대한영상의학회지 2008;59: 선천성간내문맥정맥단락 1 이웅희 김영통 조성식 신형철 간문맥과간정맥및하대정맥과연결을보이는간내문맥정맥단락은선천성이거나간경변증과문맥고혈압에의한후천성일수있다. 선천성간내문맥정맥단락은주로소아에서생기며자연소실될수있다. 저자들은신생아와

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이웅희외 : 선천성간내문맥정맥단락 누형성, 4형은간전체에원위부간문맥과간정맥간의다발성단락을보인다. 이중 1형이가장흔하다고한다. 저자들의증례 1, 2, 3은 2형에해당되며증례 4는 4형에해당되며증례 5 는정맥관잔존으로 Gallego 등 (2) 은정맥관잔존을제5형으 로분류하였다. 하지만, 선천성간내문맥정맥단락으로보고하고있는증례들을보면우리논문과같이 2형과정맥관잔존이많다 (4-6, 9). 이러한결과는위의분류가선천성뿐아니라간질환에의해발생할수있는후천성을모두포함하여분류한 C D Fig. 1. Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt between middle hepatic vein and left portal vein (Case 2).. Ultrasonography shows dilated peripheral branches of left portal vein (white arrow) and middle hepatic vein (black arrow).. Ultrasonography shows abnormally dilated anechoic vascular structures (arrowheads) in the periphery of the medial segment of left hepatic lobe. C. Oblique coronal image shows communication (arrowheads) between the peripheral branches of left portal vein (white arrow) and middle hepatic vein (black arrow). D, E. xial CT scan (D) shows dilated vessels in left hepatic lobe, which disappeared on follow up CT 6 months later (E). E 406

것이기때문에다소빈도에차이가있는것으로생각된다. 정맥관은태아순환의일종으로생후바로닫히기시작하여 15-20일경에완전히닫힌다. 좌문맥과좌정맥혹은하대정맥사이의태아순환으로간혹성인에서보고되고있다 (8). 대부분의선천성간내문맥정맥단락은신생아에서보고되고있지만 40세여자환자에서정맥관잔존을, 59세여자환자에서우정맥과우간정맥사이의루를보고하고있다 (6, 7). 선천성간내문맥정맥단락의진단은초음파로쉽게가능하다. 초음파에서문맥과정맥사이에비정상적인낭성혹은관상음영이보이고도플러초음파에서관상음영이혈관임을확인할수있다. 도플러초음파와 iodine-123 iodoamphetamine 을이용한동위원소검사로단락의양을측정할수있다고한다. CT에서문맥과정맥사이의기형적인혈관연결을볼수있다. 선천성간내문맥정맥단락을가진환자는대부분이증상 Table 1. Clinical Manifestations in 4 Cases of Neonate with Congenital Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts Case No 1 2 3 4 ge at diagnosis 10 days 7 days 8 days 10 days Sex M M F M Patient s information at birth Gestational age 36 weeks 37 weeks 39 weeks ody weight 2700 gm 3240 gm 2550 gm 2770 gm Delivery method Caesarean section vaginal delivery vaginal delivery Caesarean section Symptom at admission sepsis yellowish skin color poor feeding tachypnea bnormal lab findings Total/direct bilirubin(mg/dl) 15.6/1.5 22.3/1.5 17.5/1.2 23.6/4.5 ST/LT*(IU/L) 153/42 41/13 99/45 - C-reactive protein(mg/l) 96 0.01 22.3 - ssociated anomaly Patent ductus arteriosus - Patent ductus arteriosus, trial septa defect ST/LT*: spartate aminotransferase/lanine aminotransferase Table 2. CT Findings of 5 Cases of Congenital Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts Case No Imaging Findings Follow up 1 Communication between peripheral branches of middle hepatic vein and left portal vein disappeared 3 months later 2 Connection between peripheral branches of middle hepatic vein and left portal vein disappeared 6 months later 3 Communication between peripheral branches of left hepatic vein and left portal vein - 4 Multiple communications between peripheral branches of middle/left hepatic vein and - left portal vein 5 Connection between left hepatic vein and left portal vein - Fig. 2. Multiple intrahepatic portosystemic shunts between middle/left hepatic vein and left portal vein (Case 4).,. xial CT scans show multiple communications (arrowheads) between the peripheral branches of middle/left hepatic veins and left portal vein (P). M: middle hepatic vein, L; left hepatic vein 407

이웅희외 : 선천성간내문맥정맥단락 Fig. 3. Patent ductus venosus between left hepatic vein and left portal vein in a 51-year-old woman (Case 5).. xial CT scan shows prominent vasculature (curved arrow) from the umbilical portion of left portal vein (white arrow).. xial CT scan shows early filling of left hepatic vein (black arrow) through shunt from left portal vein. Right and middle hepatic veins are not filled with intravascular contrast media. C. Coronal image shows direct communication (curved black arrow) between left portal vein (white arrow) and left hepatic vein (black arrow). ecause hepatic contour and margin was intact with homogeneous hepatic attenuation, it was diagnosed as patent ductus venosus, not associated with chronic liver disease or portal hypertension. Patent ductus venosus is one of congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. C 이없으나, 과암모네미아, 갈락토세미아, 그리고간성뇌병증을나타낼수있다 (2). 신생아에서황달과폐혈증은흔한임상증세이므로우리논문의환아들이간내문맥정맥단락이황달이나패혈증과의직접적인연관성을알수없다. 그리고과암모 결론적으로선천성간내문맥정맥단락은문맥과간정맥사이의비정상적인연결을보이는혈관기형으로신생아에서주로보이지만성인에서도보일수있다. 다발성으로보이기도하고추적검사에서자연소실되기도한다. 네미아와갈락토세미아에대한혈액검사를시행하지않았기때문에연관성을알수없다. 성인환자와자연소실된 2예의신생아는간성뇌병증을동반하지않았다. 참 고 문 헌 선천성간내문맥정맥단락이선천성심장결손과관련이있 1. Park JH, Cha SH, Han JK, Han MC. Intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt. JR m J Roentgenol 1990;155:527-528 거나간의비정상적인분엽, 간모세포암, 그리고간외담도폐 2. Gallego C, Miralles M, Marin C, Muyor P, Gonza lez G, Garcia- 쇄와같은간담도이상과연관이있을수있다고한다. 그리고 Hidalgo E. Congenital hepatic shunts. Radiographics 2004;24:755-51명의환자중 12명에서진단당시간성뇌병증이있었다고하였다. 간성뇌병증은환자의나이와단락의양에따라좌우되는데단락의양이 60% 이상이거나환자의나이가많을수록간성뇌병증의가능성이증가한다고한다 (10). 선천성간내문맥정맥단락의장기간추적을보면 15% 에서 772 3. Stringer MD. The clinical anatomy of congenital portosystemic venous shunts. Clin nat 2008;21:147-157 4. Lewis M, quino NM. Congenital portohepatic vein fistula that resolved spontaneously in a neonate. JR m J Roentgenol 1992; 159:837-838 5. Saxena K, Sodhi KS, rora J, Thapa R, Suri S. Congenital intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt in an infant with down syn- 생후 2년이내에소실되었다고한다 (10). 본연구의 2예에서만추적검사를시행하였지만 2예에서 6개월이내에단락이자 drome. JR m J Roentgenol 2004;183:1783-1784 연소실되었다. 6. Oguz, kata D, alkanci F, khan O. Intrahepatic portosystemic 408

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