Hysterectomy A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove a woman s uterus. The uterus is one of the organs of the female reproductive system and is about the size of a closed hand. You can no longer have children after you have your uterus removed, and you will no longer have periods (menstruate). If your ovaries are not removed, you will continue to make female hormones. If your ovaries are removed, menopause will occur. Fallopian Tube Uterus Ovary Cervix Vagina Labia There are dierent types of hysterectomy surgeries. Ask your doctor what type of surgery you are having and if your cervix, tubes and ovaries are being removed. Vaginal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through the vagina. No incision in the abdomen is needed. Abdominal hysterectomy the uterus is removed through an incision in the abdomen. 1
자궁절제술 자궁절제술이란여성의자궁을제거하는수술입니다. 자궁은여성생식계통의장기들중하나로서주먹만한크기입니다. 자궁을들어내면더이상임신을할수없게되고또한월경도더이상하지않게됩니다. 난소를제거하지않는한여성은계속여성호르몬을분비하게됩니다. 난소가제거되면폐경기가될것입니다. 나팔관 자궁 난소 경부 질 음순 자궁절제수술에는크게두가지종류가있습니다. 어떤종류의수술을받게되는지그리고자궁경관, 나팔관, 또는난소들도제거되는지도의사에게물어보십시오. 질식자궁절제술 - 질을통하여자궁을제거하는방법. 복부를절개할필요가없다. 복식자궁절제술 - 복부절개를통하여자궁을제거하는방법. Hysterectomy. Korean. 1
Laparoscopic hysterectomy several small incisions are made in the abdomen and the doctor works through these small incisions using a laparoscope. This instrument makes it easier for the doctor to see small areas during surgery. Other small instruments are used to detach and remove the uterus. f f Robotic hysterectomy It is very similar to a laparoscopic hysterectomy. Instruments are more flexible and the doctor uses a special camera to guide the instruments during surgery. To Prepare Tell your doctor all the medicines you are taking. Be sure to include any prescription or over the counter medicines, vitamins and herbs. You may be told not to take aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for a few days before your surgery. If you take aspirin daily, do not stop taking it without asking your doctor first. f f If you are taking blood thinners or medicines to prevent clots, check with the doctor who prescribed the medicine to see if you should stop the medicine before surgery. Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of your surgery. If so, take them with small sips of water only. Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight before your surgery. If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other things, tell the sta before your surgery. An adult family member or friend will need to take you home when you leave the hospital. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. 2
복강경자궁절제술 복부에작은절개를여러개한후의사가복강경을이용하여이절개들을통해자궁을제거하는방법. 이기구를통하여의사는수술중에작은부위들을볼수있다. 자궁을떼어내고제거하기위하여그밖에작은기구들을사용한다. f f 로봇이용자궁절제술 - 복강경과유사한자궁절제술. 여기서사용하는기구들은더욱유연하며, 수술중에의사는특수카메라를이용하여기구들을조정한다. 수술준비 현재어떤약들을복용하고있는지의사에게알려주십시오. 처방약은물론비처방약과비타민, 약초등을모두알려주십시오. f f 수술전에아스피린이나이부프로펜(Advil, Motrin) 을복용하지말라고의사가지시할수있습니다. 매일아스피린을복용해왔으면, 미리의사와상의없이복용을중단하지마십시오. 혈액희석제나혈액응고를예방하는약을복용하고있으면, 그약들을처방해준의사에게연락하여수술전에이약들을잠시중단해도되는지물어보십시오. 수술받는날아침에평소복용하는약들을먹어야하는지의사에게물어보십시오. 괜찮다고하면물을약간만들어약을삼키십시오. 수술전자정이후에는물을포함하여아무것도먹거나마시지마십시오. 어떤약이나음식또는그밖에다른물질에알레르기가있으면, 수술전에의사에게미리말하십시오. 퇴원할때는가족이나친구가환자를집으로데리고가야합니다. 환자혼자서운전하는것은안전하지않습니다. Hysterectomy. Korean. 2
During Surgery You will wear a hospital gown. An IV (intravenous) tube is put in a vein in your arm for giving medicines and fluids. You will be taken on a cart to the operating room and then helped onto a table. Medicine is given in your IV to keep you asleep and free from pain. You will have a catheter that drains urine from your bladder. This tube is often removed the morning after your surgery. Another tube may be put in through your nose and is passed down to your stomach to remove fluids so that you will not feel sick to your stomach. This tube is often taken out before you leave the recovery room. The surgery area or abdomen is cleaned. Your uterus is removed. Your cervix, tubes and ovaries may also be removed. Any incisions are closed with stitches, staples or special tapes called steri-strips. A bandage is put over the incisions. After Surgery In the Hospital You are taken to the recovery room where you are watched closely until you wake up and are doing well. Your breathing, blood pressure and pulse are checked often. 3
수술중 병원가운을입습니다. 약과액을혈관을통하여주입하기위하여 IV( 정맥 ) 를팔에부착합니다. 카트에눕혀져수술실로옮겨진다음수술대에옮겨질것입니다. 수술중계속수면을취하고통증을느끼지않도록하기위하여 IV 로약을투여할것입니다. 소변을방광에서뽑아내기위하여카테테르를주입할것입니다. 이튜브는보통수술후그다음날아침에제거됩니다. 위액을미리제거하여복통을예방하기위하여또다른튜브를코를통하여위장으로삽입할수있습니다. 이튜브는보통회복실을나오기전에제거됩니다. 수술부위또는복부를깨끗이합니다. 자궁이제거됩니다. 자궁경관, 나팔관, 그리고난소들도함께제거될수있습니다. 절개한부분은스티치, 스테이플또는스테리스트립 (steri-strip) 이라고부르는특수테이프를이용하여봉합합니다. 절개부위에반창고를붙입니다. 수술후 병원에서 환자는수술후회복실로옮겨져마취에서깨어날때까지관찰될것입니다. 호흡과혈압그리고심장박동을자주잴것입니다. Hysterectomy. Korean. 3
If you are staying at the hospital, you will be taken to your room. A pad will be placed between your legs in case you have vaginal bleeding. You also may have special stockings on your legs while you are in bed to help prevent blood clots. The sta may teach you how to cough, deep breathe and use an incentive spirometer. An incentive spirometer is a device used to help you take deep breaths. These exercises help open the airways of the lungs and prevent pneumonia. If you have abdominal incisions, place a pillow or a folded blanket over your incisions for support when deep breathing or coughing. Do these exercises every 1 to 2 hours while you are awake. You will be given medicine to control your pain. Tell your nurse if you have pain. The IV is used to give you medicine and fluids until you are able to eat and drink well. You may be given a few ice chips if you are not sick to your stomach. You will be given clear liquids at first and then slowly progress to regular foods. Your bandage will be removed the day after surgery. Your incision may have: Stitches that dissolve on their own. Staples which are often taken out a few days after surgery. Steri-strips that come o on their own in 7 to 10 days. If you have a vaginal hysterectomy, you will not have an incision. For your safety, when you leave the hospital, you will need to have an adult family member or friend take you home. You should have someone stay with you for at least the first 24 hours you are home. 4
병원에머물러야하면, 병실로다시옮겨질것입니다. 질출혈을대비하여다리사이에패드를부착할것입니다. 혈액응고를예방하기위하여두다리에특수스타킹을착용할수도있습니다. 기침운동과심호흡하는방법그리고유발성폐활량계사용법을가르쳐드릴것입니다. 유발성폐활량계는심호흡을하는데도움을주는보조장치입니다. 이러한운동들은폐의기도가막히지않도록도와주고폐렴을예방합니다. 복부절개를했을경우, 절개부위에베개나담요를접어받쳐주면심호흡이나기침할때도움이됩니다. 이운동을깨어있을때매 1 시간이나 2 시간마다하십시오. 진통제를줄것입니다. 통증이있으면간호사에게말하십시오. 환자가음식을먹고마실때까지약이나액은 IV 를통하여투여될것입니다. 배가메슥거리지않으면얼음조각들을줄것입니다. 식사대신처음에는맑은국물을먹다가차츰보통음식으로바뀔것입니다. 수술후에반창고를제거할것입니다. 절개부위에는 : 저절로녹아없어지는스티치 수술후며칠후에제거하는스테이플 7일이나 10일후면저절로떨어지는스테리스트립 질식자궁절제술을받았다면절개를하지않습니다. 환자의안전을위하여퇴원할때가족이나친구가환자를집으로데리고가야합니다. 수술후최소 24 시간은집에서누군가가보살펴줘야합니다. Hysterectomy. Korean. 4
At Home Take your medicine as directed. Schedule a follow-up visit with your doctor. You will need to see your doctor in 4 to 6 weeks. Wash any incisions gently with soap and water and pat dry. You may take a shower or sponge bath, but do not take tub baths. A small amount of vaginal discharge is normal for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. Change the pad every few hours. Wash the vaginal area with soap and water and pat dry. Do not put anything in your vagina until your doctor checks you. Do not douche. Do not have sexual intercourse. Do not use tampons. Activity Limits Limit your activities for 4 to 6 weeks. Do not lift over 10 pounds for at least 2 weeks. You may do light housework such as washing dishes and cooking. Do not do strenuous activities, such as vacuuming or exercising for at least 2 weeks. Do not drive for 2 weeks, but you can ride in a car for short trips. Go up and down stairs slowly, one step at a time. Take walks. Starting with short distances. Slowly increase how long and fast you walk. 5
집에서 약을지시대로복용하십시오. 의사와후속방문예약을하십시오. 4 주에서 6 주후에의사를봐야합니다. 절개부위를비누와물로조심스럽게닦고수건으로물기를찍어말리십시오. 샤워나스폰지목욕은해도되지만욕조목욕은삼가하십시오. 수술후 2 주에서 4 주동안은약간의질출혈이있습니다. 몇시간마다패드를교환하십시오. 질부위를비누와물로조심스럽게닦고수건으로물기를찍어말리십시오. 의사가검사할때까지는질안에아무것도삽입하지마십시오. 질세척을하지마십시오. 성교를금하십시오. 탐폰을사용하지마십시오. 활동제한 퇴원후 4 주에서 6 주간은활동을제한하십시오. 수술후최소 2 주간은 4.5 킬로 (10 파운드 ) 이상되는물건을들지마십시오. 접시닦이나요리정도의활동은해도됩니다. 수술후최소 2 주동안은진공청소기로청소하거나운동등육체적으로힘든활동은금하십시오. 수술후 2 주동안은자동차를운전하지마십시오. 단, 짧은거리는자동차를타도괜찮습니다. 층계를천천히한개씩올라갔다내려갔다하십시오. 걸으십시오. 짧은거리부터시작하십시오. 천천히거리와속도를늘리십시오. Hysterectomy. Korean. 5
Other Issues If your ovaries are taken out, you may have signs of menopause such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness or mood changes. It is common to have many feelings after surgery. You may feel sad, fearful, nervous or angry. Share these feelings with your loved ones and friends to help you cope as you recover. If the sadness does not go away after a few weeks, talk to your doctor. Your looks will not change after this surgery. There are no physical changes except that you may have a scar from your incision. Your surgery should not aect your ability to have sex or the way you or your partner feel while having sex. Ask your doctor when you may resume sexual activity and discuss any concerns you may have about sex. Call your doctor right away if you have: Shaking, chills or a temperature over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C An incision that is swollen, red, has drainage or comes apart Bleeding from your incisions Pain, warmth or tenderness in your legs Heavy vaginal bleeding, soaking 2 to 3 pads in one hour Vaginal drainage with an odor Trouble urinating Burning when you urinate or feel a need to urinate often Skin that is itchy, swollen or has a rash Severe mood swings or feel depressed 6
그밖에다른문제들 난소들을제거했으면, 안면홍조, 질건조또는감정변화등과같은폐경기증상을경험할수도있습니다. 수술후에흔히많은감정의변화를경험합니다. 슬프거나, 불안하거나, 화가나기쉽습니다. 이러한감정들을사랑하는사람이나친구들과나누면서극복하십시오. 몇주가지난후에도슬픈감정이사라지지않으면의사와상담하십시오. 수술후에모습이변하지않을것입니다. 수술을받았다고해서겉모습에변화가생기는것은아닙니다. 단지수술상처만있을뿐입니다. 이수술은성생활을할때본인이나상대방에게어떠한지장도가져오지않습니다. 언제성생활을다시시작해도좋은지그리고성생활에대하여염려되는점이있으면의사에게물어보십시오. 다음과같은경우의사에게즉시연락하십시오 : 몸이떨리거나오한또는체온이 38 C (101 F) 이상 절개부위가부었거나, 빨갛거나, 액이나오거나가장자리가벌어진다 절개부위에서출혈 다리에통증이있거나, 뜨겁거나, 누르면아프다 질출혈이심하여한시간에패드 2-3 개를적신다 질분비물에서악취가난다 소변보는데문제가있다 소변볼때화끈거리는통증또는소변이자주마렵다 피부가가렵고, 부었거나발진이생겼다 감정변화기폭이심하고우울하다 Hysterectomy. Korean. 6
Call 911 right away if you have trouble breathing all of a sudden or have chest pain. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2008 6/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 7
갑자기숨쉬기가힘들거나가슴에통증이있으면즉시 911 으로전화하십시오. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2008 6/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Hysterectomy. Korean. 7