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발간등록번호 11-1543000-001229-01 닥터콘

제출문 농림축산식품부장관귀하 이보고서를 사이리지옥수수 1 호, 2 호농가재배및경제성분석에관한연구 과제의 보고서로제출합니다. 2016 년 02 월 05 일 주관연구기관명 : 닥터콘 주관연구책임자 : 김순권 연 구 원 : 양병철 연 구 원 : 박태완 - 1 -

요약문 Ⅰ. 제목 사이리지옥수수 1 호, 2 호농가재배및경제성분석 Ⅱ. 연구성과목표대비실적포항의생육초기과습 ( 過濕 ) 과생육중기의역사적가뭄으로인해 3개축산농가에서진행된옥수수사이리지 1호와사이리지 2호의농가시범재배는, 1개농가는실패하고 2개농가는성공을하여목표대비 90% 정도실적을달성하였다. 대비품종인수입종 Pioneer 3394와농촌진흥청국립식량과학원육종광평옥에비해서건물중이 37.5% 증가했다. 경제성분석은건물중 200kg 당사료적가치를 10만원으로계산할때헥타르당 1,388,750원의경제적효과를보였다. Ⅲ. 연구개발의목적및필요성본연구는연구책임자가 2006-2007년경북대학교재직시과학기술부지원으로진행된남북공동슈퍼옥수수개발사업에서안정성과다수성을보여국립종자원에등록된남북한에서선발된한반도적응두개의사이리지품종 1호와 2호를, 포항의 3개농가에서시범재배를실시함으로써품종의생산성비교및경제성분석을통해축산사료로서의이용가치를보고자하는목적으로실시되었다. 본시험같이연구지원이되지않았으면정부지원으로개발된옥수수사이리지가빛을보지못하고사장되었을것이라는점에서연구의필요성이있다고하겠다. 옥수수의사료적가치는알맹이에 50%, 줄기 + 잎에나머지 50% 가있다. 대한민국의축산은연 1,000만톤의알곡옥수수그것도대부분 GMO를수입 (5-6억불상당 ) 하여 70% 정도를가축사료로이용하므로옥수수전체를사료로이용하는선진축산국가미국, 캐나다보다처음부터 50% 손해보고축산을하므로한우등국산쇠고기값이수입고기보다 2배이상비쌀수밖에없어국제경쟁력이떨어짐이당연하다. Ⅳ. 연구개발내용및범위과학기술부지원으로육종된국내논에잘적응하는사이리지옥수수두개품종을경상북도포항의 3개축산농가에직접재배시범을보이고자하였다. 기존국내축산농가에서재배되고있는 2개품종 ( 광평옥과 Pioneer 3394) 과생산성을비교하였다. 국내에보급 재배되고있는두대비품종은곡실용옥수수로서국내육종이된다수성품종이다. 재배되고있는수입된곡실용옥수수하이브리드와국내타기관육성종을비교 검토하므로가축의주사료인옥수수의사료생산효율을높이고자노력했다. 2015년경상북도포항의기후가초기에는우기가중 후반기에는가뭄이발생하는등매우불안전한변화를보여 3농가중 1농가의재배는실패를했다. 앞의두농가는밭에서, 다른한농가는논에서재배를했다. 초기에논재배로습해에의한발아및주수확보불량으로첫번째파종은목포의주수확보에실패했다. 한달후 2차파종을하였으나이때는가뭄으로발아상태저조로또실패하였다. - 2 -

Ⅴ. 연구개발결과보급종광평옥은헥타르 (ha) 당 100% 기준시 28.7t의생체중으로사이리지 1호, 2호가각각 111%(31.9t), 119%(34.3t) 증수되었고, 대비품종의평균건물중은 7.4t으로사이리지 1호는 125%(9.3t), 나이리지 2호는 150%(11.1t) 성적를보였다. 건물중의순증수가 25%( 사이리지 1호 ), 50%( 사이리지 2호 ) 로두드러졌다. 단, 미국도입품종 Pioneer 3394의수량은광평옥의생체중의 83% 이었고, 건물중은같은수준이었다. Ⅵ. 연구성과및성과활용계획사이리지 1호와사이리지 2호가기후변화에대한적응력이비교적높다는것이재 ( 再 ) 판명되었다. 2년정도농가시험을더하여남부평야지의벼논에안전다수성사이리지옥수수품종으로종자보급을하고자한다. 단, 본연구를수행한 ( 주 ) 닥터콘자체의역량으로농가시범재배를실시할수가없기에농기평의추가농가시범재배지원을요청드린다. 기후변화에의한국내한동대종자생산도어려워서현재중국해남성산야에서자체자금으로동계종자생산을실시하고있으며, 생산된종자는 2월말국내로반입이될예정이다. 두개대비품종은곡실용으로입증이된좋은품종이며, 향후사이리지용으로의우수성이추가농가시험에서확인이되면하이브리드종자를생산하여시판하고자하며, 결과적으로향후축산옥수수사료가격을 30% 정도줄일가능성이있다고판단된다. - 3 -

SUMMARY Ⅰ. Title On-farm Demonstration and economic analysis of Silage corn No. 1 and No. 2 hybrids Ⅱ. Performance against Research goal The results of this on-farm demonstration and testing of two silage corn hybrids in three livestock raising farms in Pohang, Gyeongsang Buk Do (North Gyeongsang Province) achieved approximately 80% of the research goals. Among these three farm testings, one farm testing was completely failed due to early high moisture causing poor plant standing. The second planting was also failed due to a severe drought occurred in Pohang in 2015. The average mean percentage increase of dry stover weight of the two hybrids at two farms was 37.5%. Considering the value of the dry stover weight as 100,000 Korean Won per 200kg, the increase of dry weight of the two hybrids economically worths for 1,388,750 Korean won/ha, approximately $1100 additional income from the two checks. Ⅲ. The Purpose and the need for research Two silage corn hybrids bred locally by the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and registered at the National Seed Agency in 2006 (Silage No. 1) and 2007 (Silage No.2), respectively was left without commercial seed sale. Through this research support, the two hybrids were planted in three livestock farms in Pohang. The popularly cultivated two check hybrids in South Korea are high grain hybrids with medium maturity, while two silage hybrids are late maturing hybrids. The feeding value of the corn is consisted in grain/ear for 50% and in stalk and leave for another 50%. The Korean livestock industries which use corn as feeding are relied heavily on imported grains of 10 million tons annually that are worth of approximately 0.6-0.6 billion US dollars. 70% of the imported grains are used in feeding livestock and most of them are GMO. In contrast to the livestock industries in South Korea where uses only half value grain for feeding, the advanced countries such as the US and Canada uses entire corn for feeding. In such circumstances, the Korean livestock industries confront many disadvantages in raising livestock and therefore consequently causes the increase in the price of locally produced meat. This phenomenon eventually damages the country's national competitiveness. It is therefore very important and crucial to continue and to develop the research of silage corn in order to reduce livestock feeding price in South Korea and to reduce the price of locally produced meat in international market. - 4 -

Ⅳ. Contents and ranges of research Two silage corn hybrids bred by the Government research support were planted in three livestock farms in Pohang with two popular hybrids; Kwangpyong Ok (RDA bred) and Pioneer3394 (Pioneer International Hi-Bred Company Bred) were used as checks. The two hybrids are high yielding grain production, while two silage corn hybrids are high stover yield + grain type with good adaptation in rice paddy fields. Abnormal weather conditions in Pohang in 2015 were heavy rains in the early plating time in Spring and severe droughts during the mid and late growing period. One of the three farms failed to cultivate due to high moisture for germination and plant standing and later severe dry weather. The failed farm planted corn twice but failed. Fresh and dry stover weight were measured from two silage and two check hybrids for yield comparison. Ⅴ. Major research results Fresh yield of two silage corn hybrids were 31.9t/ha (No. 1) and 34.4 t/ha (No.2) respectively with 11 and 19% increase. While dry stover weight of the two silage hybrids were 9.3t/ha and 11.1t/ha from the mean of the two checks (7.4t/ha) and accounted for 25 and 50% increase, respectively (Table 1). Yield of imported Pioneer 3394 was 83% of the locally RDA bred KwangpyoungOk. One interesting observation was that a new germplasm of the Leafy (LF) hybrid with 7 extra leaves increased dry stover double. Economic value of the income increase with two silage corn hybrids was 1,388,750 KW/ha. Table 1. Fresh and dry stover yields of Silage corn No. 1 and No. 2 with check hybrids and economic analysis in Pohang, 2015. Hybrid Fresh wt kg/ha Dry stover wt kg/ha Value in K. Won/ha Silage No. 1 31,943 (111.3) 9,259 (125.0) 4,629,500 Silage No. 2 34,258 (119.4) 11,110 (150.0) 5,555,000 KwangpyoungOk 28,703 (100.0) 7,407 (100.0) 3,703,500 Pioneer 3394 24,073 (83.9) 7,407 (100.0) 3,703,500 LF hybrid 48,046 (161.3) 14,814 (200.0) 7,407,000 bm hybrid 46,295 (161.3) 5,555 (75.0) 2,777,500 *Economic values were calculated based on local corn feed price of 100,000 KW/ 200kg. - 5 -

Ⅵ. The uses of research results and future plan(prospect) The uses of this research will be followed. After two more years of on-farm testing, Dr. Corn Seeds Co. shall try to market seeds of silage corn hybrids in the south. Since 2015 research results showed yield advantage of the two silage hybrids compared to the two polulary cultivated check hybrid, additional 1 or 2 years of on-farm testings shall help market of silage corn production seed in South Korea. Dr. Corn Company is producing hybrid seeds with further inbreeding of the three parental inbred lines of Silage No. 1 and No. 2 in Sanya of Hainan Province of China. Hybrid seeds will be introduced in Korea in late February for additional on-farm testings in Pohang. Since Dr. Corn Seeds Co. is very small with limited resources, we kindly ask IPET to support of the on-farm testing for two more additional years. The feed value of silage corn shall reduce corn feed price, approximately 30%. - 6 -

CONTENTS Chapter 1. The Summary and the Outcomes of the Research Development Project 1.1 The Purpose and the Need for Research and Development 1.2 The Performance against Research Goals Chapter 2. The status of domestic and international technical development Chapter 3. The Contents and Outcomes of Research Development Performance Chapter 4. The Achievements and Contribution to the related fields Chapter 5. The uses of research results and future plan (prospect) 5.1 The Plan of Utilization and Industrialization 5.2 Training, marketing and proliferation of technology 5.3 Securing of Intellectual property rights in Patent, Breeding, Thesis. 5.4 The Plan of usage of the results in additional research 5.5 Suggestions Chapter 6. International Science Technology Information Chapter 7. The status of research facilities and equipments Chapter 8. The performance of laboratory safety management Chapter 9. References 9.1 Bibliography 9.2 Appendix(pictures) - 7 -

목 차 제 1 장연구개발과제의개요및성과목표제 1절연구개발의목적과필요성제 2절연구성과목표대비실적 제 2 장 국내외기술개발현황 제 3 장 연구개발수행내용및결과 제 4 장 목표달성도및관련분야에의기여도 제 5 장연구개발성과및성과활용계획제 1절실용화 산업화계획 ( 기술실시등 ) 제 2절교육 지도 홍보등기술확산계획등제 3절특허, 품종, 논문등지식재산권확보계획등제 4절추가연구, 타연구에활용계획등제 5절제언 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서수집한해외과학기술정보 제 7 장 연구시설 장비현황 제 8 장 연구실안전관리이행실적 제 9 장참고자료제 1절참고문헌제 2절부록 ( 사진 ) - 8 -

제 1 장 연구개발과제의개요및성과목표 - 9 -

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제 2 장 국내외기술개발현황 - 11 -

제 3 장 연구개발수행내용및결과 1) 2) - 12 -

제 4 장 목표달성도및관련분야에의기여도 - 13 -

제 5 장 연구개발성과및성과활용계획 3) - 14 -

- 15 -

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제 6 장 연구개발과정에서수집한해외과학기술정보 제 7 장 연구시설 장비현황 - 17 -

제 8 장 연구실안전관리이행실적 제 9 장 참고자료 - 18 -

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