [ ]. (19 ). : " ",.

23 8 [ ]. 9. 10 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] ( : FTP ), [ ].. Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\ \Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\Presets Windows Vista: C:\Users\ \AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\Presets Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Users/ /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/4.0/Presets [ ]. 1 [ ]. 2 [ ]. 3 [ ]. 1 [ ]. 2 Alt (Windows) Option (Mac OS) [ ]. 3 [ ]. EPR. 1 [ ]. 2. [ ]. Ctrl+Alt (Windows) Command+Option (Mac OS) [ ]. 3 [ ].. Adobe Media Encoder. >.

24. 1. 2 [ ].. Adobe Media Encoder. 1. Windows Ctrl Macintosh Command. 2 >. 1. Windows Ctrl Macintosh Command. 2 >.. Adobe Media Encoder... >.. [ ].. 36 Adobe Media Encoder Watch Adobe Media Encoder ( ). Adobe Media Encoder. 1 > Watch. 2.. 3 [ ].,. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ]..

25 6 [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder. Adobe Media Encoder.. 1. 2 [ ].. FLV F4V,,., Flash.,,. : : :. Flash SWF. Adobe Media Encoder [ ]. ActionScript Flash FLVPlayback. : FLV FLVPlayback.. ActionScript 2.0 Components Language Reference ActionScript 3.0 Components Language Reference FLVPlayback. F4V FLV. F4V FLV Flash ActionScript 3.0 ". F4V onxmpdata() ActionScript 3.0 Timer. onxmpdata() Adobe F4V, Adobe XMP(Extensible Metadata Platform). XMP. XMP Flash Player 10 Flash Player Adobe AIR. onxmpdata() F4V ActionScript 3.0 onxmpdata(). Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects (After Effects) (Adobe Premiere Pro) Flash. Premiere Pro After Effects, Flash,, ( : ). Adobe Flash After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro. XML XML. XML F4V FLV..

26 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FLVCoreCuePoints> <CuePoint> <Time>2000</Time> <Type>navigation</Type> <Name>CuePoint1</Name> <Parameters> <Parameter> <Name>CuePoint1</Name> <Value>Introduction</Value> </Parameter> <Parameter> <Name>Cast</Name> <Value>ActorNames</Value> </Parameter> </Parameters> </CuePoint> : XML XML Adobe Media Encoder. XML DTD(Document Type Definition) (DTD XML XML ). <!DOCTYPE FLVCoreCuePoints [ <!ELEMENT FLVCoreCuePoints(CuePoint+)> <!-- FLVCoreCuePoints is the root element in the XML file and must contain at least one CuePoint element --> <!ELEMENT CuePoint(Time, Type, Name, Parameters?)> <!-- CuePoint contains the data for a particular cue point, and must contain one each of Time, Type, and Name elements, and may contain one Parameters element --> <!ELEMENT Time(#CDATA)> <!-- Time contains the cue point time as an integer in milliseconds --> <!ELEMENT Type(#CDATA)> <!-- Type contains the cue point type as a case-sensitive string, either "event" or "navigation" --> <!ELEMENT Name(#CDATA)> <!-- Name contains the cue point name as a text string; it also can contain a parameter name when appearing inside a Parameter element --> <!ELEMENT Parameters(Parameter+)> <!-- Parameters contains the cue point's parameters. It must contain at least one Parameter element --> <!ELEMENT Parameter(Name, Value)> <!-- Parameter contains the data for one of a cue point's parameters. It must contain one each of Name and Value elements --> <!ELEMENT Value(#CDATA)> <!-- Value contains the value-part of the name-value pair for a cue point parameter --> ]> XML DTD XML. DTD, XML. XML ( ),. XML UTF-8. XML ( : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>) BOM. event navigation,. ( ). ( : 12.123 XML )..

27 Adobe Soundbooth XML Adobe Soundbooth XML. Soundbooth XML.. Adobe Media Encoder Soundbooth FLV. Soundbooth XML Adobe Media Encoder ( ) Soundbooth Flash. Adobe F4V FLV., Flash... : : :. 1.. 2. FLV FV4. FLV F4V. 21 Adobe Media Encoder. 3 >.. 4.. 5..... ( ). 6 (+). Adobe Media Encoder ( ), ( ),. :.

28 7.. ActionScript Flash. ActionScript.. :.. 8. -... Flash ActionScript 2.0 Components Language Reference ActionScript 3.0 Components Language Reference FLVPlayback 9 ( ). [ ] [ ] (). 6 1. 2 (-) [ ].. 1 [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ].,. :.,, Adobe Media Encoder... ( )., 30.

29.. 1,.. 2 >.. 3. 21 Adobe Media Encoder. 4 [ ]. 5.. 6 [ ]. 7 [ ]. [ ].... Flash Player. : 40 x 40. 8 ( ).. ( ). 9. 10, [ ] Adobe Media Encoder. 21 Adobe Media Encoder. :.. Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder ( ),. 1 > (Windows) Adobe Media Encoder > (Macintosh). 2., Adobe Media Encoder., video.flv video.flv Adobe Media Encoder video_1.flv. [ ].

30 : Adobe Media Encoder.... Adobe Media Encoder... [ ] [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder.. Adobe Media Encoder,. [ ] [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder. [ ] [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder. XMP ID GUID. Media Cache.. Adobe Media Encoder [ ] ( > ).. 5. 1. Windows Ctrl Macintosh Command. >. 2 >.......

31 27 Adobe F4V FLV 28,,. Adobe Media Encoder.... [ ]..... [ ], [ ], [ ]. :. Adobe Premiere Pro After Effects [ / ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ],,,,, GOP. :.,....... :.,...,...... (, ). (bpc),. 8, 16, 24 32. FLV.

32 TV NTSC PAL... NTSC PAL [ ] [ ]... ( ) 1.0,.. Adobe Media Encoder. (CBR) (VBR).... VBR.. CBR. VBR, 1 1. 1 2. VBR, 2, 2. 2. : CBR VBR. CBR. VBR VBR.. CBR. [ ] [VBR]... Adobe After Effects. QuickTime.. [kbps] QuickTime... [Kbps]. [Kbps]. [Mbps] H.264. [Kbps].

33.. MPEG-2-DVD, 1.5Mbps.. After Effects. [ ] [ ]. M I () P () B (). N I (). M.. 30fps 2, Adobe Premiere Pro 1/30 60 2... [ ] ( ). On2VP6 FLV.. [% ] On2VP6 FLV.. FLV. Adobe Media Encoder ( )...... GOP GOP GOP(Group of Pictures). GOP I, B P. MPEG-1 MPEG-2. GOP GOP(Group of Pictures). MPEG-1. : MPEG-1 MPEG-2.. MPEG- 1(ISO/IEC 11172) MPEG-2(ISO/IEC 13818). [ ] [ ]. [ ].. Adobe Media Encoder. AAC(Advanced Audio Coding). H.264. AAC+ Version 1 SBR(Spectral Band Replication).

34 SBR. SBR. AAC+ Version 2 AAC SBR PS( ). AAC+ Version 2 PS. PS. MainConcept MPEG MainConcept, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Soundbooth. PCM(pulse-code modulation).....,..,. [ ]...., Adobe Media Encoder..... [ ]... RAM... RAM.. 1/2~1. 0.. [kbps].. AAC, mp3 FLV. :.. [ ] Windows Media(Windows ) [ ]. [ ].. Windows Media.

35 :.. [ ]. [ ],... [ ] [ ] FTP(File Transfer Protocol). FTP,.. [ ]. FTP DNS IP. FTP. 21. FTP. ID... FTP. FTP. XMP XMP. : XMP MPEG-1(Windows ), Windows Media(Windows ), MPEG-2, MPEG-2, FLV F4V, H.264 QuickTime. 1 [ ] [ ]. 2. 3 [ XMP ]. XMP. 1 [ ] [ ]. 2. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ].

36 XMP. 1 [ ] [ ]. 2. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. 5 ( ) [ ].. 6 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. 7 XMP [ ]. 8 [ ]. Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Encoder.. ( ).., (AMEEncodingLog.txt).. Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\AMEEncodingLog.txt Windows Vista: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\AMEEncodingLog.txt Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Users/user/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/4.0/AMEEncodingLog.txt >.. Adobe Media Encoder.. Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\AMEEncodingErrorLog.txt Windows Vista: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\4.0\AMEEncodingErrorLog.txt

37 Macintosh: Macintosh HD/Users/user/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/4.0/AMEEncodingErrorLog.txt >..

38 3GPP 20 I ipod 20 1 28, 29 A Adobe Exchange 3 Adobe Media Encoder 21 31 33 19 31 Adobe Soundbooth 27 Adobe 1 C CBR 32 D DSL 6 DVCPRO HD 12 E Exchange 3 F Flash Video Encoder 36 36 9 29 FLVPlayback 25 H H.264 12, 20 HD(High-Definition) 12 H.264 20 HDV 12 L LAN 6 M MPEG4 H.264 20 MXF 14 N NTSC 5 P PAL 5 Panasonic P2 14 PSP(PlayStation Portable) 20 Q QuickTime 34 S Soundbooth 27 W Windows Media 34 WM9 HDTV 12 X XML, 25, 21. CBR 21 34 13 Adobe Media Encoder 19 19 19, 3 34. 19. 6 31 Flash Video Encoder 36 26 6 36 34 H.264 12, 20 MPEG2 13, 20

39 Flash Video Encoder 21 HD(High-Definition) 12, 6 36 8 28 29, 6 25, 27 6 28 5 5 9 29,, 28 8 7 31 31 34 32. 30 22 21 31 31 34 3 1 1 1 1 33 33 28, 29 3 7 Adobe Media Encoder 21 33,., 9 HD(High-Definition) 12 3. 13 Soundbooth 27 34 9 34. 34 26, 36 3 5 FLVPlayback 25 XML 25 36 7 30 9 24 21 23 24 24, 25, 30 8 33 9 1 28 7 6 29, 14, 16, 15 34 3 2 2 6. Adobe Soundbooth 27 XML 25 27 25 28 6 6 28 Adobe Media Encoder 19 14, 21., 21, 30

40 5 31. Adobe 3, 7 32. 29