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.. PC.,. FORCS Co., LTD 6

.... ActiveX Applet. FORCS Co., LTD 7

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- IE 5.0 - Netscape Browser 8.1 - Mozilla 1.7.12 - Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1 - ActiveX : Firefox Firefox 3.0.1 ~ 3.0.7. FORCS Co., LTD 10

ActiveX ZTransfer.. ozjpdf417.zip ozpdfwriter.zip ozppt.zip ozxlswriter.zip 2 zip ozjpdf417.dll 2 PDF DLL zip ozpdfwriter.dll PDF PPT DLL zip ozppt.dll PPT DLL zip ozxlswriter.dll ozrhelp.zip zip help.conf OZReportViewerhelp.chm DLL, XML ozrresource.zip chartres.xml ozlang.dll viewer_error_ms g.xml viewer_server_er ror_msg.xml viewer_string_res ource.xml *.gif ex) chartres_ko_kr.xml ex) ozlang_ko_kr.dll ex) viewer_error_msg_ko_kr.xml ex) viewer_server_error_msg_ko_kr.xml ex) viewer_string_resource_ko_kr.xml FORCS Co., LTD 11

ozruser.zip OZUSLClientDes128.dll OZUSLClientSession.dll USL USL DLL zip ozrviewer.zip ozcreport.dll ozcviewer.exe OZForVista.dll ActiveX Windows Vista ozrviewerocx.zip ozsystem.zip ozrviewer.idf ozrviewer.message ActiveX United Control zip ozcuviewer.ocx ActiveX United Control Microsoft Layer of Unicode zip unicows.dll Microsoft Layer of Unicode ex) ozrviewer_ko_kr.message ActiveX ZTransferX.cab ZTransferX.inf ZTransferX.ocx ZtransferForVista.dll ozverify.dll ZTransferX Control ZTransferX Control OCX Windows Vista OZViewer.xpi Firefox ActiveX Windows 2003 IIS MIME. MIME. []. FORCS Co., LTD 12

[HTTP ] "MIME " [MIME ]. [ ]. 2. FORCS Co., LTD 13

: *.idf MIME : text/idf : *.message MIME : text/message. FORCS Co., LTD 14

ZTransfer PC. PC " " ZTransfer. [] ZTransfer. ZTransfer, ZTrasnfer PC. C:\Program Files\Forcs\OZ Family\CustomNamespace\ozviewer ZTransfer. \res. FORCS Co., LTD 15

:. Windows 2000 Windows 98 Windows Me., OZReport Viewer. Windows 2000 ( "User1" ) C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Local Settings\Temp\OZReport Viewer Windows Vista ( "User1" ) C:\Users\User1\AppData\LocalLow\OZReport Viewer ZTransfer ZTransfer Control ZTransfer Control ActiveX cabinet(*.cab) xpi(*.xpi), Firefox xpi, cab. ZTransfer Control 1. FORCS Co., LTD 16

, ZTransfer Control. ActiveX cabinet(*.cab) ZTransfer Control. ZTransfer Control (ozrviewer.idf). ZTransfer Control : /. download.server. : "http://" SSL "https://". "" "OZViewer" <PARAM NAME="download.Server" VALUE=""> download.port. : "download.server". "download.port" "80" SSL "443". "80" <param name="download.port" value="80"> download.instruction. "ozrviewer.idf" <param name="download.instruction" value="ozrviewer.idf"> download.instructionurl. FORCS Co., LTD 17

"", "80" "OZReportViewer" "ozrviewer.idf" ActiveX <param name="download.instructionurl" value=""> (IDF ) "download.instructionurl"., IDF "download.instructionurl". "download.instructionurl" "download.instruction" "download.instructionurl"., "download.instructionurl" IDF. PC IDF "download.instruction"., "download.instruction" "download.instructionurl". download.quiet. true false ( ) <param name="download.quiet" value="true"> imageurl. :. <param name="imageurl" value=""> install.base FORCS Co., LTD 18

PC.. :. <SYSTEM> : (System32(NT) or System(98, 95) <PROGRAMS> : Program Files <param name="install.base" value="<programs>/forcs"> install.namespace. :. <param name="install.namespace" value="customnamespace"> install.registonly idf. install.registonly true command RegistServer entryversion, clsid, destdir. true ( false ) <param name="install.registonly" value="true"> maxconnect FORCS Co., LTD 19

.. :,. :, Administrator. <param name="maxconnect" value="100"> messagetitle. : " "., install. namespace "CustomProject" messagetitle "CustomProject ". <param name="messagetitle" value="..."> MinConnectTimeout IE Timeout. PC. IE FireFox. Timeout IE. Install.registonly=true.. <param name="minconnecttimeout" value="60"> MinRecevieTimeout IE Timeout. PC. IE FireFox. Timeout IE. FORCS Co., LTD 20

Install.registonly=true.. <param name="minrecevietimeout" value="60"> MinSendTimeout IE Timeout. PC. IE FireFox. Timeout IE. Install.registonly=true.. <param name="minsendtimeout" value="60"> useprogress ActiveX. true ( ) false <param name="useprogress" value="true"> ZTransfer Control ZTransfer Control (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0/Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1) ZTransfer Control. sample.html <html> <head> <title> OZ Report Viewer Sample </title> </head> <Body> <div id="installozviewer"> <script id="ztransferx" src="ztransferx.js"></script> FORCS Co., LTD 21

</div> </Body> </html> ztransferx.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('<object width = "0" height = "0" ID="ZTransferX" classid="clsid:c7c7225a-9476-47ac-b0b0-ff3b79d55e67" codebase=",2,0,4.cab#vers ion=2,2,0,4"></object>'); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="download.server" value="">'); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="download.port" value="8080">'); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="download.instruction" value="ozrviewer.idf">'); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('<param name="install.base" value="<programs>/forcs">'); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('<param name="install.namespace" value="customnamespace">'); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('object'); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("id", "ZTransferX"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("width", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("height", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("type","application/ZtransferXPlugin;version= 1,0,1,0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("codebase"," pace/ozviewer_1,0,1,0.xpi"); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('param'); FORCS Co., LTD 22

ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("name", "download.server"); ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("name", "download.port"); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("value", "8080"); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("name", "download.instruction"); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("value", "ozrviewer.idf"); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("name", "install.base"); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("value", "<PROGRAMS>/Forcs"); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("name", "install.namespace"); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("value", "CustomNameSpace"); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } } } Install Direction File(IDF) ActiveX OZ Transfer Control IDF IDF. IDF [IDF] version=5000,2008,1112,100 formatversion=1,0,0,1 checkrootversion=false stoponerror=false msgonerror=false AssureAll=false messagefile=ozrviewer.message ;copy executables & mandatory files [ozrviewer] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrviewer.zip FORCS Co., LTD 23

compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer AutoRunEnable=true AutoRunExtension=ozd AutoRunFileName=ozcviewer.exe ;SleepAfterExecute=0 [ozxlswriter] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozxlswriter.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for ozjpdf417 export [ozjpdf417] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozjpdf417.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for PDF export [ozpdfwriter] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozpdfwriter.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for PPT export [ozppt] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozppt.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;register ocx [ozrviewerocx] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrviewerocx.zip entry=ozcuviewer.ocx compress=zip clsid={0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff-4bf7443f5f25} command=registerserver destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy resource files [ozrresource] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file= ozrresource.zip compress=zip FORCS Co., LTD 24

destdir=<this>/ozviewer/res ;copy system files [ozsystem] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file= ozsystem.zip compress=zip comparefile=unicows.dll compareoption=exist destdir=<ie>,<this>/ozviewer destos=win98 [ozgdiplus] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozgdiplus.zip compress=zip comparefile=gdiplus.dll compareoption=exist destdir=<system> destos=-win2k ;copy help files [ozrhelp] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrhelp.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer/help ;copy user files [ozruser] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozruser.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer. IDF IDF,,. EntryVersion Entry Entry. ";". IDF FORCS Co., LTD 25

Header [IDF] Body [1] [2] [n] Header Header IDF,,,, ActiveX. [IDF] version = 5000,2008,1112,100 formatversion=1,0,0,1 checkrootversion=false stoponerror=false msgonerror=false AssureAll=false messagefile=ozrviewer.message version IDF IDF RootVersion. version=5000,2008,1112,100 formatversion IDF. IDF. FormatVersion=1,0,0,1 checkrootversion RootVersion. true false RootVersion Entry RootVersion Entry ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 26

checkrootversion=false stoponerror,. true false ( ) stoponerror=false msgonerror. true false ( ) msgonerror=false assureall. true false ( ) AssureAll=false messagefile FORCS Co., LTD 27

.. ".message". "messagefile=". PC. ".message". "Appendix 2. ". - : ozrviewer_ko_kr.message - : ozrviewer_en_us.message - : ozrviewer_ja_jp.message - : ozrviewer_zh_cn.message - : ozrviewer_zh_tw.message Body Body. Entry. "[]". (Entry) (). :,. [] [(auto)] [(code)] Locale _KOR_KOR.zip, _KOR.zip,.zip Windows 9x(98,98SE,ME) _ANSI.zip, Windows NT(NT, 2000, XP, 2003 ) _UNICODE.zip FORCS Co., LTD 28

"ozrviewerocx.zip" [ozrviewerocx] entryversion (Entry). EntryVersion=5000,2008,0416,100 file. file=ozrviewerocx.zip entry (Entry).. entry=ozcuviewer.ocx compress. zip.. : "update.ini" "param.oz" PC, compress=no. [ini] entryversion=5000,2008,0146,100 file= update.ini compress = no destdir = <THIS>/bin/update [param] entryversion=5000,2008,0416,100 file= param.oz compress = no destdir = <THIS>/bin FORCS Co., LTD 29

compress=zip update.ini, param.oz,,. clsid Class ID. clsid={0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff-4bf7443f5f25} command Entry. RegisterServer UnRegisterServer Execute ExecuteAtDownload Delete "Entry=" "Entry=" "Entry=" "Entry=" "Entry=" command=registerserver param "command". "command=excute", "entry=iexplore.exe" http://www.forcs.co.kr param=http://www.forcs.co.kr destdir FORCS Co., LTD 30

. '\' '/'. : (,), (,).. <THIS> : ZTransferX HTML "install.base/install.namespace". <This>/abc abc. <SYSTEM> :. <PROGRAMS> : Program Files. <FONT> :. <IE> : <IE>. destdir=c:/temp c:/temp destdir=<system>/project project AutoRunEnable. true false AutoRunEnable=true AutoRunExtention. AutoRunExtension=ozd AutoRunFileName AutoRunExtension. AutoRunFileName=ozcviewer.exe comparefile FORCS Co., LTD 31

. "". comparefile=unicows.dll compareoption comparefile.. exist ( ) compareoption=exist destos PC OS. : OS "-OS", OS "OS-". win31 Windows 3.1 win95 Windows 95 win98 Windows 98 win9x Windows 95, 98 winnt35 Windows NT 3.51 winnt40 Windows NT 4.0 winnt Windows NT 3.51, 4.0 winme Windows Me win2k Windows 2000 winxp win2003 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server Familly winvista Windows Vista win2008 Windows 2008 destos=winxp OS Windows XP destos=-winxp OS Windows XP destos=winxp- OS Windows XP FORCS Co., LTD 32

shortcutfilename. "destdir". : "shortcutfilename".. shortcutfilename=ozcviewer.exe shortcutdisplayname. :. shortcutdisplayname=oz Report Viewer startprogramname. :. "/Forcs" "OZ Report Viewer" startprogramname=/forcs/oz Report Viewer shortcuticonname. (.ico).. "file". FORCS Co., LTD 33

: shortcuticonname=c:/temp/oza.ico : "destdir" shortcuticonname=/res/oza.ico - SleepAfterExecute Entry ZTransfer. IDF command Execute, ExecuteAtDownload. "SleepAfterExecute" ZTransfer. 0 ( ) 1 ( : ms) 5 SleepAfterExecute=5000 ";". =message. ;Message file for Oz ActiveX viewer 5.0 ozrviewer= ;copy executables & mandatory files ozrexport= DLL ;copy DLLs for export ozrviewerocx= OCX ;register ocx ozrresource= DLL XML ;copy resource files ozsystem= DLL FORCS Co., LTD 34

;copy user files ozrhelp= HELP ;copy help files ozruser= DLL ;copy user files. ZTransfer.. [install.base]/oz Family/[install.namespace]/ozviewer Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FORCS\OZ Family\Namespace\ [CustomNameSpace]\ozviewer value name = FORCS Co., LTD 35

ActiveX PC ZTransfer ActiveX. ZTransfer (Internet Explorer 7.0 ) 1. Internet Explorer [] - [ ] [] " " []. 2. [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 36

3. ZTransferX Control []. ZTransfer (Internet Explorer 7.0) 1. Internet Explorer [] - [ ] [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 37

2. "Internet Explorer ". 3. ZTransferX Control "ActiveX " []. FORCS Co., LTD 38

ActiveX 1. "regsvr32 /u". [] (cmd.exe) OCX "ozcuviewer.ocx". "regsvr32 /u ozcuviewer.ocx". 2. C:\Program Files\Forcs\OZ Family\[Namespace]\ozviewer. FORCS Co., LTD 39



(Pull Down)... FORCS Co., LTD 42

(Ctrl+O) PC (.ozd). (Ctrl+A). OZ Report Data File(*.ozd), Adobe PDF File(*.pdf), Microsoft Excel File(*.xls), Microsoft word Document(*.doc), Microsoft Presentation (*.ppt), Web Page(*.html), Comma Separated s File(*.csv), Tab Separated Text(*.txt), Jpeg File(*.jpg), Tagged Image Format File(*.tif), Scable Vector Graphics(*.svg), Hangul File(*.hml), Hangul97 File(*.hml), Haansoft Nexel File(*.nxl), Web Page Save File(*.mht). : nxl export.applyformat=nxl.... OZD, PDF. OZD FORCS Co., LTD 43


..... : PDF....... :.ppt,.doc,.html,.xls,. PDF PDF, PDF. FORCS Co., LTD 45

..... PDF.. PDF.... Excel Excel, Excel. FORCS Co., LTD 46

,,,.. Text/CSV. :,.. " ".. FORCS Co., LTD 47

Column Row " ". " "............ [ ] [] " ".... : ", ". : (1). FORCS Co., LTD 48

.. : ", ". : (1). mht mht. Word Word, Word. Word, Word. "XML ".,. FORCS Co., LTD 49

XML Word XML Word. XML Word PC Word. XML Word,,, Word. HTML HTML, HTML. HTML. HTML.,. HTML X, Y.,.. FORCS Co., LTD 50

CSV/Text CSV Text, CSV Text. CSV Text, CSV. <PAGE>.... (n:) n<page> n<page>------- ------n<page> <PAGE>n <PAGE>n------ -----<PAGE>n '<PAGE>'. FORCS Co., LTD 51

.... 3 ','. 3 ','. 3 ','.,, CSV Text. (.) : "comma".. : Text *.txt ( ). TIFF TIFF, TIFF. FORCS Co., LTD 52


,,.,,,,.. [] [] " "... :. FORCS Co., LTD 54

/ / / /. " / / ". ex) "2, 4, 5" "1, 2, 3, 4, 5". "Page_Of_Total". ex) "3/3" "4/3" "3". 97 97, 97.,,.,,,,. FORCS Co., LTD 55

MHT MHT, MHT... (Ctrl+P). FORCS Co., LTD 56

PC... ex) copy /b LPT1:.....,,. 2...... " ".. ex)1-3, 5.. By Report(, ). ex) By Report(A4,A3) "By Report".. FORCS Co., LTD 57

. :. []... /.. " ". (Largebundle)..... 4. FORCS Co., LTD 58

4. 2.. (View). (View). (Time Interval). :: []. []. FORCS Co., LTD 59

. [].. " ".. (memo.param). DB Text.. FORCS Co., LTD 60

... [ ] <Enter>. [ ] <Enter>. "/ ". " ". FORCS Co., LTD 61

" " 12. [ ].. <Shift>. B. A B FORCS Co., LTD 62

ZOOM....... FORCS Co., LTD 63

.. :, " ".. : "cm".... :,., 0. ODI.,. FORCS Co., LTD 64

FORCS Co., LTD 65.

" " ""..... <Esc>. " " "". FORCS Co., LTD 66

( ). ( ). [ ] " ", "" ""., [ ]. [ ].. [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 67

" ". [ ]. 3 " " "". FORCS Co., LTD 68

[ ] ( ).. "" "". [ ] []. FORCS Co., LTD 69

" " "".... FORCS Co., LTD 70

/... "true", "false" "true", "false".... FORCS Co., LTD 71



ZTransfer Control. ". ". HTML.. <script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id = "ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8-B1FF- 4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name=" " value=" ">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name=" " value=" ">'; </script>. connection.server IP. <param name="connection.server" value=""> FORCS Co., LTD 74

connection.port. <param name="connection.port" value="8003"> connection.servlet. <param name="connection.servlet" value=""> connection.reportname. <param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr"> connection.pcount. <param name="connection.pcount" value="2"> connection.args#. "#" 1 "connection.pcount". " = ". <param name="connection.args1" value="param1=1"> <param name="connection.args2" value="param2=2"> odi.odinames OZR ODI. ODI ',' ODI. FORCS Co., LTD 75

OZR ODI sales.odi CustomerInfo.odi <param name="odi.odinames" value="sales, CustomerInfo"> odi.odiname.pcount "odi.odiname" ODI ODI. <param name="odi.sales.pcount" value="2"> odi.odiname.args#. "#" 1 "odi.odiname.pcount". " = ". <param name="odi.sales.args1" value="fromdate=2003-01-01"> <param name="odi.sales.args2" value="todate=2003-01-01"> : ODI ODI. ODI odi.odinames ',' ODI ODI. viewer.namespace PC ActiveX. : Namespace Ztransfer [install.namespace]/ozviewer. <param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer"> FORCS Co., LTD 76

. : : 8003 : carsales.ozr ODI : sales.odi ODI : fromdate, todate html <html> <head> <title> OZ Report Viewer Sample </title> </head> <Body> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> </Body> </html> ozviewer.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('<object id = "OZReportViewer" classid="clsid:0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff-4bf7443f5f25" width="100%" height="100%"></object>'); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.server" value="">'); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'); var OZViewerParam4 = document.createelement('<param name="odi.odinames" value="sales">'); var OZViewerParam5 = document.createelement('<param name="odi.sales.pcount" value="2">'); var OZViewerParam6 = document.createelement('<param name="odi.sales.args1" value="fromdate=2003-01-01">'); var OZViewerParam7 = document.createelement('<param name="odi.sales.args2" value="todate=2003-01-01">'); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); FORCS Co., LTD 77

OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam4); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam5); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam6); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam7); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('object'); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("id", "OZReportViewer"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("width", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("height", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("type","application/OZRViewerPlugin"); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("name", "connection.server"); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("name", "connection.port"); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("value", "8003"); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("name", "connection.reportname"); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("value", "carsales.ozr"); var OZViewerParam4 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam4.setAttribute("name", "odi.odinames"); OZViewerParam4.setAttribute("value", "salse"); var OZViewerParam5 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam5.setAttribute("name", "odi.sales.pcount"); OZViewerParam5.setAttribute("value", "2"); var OZViewerParam6 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam6.setAttribute("name", "odi.sales.args1"); OZViewerParam6.setAttribute("value", "fromdate=2003-01-01"); var OZViewerParam7 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam7.setAttribute("name", "odi.sales.args2"); OZViewerParam7.setAttribute("value", "todate=2003-01-01"); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam4); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam5); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam6); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam7); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); FORCS Co., LTD 78

} } } FORCS Co., LTD 79

(viewer.mode). Preview Print Export. <param name="viewer.mode" value="preview"> viewer.isframe. <param name="viewer.isframe" value="true"> < param name="viewer.isframe" value="false">. <param name="viewer.mode" value="print"> "print.mode" "silent". FORCS Co., LTD 80

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id = "ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8- B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.odinames" value="sales">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.pcount" value="2">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.args1" value="fromdate=2003-01-01">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.args2" value="todate=2003-01-01">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.mode" value="print">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="print.mode" value="silent">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="print.copies" value="2">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="print.printername" value="\\print2\hp">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> "Appendix1. ".. <param name="viewer.mode" value="export"> "export.mode" "silent", "export.confirmsave" "false",. FORCS Co., LTD 81

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id = "ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8- B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.odinames" value="sales">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.pcount" value="2">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.args1" value="fromdate=2003-01-01">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="odi.sales.args2" value="todate=2003-01-01">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.mode" value="export">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.mode" value="silent">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.confirmsave" value="false">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.format" value="xls">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.path" value="c:\work\">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.filename" value="carsale.xls">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> "export.fomat". Export.format xls txt csv pdf html tiff svg jpg doc excel.param text.param csv.param pdf.param html.param tiff.param svg.param jpg.param word.param FORCS Co., LTD 82

ppt ozd hwp han97 bankbookprint ppt.param ozd.param hml.param han97.param bankbookprint.param.,... <param name="viewer.largebundle" value="true"> " ". FORCS Co., LTD 83

,. viewer.bgcolor viewer.bgimage. viewer.frameheight viewer.framewidth. viewer.smartframesize. smartframesize=true framewidth, frameheight. X Y viewer.framex viewer.framey X, Y. viewer.useinborder viewer.useoutborder. / viewer.zoom. ( : 20%),. toolbar.position top, bottom, left, right FORCS Co., LTD 84

toolbar.bgcolor RGB toolbar.iconwidth toolbar.iconheight (pt). toolbar.iconposition. toolbar.useseparator true/false viewer.useprogressbar toolbar.all toolbar. true/false true/false 6. file option pageselection zoom about close '/'. <param name="toolbar.iconposition" value="file/option/pageselection/zoom/about/close">.. FORCS Co., LTD 85

viewer.configmode viewer.configfromfile viewer.configmode=file html view.namespace, global.language, codebase, viewer.configmode, view.configfromfile. viewer.configmode html. both : html. html. file :. html : html. ( ) viewer.configfromfile. codebase codebase. codebase. <param name="viewer.configfromfile" value="c:\ozviewer.conf"> <param name="codebase" value=""> <param name="viewer.configfromfile" value="/viewer/ozviewer.conf">. = <script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id = "OZReportViewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; FORCS Co., LTD 86

var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.configfromfile" value="ozviewer.conf">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.configmode" value="both">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> ozviewer.conf connection.server = connection.port = 8003 viewer.isframe = false viewer.bgcolor = 66cc00. viewer.childcount viewer.ismultidocassub viewer.childcount.. childn. (n= ) viewer.ismultidocassub,. "true" FORCS Co., LTD 87

"false". "false".. <script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id = "OZReportViewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.childcount" value="2">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.ismultidocassub" value="true">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child1.connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child1.connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child1.connection.reportname" value="orders.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child2.connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child2.connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="child2.connection.reportname" value= "salesemployee.ozr">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script>. FORCS Co., LTD 88

( ) ( ) ( ) Viewer.postcommand = Command Viewer.postcommand = Message Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "post", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype OZPostCommand(cmd, msg) Argument cmd msg viewer.progresscommand = true viewer.progresscommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "progress", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype OZProgressCommand(step, state, reportname) FORCS Co., LTD 89

Argument step state reportname (0 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 4, 4 : 5 ) (1 :, 2 : ) : viewer.isframe=true OZProgressCommand. ( ) viewer.printcommand = true viewer.printcommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "print", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype Argument OZPrintCommand(msg, code, reportname, printername, printcopy, printedpage, printrange, username, drivername) msg code reportname printername printcopy printedpage printrange username (0 :, 1 : ) FORCS Co., LTD 90

drivername viewer.exportcommand = true viewer.exportcommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "export", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype OZExportCommand(code, path, filename) Argument code path filename (1 :, 0 : ) viewer.mailcommand = true viewer.mailcommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "mail", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' FORCS Co., LTD 91

Prototype OZMailCommand(code) Argument code (1 :, 0 : ) setlinkevent viewer.linkcommand = true viewer.linkcommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "link", "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype Argument OZLinkCommand(docindex, componentname, usertag, uservalue) docindex 0 componentname setlinkevent usertag uservalue viewer.bankbookprintcommand = true viewer.bankbookprintcommand = false Prototype OZBankBookPrintCommand(string datas) Argument datas FORCS Co., LTD 92

: 0 2.,. ( ) viewer.errorcommand = true viewer.errorcommand = false Prototype OZCommand(code, args) Argument code args ( "error" ) (OZXXXCommand) ';' Prototype OZErrorCommand(code, message, detailmessage) Argument code message detailmessage Viewer.Useractioncommand = true Viewer.Useractioncommand = false Prototype OZUserActionCommand(type, attr) Argument type attr (.) (.) FORCS Co., LTD 93

: OZUserActionCommand [Open ] OZD attr code bool OZD filename string OZD path string OZD [Export ] attr code bool filename string format string path string reportname array target string silentexecute bool, OZD attr memoallowed bool OZD password bool OZD saveall bool OZD savelink bool PDF attr FORCS Co., LTD 94

author string PDF executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle filenamelabel string keyword string PDF largebundle bool masterpassword bool numberingformat string pagemode string pagerange string printable bool PDF producer string PDF savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savebypage bool PDF savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc saveonefile bool bool FORCS Co., LTD 95

saverect bool subject string PDF title string PDF userpassword bool PDF XLS attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle largebundle bool matchmode string matchmode matchsubmode string pagepersheet minimumcellwidth int minimumcellheight int pagemode string pagerange string removeblank bool removeoption string removeranges removerange string FORCS Co., LTD 96

savearrow bool savebarcode bool Excel savebyhtml bool mht save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool savefont string saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savenumberformat string savemultidoc bool savenumbertype bool saveonefile bool saverect bool savetointeger bool usesavefont bool savefont DOC attr executefile exportbypage bool bool Largebundle FORCS Co., LTD 97

largebundle bool pagemode string pagerange string savearrow bool saveastable bool saveasxml bool XML savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool PPT attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle largebundle bool pagemode string pagerange string FORCS Co., LTD 98

savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool HTML attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle fontsize int horizontal int imagepath string HTML image largebundle bool offsetx int HTML X offsety int HTML Y pagemode string FORCS Co., LTD 99

pagerange string savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savebypage bool savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool usefontsize bool vertical int HML attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle keeplabelsize bool largebundle bool pagemode string FORCS Co., LTD 100

pagerange string savearrow bool saveastable bool / savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool verttoparagraph bool JPG attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle largebundle bool pagemode string pagerange string FORCS Co., LTD 101

savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool zoom int JPG CSV, TXT attr addseparator bool exceptfirstpage bool removerange executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle largebundle bool pageline int pagemode string pagerange pagestyle string string FORCS Co., LTD 102

pagetitle string text.pagestyle '<PAGE>' removerange string savearrow bool saveastable bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool separator string TIFF attr dpi int TIFF executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle height int TIFF largebundle bool pagemode string pagerange string FORCS Co., LTD 103

savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool sizemode string TIFF width int TIFF zoom int TIFF SVG attr executefile bool exportbypage bool Largebundle largebundle bool pagemode string pagerange string savearrow bool savebarcode bool save2dbarcode bool 2D savechart bool FORCS Co., LTD 104

savecircle bool saveimage bool savelabel bool saveline bool savemultidoc bool saveonefile bool saverect bool HDM attr extension string HDM [AddMemo ] attr height int reportname string width int xpos int X ypos int Y [Zoom ] / attr reportname string viewmode string / zoom string // zoomvalue int FORCS Co., LTD 105

[InversPaper ] attr reportname string orientation string [PageSetup ] attr reportname string leftmargin topmargin rightmargin bottommargin int int int int : (pt). : (pt). : (pt). : (pt). FORCS Co., LTD 106

[SearchParameter ] attr reportname string action string odiname string ODI fieldname string value string [MovePage ] attr direction string index int reportname string [Find ] attr checkmatchcase bool / checkword bool direction string reportname string str string [Mail ] attr code bool contents string filename array from string FORCS Co., LTD 107

sendto string title string [Tree ] attr reportname string [Refresh ] attr hhmmss string () reportname string type string [Parameter ] attr parameter array reportname string [ChangeComp ] object oldvalue newvalue "reportname". ex) MyObj.newvalue.comptype MyObj.oldvalue.comptype attr comptype string reportname string FORCS Co., LTD 108

attr andsymbol bool & backcolor string bottomframethickness string charspace string clip bool crlftolf bool CRLF LF effect string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string gradientcolor string gradienttype string halign string leftframethickness string linecolor string linespace string rightframethickness string text string textcolor string textstretch string topframethickness string transparent bool usegradient bool valign string wordwrap bool wordwraptype string attr imagestyle string FORCS Co., LTD 109

attr charttype string showdata bool attr backcolor string bottomframethickness string clip bool datagap string dataposition string horizontalalignment string leftframethickness string linecolor string margin string printscale string ratio string rightframethickness string scale string text string textcolor string textposition string type string textgap string topframethickness string transparent bool PDF417 attr autosize bool autosmaller bool backcolor string bottomframethickness string FORCS Co., LTD 110

crlftolf bool CRLF LF imagestyle string leftframethickne string linecolor string pdf417rownum string pdf417colnum string pdf417ecc string pdf417xscale string X pdf417yscale string Y rightframethickness string text string topframethickness string transparent bool attr backcolor string charspace string crlftolf bool CRLF LF effect string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string halign string linecolor string text string textcolor string valign string attr backcolor string bottomframethickness string FORCS Co., LTD 111

charspace string effect string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string halign string leftframethickness string linecolor string rightframethickness string text string textcolor string topframethickness string valign string attr backcolor string bottomframethickness string charspace string crlftolf bool CRLF LF effect string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string halign string leftframethickness string linecolor string rightframethickness string text string textcolor string topframethickness string FORCS Co., LTD 112

attr backcolor string bottomframethickness string charspace string effect string halign string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string leftframethickness string linecolor string rightframethickness string text string textcolor string topframethickness string transparent bool valign string attr backcolor string bottomframethickness string charspace string clip bool effect string fontname string fontsize int fontstyle string halign string leftframethickness string linecolor string linespace string rightframethickness string text string FORCS Co., LTD 113

textcolor string transparent bool topframethickness string valign string wordwrap bool attr backcolor string linecolor string linetype string penthickness string transparent bool [MoveComp ] attr comptype string height int reportname string xpos int X ypos int Y width int [PrintableComp ] attr comptype string reportname string state bool [ChartEditMode ] FORCS Co., LTD 114

attr reportname string state bool [RequestForm ] attr reportname string state bool [RequestData ] attr reportname string state bool [MakeTemplate ] attr reportname string state bool [Binding ] attr reportname string state bool [Print ] attr adjust bool FORCS Co., LTD 115

code bool collate bool copies int drivename string duplex string gray bool handout bool handoutorder string handoutorientation string handoutpage int orientation string pageindex int ( ) papersize string printername string printtofile bool printrange string reportname string usespooleachcopy bool zoom int / [MultiPrint ]. ex) MyObj.printinfo[0].code attr adjust bool code bool collate bool copies int duplex string gray bool handout bool FORCS Co., LTD 116

handoutorder string handoutorientation string handoutpage int orientation string pageindex int ( ) papersize string printinfo array printername string printrange string printtofile bool reportname string usespooleachcopy bool zoom int / [Error ] attr description string errorcode string errormessage string reportname string [Toc ] attr reportname string toclevel int tocname string [Link ] FORCS Co., LTD 117

attr linktype string reportname string SetLinkEvent attr tag string value string SetLinkExecute attr cmd string parameter string SetLinkRepository attr mode string (//) url string SetLinkToc attr tag string SetLinkPostURL attr postparam string post target string url string URL SetLinkServlet attr FORCS Co., LTD 118

url string URL SetLinkServer attr server string IP port string [Close ] attr reportname string [CloseAll ] attr reportname array [BankbookPrint ] attr reportname string pagecount int HTML. "id" "for". "event". <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" for="ozviewer" event="ozpostcommand(cmd, msg)"> var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8- FORCS Co., LTD 119

B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.postcommand" value="command;messages">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> : PostCommand. 1 2. OZUserActionCommand "Open", "ChangeComp" <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" for="ozviewer" event="ozuseractioncommand(type, attr)"> var MyObj = eval('(' + attr + ')'); if(type=="open"){//ozd OZD alert("ozdfilename : "+MyObj.filename); }else if(type=="changecomp"){// alert("newcomponenttype :" + MyObj.newvalue.comptype + "\n" + OldComponentType: " + MyObj.oldvalue.comptype); } var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8-B1FF- 4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="sample.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.useractioncommand " value="true">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> FORCS Co., LTD 120

.. connection.enableclientformcache connection.clientformcacheversion connection.verifyclientformcache connection.enableclientformcache "true/false". c:\ozreportviewer\forcs\cache, "@.ozr". connection.clientformcacheversion enableclientformcache "true". enableclientformcache "true". enableclientformcache "true". 1. connection.verifyclientformcache clientformcacheversion "true/false". clientformcacheversion. verifyclientformcache "true" verifyclientformcache "false" clientformcacheversion. FORCS Co., LTD 121

. 1. 1. 2... paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.enableclientformcache" value="true">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.clientformcacheversion " value="100">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.verifyclientformcache" value="true">'; clientformcacheversion clientformcacheversion..,, viewer.mode="print, export, preview" viewer.mode="export" export.format="1, 2,...,n " Mode (,) (/) print, export, preview.. export.mode="silent" export.confirmsave="false" PDF. <script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8-B1FF- 4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="600"></object>'; FORCS Co., LTD 122

var paramtag = new Array(); paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.server" value="">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.port" value="8003">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="viewer.mode" value="export">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.format" value="xls,pdf">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.mode" value="silent">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.path" value="c:/report/">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.filename" value="sales">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="export.confirmsave" value="false">'; oz_activex_build(ozembedcontrollocation, tag, paramtag); </script> HTML. HTML... FORCS Co., LTD 123

setreportoption("toolbar.all","true"); setreportoption("toolbar.save","false"); setreportoption("toolbar.refresh","false"); setreportoption("connection.refreshperiod","00:00:30"); HTML. ". - "... ozviewer.script('command'') Definitio n Argume nt. : "ozviewer.script" "ozviewer" id. ex) <object id="ozviewer"... (open, save, print, showtree, refresh, inputparam, attachmemo, savedm, find, navigator, home, prev, next, end, vhome, vprev, vnext, vend, hhome, hprev, hnext, hend, zoomout, zoomin, resetzoom, about, close, closeall, bankbookprint, close_except_first_report). FORCS Co., LTD 124

- sample.html <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function print(){ document.ozreportviewer.script("print") } function vnext(){ document.ozreportviewer.script("vnext") } function vprev(){ document.ozreportviewer.script("vprev") } </script> </head> <Body> <div id="installozviewer"> <script id="ztransferx" src="ztransferx.js"></script> </div> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> <input type="button" value="" onclick="print()"> <input type="button" value="" onclick="vnext()"> <input type="button" value="" onclick="vprev()"></body> </html> - ozviewer.js FORCS Co., LTD 125

if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('<object id = "OZReportViewer" classid="clsid:0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff- 4BF7443F5F25" width="100%" height="100%"></object>'); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.servlet" value="">'); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.reportname" value="/categoryname/reportname.ozr">'); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="viewer.isframe" value="false">'); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } - sample.html <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function print(){ document.ozreportviewer.iozrplugininterface.script( "print") } function vnext(){ document.ozreportviewer.iozrplugininterface.script( "vnext") } function vprev(){ document.ozreportviewer.iozrplugininterface.script( "vprev") } </script> </head> <Body> <div id="runozviewer"> FORCS Co., LTD 126

<script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> <input type="button" value="" onclick="print()"> <input type="button" value="" onclick="vnext()"> <input type="button" value="" onclick="vprev()"> </Body> </html> - ozviewer.js if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('object'); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("id", "OZReportViewer"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("width", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("height", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("type","application/OZRViewerP lugin"); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("name", "connection.servlet"); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("name", "connection.reportname"); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("value", "/CategoryName/ReportName.ozr"); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("name", "viewer.isframe"); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("value", "false"); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); FORCS Co., LTD 127

RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } } } ozviewer.scriptex('command'','parameter','separator'). "ozviewer.scriptex" "ozviewer" id. ex) <object id="ozviewer".... Argument command paramete r separator (open, save, print, showtree, refresh, inputparam, attachmemo, savedm, find, navigator, vhome, vprev, vnext, vend, hhome, hprev, hnext, hend, zoomout, zoomin, resetzoom, about, close, closeall, bankbookprint). FORCS Co., LTD 128

- sample.html <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function ScriptEx(){ document.ozreportviewer.scriptex("print","print. mode=false;print.copies=2;print.printername=\\print2\hp ",";") } </script> </head> <Body> <div id="installozviewer"> <script id="ztransferx" src="ztransferx.js"></script> </div> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> <input type="button" value="" onclick="scriptex()"> </Body> </html> - ozviewer.js if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ FORCS Co., LTD 129

if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('object'); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("id", "OZReportViewer"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("width", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("height", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("type","application/OZRView erplugin"); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("name", "connection.servlet"); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("name", "connection.reportname"); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("value", "/CategoryName/ReportName.ozr"); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("name", "viewer.isframe"); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("value", "false"); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } } } - sample.html <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> FORCS Co., LTD 130

function ScriptEx(){ document.ozreportviewer.iozrplugininterface.scri ptex("print","print.mode=false;print.copies=2;print.pri ntername=\\print2\hp",";") } </script> </head> <Body> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> <input type="button" value="" onclick="scriptex()"> </Body> </html> - ozviewer.js f(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('<object id = "OZReportViewer" classid="clsid:0def32f8-170f- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="100%" height="100%"></object>'); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.servlet" value="">'); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.reportname" value="/categoryname/reportname.ozr">'); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="viewer.isframe" value="false">'); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } FORCS Co., LTD 131

. SetChartStyle (embedded). Argument ChartType :. <input type="button" value="setchartstyle" onclick="setchartstyle()"> <script language="javascript"> function SetChartStyle(){ var ChartType = document.ozviewer.setchartstyle('gauge'); alert(charttype); } var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </script> </OBJECT> (Embedded). GetInformation (Embedded). Argument 'TOTAL_PAGE' ( TOTAL_PAGE ) FORCS Co., LTD 132

<input type="button" value="getinformation" onclick="getinformation()"> <script language="javascript"> function GetInformation(){ var v = document.ozviewer.getinformation('total_page'); alert(v); } var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </script> </OBJECT>. PingOZServer Argument. ( ' URL', ' IP', '') <input type="button" value="servelet" onclick="alert(ozviewer.document.pingozserver (''));"> var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </OBJECT> <input type="button" value="daemon" onclick="alert(ozviewer.document.pingozserver(''));"> var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F-46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </OBJECT> JavaScript. FORCS Co., LTD 133

CreateReport Argument. paramter, "=...=". "\n". delimeter ( : \n) <input type="button" value="createreport" onclick="ozviewer.createreport('connection.server=\nco nnection.port=8003\nconnection.reportname=carsales.ozr')"> var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </OBJECT>. CreateReportEx Argument. paramter, "=...=". ( : \n) delimeter : delimeter "\n". <script> function CreateReportEx() { var delimeter = "**"; var param = "connection.server=**connection.port=8003**connection. reportname=carsales.ozr'"; ozviewer.createreportex(param, "**"); } </script> <input type=button value="createreportex" onclick="createreportex()"> FORCS Co., LTD 134

var tag = '<OBJECT id="ozviewer" CLASSID="CLSID:0DEF32F8-170F- 46f8-B1FF-4BF7443F5F25" width="800" height="100%"></object>'; </OBJECT>. () odi.odi.clientdmtype connection.clientdmtype connection.pageque odi.odi.serverdmtype connection.serverdmtype odi.odi.fetchtype connection.fetchtype : connection odi connection ODI ODI ODI. odi.odi.clientdmtype(connection.clientdmtype).... FORCS Co., LTD 135

NORMAL : : connection.fetchtype "BATCH". MEMORY : ( ) FILE : connection.pageque Page Queue. opz 0 Page Queue. Page Queue.. odi.odi.serverdmtype(connection.serverdmtype).. FILE : MEMORY : ( ) odi.odi.fetchtype(connection.fetchtype). CONCURRENT. BATCH : FORCS Co., LTD 136

( ) CONCURRENT : : clientdmtype "MEMORY" "FILE" fetchtype "CONCURRENT".,,, : dbsum, dbavg, dbmax, dbmin, dbfreg, TotalRowCount.. print.lockopt print.once. 1. print.lockopt [],. true/false print.once "true" 1 FORCS Co., LTD 137

. true/false paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="print.lockopt" value="true">'; paramtag[paramtag.length] = '<param name="print.once" value="true">'; <param name="print.lockopt" value="true"> <param name="print.once" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 138

FORCS Co., LTD 139

.... connection csv excel export font global han97 hml html information jpg memo mht odi ozd pdf ppt print repository_agent svg text tiff toolbar viewer word. CSV..... 97.. HTML.. JPEG.. MHT. (ODI). OZD. PDF PPT... SVG. TIFF..,. WORD. FORCS Co., LTD 140

(bankbook) bankbook. bankbook.linethick1 bankbook.linethick2. ( : 0.2, : pt) <param name="bankbook.linethick1" value="1"> bankbook.linethick2 bankbook.linethick1. ( : 0.3, : pt) <param name="bankbook.linethick2" value="3"> : bankbook.linethick1, bankbook.linethick2. < bankbook.linethick1 : bankbook.linethick1 =< < bankbook.linethick2 : bankbook.linethick2 =< : (connection) connection. connection.args#. # 1 connection.pcount. <param name="connection.args1" value="ozparam=ozvalue"> connection.autopageque FORCS Co., LTD 141

connection.memorypercent. : 100. true false ( ) <param name="connection.autopageque" value="true"> connection.clientcachetype Cache. ( ). : System Internet Temp memory, file, disconnect, crypt ",". ". ". none memory ( ) file disconnection crypt <param name="connection.clientcachetype" value="memory, file"> connection.clientdmtype... FORCS Co., LTD 142

NORMAL MEMORY ( ) FILE <param name="connection.clientdmtype" value="memory, file"> connection.clientformcacheversion enableclientformcache "true" ( PC ). <param name="connection.clientformcacheversion" value="1"> connection.compresseddatamodule. true false ( ) <param name="connection.compresseddatamodule" value="true"> connection.compressedform. true false ( ) <param name="connection.compressedform" value="true"> connection.datafromserver. : connection.datafromserver=false odi.odiname.usescheduleddata. true ( ) false <param name="connection.datafromserver" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 143

connection.displayname. : ("displayname#"). <param name="connection.displayname" value="report"> connection.dmbindinclient. true false ( ) <param name="connection.dmbindinclient" value="false"> connection.enableclientformcache PC PC. true false ( ) <param name="connection.enableclientformcache" value="true"> connection.fetchtype. BATCH CONCURRENT ( ) <param name="connection.fetchtype" value="batch"> connection.footerreportname. : connection.pcount connection.args#., (connection.reportname ) FORCS Co., LTD 144

.. OZD OZR repository_agent.type "FROM_OZP"... <param name="connection.footerreportname" value="/footerband.ozr"> connection.formfromserver. true ( ) false <param name="connection.formfromserver" value="true"> connection.frameworkurl URL. <param name="connection.frameworkurl" value=""> connection.id "connection.usesecurity=false" ID. ( : guest) <param name="connection.id" value="guest"> connection.headerreportname. FORCS Co., LTD 145

: connection.pcount connection.args#., (connection.reportname ).. OZD OZR repository_agent.type "FROM_OZP"... <param name="connection.headerreportname" value="/headerband.ozr"> connection.memorypercent "connection.autopageque=true" (%). ( : 90) <param name="connection.memorypercent" value="50"> connection.openfile ozd PC URL.. : API ODI OZ. <param name="connection.openfile" value="/report.ozd"> <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.port" value="8003"> <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.server" value=""> <param name="repository_agent.type" value="from_ozserver"> connection.openpagefile FORCS Co., LTD 146

page. <param name="connection.openpagefile" value="c:\ozviewer"> connection.pageque.. ( : -1) :. <param name="connection.pageque" value="10"> connection.pagequebundle connection.pageque. ( : 0) :. : 5~20. <param name="connection.pagequebundle " value="10"> connection.password "connection.usesecurity=false". ( : guest) <param name="connection.password" value="guest"> connection.pcount. <param name="connection.pcount" value="2"> connection.port. <param name="connection.port" value="8003"> FORCS Co., LTD 147

connection.refreshcache true. true false ( ) <param name="connection.refreshcache" value="true"> connection.refreshperiod. <param name="connection.refreshperiod" value="00:00:05"> connection.reportname.. <param name="connection.reportname" value="carsales.ozr"> connection.server IP. <PARAM NAME="download.Server" VALUE=""> connection.serverdmtype.. FILE MEMORY ( ) <param name="connection.serverdmtype" value="memory"> connection.servlet FORCS Co., LTD 148

URL. connetion.server. <param name="connection.servlet" value=""> connection.usebareserver bareserver. true bareserver false bareserver ( ) <param name="connection.usebareserver" value="true"> connection.usescheduleddata (*.SDM) SDM.. <param name="connection.usescheduleddata" value="/report.sdm"> connection.usesecurity /. true false ( ) <param name="connection.usesecurity" value="false"> connection.usewinhttp WinHttp. : usewinhttp "true" connection.fetchtype "batch". true OS (OS NT WinHttp WinINet ) false OS WinINet ( ) <param name="connection.usewinhttp" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 149

connection.verifyclientformcache clientformcacheversion.. true false ( ) <param name="connection.verifyclientformcache" value="true"> CSV (csv) csv. csv.addseparator CSV. true false ( ) <param name="csv.addseparator" value="true"> csv.charset CSV. ansi ANSI ( ) unicode <param name="csv.chatset" value="unicode"> csv.exceptfirstpage csv.removerange. true FORCS Co., LTD 150

false ( ) <param name="csv.exceptfirstpage" value="true"> csv.filename CSV. <param name="csv.filename" value="sample.csv"> csv.pageline.. <param name="csv.pageline" value="2"> csv.pagestyle CSV. : 'n', '---' '<PAGE>', 'n', '<PAGE>' csv.pagetitle. csv.pagetitle 'Page' csv.pagestyle '--- n <PAGE>'. --------------------------------------- 1Page "none". <param name="csv.pagestyle" value="--- n <PAGE>"> csv.pagetitle csv.pagestyle '<PAGE>'. ( : page) "" <param name="csv.pagetitle" value=""> csv.path CSV. <param name="csv.path" value="c:\work\"> FORCS Co., LTD 151

csv.removerange CSV. 1 3 <param name="csv.removerange" value="1,3"> csv.removeseparator CSV. true false ( ) <param name="csv.removeseparator" value="true"> csv.saveastable,, CSV. (.) : csv.separator "comma". true false ( ) <param name="csv.saveastable" value="true"> csv.savetointeger CSV. true false ( ) <param name="csv.savetointeger" value="true"> csv.separator CSV.. ( : comma) <param name="csv.separator" value="comma"> FORCS Co., LTD 152

(excel) excel. excel.arrangestyle. 2.5 4.0 excel.savemode savemode. crosstabstyle (savemode ignoreprops) liststyle (savemode ignoreblank) <param name="excel.arrangestyle" value="crosstabstyle"> excel.autofit. true false ( ) <param name="excel.autofit" value="true"> excel.autofitheight. ( : 0) : excel.autofit = true. <param name="excel.autofitheight" value="0"> excel.autofitwidth. ( : 0) : excel.autofit = true. <param name="excel.autofitwidth" value="0"> excel.exceptfirstpage excel.removeranges. 2.5 4.0 excel.removeoption removeoption. FORCS Co., LTD 153

true (removeoption firstpageonly) false (removeoption allpage) ( ) <param name="excel.exceptfirstpage" value="true"> excel.filename. <param name="excel.filename" value="sample.xls"> excel.matchmode. columnpersheet ( ) pagepersheet <param name="excel.matchmode" value="columnpersheet"> excel.matchsubmode excel.matchmode pagepersheet. Rowfirst ( ) Columnfirst <param name="excel.matchsubmode" value="rowfirst"> excel.minimum_cellwidth.. ( : 1) : excel.savemode=keepform. : (1). <param name="excel.minimum_cellwidth" value="5"> excel.minimum_cellheight FORCS Co., LTD 154

.. ( : 1) : excel.savemode=keepform. : (1). <param name="excel.minimum_cellheight" value="5"> excel.numberformat. ( : "#,###") : excel.numberformat="". <param name="excel.numberformat" value="#,##0.00"> excel.path. <param name="excel.path" value="c:\work\"> excel.removeblank. true false ( ) <param name="excel.removeblank" value="true"> excel.removeoption excel.removeranges. firstpageonly firstpageexcept allpage ( ) <param name="excel.removeoption" value="firstpageonly"> excel.removerange FORCS Co., LTD 155

. 1 3 <param name="excel.removerange" value="1,3"> excel.removeranges. "removeranges" "removerange" "removeranges". 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10 <param name="excel.removeranges" value="1-3,7,9-10"> excel.savebyhtml mht. true mht false xls ( ) <param name="excel.savebyhtml" value="true"> excel.savefont.. ( : ) <param name="excel.savefont" value=""> excel.savemode. keepform ( ) ignoreprops ignoreblank <param name="excel.savemode" value="keepform"> excel.savenumbertype FORCS Co., LTD 156

. "true" excel.numberformat. true false (removeoption allpage) ( ) <param name="excel.savenumbertype" value="true"> excel.savetointeger. 2.5 4.0 excel.numberformat numberformat. true false ( ) <param name="excel.savetointeger" value="true"> (export) export. export.applyformat. <param name="export.applyformat" value="pdf, txt"> export.confirmsave export.mode silent. true ( ) false <param name="export.confirmsave" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 157

export.displaynames " ". export.applyformat. ( : ) : Key, value ",", "[", "]". key export format (ex. xls, doc, ozd ) value key format value export format <param name="export.displaynames" value="[xls,][doc, ]"> export.executefile. true false ( ) <param name="export.excutefile" value="true"> export.externalmodule dll. <param name ="export.externalmodule" value="sample.dll"> export.exportbypage viewer.largebundle true. true false ( ) <param name="export.exportbypage" value="true"> export.filename. <param name ="export.filename" value="sample.xls"> export.format FORCS Co., LTD 158

viewer.mode export. ( : ozd) : ',' ozd, pdf, xls, doc, ppt, html, csv, txt, jpg, tif, svg, hwp, han97, nxl, bankbookprint. <param name="export.format" value="pdf, txt"> export.largebundle. : export.largebundle, viewer.largebundle. true false ( ) <param name="export.largebundle" value="true"> export.lockcontrols. true false ( ) <param name="export.lockcontrols" value="true"> export.mode. normal ( ) silint <param name="export.mode" value="silent"> export.pagerange. all ( ) current FORCS Co., LTD 159

range selected export.pages <param name="export.pagerange" value="all"? export.pages. : -, "- ". <param name="export.pages" value="1-3"> export.path. <param name="export.path" value="c:\work\"> export.savemultidoc. : (export.path) (export.filename),. true false ( ) <param name="export.savemultidoc" value="true"> export.saveonefile. true false ( ) <param name="export.saveonefile" value="true"> export.silentexecute FORCS Co., LTD 160

,. true false ( ) <param name="export.silentexecute" value="true"> export.target. Direct Job (export.path), (export.filename), (export.format). Preview. E- Mail. disk ( ) email ozmail <param name="export.target" value="disk"> export.usedialogopt. true false ( ) <param name="export.usedialogopt" value="true"> export.useprogressbar. default true false export.mode ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 161

<param name="export.useprogressbar" value="false"> (font) : font. font.fontnames. ','. <param name="font.fontnames" value="font1, font2"> font.fontname.name "font.fontnames". <param name="font.font1.name" value="myfont1"> font.fontname.url "font.fontnames" URL. : URL PC. <param name="font.font1.url" value=""> font.fontname.allowedurl eot URL. : font.fontname.allowedurl font.fontname.url. <param name="font.font1.allowedurl" value=""> FORCS Co., LTD 162

(global) : global. global.concatpage. "true". xls " " "mht ". doc "XML ". ppt. true false ( ) <param name="global.concatpage" value="true"> global.eachpagenumberatconcatpage. : global.concatpage=true. true false ( ) <param name="global.eachpagenumberatconcatpage" value="true"> global.inheritparameter. true false ( ) <param name="global.inheritparameter" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 163

global.language.. <param name="global.language" value="ko/ko"> () <param name="global.language" value="en/us"> global.pagesetup_unit. pt inch cm ( ) <param name="global.pagesetup_unit" value="inch"> global.sdmmaker SDM Maker. true SDM Maker false SDM Maker ( ) <param name="global.sdmmaker" value="true"> global.showerroronce. true false ( ) <param name="global.showerroronce" value="true"> global.stopchildwhenerror. FORCS Co., LTD 164

true false ( ) <param name="global.stopchildwhenerror" value="true"> global.timezone. Date, Time, DateTime(TimeStamp) SystemType Date, Time, Date/Time. TimeZone "Appendix 3. TimeZone ". <param name="global.timezone" value="asia/seoul"> HDM (hdm) : hdm. hdm.charset hdm. ansi ANSI ( ) unicode <param name="hdm.chatset" value="unicode"> hdm.extension HDM. : HDM txt, csv, xls, xla. hdm.filename hdm.extension hdm.filename. FORCS Co., LTD 165

hdm.filename hdm.extension. <param name="hdm.extension" value="csv"> hdm.filename HDM. <param name="hdm.filename" value="sample.csv"> hdm.indent HDM. true ( ) false <param name="hdm.indent" value="true"> hdm.separator HDM.. ( : Tab) <param name="hdm.separator" value=","> 97 (han97) han97. han97.filename 97. <param name="han97.filename" value="sample.hml"> han97.path 97. FORCS Co., LTD 166

<param name="han97.path" value="c:\work\"> han97.saveastable 97 /. true ( ) false <param name="han97.saveastable" value="true"> hml 97 " ".. ( 97 ). ( 97 ) 97 2002 ( 2004/ 2005 ). ( 97 ) (hwp) hml. hml.filename. <param name="hml.filename" value="sample.hwp"> hml.keeplabelsize FORCS Co., LTD 167

.. true false ( ) <param name="hml.keeplabelsize" value="true"> hml.path. <param name="hml.path" value="c:\work\"> hml.saveastable /. true ( ) false <param name="hml.saveastable" value="true"> hml.savetobackground. :. true false ( ) <param name="hml.savetobackground" value="true"> hml.savetoheaderfooter / /. FORCS Co., LTD 168

" / / ". ex) "2, 4, 5" "1, 2, 3, 4, 5". "Page_Of_Total". ex) "3/3" "4/3" "3". true / / / / false ( ) <param name="hml.savetoheaderfooter" value="true"> hml.verttoparagraph. : " " 10pt 8pt. true false ( ) <param name="hml.verttoparagraph" value="true"> HTML (html) : html. html.charset html. ansi ANSI ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 169

unicode <param name="html.chatset" value="unicode"> html.filename HTML. <param name="html.filename" value="sample.html"> html.horizontal. <param name="html.horizontal" value="20"> html.imagepath HTML image. <param name="html.imagepath" value="c:\image"> html.offsetx HTML X. <param name="html.offsetx" value="20"> html.offsety HTML Y. <param name="html.offsety" value="20"> html.path HTML. <param name="html.path" value="c:\work\"> html.savebypage FORCS Co., LTD 170

. true false ( ) <param name="html.savebypage" value="true"> html.vertical. <param name="html.vertical" value="20"> (information) : information. information.debug (Level). true false(none) error info debug ( ) <param name="information.debug" value="true"> information.logfilekeepdays. ( : 0) <param name="information.logfilekeepdays" value="1"> information.turnoffdynamic FORCS Co., LTD 171

,,. true false ( ) <param name="information.turnoffdynamic" value="true"> information.writelogfile. true false ( ) <param name="information.writelogfile" value="true"> information.lockconsole <Ctrl+Z>, <Ctrl+Shift+Z>. true false ( ) <param name="information.lockconsole" value="true"> JPEG (jpg) jpg. jpg.filename JPEG. <param name="jpg.filename" value="sample.jpg"> jpg.path JPEG. <param name="jpg.path" value="c:\work\"> FORCS Co., LTD 172

jpg.zoom JPEG. ( : 100) : 10~1000. <param name="jpg.zoom" value="150"> (mail) : mail. mail.auth. true false ( ) <param name="mail.auth" value="true"> mail.body. <param name="mail.body" value="contents"> mail.bodytype. : "mail.bodytype=html" " " html, html "mail.showbodyeditor=false". text ( ) html HTML <param name="mail.bodytype" value="html"> mail.from FORCS Co., LTD 173

. <param name="mail.from" value="oz@forcs.com"> mail.id ID. <param name="mail.id" value="oz"> mail.mode. normal ( ) silent <param name="mail.mode" value="silent"> mail.password. <param name="mail.password" value="password"> mail.port. ( : 25) <param name="mail.port" value="25"> mail.server. <param name="mail.server" value="mail.forcs.com"> mail.showbodyeditor " ". true ( ) false <param name="mail.showbodyeditor" value="false"> FORCS Co., LTD 174

mail.subject. <param name="mail.subject" value="title"> mail.to. <param name="mail.to" value="oz@forcs.com"> (memo) memo. memo.bordercolor. <param name="memo.bordercolor" value="0000ff"> memo.bottomline. <param name="memo.bottomline" value="2"> memo.bottomlinedash. <param name="memo.bottomline" value="5 10 3"> <param name="memo.bottomlinedash" value="10 10;20 20"> memo.bottomtlinedashoffset. <param name="memo.bottomlineoffset" value="5 10 3"> FORCS Co., LTD 175

memo.caption. <param name="memo.caption" value="sample"> memo.changeable. true ( ) false <param name="memo.changeable" value="true"> memo.clip. true false ( ) <param name="memo.clip" value="true"> memo.editable. true ( ) false <param name="memo.editable" value="true"> memo.effect. basic ( ) shadow engrave outline hollow segments demension ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 176

<param name="memo.effect" value="outline"> memo.fillcolor. <param name="memo.fillcolor" value="0000ff"> memo.fontrcolor. <param name="memo.fontcolor" value="0000ff"> memo.fontname. <param name="memo.fontname" value=""> memo.fontsize. ( : 10) <param name="memo.fontsize" value="12"> memo.fontstyle. plain ( ) bold italic bolditalic <param name="memo.fontstyle" value="bold"> memo.gradientcolor. FORCS Co., LTD 177

<param name="memo.fillcolo " value="0000ff"> <param name="memo.gradientcolo " value="ffffff"> memo.gradienttype. Left_Center_Right ( ) Right_Center_Left Left_Right Right_Left Top_Center_Bottom Bottom_Center_Top Top_Bottom Bottom_Top LeftTop_Center_BottomRight BottomRight_Center_LeftTop LeftTop_BottomRight BottomRight_LeftTop LeftBottom_Center_RightTop RightTop_Center_LeftBottom LeftBottom_RightTop RightTop_LeftBottom <param name="memo. gradienttype" value="left_center_right"> memo.halign. left center ( ) right <param name="memo.halign" value="left"> memo.leftline FORCS Co., LTD 178

. <param name="memo.leftline" value="2"> memo.leftlinedash. <param name="memo.leftline" value="5 10 3"> <param name="memo.leftlinedash" value="10 10;20 20"> memo.leftlinedashoffset. <param name="memo.leftlineoffset" value="5 10 3"> memo.movable. true ( ) false <param name="memo.movable" value="true"> memo.rightline. <param name="memo.rightline" value="2"> memo.rightlinedash. <param name="memo.rightline" value="5 10 3"> <param name="memo.rightlinedash" value="10 10;20 20"> memo.rightlinedashoffset. <param name="memo.rightlineoffset" value="5 10 3"> FORCS Co., LTD 179

memo.spacing. ( : 0) <param name="memo.spacing" value="2"> memo.stretch. horizontal ( ) counterclockwise vertical_2byte vertical clockwise 1byte 2byte horizontal_2byte <param name="memo.stretch" value="vertical"> memo.topline. <param name="memo.topline" value="2"> memo.toplinedash. <param name="memo.topline" value="5 10 3"> <param name="memo.toplinedash" value="10 10;20 20"> memo.toplinedashoffset. <param name="memo.toplineoffset" value="5 10 3"> memo.usegradient. true FORCS Co., LTD 180

false ( ) <param name="memo.usegradient" value="true"> memo.valign. top center ( ) bottom <param name="memo.valign" value="top"> memo.wordwrap. true false ( ) <param name="memo.wordwrap" value="true"> memo.wrapspace. ( : 0) <param name="memo.wrapspace" value="2"> MHT (mht) mht. mht.filename MHT. <param name="mht.filename" value="sample.mht"> mht.path FORCS Co., LTD 181

MHT. <param name="mht.path" value="c:\work\"> mht.savefont MHT.. ( : ) <param name="mht.savefont" value=""> (ODI) (odi) odi. odi.odinames ODI. ODI ',' ODI ODI '@_' ODI. OZR ODI Foodmart.odi CustomerInfo.odi <param name="odi.odinames" value="foodmart, CustomerInfo"> odi.odiname.args# ODI, connection.args#. ODI odinames ODI. <param name="odi.foodmart.args1" value="membercard=golden"> <param name="odi.foodmart.args2" value="gender=f"> odi.odiname.clientdmtype ODI. connection.clientdmtype ODI. NORMAL FORCS Co., LTD 182

MEMORY ( ) FILE <param name="odi.foodmart.clientdmype" value="file"> odi.odiname.compresseddatamodule. true false ( ) <param name="odi.foodmart.compresseddatamodule" value="true"> odi.odiname.disconnectcache (*.SDM). true false ( ) <param name="odi.foodmart.disconnectcache" value="true"> odi.odiname.fetchtype ODI. connection.fetchtype ODI. BATCH CONCURRENT ( ) <param name="odi.foodmart.fetchtype" value="concurrent"> odi.odiname.frameworkurl ODI (odi.frameworkurl) ODI (odi.odiname.frameworkurl) URL. FORCS Co., LTD 183

<param name= "odi.foodmart.frameworkurl" value=""> odi.odiname.pcount ODI. <param name="odi.foodmart.pcount" value="2"> odi.odiname.serverdmtype ODI. connection.serverdmtype ODI. FILE MEMORY ( ) <param name="odi.foodmart.serverdmtype" value="memory"> odi.odiname.usescheduleddata (*.SDM) SDM.. : connection.datafromserver=false odi.odiname.usescheduleddata. <param name="odi.foodmart.usescheduleddata" value="/report.sdm"> odi.odiname.ozserver.server IP.. : USL., USL ODI,. <param name="odi.foodmart.ozserver.server" value=""> FORCS Co., LTD 184

odi.odiname.ozserver.port.. <param name="odi.foodmart.ozserver.port" value="8003"> odi.odiname.ozserver.servlet IP.. : USL., USL ODI. <param name="odi.foodmart.ozserver.servlet" value=""> odi.odiname.ozserver.user ID.. <param name="odi.foodmart.ozserver.user" value="admin"> odi.odiname.ozserver.pass ID.. <param name="odi.foodmart.ozserver.pass" value="admin"> OZD (ozd) ozd. ozd.filename FORCS Co., LTD 185

OZD. <param name="ozd.filename" value="sample.ozd"> ozd.includeimage ozd URL URL. true ( ) false <param name="ozd.includeimage" value="false"> ozd.memoallowed OZD. true ( ) false <param name="ozd.memoallowed" value="true"> ozd.password OZD. <param name="ozd.password" value="admin"> ozd.path OZD. <param name="ozd.path" value="c:\work\"> ozd.saveall OZD. true OZD ( ) false <param name="ozd.saveall" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 186

PDF (pdf) pdf. pdf.author PDF. ( : Forcs co.,ltd.) <param name="pdf.author" value="forcs"> pdf.creator PDF. ( : OZ Report Viewer) <param name="pdf.creator" value=" "> pdf.filename PDF. <param name="pdf.filename" value="sample.pdf"> pdf.filenamelabel.. <param name="pdf.filenamelabel" value="sample"> pdf.keyword PDF. <param name="pdf.keyword" value="pdf"> pdf.masterpassword. <param name="pdf.masterpassword" value="admin"> pdf.numberingformat FORCS Co., LTD 187

. ( : n) _001 <param name="pdf.numberingformat" value="##n"> pdf.path PDF. <param name="pdf.path" value="c:\work\"> pdf.printable PDF. true ( ) false <param name="pdf.printable" value="true"> pdf.savebypage PDF. true false ( ) <param name="pdf.savebypage" value="true"> pdf.saverange PDF. 1 3 <param name="pdf.saverange" value="1,3"> pdf.subject PDF. <param name="pdf.subject" value="sample"> pdf.title PDF. FORCS Co., LTD 188

<param name="pdf.title" value="sample"> pdf.userpassword PDF. <param name="pdf.userpassword" value="admin"> PPT (ppt) ppt. ppt.filename PPT. <param name="ppt.filename" value="sample.ppt"> ppt.path PPT. <param name="ppt.path" value="c:\work\"> (print) print. print.adjust. true ( ) false <param name="print.adjust" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 189

print.alldocument. true false ( ) <param name="print.alldocument" value="true"> print.close StandAlone.. true false ( ) <param name="print.close" value="true"> print.collate. true ( ) false <param name="print.collate" value="true"> print.copies. ( : 1) <param name="print.copies" value="2"> print.duplex. none ( ) duplexvertical DuplexHorizontal <param name="print.duplex" value="none"> FORCS Co., LTD 190

print.externalmodule dll.. <param name="print.externalmodule" value="c:\work\"> print.gray. true false ( ) <param name="print.gray" value="true"> print.ignoreerror. true false ( ) <param name="print.ignoreerror" value="true"> print.jobname. <param name="print.jobname" value="oz Viewer"> print.lockfileprint " ". " " ( ) invisible disable " " " " <param name="print.lockfileprint" value="invisible"> print.lockopt FORCS Co., LTD 191

. true false ( ) <param name="print.lockopt" value="true"> print.mode. ( ) : showprintdlg(true),. showprogress :. :, silent(false). <param name="print.mode" value="silent"> print.noprintermessage. : print.shownoprinter true, print.noprintermessage " PC..". <param name="print.noprintermessage" value="."> print.once FORCS Co., LTD 192

.. true false ( ) <param name="print.once" value="true"> print.orientation.. ( : ) portrait landscape <param name="print.orientation" value="portrait"> print.pageorder print.style "gather"(). horizontal ( ) vertical <param name="print.pageorder" value="vertical"> print.pageorient print.style "gather"(). horizontal ( ) vertical <param name="print.pageorient" value="vertical"> print.pagerange. all ( ) current range FORCS Co., LTD 193

<param name="print.pagerange" value="current"> print.pages print.pagerange "range".. 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10 <param name="print.pages" value="1-3,7,9-10"> print.pagesinone print.style "gather"(). 4. ( : 2) <param name="print.pagesinone" value="4"> print.per_page_in_largebundle. true false ( ) ( ) <param name="print.per_page_in_largebundle" value="true"> print.printbypage.. true false ( ) <param name="print.printbypage" value="true"> print.printername... ( : ). FORCS Co., LTD 194

,. <param name="print.printername" value="oz printer"> print.scaling 1~100%. ( : 100) <param name="print.scaling" value="80"> print.shownoprinter. true false ( ) <param name="print.shownoprinter" value="true"> print.size. <param name="print.size" value="a4"> print.spoolpages. ( : 100) <param name="print.spoolpages" value="80"> print.style. normal ( ) gather <param name="print.style" value="gather"> print.trayname FORCS Co., LTD 195

<param name="print.trayname" value=" 3"> print.usedefaultpaper. true false ( ) <param name="print.usedefaultpaper" value="true"> print.usedialogopt.. true false ( ) <param name="print.usedialogopt" value="true"> print.useprintstop. []. :. "viewer.mode"="print" "viewer.largebundle"="true" "print.printbypage" ="true" true false ( ) <param name="print.useprintstop" value="true"> print.useprogressbar. default print.mode ( ) true false FORCS Co., LTD 196

<param name="print.useprogressbar" value="false"> (repository_agent) : repository_agent. repository_agent.clientdmtype. : "none" 3 "file, crypt" "file, memory" "file, memory, crypt". file memory none crypt <param name="repository_agent.clientdmtype" value="file"> repository_agent.local.root_path. <param name="repository_agent.local.root_path" value="c:/repository"> repository_agent.ozserver.port. <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.port" value="8003"> repository_agent.ozserver.server IP. FORCS Co., LTD 197

<param name="repository_agent.ozserver.server" value=""> repository_agent.ozserver.servlet. <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.servlet" value=""> repository_agent.pass ID. <param name="repository_agent.pass" value="admin"> repository_agent.try_license_check. "true" IP, Mac Address, HDD Serial. : PC 98/ME HDD Serial. true false ( ) <param name="repository_agent.try_license_check" value="true"> repository_agent.try_usl_check USL. USL USL. true USL false USL ( ) <param name="repository_agent.try_usl_check" value="true"> repository_agent.type. FORCS Co., LTD 198

FROM_WEBSERVER FROM_LOCAL FROM_OZSERVER FROM_OZP OZD <param name="repository_agent.type" value="from_ozserver"> repository_agent.user ID. <param name="repository_agent.user" value="admin"> repository_agent.usl_param_args# USL. "#" 1 "repository_agent.usl_param_pcount". : "try_usl_check" "true" " usl_param_args#" USL USL. <param name="repository_agent.usl_param_args1" nvalue="uslparam=uslvalue"> repository_agent.usl_param_pcount USL. <param name="repository_agent.usl_param_pcount" value="2"> repository_agent.webserver_root_path. <param name="repository_agent.webserver_root_path" value="c:/inetpub/wwwroot"> FORCS Co., LTD 199

SVG (svg) svg. svg.filename SVG. <param name="svg.filename" value="sample.svg"> svg.path SVG. <param name="svg.path" value="c:\work\"> (text) text. text.addseparator TEXT. true false ( ) <param name="text.addseparator" value="true"> text.charset text. ansi ANSI ( ) unicode <param name="text.chatset" value="unicode"> text.exceptfirstpage FORCS Co., LTD 200

text.removerange. true false ( ) <param name="text.exceptfirstpage" value="true"> text.filename TEXT. <param name="text.filename" value="sample.txt"> text.pageline.. <param name="text.pageline" value="2"> text.pagestyle TEXT. : 'n', '---' '<PAGE>' 'n' '<PAGE>' text.pagetitle. text.pagetitle 'Page' text.pagestyle '--- n <PAGE>'. --------------------------------------- 1Page "none". <param name="text.pagestyle" value="--- n <PAGE>"> text.pagetitle text.pagestyle '<PAGE>'. ( : page) "" <param name="text.pagetitle" value=""> text.path FORCS Co., LTD 201

TEXT. <param name="text.path" value="c:\work\"> text.removerange TEXT. 1-3 <param name="text.removerange" value="1-3"> text.removeseparator TEXT. true false ( ) <param name="text.removeseparator" value="true"> text.saveastable,, TEXT. (.) true false ( ) <param name="text.saveastable" value="true"> text.savetointeger TEXT. true false ( ) <param name="text.savetointeger" value="true"> text.separator FORCS Co., LTD 202

TEXT.. ( : Tab) <param name="text.separator" value=","> TIFF (tiff) tiff. tiff.dpi TIFF. ( : 96( : dpi)) <param name="tiff.dpi" value="96"> tiff.encode TIFF. G3 fax G3 ( ) G4 fax G4 <param name="tiff.encode" value="g3"> tiff.filename TIFF. <param name="tiff.filename" value="sample.tif"> tiff.height TIFF. ( : 0) : Int "2,147,483,647" <param name="tiff.height" value="10"> tiff.path TIFF. FORCS Co., LTD 203

<param name="tiff.path" value="c:\work\"> tiff.savemultipage TIFF. true false ( ) <param name="tiff.savemultipage" value="true"> tiff.sizemode TIFF. zoom ( ) size <param name="tiff.sizemode" value="zoom"> tiff.width TIFF. ( : 0) : Int "2,147,483,647" <param name="tiff.width" value="10"> tiff.zoom TIFF. : 10~1000 <param name="tiff.zoom" value="100"> (toolbar) toolbar. : "disable" FORCS Co., LTD 204

"disable" Script() ScriptEx(). "disable" true false (","). "true,disable", "false,disable". "true,disable" "false,disable" "disable"., (toolbar.print) " " "disable", (toolbar.closeall) " " "disable". toolbar.about (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.about" value="false"> toolbar.addmemo ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.addmemo" value="false"> toolbar.all. true ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 205

false disable <param name="toolbar.all" value="false"> toolbar.bankbookprint ( ). true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.bankbookprint" value="true"> toolbar.bgcolor. bgcolor. <param name="toolbar.bgcolor" value="0000ff"> toolbar.bottom (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.bottom" value="true"> toolbar.close ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.close" value="true"> toolbar.closeall FORCS Co., LTD 206

(. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.closeall" value="true"> toolbar.csv CSV (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.csv" value="true"> toolbar.currentpage ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.currentpage" value="true"> toolbar.doc (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.doc" value="true"> toolbar.down (. ) FORCS Co., LTD 207

true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.down" value="true"> toolbar.file [] (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.file" value="true"> toolbar.find ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.find" value="true"> toolbar.help (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.help" value="true"> toolbar.hml (. true ) false ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 208

disable <param name="toolbar.hml" value="true"> toolbar.html HTML (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.html" value="true"> toolbar.iconheight. ( : 16) <param name="toolbar.iconheight" value="16"> toolbar.iconposition '/'. : file, option, pageselection, parameter, zoom, about, close. <param name="toolbar.iconposition" value="file/option/ pageselection/parameter/zoom/about/close"> toolbar.iconwidth. ( : 16) <param name="toolbar.iconwidth" value="16"> toolbar.inputparameter ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.inputparameter" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 209

toolbar.inversepaper (, ). :. true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.inversepaper" value="true"> toolbar.jpg Jpeg (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.jpg" value="true"> toolbar.left (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.left" value="true"> toolbar.leftmost (. true ( ) ) false disable FORCS Co., LTD 210

<param name="toolbar.leftmost" value="true"> toolbar.mail ( ). true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.mail" value="true"> toolbar.mht MHT (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.mht" value="true"> toolbar.next (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.next" value="true"> toolbar.open [] - [] (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.open" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 211

toolbar.option [ ] ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.option" value="true"> toolbar.ozd OZD (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.ozd" value="true"> toolbar.page ( ). "true" toolbar.pageselection "true" toolbar.page. : 'toolbal.page' 'true'. true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.page" value="true"> toolbar.pagedisplaysize currentpage, totalpage. <param name="toolbar.pagedisplaysize" value="800"> FORCS Co., LTD 212

toolbar.pagenavigator (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.pagenavigator" value="true"> toolbar.pageselection ( ). toolbar.page. true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.pageselection" value="true"> toolbar.pagesetup ( ). true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.pagesetup" value="true"> toolbar.parameter ( ). : toolbar.parameter true. true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.parameter" value="false"> FORCS Co., LTD 213

toolbar.pdf PDF (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.pdf" value="true"> toolbar.position. bottom top ( ) left right <param name="toolbar.position" value="top"> toolbar.ppt PPT (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.ppt" value="true"> toolbar.previous (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.previous" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 214

toolbar.print [] ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.print" value="true"> toolbar.refresh ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.refresh" value="true"> toolbar.right (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.right" value="true"> toolbar.rightmost (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.rightmost" value="true"> toolbar.save FORCS Co., LTD 215

[] ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.save" value="true"> toolbar.savedm (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.savedm" value="true"> toolbar.showtree [ ] (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.showtree" value="true"> toolbar.svg SVG (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.svg" value="true"> toolbar.tiff TIFF ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 216

. true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.tiff" value="true"> toolbar.top (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.top" value="true"> toolbar.totalpage (. true ( ) false ) <param name="toolbar.totalpage" value="true"> toolbar.txt TEXT (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.txt" value="true"> toolbar.up (. true ( ) ) FORCS Co., LTD 217

false disable <param name="toolbar.up" value="true"> toolbar.useprogressbar. true ( ) false <param name="toolbar.useprogressbar " value="true"> toolbar.useseparator. true ( ) false <param name="toolbar.useseparator" value="true"> toolbar.viewmode /. true false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.viewmode" value="true"> toolbar.xls (. true ) false ( ) disable <param name="toolbar.xls" value="true"> FORCS Co., LTD 218

toolbar.zoom zoom (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.zoom" value="true"> toolbar.zoomin ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.zoomin" value="true"> toolbar.zoomlist zoom. <param name="toolbar.zoomlist" value="100"> toolbar.zoomout ( ). true ( ) false disable <param name="toolbar.zoomout" value="true"> toolbar.zoomreset (. true ( ) ) false disable FORCS Co., LTD 219

<param name="toolbar.zoomreset" value="true"> toolbar.zoomtype / (. true ( ) ) false disable <param name="toolbar.zoomtype" value="true"> (viewer) viewer. viewer.addmarginleft.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.addmarginleft" value="20"> viewer.addmargintop.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.addmargintop" value="20"> viewer.allowmultiframe. true, false ( ) FORCS Co., LTD 220

<param name="viewer.allowmultiframe" value="true"> viewer.autoadjustmargin. true. false. ( ) <param name="viewer.autoadjustmargin" value="true"> viewer.bankbookprintcommand OZBankBookPrintCommand. true OZBankBookPrintCommand false OZBankBookPrintCommand ( ) <param name="viewer.bankbookprintcommand" value="true"> viewer.bgcolor. bgcolor. <param name="viewer.bgcolor" value="0000ff"> viewer.bgimage URL. <param name="viewer.bgimage" value="ozp:///images/main.jpg"> viewer.childcount. child#(# : ). FORCS Co., LTD 221

<param name="viewer.childcount" value="1"> <param name="child1.connection.server" value=""> viewer.configfromfile.. codebase. <param name="viewer.configfromfile" value="ozviewer.conf"> viewer.configmode viewer.configfromfile. html ( ) file both : <param name="viewer.configmode" value="both"> viewer.editmodecolor. <param name="viewer.editmodecolor" value="0000ff"> viewer.displaydpi. " DPI". 0 dpi 72 72 dpi 96 96 dpi 120 120 dpi FORCS Co., LTD 222

<param name="viewer.displaydpi" value="120"> viewer.emptyframe CreateReport., Stand alone. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.emptyframe" value="false"> viewer.errorcommand. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.errorcommand" value="true"> : OZErrorCommand(code, message, detailmessage) viewer.exitcommand StandAlone. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.exitcommand" value="true"> : OZExitCommand() viewer.exportcommand. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.exportcommand" value="true"> : OZExportCommand(code, path, filename) FORCS Co., LTD 223

viewer.focus_doc_index.,. ( : -1) <param name="viewer.focus_doc_index" value="-1"> viewer.frameheight (isframe=true). viewer.frameheight viewer.framewidth. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.frameheight" value="800"> viewer.frametitle. :. ( "OZ ".) <param name="viewer.frametitle " value=""> viewer.frametitleconcat. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.frametitleconcat" value="false"> viewer.framewidth (isframe=true). viewer.framewidth viewer.frameheight. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.framewidth" value="600"> viewer.framex FORCS Co., LTD 224

(isframe=true) X. viewer.framex viewer.framey. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.framex" value="100"> viewer.framey (isframe=true) Y. viewer.framey viewer.framex. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.framey" value="100"> viewer.getinformation.. <oz information> </oz information>. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.getinformation" value="true"> viewer.id ID. <param name="viewer.id" value="report"> viewer.isframe. : viewer.isframe=true,. true ( ) false FORCS Co., LTD 225

<param name="viewer.isframe" value="true"> viewer.ismultidocassub. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.ismultidocassub" value="true"> viewer.killprocess. true ( ) false <param name="viewer.killprocess" value="true"> viewer.largebundle. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.largebundle" value="true"> viewer.linkcommand. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.linkcommand" value="true"> viewer.mailcommand. FORCS Co., LTD 226

true false ( ) <param name="viewer.mailcommand" value="true"> : OZMailCommand(code) viewer.marginleft.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.marginleft" value="20"> viewer.margintop.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.margintop" value="20"> viewer.marginright.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.marginright" value="20"> viewer.marginbottom.. ( : pt) <param name="viewer.marginbottom" value="20"> viewer.mode,. print preview ( ) export <param name="viewer.mode" value="print"> viewer.movepage FORCS Co., LTD 227

. ( : 1) <param name="viewer.movepage" value="1"> viewer.namespace. <param name="viewer.namespace" value="customnamespace\ozviewer"> viewer.offsettotalpage. ( : 0) : "Total_Page" "Page_Of_Total". 10 8 <param name="viewer.offsettotalpage" value="-2"> viewer.offsetstartpage. + viewer.offsetstartpage 0. ( : 0) "Page_Number" "Page_Of_Total". "global.concatpage" "true" "viewer.offsettotalpage" "viewer.offsetstartpage". 10 3 "1/8" <param name="viewer.offsettotalpage" value="-2"> <param name="viewer.offsetstartpage" value="-2"> viewer.ozscript_dateopr_silent FORCS Co., LTD 228

string. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.ozscript_dateopr_silent" value="true"> viewer.ozscript_stropr_silent substr, getchar, setchar string. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.ozscript_stropr_silent" value="true"> viewer.paper_orientation... vertical. horizontal.. ( ) <param name="viewer.paper_orientation" value="vertical"> viewer.pagenavigatebyscroll. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.pagenavigatebyscroll" value="true"> viewer.parentid FORCS Co., LTD 229

(viewer.id ).. <param name="viewer.parentid" value="report"> viewer.postcommand. <param name="viewer.postcommand" value="command;messages"> : OZPostCommand(cmd, msg) viewer.previewstop. "true" []. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.previewstop" value="true"> viewer.printcommand. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.printcommand" value="true"> : OZPrintCommand(msg, code, reportname, printername, printcopy, printranges, printrange, username) viewer.progresscommand. : viewer.progresscommand true viewer.isframe=true FORCS Co., LTD 230

. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.progresscommand" value="true"> : OZProgressCommand(step, state,reportname) viewer.resourcefile xml.. xml UTF-8. ex1) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <VIEWERSTRINGRESOURCE VERSION="1.0"> <TYPE id="progressbar_title"> </TYPE> <TYPE id="progressbar_oz"> </TYPE> </VIEWERSTRINGRESOURCE> ex2) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <VIEWERSTRINGRESOURCE VERSION="1.0"> <TYPE id="print_progressbar_title"> </TYPE> <TYPE id="progressbar_oz"> </TYPE> </VIEWERSTRINGRESOURCE> <param name="viewer.resourcefile" value="/resource.xml"> viewer.showerrormessage. true ( ) false <param name="viewer.showerrormessage" value="true"> viewer.showtab. true FORCS Co., LTD 231

false ( ) <param name="viewer.showtab" value="true"> viewer.showtree. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.showtree" value="true"> viewer.smartframesize. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.smartframesize" value="true"> viewer.totalparam. : viewer.totalparam html html. <param name="viewer.totalparam" value="fromdate=2003-01-01@@to date=2003-01-01"> viewer.treeviewsize. ( : 200) : 33, 10000,,. <param name="viewer.treeviewsize " value="500"> viewer.treeviewtitle FORCS Co., LTD 232

. ( : Oz) <param name="viewer.treeviewtitle" value=" "> viewer.totalparamseparator viwer.totalparam.. : viewer.totalparamseparator viewer.totalparam. <param name="viewer.totalparamseparator" value="@@"> viewer.useeditmode editmodecolor. true false ( ) <param name="viewer.useeditmode" value="true"> viewer.useinborder. true ( ) false <param name="viewer.useinborder" value="true"> viewer.useoutborder. true ( ) false <param name="viewer.useoutborder" value="true"> viewer.useprogress. FORCS Co., LTD 233

true ( ) false <param name="viewer.useprogress" value="true"> viewer.useractioncommand, OZUserActionCommand. true OZUserActionCommand false OZUserActionCommand ( ) <param name="viewer.useractioncommand" value="true"> viewer.usestatusbar. true ( ) false <param name="viewer.usestatusbar" value="true"> viewer.viewmode /. normal ( ) fittoframe fittowidth fittocontents printsize : "fittowidth". (133% ) <param name="viewer.viewmode" value="normal"> viewer.zoom FORCS Co., LTD 234

/. ( : 100) <param name="viewer.zoom" value="80"> WORD (word) word. word.filename. <param name="word.filename" value="sample.doc"> word.saveastable Word, Word. : "word.saveasxml" "true". true ( ) false <param name="word.saveastable" value="true"> word.saveasxml Word XML Word. true XML Word false Word ( ) <param name="word.saveasxml" value="true"> word.path. <param name="word.path" value="c:\work\"> FORCS Co., LTD 235

FORCS Co., LTD 236

FORCS Co., LTD 237

. ISO. _ Display Name ISO 639x af_za Afrikaans - South Africa AFK sq_al Albanian - Albania SQI ar_dz Arabic - Algeria ARG ar_bh Arabic - Bahrain ARH ar_eg Arabic - Egypt ARE ar_iq Arabic - Iraq ARI ar_jo Arabic - Jordan ARJ ar_kw Arabic - Kuwait ARK ar_lb Arabic - Lebanon ARB ar_ly Arabic - Libya ARL ar_ma Arabic - Morocco ARM ar_om Arabic - Oman ARO ar_qa Arabic - Qatar ARQ ar_sa Arabic - Saudi Arabia ARA ar_sy Arabic - Syria ARS ar_tn Arabic - Tunisia ART ar_ae Arabic - United Arab Emirates ARU ar_ye Arabic - Yemen ARY hy_am Armenian - Armenia eu_es Basque - Basque EUQ be_by Belarusian - Belarus BEL bg_bg Bulgarian - Bulgaria BGR ca_es Catalan - Catalan CAT zh_cn Chinese - China CHS zh_hk Chinese - Hong Kong SAR ZHH zh_mo Chinese - Macau SAR zh_sg Chinese - Singapore ZHI FORCS Co., LTD 238

_ Display Name ISO 639x zh_tw Chinese - Taiwan CHT zh_chs zh_cht Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) hr_hr Croatian - Croatia HRV cs_cz Czech - Czech Republic CSY da_dk Danish - Denmark DAN div_mv Dhivehi - Maldives nl_be Dutch - Belgium NLB nl_nl Dutch - The Netherlands en_au English - Australia ENA en_bz English - Belize ENL en_ca English - Canada ENC en_cb English - Caribbean en_ie English - Ireland ENI en_jm English - Jamaica ENJ en_nz English - New Zealand ENZ en_ph English - Philippines en_za English - South Africa ENS en_tt English - Trinidad and Tobago ENT en_gb English - United Kingdom ENG en_us English - United States ENU en_zw English - Zimbabwe et_ee Estonian - Estonia ETI fo_fo Faroese - Faroe Islands FOS fa_ir Farsi - Iran FAR fi_fi Finnish - Finland FIN fr_be French - Belgium FRB fr_ca French - Canada FRC fr_fr French - France FORCS Co., LTD 239

_ Display Name ISO 639x fr_lu French - Luxembourg FRL fr_mc French - Monaco fr_ch French - Switzerland FRS gl_es ka_ge Galician - Galician Georgian - Georgia de_at German - Austria DEA de_de German - Germany de_li German - Liechtenstein DEC de_lu German - Luxembourg DEL de_ch German - Switzerland DES el_gr Greek - Greece ELL gu_in Gujarati - India he_il Hebrew - Israel HEB hi_in Hindi - India HIN hu_hu Hungarian - Hungary HUN is_is Icelandic - Iceland ISL id_id it_it Indonesian - Indonesia Italian - Italy it_ch Italian - Switzerland ITS ja_jp Japanese - Japan JPN kn_in kk_kz kok_in Kannada - India Kazakh - Kazakhstan Konkani - India ko_kr Korean - Korea KOR ky_kz Kyrgyz - Kazakhstan lv_lv Latvian - Latvia LVI lt_lt Lithuanian - Lithuania LTH mk_mk Macedonian (FYROM) MKD ms_bn Malay - Brunei FORCS Co., LTD 240

1_ Display Name ISO 639x ms_my mr_in mn_mn nb_no nn_no Malay - Malaysia Marathi - India Mongolian - Mongolia Norwegian (Bokmà l) - Norway Norwegian (Nynorsk) - Norway pl_pl Polish - Poland PLK pt_br Portuguese - Brazil PTB pt_pt pa_in Portuguese - Portugal Punjabi - India ro_ro Romanian - Romania ROM ru_ru Russian - Russia RUS sa_in Sanskrit - India sk_sk Slovak - Slovakia SKY sl_si Slovenian - Slovenia SLV es_ar Spanish - Argentina ESS es_bo Spanish - Bolivia ESB es_cl Spanish - Chile ESL es_co Spanish - Colombia ESO es_cr Spanish - Costa Rica ESC es_do Spanish - Dominican Republic ESD es_ec Spanish - Ecuador ESF es_sv Spanish - El Salvador ESE es_gt Spanish - Guatemala ESG es_hn Spanish - Honduras ESH es_mx Spanish - Mexico ESM es_ni Spanish - Nicaragua ESI es_pa Spanish - Panama ESA es_py Spanish - Paraguay ESZ es_pe Spanish - Peru ESR FORCS Co., LTD 241

_ Display Name ISO 639x es_pr Spanish - Puerto Rico ES es_es Spanish - Spain es_uy Spanish - Uruguay ESY es_ve Spanish - Venezuela ESV sw_ke Swahili - Kenya sv_fi Swedish - Finland SVF sv_se syr_sy ta_in tt_ru te_in Swedish - Sweden Syriac - Syria Tamil - India Tatar - Russia Telugu - India th_th Thai - Thailand THA tr_tr Turkish - Turkey TRK uk_ua Ukrainian - Ukraine UKR ur_pk Urdu - Pakistan URD vi_vn Vietnamese - Vietnam VIT FORCS Co., LTD 242

FORCS Co., LTD 243

. ISO TimeZone TimeZone NUT Pacific/Niue Africa/Bujumbura WST Pacific/Apia Africa/Gaborone MIT Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Tahiti Pacific/Fakaofo Africa/Lubumbashi Africa/Maseru Africa/Blantyre Pacific/Honolulu America/Adak America/Anchorage ECT Africa/Maputo Africa/Kigali Africa/Khartoum HST Pacific/Rarotonga Africa/Mbabane Pacific/Marquesas Africa/Lusaka Pacific/Gambier Africa/Harare America/Vancouver Africa/Cairo AST America/Tijuana America/Los_Angeles Pacific/Pitcairn CAT Africa/Johannesburg Asia/Nicosia Europe/Minsk PST America/Dawson_Creek America/Phoenix Europe/Sofia Europe/Tallinn America/Edmonton Asia/Amman PNT America/Mazatlan Asia/Beirut America/Denver Asia/Damascus America/Belize Asia/Jerusalem America/Regina Europe/Athens America/Guatemala Europe/Chisinau America/Tegucigalpa ART Europe/Helsinki America/El_Salvador Europe/Vilnius MST America/Costa_Rica Europe/Riga America/Winnipeg Europe/Bucharest America/Mexico_City Europe/Kaliningrad America/Chicago Europe/Kiev Pacific/Galapagos Europe/Istanbul Pacific/Easter EET Asia/Bahrain FORCS Co., LTD 244

CST America/Porto_Acre America/Bogota America/Guayaquil America/Jamaica America/Cayman America/Managua America/Panama America/Lima America/Indianapolis America/Nassau Africa/Addis_Ababa Africa/Asmera Africa/Djibouti Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Africa/Mogadishu Africa/Nairobi Africa/Kampala Asia/Aden Asia/Baghdad Asia/Kuwait America/Montreal EAT Asia/Qatar IET America/Havana America/Port-au-Prince America/Grand_Turk America/New_York America/Antigua America/Anguilla America/Aruba America/Barbados America/Curacao Asia/Riyadh Asia/Tehran Europe/Simferopol Europe/Moscow Indian/Antananarivo Indian/Comoro Indian/Mayotte Asia/Dubai Asia/Muscat America/La_Paz America/Manaus America/Dominica MET Asia/Yerevan Indian/Mahe Indian/Mauritius EST America/Santo_Domingo Indian/Reunion America/Grenada America/Guadeloupe America/Guyana America/St_Kitts America/St_Lucia America/Martinique America/Montserrat America/Puerto_Rico NET Asia/Ashkhabad Asia/Aqtau Asia/Baku Asia/Dushanbe Asia/Kabul Asia/Tbilisi Asia/Tashkent Asia/Karachi PRT America/Asuncion Atlantic/Bermuda Europe/Samara Indian/Chagos FORCS Co., LTD 245

America/Caracas America/Cuiaba America/Halifax America/Port_of_Spain Antarctica/Palmer Atlantic/Stanley America/Santiago America/St_Johns America/St_Thomas America/St_Vincent America/Thule America/Tortola America/Fortaleza America/Cayenne PLT IST Indian/Kerguelen Indian/Maldives Asia/Aqtobe Asia/Bishkek Asia/Calcutta Asia/Yekaterinburg Antarctica/Mawson Asia/Katmandu Asia/Thimbu Asia/Colombo Asia/Dacca Asia/Almaty Asia/Novosibirsk Asia/Rangoon CNT America/Paramaribo Asia/Jakarta America/Montevideo America/Buenos_Aires America/Godthab BST Asia/Phnom_Penh Asia/Vientiane Asia/Saigon AGT BET America/Miquelon America/Sao_Paulo America/Noronha America/Scoresbysund Africa/Ouagadougou Africa/Abidjan Africa/Accra Africa/Banjul Indian/Christmas Indian/Cocos Antarctica/Casey Asia/Bangkok Asia/Krasnoyarsk Asia/Brunei Asia/Hong_Kong Asia/Ujung_Pandang Africa/Bissau Africa/Conakry Africa/Monrovia Africa/Casablanca Africa/Timbuktu Africa/Nouakchott Africa/Freetown VST Asia/Macao Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Asia/Manila Asia/Singapore Asia/Taipei Asia/Shanghai Australia/Perth Africa/Dakar CTT Asia/Irkutsk FORCS Co., LTD 246

Africa/Sao_Tome Africa/Lome Atlantic/South_Georgia Atlantic/Jan_Mayen Atlantic/Cape_Verde Atlantic/Azores Atlantic/Reykjavik Atlantic/St_Helena JST Asia/Jayapura Asia/Pyongyang Asia/Seoul Asia/Tokyo Asia/Ulan_Bator Pacific/Palau Asia/Yakutsk Australia/Darwin GMT GMT Antarctica/DumontDUrville UTC Africa/Luanda Africa/Porto-Novo Africa/Bangui Africa/Kinshasa Asia/Vladivostok Australia/Adelaide Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Brisbane Africa/Douala Africa/Libreville Africa/Malabo Africa/Niamey Africa/Lagos Africa/Ndjamena Africa/Tunis Africa/Algiers Africa/Tripoli Africa/Windhoek Atlantic/Faeroe Atlantic/Canary Europe/Dublin Europe/Lisbon Europe/London Europe/Andorra Europe/Tirane Europe/Vienna Europe/Brussels Europe/Zurich ACT SST Australia/Hobart Australia/Sydney Pacific/Truk Pacific/Guam Pacific/Saipan Pacific/Port_Moresby Antarctica/McMurdo Asia/Kamchatka Asia/Magadan Pacific/Auckland Pacific/Noumea Pacific/Norfolk Pacific/Kosrae Pacific/Tarawa Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Nauru Pacific/Funafuti Pacific/Wake Pacific/Wallis Pacific/Fiji Europe/Berlin AET Australia/Lord_Howe FORCS Co., LTD 247

Europe/Copenhagen Europe/Madrid Europe/Prague Europe/Gibraltar Europe/Budapest Europe/Rome Europe/Vaduz Europe/Luxembourg Europe/Monaco Europe/Malta Europe/Amsterdam Europe/Oslo Europe/Warsaw Europe/Stockholm Europe/Belgrade Europe/Paris Asia/Anadyr Pacific/Chatham SST Pacific/Efate Pacific/Guadalcanal Pacific/Ponape Antarctica/McMurdo Asia/Kamchatka Asia/Magadan Pacific/Noumea Pacific/Norfolk Pacific/Kosrae Pacific/Tarawa Pacific/Majuro Pacific/Nauru Pacific/Funafuti Pacific/Wake Pacific/Wallis Pacific/Fiji NST Pacific/Enderbury Pacific/Kiritimati Pacific/Tongatapu Pacific/Auckland FORCS Co., LTD 248

FORCS Co., LTD 249

Visual Basic "CreateReport()" "CreateReport()" EXOZViewer301.CreateReport(string Parameter), (string Parameter) OZR. Visual Basic OZR. Visual Basic. Visual Basic [] - [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 250

235 [COM] "OZRViewer35 ActiveX Control Module" []. [ /]. [COM ] "EXOZViewer35 Control" []. FORCS Co., LTD 251

. "EXOZViewer35 Control" "CreateReport" OZR. &. FORCS Co., LTD 252

"Form1 Events" "Load". ("CreateReport" OZR, ODI.) AxEXOZViewer301.CreateReport("connection.server=" + Chr(10) + "connection.port=8003" + Chr(10) + "connection.reportname=ozsample.ozr" + Chr(10) + "odi.odinames=ozsample.odi" + Chr(10) + "viewer.namespace=customnamespace\ozviewer") FORCS Co., LTD 253

[] - []. FORCS Co., LTD 254

C# COM "CreateReport()". "CreateReport()" EXOZViewer301.CreateReport(string Parameter), (string Parameter) OZR. C# OZR.. C# [] - [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 255

[COM] "OZRViewer40 ActiveX Control Module" []. [ /]. [COM ] " EXOZViewer40 Control" []. FORCS Co., LTD 256

. "EXOZViewer40 Control" "CreateReport" OZR. &. FORCS Co., LTD 257

"Project1.Form1" "Form1_Load". ("CreateReport" OZR, ODI.) axexozviewer301.createreport("connection.server=\nconnecti on.port=8003\nconnection.reportname=ozsample.ozr\nodi.odinames=ozsa mple.odi\nviewer.namespace=customnamespace\\ozviewer"); FORCS Co., LTD 258

[] - []. FORCS Co., LTD 259

FORCS Co., LTD 260

FORCS Co., LTD 261

Firefox IE ZTransfer.cab OZViewer.xpi. Firefox OZViewer.xpi Ztransfer. : Firefox Firefox 3.0.1 ~ 3.0.7. Firefox OZViewer.xpi. ZTransfer Control IE Firefox if ZTransferX.cab OZViewer.xpi. ( 2,2,0,4 ZTransferX.cab 1,0,1,0 OZViewer.xpi ZTransfer Control.) sample.html <html> <head> <title> OZ Report Viewer Sample </title> </head> <Body> <div id="installozviewer"> <script id="ztransferx" src="ztransferx.js"></script> </div> </Body> </html> FORCS Co., LTD 262

ztransferx.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('<object width = "0" height = "0" ID="ZTransferX" classid="clsid:c7c7225a-9476-47ac-b0b0-ff3b79d55e67" codebase=",2,0,4.cab#vers ion=2,2,0,4"></object>'); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="download.server" value="">'); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="download.port" value="8080">'); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="download.instruction" value="ozrviewer.idf">'); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('<param name="install.base" value="<programs>/forcs">'); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('<param name="install.namespace" value="customnamespace">'); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('object'); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("id", "ZTransferX"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("width", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("height", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("type","application/ZtransferXPlugin;version= 1,0,1,0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("codebase"," pace/ozviewer_1,0,1,0.xpi"); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("name", "download.server"); ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("value", FORCS Co., LTD 263

""); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("name", "download.port"); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("value", "8080"); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("name", "download.instruction"); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("value", "ozrviewer.idf"); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("name", "install.base"); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("value", "<PROGRAMS>/Forcs"); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("name", "install.namespace"); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("value", "CustomNameSpace"); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } } } : ZTransfer Control object type (application/ztransferxplugin). Install Direction File(IDF) Firefox IDF. IDF [IDF] version=5000,2008,1112,100 formatversion=1,0,0,1 checkrootversion=false stoponerror=false msgonerror=false AssureAll=false messagefile=ozrviewer.message FORCS Co., LTD 264

;copy executables & mandatory files [ozrviewer] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrviewer.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer AutoRunEnable=true AutoRunExtension=ozd AutoRunFileName=ozcviewer.exe ;SleepAfterExecute=0 [ozxlswriter] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozxlswriter.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for ozjpdf417 export [ozjpdf417] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozjpdf417.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for PDF export [ozpdfwriter] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozpdfwriter.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy DLLs for PPT export [ozppt] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozppt.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;register ocx [ozrviewerocx] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrviewerocx.zip entry=ozcuviewer.ocx compress=zip clsid={0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff-4bf7443f5f25} command=registerserver destdir=<this>/ozviewer ;copy resource files FORCS Co., LTD 265

[ozrresource] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file= ozrresource.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer/res ;copy system files [ozsystem] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file= ozsystem.zip compress=zip comparefile=unicows.dll compareoption=exist destdir=<ie>,<this>/ozviewer destos=win98 ;copy help files [ozrhelp] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozrhelp.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer/help ;copy user files [ozruser] entryversion=5000,2008,1112,100 file=ozruser.zip compress=zip destdir=<this>/ozviewer Firefox object type "application/ozrviewerplugin", IE Firefox if. sample.html <html> <head> <title> OZ Report Viewer Sample </title> </head> <Body> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> </Body> </html> FORCS Co., LTD 266

ozviewer.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('<object id = "OZReportViewer" classid="clsid:0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff-4bf7443f5f25" width="100%" height="100%"></object>'); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.servlet" value="">'); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.reportname" value="/categoryname/reportname.ozr">'); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="viewer.isframe" value="false">'); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('object'); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("id", "OZReportViewer"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("width", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("height", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("type","application/OZRViewerPlugin"); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("name", "connection.servlet"); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("name", "connection.reportname"); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("value", "/CategoryName/ReportName.ozr"); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("name", "viewer.isframe"); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("value", "false"); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } FORCS Co., LTD 267

} } Firefox. Step 1 OZViewer.xpi. Step 2. FORCS Co., LTD 268

Step 3 HTML Firefox Ztransfer HTML. sample.html <html> <head> <title>oz Report Sample</title> </head> <Body> <div id="installozviewer"> <script id="ztransferx" src="ztransferx.js"></script> </div> <div id="runozviewer"> <script id="ozviewer" src="ozviewer.js"></script> </div> </Body> </html> ztransferx.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('<object width = "0" height = "0" ID="ZTransferX" classid="clsid:c7c7225a- 9476-47AC-B0B0-FF3B79D55E67" codebase=" 2,2,0,4"></object>'); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="download.server" value="">'); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="download.port" value="8080">'); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="download.instruction" value="ozrviewer.idf">'); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('<param FORCS Co., LTD 269

name="install.base" value="<programs>/forcs">'); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('<param name="install.namespace" value="customnamespace">'); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var ZTransferXObject = document.createelement('object'); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("id", "ZTransferX"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("width", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("height", "0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("type","application/Ztrans ferxplugin;version=1,0,1,0"); ZTransferXObject.setAttribute("codebase",""); var ZTransferXParam1 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("name", "download.server"); ZTransferXParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var ZTransferXParam2 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("name", "download.port"); ZTransferXParam2.setAttribute("value", "8080"); var ZTransferXParam3 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("name", "download.instruction"); ZTransferXParam3.setAttribute("value", "ozrviewer.idf"); var ZTransferXParam4 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("name", "install.base"); ZTransferXParam4.setAttribute("value", "<PROGRAMS>/Forcs"); var ZTransferXParam5 = document.createelement('param'); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("name", "install.namespace"); ZTransferXParam5.setAttribute("value", "CustomNameSpace"); FORCS Co., LTD 270

ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam1); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam2); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam3); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam4); ZTransferXObject.appendChild(ZTransferXParam5); InstallOZViewer.appendChild(ZTransferXObject); } } } ozviewer.js if(navigator.appname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('<object id = "OZReportViewer" classid="clsid:0def32f8-170f-46f8-b1ff- 4BF7443F5F25" width="100%" height="100%"></object>'); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.servlet" value="">'); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('<param name="connection.reportname" value="/ample.ozr">'); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('<param name="viewer.isframe" value="false">'); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); } else if(navigator.appname == "Netscape") { if(navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "5"){ if(navigator.useragent.indexof("firefox/3")!=-1){ var OZViewerObject = document.createelement('object'); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("id", "OZReportViewer"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("width", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("height", "100%"); OZViewerObject.setAttribute("type","application/OZRViewe rplugin"); var OZViewerParam1 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("name", "connection.servlet"); FORCS Co., LTD 271

OZViewerParam1.setAttribute("value", ""); var OZViewerParam2 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("name", "connection.reportname"); OZViewerParam2.setAttribute("value", "/sample.ozr"); var OZViewerParam3 = document.createelement('param'); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("name", "viewer.isframe"); OZViewerParam3.setAttribute("value", "false"); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam1); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam2); OZViewerObject.appendChild(OZViewerParam3); } } } RunOZViewer.appendChild(OZViewerObject); Step 4 Firefox Firefox [ ]. ' ' [ ]. FORCS Co., LTD 272

' ' OZViewer.xpi [ ]. ' ' [Firefox ]. FORCS Co., LTD 273

Firefox, Firefox. Firefox HTML. FORCS Co., LTD 274

Firefox. OCX OCX. setbrowseroption() : setlinkurl(), SetLinkPostURL() : target FORCS Co., LTD 275