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1 ECG & EP CASES Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea A case of paroxysmal antidromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia with AF ABSTRACT n the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, atrioventricular (AV) conduction occurs through an AV bypass tract, which results in earlier activation (preexcitation) of the ventricles. Antidromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) is characterized by a wide QRS complex and ventricular rates of up to 250 beats/min. The width of the preexcited QRS complex and the amplitude of the ST-T wave segment usually obscure the retrograde P wave on the surface ECG. The rhythm of preexcited atrial fibrillation (AF) is exceptionally irregular, and can be associated with very rapid ventricular responses caused by the nondecremental anterograde AV conduction over the bypass tract. A shortest preexcited RR interval of less than 250 milliseconds during sustained AF is a very sensitive marker of the risk of VF in WPW syndrome. Catheter ablation is considered first-line therapy for patients with WPW syndrome. Key words: Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome antidromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) catheter ablation Received: April 1, 2011 Accepted: June 29, 2011 Correspondence: Young-Keun On, MD, PhD, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 50 rwon-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, Tel: , Fax: yk.on@samsung.com 45
2 avr V4 avl V2 V5 V3 V6 Figure 1. Surface electrocardiogram showed the wide QRS tachycardia with irregular heart rhythm, which revealed positive QRS in the precordial and inferior leads. 46 Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmia
3 avr V4 avl V2 V5 V3 V6 ECG & EP CASES Figure 2. Surface electrocardiogram showed the normal sinus rhythm with pre-excitation, which revealed positive QRS in the precordial and inferior leads. avr V4 avl V2 V5 V3 V6 Figure 3. Surface electrocardiogram during tachycardia showed the wide QRS tachycardia with positive QRS in the precordial and inferior leads. 47
4 200 ms V 6 HRA dist HRA prox HS dist HS prox CS 9,10 CS 7,8 CS 5,6 CS 3,4 CS 1,2 RVa dist RVa prox stm 2 4:04:52 PM 4:04:53 PM 4:04:54 PM Figure 4. ntracardial electrogram showed the atrial fibrillation. 200 ms V 6 HRA dist HRA prox HS dist HS prox CS 9, msec 212 BPM CS 7,8 CS 5,6 CS 3,4 CS 1,2 RVa dist RVa prox stm 2 4:11:44 PM 4:11:45 PM 4:11:46 PM Figure 5. ntracardial electrogram showed the atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia with antegrade conduction through the left anterolateral accessory pathway. 48 Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmia
5 RAO LAO Figure 6. Fluoroscopy showed that the radiofrequency catheter was located at the ateral site of the mitral annulus. References 1. Morady F. Catheter ablation of supraventricular arrhythmias: State of the Art. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2004;27: Scheinman M, Calkins H, Gillette P, et al: NASPE policy statement on catheter ablation: personnel, policy, procedures, and therapeutic recommendations. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2003;26: Zipes DP, Jalife J. Cardiac Electrophysiology, From cell to bedside, 5th ed, Saunders,
심전도연수강좌 : 처음시작하는사람들을위한심전도 연세대학교원주의과대학순환기내과학교실 안민수 Cardiac Electrophysiology I : Automaticity : 60-100 회 /min, His bundle : 40-60 회 /min Bundle branch : 20-40 회 /min Purkinje fiber : 20 회 /min Cardiac Electrophysiology
A case of atrioventricular dissociation with interference ABSTRACT Interference dissociation is one of the most interesting arrhythmias. Once thought to be a rare arrhythmia, it is now considered a very
MAIN TOPIC REVIEWS Young-Keun On, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Cardiac & Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Catheter
Fluoroscopic anatomy for supraventricular tachycardia ablation Hui-Nam Pak, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Yonsei Cariovascular Center and Cardiovascular Research Institute, Yonsei University College
ePapyrus PDF Document
MAIN TOPIC REVIEWS Hong-Euy Lim, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea Surface electrocardiography of supraventricular tachycardia - differential diagnosis
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ISSN 2005-9728 The Official Journal of Korean Heart Rhythm Society Vol.12 No.2 June 2011 부정맥 부정맥 The Official Journal of Korean Heart Rhythm Society 발작성 심실상성 빈맥(PSVT)(II ) Main Topic Reviews 발작성 심실상성 빈맥의
서 론 대상 및 방법 대 상 706 Table 1. Characteristics of patients Number n 125 Age meansd 3514 Sex MF 7154 QRS duration sec 0.110.02 Site of AP n Anterior 21 1
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충북의대학술지 Chungbuk Med. J. Vol. 27. No. 1. 1~5 2017 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease 환자의마취 : 증례보고 신일동 1, 이진희 1, 박상희 1,2 * 책임저자 : 박상희, 충북청주시서원구충대로 1 번지, 충북대학교의과대학마취통증의학교실, 의학연구소 (28644), happycat19@hanmail.net
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case of brugada syndrome presented as chest pain STRCT rugada syndrome was described in 1992 as a new clinical entity characterized by electrocardiographic STsegment elevation in the right precordial leads
Original Articles 후중격에위치한우회로의전극도자절제술 Abstract 이문형 안신기 구본권 장길진 김건영 김성순 오동진 Catheter Ablation of The Posteroseptal Accessory Pathways Moon Hyo
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Original Articles Wolff-Parkinson-White 증후군의임상상및 전기생리학적소견 * Abstract 안신기 1 이문형 1 장양수 1 오동진 2 최인석 3 하종원 1 임세중 1 김병옥 4 정남식 1 심원흠 1 조승연 1 김성순 1
Original Articles 27 9 1997 Wolff-Parkinson-White 증후군의임상상및 전기생리학적소견 * Abstract 안신기 1 이문형 1 장양수 1 오동진 2 최인석 3 하종원 1 임세중 1 김병옥 4 정남식 1 심원흠 1 조승연 1 김성순 1 Clinical and Electrophysiologic Characteristics of
대상 결과 Table 1. Charateristics of study patients Pt. Age/sex Diagnosis Pacemaker Mode 1 78/M SND BIOTRONIK PHYSIOS TC 01 DDD 2 60/M SND BIOTRONIK PHYSI
Case Reports Korean Circulation J 2000;303:334-338 Pacemaker-Mediated Tachycardia 3 례의임상적고찰 이계원 조정휘 김우식 강흥선 김권삼 송정상 배종화 Three Cases of Pacemaker-Mediated Tachycardia Kae Won Lee, MD, Chung Whee Choue,
REVIEW ARTICLES Arrhythmia 2015;16(4): doi: 유두근심실빈맥 박예민 가천대학교길병원심장내과 Papillary Muscle Ventricula
REVEW ARTCLES doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18501/arrhythmia.2015.036 박예민 가천대학교길병원심장내과 Papillary Muscle Ventricular Tachycardia Yae Min Park, MD Cardiology Division, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, ncheon,
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 조 희 영 선 생 님 고 맙 습 니 다 16 17 18 19 가정간호 장선미 간호사님 감사합니다 20 21 22 23 24 25 U l 26 27 p SEOUL MEDICAL CENTER NEWS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 홍보실장이란 신동규 원고를 기다립니다
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REVIEW ARTICLES doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18501/arrhythmia.2017.006 심실상빈맥의감별진단 장성원 가톨릭대학교의과대학내과학교실 Sung-Won Jang, MD Division of Cardiology, St. Paul s Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic
Analysis of Factors Predicting Recurrence and the Result of Treatment in PSVT Patients at the Emergency Department Byeong Jo Chun, M.D., Jung Mi Moon, M.D., Joon Sun Wi, M.D., Kyoung Woon Jeoung, M.D.,
한국무역협회 무역연구소 서울시 강남구 삼성동 무역센터 트레이드타워 4801호 Tel: 6000-5174~9 Fax: 6000-6198 홈페이지 : http://tri.kita.net - 1 - 5 4 (% ) 경상수지(G DP 대 비) 추 이 일본 독일 3 네덜란드 2 1 아일랜드 0-1 -2 [1만불 - 2 만불 달성기간 ] -일본(80-88) -독일(79-90)
Original Articles Korean Circulation J 1998;28 4 : 상심실성빈맥환자에서관상정맥동의형태비교 현대우 김윤년 박소영 한성욱 허승호 김기식 김권배 Coronary Sinus Morphology in Patients with
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Case Reports Korean Circulation J 1998;284:626-631 고도 방실전도차단 환자에서 실신을 초래한 Torsade de Pointes 1 차광수 1 박태호 1 이철종 1 정치영 1 이성원 1 문창훈 1 김진호 1 이겸철 2 김형권 1 김무현 1 김영대 1 김종성 Torsade de Pointes in Advanced Atrioventricular
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Analysis of Outcomes after Resection of Sarcomatous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Purpose: Sarcomatous hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is rare. Therefore, the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis
Biotech Policy Research Center C o n t e n t s Biotech Policy Research Center Biotech Policy Research Center Biotech Policy Research Center Biotech Policy Research Center Biotech Policy Research Center
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REVIEW ARTICLES International Journal of Arrhythmia 2016;17(4): doi: 심방조동 이찬희 영남대학교의과대학내과학교실 Man
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Chromosomal Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines Detected by Comparative Genomic Hybridization Sang Jin Park 1, Mahn Joon Ha, Ph.D. 1, Hugh Chul Kim, M.D. 2 and Hyon Ju Kim, M.D. 1 1 Laboratory
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Management of Tachyarrhythmia
Management of Tachyarrhythmia 삼성서울병원 순환기내과 온 영 근 빈맥의 정의 정상범위 : 분당 60회에서 100회. 서맥 : 심장의 박동수가 정상범위보다 느린 경우. 빈맥 : 심장의 박동수가 정상범위보다 빠른 경우. 빈맥일 때 치료가 필요한 경우 (1) 빈맥으로 인한 쇽(hemodynamic collapse), 실신, 심정지 (2) 빈맥으로
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Title of the Publication
Korean 환자교육 심장서비스 전기생리학 부정맥들 심장의펌프질은심장자체안의전기력체계에의해서통제됩니다. 심장안의특수세포들이심근을자극하고그것으로인하여심장을수축시키는전류를내보냅니다. 심전도 (ECG) 검사에이러한전기충격들은기록될수있습니다. 심장박동의리듬은보통정규적입니다. 심장전기력체계에 속도조절문제 의이유로아주느린, 너무빠른, 아니면불규칙적인박동을부정맥이라고불립니다.
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
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Intraatrial baffling)을 시행한 환자들이다. 대표적으로 대동맥 전위 환자에서 Mustard, Senning 수 술을 시행 받은 경우가 이에 해당한다. 이러한 환자들은 양심실을 모두 사용하는 biventricular repair를 시행받았으나 심방의 구조
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386 HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 4, 2009 우리나라 미숙아의 통계와 의료비용 Statistics and Medical Cost of Preterm in Korea 윤혜선 을지대학교 노원을지병원 소아청소년과학교실 Hye Sun Yoon, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Pediatrics, Nowon
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Vol.13 No.1 58 2011 ISSN 1229-5272 Copyright 2011 Cardiovascular Update Editorial Board. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
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KIM Sook Young : Lee Jungsook, a Korean Independence Activist and a Nurse during the 이며 나름 의식이 깨어있던 지식인들이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 교육을 받은 간 호부들은 환자를 돌보는 그들의 직업적 소
1 의사학 제24권 제1호(통권 제49호) 2015년 4월 Korean J Med Hist 24 ː1-34 Apr 2015 c대한의사학회 http://dx.doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2015.24.1 pissn 1225-505X, eissn 2093-5609 간호부 이정숙의 독립운동 김숙영* 1. 서론 2. 본론 1) 출생에서 정신여학교 수학시절까지
Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 라이프스타일은 개인 생활에 있어 심리적 문화적 사회적 모든 측면의 생활방식과 차이 전체를 말한다. 이러한 라이프스 타일은 사람의 내재된 가치관이나 욕구, 행동 변화를 파악하여 소비행동과 심리를 추측할 수 있고, 개인의
RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 한국 중년 여성의 라이프스타일이 메이크업 추구이미지와 화장품 구매행동에 미치는 영향 주영주 1 *, 이순희 2 1 서경대학교대학원미용예술학과, 2 신성대학교 미용예술계열 The Effects of The Life Style for Korean Middle Aged Women on
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Cardiovascular Disease in Metabolic Syndrome 김상현 보라매병원내과 서울대학교의과대학내과학교실 Contents Metabolic syndrome and Cardiovascular system CVD Mortality Coronary artery disease Heart failure Atrial fibrillation Management
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REVIEW J Neurocrit Care 2014;7(1):25-32 ISSN 2005-0348 중환자실에서흔한부정맥의진료 서울아산병원심장병원, 울산대학교의과대학내과학교실 남기병 Cardiac Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Units Gi-Byoung Nam, MD Heart Institute, Asan Medical Center,
YI Ggodme : The Lives and Diseases of Females during the Latter Half of the Joseon Dynasty as Reconstructed with Cases in Yeoksi Manpil (Stray Notes w
497 의사학 제24권 제2호(통권 제50호) 2015년 8월 Korean J Med Hist 24 ː497-532 Aug 2015 c대한의사학회 http://dx.doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2015.24.497 pissn 1225-505X, eissn 2093-5609 역시만필( 歷 試 漫 筆 ) 의 사례로 재구성한 조선후기 여성의 삶과 질병