담 더 서 광 백 불 양 동 함 어 요 요 리 을 신 리 는 느 선 법 낄 한 이 외 국 수 식 결 재 합 문 있 료 된 화 는 의 본 독 정 연 특 영 통 의 한 향 광 맛 특 을 동 을 성 받 요 을 아 리 살 를 린 가 지 유 고 에 있 에 습 서 니 즐 다 겨 보 시 기 바 랍 니 다 중 유 국 에 의 레 대 스 표 토 적 랑 인 은 4 상 대 하 이 요 리 베 이 중 징 하 요 나 리 인 와 광 함 동 께 요 리 를 선 보 입 니 다
YUE LUNCH SET A YUE LUNCH SET B 해물산라탕 Hot and sour soup with seafood 35,000 모듬해산물수프 Assorted seafood soup 50,000 돼지고기탕수육 Deep fried pork loin with sweet and sour sauce 굴소스팔진유산슬 Wok fried sea cucumber, shrimp and scallop with oyster sauce 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 칠리새우 Deep fried shrimp with chili sauce 망고시미로 Creamy mango with tapioca pearls 깐풍기또는탕수육 Deep fried chicken with garlic pepper sauce or Deep fried pork loin with sweet and sour sauce 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 망고시미로 Creamy mango with tapioca pearls 유에시그니처딤섬으로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with YUE's signature dim sum 유에시그니처딤섬으로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with YUE's signature dim sum 모듬딤섬 7,000 4 Pieces of dim sum 모듬딤섬 7,000 4 Pieces of dim sum
YUE LUNCH SET C 유에 모듬 냉채 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 70,000 자연송이 야채 수프 Pine mushroom and vegetables soup 아스파라거스 해삼 Wok fried sea cucumber and asparagus with oyster sauce X.O 소스 전복과 관자 Wok fried abalone and scallop with X.O sauce 흑후추소스 소고기 안심 또는 칠리소스 대하 Pan fried beef tenderloin and asparagus with black pepper sauce or Deep fried king prawn with chili sauce 식사 (짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥 택 1) 계절 과일 Seasonal fresh fruits 유에 시그니처 딤섬으로 식사의 즐거움을 더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with YUE's signature dim sum 모듬 딤섬 7,000 4 Pieces of dim sum 알러지나 식이요법이 있으신 분은 직원에게 알려주세요. 모든 금액은 봉사료와 세금이 포함되어 있습니다. 국내산 돼지고기, 닭고기, 장어, 광어, 오골계, 오리를 사용합니다. 베트남산 낙지, 호주산 소고기, 밥(쌀 : 국내산), 누룽지(찹쌀 : 중국산)을 사용합니다. 배추김치는 국내산 배추와 국내산 고춧가루를 사용합니다. YUE DINNER SET
YUE DINNER SET A YUE DINNER SET B 유에모듬냉채 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 50,000 유에모듬냉채 70,000 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 자연송이게살수프 Pine mushroom and crab meat soup 죽생해산물수프 Bamboo pith mushroom with seafood soup 홍소소스송이소고기 Wok fried beef tenderloin with oyster sauce 팔보채 Wok fried abalone, scallop, sea cucumber and mushroom with spicy sauce 깐풍기또는탕수육 Deep fried chicken with garlic pepper sauce or Deep fried pork loin with sweet and sour sauce 오룡해삼 Braised sea cucumber stuffed with minced shrimps 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 흑후추소스소고기안심또는칠리소스대하 Pan fried beef tenderloin and asparagus with black pepper sauce or Deep fried king prawn with chili sauce 망고시미로 Creamy mango with tapioca pearls 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 계절과일 Seasonal fresh fruits 유에시그니처딤섬으로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with YUE's signature dim sum 모듬딤섬 7,000 4 Pieces of dim sum 유에시그니처딤섬으로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with YUE's signature dim sum 모듬딤섬 7,000 4 Pieces of dim sum
YUE DINNER SET C YUE DINNER SET D 유에모듬냉채 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 90,000 1 유에특선냉채 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, steamed abalone, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 킹크랩해산물수프 King crab and seafood soup 자연송이제비집수프 Pine mushroom and bird nest soup 대파소스송이전복 Wok fried pine mushroom and abalone with leek sauce 전가복 Wok fried sea cucumber, abalone and shrimp with ginger sauce 마늘소스바닷가재 Deep fried lobster with garlic sauce 치즈소스바닷가재와가리비 Grilled lobster and scallop with cheese sauce 3 가지딤섬 3kinds of dim sum 북경오리 Beijing style slow roasted duck 흑후추소스소고기안심과메로 Pan fried beef tenderloin and mero with black pepper sauce 상하이스타일간장소스광어찜 Steamed halibut with Shanghai style soy sauce 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 식사 ( 짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥택 1) 계절과일 Seasonal fresh fruits 계절과일과단팥바나나튀김 Seasonal fruits and fried banana stuffed with sweet red bean
YUE CHEF SPECIAL 유에 특선 냉채 175,000 Combination of jellyfish salad, poached shrimps, steamed abalone, scallops and braised beef shank with garlic vinaigrette 송로버섯을 곁들인 홍소소스 국산해삼 Wok fried truffle and Korean sea cucumber 고법불도장 Buddha jumps over the wall 대파소스 전복찜 Steamed abalone with Chinese leek sauce 양갈비와 바닷가재 (양갈비 : 호주산) Pan fried lamb chop and lobster 북경오리 Beijing style slow roasted duck 상하이 스타일 간장소스 메로 찜 Steamed mero with Shanghai style soy sauce 식사 (짜장면 / 짬뽕 / 볶음밥 택 1) 계절 과일과 단팥 바나나 튀김 Seasonal fruits and fried banana stuffed with sweet red bean 알러지나 식이요법이 있으신 분은 직원에게 알려주세요. 모든 금액은 봉사료와 세금이 포함되어 있습니다. 국내산 돼지고기, 닭고기, 장어, 광어, 오골계, 오리를 사용합니다. 베트남산 낙지, 호주산 소고기, 밥(쌀 : 국내산), 누룽지(찹쌀 : 중국산)을 사용합니다. 배추김치는 국내산 배추와 국내산 고춧가루를 사용합니다. YUE A LA CARTE
전채 APPETIZER 오향장육 Braised beef shank with five kinds of spices Small / Regular 49,000 / 70,000 해산물 SEAFOOD 전가복 Sautéed assorted seafood and vegetables with ginger sauce Small / Regular 67,000 / 95,000 양장피 Assorted seafood and vegetables with mustard sauce 모듬야채볶음 Sautéed assorted vegetables 45,000 / 65,000 28,000 / 40,000 오룡해삼 Braised sea cucumber stuffed with minced shrimps 해물누룽지탕 70,000 / 100,000 45,000 / 65,000 Scallops, shrimp and sea cucumber soup on fried glutinous rice 일품수프 SOUP 고법불도장 Buddha jumps over the wall (Silky chicken, pork, abalone, scallop, pine mushroom, bamboo and asparagus with beef clear broth) 주문시, 약 30 분의시간이소요됩니다. It takes about 30 minutes for dishes to be served. 해물산라탕 Hot and sour soup with seafood Per person 65,000 15,000 북경식유산슬 Wok fried sea cucumber, shrimps, beef and mushrooms with X.O sauce 팔보채 Wok fried abalone, scallop, sea cucumber and mushroom with spicy sauce 중새우 ( 소스선택 : 칠리소스또는크림소스 ) Deep fried shrimps with your choice of sauce Chili sauce or Cream sauce 45,000 / 65,000 67,000 / 95,000 38,000 / 55,000 게살수프 Crab meat soup 상해식해물신선로 Shanghai style seafood soup 자연송이제비집수프 Pine mushroom and bird nest soup 15,000 25,000
가금류 POULTRY Small / Regular Whole Piece: 95,000 북경식오리구이와오리고기피망볶음 Beijing style slow roasted duck, wok fried duck and steamed bun 돼지고기탕수육 ( 소스선택 : 북경식또는사천식 ) Deep fried pork loin with your choice of sauce. Sweet and sour sauce or Szechuan style sauce. Small / Regular 30,000 / 45,000 깐풍기 Fried chicken with garlic pepper sauce 35,000 / 50,000 동파육 Braised pork belly and vegetables with black bean sauce 45,000 / 65,000 유린기 Fried chicken and hot spicy pepper with soya sauce 35,000 / 50,000 육류 MEAT 흑후추쇠고기안심 Small / Regular 45,000 / 65,000 Pan fried beef tenderloin and asparagus with black pepper sauce 어향가지 42,000 / 60,000 Deep fried eggplant in minced beef with Szechuan style sauce 쇠고기피망볶음 Sautéed shredded beef and bell pepper with steamed bun 35,000 / 50,000
면 NOODLES 밥 RICE 전복짬뽕 Spicy seafood noodle soup with abalone Per person 30,000 게살볶음밥 Crab meat fried rice Per person 탄탄면 Spicy minced pork and vegetable noodle soup with peanuts 해물볶음밥 Seafood fried rice 삼선짜장면 15,000 Noodles with sea cucumber, shrimps, beef and black bean paste sauce 팔진해물덮밥 Sautéed sea cucumber, shrimps and squid on steamed rice 25,000 삼선짬뽕 Spicy seafood noodle soup 마파두부덮밥 ( 연두부 : 콩외국산 - 미국, 캐나다, 호주등 ) Tofu and minced meat with chili sauce on steamed rice 기스면 Thin noodles in chicken soup 15,000 가지볶음덮밥 Sautéed eggplant and minced beef on steamed rice 새우완탕면 Noodle soup with shrimp wonton 유산슬덮밥 Wok fried sea cucumber, beef and shrimps on steamed rice 25,000 소고기탕면 Beef noodle soup 25,000 송이쇠고기덮밥 Sautéed beef and pine mushroom on steamed rice 25,000
딤섬 DIM SUM 후식 DESSERT 모듬딤섬 (6 Pcs) Assorted dim sum 12,000 고구마탕 Honey glazed fried sweet potatoes 8,000 쇼마이 (4 Pcs) Siu Mei - Pork and shrimp dumplings 8,000 단팥바나나튀김 Fried banana stuffed with sweet red bean 10,000 소롱포 (4 Pcs) Xiao Long Bao - Shanghai dumplings 8,000 망고시미로 Creamy mango with tapioca pearls 6,000 새우죽순딤섬 (4 Pcs) Shrimp and bamboo shoot dumplings 8,000 계절과일 Seasonal fresh fruits 10,000 홍콩식새우교자 (4 Pcs) Hong Kong style steamed shrimp dumplings 8,000 광동식부추교자 (4 Pcs) Cantonese style steamed leek dumplings 8,000 춘권 (4 Pcs) Shrimp spring rolls 8,000 군만두 (6 Pcs) Pan fried pork dumplings 12,000
시그니처칵테일 SIGNATURE COCKTAIL 맥주 BEER 유에모히토 YUE Mojito Yantai Chinese liquor, sprite, sugar and lime wedge 10,000 칭타오 ( 생맥주 ) 580ml Tsingtao (Draft Beer) 11,000 칭타오 ( 생맥주 ) 420ml Tsingtao (Draft Beer) 9,000 칭타오 ( 병맥주 ) Tsingtao (Bottle Beer) 7,000 중국주류 CHINESE LIQUOR 수정방 Soo Jung Bang 52 금문고량주 Guem Moon Go Ryang Jiu 58 대만죽엽청주 500ml Taiwan Jook Yup Chong Jiu 45 공부가주 500ml Gong Boo Ga Jiu 39 경주 500ml Jing Jiu 38 연태고량주 Yantai go ryang jiu 34 250ml 250,000 / 500ml 450,000 300ml 70,000 / 600ml 125,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 250ml 30,000 / 500ml 55,000 한국전통주 KOREAN TRADITIONAL LIQUOR 대장부 ( 쌀 100%) 375ml Daejangbu 21 화요 ( 쌀 100%) 500ml Whajyo 25 문배주 ( 조, 수수 ) Munbaeju 23 화랑 ( 찹쌀 100%) Wharang 13 백세주 ( 찹쌀, 누룩 ) Baekseju 14 25,000 15,000 10,000 10,000