UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION PREVENTING BLOOD CLOTS KOREAN 혈액응고예방 입원중에 Translation Draft UW Medicine 에서우리는혈전이생기는것으로부터환자분을지키기위하여최선을다합니다. 이인쇄물은혈전이생기는것으로부터환자분을지키기위하여환자분의담당의료원이할것들을설명합니다. 심정맥혈전증 (DVT) 이란? 심정맥혈전증 (DVT) 은우리몸의정맥 중의하나에혈전이형성되는 것입니다. 대부분의 DVT 는무릎의 위쪽이나아래쪽다리에형성됩니다. 심정맥혈전증 (DVT) 과연결된건강문제는폐색전 ( 폐에혈전 ) 과정맥혈전색전증 ( 혈전의의학용어 ) 을포함합니다. 부기, 붉어짐, 통증 혈전정맥 DVT 의원인은? DVT 는다음과같은경우발생할수있습니다 : 수술이나부상이후 입원중이거나오랜기간동안침대에서일어나지못해서오랫동안활동을하지않음으로부터 자동차나비행기로긴여행을한이후이그림은하지정맥의 DVT 를보여줍니다. DVT 가생길위험성은혈액응고의위험을증가시키는어떤질환이나약을복용함에의해서증가될수있습니다. DVT 는명확한원인이없이발생할수도있습니다. DVT 의징후들? DVT 는대부분다리나팔에종종발생합니다. 가장흔한징후들 : 부기 통증이나민감증 피부가붉어지거나특이한색갈이남 Page 1 of 2 Preventing Blood Clots
혈액응고예방이중요한이유? Translation Draft 우리는 DVT 예방을매우심각하게받아들입니다. 그이유는 : DVT 는수술을받았거나입원하고있고많이움직일수없는환자분들에게흔합니다. DVT 는통증을유발할수있고장래에또다른혈액응고가생길위험이증가할수있습니다. DVT 가발생할때환자분이입원기간이더길어지게할수있는가외의치료가필요하게됩니다. DVT 가즉시치료되지않을경우, 다리의혈전은떨어져나갈수있고몸의다른부분으로이동할수있습니다. 폐로이동한혈전은폐색전 (PE) 이라고불립니다. 이혈전의종류는폐로의혈액공급을끊기때문에생명을위협할수있습니다. 어떻게의료제공자가혈전예방을도울수있습니까? 오랜시간동안입원중이거나수술이후입원하게된경우환자분의담당의료제공자는혈전을예방하기위하여하나또는그이상의방법을사용할것입니다. 그방법들은 : 피를묽게하는약들혈전예방약을투여받을수도있습니다. 이약은다음과같을수도있습니다 : 피하주사로받음 보통의주사약들은헤파린과에녹사파린 ( 상표명은로브낙스 ) 하루에한두번알약으로복용 흔한종류는와파린 ( 쿠마딘 ) 과어픽사벤 ( 엘리퀴스 ) 과라이버락사벤 ( 제렐토 ) 입니다. 순차적압박장치순차적압박장치 (SCDs) 는환자분의다리를감싸는싸개입니다. 때때로환자분은 SCD 에공기가차서부풀고그런다음공기가빠지는것을느낄것입니다. 이것은걷는동작을모방하고혈전예방을돕습니다. 환자분이 UWMC 에서수술을받을경우이싸개들은환자분의다리에둘려질것이고수술실로가기전에켜질것입니다. SCD 는때때로공기로부푸는다리싸개입니다. Page 2 of 3 Preventing Blood Clots
걷기 Translation Draft 수술이후곧바로걷는것은혈전예방을도울수있습니다. 하지만걷기그자체는입원중에혈전을예방하는데충분하지않습니다. SCD 를착용하거나피를묽게하는약들을복용하는것처럼혈전예방의다른방법들또한사용하는동안걸을수있을경우가가장좋습니다. 환자분에게사용되고있는혈전예방의방법이무엇인지를담당의나담당간호사에게물어보십시오. 스스로할수있는혈전예방법? 환자분은환자분의치료팀의중요한일원입니다. 혈전예방을돕기위하여환자분이할수있는것들이다음에있습니다 : DVT 의징후 (1 페이지를보십시오 ) 가있을경우담당간호사나의사에게즉시말하십시오. 환자분을위하여처방된혈액을묽게하는약들을복용하십시오. 침대에누워있거나의자에앉아있거나언제나 SCD 를착용하십시오. 할수있는한최대한빨리그리고최대한많이침대에서일어나복도에서걸으십시오. 침대에서일어나기전에 SCD 를제거하는것을도와달라고요청하십시오. 넘어짐예방조치가발동되어있을경우, 침대에서일어나기전에도움을요청하십시오. 깨어있는동안매시간마다 10 번씩이간단한운동을하십시오 ( 아래의그림을참조하십시오 ): 발가락을침대끝머리로향하여가리키십시오. 그런다음발가락을머리를향하여가리키십시오. 문의사항? 귀하의질문은중요합니다. 질문이나걱정거리가있을경우담당의나의료원에게전화하십시오. DVT 예방을돕기위하여침대에누워계시는동안이런간단한운동을하십시오.. University of Washington Medical Center Preventing Blood Clots - KOREAN Published PFES: 07/2015, 08/2017; Clinician Review: 08/2017 Translation by UWMC Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 Preventing Blood Clots
UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Preventing Blood Clots While you are in the hospital At UW Medicine, we do our best to keep patients from getting blood clots. This handout explains what your healthcare providers will do to keep you from getting a blood clot. What is a DVT? A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in one of the veins of the body. Most DVTs form in the legs, either above or below the knee. Health problems linked with DVTs include pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs) and venous thromboembolism (a medical term for blood clots). What causes a DVT? DVTs can occur: After surgery or an injury From being inactive for a long time when in the hospital or bedridden After long trips in a car or plane This drawing shows a DVT in a leg vein. The risk of getting a DVT can be increased by some diseases or by taking medicines that increase the risk of blood clotting. DVTs may also occur without a clear cause. What are the signs of DVT? DVT most often occurs in a leg or arm. The most common signs include: Swelling Pain or tenderness Redness or odd coloring in your skin Page 1 of 3 Preventing Blood Clots
Why is it important to prevent blood clots? We take preventing DVTs very seriously. This is because: DVTs are common in patients who have had surgery or are in the hospital and cannot move very much. DVTs can cause pain and can increase the risk of getting another blood clot in the future. When DVTs occur, extra treatment is needed, which can make your stay in the hospital longer. If a DVT is not treated right away, clots in the legs can break apart and travel to other parts of the body. A blood clot that travels to the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism (PE). This type of clot can be lifethreatening because it cuts off the blood supply to the lungs. How do healthcare providers help prevent blood clots? If you are in the hospital for a long time, or if you are admitted to the hospital after surgery, your healthcare providers will use one or more methods to prevent blood clots. These include: Blood-thinning Medicines You may receive medicine to prevent blood clots. This medicine may be: Given as an injection under your skin common injectable medicines are heparin and enoxaparin (brand name Lovenox) Taken as a pill 1 to 2 times a day common types are warfarin (Coumadin), apixaban (Eliquis), and rivaroxaban (Xarelo) Sequential Compression Devices Sequential compression devices (SCDs) are wraps that are put around your legs. From time to time, you will feel the SCDs inflate with air, then deflate. This imitates the action of walking and helps prevent blood clots. If you are having surgery at UWMC, these wraps will be put on your legs and turned on before you go into the operating room. SCDs are leg wraps that inflate with air from time to time. Page 2 of 3 Preventing Blood Clots
Walking Walking soon after surgery can help prevent blood clots. But, walking by itself is not enough to prevent a blood clot when you are in the hospital. It is best if you can walk while also using other ways of preventing blood clots, such as wearing SCDs or taking blood-thinning medicines. Ask your doctor or nurse what method to prevent blood clots is being used for you. What can you do to prevent blood clots? You are an important member of your care team. Here are things you can do to help prevent blood clots: If you have any signs of DVT (see page 1), tell your nurse or doctor right away. Take any blood-thinning medicine that has been ordered for you. Wear your SCDs any time you are in bed or up in a chair. Get out of bed and walk in the halls as soon and as much as you can. Before you get out of bed, ask for help removing your SCDs. If you are on fall precautions, ask for help before you get out of bed. Do this simple exercises 10 times every hour while you are awake (see drawing below): Point your toes toward the end of the bed Then point your toes up toward your head Questions? Do this simple exercise while you are in bed to help prevent DVTs. Your questions are important. Call your doctor or healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns. University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 07/2015, 08/2017 Clinician Review: 08/2017 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 Preventing Blood Clots