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274 한국문화 73


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216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할


55호 1면


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.. IMF.. IMF % (79,895 ). IMF , , % (, 2012;, 2013) %, %, %


권두 칼럼 쁜 활동과 끊임없이 따라다니는 질투와 감시의 눈길을 피해 스도의 부활을 목격했기 때문이었다. 다시 사신 그리스도를 예수께서 이 집에 오시면 언제나 정성이 가득 담긴 음식을 그들이 눈으로 보고 손으로 만져 보았는데 도무지 아니라고 대접받고 휴식을 취했던 것으로


May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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영시의아버지라불리는제프리초서의 캔터베리이야기 는의미의다양성과시인자신만의독특한문학적표현을담고있다. 우리나라를비롯한동서양의많은현대역자들은원전이지닌의미를현대어로옮기기위해다양한시도를해왔으며현재에도이러한노력은지속되고있다. 본시작품의번역에서가장어려운부분은먼저원작이중세영어라는고전어로작성되었기때문에문헌학에입각한적확한의미를도출하는작업이될것이다. 이와같은고증작업이선행되어야하기때문에초서번역은단순한번역의차원을넘어선지루하고힘겨운학술적여정을의미한다. 실제로많은현대어번역본들이중세어원전에입각하지않고또다른현대어번역을참조했기때문에초서가원래의도했던의미와는많은거리가있는실정이다. 국내에서 캔터베리이야기 완역본은 1984년이후세편이출간되었다. 본논의에서는원전에입각하여세편의번역본에사용된의미들을검증하고비교하는작업을수행한다. 이는초서번역의기본틀에해당한다는점에서그의의를지닌다. 일례로초서는옳고그름의판단, 도덕적판단력의의미로 양심 (conscience) 을사용하고있지만여기에그치지않고 ny(i)ce conscience( 선한양심 ) 나 spiced conscience( 위장된양심 ) 와같이문자적해석을넘어선의역이요구되는표현을구사하고있다. 이의적 * 2015.

28 영미연구제 36 집 확한번역을위해어원에입각한의미추적은물론문맥에서수용되는의미가동시에고찰되어야할것이다. :,,,, (The Canterbury Tales) 1984 30.... 3. (New Chaucer Society) 20. 1).. 20.?,

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 29 -,,,,,,,,, -.. (iambic pentameter), (enjambment) (couplet).. 2). 14, (philology). 11 15 (Middle English) 7-11 (Old English) 1066. 11. (variation), (epithet), (kenning)..

30 영미연구제 36 집. (retraction) : ( 656)., ( The Parson's Tale ). (David Wright) (Nevil Coghill)..,,, 7 (Gregory the Great) (St. Augustine)...

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 31 ( The Prologue ),, : fredom(46 generosity), desport(137 cheerful, comfort, source of comfort) pleasaunt(138 pleasant), amyable(38 friendly), daungerous(517 disdainful), digne(517 haughty), pompe(525 pomp), obstinat(521 obstinate), meeke(69 meek), benygne(483 kind, generous), lowely (250 humble), curteis (250 courtesy), charitable (143 charitable), pitous(143 pity). 29.,,,,.. ( 俗人 )......

32 영미연구제 36 집 (The Man of Law) (The Physician).. And yet be semed bisier than he was(322),. 21.. 35. : For ech of hem made oother for to wynne(427), ', For gold is phisik is a cordial(443), '... (yeman) (cook)...,.

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 33 (The Miller) (The Shipman).... (The Parson) (The Clerk).. (The Friar), (The Summoner), (The Pardoner)...,.. And sikerly she was of greet desport, And ful pleasaunt, and amyable of port, and peyned hire to countrefete cheere, Of court, and to been estatliche of manere, And to been holden digne of reverence, But for to speken of hir conscience, She was so charitable and so pitous She wolde wepe if that she sawe a mous

34 영미연구제 36 집 Caughte in a trap, if it were deed or bleede. Of smale houndes hadde she that she fedde With roasted flessh, or milk and wastel-breed; But soore wepte she if oon of hem were deed, Or if men smoot it with a yerde smerte; And al was conscience and tendre herte. (ll. 137-150, emphases added) [ 18:././ /./,/,./,,./..] [ 17:.,.,,,,.,.,.] [ 25:.,....,.

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 35.] [Coghill 23: She certainly was very entertaining, Pleasant and friendly in her ways, and straining To counterfeit a courtly kind of grace, A stately bearing fitting to her place, And to seem dignified in all her dealings, She was so charitably solicitous She used to weep if she but saw a mouse Caught in a trap, if it were dead or bleeding. And she little dogs she would be feeding with roasted flesh, or milk, or fine white bread. And bitterly she wept if one were dead Or someone took a stick and made it smart; She was all sentiment and tender heart.] [Wright 4: No, question, she possessed the greatest charm. Her demeanor was so pleasant, and so warm: Though at pains to ape the manners of the court, And be dignified, in order to be thought A person well deserving of esteem. But, speaking of her sensibility, She was so full of charity and pity That if she saw a mouse caught in a trap, And it was dead or bleeding, she would weep. She kept some little dogs, and these she fed On roast meat, or on milk and fine white bread But how she'd weep if one of them were dead, Or if somebody took a stick to it! She was all sensitivity and tender heart.] desport.. De(i)sport, (MED 168). (deportment),, greet(great) desport,, (Robinson 1239). 137 greet desport greatest charm. very entertaining

36 영미연구제 36 집....,. desport port. port bearing(,, ) deportment(,, ) (MED 482, Robinson 1278). Amy(i)able amiable(,,, ) amyable of port ( ),, ( ). port : And of his port as meeke as is a mayde (68),. port. port port desport :. desport port

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 37. (greet) desport (amyable of) port. desport entertaining( ) port ways( ). desport charm( ) port demeanor(, ). desport port.. 147 wastel-breed wastel(cake made of finest flour) breed(bread) 'expensive fine white bread', (Robinson 25).. 60-70..

38 영미연구제 36 집.. ( 微物 ) (pity, love). (hierarchy).... wastel-breed.. wastel-breed wastel.. ( Wife of Bath's Tale ) breed of pured whete seed(143), bread made from purified wheat( : 177), barly breed, barley bread( ).

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 39..., conscience. conscience 142, 150, 1438, 1635 ny(i)ce conscience spiced conscience. conscience conscience,,,, (MED 132)., feelings, sensibility (Robinson 1231). (Robinson 1231): 1. Save o thyng priketh in me conscience ( 1635) [ 296:.] [ 206: ] [ 308:. ]

40 영미연구제 36 집 [Wright 323: A thing that rather sticks in my conscience] [Coghill 385: But for one thing which pricks my conscience still] 2. No maner conscience of that have I ( 1438) [ 221: ] [ 156: ] [ 231: ] [Wright 314: Keep nothing back for conscience] [Coghill 255: for fear of sin, or conscience's sake] 142 conscience,.. 150 conscience. sentiment sensitivity. conscience, tendre hearte,.. tendre hearte, tender heart,. 1 2 conscience

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 41 : 3. Of nyce conscience he took no heed. ( 398) [ 22: ] [ 28:.] [ 32:.] [Coghill 30: The nicer rules of conscience he ignored] [Wright 11: He hadn't time for scruples or fine feeling.] ny(i)ce nice(, ) foolish(' ), scrupulous(, ', (MED, Robinson 30). 1 2 conscience ny(i)ce., conscience ny(i)ce. Conscience ny(i)ce,,,,,, ny(i)ce conscience ( ),,,,,. no heed(, ) ny(i)ce conscience ( ),,, ( )... ny(i)ce conscience. : [Coghill 30: The nicer rules of

42 영미연구제 36 집 conscience he ignored]. ny(i)ce nicer rules MED,,. ny(i)ce conscience scruple( ) fine feeling(? ). ny(i)ce conscience. conscience,...,,. And gladly wolde he learn and gladly teach (308: ) That first he wroghte, and afterward he taughte (497: ).. conscience : By good ensample- this was his bisynesse. But it were any persone obstinat, What so he were, of heigh or lowe estat,

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 43 Hym wolde he snybben sharply for the nones. A bettre preest I trowe ther nowher noon ys. He wayted after no pompe and reverence, Ne made him a spiced conscience, (520-526) [... ( 32)] 526 conscience. Conscience -,,,, -.. Conscience spiced conscience. spiced. spice,,, season,, (Robinson 819, MED 567). spiced, conscience( )..,. spiced

44 영미연구제 36 집 conscience. 20. (Henry B. Hinckley) Ne made him a spiced conscience ( ) (flattering) (unction) ( ) (soul) (Hinckley 40). (soul). (spiced conscience).... ' '(spiced conscience) (William Macaulay) ( ) ( ) (Macaulay 23). ( ) spiced conscience.. (John Rockwell). Ne made him a spiced conscience

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 45 (Rockwell 84). - -. (anger) 7. (Boyd), (Boyd 47).,. (David Biggins) Ne made him a spiced conscience (Biggins 174)..... (Robinson 819).,,. (521-23)....

46 영미연구제 36 집 Ne made him a spiced conscience (conscience). spiced conscience : [ 32: (526).] [ 25: (526).] [ 36: (526).].. spice conscience. : [Coghill 33: No scrupulosity had spiced his feelings] [Wright 14: 'Nor affected an over-nice conscience' or 'nor was his conscience of the over-scrupulous and specious sort] ( ) ( ). ( ) ( ). spiced conscience

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 47....,,,.....,,.. desport, port (conscience)..

48 영미연구제 36 집, conscience ny(i)ce conscience spiced conscience.. spiced conscience.... 526 Ne made him a spiced conscienc. Notes 1) 2014 New Chaucer Society Berry 2) David Wright, The Canterbury Tales trans. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1986. Nevill Coghill, The Canterbury Tales trans. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd. 1982.,, 1984.,,, 2000.,,,, 2007.,,,,. 1978 : Bradley, Henry, Bradley, A Middle English Dictionary, ed. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1978. MED.

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 49.. :, 1984. Print... :, 2000. Print.,.. :, 2007. Print. Bennett, H.S. Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1947. Print. Biggins, David. Multiple Meanings in The Canterbury Tales. ES 47(1966): 130-48. Print. Boyd, Beverly. Chaucer and the Liturgy. Chaucer and Liturgy 47 (1967): 170-93. Print. Bowden, Muriel A. Commentary on the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales. London: Macmillan, 1948. Print. Bradley, Henry, ed. A Middle English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon, 1978. Print. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer s Major Poetry. Ed. A.C. Baugh, London: Appleton- Century-Croft. 1963. Print.. The Canterbury Tales. Trans. Nevill Coghill. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Print.. The Canterbury Tales. Trans. David Wright. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1986. Print.. The Riverside Chaucer. 3rd ed. Ed. F.N. Robinson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. Print.. The Knight s Tale. Ed. A.C. Spearing. London: Cambridge UP. 1982. Print. Hinckley, Henry B. Notes on Chaucer: A Commentary on the Prologue and Six Canterbury Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1907. Print. Lowes, J.L. Geoffrey Chaucer. Indiana: Indiana UP, 1958. Print. Macaulay, William. The General Prologue. MLR 4 (1908): 65-82. Print.

50 영미연구제 36 집 Rockwell, John. Spiced Conscience in the Prologue. Notes and Queries n.s. 4 (1957): 39-51. Print.

캔터베리이야기 한국어번역의문제점고찰 51 Problems in the Translation of The Canterbury Tales into Modern Languages. Lee, Dongill (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) This paper aims to examine the exact meanings of poetic dictions in The Canterbury Tales with references to the modern translations either in Korean or in English. It is a formidable challenge for the translator to translate The Canterbury Tales mainly because its words are archaic to modern readers and its beauty of rhythm can hardly be caught in modern languages. It is quite certain that Chaucer was mindful of words revealing each pilgrim s inner disposition or morality. He employs, for example, the Middle English conscience, ny(i)ce conscience and spiced conscience, which might be roughly rendered into conscience, scrupulous conscience and seasoned conscience respectively. However, such a literal translation will fall short of those various shades of meanings intended by Chaucer. Most critics put more emphasis on the contextual meanings rather than literal senses. Surely their suggestions will help to enhance our understanding of those archaic dictions. Hence a close examination of the given context including Chaucer s intention will serve as a prerequisite for the most fitting rendering. Key Words: conscience, literal translation, sentiment. spiced conscience, ny(i)ce conscience.

52 영미연구제 36 집 논문접수일 : 2016.01.17 심사완료일 : 2016.02.01 게재확정일 : 2016.02.05 : : : : dongbeo@hanmail.net