식물병연구 Research Article Open Access Res. Plant Dis. 24(3): 175-181 (2018) https://doi.org/10.5423/rpd.2018.24.3.175 Incidence Rates of Major Diseases on Green-Fleshed Kiwifruit cv. Hayward and Yellow-Fleshed Kiwifruit cv. Haegeum *Corresponding author Tel: +82-61-750-3865 Fax: +82-61-750-3208 E-mail: youngjin@sunchon.ac.kr ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3013-1154 * Gyoung Hee Kim and Young Jin Koh * Department of Plant Medicine, Sunchon National University, Suncheon 57922, Korea Received July 27, 2018 Revised August 11, 2018 Accepted August 13, 2018 Incidence rates of bacterial canker, bacterial leaf spot and postharvest fruit rot on the Korean yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Haegeum were compared with those on the most popular green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Hayward grown in several naturally infected kiwifruit orchards in 2013 and 2014. The percentages of diseased leaves caused by bacterial canker were 18.5% and 17.3% on Hayward in 2013 and 2014, but those on Haegeum were 1.2% and 0%, respectively. The percentages of diseased leaves caused by bacterial leaf spot on Hayward were 63.5% and 16.2% in 2013 and 2014, respectively, but no bacterial leaf spots were observed on Haegeum in both years. The average percentages of diseased fruits caused by postharvest fruit rot were 24.2% and 20.5% on Hayward in 2013 and 2014, while 6.3% and 4.4% and Haegeum, respectively. Botryosphaeria dothidea was turned out to be the major pathogen of postharvest fruit rot on both cultivars. Keywords: Bacterial canker, Bacterial leaf spot, Fruit rot, Kiwifruit (kiwifruit, Chinese gooseberry) 1,300 ha (Actinidia deliciosa) (A. chinensis). 1970,, 800 ha. 2010 Research in Plant Disease pissn 1598-2262, eissn 2233-9191 www.online-rpd.org 160 ha. 40% (Kim, 2017; Koh, 2017). 40 (The Korean Society of Plant Pathology, 2009). 10, (Koh, 2008, 2014). The Korean Society of Plant Pathology This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
176. (Koh, 2014). 1980 Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 2 (Psa2) (Kim, 2017), biovar 3 (Psa3) 2011 2014 (Kim, 2016a, 2016b). 45% Psa2 (Kim, 2017). Acidovorax valerianellae (Kim Koh, 2018a; Koh, 2008, 2014). Botryosphaeria dothidea 60% (Kim Koh, 2018b; Koh, 2003, 2005).,.. 3 17 100 40. 20 4 20 50 200. 2014 1 km. 3-4 15 70 3 20. 2014 6 6 20.. 2013 2014. 15 300, 4. 2013 6. 7 5 20 50 200. 2014 7 21.. 2013 2014. 2013 2014.. 2013 2014. biovar Koh (2014) Lee (2016) PCR Psa Psa biovar.. 2013 5 31. 2013 12 11 2014 12
177 20일 전남 보성군 조성면 귀산리에서 15-25년생 헤이워드 품 과실무름병균을 동정하고 병원균별 검출률을 조사하였다. 종 나무 일부에 3-5년생 해금 품종을 고접하여 재배하는 과수 원 네 곳으로부터 수확한 과실에서 과실무름병의 발병률을 조 통계분석. 2013년과 2014년 헤이워드와 해금 품종에서 발 사하였다. 관행방식으로 키위를 재배하고 있는 각 과수원에서 생한 궤양병, 세균성점무늬병과 과실무름병의 발병률 차이를 수확한 과실 200개씩을 수거하여 비닐봉지에 넣고 3주 정도 검정하기 위해 Student s t-test를 실시하였고 통계상의 유의수 상온에서 후숙을 시킨 후 과실에서 나타나는 과실무름병 외 준은 p<0.001로 수행하였다. 부병징과 내부병징을 관찰하여 발병과율로써 발병률을 조사 하였다. 결과 및 고찰 과실무름병균 분리 및 진단. 2013년 과실무름병 발병률을 궤양병 발병율. Psa에 의해 발생하는 궤양병은 잎에 특이적 조사한 과실에서 과실무름병 병징을 나타내는 과육조직절편 인 연두색 테두리를 가진 점무늬 증상을 일으키는데(Fig. 1A- 을 잘라내어 감자한천배지에 치상한 후 자라는 균총을 순수 배 D). 궤양병 병반이 있는 잎 표면이나 뒷면에 투명한 세균유출 양하고 단포자를 분리한 후 병원균의 형태적 특징을 관찰하여 액이 흘러내리기도 한다(Fig. 1E). 기상조건이 습하거나 장마철 Fig. 1. Symptoms of bacterial canker, bacterial leaf spot and postharvest fruit rot on green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Hayward and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Haegeum. (A, B) halo spots caused by bacterial canker on the upper and reverse sides of leaf on Hayward; (C, D) halo spots caused by bacterial canker on the upper and reverse side of leaf on Haegeum; (E) bacterial ooze from halo spot on Hayward; (F) angular spots caused by bacterial canker on the upper side of leaf on Hayward; (G) bacterial leaf spot symptom on the upper side of leaf on Hayward; (H) bacterial ooze from bacterial leaf spot on the reverse side of leaf on Hayward; (I, J) external and internal symptoms of ripe rot on Hayward; (K, L) external and internal symptoms of ripe rot on Haegeum.
178 Fig. 2. Incidence of bacterial canker (A) and bacterial leaf spot (B) on green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Hayward and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Heageum. Bacterial canker was investigated at two naturally infected orchards, one in 2013 and the other in 2014, respectively and bacterial leaf spot was investigated at a naturally infected orchard in two consecutive year 2013 and 2014, respectively. Incidence rates are expressed as proportion of diseased leaves. Bars represent mean values among 20 replicate trees each. Error bars represent standard deviations. Asterisk denotes significance of p<0.001 between cv. Hayward and cv. Haegeum at each year as determined by the Student s t-test. (Fig. 1F) (Kim Koh, 2018a; Lee, 2013). 2013 2014 Koh (2014) Lee (2016) Psa, Psa biovar Psa2. 2013 Psa2 18.5% 1.2% 2014 Psa2 17.3% (Fig. 2A). 2013 1.2% Fig. 1,. (Develey-Rivière Galiana, 2007), (Jones, 1985; Vernière, 2003). Actinidia (Tyson, 2015). Psa2. Psa3 2014 Psa2 (Kim, 2016a, 2016b). Psa2 (Kim, 2017). Psa3 Psa3 Psa3.. (Fig. 1G). (Fig. 1H). (Fig. 1F)
179. 2013 2014 Koh (2014) Lee (2016) Psa A. valerianellae. 2013 63.5%, 2014 16.2%(Fig. 2B). 2013 2014 2013 60% 2014 6 30 10. 2013 2014. A. valerianellae (Lee, 2013). (A. deliciosa) (A. chinensis)... (pergola) A. valerianellae. A. valerianellae.... B. dothidea (Fig. 1I-L). (Lee, 2001). 2013 24.2% 6.3%, 2014 20.5% 4.4% (Fig. 3). 2000 8 42.0% 2013 2014 Fig. 3. Incidence of postharvest fruit rot on green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Hayward and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Heageum harvested at four naturally infected orchards in two consecutive year 2013 and 2014, respectively. Incidence rates are expressed as proportion of diseased fruits. Bars represent mean values among 200 replicate fruits each. Error bars represent standard deviations. Asterisk denotes significance of p<0.001 between cv. Hayward and cv. Haegeum at each year as determined by the Student s t-test.
180 Table 1. Detection rates of major fungal pathogens causing fruit rot on green-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Hayward and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cv. Haegeum harvested at four naturally infected orchards in 2013 Cultivar (Koh, 2005). 2013 B. dothidea 81.4% 84.9% Diaporthe actinidiae 14.6% 9.7%, Botrytis cinerea 4.0% 5.4%(Table 1). 2000 8 B. dothidea D. actinidiae 79.7% 14.2% (Koh, 2005).. B. dothidea (Manning, 2003; Pennycook, 1985). Hort16A. 1/4.. % Detection of major fungal pathogens Botryosphaeria dothidea Diaporthe actinidiae Othersa Hayward 81.4 14.6 4.0 Haegeum 84.9 9.7 5.4 a Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum sp., Pestalotiopsis sp., Phoma sp., etc. were also detected. 2013 2014,. 2013 2014 P. syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 2 (Psa2) 18.5% 17.3% 1.2% 0%. 2013 2014 A. valerianellae 63.5% 16.2%. 2013 24.2% 6.3% 2014 20.5% 4.4%. B. dothidea. Conflicts of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Acknowledgments This paper was supported by Sunchon National University Research Fund III in 2018. References Develey-Rivière, M. P. and Galiana, E. 2007. Resistance to pathogens and host developmental stage: a multifaceted relationship within the plant kingdom. New Phytol. 175: 405-416. Jones, J. B., Chase, A. R., Harbaugh, B. K. and Raju, B. C. 1985. Effect of leaf wetness, fertilizer rate, leaf age, and light intensity before inoculation on bacterial leaf-spot of Chrysanthemum. Plant Dis. 69: 782-784. Kim, G. H., Choi, E. D., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2016a. Spread of bacterial canker of kiwifruit by secondary infection of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3 in Gyeongnam in 2016. Res Plant Dis. 22: 276-283. (In Korean) Kim, G. H., Kim, K. H., Son, K. I., Choi, E. D., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. S. et al. 2016b. Outbreak and spread of bacterial canker of kiwifruit caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae biovar 3 in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 32: 545-551. Kim, G. H., Jung, J. S. and Koh, Y. J. 2017. Occurrence and epidemics of bacterial canker of kiwifruit in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 33: 351-
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