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국문 : 캡스톤디자인영문 : Capstone Design 여러자동차공학에관련한지식을총동원하여졸업작품을구상하고구체적인계획하에작품제작에임한다. 팀을구성하여팀별로작품테마를정하고작품을제작하고전시준비를수행하면서팀플레이와작업스케줄관리를익힌다. 국문 : 공구장비실습영문 : Automotive Shop Tools and Equipment 자동차정비공구및장비의기본적인기능을이해하고사용방법을숙지할수있어야한다 ( 일반수공구 / 측정공구 / 정비용장비 / 진단절차 / 훼스너 / 진단절차 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required for the safe and proper handling of automotive tools and shop equipment. Use hand tools Use measuring tools Use fasteners Use shop tools and equipment Describe diagnostic procedures 국문 : 진단장비실무 (1) 영문 : Automotive Maintenance and Inspection(1) 자동차의기본기능을이해하고윤활계통및각종상태오일점검및측정하고가스켓, 씨일을교환하고정비할수있어야한다. ( 오일교환, 벨트교환, 일상점검, 윤활계통점검및교환 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills related to the use of lubricants and fluids, procedures for measuring levels and condition of fluids, maintenance requirements, identifying sources of leaks, replacement of gaskets and seals, and servicing body components. Describe automotive maintenance Deacrive various automotive lubricants and fluids Service fluids filters,belts and hoses, Analyze fluid leaks

국문 : 엔진정비기초 (1) 영문 : Automotive Engine Repair(1) 자동차의기초적인기능을이해하고내연기관의고장진단, 정비, 수리를수행하여야한다 ( 내연기관의기초 / 윤활장치 / 엔진의기계적기능 / 분해조립 / 엔진시동 ) internal combustion engines. Describe the principles of internal combustion engines. Describe lubrication systems. Evaluate engine mechanical conditions. Describe engine removal and installation procedures. Perform engine overhaul. 국문 : 엔진전자제어실무영문 : Automotive Engine Support Systems 자동차의기초기능을이해하고엔진의구성부품의고장진단, 정비, 수리를할수있어야한다 ( 냉각장치 / 냉각장치수리 / 배기장치 / 배기장치수리 ) engine support systems. Describe cooling systems. Service cooling systems. Describe exhaust systems. Service exhaust systems. 국문 : 디젤전자제어실무영문 : Automotive Electronic Diesel Fuel Systems 전자제어디젤엔진의기초적인기능을이해하고고장진단, 정비및수리를할수있어야한다 ( 전자제어디젤의정비방법및진단절차 / 전자제어디젤엔진의정비 ) electronic diesel fuel systems. Describe the diagnostic and service procedures for electronic diesel fuel systems. Perform service on electronic diesel injection systems 국문 : 자동차전기시스템 영문 : Automotive Electrical System 1 자동차의전기시스템과그와관련된장치의고장진단및수리를위한자동차전기분야의기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to diagnose, service, and repair automotive electrical systems and their associated component pieces.

국문 : 고객만족프로그램 영문 : Customer Relations and Sales 고용주를대신하여긍정적이고최고의예의를갖추어불평을효과적으로해결및처리하는등서비스쌔일 (service sale) 의원리를소개함 This course introduces you to the principles of service sales, follow up, and complaint resolution necessary to represent your employer effectively in a positive and professional manner. 국문 : 전자제어시스템 영문 : Automotive Computer Operation 자동차컴퓨터의역할과기능과그에관한고장진단절차등을소개함 This course introduces you to the functions and roles of vehicle computers and the procedures used to diagnose them. 국문 : 공기조화시스템 영문 : Automotive Air Conditioning Systems 자동차의공기조화시스템과그와관련된장치의고장진단및수리를위한자동차공기조화분야의기초기술을소개함 air conditioning systems. 국문 : 바디전장시스템 영문 : Automotive Body Electrical Systems 자동차의바디전장시스템과그와관련된장치의고장진단및수리를위한자동차바디전장분야의기초기술을소개함 body electrical systems.

국문 : 디젤전자제어실무영문 : Automotive Electronic Diesel Fuel Systems 전자제어디젤엔진의기초적인기능을이해하고고장진단, 정비및수리를할수있어야한다 ( 전자제어디젤의정비방법및진단절차 / 전자제어디젤엔진의정비 ) electronic diesel fuel systems. Describe the diagnostic and service procedures for electronic diesel fuel systems. Perform service on electronic diesel injection systems 국문 : 연료분배시스템영문 : Automotive Fuel Delivery Systems 가솔린연료장치에대한기초적인기능을이해하고고장진단, 수리및정비를할수있어야한다. ( 흡기장치 / 흡기장치정비 / 연료분배장치정비 / 분사시스템정비 ) gasoline fuel systems and carburetors. Describe air intake systems. Service air intake systems. Describe fuel delivery systems. Service fuel delivery systems. Describe carburetion systems. Service carburetion systems. 국문 : 랩뷰기초영문 : The Basis of Labview 3D 프로그램 Labvew 의활용및기초기술습득을한다. ( 랩뷰제어프로그램을이용한제어의이해센서를이용한제어프로그램작성의기초지식습득 Labview 초급프로그램학습 )

국문 : 자동차용접실무영문 : Automotive Emission Control Systems 안전한용접장비의기초기능을이해하고산소토치및가스를사용할줄알아야한다 ( 산소용접및절단의이해및용접 / 전기용접의이해및용접 / 안전관리 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills related to the handling of heating and welding equipment including safety, equipment shutdown and storage, oxy-acetylene torches, and metal inert gas Describe oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. Perform gas welding and cutting. Describe gas metal arc welding procedures. Perform gas metal arc welding. Describe welding and cutting safety procedures. 국문 : 디젤연료시스템영문 : Automotive Diesel Fuel Systems 디젤연료시스템의기초기능을이해하고고장진단, 정비및수리를할줄알아야한다 ( 가솔린, 디젤엔진의작동원리 / 디젤연료계통 / 디젤연료계통진단 / 진단및정비 ) diesel fuel systems. Describe the differences between the operation of gasoline and diesel engines and fuel systems. Describe mechanical diesel fuel delivery. Perform mechanical diesel fuel system diagnosis. Perform mechanical diesel fuel system service. 국문 : 가솔린전자제어실무영문 : Automotive Electronic Fuel Manafement Systems 전자제어가솔린제어장치의기초기능을이해하고고장진단, 정비및수리를이행할수있다 ( 연료분배장치 / 전자제어장치의원리 / 입력센서 / 출력장치 /OBD장치) automotive electronic fuel management systems. Describe feedback carburetors. Perform feedback carburetor adjustment. Describe principles of electronic engine controls. Describe principles of input sensors and output devices. Describe OBD-II changes and their purposes.

국문 : 수동변속기영문 : Automotive Clutches and Manual Transmissions 자동차수동변속기의원리를이해하고클러치및수동변속기구및기어시스템의진단과기초정비능력을가진다. clutches and manual transmissions. Describe clutch assemblies Describe service and repair operation on dry clutch assemblies Describe the principles of manual transmission Inspect and adjust a dry clutch assembly Perform service tasks on manual transmissions. 국문 : 타이어시스템영문 : Automotive Wheels, Hubs, Tires, and Bearings 자동차타이어및허브베어링의기본원리및종류를이해하고. 타이어및허브베어링문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. wheels, hubs, tires, and anti-friction bearing assemblies. Describe the construction, inspection, service, and repair of wheels and tires. Service wheels and tires. Describe the service of hubs and anti-friction bearings. Service 2WD and 4WD hubs and bearing assemblies. 국문 : 현가시스템영문 : Automotive Steering Systems 자동차현가장치의기본원리및종류를이해하고. 현가장치문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. various types of suspension systems and the replacement of component pieces Describe frame Describe front and rear suspension system Describe susepntion service precautions Service suspension systems.

국문 : 조향시스템영문 : Automotive Steering Systems 자동차조향시스템및휠얼라인먼트의기본원리를이해하고. 조향시스템및휠얼라인먼트문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. steering systems and perform wheel alignments. Service steering columns Describe manual steering systems Describe power steering systems Service steering linkage Describe suspension and steering geometry Perform wheel alignments 국문 : 제동시스템영문 : Automotive Brake Systems 자동차제동시스템및 ABS의기본원리를이해하고. 제동시스템및 ABS 문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. various types of braking systems including: disc and drum brake assemblies, master cylinders, power brake units, parking brake components, and ABS. Describe the operation of automotive braking systems Service drum and disc brake systems Service power brake systems Service anti-lock brake systems 국문 : 구동시스템영문 : Drivelines and Final Drives 자동차드라이브라인 (drive line) 및감속기구장치 (final drive) 의기본원리를이해하고. 드라이브라인 (drive line) 및감속기구장치 (final drive) 문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. This course introduces students to the fundamental skills required to diagnose, service, and repair drivelines and final drives. Describe the design and operation of drive shaft assemblies Perform drive shaft and operation of drive axles and final drive assemblies Service drive axles and final drives assemblies

국문 : 안전시스템영문 : Automotive Safety Systems 자동차안전운행시스템인 ABS (Anti lock brakes), TCS(traction control system) 및차량주행자세제어 (stability controls) 의기본원리를이해하고. 안전운행시스템인 ABS (Anti lock brakes), TCS(traction control system) 및차량주행자세제어 (stability controls) 문제점진단, 수리및교체를위한정비능력을가진다. automotive safety systems. Describe supplemental restraint systems Service supplemental restraint systems Describe anti-lock brake and traction control systems Service anti-lock brakes and traction control systems Describe electronic suspension and stability controls Service electronic suspension and stability controls 국문 : 자동변속기 (1) 영문 : Automotive Automatic Transmissions (1) 자동차자동변속기및토오크컨버터의기본원리를이해를바탕으로. 전륜구동용자동변속기와후륜구동용자동변속기구조에대한기초지식및정비능력을가진다. automatic transmissions. Describe the construction and operating principles of automatic transmissions. Diagnose automatic transmissions and transaxles. Overhaul automatic transmissions and transaxles. Describe electronic transmission controls. Test and service electronic automatic transmissions controls. 국문 : 그린자동차기술영문 : Emerging Automotive Technologies. 그린자동차인하이브리드자동차, 연료전기자동차, 플러그드인 (Plugged in) 시스템및전기자동차의기본원리를이해하고. 그린자동차구조에대한기초지식을가진다. This course gives you some insight into emerging vehicle technologies. Describe the operating principles of hybrid vehicles. Explain the high voltage battery safeth precaution during service. Describe M85 and E85 fuel system. Describe Fuel cell technology.

국문 : 하이브리드실습영문 : Practice of hybrid vehicle 그린자동차기초지식을바탕으로하이브리드자동차제어시스템및고전압배터리시스템의기본원리를이해하고. 하이브리드자동차제어시스템및고전압배터리시스템에대한기초정비능력을가진다. 하이브리드자동차제어시스템작동구조및원리이해 고전압배터리시스템작동구조및원리이해 하이브리드자동차제어시스템고장원인진단및기초정비 고전압배터리시스템고장원인진단및기초정비국문 : 자동차마케팅영문 : Automotive Marketing 자동차마케팅에필요한자동차구조, 자동차기초정비, 자동차시장분석, 자동차보험등의기초전공지식과소양교육을한다. ( 자동차보험 / 자동차정비 / 자동차구조 / 자동차문화 / 자동차마케팅 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required for the basic of automotive structure,repair,auto market sales,insurence Describe the auto insurence Peform the repair of vehicle Decribe basic of automotive struture Describe the automotive culture Describe automotive maketing 국문 : 자동차문화영문 : Automotive Culture 자동차의성숙한문화를정착하기위한자동차기초상식, 도로운행예절및안전등의자동차문화에필요한기초지식을습득한다. ( 운전에티캣 / 운전능력 / 자동차구조 / 자동차문화 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required for the safe driving skill and driving etiquette Describe the driving etiquette Describe the driving skill Decribe basic of automotive struture Describe the automotive culture

국문 : 자동차실무영어영문 : Automotive English 자동차기술의획기적인발전에맞추어필요한자동차전공부품명및영어설명이가능하도록기초영어지식을습득한다. ( 부품의원리 / 부품의구조 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to parts name, parts structure, Describe the principles of Parts Describe the patrs structure 국문 : 자동차공학영문 : Automotive English 자동차기술의획기적인발전에맞추어필요한자동차전공부품명및영어설명이가능하도록기초영어지식을습득한다. ( 부품의원리 / 부품의구조 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to parts name, parts structure, Describe the principles of Parts Describe the patrs structure 국문 : 자동차법규영문 : Automotive Law 자동차에관련한기본적인법규및안전에대해서습득하여현장에서필요한지식을익힌다. 법규사례를연구발표하여어려운법규에관련된실제적인경험을쉽게이해한다. ( 자동차안전법규 / 자동차안전부품 / 자동차안전관리 ) This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to Automotive Safety Law Describe the Automotive Safety Law Describe struture of safety materials Describe safety conditions of vehicle 국문 : 작업안전실습 영문 : Workplace Safty 자동차기술자가지켜야할작업안전규칙과위험물질관리시스템등을소개함 This course introduces you to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Management System (WHMIS) and WorkSafe BC regulations.

국문 : 자동차제작실습영문 : The Practice of Handcraft Car 1인승카트를미니바자규정에맟추어설계및제작을수행함으로써자동차구조를이해하고자동차개발에대한이해도를높인다. 국문 : 2D CAD 영문 : 2 Dimensional Computer Aided Design 2차원캐드 (CAD) 에대한기본원리와명령어, 설계등의기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to principles and command 2D CAD. 국문 : 3D CAD 영문 : 3 Dimensional Computer Aided Design 3차원캐드 (CAD) 에대한기본원리와명령어, 설계등의기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to principles and command 3D CAD. 국문 : 자동차성능공학 영문 : Automotive Appraisal 2 자동차 ( 중고차 ) 의성능및상태점검에필요한기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to Automotive Performance Conditions. and 국문 : 자동차진단평가론 영문 : Automotive Appraisal 1 자동차 ( 중고차 ) 의진단과평가에요구되는기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to Automotive diagnose and Appraisal.

국문 : 자동차전자시스템영문 : Automotive Electrical System 2 자동차의전자시스템과그와관련된장치의고장진단및수리를위한자동차전자분야의기초기술을소개함 This course introduces you to the fundamental skills required to diagnose, service, and repair automotive electronic systems and their associated component pieces.